UN demands the UN to give up its 1st Amendment rights to "combat racism"


From the organization that didn't intervene when Khmer Rogue kills almost 1/3 of its population in Cambodia and many other atrocities, demands USA to give its 1st Amendment rights and do a Germany to "combat racism". Dismantling the UN, when?!

Other urls found in this thread:


I'd like to see them try

stupid question: if hate speech has been legal for the entire history of USA, then why is it suddenly a problem only now? What changed? I mean according to the (((narrative)))?

CVille might have been tremendously gay, but it still thrust white nationalism into the public consciousness as a major active movement.

But how can we sustain a free market without free speech?

Da goyim know now and they have to shut it down.

Go fucking die UN kikes.


America should just leave the UN.


I was going to say Jews, but frankly what changed was not Jews, but the source of the Jews.
i.e. Israel.

Right after Israel does i.e. never

Also if government acts on this shit, expect fire everywhere.

Which I bet is EXACTLY what they were hoping for.

This is why we have the Second Amendment, lads. Time to exercise it.

> The committee also called on the U.S. "to undertake concrete measures to address the root causes of the proliferation of such racist manifestations" and included this last paragraph in its warning:

< "(((The committee))) recommends that the United States of America ensure that the rights to freedom of expression, association, and peaceful assembly are not exercised with the aim of destroying or denying the rights and freedoms of others, especially the right to equality and non-discrimination, and that the government of the United States of America provide the necessary guarantees so that such rights are not misused to promote racist hate speech and racist crimes."

The hypocrisy almost makes me vomit.

There is no such fundamental human right as equality and non-discrimination, otherwise every cripple would have the have huge amounts of resources spent on them to remove the ailment, and every shitter in prison would have to be treated like a king.

Stupid fucking UN, can't even into human condition

Like when Pakis were raping tens of thousands of English girls in the UK? When Muslims publicly state that whites shouldn't breed and white women deserve rape? Or when the South African government talks about stealing all the whites' land and property but won't let them leave the country?

This is the most Jewish institution ever created.

Discrimination is required of individuality.
They're essentially saying "stop being an individual".

Dontcha love it when external governments try to tell us what to do?

And clearly this the order trying to protect their asses.

Giving up the first won't combat racism. It will only create political prisoners.

U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination


Actually this is an elite caste trying to protect themselves and establish a death grip on the lower masses.
Time to kick their fucking asses.

I fucking hate the UN and their talmudic newspeak. Notice how everything becomes a "human right". Right to non-discrimination? Right to equality? What the fuck do these things even mean?

Are these fags the progenitors of the "x rights are human rights!" retardation?

The UN is a failure. Time to get rid of it.

It was always the jews.
The sneaky fucks infected the US from the start.
Judicial Review is one of their products.

I'll get really bored if my freedom to express is stolen.

more like unaccountable.
Isn't it USA that's supposed to be independent?

Why haven't we nuked those globalist faggots yet? Seriously, if fucking foreigners plotting to overthrow the US doesn't qualify as a nuke-worthy offense what does?

Their only expertise lies in the rights the UN would allow us to have, which just so happens to be none, and thus nothing.

People got complacent, forgot what their responsibilities were to maintain the bill of rights and constitution (i.e. just not being a faggot) then realized other people in the world and even their own country don't think like them because the many years of freedom brought about too much prosperity and their primitive minds need something to fight.

Let me tell you about the UN. The UN is some seriously UN-tier shit. trust me.

If anything other than identical twins were created equal we never would have evolved even beyond the point of single celled organisms. Equality is a joke.


Look at the countrys that make up their women quality consul and then the human rights one with those like Saudi Arabia in there

The UN is a complete fucking joke.

Hey now, the treatment of women is the one and only thing the arabs got right.

The UN should get the FUCK out of America.

Why do you mudslimes even bother?

We should drive the UN into the sea and kill every cocksucking shiteater that works at their communist organization.


Just imagine if the UN headquarters was in Lagos instead of NYC.
All the diplomats would love the diversity and 5 star restaurants that would surround the building.
It would be oh so wonderful for them.

It's not, they got the patriarchy right but missed out on being European patriarchs not entirely fueled by sadism and stupidity.

Our markets haven't been free in decades. The markets become cronyism and free speech died with the markets.

Free speech is a product of a free, open society.

Do we all have wives and children? I don't understand why antifa aren't eating bullets already.


i dont want to be in prison when the end of the world happens

International organizations serve international interests.

Why are they trying to appear so relevent recently?

ZOG needs a figurehead for their world government.

