Anyone else grew to hate games with story?

Anyone else grew to hate games with story?
Im a full grown man, when i play a game i want to jump straight into the action, into the meat of the game and be in full control. I hate being locked out and forced to watch about some mumbo jumbo story i honestly couldnt give a fuck about, and too me just serves as a mood setting for the action.

Why the fuck there aso many mongoloids that want games to be movies. Jesus fuck, go fucking watch a movie you fucking spergs. Learn something usefull for once in your pathetic lives instead of filling your head with retarded useless fantasy shit. LET GAMES BE GAMES

It's not the story people hate, it's the cutscenes and hand-holding throughout that people hate.

What game?

Play some Marathon, then

Only time stories in games bug me is when it's way too much story and cutscenes at once, especially at the beginning. For example, I really like Valkyrie Profile, I even really like the story overall, but man is that game way too cutscene heavy at the front. You hardly play the game at all for the first hour.

Going to agree with you, i hate role playing games and games with long ass cutscenes.

But its not like every single game with a proper story is bad, when it paced right, and don't interfere too much with you getting into action. God Hand, No More Heroes, DMC 3, all had a nice story as a background, but focused on gameplay.

With time i started to hate the stories itself because without them there wouldnt be the retarded hand holding and cutscenes


Rise of the Womb Raider

Because if you take away the plot and lore you'd have nothing different from any other modern games.

It's so hard finding something to play

have you considering playing in traffic with a loaded gun in your mouth?

This is a more modern thing in my opinion. It used to be story was a thing that drew you into a game

What people dislike more than story is being scripted. Things like how in the first hour to almost every game you don't actually fight anyone or get into the actual meat of the gameplay.

Like Deus Ex for instance is a really really story heavy game and it starts with a heavy action sequence on Liberty Island where right from the get go you're asked what weapon you wanna use for the mission.

There are plenty of examples of story driven games that don't hold your hand or waste your time. Unfortunately people tend to see these scripted sequences as akin to depth when in reality they make the game much less replayable when you have to skip past all of them on a second playthrough.

Wow you're pretty mad huh

you could make a game with better map design, ai, monsters or weapons.

deus ex had a good story. it also had pretty good mission maps, not the greatest of the period but not bad. it certainly felt more fluid and challenging that the new ones.

The thing with Deus Ex's story though is it respect's the player and his time. There are never any long expansive cutscenes that you just skip through. I've replayed Deus Ex several times and I always like listening to the dialogue and the story each time.

Almost every modern AAA game now I try to skip all of the story segments. Like whenever I replay missions in MGS5 I always skip the cutscenes because they're pointless and just serve to waste your time. There's a moment in MGS5 everyone remembers because everyone hates it. It's when you ride in a truck with Skullface to Sahelanthropus and all he does is talk at the player spouting off exposition.

The scripting and contempt for the player I think is the part people dislike, not the story.

It's because the people writing for vidya today are the people who couldn't get into film. Film writing is bad enough as is and the people writing your vidya are so bad they couldn't even get into film.

Also the push for "cinematic experience" is part of that as well

Its not just film, vidya, and tv, but all writing is ass now. The Road is the last halfway decent novel published.

What the fuck is happening?
Why is everything degrading?

this is your future, please erase your worthless genetic line


I am starting to hate story in videogames because they're always so fucking bad. I wouldn't mind story in games in general if they weren't garbage 900% of the time. Hell, before 2007 story became another one of the rewards you got in games for getting further into the game instead of just weapons or items.

No. Fuck you. The game comes first and then the story. And if you even dare suggest otherwise then go look at NES games.

Without good stories the vast majority of Holla Forums's favorites wouldn't even exist.
Gameplay is not more important than story, it's fucking dumb to say otherwise.

Fuck off underage.

such as?

There are different ways to tell a story. Story doesn't automatically equal cutscenes.

There are plenty of games that have extremely minimalist storylines. Some of my favorite games growing up were Tomb Raider 1-4. Largely because the games had such a huge focus on ambiance and they mostly told their stories through the environments you went through.

The thing is now I don't really play any NES games. Most of the retro games I've replayed in the last few years were from the late 90s onwards.

I'm not saying the storyline is more important than the game but the two can work in harmony together. And when it does happen for me it makes the game more memorable than just "shoot everything, find the exit".

You said.
And the only proper response to that is:
No. Fuck you. The game comes first and then the story. And if you even dare suggest otherwise then go look at NES games.

I never set any dipshit, learn to IDs


Metal Gear, Fallout, Deus Ex to mention a few.

By responding to my post you are agreeing with his post and his goal posts. Learn some human interaction, dipshit.
It is and if you played a proper tabletop system you'd know this. But either way that has nothing to do with the argument of VIDEO GAMES. You are just doing some kind of fallacy where you equate one thing to everything.

