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.15 feet to go.
Isn't that like a normal size for american cock?
Get ready for some dickings!
Give us a TLDR for why addicks reservoir being at 108 is SHTF scenario and what we can do if it happens. Besides normal SHFT planning.
If it stay for long then it will crack. Am I correct?
Gonna add the title for you, user
Guessing means they have to release more water into pic related
Harvey thread 1
Harvey thread 2
Harvey thread 3
Harvey thread 4
Harvey thread 5
Water can start to pour over or start to saturate the ground which might compromise the structure, especially near the gate. Look up earth dam failure on youtube and you should get some models about it.
They have been releasing at full blast, but it's still getting higher. Have fun getting washed away if you are near that location.
Is texas really that flat as for flooding control to fail so hard? Or is this a type of (((weather phenomon)))?
I hope there's a livestreaming video. I want to witness the dam burst.
It's actually pretty ok from what I can see. Area could handlesybev5 more feet of water just in my end tip floors get wet.
I fail so hard.
That can change drastically if there's a dam failure.
Only select areas flood. Not everywhere like news may make it sound.
For the anons not in the know;
Water is rising in Addicks at a rate of +0.04 per 15 minutes. Overflow will start at 108' and the last reading was 107.85' @ 0615CMT.
I hope he's not close to the dam, is he?
I hope he's good at climbing trees.
0633 reading is 107.90'
It have to be higher than the trees because he can be swept away.
He had better not be. Or he is screwed.
That picture has gps data. You are a eternal faggot. >>>/gaschamber/**
Probably a moot point since his house is going to be underwater soon. Can't have pizzas delivered underwater.
I hate your dub.
Seriously. user taking pics, get the fuck out of there, blowout soon fellow stalker
Where is a make-shift boat manual when you need it?
Anyone know if user is downstream of the dam?
I am.
I'm a few miles down.
Your ass better have a surfboard and a tied up jew to throw at any hungry gators.
Get the fuck to higher ground, lol
How do you think I'd be taking pictures?
RIP brave Texas user.
If any of you believe in the gets, something interesting popped in the readings at Addicks earlier btw.
You crazy user you don't have much time now so find somewhere higher ground and heed the advice
I'm not familiar with the topography of your area, but it's possible for a flooded area to not be connected to other flooded areas.
I would dare say you had your chance when water wasn't so high to get your prized possessions and get out of the area. Don't be a nigger about it. Niggers won't even know what hit them. They'll be ooking all the way back to the years of when MLK jr was around and the protests involved water hoses to knock the ooking niggers on their ass.
Guess there are people at the low end of the bell curve.
I'm along the sidewalk so only a few ft deep. Kinda nice relief from the summer heat.
on fox 26 they are saying a rescue boat flipped over trying to rescue two boys stuck in a tree
My home is a couple miles away on second fooor of an apartment building.
That's crazy talk.
Just frickin' LEAAAAVVVEEEE you crazy brave bastard. You can take the picture from higher ground.
Well it was nice knowing you.
OPSEC, dummy.
Find the buildings that up to 5 levels. I don't care if you are treepassing.
This is where bottles washed up to give an idea how much higher water has been.
Nigger, this is no joke. Find a higher place or you'll seriously die if shtf. If you gonna an hero at least take a kike with you instead of wasting away like this.
Where are you?
His OPSEC is going to be useless when the dam breaks and destroys it all because of water pressure/speed of the waves. Get to higher ground or start building a boat you faggot. Or both.
Dawn really does look beautiful.
Outside KHOU.
Well shit I hope you are on the higher ground now.
Been trekking back for a bit now to my car.
Welp fuck it, you seem OK with this. They expect one of us in the water anyway, brother.
get to the dam and set up a stream
Yes. A High Pressure stream of water blasting it all away.
RIP I will miss ya crazy brave bastard.
My car is in the parking lot lol
If your car gets waterlogged then ditch it. If the water gets above your waist(approximentely 4ft) then your car is already useless. It would be best at that point to walk to higher ground or build a boat.
You'd better be non-white.
And so it begins. .06' remains.
Any livestreams from the reservoir? I want to get Oroville comfy up in here.
Midtown for comparison.
so if the dam breaks does it spill into white neighborhoods?
if so, would those happen to be liberal ones?
I'm going out to lunch. This shit better not start with me.
I don't care what it takes, tell some boys to get there with buckets and just toss water to the side or something.
It's kinda weird atm though.
inb4 nothing happens
Looks like N.Korea managed to get a nuke all the way to Texas
inb4 the storm destroys houston, then moves over and finishes the job in oroville
Denied. Also nukes are fake. If anything happens it will be the americans carpet bombing their own people.
Pictures are from next to white neighborhoods. I think adduce is on west side and feeds into River Allen Parkway.
Explain how nukes are fake. I actually want to know
link plz
See Entire thread has arguements for and against them being fake. Interesting takes for both sides.
oh it went down
looks like those white neighborhoods wont be flooded after all
or the water level is dropping because it ruptured the dam wall somewhere
It apparently hit 108.01 briefly then immediately dropped to 107. So either that happened or it's a misreading, which we saw a few times on the chart.
If it really suddenly went down by 90' there is a higher chance it started escaping somewhere, meaning it possibly found a way in or over.
Last reading was a fluke, it's apparently at 107.99 atm.
Probably the faggot posting pitcures' gps cordinates. Faggot is using a yuppy iphone 6 at that.
You need to refresh the page manually to update.
2109 8/29/2017 7:13 AM 107.99'
2109 8/29/2017 7:03 AM 107.00'
It's not going to read over 8. I believe it to be happening.
I reloaded.
Funny I thought same thing.
I hope 25b4d8 guy is on the high ground to dodge the flash flood.
Where the fuck is the livestream of the reservoir?"!?!?!
I think a better question is why codekike isn't removing exifdata automatically anymore. Texas user(s) get the fuck out of there a tidal wave is coming your way. You won't outrun it just get to higher ground or a boat ASAP.
His last pic seemed to show him driving north, he'll probably be fine. A projection of the damn rupturing from one of the earlier threads showed mostly the south side of the city getting fucked.
Red alert!
Fixed your formatting:
Only view from west end, but this might not be the lowest point.
108.01, now to see how long it holds as it continues rising and spilling over
UStream, "an IBM" Company"
Now we wait for the dam to crack.
Cheers man. Where's the camera situated because it looks like the thing is nowhere near overflowing
Rolling for will crack in the next ten minutes.
it's from the highest side anyway. only useful to see sudden outflow. thanks for your infos. other user had better shit, ima stop posting and cluttering things up. ill let you know if it goes crazy though
Oh yeah the people who helped with Harris county water is named Pepe Engineering.
Praise Kek
He have black sense of humour.
Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed
Pepe surely know how to be funny, do he?
They gon' die.
That part of Tx is really that flat.
t. lived in Hou for 5 years
It would be nice if there's a live video of dam so I can see how wide is the crack.
108.05 and climbing
(((server upgrades)))?
It's only a matter of time now.
108.09. still going up.
Fox News just said there's about to a news conference about reservoir spillover.
Water is still rising!
How high is dam?
108, already over
Have we started the flood?
We /kriegsmarine/ now
how long can it keep rising? I thought it would go over the reservoir after 108
Yes, The Water Rises!
