Dwarf Fortress Thread
Buying a tenkeyless keyboard was the end of Dwarf Fortress for me.
Nice thread, OP
So, 8ch dwarf fortress, what mods do you like? What do you look for in a mod? I'm a modder of about 9 years and I want some inspiration
No memes
No mods
Fuck that one faggot that owns masterwork, the cancer killing DF modding.
Really? I Think it's a pretty cool mod. So what stupid bullshit did he say?
He's a cancerous type of modder. He makes a mod that adds in a ton of useless/pointless shit, and if you only want to add in a few things from his mod, well fuck you because it's not modular. Quantity, not quality is the Masterwork motto.
I'd like to see something slightly original for once and not (insert existing setting here). There's enough bizarre glitchy shit you can do with the game for there to be a lot of potential for interesting mods, but hardly anyone even tries.
How do I build well?
It's a mod that pretty much relies into absorbing other people's work.
So the original mod creators get 0 attention at all, give up and their project becomes bloat in some chucklefuck's mod compilation.
It's basically a parasite.
I don't know if sarcasm or just retarded.
DF Autism best autism
If you mod in more and more interesting, scaling sieges, I'll love you forever
It seems sothing fucked up in the update and sieges became scarce/non-existant
So hes working on artifacts now right? When is he going to get to magic?
Within 6 months.
Kittens are a good source of food.
Do you mean build a well?
Yes. Do I need a visible source of water? and build above it?
I'm trying to get into this game, but my problem is I can never get a starting area I'm satisfied with, namely an area that has both mountains, river, and lumber.
Is the key to getting a world with a lot of potentially good starting locations to make it fuck huge? The world's I've made always seem to lack truly ideal areas.
Step 1: Have tile with water in it
Step 2 (optional): Have the water be running water instead of stagnant
Step 3: Gather materials for well (refer to wiki)
Step 4: Get a dwarf with architect labor and a dwarf with the appropriate labor related to the block you use for the well (mason/metalsmith/carpenter)
Step 5: Construct the well over the water
Step 6: ??
Step 7: Fort is flooded, 90% of dwarves dead, tantrum spiral killing the last 10%, weremammoth shows up
So basically you channel straight down to a water source, then can build a well over the empty space at the top. You can build one over nothing but it will say the well is dry and it will be pretty much useless, so you will usually have to channel a river or something to the spot below your well.
When you're picking your embark site I think theres a search function where you can specify things like trees and no aquifer and so on.
Also I've found good spots on small maps.
I usually use the search function, but I always end up getting a bunch of "close enough" results, and never the exact kind of spot I want. Maybe I'm doing something fucky, I don't know.
Well a decent bit of the challenge of df is making do with what little you have. also sometimes there trees underground if you dig deep enough
Thank you, I know little.
You do realize you can just make your own mod right? All the files are in plain text and can be edited with notepad.
i've got a bone to pick with the formatting of these threads.
suggested op format,
>>>Holla Forums6134647
r8, suggestions wanted.
I managed to die as a demigod elephant man in adventure mode. Against a human with iron weapons. Kill me.
adv mode combat is pretty bullshit, even when you're properly equipped and a god at everything some fuck with a copper spear can get lucky and end you.
what? i remember masterwork having options for removing a lot of pointless shit and the entire thing being modular
I had a fort that was similar to the fourth pic a while ago. Right between a volcano and river. Died due to mining too deep.
Did anyone have issues with climbing underground?
I climbed down into the caverns, and for some reason my adventurer can't climb up more than one Z level before he starts falling down, while the option to grab the walls again while falling does nothing.
Its rough hewn walls and the guy already has legendary climbing, so it really shouldn't be an issue, yet it keeps happening.
What kind of arch pleb gets butt blasted over DF?
Can anyone tell me if theres anything good about this autist before I waste 40 minutes?
