Last one is on page 12.
Webm Thread
nice thumbnail
missed this one
I present to you: the sounds of 6th gen.
Here's another one for your collection.
Mine is more for reaction images over autistic wails of ear shattering white noise
why all the obscene memes?
I really hate how people are now misusing the word but hey at least I can tell you to fuck yourself which I rarely do these days
but user, obscene reaction images doesn't rhyme
Olympics are bullshit who cares?
If you gonna post asses post porn.
And some classic Vent Harrasment
Woops didnt need spoilers. Also this is all i got
Fucking why also the song is meh.
Anyone got this with sound?
Easiest way to get youtube hits is to put in ponies
What's his name does it, um, kuledude etc, Nostalgia Critic does it
List goes on and on
Hell I used to watch the occasional Kuledude video before he went entirely off the fucking deep end I think a year and a half ago? I forget.
Shit went south and I bailed, as most youtube subscribers work
That is not the file i thought it was this video. My bad.
I really don't give a shit what people do it's more if you do something don't infest it with other things, like pop culture for example.
what are you talking about? i didnt see any ponies
95% of youtube is gimmicks, trust me I hate it just as much as you do
I name mine for reference as I dislike clicking them again and again if I forget them as occasionally I'll go to organize them to "optimize" space, it's not like it matters I got enough space but I get bored and occupy the part of my simpleton brain where I need something easy to do that I can mindlessly do.
Fifty seconds or do Wright's hair color's dynamically change and goggles are introduced. The streaks, and goggles are from a background pony named Vinyl Scratch, the artist is a brony/furry as well. In another Ghost video there's a dog and it's based on Scooby Doo but the dog is the guys fursona
No point when you cant save them by their name. Not ocd enough to go rename every fucking on.
I get really drunk and select a random video music list and let it go. I do this almost everytime these days, I've lost control of it all.
Yeah this dude, he jumps fandoms to whatever gets him the most cash
But again that's 95% of youtube
I've not watched a video on youtube in years, I always just download it then watch it because their player is utter and complete shit of the biggest magnitude
You know, like how Holla Forums Holla Forums's player was for a few months, that same shit
How come the wrapping at the very top of her leg keeps appearing & disappearing?
Same goes for me. I save all these fucking webm's 'cause they're hilarious and I name them so that I can tell which is which (since my folders never save thumbnail images, just stock icons).
Good taste re: Marsian Queen, maybe I can do you one better.
shouldnt you be worried that you know that?
Yeah he even has human rarity in the first Mystery Skulls vid
youtube is bullshit. Social media is bullshit. It's all bullshit. I need a job and can't find one and I'm losing my mind, if I hadn't lost it already.
I've been awake 30 hours so far and here I am talking about bronies, how awful youtube is on 8ch nearing about midnight.
Urusei nice. I need to read the manga still but she's cute.
I'll admit I'm a degenerate and the harkness test and all that. Mind you I just wanna fuck something not human that could actually love me, maybe children if that's even possible. I'm just a lonely, desperate shithead okay
Which is a tad more subtle but his fursona is still there for no fucking reason
Whatever floats your boat, long as you keep it in your head and not actually try that shit IRL
IRL it just isn't as fun as it is in my head, don't worry. I still count as furry, don't get me wrong but I ain't a fursuiting autist who needs some utter mental help here
Then again my heads so fucked up where any women I see in porn is mostly featureless other than their bodies because I don't really want to be emotionally attached to anybody so I really have no room to talk about any of this shit
Its ok, the drugs aren't that great anyways and mostly fuck you up in even more fucked up ways
Have some muffin top bird (Also the only reason most ppl watch Planet Dolan)
Well, i guess you are in the right place
Oddly enough there was a superheroine dog with a big butt shown off in one frame who the animator did multiple times, and the male the dog took interest in was a human so I really liked her. It turns my heart boner on when the female takes interest in human men my age.
I can't build a robutt yet. Besides…
Fucking casual faggot. I don't need an android if I wanted that.
Looks like frame interpolation to me.
Everyone has fetishes that are fucked up to somebody else, which was fine until everyone, literally almost everyone thought they were being "Oppressed" and took that shit out of their bedrooms into the world and want everyone to "Acknowledge" them
Why I always find fursuits weird, cause what should just be something fun to do etc to most of them is body dysmorphia and what they really feel "They are inside" or some shit
That's why when I see them in public interacting with kids etc it upsets me because its not ppl in costumes, its ppl who think they really are fuzzy animal ppl who just want everyone to love them
And that's cool and all for everyone wanting to feel needed/loved somehow, but a child doesn't understand the nuance of that, and when I see fursuiters interacting with children to me it looks like them using children to feed their need for love/attention somehow
They're not out to fuck the kids (God I hope not) but they are using them just to feel better about their own identity
Giant ass thigh superdog, though you have to be honest with yourself are you only attracted to her because of the hyper ass & thighs or the dog aspect?