It is flooding but not the flash flood. The dam will burst soon.
Yes, the water rises
Live news
Fox News now got a camera man at Atticks Reservoir
Tell him to livestream the dam. I want to see the CRACK!
Nice satellite view of 60 hrs of Harvey
Houston is 100% flat. Not everything is flooded but fuckin tons of spots are.
Yeah watching it now. The news conference made it sound like they still can drain more water (max of 4000cfm) from both, yet it keeps getting higher which sounds like them glossing over what is going on.
Thread theme
Look like a eagle to me.
I am deaf but I wanted to give you the live news.
For those of you not wanting to download 8mb to watch 30 seconds of video
All anons in this thread know that links are automatically broken, right?
There are two dams? Is it also overspilling as well?
It is still raining like mad there, I have been checking the weather map the last few days and it seems the rain has been relentless.
Hou dodged the big winds but the rising water is taking its toll.
Pic from seconds ago
So there's going to be two flash floods at same time?
Maybe if OP could stop guzzling cocks long enough to post useful header images, like for the other threads, there'd be less confusion.
There isn't any. Not yet, anyway.
108 ft just marks the water height at which the probability of a major happening begins to increase exponentially.
Here's a map of the reservoir. I have it that the heights shown are actually not quite correct, and what's labeled "spillway" is the gate they're using for controlled water release, but it's close enough. At 108 ft, where we are now, water starts going over the north spillway. Since the Addicks dam is earthen and not concrete, however, heavy erosion begins. This is by design, but the design is for TEMPORARY relief. As the water level increases a few more feet, flow begins around the west side of the dam, increasing the rate of erosion there. As levels increase more and more overtopping and erosion work their way south and east.
Note also that any spillover flows into Buffalo Bayou which flows into downtown Houston. They are already releasing 4000 ft^3/s of water from the main gate of the dam but not more because of the desire to minimize flooding the tens of thousands of people living downstream. Well, they're getting more now, as we've begun uncontrolled release over the spillway.
This is a slow-motion happening that may yet fail to reach critical mass. That still depends on future rainfall.
So essentially the longer the rainfall keeps steady the more likely a happening.
To give everyone an update (assuming I heard it correctly), Addicks will be releasing around 4000 cubic feet/second in order to maintain the level of 108ft for the next few days. Pic is what 7000CUft/s looks like, so a little over half that. That might not seem like much, but it will be released into neighbourhoods… into the streets of the inner city. And it will be non-stop or greater than they claim, otherwise if it's not being dumped into the streets, it overflowing into them anyway.
Sounds like it.
Also water is at 108.16.
They've been releasing 4000 ft^3/s for over a day already. 8000 ft^3/s is their maximum controllable outflow capacity.
Forgot that 5% is controlled, 15% uncontrolled.
4K Controlled, and another 12K uncontrolled.
Believe the press conference stated cubic feet per minute. Still going to flood the shit out of everything in the area. Think they also said this water was around 20% of what is contributing to the localized flooding, the rest being the rain etc.
They really think that?
No, it's per second. They are having to drain 26,000 acres of rain and everything else coming downstream - drainage and rain. I find it hard to believe it's such a small amount per second, frankly.
It's reasonable. This isn't Oroville and its ~100000 ft^3/s outflow – these reservoirs are normally dry except for tiny little creeks flowing through them. They're essentially glorified retaining ponds to protect the city from being swept away during events like this.
I heard inflow into Addicks peaked around 30000 ft^3/s. That number should be dropping fast later today as the rain has eased greatly over the watershed in the last few hours. I didn't catch the conference but apparently they said they're expecting Addicks to peak near 112 ft.
What an anti climax then
Well, that assumes erosion doesn't lead to undercutting. If that happens and a big breach opens up 200000 acre•ft of water drains into the metro area.
More like the Thundercats logo
Here is another thing everyone can look at Lake Conroe. Even though it is not being talked about it is a huge man made lake north of Hou I am pretty sure it is majorly full and if it gives way or breaches it will flow south to Hou as well
You must remember that the rain is coming down faster than they can remove it.
Additionally, round two is still on it's way.
last time I embed, fuckers can't even upload a quick clip without adding a shitty watermark anymore.
Quick question from a non amerifat, is Houston the SJW central of Texas?
What does this mean? Acres is a flat measure not used for a three dimensional object like water.
No, that's Austin
What the fuck do you think it means? Of the surface area of 26,000 acres, whatever falls on it isn't contained.
So fucking annoying when people say stupid things. I really hope we all learn to use our brains when the race war begins because otherwise we are very fucked.
Ok then, if dubs KEK will have Harvey rape Austin the hardest.
Why don't you take your foot pounds per square inch and fuck off?
Good post nigga
Worth a shot.
acre-feet (plural noun)
a unit of volume equal to the volume of a sheet of water one acre (0.405 hectare) in area and one foot (30.48 cm) in depth; 43,560 cubic feet (1233.5 cu m)
Because in order to provide a volumetric measurement you would have to calculate the volume of water over a specific timeframe. Don't try and wriggle out of it you little nigger cunt.
Looking ahead, I don't know if anyone noticed that within 3 days the hurricane is going to hit New Afrika central and then dissipate over old-stock America.
Showing footage from base of spillway of Addicks on Fox Business atm.
link please
What the fuck are you talking about? Time does not appear in the dimensionality of a volume quantity.
The time frame for Harvey's departure has accelerated. Current forecast ends the rain over the Addicks watershed really soon for the entire event (probably). On the upshot New Orleans is now in the crosshairs for a foot or so of rain.
You aren't standing in the water are you? You do realize when it floods like that all the sewers basically back flush into the streets. You are standing in "liquid diversity".
It's beaner central. Northern Mexico at this point.
Deadly water now, Infectious Chan is at the pool party now.
Death toll estimates yet?
As the other user said Austin
Hou Is chock full of faggots when I moved there I could not believe there was so many queers living in TX current mayor is a nigger how the fuck that happened I have no idea last mayor was a dyke
There is no such unit as foot pounds energy/ square inch
Retarded faggot
Blame it on the calfags because they migrated to there and changed it.
Humble user again. It looks like I now have riverfront property. This is San jacinto just north of 1960 and 59
How close is that to the road? Hard to tell from this vantage.
Good to know that you are safe.
Columbia Lakes levee has breached. Brazos river. Immediate evacuation announced.
27 stone per tardigrade.
All of the acres that pound feet
Weather update for happening-fags. The rain shield boundary is straddling Addicks/Barker watershed region. NWS is now saying another half an inch or so of rain from Harvey here, tops. If this holds the 112 ft projection may not even quite be reached in Addicks.
For a sure fire happening one more round of heavy rain dumping several quick inches from Harvey over the watersheds is needed. With the low level center gradually pushing east of Houston, the only way I see this happening is if Harvey can quickly rebuild convection near its center. Its mid-level center is sheared to the north so that would build the rain shield back west a bit. You can see in the satellite image that /ourstorm/ is trying, but this should be its last hurrah for Houston. But – expect it to spread its love all over southern LA, including New Orleans.
