Can't copy paste cause mobile a shit and content is protected.
Can't copy paste cause mobile a shit and content is protected.
Bump because no one gives a shit about two two kikes leaving the white house who should have never been there to begin with.
give an actual source you fuck, not just some site claiming to quote Sessions
This, need a source before wasting excitement on it.
So where is the DOJ official statement?
Reading "hate group" elsewhere.
sauce now you fucking raging faggot
OP is a gullible faggot.
Quote above is found no where else on the internet.
If they really do get listed as a terrorist organization, which they should, we can legally kill them with no repercussions. Fuck, it literally would be patriotic and encouraged.
This is what I've been waiting for. This is why I have so much ammo stockpiled. I need a good pair of binoculars, but aside from that, Jesus, this is the best news I've gotten all week. Fucking praise be.
OP is a fag
Post an actual fucking source or get the fuck out
Hello shareblue
It would be like the /baph/ and pedo rounding days of 2015
Ok, you can go now. Bye bye. See ya later.
Calling me what you are yourself. What a clever tactic, kike.
Fucking this. Are the scum that will make you lose your job over an unfiltered comment better than the scum who will punch you in the face for having a certain opinion? Fuck no.
Where is the statement? Link directly to it on the DoJ website.
that's not true at all, trotskyists are the neocon/neoliberal globalists who play both sides of the political fence in western society, where as anarchists and stalinists are the irrelevant retards smashing shit in the street, they are both our enemy but they also hate each other when not focused on us and we can use that against them.
No really I do want an official DOJ statement on this.
Fuckoff kike. Holla Forums is and will forever be hard right with might.
Of course we're fucking third option. But we're classified as right wing withing the basic bitch left-right paradigm. Good luck convincing normies that Socialism with a healthy dose of Nationalism isn't anything other than right-wing.
Double nigger
user pls.
Can we get an actual quote or press release or something?
Doesn't exist.
would love to see some sauce
So where is the official DOJ statement? Seriously this is lame for a source and then a stupid CNN picture with faggots selling out their race.
Looks like some shitty kike blogger trying to get traffic with fake news clickbait post.
Fascism and NatSoc are neither right nor left. That's a kike classification. Lurk more, newfaggot.
DOn't classify NatSoc and Fascism as right. It is outside the kike spectrum.
Fuckoff greasy filthy nigger. Holla Forums is a rightwing board. Shove your centralist BS up your ass.
Fake News
Exists nowhere on the internet except redpolitics. Add it to the list of datamining sites.
ITT: retards who didn't even read Mein Kampf.
If you won't stop shitposting your ignorant opinions here, you will get banned.
He's correct if you define left and right using the shitty 2-D economic/social political compass thing you see everywhere. It's neither as it captures the dimension of race
Fascism is up/down with minarchism, Holla Forums is skewed northeast on the political compass. So yes, we're a right wing board.
get out commie
Political compass doesn't exist. It's a jewish lie. There is right or left, there only blood and soil. Reported.
No right or left*
Got something explaining this "Jewish lie"?
It puts certain policies in certain spectrum and locks them there.
It's a typical kike diversion to create more division and polarization between viewpoints and get more talking points for the jewish media.
I see what you mean. But Holla Forums collectively has similar views to most things. By normalfag standards we would be right leaning, some more libertarian, other more fascist.
This is what a moron who's still part of the false kike created left/right dichotomy looks like.
Tim Pool is on Tuck, kek
Sage for hoax.
No, Holla Forums is not one person. Especially with the amount of newfags who haven't read shit or discussed politics for years.
The right thing to do is what has to be done in a certain situation, there is no left or right. There might even be a situation for plan economy (for example an attrition war).
The most important aim is still the preservation and the advancement of your blood. What's being commonly agreed upon are the policies for when everything is stable and as described by Hitler.
Hang yourself OP you fucking fake news (((niggerfaggot)))
Nancy "Can't get any farther left" Pelosi named and condemned Antifa would this happen if the pentagon wasn't on the verge of crackdown?
Is there another source? I can't find anything, smells like BS.
That's not exactly correct. It's more on a point system. If you want to ban fags, then you are more authoritarian, and there are a number of authoritarian ideologies, including communism and fascism.
I don't really see much value in clinging to a single ideology. I would say just do whatever is best for your volk, and in some cases that will be on one side of the spectrum (IE eliminate all Jews for being Jews, along with anyone who stands in the way of that) and other times on the other side of the spectrum (ie we don't need a bunch of laws or regulations on white people once the Jews and their servants are populating mass graves).
Alt left lets the rest of the nutball pro-refugees off, because at least they arent violent amirite?
How exactly is that authoritarian?
So banning sodomy is authoritarian, but killing unborn white babies is not, amirite? Another idiot, lost in the jewish dichotomy
oh hey look an actual source!
nice, still want them officially listed as suck though, if that's a thing.
op should be gassed for not checking to see if other reliable sources published info on it.
the complete absence of sauce means that OP posted a false-flag to justify the MSM calling us "fake news"
mods should b& op to the 5th computer generation and hotpocket edit to show we don't tolerate lies here
Until they send in the guard and DHS I aint buying it. The US government right now more than ever is full of communist subversives McCarthy couldn't be more right if there was a second release of the Verona Papers.
This is nice. We should run with this and push for official action and use Pelosi's stance as a means to either railroad leftists into accepting this or use this to divide leftists that would reject or accept this stance.
F A K E. N E W S
Self described far left Californian politicians are naming and shaming antifa the MAYOR OF BERKLEY wants them identified as a gang and locked up. This sudden change in far left Californian politicians coming in among rumors of antifa being labeled as a terrorist group by authorities is rather the coincidence. Has checkmate already happened? Is the crackdown coming?
They(neo-liberal Zionist democrats) are going to fuck antifa up the ass and let Trump deal with them eventually because of thier anti-Israel/pro boycott/anti banker(even though they are funded by big money jews)stance. Thier usefulness is probaly almost dried up in the eyes of the Jews. Antifa is so rabid and brainwashed that they might just make thier shuttining the most entertaining spectacle of the decade.
they are losing the reigns to their golem anyways.
if you have seen recently that (((they))) on (((twitter))) are afraid to go to college campuses because of propaganda that we created.
Yeah. I wonder if there are now Mossad/CIA/FBI/ MI6 infiltrating thier groups and agitating them to go full retarded violent against normies and to just give off the worst optics possible…Of course there are. I'm guessing Mossad is crawling all over Antifa.
Would be a shit ton easier to infiltrate than "Jew wise" dissodent groups that know to look out for Jewish infiltrators. The inclusiveness of Antifa just makes it a funhouse of spook shenanigans.
user, all we know is New Jersey Homeland Security classified them as a terrorist organization. You really do need a source.
Maybe the public reaction to antifa chimpouts is negative enough that they are considering antifa a liability and throwing them under the bus?
OP. I was excited and couldn't pull the cock out of my mouth fast enough to find a secondary source. Apologies.
Is a honeypot website??
See Pic for details on ownership. was formed in June 2017. Starting to dig on registrant Marko Cvetkovski now
Well…… Look here lads…. is DEFINITELY fake boys…. with strong indication the site is used for data mining…
Trying to see if he's a candidate for 8ch wrath…. looking now for link to lefty politics
Source for pic:
Marko Cvetkovski appears to be Macedonian. Here is pic of dude.
My quick search didn't uncover any obvious links to lefty politics….
Dude definitely runs a series of websites that have been marked by others as "fake news" and they seem to have "red" in the domain name and contain fake news that would be attractive to conservatives….
100% fag