Since last thread was so much fun, here's another: remember the 60 gorillian edition
Since last thread was so much fun, here's another: remember the 60 gorillian edition
Other urls found in this thread:
RIP, it was fun seeing him get that assravaged though
How come when leftyshits lose an argument they immediately resort to FUCKING UNEDUCATED SHITLORD!!!1!
Someone had done an AMA as Goerge Soros
Do you fit in an oven?
From here on i'll post some AAA+ screencaps from the other thread.
Friendly note: the mods and even the devs are working overtime to combat the autistic side of The Force. They're banning even posts like these now, meaning someone has to screen fucking everything for posts containing 'WE WUZ KANGZ'.
They got Garrison
Entire Shittening in a nutshell.
I wear my ban with pride.
Last I checked there were 2600 different discussion (threads) made last night. Some salt-left autist has to screen through at least 2600 different shitposts.
Confirmation that Ubisoft codemonkeys are now being kept from their cuckold porn because 'muh hate' on their forum.
It's literally draining their FTE. People actually have to sit down and deal with this.
because, in their mind, they are geniuses. If they are losing an argument it's because their opponent isn't enlightened enough to understand their intellect.
There are only three reasons that you do not hold a libshit mentality, according to libshits: hate, fear, ignorance.
When its obviously not hatred, nor fear, then you must need to read a book shitlord.
anons saved my personal trophies
Some of this shit really is priceless.
I'm going to Sieg Heil a jew IRL if Ubisoft actually changes the game to be historically accurate after all this.
What the fuck is this nigger babbling about?
When is the game coming out?
I wonder if the cuckdevs still have time to insert a Kill all racists mission.
Fuck that was a funny night.
There's always DLC goy.
curious how this didn't get hit with the racist/hatred banhammer of social justice like the others.
Don't they know (((who))) is being depicted here?
When did gaming go so wrong?
they couldn't even get off their asses to permaban me
Btw this right here is a dumbass fucking post. If Steam tanks, then the service stops. They can't fucking make your bought games available to you if the service stops you fucking mongoloid.
So the steam community mods are banning for 3 days meanwhile the developers are slamming people with in-forum permabans
Friendly reminder that history is 'racism' and 'hate speech' now.
But this is where youre wrong kiddo.
Valve has said in the early years of Steam, might even be in the first one, that they'd make all games available to you to be playable without steam if the service were to ever go down. Most likely in the form of an update that acts like a no-steam crack.
Thats what he was talking about.
But then again some people on here apparently were still babies when steam was first released
Seems they are just blanket banning everyone posting anything.
The moment kikes involved themselves, question now is how to we get rid of the digital jew influence?
You made me feel old just now. I still remember going "what the fuck" whenni opened Half Life 2 and it wasn't 6 gorillion disks, but one.
I'm sorry Kangz, i was talking about the part of your un-downloaded library. No service = no download = fuck you goy!
Ahaha fucking what.
tfw only warning
sadly they're doing a purge now
Why would your steam library be un-downloaded when you know their service is going down.
Theyre not just gonna disappear one day. There'd be an announcement and you'd prob have at least 2 weeks to get everything.
But I guess thinking a bit ahead isnt your thing
Inceently you'll get through to them and they'll think of you as an intellectual equal.
All I said was "Adam Sandler" and was banned.
I'm shitting my pants at this shit. Not even kidding, gotta go brb.
I got banned almost immediately for posting this.
Of course, they are re-writing history with their propaganda and censoring everyone who disputes it.
Its a common theme.
I guess not being an asperger retard isn't your thing.
That actually makes sense to me.
He is a mediakike afterall
I wonder if Cuckisoft spent a whole work day deleting these shitposts.
Oh i'm sorry, i should've deduced from the moeshit image that you're 'special'.
It's actually costing them FTE's to do this. Every autist shitposting on there is keeping them from sleep/cuck porn.
How badly do you need to fuck up to get banned from the Kangz Kreed board?
The fuck is FTE's?
Considering some anons got banned for literally posting WE I guess they overlooked you.
Use this opportunity wisely.
force to ejaculate? Are we blueballing those french fags?