A furry is attracted to the dog part, a non-furry isn't
I feel like the person who made this animation completely missed the old lady on a park bench joke here.
I suppose I count more as a xenophiliac. I'm attracted to the anthro aspect but the uniqueness of the dog aspect. It's a totally new, sapient species that I can and could possible have sex with. It's a fun, interestingly new endeavor and I really would enjoy it.
How the fuck are you supposed to use your dick on it then?
At that point it's just a device you rub your phallus on and hope you don't chafe no fun to be had at all.
your dick will find a way, let it guide you, user.
Porn is porn, considering the head etc is mostly featureless to me when watching porn as long as the body is human its fine, which is why I gravitate more towards hentai/drawings than actual porn because less emotional attachment
Also doesn't help that porn has absolutely been fucking terrible since the mid 90's
But again I'm 100% fucked in the head so entirely take what I say with a grain of salt
There is ppl who only want to have sex with armpits dude
The world is weird
I prefer vagina, I prefer attachment, I get happy in vanilla doujins and enjoy them immensely. Plain sex is fine for me, anything on top of that is great.
At this point a happy relationship where I keep my head, and my girl loves me, is honest and can actually talk to me works just fine.
I refuse to get attached because I believe almost everyone is out to kill me or use me in some way
I had half a dozen near death experiences as a kid, and my Sister attempted to kill me after she attempted to kill herself her friend attempted it too, I stopped her as well life is just bullshit man, it's a pisser, then you die Thanks Fallout 2 you can get over this if you actually get a friend you don't need to necessarily try hard but you may need to sweat.
Also this song infuriates me something fierce after listening to it multiple times I finally found out why.
Not totally what I think but it condenses it nicely. Anyways the song is generic shit that appeals to any faggot who might be down on themselves and doesn't offend them you just haven't gotten a chance to show it!
It's magickal thinking the song and holy fuck does it irk me
Fuck. Didn't mean to spoiler that
It's a pity Weebl over produced the album version of most of the Savlonic tracks. I liked the way the first few tracks sounded
nigger ya gonna die anyhow in the end
Nihilism at it's finest!
It doesn't make it easier to come to terms with my mortality somedays it just sucks. The dreams are great though, my recent one was about me in an old temple exploring someone died or someone NOT ME defeated something. Que the entire place going into a massive ocean, turtle islands! and tons of coffins for some reason?
Fedoras on suicide watch
Thanks for the nostalgia, user. Haven't seen that in a long ass time.
Where are the Hardcore Henry webms?
I'm all for it getting gassed so we can start properly next time
muh dick
Did you watch it with sound?
His voice telling me these things is so nice.
Shit son you just reminded me of ABS
fuck that is disgusting
he probably did.
omg what game
fuck off
if you spoonfeed this faggot you're as bad as he is
All he has to do is look more carefully, really, so I see no point in doing any spoonfeeding.
I want to put my D in her Va
What do you mean by this?
I think it's a chemistry joke
how do you make webms with a sensible size?
This is the .bat I use
ffmpeg -i %1 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -pass 1 -b:v 200K -speed 1 -tile-columns 6 -threads 8 -frame-parallel 0 -an -f webm -y NUL ffmpeg -i %1 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -pass 2 -b:v 200K -speed 1 -tile-columns 6 -threads 8 -frame-parallel 0 -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -c:a libopus -b:a 48k -f webm %1.webm
The important part is -b:v 200K, that's what determines the size for the most part. You can get away with a higher rate for shorter videos but if you go any lower than 100K you'll just get a blocky fucking mess.
sauce? google is not giving any hits.
Was that intentional?
For ♂ You
Time to feel
Mkv for faggots.
Video compression is fucking stupid, more detail is lost with higher res. Processing from a lower res would make a much better image. Lower res also decreasing file size exponentially.
The reason worthless high res shit is made smaller size is generally banding.
Fucking german engineering. Shit for brains.
Here is the tutorial so ppl stop asking "How to" again
She's white bruh.
Are they doing that on purpose or is that genuine autism?
Yeah its that slut named Chelbunny or some shit right?
they end up like this lately because of this new update we had.
Thanks for the guide i am now able to hijack an open wifi a kilometer away !
Clever fuck.
that blew my sides, holy shit
if only I could find the original japanes audo of when Suzy and Dorothy sing a cheer for mantaro.
I am not really into yt so I have no idea what yt drama is but I am sure that it is not the same as real life drama.
2gay just like gaymergate
the only gay thing about gamergate is that you faggots chose a female mascot.
Am I the only one who just goes into these threads to click the spoilers?
Gimme my porn, damn it!
what kind of porn you like?
was getting caught part of your plan?
qt traps getting railed
All the kinds!!
He's asking me, not you.
just remember that you asked for it.
Do you also go to church expecting a rave?