And if Harvey doesn't succeed, get this: some models are developing another Texas tropical storm NEXT WEEK.
wooo that is some busted booty there
oh shit niggers what are you doing
I'm not even the person that started this and he's getting salty with me. Metricanon needs to quit being a bitch.
Next week you say? Houston is New Atlantis you say?
So is all of this because of chemtrails and HAARP or what?
It's a 100 year storm or similar, and the drainage isn't enough. Weather happens.
nah 100 year storm is 100 w/e
we're going to 112 and at 108 right now
Where is this levee?
It is because hurricanes have been forming in the carribean and gulf of mexico for ever since it has existed.
WAYYYY b4 man even knew geography let alone writing.
Who can even know what the biggest flood in what is now called Tx has been since the gulf was formed.
Holy shit it's real.
Brazoria County- South South West part of Houston and white
Still waiting for a happening for Lake Conroe they are looking at little resevoirs while conroe is a huge ass blocked off man made lake.
I am bretty sure it is getting just as full as the little resevoirs.
No shit. I was aggregating "foot pounds", a measure of torque, with "pounds per square inch" aka PSI, a measure of pressure, for comedic effect.
Not the same guy retard.
Yeah but what is that in tiddylicks.
Judge on KHOU just admitted that most of the evacuation routes are underwater anyway.
I heard they are releasing near record amounts of water there. Difference is that water bypasses Houston so nobody gives a shit.
Doubt Conroe will go to shit and it goes down the San Jacinto river anyway. I'm thinking as river levees start to give out and the addicks dam keeps spilling over- that's the gift that'll keeps on giving.
Why didn't the judge tell the people to leave sooner?
Niggers shot the cajun navy who is trying to help them. How rude.
Because it was too late.
It was always too late.
What will this do to property values?
Will a ton of chinks and jews just swoop in and buy up prime real estate when people cant afford to rebuild?
As of 4 hours ago
Two tropical waves are moving across the Caribbean waters. See
the tropical waves section for additional details. The eastern
terminus of the E Pacific monsoon trough passes over Costa Rica,
and Panama and producing scattered moderate and isolated strong
convection over the Caribbean S of 13N and W of 76W. In the upper
levels, an upper level low is centered over the Gulf of Honduras
near 17N86W enhancing showers over the Yucatan and Central
good morning houstoniggers
Sweet mother of Kek.
I heard him say deputies have been telling residents to leave, but until the levee breached it was a voluntary evacuation order.
I have fished and water skied on LC it is big but I have no idea where it would flow to if the dam gave way.
So it will bypass Hou but that would flood the shit out of Baytown and the areas east of Hou.
Not good at any rate.
General slope of the region is to the south and east.
Ron Paul is going to die.
So they are like this every time the flood comes.
It should be mandatory E.O for the white people but not for the niggers. White people are more important than the niggers.
sorry fam white people can't leave
they have to rescue niggers and pay for their rehousing
there is no escape
Maybe next time, we need to have a mandatory evacuation for niggers only.
A permanent one.
Is this the most iconic picture of the event? It has deep meaning that really makes you think…
khou news has the nerve to feature cajun navy and show video from them
Yeah, emblematic of the host of problems we have in the USA.
Man fucking THIS
They haven't been in the area for a long time now but they keep acting like they never left.
I found you nazis via Vice.
The racism here is truly horrifying
Posting this on a video game forum of all places does not make me feel good, but the toxicity of it all needs to be met with some strong condemnation. Ubisoft, while I love you and the Assassin's Creed franchise (though it's been a complicated relationship for the past several years now,) but all of these posts including mine and others like it shouldn't be happening, so do something about it since you're in charge here after all. Racists, trolls, alt-righters, whatever you are, there is no place in society much less the Internet for your intolerance and narrow thinking.
Everyone else sitting idly by, please help our guys 'n gals clean up this place by reporting bigotry; it's a taxing job monitoring forums and they probably do it for free.
Charlottesville really opened my eyes to how dangerous white supremacy continues to be. Originally, I thought that their hatred for people of color only manifested in words, and while this is acceptable even if it's toxic, the violent act of running down a beautiful young women has made me concious of the fact that the threat of the KKK and Nazism continues to be very real and is a direct result of letting this ideology fester. I, as a Jew, have had expereiences with anti-Semitism in the past, but never have I feared for my safety until this. No one in a Western country in 2017 should have to be concerned about their security because religion, ethnicity, gender identity, and sexual orientation. Constitutionally, we are all entitled to the same rights as any other man. It's always been that way even if certain people didn't believe it at the time. Diluting this immortal declaration with fascist rhetoric, even jokingly, will only cause more pain and discourse for not only minority groups, but white people too. Equality is the only path to a truly happy and successful world. Now, despite all things, I don't dislike anyone raiding here as I've been taught to love all, I just hope that you learn how dangerous your behavior is. Consider yourself in the shoes of a person of African descent and how you can't escape the racism even on a video game discussion board, and while I know that sounds really cheesy, it is a helpful exercise if you take it seriously. Ending here, I want to thank everyone who actually took the time to read this even if you are a troll, and to POC in particular, I apologize on behalf of white people for all these embarrassingly outdated and insensitive posts.
But the niggers will hurt the cajun guards and steal the boats. This happened before and have you heard about Katrina? It's crazy.
You are on the wrong thread or a bot.
What the fuck are you on about nigger?
it's worse than this actually because the one that went viral is just the women and the white man, the cucked chink manlet isn't in that shot.
this is intentional to make the viewer have a sad because the poor wittle womyn is all alone
Guess I'm not the only one in both threads.
It's copypasta, niggers.
nice bait from the steam raids
I know but this thread is about flood, not a video gaem.
Its copypasta ignore it nd dont derail the thread
Where is the video? I want to see.
Niggers looting confirm
Feed them to the sharks.
they showed it on the livestream and talked over it. im sure they'll show it again
otherwise you can probably find vid on social media by searching cajun navy
bridge over greens bayou just collapsed, didn't catch exact location
Did the niggers who shot them died? Can't have them alive and shooting anyone.
I am worried they don't find enough. I hope the kill ratio of nigs n spics is high enough to at least worth the damage.
any streams of the Addicks reservoir? It's at 108.40 now
no the whites were smart to leave before anyone on either side could get close enough to get shot
news won't talk about it but these rednecks network on social media and the police were also turning people away and pulled all official rescue efforts from these neighborhoods
I am disappointed but hey police isn't helping the niggers so they will die due to inability to swim or think ahead.
MSNBC is in the immediate residential area broadcasting from the streets running northeast to southeast of Atticks, lots of people making an exodus.
look at this stupid bitch.
should've picked a white dad and a black dog, dummy
good thing white men came to your rescue anyway…
Nah it's a bad thing, the nigglets will grow up to be lovely criminals so screw them.
Houston, we have a problem.
Those who stayed at home or didn't get a higher position fast enough will drown or suffer hypothermia. Those who got acces to higher buildings, will proably die due to thirst because they are not prepared and won't have access to drinking water for the next few days. Or they are stupid enough to drink unfiltered water around them and get sick and dehydrate even quicker. A LOT of niggers will die if this keeps up for at least 3-4 days, plus many rescue teams will refuse to go near that shit to deliver aid and water, because they already got shot at, increasing dead nigger count.