Anbyway, if you've been baned all you have to do is to shitpost in the comments under the "news" tab.
Those fags can't ban you there.
Welp got finally banned for ebin memes
I wonder if we can get the developers to ban everybody, even the cucks defending the game.
Says I was banned by Ubisoft. Guess they didn't like me posting news about their upcoming DLC "Tyranny of Yakub"
Like when the habbo mods banned all blacks with afros
How about investing some time in yourself, especially in your obvious personality issues instead of wasting them on terabytes of vidya.
I have my steam account since the day steam went up and all my games together wouldnt hit terabytes. Maybe 1. But that should be fine in the current year.
Stop playing (so much) vidya, work on yourself and stop being such a huge faggot.
Ikr, I remember skipping school and camping the shop in the city for it, thinking there'd be a huge grab for it, in the end only 5 other people showed up.(Also HL2 blows in comparison to 1)
Full Time Equivalent.
He was referring to the overall amount of game data across all Steam users, you dumb fuck. If all the users had only 2 weeks to download their entire libraries that would cause massive issues for the platform. For someone who acts so smug and superior you sure are thick in the head.
Mr. Asperger we're not talking about me personally, we're talking about Steam users. I know it's hard for you to put yourself in other people's shoes, but that's why you're retarded.
Yeah no, the Imkikey spergout proved that moeshit is a gateway to MLP. Please take your cancer to their board instead.
remember to use alt accounts, though.
Kek good point, it would suck if the autists got their 100's of games taken away for shitposting.
I'm tearing up here.
Wow, didn't even realize it's already a thing now. When did Steam become Sweden?
I am guessing he is regurgitating a trivial lesson he recently learned in african history to sound intelligent (Pseudo intellectual). He thinks no one but him and his enlightened liberals would understand the topic due to its abstractness.
What he says is irrelevant to his point in the end, its a smoke screen and a bread and circus show for passing normies.
There's no worry, steam can't legally take away legally bought material from you without breaking consumption-laws to the maximum for shitposting in a little sub-forum.
Btw if you get banned by a dev and you say something in the comments of that ban, they will probably read it. Its like a direct line to ubishit cultural marxists.
I thought if they banned your account, "your" games are lost. Is that not correct?
Take a look at his name. It's your standard shitskin with the common inferiority-complex.
This puts all your posts to silence.
Ive never heard of anyones account being closed for something said on the forums. They disable your posting ability if you go really extreme and in every situation Ive come across, you just get banned from that games "hub", or you can be banned from the steam general discussions, but you still get to post on game hubs.
I'm so proud this is happening. Steam is new 4chan.
Leftists are NOT true intellects and they will never be!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hwueh Hueh Hueh
The only thing containing the flood of autism and shitposting are image boards.
Holla Forums: 2 EXTREME 4 STEAM
I meant if you started flooding dead bodies or like recruiting for ISIS or something.
I know man. Just taking the piss.
Been looking around, can't find anywhere they could ban your account completely and permanently for racism. Either way, the mods are ban-happy as hell now and i think we could have some meat on our bones to actually report the developers for perma-banning it's users.
We could erect bunkers all over steam, just pick a dead game and ask to be mod. If ((they)) were to go after steam, they would have to shut down steam aswell.
they were either too lazy to put a reason or they realized they fucked up by saying "WE" is racist
Oh please no, don't tell me we can turn this shit into drama.
This. This is where they're starting making mistakes.
This could redpill some.
Nah. They'll just shut it down, like the imdb messageboards.
I remember one dev said they wanted to kill Gaben and got their game removed for a while. I guess he got a bit jacked up about how Valve are bloodsucking moneylenders.
Watch how they are going to pressure Steam and force them to start banning people based on word filters and delete their accounts.
Oh my. Is… is Adam Sandler hatespeech now?
Maybe it could be. What if we started calling niggers adamsandlers. He could never leave his house again. They'd have to shut down Adam Sandler.
The mods are paranoid as shit now, so let's just mess with them by making innocuous posts, but adding in the ocassional we or something, but not in caps, if they don't give out bans, we can just keep shitposting, and if they do they'll start banning regular people too and look like neurotic kikes.