You'll waste 40 minutes trying to figure out what is going on
You have style.
theres some guys in adventure mode that probably just aren't feasible to try to defeat on your own
i once had a dwarf peasant adventurer
he was able to slay alot of animals, and every megabeast and bandit camp he came across in their entirety
at one point he became a vampire, then later he became a necromancer
for what could've been an ingame month or two or even three, nothing he encountered was too much for him, not even the bogeyman, and he even decided late in the game to get undead minions
at one point he went into a dark fortress and slaughtered hundreds of trolls, goblins, and beak dogs, and he killed the clown too
as for fighting the clown, i dont recall him even being scratched; it took alot of hits to try to kill it with the 2-handed sword, which he held in 1 hand, but at one point he decided to put it away and take out his pike, and he just killed the clown in 1 or 2 hits with it
he did this to at least one other dark fortress, though i didn't find the clown or it didnt have one
eventually, with his bunch of undead minions, including a roc, he encountered a hill titan
if i recall correctly, it was a quadruped composed of amber
and it could shoot webs
none of my minions went after it, and it webbed me
i struggled, and struggled, and i couldn't get out
eventually it broke one of my joints,at which point i still didn't get free of the web, and I just quit dwarf fortress and deleted the save file
of course he wasn't always able to do that, but he could do it for quite a while
he could even go face to face with a hydra without taking a scratch, and end up killing it
except all your shit is out in the rain
awww, scamps is looking real handsome these days.
Pretty sure those pics are about ~4 years old
I'll post some DF stories of my current fort when I'm off work. I've got some pretty cool stuff going.
i'm thinking of making a few inspired forts myself
i only go for above ground because fuck aquifers.
build floors/rooves
So I just jumped to the latest version and I'm wondering if you still get migrants even if you embark on a tiny island or something.
Yes. Your dorf civ will get migrants no matter where you embark unless your parent civ is a dead civ. Even then the first two migrant waves are hardcoded and guaranteed.
You can set your soft pop cap in d_init.txt to limit migrants.
I'm currently working on a roman themed outdoor fortress myself. I plan to build several megaprojects in it, such as a triumphal arch, colosseum, a great temple, a library/academy and a great palace for the king.
I got bored for now though, because I have a big population and I don't know what I should be doing with all of them.
Train them to phalanx.
Are whips still king of the melee blunt weapons and basically lightsabers?
You have no grace.
This dwarf
has a funny face
Can't you work on fixing up and reimplementing the economy you nu male faggot.
Just downloaded DF
I've seen it played before, year ago
should I just dive in and smash my head against it until I figure it out, or use one of the packs?
do it fgt
My dwarves are all starving.
I've got tons of minerals and gems, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to turn hunted animals and fish into meals without manually going through and turning the butchery, fishery, and kitchen back on.
Get the fuck out of the grand bedroom, nobles. there's a new king.
W(orkshop orders)
everything should be auto already
I'm so so sorry.
please see this image
also be aware that you will lose, and it will be fun.
Juat grow crops. Anything you dont use for booze becomes foodstuffs. Every noe and then butcher an animal and cook easy meals. Make sure you disable cooking seeds and alcohol.
If you want to automate things do like jmq or something to open jobs, manager, create new work order. You can create detailed tasks with conditions and repeats like "cook 30 tallow roasts if buffalo fat >= 50 and food stores < 10" I set up my alcohol production this way and i never have to worry about it.
I have no fucking idea how to train or process or hunt fish or animals besides slaughtering pets
Thanks for the advice.
Thought that'd do the same thing as q (examine building) - a(dd task) - b(utcher) - r(epeat), but those jobs always get cancelled when it runs out of animals or fish momentarily.
fisherdwarves will go out and fish in a fishing zone on their own and hunters will go out shoot 150 bolts into animals on their own.
Jobs at the butchery or the fishery automatically appear when there is something to process. If you set them to repeat, they will eventually get cancelled. It seems like it stopped working because the job disappears, but it's because you finished all of the unprepared fish or slaughtered all animals designated for slaughter.
If your workers aren't just doing it on their own without your intervention when you have a backlog of unprocessed meat/fish, try disabling some of their hauling labors.
If you don't have any seeds, soil layers, or water, get some poultry animals and give them some nest boxes. The only attention they require is gathering eggs that they lay. They are pretty good animals for passively increasing the fort's food.
If things are really dire and you have a worker to spare, designate their only job as plant gathering, and then (d)esignate the entire surface for gathering plants. You can probably feed everyone a few times over by gathering whatever berries/wheats/roots are on the surface, but it won't be sustainable for a large fort. You'll also get a few seeds.
If you don't have suitable underground farming area, you'll likely get many surface crop seeds from gathering plants. If you (b)uild a r(O)ad that isn't paved, your workers will just furrow the land. This might be helpful when trying to place an above ground farm.