I had gone out to see what things were looking like then saw there was the news crew in the street I'd gone to, so I headed over to a nearby one, slipped on some mud (had intended to walk along the lawn area) and slid in. So what's done is done. Took a shower and clothes in the wash anyway.
At 10:15 the reservoir lost .05 feet over the course of 2 minutes. Now it just increases .02 over 15 minutes…. How accurate is this sensor? Rain doesn't look like it's stopping soon.
houston police chief spic mad enough to talk about the crime, mentions the armed robberies
says they're bringing in outside law enforcement and giving them "specific missions"
He thinks he's being clever by using a well known quote.
Probably just waves.
Murdering the niggers?
I hope you're built on a slab.
I think a lot of drainage from around the area goes to this reservoir. That and would be why the number keeps going up so fast.
East of metro area. Looks like it might be a whiter neighborhood but I'm not sure.
Both sensors malfunctioned at some point. They were supposed to install a temporary one at Addicks but I'm not sure if this is the old or new one.
radar anomaly over texas 2 days before landfall
user I would not worry you fell into basically rain water not the ghanges
Why bother when a White man will do it for you? That fucking gook was probably incensed he wasn't being carried in a litter. The asian kike is only worried about water getting on his $800 dollar Samsung smartphone.
Thank for taking the pictures.
Its a measure used in agricultural irrigation and other large-scale water-use projects. Its nice and intuitive, because one foot of rain on and area of ten thousand acres is 12,000 acre-feet.
They'll be expecting one of us in the wreckage.
Yep, what a disgrace. This shit has been going on far too long.
fugg some official just talked about the drinking water and how the NE plant is affected but i spaced out.
i hope my water is safe.
also i've been hearing an awful lot of choppers flying overhead. getting a bit spooked NASA/clear lake
Columbia Lakes Levee Break! FLOOD CHAN TAKES NO SURVIVORS!
Actually it is 10,000 acre feet 1 times 10,000 you mixed up with 12" to a 1'
It may be draining more quickly now that parts of it are over-topping.
Right. I was thinking of an example using inches of rain.
Because measuring rain in feet is usually insane.>>10518082
He just retweeted it.
Texas done.
I am going to bed because I have to go work so good nite mates.
a police officer drowned in his car
press f
Dream of dead niggers user.
Because measuring rain in feet
Lel thanks
You are responsible for your own safety. If you need government to tell you what to do in situations like this then your going to die.
I would have bugged out days ago
14 down expect more…
President Trump is in Texas.
That was my assumption anyhoo, even if there was something that gross in there it'd be diluted some huge deal.
You're welcome :D
Niggers are not capable of abstract thought and projecting into the future. They are creatures that live in the moment, and only react to their immediate circumstance.
At least he was able to save his purse.
Live drone footage of the dam- it's about to break. Link included
Embed u fuckin neeeeeerrrrrddd
Rickroll link. Fuck off back to 2005
is this guy calmly telling us that IT'S HAPPENING!??
Also it looks like Addicks reservoir is spilling, the sensors shot down to 108.00
Trump has arrived
damn trump's slimmed down, looking good
literally a reddit meme now
I thought he looked rather svelte in this one.
This is nature cleaning up the filth. I remember in posted documentary Boys for Sale about trafficking children and they said Houston was the human trafficking capital of the USA
WH kitchen staff has dietitians. If you just eat what they feed you you are going to be very healthy.
user, it ascended to a universal meme and transcended origin when Rick Astley himself Rickrolled the Macy's Day Parade live.
That was before dawn. They knew they'd be going over the spillway.
Speaking of which, that type of drop that quickly is truly abnormal. They've been having some sensor issues or maybe we've already breached. Why don't we have any footage of the spillway already REEEEEEEEEE
gat damn melania
muh dik
there's way more pedophilia now, due to all the spic human trafficking.
I wonder how many houses with basements full of spics got flooded.
The white house also probably has clean food sources, without any of the (((additives))) which encourage cancers and other disorders to develop.
Better to have a first lady which moves your dick, than a first lady who flops hers around as she walks down steps.
God damn she's cute.
I kinda like it…. fgt
Do we have a better name than flood-chan? Inunda-chan?
who gives a fuck. He's not Mosses and they need Mosses
See the OP, faggot.
Its standing up straight for a reason. You'll never find a mate that way
the flotus hat is adorable
melania is cute
Mosses was a kike who thought he wuz kangz n shit.
It's kinda disgusting that she's going to have to spend time encountering those filthy niggers.
How about Floatus-chan?
Its the biggest pool party in American history!
how about kys-chan
There is exactly 0 basements in all the houses in the greater SE Tx gulf coast area.
what about the alamo?
That damn clown seen terrified me as a child.
Glad to read that no anons were lost.
*scene ffs
The reason being is that the ground water is about 2 foot down and Hou was basically built on a big ass marsh and they just made bayous and causeways to get the water out into the gulf and not flood the neighborhoods.
woops guess it dint work like we thought it would
Kingwood is under 6-8ft of water right now.
Niggers, cucks, and liberals.
Should have let them all drown.
I just looked at MSNBC and the cruz missile has been spotted in Corpus Christi.
With a ear to ear shit eating grin plastered across his face.
Humble user again. Phone posting sucks. Theres about a 10ft elevation difference between San jacinto s current level and where I live, but the roads are lower. Kingwood, the housing North of me, will flood with the river rising 7 more inches. I decided to hole up in my store. I have a literal ton of food here. If anyone else is trapped in humble, head to the Panda at beltway 8 and Wilson.
i love how the pres conference is one giant sit-down because the tx governor is a kripplekike
Trump is really president. Hot damn.
Imagine being the person who has to decide to open the gates to flood people below.
Great news Texas has washed away all it's graffiti artist.
Glass 1/2 full
Abbot is a good governor. Sure as shit better than the last few jerk offs we have had.
does anyone have a better local meida stream than khou
this guy is flying in a heli around houston
it was probably fucked when the file download options were changed recently. Only the originals have exif.
What, pray tell user, is a unit test?
Not live but still /comfy/
How typical.
1st pic
That nigger is probably going to shit out her intestines.
You autists get your science from tv and movies and never had to clean out a full barn of horse/cow shit in your life.
It is trillions of gallons of rain water they are wading through.
You can get 10 or 20 e colis into your stomach and not get sick it is when you drink a teaspoon with multi millions of them that they overwhelm your immune system and make you get sick.
Yeah, plus there is the fact that she is a nigger, so sewage is a natural part of her environment.
Hurricane water makes one hell of a brine :^)
Good luck Vibrio-chan
I love you Vibrio-chan
When the water drops I think I'm gonna go look for some construction work down there. Make some bank, take some insurancekike shekels, build homes for white people.
Fucking dream job.
Merck working the chans now?
Merck working the chans now? kek
Well fuck, kikemonkey is still beefing the servers eh?
Polite Kill Yourself for your faggotry.
Plus fed money, might be a good opportunity though ala pipeline work.
The oil industry is going to need a lot of workers to fix and contain things. If you have any hazmat get down there and get those jobs first. (I let mine lapse cause I was tired of spending 80 fucking hours in WA state rather than the fed 40 for repeat training because I wasn't in the industry anymore.)