Will do, fam
what anime is this?
I've seen some shit, but god damn.
Please commit suicide.
What is happening exactly? I don't know if I should feel horny or horrified.
I saw "LIVE LEAK" there, but the quality is too good for it to be gore.
How about something like this?
I did. I…
wow i am so triggered hurr durr. jesus you can't even pretend to be edgy properly
do something right with your life for once and end it
Boy, you really are triggered.
You're as helpless as that dog.
ancient webm incoming
reported, and inb4 butthurt
i dont need to see this shit on Holla Forums dude, there are other threads where you can post this garbage.
fuck off triple-q
Fun fact: Greece used part of the GTA IV theme song for their synchronized swimming routine
source on the audio?
People use soundtracks quite a bit in competitions, even in horse reining. Of course as with any subjective event it isn't how well you fucking do but using the most popular song I mean fuck acting ability or actually riding a horse well you just go "look at me I'm Laura Sumrall riding a horse while Frozen plays" and you'll win world cup. When even the damn horse looks disappointed you'd think someone would have second thoughts but no fuck you. I can't wait until April 2017 and some fuck wins by being the first to get whatever the fuck theme that new disney hawaiian film throws out.
big twist-oh
I don't blame him, the way fandom operate, you find out who characters are real quick based on who they latch onto and you get tidbits you never want.
That particular cancer is a background character they latched onto and constantly make art of. If you look at places where fandoms are, bronies make constant crossovers of even Jojo characters, or any character from video games, so you get to know them in a sense that you get to know about a cyst on the back of your neck.
Jesus christ
I watched that recently and the movie was so so. The beginning he some interesting scenes but then the story got mangled and unbelievable. The clip you posted was pretty exciting but after that he just kinda wanders around slowly killing "helpless" victims.
Got any other movies about murderous rampages?
I actually do have a muslim friend, and this is roughly accurate. They dislike atheists more than christians, buddhists, hindu, or any other infidels.
Which is funny considering how most of them give mudshits a free pass.
everyone does it, feminists, lefties, all the people who don't have to deal with them personally.
Cry more, rulecuck.
Just pointing out a shit thread when I see one
No point in trying newfag.
It's always been like this here.
It was pretty good about a year or two ago I forget when the Exodus was when webm's with sound were new.
The Vietnamese slave labor animating the panels got tired.
To the guy playing FEAR on not-Extreme and using console commands to spawn weapons, here's your skeet-shooting, cakeboy.
No hard feelings.
Is that the user that was going to pirate it on his laptop?
user there have been non-vidya webms on Holla Forums for years. At least some of them are amusing and they are certainly more amusing than vanilla webms of just gameplay.
Maybe nobody is posting gaming webm's because they are freaking boring?
This is really cute
Does anyone have that webm of that starcraft 2 pro player going full cheese mode on his opponent during a tourney?
I just had the webm not actually seen the movie so I can't put my opinion out there, I would recommend The Raid but I bet you have seen that movie already
Monster Musume
That happens like every other set.
Naw like its a toss vs a zerg player and he keeps building toss turrets to cut the zerg player off from other resource nodes.
That dog is not gonna go fast any more.
It's been like that forever, and nobody but the usual queers complain about it anymore
In this you're right, this thread was shit from the beginning. The amount of gifs and regular pics posted should give it away
this is the kind of shit that makes me ashamed of my hobby
No idea.
Also, impenetrable windows and turrets seem to break the AI. The windows, especially. The replicas would just pace around looking at me through the glass while doing their thing, and then move in through the only possible entrance. Plus they just can't seem to hit the turret very often. Strange room, wasn't designed well.
kill me
why do i have to know what that song is from
how do i erase things on my brain, do i just hit my head with a baseball bat?
live with your sins
Until they use San Andreas' theme, I could care less.
GTA V's theme is better than GTA IV's.
if i knew the answer to this question user, i'd have a million dollars
but knowing the global series of tubes, it's most likely genuine mental instability
Anyone have the webm of Sam Hyde saying Moonman?
What the hell was that?
Exactly what it says on the tin, Circus Whores. Why?
ASMR bullshit. some people apparently get off on this kind of thing.
Damn Thai commercials
It's seriously just 10 year old audio porn I found on a free CD from a lot outside my local record store.
Goodnight, niggers.
I post that kind of content here a lot and people like it.
Attached one, was pretty popular in previous threads. Glados get's turned into a human and is then raped. This was made before Portal 2 so I guess the writer of that script didn't know that glados was once human.
Why does this make me so sad?
I was expecting a fingering joke.
Because it's the future that you have no say or power over
Nothing left to do but just to accept that this is the outcome and it isn't going to get any better
We get it; you're edgy. Good job, you fucking queer.
you guys are worried about meme's getting more mainstream then they already are? Don't you have anything else to worry about?
Maybe next time, user. Maybe next time.