If you are growing crops and you have planters to plant crops, visit the (o)rders menu and set it so that only farmers harvest. This increases their experience faster, which lets them grow more plants per tile in the future.
Finally, if you have a lot of inedible ingredients, you can queue up a chef to make simple meals (biscuits) at your kitchen, which will turn inedible ingredients like flour and certain leaves into actual food. If you don't have many seeds or alcohol, visit the kitchen tab in the stocks menu (z) and disable the cooking of seeds and alcohol to prevent burning up the last of your resources.
Then conquer anything that can be.
Adding onto this, if you get an underground area exposed to daylight then tile over to make it 'indoors' again it's still flagged as outside, iirc, allowing plot growth. Another trick is to make soil on rock by getting a full tile of water (one 7 square) and flooding it into a room. It will let you grow where the water was.
Alternatively, if you have the soil, dig down to the caverns. Upon discovering it, brick it back up, because once opened any underground bits in your fort higher up will start growing the cavern level plants (and fungus you can use as trees)
So question to someone who has played the most recent patches.
I have been having a problem with something since the update last summer.
However this is not the problem
Has this been fixed?
In the old version when you threw any enemy down a pit they were restrained and wouldn't attack.
Why does that happen?
There's just a flag in the code which determines whether plants from each cavern layer can grow. When you breach the cavern, it gets set.
In lore terms, it's spores.
I love generating worlds with no population or site cap. The only problem is that I can only generate for about 300 years before the game runs too slow. Is it possible to slow the population growth in world generation?
the string never ends.
Don't do this to him.
The best ruler is the one who has to rule, not the one who wants to.
Suck my fucking dick you kike mark
Mod in toilets and sewers
I think this is still a problem. It may be related to climbing (they grab the edge as you try to throw them in or some such), try doing it with an overhanging floor. IIRC, putting a locked (forbidden) trapdoor over the pit has been reported to work as well.
Fuck me that's god damn terrifying how the fuck can a single woman even afford all that food/litter holy fucking shit.
Going off memory, slap a tightly locked trapdoor over the holes and put the cages right next to them, minimizing chances to escape.
ginkgo everywhere
Build cages containing your desired dumping subject near the pit.
Enemies have always been able to escape when being led to their demise in old versions or new.
I'm interested in playing. As a newfaggot, what should I download and what guides should I read/watch?
Download the game and the read the wiki quickstart guide
dorf automata when
I really wish there was a way to make the UI better.
I know how to use the UI. I know how to play the game, but I really don't want to play the game because the UI is such fuck ass to use.
I don't really get why people complain about the ui. Once you get used to it its alright.
getting these embarks with fruits, nuts, berries, etc everywhere, can't help but think df is a rather pretty world
Armok's fantasies are full of beauty and bloodshed.
I got bored and decided to plot Bay12's monthly income.
I think persimmons are bitter.
when did he start using patreon?
depends what variety, and if you let it fully ripe
looks like astringent taste is the same chemical used for tanning leather.
Has toady ever said when he thinks he'll be done? And if he will go beyond 1.0?
to think he gave up being a maths prof.
what a fucking hack.
April 27th, last year.
I think he's admitted, at least jokingly that he knows it will never be done. I can't imagine he'll be able to stop, even once he gets all "basic features" in, or whatever 1.0 will mean.
Have you tried this starter pack? It's usually a couple versions behind, but includes a bunch of external tools for managing things like labor assignments, and even hacks in a few improvements to the game UI itself, such as adding a search function in places where you had to deal with long lists.
Do tablecats keep your mouse warm or do they chase after it? Do they improve the gaming experience when playing games like DF?