They will need welders, riggers, engineers, people with actual trade knowledge and skills. god did us a solid with this one because there are lessons being learned and the way forward is on this path of light.
Hell if you can lift a grinder or saw, get down there. There will be a lot of on the job apprenticeships to be had. Yuge opportunity for our people to retake their land.
Union workers 1st hires on those shipyards. Good luck finding temp living as it will be filled with flood-Chan survivors. If you have a tow camper you will be able to pick best jobs and save on rent.
Not only no but fuck no. I have swam in ponds and lakes all my life, do you think racoons, muskrats, deer, ducks, geese any wildlife in america take the time to go and shit away from the water?
They are wading through rain water it is the news media that spreads the hysteria of deadly contaminated water and just sit tight and let the authorities come and rescue you.
Dont help yourself you have to rely on us.
Also based Tx is letting in all the hunters and boat owners to help rescue people LA shut every coon ass with a boat down during katrina actually stopping them on I-10 and not allowing them any where near NOLA to help rescue the drowning niggers. End result Katrina 900+ dead niggers. on second thought…
just finished chopping a bunch of wood, big tree fell down and had to be made into smaller pieces to burn. I'm tired but in a good way, that shit is fun. I don't get to play with the axes and machetes often enough.
I don't have anything to contribute to the thread, I'm in oklahoma but these threads fucking comfy.
The yards can and will convert containers and bring in mods for living if the cost of that is less than the loss in revenue from the time it takes to get operating again. Anyone working a rig will be housed there.
Even if you don't have a camper, you can manage in your car. The only thing stopping anyone from making money in this situation is not being willing to work.
yeah, to any user thinking about it, get down here and get a cheap gym membership so you can shower. there are a lot of motels down here to house workers but yeah they'll be full up for the foreseeable future
you'll find work just be careful not to get robbed out here
Don't have any of those tools but have shovels, a pickaxe, wheel-borrow and a digging bar
Back to reddit you blogposting faggot.
Is it happening???
Head to the coast where the wind and house damage was widespread. Demolish work needed.
Sorry to say user but one back hoe or mini excavator makes you a piece of obsolete farm equipment.
.mp4 posting not working I guess.
Be willing to work and they will put you to work.
Holy shit. I'm so thankful my family and I made it out yesterday.
How do I get there? I'm a neet who does odd jobs and sort of work with my family for a living
sure? I tried getting a apprenticeship in my area a few years ago but rejected me
Take a bus, and yeah, you'll be put to work. The city officials are calling upon the citizenry to help.
it's a copypasta
Are you trying to tell me I've got nearly another month of this happening?
The water level has been rising steadily and hasn't decreased for a bit.
fatty giving press conference said it's going to take at least 48 hrs for any of the levels to start falling
pipelines under/along the san jacinto river (gas, oil, chemicals, etc) are expected to start failing the longer that water sits on top of the infrastructure
user, you will be on the edge of flooding until 2018. Hurricane season ends in October and Texas rain season lasts until January.
Quit blue-balling me user.
It's got to be close, everybody in charge thinks they have it under control.
Never trust the government
Kill yourself, you lose getball faggot.
"flooding is going to continue for weeks"
You can't force a get. You just wasted quads asshole.
Its too late to stop it, user.
Quads aren't a get. Guy's a megafaggot.
Some old houses in the Houston Heights do, in fact, have basements. That being said, it is very rare in this part of the country to have a basement. Office buildings have them often, and there is a network of underground tunnels downtown.
Someone piss in your wheaties? Go do some physical labor, manlet.
Total Bull Shit 1/4" thick pipeline dosent fail due to water sitting on top of it. Every pipeline river crossing is
t. tested 43 miles of pipeline from baytown to the channel view refinery took almost 5 minutes to bleed off all the water pressure @ 3000psi
Fucking pleb
Not in the Houston area, in Houston the rainy season is late May through June.
i'll take the word of sciencenigger over you user
the pipelines weren't designed to withstand this much pressure for this long of a time
freeway concrete barrier broke away on Hwy 59 at San Jacinto Bridge.
When did this happen? Where'd you find this video?
Not just external pressure. Without Cathodic protection the pipelines will corrode very quickly. Doesn't matter how much corrosion inhibitor you pump down line.
it happen around 2 hours ago
I lived there 5 years and never saw a basement but in the heights I have to agree could be possible. Most of the houses are built on slabs or really shitty stupid little piers on top of the ground. And I have been in the downtown tunnels but I was referring to homes not the skyscrapers. And I lived in West U near Rice only went to a couple parties in a house in the heights.
I worked for TETCO we tested them at 3000psi for 24 hours continuous.
How much psi's you get from a little dirt and water sitting on top of them?
I am the pipeline science nigger
So help you if those pipes break!
Sacred Create Water!
is mp4 posting still broken
i dont care where you worked or what you did, you're sitting in an eel farm enthusiast chat room
he's on tv giving a 45-minute press conference with extremely detailed explanations and he has been working on this since friday.
pipenigger, any comment on
real shit or no? habbening inbound?
Did they teach you about gravity during your science nigger courses?
Yeah, five years, nice. I've been here for 28 years and yes, there are in fact some basements inside residential houses in the Heights. It's not uncommon there at all. None of the new rowhouses have them, but the old houses frequently do.
It's called atmospheric pressure user. You'd know that if you shut your mouth once in a while.
Did they teach you about scientific quantities? 15/35 rule of diving. 15 psi requires 35 feet of water.
There is a lot more sideways pressure those pipes have to deal with.
How soon until the narrative is Trump caused the hurricane and flooding because muh global warming?
Checked. 1psi = 27.7 inches of water if I'm not mistaken
Hey there, sexy!
You can't be this stupid, not with trips like that!
Then the science nigger should know there is a difference between internal rupture pressure and the forces required to break a fucking pipe off at a joint sideways. Leverage of tons of fucking water don't give a fuck about your shitty 3k psi containment.
Kek I saw people shitposting that in the KANGZ steam page last night.
Argh, *Isn't the source of gravity.
So is this worse than Katrina?
Sideways pressure
And I even fucked up the correction. What I wanted to say, is that gravity is the source of atmospheric pressure.
I'm talking external, nigger.
Hey, for all we know the Mexicans used tile.
> The pressure exerted by a column of liquid of height h and density ρ is given by the hydrostatic pressure equation p = ρgh, where g is the gravitational acceleration.
Want to know how I know you're not in STEM?
Are we posting our rarest Aquas now?
yes because unlike katrina this is displacing thousands of people with jobs
What, landscapers?
Joints are the strongest fucking part of the pipeline there are 5 welding passes for every joint plus they bend before they actually break.
TV genius is sowing more fear for the public.
They same way I know you bought the edumacation meme hook line and stinker.
Not yet.
If it keeps raining, it might be.
No actually they aren't. We do ultrasonic testing on any welded joints because we have to be damn sure the HAZ doesn't cause other fucking issues. Even if your bead is super strong and tough, the original steel you're welded to has been affected. Getting rid of the bolted flanges removed one problem and introduced another.
Bending a joint where there is not supposed to be a fucking bend is called breaking. For that bend to happen something somewhere else gives.
Filtered for being a nigger.
You work on pipelines and don't into cathodic protection?