You guys really need to be a bit more subtle, lol. There are ways to worm (I know) your way in.
Then why do your files say they're from reddit?
Can we get a youtube vid of it too?
If that happened might aswell ddos steam lmao
Not like they've ever lied or anything.
That shit is hilarious. Totally agree it makes you gay, but gawt dammnit muh math/muh science
Isn't it the most surreal, bizarre thing you've ever seen? It's like living in a Kafka novel.
Nah I know, it was funny.
Stop it.
Notice how the moeshit has quietly drifted off after getting BTFO.
How many of previous cuckchanners masturbated on this jew?
Valve deserves this for not making half life 3 5 years ago.
Good thing they're not going to make it, it'd just be a Pozzed current year piece of dog shit
Because I had a pic parodying the average le redditor XD and copied it all the time because bmp format is for retards and were too lazy to rename them.
What 'journalist'. This isn't journalism, this is propaganda.
Just close that VALVE.
This has nothing to do with journalism to inform the public, but just to spread their bias subhuman bullshit.
Real journalism exists only in imageboards and independent people. The term has devolved in common parlance to be the same definition as propagandist, much like subhumans on tumblr devolved "literally" to also mean "figuratively".
bamp for steamy shitposting
Nah, that doesn't even happen if you get swatted by VAC, Valve Anti-Cheat. All that happens then is that your game backpack gets permanently frozen, leading to situations where hackers got banned while having thousands of dollars' worth of rare items in their inventory. Even then, they can still use/equip/whatever the items, they just can't trade them.
Holy shit, I need to take a break off this thread, my insides are getting torn apart through sheer laughing.
Heres mine lol
Why do white people think they ruled Egypt? There's no evidence to support that.
99% of my posts were ironic kikeposting with plausible deniability, but all it takes it one happy merchant for the game to be exposed. RIP in pieces. It was fun. See you in september.
Actually DNA evidence indicates that we did. We were kings and so forth.
Aren't macedonians white?
How did you faggots have so much fun? Was I just late to the party?
In case some of you Holla Forumsacks are still clueless on why Ubisoft turned its rear ugly head on quality and instead pander to feminism and social justice, this bitch is the reason.
Have another attaboy for the Kurt post whoever did it. ffs……………
Speaking of Ubisoft, does Beyond Good and Evil 2 have its own Steam sub-forum?
What's the difference between a white liberal and an African baboon? The African baboon has a higher IQ.
Last night. bout 24 hours too late xD
Ubisoft also gets government funding and they tell them what to put into their shitty games. It aint just the kike whore.
Wow user, cool down with the anti-melanin remarks. We will finally get a game with not one, but two proud African lead characters.
Implying govt isn't kiked, hm?
They banned this guy for posting Greek prophesies.
Jewbisoft ruined Splinter Cell
Jewbisoft ruined everything they ever had. Chaos Theory is probably my favorite stealth game of all time. It's fucking prefection. And now the modern splinter cells? They're just the typical action garbage, same as everything else.
That and Ubi has this incessant need to make the same reskinned open-world mission-based games where all you ever do is run to quest-giver, run to quest destination marker, run back to quest giver,, and do some parkour. Every. Fucking. Game.
They were terrible well before she ever showed up.
That`s an incorrect read of the situation, Sarkisian was put on the spotlight only for legitimacy, the agenda itself is a result of the pozzled tech scene, caused by marxist ideologies on universities. You really have to get this right this late in the game, it`s like you`ve been asleep for the last 3 years.
I wonder if that fatfuck (((Gabe Newell))) is seeing this shit? I want to see him get a coronary from this.
Speaking of things, did anything come of finding out about silverstringmedia or whatever the fuck it's called or was it full on shuddidown of records? If anita and (((others))) are still milling about, then there's still an operation going down that wants them present. Then again, I'm surprised Soros or whomever haven't (((fired))) them by making them mysteriously disappear from the spotlight.
This is funny because Adam Sandler is neither Relevant, Constructive, or Polite.
This one took em over an hour to notice. Been fun, good night goys
So how long until 8/v/ blocks all discussion of this? Its well know the board is run by actual kikes and a handful of good goys.