not sure if overkill
Crops and Herbs • Trees • Grasses
Blade weed • Bloated tuber • Fisher berry • Hide root • Kobold bulb • Longland grass • Muck root • Prickle berry • Rat weed • Rope reed • Sliver barb • Strawberry • Sun berry • Valley herb • Whip vine
Single-grain wheat • Two-grain wheat • Soft wheat • Hard wheat • Spelt • Barley • Buckwheat • Oats • Alfalfa • Rye • Sorghum • Rice • Maize • Quinoa • Kaniwa • Bitter vetch • Pendant amaranth • Blood amaranth • Purple amaranth • Red spinach • Elephant-head amaranth • Pearl millet • White millet • Finger millet • Foxtail millet • Fonio • Teff • Flax • Jute • Hemp • Cotton • Ramie • Kenaf • Papyrus sedge
Artichoke • Asparagus • Bambara groundnut • Broad bean • Beet • Bitter melon • Cabbage • Caper • Wild carrot • Cassava • Celery • Chickpea • Chicory • Cowpea • Cucumber • Eggplant • Garden cress • Garlic • Horned melon • Leek • Lentil • Lettuce • Mung bean • Muskmelon • Onion • Parsnip • Pea • Peanut • Pepper • Potato • Radish • Red bean • Rhubarb • Soybean • Spinach • Squash • String bean • Sweet potato • Taro • Tomato • Tomatillo • Turnip • Urad bean • Watermelon • Winter melon • Lesser yam • Long yam • Purple yam • White yam
Passion fruit • Grape • Cranberry • Bilberry • Blueberry • Blackberry • Raspberry • Pineapple
Subterranean Plants Cave wheat • Dimple cup • Pig tail • Plump helmet • Quarry bush • Sweet pod
Acacia • Alder • Ash • Birch • Cacao tree • Candlenut • Cedar • Chestnut • Feather tree • Glumprong • Highwood • Kapok • Larch • Mahogany • Mango tree • Mangrove • Maple • Oak • Palm • Pine • Rubber tree • Saguaro • Willow
Abaca • Almond • Apple • Apricot • Avocado • Banana • Bayberry • Bitter orange • Carambola • Cashew • Cherry • Citron • Coconut palm • Coffee • Custard-apple • Date palm • Desert lime • Durian • Finger lime • Ginkgo • Guava • Hazel • Kumquat • Lime • Lychee • Macadamia • Olive • Orange • Papaya • Paradise nut • Peach • Pear • Pecan • Persimmon • Plum • Pomegranate • Pomelo • Rambutan • Round lime • Sand pear • Tea • Walnut
Black-cap • Blood thorn • Fungiwood • Goblin-cap • Nether-cap • Spore tree • Tower-cap • Tunnel tube
Meadow-grass • Hair grass • Bentgrass • Ryegrass • Fescue grass • Reedgrass • Knotgrass • Zoysia • Dog's tooth grass • Dallisgrass • Carpetgrass • Satintail • Grama • Dropseed grass • Needle grass • Baby toes succulent • Pebble plant • Blue sedge • Field sedge • Purple moor grass • Velvet grass • Meadowsweet • Rush • Marsh thistle • Common reed • Cattail • Sawgrass • Cottongrass • White mountain heather • Mountain avens • Cloudberry • Wormy tendril • Staring eyeball • Bubble bulb • Downy grass • Arrow bamboo • Golden bamboo • Hedge bamboo
Cave moss • Floor fungus
Im trying to get into this game but I cant get past certain stuff
I create a wrold and use the finder to search a perfect piece of land it has everything and no aquifer. I embark and turns out I cant farm anywhere. I build a farm but it says no soil/clay while it clearly said on the map very deep soil and clay
Also the start adventure, the default embark is supposed to have seeds but I cant find any on the farm menu? Am I missing something?
Use K to look at the ground you want to place it in. It can only be placed on clay/soil but eventually the deeper you more likely you'll find stone. Deep soil on the embark means that the clay/soil just goes down deeper but only for a few more layers. Farms have to be made near the surface unless you can pour water on stone to make it muddy.
well there's your problem.
start off with underground farms
You have to let them blet first. Wild persimmons are great.
Because you are dwarves, all the seeds you bring are for underground plants. If you want surface plant seeds, you'll have to buy them from traders, or gather wild plants (d->p) on the surface.