People are held back by the belief that we live in a truly democratic system that ensures everyones rights, and that the system cant be corrupt because the people supposedly have the power. They live in a dream world, democracy is just a guise for idiots, to trick them into thinking its not slavery to kikes.

You and millions of others. When people get bored, they tend to get a little crazy. Perhaps even violent.

Haha, obviously they are shitting bricks, they know what comes when a critical mass of minds is altered. They will do whatever is possible in their power to do so, eventually they might even become tyrannical to obtain their censorship.

Spam this to infowars, oathcucks, NRA, ect. Time to leave the UN. Without the USA, the UN is fucking neutered!

The issue is that elites and government representatives don't break out of their bubble like Trump did during his election. He was a metropolitan Jew Yorker who at least went into rural communities. In contrast, they just dwell in their smartphones and diversity seminars.

Trump should pull us out of the UN.

Trump should bomb the Hell out of the UN

Ausfag here, once free speech is killed you're country will be controlled speech forever. Laws will be passed to punish you from offending anyone and you're entire political, entertainment medium and education system will be held hostage by feminists.

I know, because that's exactly what happened here.

this. /r/ing an artfag draw up a comic of an old Holla Forumsack explaining the trophy animals sitting on his mantle to his young grandson "grand pappy whats that blue helmet from" "Welp, Johnny Rebel Third Reich Badgoy, sometimes faggots are stupid enough to stick their head where they oughtn't"

What racism? Do they really believe that people buy that bogeyman?

The United Nations are pretty much a giant NGO on roids

Free speech doesnt die as long as the populace stands on equal footing. Whcih is probably why Oregon came out of left field with their gun confiscation bullshit.

Speaking of which what ever happened with that fbi agent being found guilty of killing LaVoy? And Trump hinted at coming forward with the facts that the whole thing started because of that uranium one bullshit.. Maybe he needs to be reminded.

I don't think even most liberals give a shit what the UN says.

If free speech goes we don't have a country. It's 'your' though, you dumb cunt. You best be merely pretending.


There has been enough generations of indoctrination and enough non-whites in the US now that they feel like they have a chance to win.
They would have been doing the same thing in the 60s if they thought they could get away with it.

>The UN ever doing anything remotely useful or beneficial for anyone except for (((them)))

And think that I used to believe the (((UN))) were the good guys. I despise the naivete of my youth yet sometimes I long for the days where I was ignorant of the evils in the world.

Remember, the USA civilian population has more guns than the entire UN if the US military leaves the UN.
Also remember, the League of Nations disbanded, so will the UN.

The UN is working exactly as intended.


It's our duty to rout these evils and destroy them.

shameless self check

2nd protects the 1st, my real intrest is seeing if liberals (whos name would imply they value liberty) would protect their own free speech or if theyd let it happen in the name of fighting ebil nahtzees

jesus hitler, adolf christ. is this the second coming or the fourth reich?

Commies don't act on high-minded principles ever.

We oughta use memes to dismantle and ridicule the UN.

Liberals have already made it very clear that they are literally against freedom of speech. They are not even claiming to support it anymore (that was only when it benefited them), now they want to get rid of it to make expressing right-wing opinions illegal. Tiny normalfag "freedom of speech" protests with MAGA hat niggers have been met by thousands of bloodthirsta antifa being bussed in holding signs that say "HATE SPEECH IS NOT FREE" etc.

the left has reached its final form: "destroy the white male and everything he holds sacred" mode





I agree.

Fuck the UN, the only good thing they've ever done is have their 3rd world mob soldiers abuse and rape whatever place they're supposed to be peacekeeping. Remember shoot all blue helmets on sight.

Can't be stopped now.

Is piss off Israel.

Hopefully, worst comes to worst, we'll wrangle the title of "reasonable free speech supporters" and the people's support from libtards with our memes.

I mean this was in the news today.


I want us to have a bootprint on the UN's face.




Civil Conflict Soon Fellow Burgers

Nicely cut to avoid Trump's subsequent complains about the UN being shit because they mistreat Israel.




I'm so ready

About 100 million brown people were let into the country by liberal Jews



Without fail.

Fuck your protocols of zion, nigger. Your world government can take a nuke and bullet up your ass.

it's 2017

In other words, a bunch of the loser countries are butthurt over Charlottesville.

I feel bad for those in Europe fighting the Muslim hordes, but more people need to die over there and in the US before things get better.

I don't really care how Trump justifies it, if he can kill the kikes using the weapon of 'muh israel' then by all means I'm fine with that.

We really need to dismantle that narrative quickly. Show everyone that nig-nog was looking for a fight.