Fortunately Mark isn't that big of a kike.
Because while they won't admit it they all know deep down their corrupt worldview is based on liberal indoctrination and assume it will work the same on anyone.
Literal double fucking standard.
And truly believe they are telling the truth Now how do I download them?
Kek you bakas need to get with the times. They aren't liberal, they are Marxists. Liberals were an excuse to open the gates for Marxism.
Leads dried while everyone was busy infighting.
I have a feeling fucking everything is going to be streamshit in the future so people with shit internet like me cannot enjoy it.
Hold on to your butts
Wouldn't it be totally possible for the mods to ban an actual black person? Do you think they could even tell the difference?
If it is all Steam users then it is not about a single person owning terabytes of vidya. Why not crash the platform with massive downlading, seems fun.
Seen only one or two game that has 100 gigabytes but for many games from companies like EA would be about 25 gigabytes and for others about 5 or 6 gigabytes. For recent games that is. Older games in early like around the year 2000 are close or above to 1.5 gigabyte. Do they download any games that comes out?
No matter how much you deny it, you guys have proven to be genuine turbo spergmaster autists.
The word "liberal" never appeared in that post :^)
The only thing I live for now is spilling every last drop of the poison those kikes call their blood
>Fatass (((Gabe))) realizes he fucked up
All we need is Gabe Newell to insult Trump and he will be in even deeper shit!
Considering that niggers type as well as they mumble, yes.
That was 4 years ago
They also had other grant several years prior. Dunno if they had another recently.
>just now
data mining thread
almost threw up laughing at "are white people DLC?"
I guess it's one of those things where they knew deep down that it was true, but having it made official still triggers something.
It's crazy looking back at all the time spent shitposting on Holla Forums and joking about Episode 3
So, it was released on DVD instead of CD?
You can only be labelled with the racist tag if white
Oh man I laughed this much fun since the election.
This thread would be absolutely awful for data mining anything.
Why is that so?
People are posting a lot of reaction images and it's impossible to get anything from images. It's easy to analyze an entire text corpus and get stuff from it but people posting a lot of images leaves little context.
I'm curious though of all the threads in the catalogue what led you to believe that this thread was made to datamine?
To think people bought into that "Gaben" craze back in 2010-11. But at least there was people calling him a fatass. Hope this raid shows him that not working on a half life game in favor of making profits from team hatress 2 or the knives in csgo.
I made sure to do some posting to keep the heat up on the bastards, and I kept it crypto enough to only get a temp ban. SIEG HEIL!
Den y u no meme, big boi?
Being involved with pro-white anything is better than serving in a ZOG war, too–and war is fucking fun.
back to the temple schlomo
Black people should get the game free.
All of your data was already mined the moment you were born or ever participated in any activity or applied to any place, ever.
The only thing I disliked about it is how forgiving they make the darkness, in the original game you had to be in the equivalent of a closet with the door shut to be fully hidden but in CT you can be fully hidden standing next to a lamp while sprinting in circles around a guard because he has the radio on and can't hear you. Also the one button takedowns were junk. I liked how you had to be smart about your moves in the first game since walking up to a guard and punching him from the front got you filled with lead.
Also no ironside = no buy.
fuck forgot to edit out my account
its okay, people will still see your account on friends list, they will revert your nickname back to default in a day
Lol, a fucking year. They're pissed.
It was an alt anyways
I never thought that well curated jokes about niggers would piss the ever-living shit out of the moderators. Truly the most pathetic human beans.
tfw fluoride thread gets instaSaged by mods and this shit stays on first page
hacked 👌
Welcome to the 90s, my friend. I hear this "intern net" is really taking off
Nigger even normies know about fluoride.
These dirty normalfags cant resist the urge to communicate through emojis no matter what the topic is
Their language is being taken away and replaced with pure emotion. Typical tricks.
Then why the f*ck half the world still fluoridates the water nigguh
Lots of areas have actually stopped due to activism. I cant speak for other countries or your specific area. Sounds like thats a you problem tbh.
Here's mine
Did you report that for being porn? I don't think posting cuck porn is allowed.