not even yesterday I learned that getting cursed by a mummy means you might as well delete your character
I used to be able to take on every single fight i came across
i was a dwarven peasant living in a hillock, and on the first or second day of adventuring, I was attacked by an alligator in a town and i killed it by myself
then later that day in the same town, i was attacked by a giant alligator while i was slowed down by newly-acquired armor, and i killed that without taking a scratch
later on i went on to kill tons of bandits and bandit lords and maybe a dozen night creatures; I hadn't had to run away from a single fight that I encountered and I never even got any companions, and I even killed a cyclops(the only megabeast whose lair I found) all by myself without even taking a scratch
his weapons of choice were an iron two-hnaded swords(singlegrasped since he was large) and a copper shield(later replaced with a decorated masterwork one)
the worst mistake that I made on that adventurer is that I decided to go into a tomb
there I met a mummy who cursed me, making me feel horrible
I killed the mummy and survived the skeletons, which there werent that many of, since the mummy came at me from outside of his room, but after that day, I fought 3 enemies; an eagle, a fox, and a black bear
on the first turn, I grabbed the eagle
the eagle landed I think the first scratch on him that he ever got, and almost all of my attacks and grabs missed and I couldn't even do a simple throw-down with superdwarven strength and over accomplished wrestling after grabbing it
I killed the fox with ease, but I think I mightve missed it once
then the frail black bear made me unable to stand, unable to grasp(i think), and unable to breathe and pass out twice, and it just left after the first time
I suffocated to death, and I couldn't land a single scratch on the bear at all
it doesn't matter how OP you think you are, unless you're already undead or a necromancer, NEVER enter a tomb
I'm playing dorf fort for the first time, got a couple of questions.
I ran out of plump helmet spawn after the first planting/harvest, where do I get more?
Is there a difference between setting a work order from the manager screen as a perpetual order vs making it a repeating task at a workshop? I'm trying to make my dorfs always be brewing, and I'm not sure which is the proper way to go about doing that.
Also, should I always be cooking food/brewing or only when I'm running low on supplies?
You get more seeds by processing the plants. In some cases this is by milling or at the farmers workshop. Brewing will always yield seeds as will eating the plants. Cooking will never yield seeds but it is a good way to remove excess seeds or booze from the fort. Plump helmets should be brewed.
If you assign a job on repeat it will continue until the job is cancelled or fails. The manager works by assigning the task to a workshop automatically. The newest versions of DF allow you to set perpetual manager orders and conditions so you can eg automatically order dwarves to brew something if you have enough plants but few barrels of booze
I had an idea that all migrants, if they are not wanted, would be forced to fight for their citizenship in a colosseum. I'd make it a meeting hall, lock them in when they come for booze, and drop in some captured gobbos or wild animals. It would even have obstacles like traps, spiked pits, and even a minecart that rolls around the edge of the arena. Those that survive are welcomed into the fortress.
Like most megaprojects, they get halfway finished and then I get tired of making an efficient delivery system between the magma sea and the fortress up top, a new version comes out, or I suffer FPS death.
How do I dorf?
My miners usually die or just give up and laze around at the fucking empty cart instead of at the DESIGNATED meeting area before I can build anything else.
Also, can you pick up shit from dead dwarfs?
you probably didn't run out, it's just that the seeds/spawn are in the grown plump helmets. gotta brew or eat them to get seeds back.
a. no job to do,
b. don't have the particular labor assigned.
c. draft into military
deconstruct wagon, build dining hall from table.
i think they're autoforbid at first, just gotta claim forbidden items to get hauled.
How do you build the workshop? It says it needs a carpentry, but the wiki says you need a workshop for that.
I guess that's it. They had picks and were miners, but wouldn't dig.
That worked, thanks.
I have four dorfs working, taking shit and putting them into the storage and taking brief stops to farm, two dead dorfs in my basement and this little cunt who just sleeps and walks around.
She won't bury the dead dorfs.
She won't build the fucking workshops.
She won't fucking finish digging what the dead dorfs were digging.
All she does is take a fucking tool, hog it to herself and not fucking use the god damn thing.
God damn I want to fucking make the other dorfs murder her.
Nevermind, got the cunt working by placing dig spots right in front of her cunt face.
there's carpentry, the labor
and then there's carpenter's workshop.
a dwarf should already have that labor enabled/assigned, if not, enable/assign that labor.
v (select dwarf)
-/+, enter
might want to make a (i)zone/n(pasture) for those.
my main issue with rimworld is that if my doctors get killed somehow, then even my people get a tiny scratch, they'll almost definitely die either from bleeding or from an infection, because nobody is smart enough to know how to use a bandage
I already did, but the guy didn't want to work for some reason. I'm not sure if it was because he was in another level or if my game is just fucked.
He died.
Everything is dying.
I'm out of food despite having a farm.
Reminder that Toady became SJW
To make a workshop you need a labor depending on the material youre making it from. If you need carpentry its because youre using wood. Sometimes you need Architecture enabled too
You probably didnt put them in a burrow or seal them off so thats fine. What kibd of digging, regular or channeling?
