Everyone who hasn't already done so should really just for 30 min read in the Islam bord here in 8ch. It really explains why Muslims act how they act…. They simply are not programmed to feel compassion with your fellow man…
Muslim mindset... and by the way they are even now reading in pol and discuss western fractions
It's factions, you dumb cunt.
post link faggot
We already knew that. Whites have empathy which is how Christianity survived and thrived. Non-Whites are barbarous which is why they never amounted to anything.
I wouldn't recommend it, its run by an actual Saudi and a few Egyptians who are hardcore Wahhabis/Salafists
They are pretty cancerous and fundamentalist, also the same faggots that will endlessly argue that "Shiites aren't even Muslims at all" and how both Christians and Shia are "Nusayri Kuffar"
I wouldn't recommend it, its run by an actual Saudi and a few Egyptians who are hardcore Wahhabis/Salafists
They are pretty cancerous and fundamentalist, also the same faggots that will endlessly argue that "Shiites aren't even Muslims at all" and how both Christians and Shia are "Nusayri Kuffar".
Just like their empathy in world wars wew.
No, I think he meant fractions.
Western fractions are hard, man.
Yes. Empathizing with ones own people is why Europeans fought as hard as the did. You would understand this if you weren't a mudslime.
No compassion among bugpeople, worst of all are their upper classes who know exactly how buglike they are as a whole, and still speak in their favor in order to inflict their pain unto others. I count jews as an arab upper class, by the way.
Where are all of the people calling it pol coming from? Was there a new shill recruiting drive recently?
Holla Forums openly calls for all kikes, degenerates and niggers to be exterminated. Holla Forums is where whites who missed out on the whole empathy thing go.
not even
this tbh
It's not a matter of programming, that's how they are bred. Inbred and dysfunctional. The pagan arabs of olde are gone, never to return. We ought to just round them all up, sit them down in the Arabic Peninsula and turn it into one giant reserve where we can watch them fuck goats and laugh at them till the end of time.
This. Post a damn link.
I'm not fighting Muslims on behalf of what they only believe but also on just what they look like. They deserve no place around me or ability to prosper off of resources my ancestors gained. If they think otherwise, defeat me in contest, fire the land and forests, erode my people's lineage and tales. (((They))) do not win while the old heart still beats with ancient blood.
i want to gas the kikes because i have empathy
Holla Forums Is about a lot of things. Not having empathy isn't one of them. It only seems that way because trolling culture as a whole was started to counter the attention seeking Narcissism that was an epidemic on the Internet back in the day,(it still is, but it would be so much worse if trolling culture hadn't forced reality down these peoples throats)
It's almost like tough love, people act retarded on the internet as a whole. The war with SJWs was so easy and successful because of how much experience most trolls had with these types of delusions of grandeur and girl on the internet syndrome. The internet is also the place we look up history, and learn about (((them))) and how Hitler did nothing wrong. It was never about creating a political party, it was about pushing reality down the throats of the normies.
The Internet is an esoteric place to begin with, Cybernazis should remember what works here and what works irl are different. Even though we look long into an abyss, it's only looked into to understand the Narcissism amd Psychopaths in order to fight it. Jordan B Pererson has a video about it actually. We shouldn't forget that we aren't them, and this is why we fight.
/salt-left/ is where anti-white bigots and self-hating white cucks go