It's a school night, go to bed.
Isn't it fall? Why can't summerfags just fucking leave?
My thread is still up on the front page. You're all terrible at this.
How long before "WE" is officially declared a hate symbol?
So are the enslaved jews going to have diversity?
it won't have souls, but it will be dark
In b4 actual niggers start getting banned for speaking in their feral urban ape language.
I can't breath
Lots of legit accounts with many games and thousands of hours joined in and got banned though, zero fucks given.
ubi brough this on themselves, this is the curse of the pyramid
They, are the greatest, bravest heroes of all.
I like it.
wut? This is the entire goal you asshats. We want Ubisoft to push Steam hard enough to get accounts outright banned for wrongthink. This is the fracture point necessary to:
>a) break consumer trust in (((Gabe Newell))) and steam
c) redpill millions
The time seems ripe to create a P2P hosted and networked game pirating network that would be similar to steam without the pozz, DLC, and other faggotry . For now, pirate all your shit unless the devs are based like most of the Japanese devs are in which case buy their games to support them .
Have you got a contract for that? No, you don't.
You know who actually has contracts with Valve? All the companies who publish with them. And their contracts would not permit Valve to do that.
That would be an interesting concept for distributing pirated material over a Tor or similar darknet infrastructure with a Steam client clone, if the network could handle the traffic. Unfiltered audio, video, programs, games, and forums in one application, pushing authorized patches being able to filter compromised code/content would be a necessity and a weak point.
Actual multiplayer traffic would be better served in the clear.
Postin mine from yesterday
Oh look it's Imkikey again.
Uh, they don't Nyukka. Most countries that did it abandoned it when it became clear there are no health benefits from fluoridating the water, as it only works when applied to tooth surface, not when rinsed.
Is this what autism looks like?
Actually yeah there is and it was posted in the previous thread too. There's also ancient art of Egyptians and they clearly don't depict themselves as blacks.
I wonder how Ubisoft would explain themselves when confronted with this, but i'm sure it would just result in ding dong bannu.
Holy fuck they noticed that shit too?! How much time are they burning on this raid?
I'm not surprised. The nutting of the original fierceness is to be expected because it's that same tactic that kikes and controlled opposition have used for years to keep conservatives and other rightwingers docile, toothless, and being told bipartisanship will surely happen if they keep taking another 20 lashes from whatever fucking communist verbally or physically assaults them that day. If you look at the events of what happened during GG, it was hook, line, and sinker for the same controlled OP tactics deployed, but still served its purpose.
This is done by EA to create controversy around the game.
It's all they have. Shame people into buying the game or else they're racists.
So what? The kikes will always find ways to spin a narrative into their "favor", at the end it doesn't really matter if their controversy is based on finngolian horse archer raids or not as Kikes are pro efficient at making up bullshit, look up their holocau$t stories for a 100% totally legit eye witness (((reports))). Also those AAA publishers spend a large sum of their money for advertisement and not for gameplay or quality assurance which really shows since their "games" are lackluster.
Don't act like you didn't faggot
This is getting hillarious
Odd…I can't find Assasins Creed Origins discussion on Steam
Nevermind. Took a while to find.
is this an actual screenshot from the game?
jesus fucking christ
Ghezo was that afrikan king that fought FOR slavery and sold his people en masse.
Subtly getting people to google his name should be good.
I haven't actually read their ToS, but this might be enough to sue them for serious breach of contract, assuming you just did some shitposting
i lost it right there
They revoked that promise. You don't own games on steam, you own licences to play games. Licences that can be revoked at any time.
NIggers didn't even invent peanut butter.
His sandals had black people on them, Egypt confirmed for black.
What other discussion boards are people going to after they've been banned?
Almost died laughing reading this one out loud to my wife
top kek
Noice. Intellectualism is a social liberalism, they always resort to easy-to-buy education over hard-earned character and integrity. It's why they rave about Clinton having experience in politics and think that somehow overrides Trump's strength as a person. One of the biggest frauds of the Enlightenment.