Spam the nigger that went on the shooting rampage in Charlottesville that nobody has covered.

God, I wish they would just try something. It's getting annoying waiting for someone to overstep his bounds. It's like watching paint be made, before you can even begin to watch it dry.


Hillary lost because people knew she was going to do heinous things like this. It starts with protecting monkeys and quickly escalates into imprisoning anybody who criticizes corporations.


Good luck even finding a name let alone image of the nigger.

Yeah for women per wealthy man results in millions of little boy asses fucked, it's great to have a society where 95% are fags.

Judea will soon declare war on Whites. Do not fall for the tricks of whites being forced to fight other whites at the Jews behest to end racism or whatever.

I thought Hillary was the accelerationist candidate, not Trump?
This is all happening too fast for me Holla Forums. I'm not ready!

Who knew some race-mixing bitch not even Antifa mourned would cause the happening. I guess, If you kill your enemies they win, ever makes more sense. From a certain point of view of course.

Obama-tier logic

If hillary had won you would already have blue helmets rounding up "hatespeakers" in the US while the army was to busy fighting some stupid war in iran or russia.

Ha, you cannot change the future all the candidates were accelerationist!

UN controls ICANN

UN controls the internet

UN is unable to stop UN soldiers from raping so they had to hire the private professional soldiers in secret. If UN can't control the un soldiers then they effin' suck! If the alien decide to invade and UN wouldn't last for long. I don't under the jews's mentality and (((they))) actually believed that the world government is possible if they mix all of the races altogether and wipe the entire white races out.

>(((The committee))) recommends that the United States of America ensure that the rights to freedom of expression, association, and peaceful assembly are not exercised with the aim of destroying or denying the rights and freedoms of others
Yes, and the United States of America recommends that the (((The committee))) go fuck themselves and mind there own jewish business

Step up your language mate.


This video has become relevant again.
Engineer Holla Forumsacks better get working on that powered armor!

You will need carbon (coal). If you roast bones and powder them you should get activated carbon for that iron.

Where's the Giant claw when you need it?



oy vey
that's problematic


Social isolation can do very strange things to the mind

Being a white male.

reminded me of this:
>“We’ve all been raised on (((television))) to believe that one day we’d all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars, but we won’t. And we’re slowly learning that fact. And we’re very, very pissed off.”

I didn't even want that. All I wanted was non-poisonous food, a home that I didn't have to worry about losing (600-800sq ft is just fine, even), children that I wouldn't have to worry about never being allowed to see again, no violent criminals running amok, and the same things for my children when they grow up. Even a modest and uneventful, yet fulfilling life is too much to ask for from these soulless monsters.


It's crazy how reasonable us nazis are.

All speech is free speech otherwise speech is not truly free

Speech can be hateful, but there is no "hate speech" that is separate from all other speech

Who the fuck cares?


Jesus fuck, do these faggots not realize that everybody sees that they never mention BLM and antifuck as racist terror groups? They never fucking say a word about any lefty cults of violence. And it's glaringly obvious to anyone who chooses to pay even a small bit of attention.

Because they are kikes, they would have done away with it decades ago but weren't able to. You think they haven't been trying this whole time? They've finally packed all the courts to the point that they've almost got it.

From the normalfag leftist opinion the entire history of the USA was "WHHHHAAAIIIIIT SUUUUPPPREMMMACY" so it's obvious to them that it needs to be changed because free speech = white supremacy = nazi = anuda 6 gadzillion


lol, fuck the un.

Yeah, I never wanted any of that bullshit either, but it's the principle that is important. Our ancestors were meant to pass on a simple yet fulfilling way of life to us, but the kikes came in and fucked it all up, and we're very pissed off.

Donald Trump.

As an American this is chilling as fuck. Luckily even our kike supreme court justices unanimously agreed hate speech is free speech. Claiming otherwise is completely indefensible.

In what timeline is constitutionally protected free speech a problem?
(((They))) are really speeding up the agenda. Seems almost desperate.

You vastly under estimate the number of weapons in our civilians hands. See pic.

I always wondered if his mommy had his name put on his gun?

do ordinary people know what the un is?


They would be terrified out of their minds.



They want to push much BIGGER, DRASTIC and FAST changes to our demographic, society, way of thinking, etc.

So they need to silence the inevitable opposition, because drastic and quick changes always create dissent (in opposition to gradual, slow changes).


Yep, that's how it works. You gotta pony up tens of thousands of dollars for the dowry if you want some pussy. That's why you've got 50 year old men marrying teenagers and younger. They're the only ones who can afford it.

They fuck boys and each other until they can scrape up enough cash to buy a bride.