What a worthless and shitposting individual. Just the typical shi/tg/uy.

but D&D has a pretty robust game system, sure the story is part of that, but the story for a D&D session can be as retarded or complex as needed

None of which would stand on their story alone and they all have decent to good gameplay, the story can certainly help to enhance a game, but it can't replace the gameplay

Planet Escape would be a better example but it's really the only one I can think of

He's just a shitposter who can't even understand the basics of human interaction.

See, THIS is moving the goalposts kek

And the only difference between a GAME and VIDEO GAMES is that you play the second on a screen dipshit, so it has everything to do with the argument. But keep sperging out like a faggot.

I never said Story is more important than gameplay, if you go check I mention how they're exactly as important.
I mean what would D&D be without either the RPG or the narrative? Bot are extremely important, you can't have one without the other, same goes for most video games, as you mention later in your post

the butthurt is real

Thanks for proving me right.
Ayy lmao

I'm gonna stop right here, I already see that you're gonna go on a 20+ post rampage with no arguments because you couldn't bother checking the IDs so you made up some random rules in your head.
Have a great day user, don't let the anger eat away at you, you can beat it.

Damn user that's some real live autism you got there.

It honestly depends. If the story is good enough to listen to, I won't mind. If the story isn't getting in the way of the game too much, I'll be fine. I can be fine without one of those two, but if a game has neither, than it becomes the vidya equivalent of a game randomly scratching its nails against a chalkboard. That said, any vidya can survive a complete shit story if the gameplay is good enough to compensate, though typically they won't.

Yes, we can tell a story even if the game don't have any text. I very like this way much.
But modern gamers don't have the general knowledge anymore, doesn't look story at the visual and demand more text which is time consuming.

Video game stories are laughably bad and mainly used as an out for not knowing how to properly make a game. Video game masterpieces are games that work meticulously to make sure that every facet of the game works together instead of just throwing shit at the wall. Of course, I could just be thinking this way because I'm not enlightened enough to enjoy the masterpieces of failed Hollywood writers.

Nah, it's just a matter of doing it right. Sadly, most modern developers don't.

I don't mind story or even games that open with cutscenes.
I hate it when a game is all about the story, or constantly interrupts the game every 10 minutes with cutscenes.

dont the nips have a lower consent age and they rape have sex with young girls and boys without penetration?

how is that even possible

Right here. Honestly don't give a shit about muh atmosphere, muh characters, or muh story anymore. Books do it better and usually impart some sort of message or knowledge that isn't tailored by a bay area faggot. Anything involving planning, building, or fast game play is my jam.

The fuck are you on about NES games have stories, they're just really minimalist and you'll only ever know at the beginning or end with the odd event happening in the game. The story is just a backdrop to give you some sort of goal or motivation.

Vidya gaems, the gameplay is fundamentally the meat of the whole thing so much so that it should considered to be part of the "showing" in showvstelling a story and all that shit you have to read and watch in cutscenes is just telling.

Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines had fucking bad gameplay I still enjoyed it, for what it is worth but it is fairly well regarded for its writing. Now, it wouldn't be as good if it weren't for some of the things the devs did, such as rig up facial expressions and body language as much as they did so that the player had a better idea of what the character was thinking. Then there is different options with the preference towards social characters till the end when the warning at the beginning of the game suddenly comes into play.

Writing, and voice acting, can add a lot to a game, but gameplay is the meat. You can have a good game without a story, but you can't have a good game without gameplay.

I don't hate it, I just want my games to be more game than story or at the very least, the same amount.

Bonus points if they find a way to inject the story into the gameplay.

You're a fucking idiot.

I think it might be 14. Something about needing permission from the parents as well.

There's a lot of questionable girls hanging around underneath the bridge in Akiba that go back to a hotel room with a 50 year old man to "chat" that look barely out of elementary school.

I think either Vice or Louis Theoroux did a documentary on it. Can't remember exactly.

Reading comprehension.

Dead Rising 2 handled that perfectly in my opinion.

Nationally the age of consent is 13, but every prefecture has their own laws to typically make them higher.

The laws are often snaked around, though, similar to how prostitution is illegal but "soap lands" or "compensated dating" exist.

I do not mind a good or bad story, what I do mind is good or bad storyTELLING. Like I despise any game that decides to absolutely stop the pace of the game and have two idiots talk back and forth spouting exposition in the most dry of manners. Most obvious examples of this are telltale games and MGS games. Hey sneak through this sick ass hostage situation and find this guy, you found him? Now for 5 minutes of a codec call of dry exposition over some stock footage. Oh good, we escaped this thing, now to walk slowly down a corridor and gently explain everything that has happened and will happen. Fuck that bullshit.