Lets fucking raid the far cry 5 discussions
That's my ban. I replied to dispute it, but I highly doubt I'll get a response since a dev banned me.
i got u fam
I hope her son is doing alright.
meant for you
Pretty decent post.
Pretty fucking SHITTY grammar skills. You should probably consider snapping off at least two of your fingers.
Overall I give you a 8/10.
archive of the first thread, for posterity of keks
lol nice ban reason
Holy shit thats a god-tier ban reason
all do this
Lol what the fuck did you even do? Ive been banned from like 10 different game boards and the official steam general discussions/help etc section for pointing out steam controls the sale prices through pressure mechanisms and not the developers who are easily controlled from above, but Ive never been hit with something like that.
No, they can't and won't prevent you accessing your games. Think of the Steam forums as Holla Forums, each game forum is its own board, with its own moderators and rules, you'll never get a global ban except for illegal shit.
Steam itself has its own separate forums, which you need a separate account to access, not linked to your game account.
Even funposting online in-game will not get you banned from Steam itself. It's in their ToS even, they don't forbid racism/hate speech/whatever. The devs may not agree though, but they are obligated to have you accept separate ToS, specific for their own game's online function. If they don't, Steam ToS apply and they cannot ban you for funposting.
Oh and the kikes came after my profile because I was one of the only people who took the time to blank my name out. Removed my 1488 name and that Rockwell image a full day after I had already been banned in the initial part of the raid, on day 1.
Does Imkikey moonlight as a a mod on steam?
You should make a formal complaint, and point out the BBC's new pidgin kangz news site.
That it is your mother tongue, and they are being racist.
This caused a slow, spreading grin.
WE is now badthink.
hehehe nice
So the idea is to constantly be stepping on his enemies?
this is gold
these steam mods are really getting angry
They're just pissy that nobody's changed their diaper in two days.
I got permabanned for saying "ayo" lol. Gonna have to make a bunch of alts for shitposting on release time.
There is someone in the Ubisoft offices somewhere that is having the mother of all panic attacks.
Ubisoft confirmed racists trying to hold the black man down
Who moderates these? The ubisoft cucks or some poor steam autist who does it for free?
sheeeit, got banned 2 days ago to.
Both. Anons have been getting banned by moderators and Ubisoft developers.
Here is some OC. I wanted to troll on the AC Discussions but you can't upload images.
Kek I wonder what the conversation was like among the marxist game developers.
when the latest sack of shit that lasts at best 30 hrs takes up 40 gig of space, when people finally realized that going digital meant no need for compression for efficiency that they could just hack together asset after asset until it "just worked" even far more modest game collections are orders of magnitude larger now.
mostly screeching and crying
Some of the cuckdevs got aroused by how hard we fucked their baby
nice one user, saved
my melanism was too woke
Jesus fuck how corrupt!!!
makes more sense but how is this shit allowed, they are publicly funded then i guess they are reliable to promote propagandize the (((PUBLICS VALUES))) of diversity
Ebin trolling is truly the modern Viking raid.
Whats needed is for WE WUZ KANGZ posters to start being quoted by other people acting in tandem so the mods have to ban BOTH or nuke the whole thread if they are so asshurt about seeing WE WUZ KANGZ
Pic related is one of the leaders of Black Lives Matter Toronto. Someone should type this up and post it with a cap.
I love to hate the woke mulatto sistahs.
Top Kek.
Thanks my ant really enjoyed that thiccnes.
Valve doesn't exist anymore. It's just a shell company
The satire writes its self.
Would you guys mind spamming the Sonic Mania forums too? Sega fucked over a lot of people with last minute Denuvo implementation so there is a ton of activity going on there right now, perfect time for redpilling the fuck out of everyone.
History isn't even an originally English word, lmao. It's a translation from the ancient Greek root word "istoria", which means "research".
They said that when steam was new and steam at that point wasn't created as a online game shop, it was a way of updating their games, at that time the old counter strike which was getting updates quite often. It evolved into a shop later on. If steam failed at that time they would release a patch for their own games
The fuck is this mumble-mouthed folkore shit? Is this what niggers who unironically believe in yakub type like?
They think this guy is black. Reality has no behring on what they believe.