Breaking is when the liquid inside the pipe spills out. Bending just means the pipe is deformed from originally being straight.
Good being filtered by a retard is a badge of honor on Holla Forums
i work in an office building. hoping someone who isn't larping can comment on weather this is a serious concern or not
Why does this keep happening, faggot (1)s screencapping everything
The pipes wont corrode fast enough to burst due to lack of cathodic protection. I promise user.
It's more of a longevity extending measure for the pipes.
store is getting looted with possible shots fired. police trying to find a way to get there.
Why is she not walking? She's dry.
Checked and kek'd
bastard what did you to my sides
We did this with a giant pipe wrapping machine continuously. Then it was lowered into the ditch with a huge cat side boom.
The pipeline would bend as it was being installed because you cant start on top and weld and wrap and have it lay straight in the bottom of the trench while the part being made is above it.
so the real worry then is rupture from the force of the water or moving debris?
or are we not gonna get a superfund-tier ecological happening?
because she's carrying an infant and the water is waist deep. you can get swept off your feet but just a few inches of water
I almost choked to death on my coffee.
The white man is carrying a gook woman who is carrying an infant in the water. Seems safer just to carry one little gook, than two gooks.
So it's confirmed that officers are under fire?
(((Real))) news strikes again.
CNN reporter instigates a minor chimpout.
Pipeline pipe is thick ass pipe like 1/4" to 3/8" it is not sheet metal moving water is not going to rupture it.
MAYBE if you had something floating with a really pointed metal piece and really really heavy hitting it you might puncture it a tree trunk will not affect it floating at river speed.
Niggers didn't pay their electric bill.
But then she'll ruin the leather on her shoes.
Thankfully the is the average nigger attitude, many will perish.
Niggers just don't understand the concept of time.
thanks for the info, have a loli
Even coons hate (((CNN)))
I don't do oilniggering, but I know a pressurized copper pipe on an air conditioner won't break from internal pressure, but it doesn't take much outside force applied sideways to bend it.
It's been four, hasn't it? Initial landfall Saturday.
I love how she started out with being stranded for 36 hours and in almost the same breath bumped it up to five days.
How much do you think that nigger's expletives cost them?
i feel like that nigger video is going to trigger me
Its typical nigger chimping out and logic. The redeeming part however is that she utterly BTFOs CNN by telling them to fuck off for being media vultures
in her own nigress way
You are welcome and this is what I mean by the pipeline will bend way before it will break.
pic related
Nothing, those FCC laws only apply to network television (as far as I'm aware).
It's all about them, and when they want sympathy from whitey they throw a tantrum and suddenly feign empathy for their children.
Hopefully a small dose of the redpill for some whites watching at home.
The Hurricane Katriniggers redpilled quite a lot of people. As an anecdote, I remember watching it with some friends and seeing their liberal pretences washed away as fast as those waters rushed in.
Shit man… to this day I still hear from friends of friends that were there about how unforgettably bad their behavior was.
a great number of those katriniggers are houstoniggers now, because they were relocated here
whitey just saved them all over again so im not so sure about that redpill…
Nignog yelling about cops who cannot reach her nog due to the fact they are getting medical emergency folks 1st. As the water rises the niggers get wet and angry.
anymore info on the police shooting/looting situation?
do I have to say apples and oranges user?
Houston PD doing a roll call
Saltines think that people have to be brainwashed or something to become "racist", when in reality it's just having day to day interactions with niggers that opens their eyes to the truth of the matter. Racism is merely the acceptance and understanding of reality, whereas anti-racism is purposely blinding themselves to the truth.
what did he mean by this
i gotta find that police scanner link from the last thread. it should be in the link of the next OP because as the rescues slow down the crime is going to get turnt up
"5 days with no food"
Thats because Hank is about as redpilled as it gets
Exactly what I thought as well. Looks exactly like the Thundercats logo.
nigger i was banned for funposting too much so im using a different proxy for a few days and keeping it down
So rain has pretty much ended over the reservoir watersheds, but Harvey did beef up its center convection nicely today. This should cause the wind to pick up and create more power outages around Houston. The center might be just too far east now to wrap the really heavy stuff back to the watershed areas, which is being pushed into Beaumont by southerly wind shear. Too bad – oh wait, never mind.
Beaumont chimpenings when?
This poor PoC has suffered so much her hungers transcends time
Fuckin' a it's not about the materials. It's the fact that internal pressure you worked with and the external pressures we're dealing with are in no way comparable.
Okay, here's a steel example. The inside of your typical rifle barrel upon firing is pressured to 50,000 psi and doesn't burst. If I take a gun by the barrel and knock it on the ground that barrel can bend.
Internal pressure standards tell us nothing about the ability to resist any other type of pressure. You can not use internal pressure figures to tell us anything except how much internal pressure can this pipe withstand.
As a current lease operator who doesn't sit on his ass in an office I can assure you this is no fucking larp
Get out in the field more and talk to your pumpers for fucks sake
Does anybody have any details on the Arkema Ammonia plant that is losing refrigeration?
Fox 26 Houston is reporting sporatic refrigeration since Friday on materials that require constant refrigeration.
I grew up near one of these, knew emergency responders. When I asked what the plan was if the plant had a problem I was told there is no plan. It would be like a small nuclear weapon going off.
Used to work in a chemical plant, hated having to work with ammonia, an open barrel of the stuff would take your breath away at 100ft.
Holy crap! When I had the convo it was about one of the primary storage tanks bursting then immediately igniting. I never thought about it just bursting and gassing everybody.
Anhydrous ammonia gas is lighter than air and will rise, so that generally it dissipates and does not settle in low-lying areas. However, in the presence of moisture (such as high relative humidity), the liquefied anhydrous ammonia gas forms vapors that are heavier than air.
good thing the relative humidity is typically only 90 percent then
im going to die
Niggers tend to lie and exaggerate.
Press F to pay respect to Texas
sorry, didn't mean to imply that work in the energy transport industry, to clarify.
explain the other user, por favor. is it like galvanic corrosion, a long term concern?
wew lads
shut it down the groid is mad.
Yeah its really nasty stuff, there was an explosion a few years ago in west texas at a fertilizer plant that uses quite of a bit of anhydrous Ammonia, you were right in saying its like a small nuke going off if it were to explode instead of just running into the floodwaters and gassing everyone.
texas is kill conformed
I worked in a plant that used ammonia for refrigeration in very VERY large quantities. If there is a leak it is a big BIG fucking deal.
Anyway our procedure if the ammonia leaked was get the fuck out and evacuate everything for miles. Local fire departments had to be trained to deal with such an event. The plant itself trained employees in Hazmat for immediate rescue. Though we were told if the gas is leaking GTFO and anyone you see down leave them. So yes it was basically like a Nuclear Meltdown.
I am heartbroken but excited for the potential happenings.
I wonder how whites can get their kids taken for wrongthink, while these kind of shitstains can have an entire hive that they starve non-stop.
Fox 26 reported they are evacuating people in a 1.5 mile radius. FEMA and DHS are involved.
My emergency servies buddy said they didn't receive training because in the event of a catastrophe they wouldn't be alive to respond. The town was in the middle of a valley with the plant at one end. It was pretty much assumed everybody in the valley would die and outside responders would have to deal with it.
