Testing waters for shills, don't click

Testing waters for shills, don't click
I'll post results maybe, just an IP logger

Other urls found in this thread:


have you taken into account the fact that links are broken here on Holla Forums?
polite sage for off-topic thread

bots are smart

Pick one and only one nigger.
Here I will spam keywords for you.
Hilarly clinton is sure a christian shill because she focuses on cuckchan tier ecelebs which always talk about obama's birth certificate being fake.
Now when we talk about flat earth what evidence can you provide to support it >>>/flathorizon/ . 8/pol/ is a horrible website who agrees with me?
buncha nonsense for the bots

Someone's trying to sabotage you, or you're an IP dataminer using reverse psychology
>>>Holla Forums7326794

sage for off topic

I'm testing it on several boards, it worked on Holla Forums almost instantly, french IP

You sure that's not just some summerfag? They probably only unleash the A.I during certain parts of the day. Also this is very familiar to a old >>>/1eftypol/ thread….

real human bean here, in interested in the the results, can you post them later?

also, some buzzwords for the bots
4chan, cuckchan, Christianity hillary clinton soros bilderberg group cia mossad

anonkun you need to use actual sentences or the robot will think it is bait. I say this because (((they))) probably anticipated short lists for bait but not actual discourse for it.
Are you and a bot?

Am I a bot? No, but it's not like I can really prove it.

i think that baneposting is a good way to out bots, its to abstract and internal that bots may not be able to understand it

Why give a reason for your sage then? It is preety fucking obvious from the thread what the point of it is.

thanks OP i cum on cat he bark at my penis and dog hiss at cat


Post results, user.

btw is >>>Holla Forums7326806 just a shitpost or did they actually track you down?

I saged my post because I thought the thread was off topic, not my post.

Bots probably can recognize baneposting through keywords. for you big guy UUUU hothead extremely painful 4U masked man

it's OP, look at the ID

ah, didn't even look, I'm surprised Holla Forums has IDs

Hmm it seems OP got banned for the post on Holla Forums. Interesting.

image recognition? combine text based memes in image form?

your post was banned, the bait was effective?


From board logs:

You better be behind 7 proxies boi.

Note the (((anons) who are not saging.

I'm interested in knowing which bots are scraping links on Holla Forums

Very interesting. Now lets see what happens when I call (((it))) out normally.

Check out the results here

Paste? tl;dr?

Wow I tottally visited that link. Very interesting

Stop being a shitposting faggot.
I archived it anyway
A couple of win 7 machines and some fag on ubuntu.

I can shitpost all I want. Fuck off.

Why should I trust your link anyways?


You are the same person from this other thread aren't you?

No, I'm the one who called you stupid again in the other thread.