Damnit Ben get back on RS2 Vietnam and gas the gooks not the Kangz
yes; also, I literally stop listening to anything someone says once I hear the word "spewing"; take not faggots: they are characterizing your beliefs as DISEASE, subtly using the same language they would use if you had ebola and were puking your guts out around them; these people will cheer your fucking death you all knew that but just a reminder
wtf i hate Bertrand Russell now
use more spelling mistakes and ellipses next time will be more believable
How the fuck are you supposed to pronounce any of that gibberish?
Couldn't find anything on the pronunciation, but apparently "womyn" is racist and transphobic.
Holla Forums is the only hope for the world left.
Whites might not be humxn, but at least they're human.
I wasn't even gonna pirate until Sega pulled that shit.
holy shit I remember people pushing this shit way back on Holla Forums and in 2013 as a way to troll SJWs.
The SJWs took it seriously then?
Hmmm…. maybe copy pasting slightly altered articles from the BBC Pidgin site is the way to go now.
I've come to believe that SJWs are incapable of understanding irony or sarcasm at this stage. Any insane thing we think up to mock or troll them with becomes something they take completely seriously a few years later.
Did they change stuff? In that trailer everyone seems tan or white. It's like that on the steam page screenshots too.
AAA+ post user. Companies like Bioware and Ubisoft are great examples of why you should never hire SJWs. Mass Effect: Andromeda managed to somehow regress beyond even the 1st installment of the series on a technical level.
That is just astonishing. With all the technological advances in the vidya industry, they somehow end up making a worse game than the 1st release in the series. And now recently Google and Jewtube have also been taking the shit. SJWs: not even once.
Degenerate Steam groups
Actually the SJWs came up with it themselves, we just proceeded to mock them with it. But now it's 'racist' for some inter-dimensional sectionality reason or something.
I've just been banned for it!
meme responsibly
Dis gem gonta be big big excitingment brah
You guys need to go after Dusk its made by comrades from salt-left
who is this kike?
That's okay. I will make theirs certain. All they have is lies.
Made me kek
Tbh the skinwalker shit gets old after a while
nice truth dubs
I still can't fucking believe that there was a tribe actually called "Dahomey"
begone dip
What is that? Polygon? Those shitty sites all look the same. We'll have to add them to our adnauseum rotation.
We should legit start doing this. Posting in BBC pidgin and then whining when the ban comes down. Not here, of course. Elsewhere.
When the education system goes out of it's way to turn people into liberals, it stands to reason that people who aren't liberals aren't educated. In other words some people struggle to set apart the actual education they received from the leftist indoctrination that was stowed away inside of it.
It's called Alexandria for a reason. I suggest you read March of the titans.
Did anyone reply and ask him if arbitrary lines drawn on a map caused problems because they didn't follow tribal distinctions why it is that multiculturalism, which is putting a bunch of tribes in close contact, is such a great idea?
Post some pidgeon BBC articles and see if they ban that
Alright, one of you fuckers owes me new sides
Checked and keked
Brazil in 2100
The best part is that he was a colossal dick
This thread is fucking amazing. I can't wait to get home and shitpost on cucksoft page.
WTF is this shit?
So always. How old are you?
China wuz originally nigger, like Europeans and vikings. - t. Afrocentrists
Yes, this was a common form of magick in ancient Egypt. They wrote their enemies names on the bottom of stuff like that.
I think they gave up on reasons
Could we turn this into a kind of game of Mad Libs?
How could they ban you then? Use "_" for a blank word.
Pagan Min wasn't gay though; he says so himself during the game and he also has a child.
1st time I ever knew such a long ban existed. Only ever been banned off of a couple of games forums for being a dafty. 51 weeks seems a bit harsh to be honest. At least you can still play games though, nothing to stop you going outside of steam, to the actual game forums if you have legit questions and shit.
Some cultures still regard "putting people under your feet" as a serious insult. In Thailand you can't point the soles of your feet at an image of Buddha, for instance.
it worked for thousands of years n shiet so it must have been gud
Oh fuck you codemonkey, you set me up for a doublepost!
The incapability of abstract thought and taking everything literally is a sign of autism user