And yeah… this is in America, not China.
NE Tx here, I was expecting a Happening and all that has happened is we have nice 75F weather, latest prediction models are saying its going to miss us completely. Kinda let down tbhfamalam.
At this point, the entire Houston area will have to be bulldozed and rebuilt from the ground up,
Fucking hell, it's built right next to a phenol plant.
Most likely what's gonna happen is, some stuff is gonna pollute the water somehow - doesn't have to be ammonia, even - and then earth is gonna be fucked up as a result.
and right on waterways, too?
why the fuck is this allowed?
IIRC they said it was the Crosby TX plant.
What's the significance, dubsman?
Wait a second. Will the water rushing in hinder any thing that might occur, or make everything worse?
Well if the leak was small enough the plant could be evacuated in time. Your buddy was probably dealing with a much larger amount then the plant I was working at which only used it to refrigerate meat.
I've known people killed suffocating on ammonia in agricultural settings. That stuff is no fucking joke. If that plant ruptures suddenly we're talking about Somme levels of gassing.
Hopefully (or not, depending on how far you've dehumanized yourself), it slow leaks and dissipates into the atmosphere at least long enough to evacuate.
"crosby chemical plant evacuated, potential for fire or explosin"
breaking on khou livestream
Geeeeze I keep explaining bending is not bursting a bent pipe keeps its contents inside the pipe, a burst pipe does not contain its contents.
We tested to 3000psi for burst if it can contain 3000psi burst it can withstand higher pressure for crush. That would mean there would have to be over 3000 psi all around the pipe to crush it
And you are also confusing pressure with force.
Now explain to me where are we getting these huge external pressures that tv science guy has everyone worried about?
And also it is the materials an A/C copper line sees max about 300psi tops and they use soft copper for A/C lines so they can bend it easily to route it with out kinking, steel would never work for the application and it is far stronger.
You're right, I'm a faggot.
Phenol is nasty shit, but apparently the plant in question is a different one.
99% make it worse.
he'll be giving another press conference around 7pm central if you want to stick around and reee some more
How though? Do you have any specifics on what the reaction might be like? I mean something like a chemical equation.
Got a link? I want to watch. KPRC (Fox 26) is running bullshit right now
nasty shit used in making plastics and paint strippers. you don't want it leaking into water.
All the knowledge this thread has on happenings and dealing with them.
When will Donald Trump just call in Holla Forums as his Happening Advisor. Shit we'd do it all for free but he'd pay us since he is that kind of guy. What would we get paid in? Ah Bullets and Happening supplies.
Tendies mother fucker.
He was referring to a plant which manufactures it. i.e., literal tons of the stuff laying around.
Thanks user I will watch and comment.
It seems to me like you're thinking of the pressure of the water just sitting around the pipe, and maybe that's where we're having problems.
I can see how radial internal force and radial external force relate, and yeah I'd say we have no worries there.
What I'm referring to is the perpendicular force of the moving current.
Is that not what television sciencenigger was referring to? Was he referring to just the force of still water surrounding the pipe? I'm not worried about that.
Lol, even this one is telling CNN to go fuck themselves. This is a nice white-pill: CNN will be done w/in 10 years, maybe 5.
This is the only chemical plant that I can find in Crosby Tx, It looks like its on the outskirts of the town but there are multiple subdivisions all around it.
fucking jews
Arkema Inc is the one in question.
wendy's and schlotsy's are open here, nothing else kek
I was able to find this story on the plant. It is 8ish hours out of date though
So how close is this to niggers or kikes? Will we get some glorious gassing of subhumans?
Phenol is highly toxic, I believe it auto-polymerizes, and it's flammable.
At first I was thinking styrene, which is way worse, but phenol is still pretty bad. Polymerization explosions = massive fireball and then a rain of burning hot molten plastic napalm style.
KHOU just said the plant is abandoned and the chemical does not have refrigeration. Tick tock
A nugger is fine too.
did they levie/dam break yet? Wasn't it suppose to spill over within 4 hours?
Nowhere near large kike population (already checked, was hoping to gas the kikes).
No idea about niggers/spics.
Heres a closeup of the plant in question, not sure where they are storing the ammonia.
Sounds like fun.
It has been spilling over. It's just a matter of how long it takes for it to break under the excessive pressure it's holding.
No I know I was just speaking from my own experience and the fact it was considered such a big deal if a a plant dealing with only a little ammonia, compared to a manufacturing plant, had a leak; I could only imagine a manufacturing plant going up would be major happening tier.
Yeah, that seems to be the right one.
It's kind of in the middle of nowhere. Your best bet would be it blowing a massive cloud of ammonia vapor onto Houston and gassing people.
However, it looks like all of the refineries, chemical plants, etc in Houston are on the bank of the Buffalo Bayou…the river that the dams drain into. If the dams fail, we could see some really interesting shit.
Spillover doesn't mean break, there's a designed spillover pathway into these. However, it could potentially erode the base and take the entire thing out if it spills over long enough. We're far beyond what they're designed for.
Um, why would any rational, intelligent person drive into 16ft of floodwater?
the specific sciencenigger i was talking about is a giant fat guy in a blue shirt (he hasn't changed his shirt in days)
Jake Paul is heading to Houston LOL
The only major body of water that the plant is near is Lake Houston, there are a few small creeks that appear to flow into a town to the south of Crosby, though.
That's the joke.
actually, I think this is how super Aids starts.
I mean the ones I linked here:
Along with most of Houston's refineries and such. They're all stacked up at the mouth of the Buffalo Bayou, and from the looks of it, the embankments are less than 5 ft tall.
Did our memes hit the wrong target?
What did Houston do to have God deliver the plagues upon them!
Have you been to Houston?
Fucking niggers.
Good lord.
Some more lootniggers from two days ago. Don't worry though, they are stealing mathematical analysis textbooks to further their science careers, naturally.
In reply to
What a lovely day.
no fucking way
No but I'll take your word for it.
The biggest concerns are dam erosion leading to dam rupture, and like you said, obstruction and damage due to floating debris.
Yeah, the lack of cathodic protection basically means the rate of corrosion will be higher, because there is no source of electricity to pass through the pipes. It will still take years for the pipes to corrode to failure, but with cathodic protection, their lifespan is essentially longer than the pipeline's designers. It works kind of like how a zinc anode on your boat works, it prevents corrosion by making the ions that corrode the metal or material of the pipe less attracted to the pipe.
Pic related shows how it works for the pipe.
Even in an emergency, niggers can't stop being clowns.
Jesus Christ On A Crutch
Satan wants the niggers to die..
Ebola-chan can swim right?
It can now, hail satan.
Kek's really bringin back the OLD memes. Also holy shit, did the weather channel invent a new color for water levels? I've never seen black/grey before.
I wish I were nearby in Texas so I could help fuck shit up for niggers and spics like burning shit, flooding shit, shooting nogs/ZOGs, etc.
Oh well/
Now we are getting somewhere, and I did not hear tv science guy, but I still think he is full of shit.
Off the top of my head the pipe would have to be unsupported for a long distance over a 100' and then still the pipe would only bend it would not fracture or in science words it would be stressed to the yield point then permanent deflection.
There is no way it would break in 2 pieces with jagged ends.