And fuck games that decide they need to bombard me with shittons of cutscenes(MGS again, and Max Payne 3) or lock me in a room until a dialog finished(b-but I can move and do jack shit while the dialog is happening, go fuck yourself Half Life).

go away

But being a full grown man means you enjoy the exact opposite. Only children want to skip the story and go straight into their instant gratification. It's like saying kids love reading books with more than 20 chapters, they don't. But please, OP, go back to your picturebooks like a good little boy.

The word "I" is capitalized in English.

They have to progress to being no more than slightly interactive movies so that they can sell the propaganda. If you are just running around having fun in a game without some kind of heavy handed message being shoved through your eyeballs then how are (((they))) going to craft your mind?

You are watching movies, faggot. That is something children do all the time.

Story isn't the problem. Overabundance of cutscenes, scripted events and hand holding is. Nearly all games have a story, because they are a very crucial part in pulling you into the world and gameplay. Space Invaders is self explanatory, but there is still a story there. Fight the aliens as long as possible to help humanity.

How many of Holla Forums's favourite games have cutscenes? How many of these games have actually decent writing and characters? Cutscenes aren't a big deal until they go past the line of intruding on your fun.

Plus, cutscenes also serve as a break from the action. Sometimes a necessity to not burn players out.

The gameplay should already be story enough.
Outside of maybe an intro to catch you up to speed, and a nice picture of you riding off into the sunset during the credits, there's no real call for any of it.

you aren't alone

Civ V has story doesn't it?

yeah, the story is you're building a civilization, for the vith time.

All of those games have "story", but what they were referring to is a scripted story that gets shoved down your throat and isn't based off the gameplay. A match of counter strike has a story, it's just generally not going to be a particularly interesting or well paced one.

GTAV has a story in the way Call of Duty has a story.
Sure, its there, but nobody who plays the game gives a shit about it. And those few who did haven't touched it in well over a year.

well what the hell did you expect?

true enough. but it's unique as actually having a full blown story mode on that list.

actually it's been so long since i've touched warframe I can't remember if there was anything beyond simple 'go clear out these dudes' text at the start of clearing out dudes

I hate it only if
Otherwise as long as I can ignore the story or not I don't care as long as the game is good of course

Yeah, but the only reason people are still playing that thing is because they find some enjoyment out of the multiplayer somehow Its been out on PC for a year and a half, and at that point it was already a year and a half behind release. People aren't giving a shit about it because there's a story at this point.

From the 2 hours of Warframe I played, there is a story. But it seemed like more of the voice over dialogue delivery than anything else. Certainly not the intrusive type of story that most other games do now.

CSGO was given a story. Yes, really.

GTAV's story is pretty fun, if only because of the banter, and the fact that it's mostly just there to set up the gameplay.

That still leaves enough room for story to be the thing that makes a particular game stand out from the rest of the crowd.

They did far more than write a bad story, they shit all over the flavor of the player character, which is much worse, or at least enough to become one of the two games that I truly
To this day I am still mad about it.

If you have shit cutscenes, do not make everything into a cutscene

square enix

I like games that tell stories the way Left 4 Dead does, using level design and character dialogue during the gameplay. I don't mind cutscenes as long as they aren't intrusive to the game.

The Metroid/Prime games are a good way of story telling in my opinion. It's literally all happening within the gameplay.

Setting =/= story
Until there's a cohesive narrative in these things carried out through gameplay/cutscenes within the game itself, it's not story. TF2 has comics with story, but doesn't have story. TF2 as a game has a setting of two major corporations fighting each other with hired guns, and that's about it.

i'm pretty sure it's the lack of gameplay that people grew to hate

No, they added co-op missions with a story arc to CSGO a few months ago.

All those have shit stories though.

You can see bits and pieces of story on some maps, like the one where you launch poopy joe to his death.

What i hate the most about videogames with stories is that THEY ALWAYS HAVE THE SAME SHITTY GENERIC REHASHED STORY, both western and japanese, that shit instantly kills a potentially good game for me.

I'd rather have no story than space fairy dudebro zombie gay forest hacker story.

Take your meds OP


The first two fallout games definitely stand on story alone. There is no reason to play them otherwise unless you like extremely slow turn based combat which is always the same.

full grown sure, man no
Also everyone who actually likes games hates that. story should be integrated into gameplay not a separate part of the "game" that constantly locks you out of playing.

No, I don't hate games with story, because having a story doesn't necessarily detract from a game.
I do recognize that most modern game devs are shit at writing, telling, and incorporating good stories into their games, but that doesn't mean that it's impossible to do all three well.

Really the Dark Souls way is great for this.

There is a story for people who care enough to look for it, but you can also just easily completely ignore it if you dont give a single shit about the story and just want to kill big monsters.

I just wanted to play the game, but so many cutscenes

Where? First I've heard of this.