I keep saying pipeline pipe is heavy ass pipe they take such things into consideration when they design it.
And off the top of your head how much force can water exert on a round pipe?
You take the force exerted per foot and resolve it to one total force in the middle in order to statically calculate the beam force it would experience.
Get the fuck out and take those digits with you.
Your get was better than mine would have been, user. The happening is upon us!
Famous last words there user.
ok im starting to get understand
the place where the chemical plant is, that is the place currently getting Harvey because it's east of houston
i think
You have to know the velocity of the water and the diameter of the pipe.
Can you give me both variables?
Glad I'm not the only one who remembers that.
Thank you for giving her power. ==SURFS UP EBOLA-CHAN!==
Jesus christ this should be narrated by David Attenborough, they really fucking behave like chimps
These media fags are insufferable. Was he supposed to wear a fucking wetsuit and strap on a diving cylinder? Their kvetching and tears only fuel my hate more.
If their backup generators get flooded the amonia blows. I don't care WHERE you put it, be it a truck or whatever, but you have to have an external power supply for that kind of thing, & you can't keep an emergency power supply running perpetually.
This is the last 30 minutes of storm activity. Does this look like it's reforming to anyone else?
Stop derailing the thread with this autism.
I'm saying don't underestimate the force moving water can exert on something.
he didnt even visited flooded areas lel
Yeah, it is getting stronger and scheduled to hit them again tomorrow. New Orleans will get a lot of the impact too this time.
Oh boy lads. We are going to see some chimping the fuck out.
He was in DC when this photo was taken, such fake news. You can see that Melania has changed outfits once they land.
there was a tweet in one of the previous threads saying their water treatment facility (or something??) was already on fire
Temps are forecast to be in the 90s with little to no cloud cover by the end of the week.
the flooding will continue for weeks though
flood-chan won't go without a fight
New Orleans is basically a giant bowl built in the middle of the ocean. If the pumps are not pumping all day every day its going to fill with water. One of the pumps(number 9 I believe) caught fire.
Wew. It's going to be like a sauna there.
also sorry for doubleposting but the worst best is yet to come
as the water recedes the real chimpening begins
Looking at the current expectation cone, it doesn't look NO will be in the direct path, but as it moves over their state, it will still bring massive amounts of water.
Okay, cool. So I was right that the internal pressure rating doesn't tell us much here, but it still doesn't make a difference with the forces involved. Sounds good.
Perfect conditions for waterborne diseases.
it doesn't need to be in the direct path they're likely to get it even harder because they are east of it.
the same way houston didn't get the hurricane but got fucked because they were to the east of it
Trump curse again?
You mean aides?
Why does colbert get to be a meme? Granted it's a negative one but I still hate seeing his faggot face posted at all.
Because one big guy had one too many scoops.
Aids doesn't survive long outside a human body… if you're going to meme, you want to go for something really special, like Ebola.
oh fugg
i forgot about mosquitos
zika-chan about to take over the shift
good work flood-chan
How can you call it a fairy tale when Holla Forums is the literal plague of Frogs upon the Jews for enslaving the gentiles and trying to genocide them.
Ah I'm wrong, Ebola isn't a perfect match either. Cholera would work nicely though.
Basically I say it could bend but it is not going to break/rupture.
And we will know all the shit that happens so everyone can call me out on it if I am wrong.
This user will stand before Holla Forums and take the heat rained down on him.
Ebola has an even shorter life outside the body though. If it was there it would need a nig to act as a carrier.
Can Gators catch aids?
I was just arguing over whether the internal pressure rating was a good indicator of what was going to happen or not. Other than that I have no horse in this race. Break, don't break, doesn't matter to me. Might be fun if it does though, but I don't think it will.
Have you seen how many nigs are in TX?
Isn't this the perfect condition for malaria.
Malaria-ojou sama might arrive on the scene.
90 degrees, flood water, marshes and bayoud disturbed, already plenty of infected spics now out in the open.
Let zika-chan commence.
Wait shit no don't meme this it will make nigglets even more retarded.
Why limit it to one disease? Kek, give those niggers all your virus waifus.
Meme it.
It's too late. It was always too late.
The entire flood area would become a massive breeding ground for mosquitoes if the water remains long enough for mosquito larvae to mature.
Post yfw you're not in the flood area. I hate mosquitoes.
Water isn't clean anymore user.
Is it true that the niggers are shooting at the Cajun navy? Niggers are literally endangering themselves. What a bunch of great burdens.
No, AIDS doesn't survive long dry. Keep it wet and warm and it will survive.
No it is not a good indicator. Pressure rating = tensile strength of the material.
Breaking due to bending forces = tensile strength something something moment of inertia, distance to extreme fiber x length of the lever arm, which if they go across the bay, is a pretty long lever arm. Also, if they do just bend, enough displacement in the bending direction will pull the ends of the pipe in and break them at their weakest point.
This is all moot though, they said earlier on the radio that the pipes are usually covered with sand / soil and it has been scoured away so now they will get hit with abrasive or impact debris.
The water will help the necessary purge, user.
I see the AIDS like being moist.
How do you faggots keep on getting around my filters?
TipTopKek lads.
The Mississippi will flow backwards and flood Minnesota.
He did what had to be done.
come on, lad. both of us know that new mogadhishu needs to be wiped clean if MN wants any hope of reforming
yes, they were shooting at police too
all rescues were called off in that area, though im not sure how bad the flooding was to begin with but if the boatfags were trying to get in i assume there were distress calls coming from those neighborhoods
also whoever starts the next thread dont be a lazy nigger like me and include all the archive links in the OP
thread 6 archive
You have to be a real asshole to shoot at people trying to make rescue efforts, but what do you expect from niggers?
Come on lad.
No joint is stronger than the solid materials being bonded together. A serious weld will be incredibly strong but it's still a small area of material with weaker properties than the materials around it. Hydrodynamic forces are a real bitch and I would be surprised if every last pipeline in the region was designed to handle this kind of flow rate. There are so many large pipelines in the area that the chance of one joint failing is high enough that it should be expected.
The Water Rises
Can you please not feed into this autistic shitshow that has been going on for the past several hours about the god damned piplines?
They're literally retarded aren't they?
Welp, I'm not in Minnesota but a tributary to the Mississippi runs through where I live. I hope the hill I live on is tall enough.
Can anyone catch me up on the pipeline discussion? Who ended up being wrong?
But we love pipes and this is merica dammit our pipes dont burst.
the next sciencenigger press conference is fast approaching
the autism rises
What do you think user?
Until we get a burst pipe no one is wrong yet.
Theyre both wrong. The pipelines are all buried deep in the ground and the chance of the ground eroding to that depth is slim, so its a really null point on every side and the entire thing should stop being discussed.
they expect one of the pipes in the wreckage, brother
Wait for tv science nigger to explain for you.
River crossings user
That's it the pipes a goner.
Sounds like pure hell.
That's basically texas weather user.
Organic peroxides are only one of the most explosive classes of chemicals known to man. Who cares, as long as there isn't a gas cloud!?
If that pipe bursts, will you die?
thanks for drafting the OP for Harvey 7
Can you sum up the two arguments of the opposing parties? I really want to understand where the impass is here so we can work as a group towards finding common ground.