What might have happened is you couldhave hit m to toggle the digs to marker (blue) only.
I can pretty much guarantee them not going to work was your fault somehow.
Better luck next fort!
I just thought if I cant plant above ground there's no way I'll find good soil underground. Thanks
I had the materials, even got some guy to make it once they decided to work on it.
I made dig to the stair room then channel down. I made the channels in a stair-like way, not one on top of the other, and dorfs did move down, so I know I didn't fuck that up.
It happened last fort as well, some dwarf just stopped mining and stayed at the rest room till he died. He did have a pickaxe, the dig tile was at the same level and I enabled mine labor, so I'm not sure what went wrong.
Do they have moods? Like "I'm hungry, fuck working"?
If I remember well v->w show the wound, but also the state like starving, thirsty or unconscious but I don't remember moods like that
designate or i(zone), gather plants
needs more screencaps
never heard that word before
A few months later
Next month
Now I'm trying to get back on my feet while at the same time sealing up the fort from another invasion.
What's wrong now? They made the ramp just fine but they dont want to mine the underground, I've been waiting but they wont to mine
God I swear Im trying this game my hardest but every time there's some small thing that blocks all the process
I don't think that's the problem but maybe the slope are stopping them, try removing them first
that's an odd colour for mining designation
i think that's (m)arker mode
Your designation is in marker mode.
To fix it do: d->M (toggle marker mode) and select the whole area.
Started again and had the same problem. Yeah, it was me pressing all the keys at the same time, toggled marker mode. Thanks
My nigger.
Can I learn how to play this in a day
Refer to my first post, fam. Yeah you can learn the basics. But it's a game of trial and error until you get the hang of it.
It's a game of trial and error every time you load it up. Every fort dies eventually, and you will get better with each attempt. Even your longest running fort will get raped and pillaged one day, and that day you will learn how to make a fort last even longer.
You can learn the basics - maybe get your first farm working or set up a few bedrooms.
It'll take a few days before you can hope to have a working military or build an artificial water source for your dwarves.
A lot of it depends on how much of a natural engineer you are.
Niice, was getting burned out from installing RiimWorld mod so I decided to try this instead
RimWorld is pleb tier. Go knock yourself out with DF and never play another game again.
Rimworld is fun, but it's not dwarf fortress levels of deep gameplay and possibilities. I would recommend mods to lessen the barrier if you can't stand df's graphics, but the best part of playing is that you use your imagination to visualize what's happening.
4 hours playing on what I think that is a massive gorge with a waterfall
What do I use to fortify a fortress entrance? Are the walls on the building section b - C good for that or do they just jump them or something?
Walls generally work, but I'd only use them if you need to secure a region of the surface - eg. for animals to graze or your military to train and prevent cave adaptation.
The standard entrance design is a 3-wide tunnel with a raising bridge linked to a lever to seal it. The bridge should be inside the tunnel so that when it raises it forms a wall. You can then, optionally, provide an alternate path for invaders to go along which is full of horrible traps and magma.
Fuckin Odin
Great sign.
I randomly installed it from my distros repo and I've been playing for 13 hours
How do I get my miners not to die?
I'm already making buckets for their thirst but they are hungry and won't go up to eat.
Is the food in a food stockpile? If not it will rot.
Can they actually reach the surface? Ramps can be dug in such a way as to trap miners.
Also you shouldn't need buckets. They should drink from the barrel if there's booze available. Otherwise they'll just drink straight from any flowing water source.
Am I stupid or smart?
I have a farm and a manager perpetually telling other to make basic food. Both stockpiles are available. though they're not food-only, is that a problem?
There's booze two floors above, but they just dig down and dehydrate to death. I don't know why, they can go up and down and the ones above are fine.
I think you've built those ramps in such a way that they can't get back up. Try building a floor over a single one of those downward ramps.
Basically a ramp only lets you move diagonally in one direction. The side you exit from has to be opposite the side you come in from, and there has to be a wall or solid rock behind the ramp. The dwarves in the pit can only exit into the northern section of that tunnel, so they'd have to jump over the pit to get to the food. They aren't smart enough to do that.
breety dumb honestly.
Oh, that's why they just randomly destroyed some ramps.
Well, fuck, now all my miners are stuck down there.
Just build a floor over one part of it, then they will be able to path back to the food.
Also, by "solid rock" I basically mean any kind of naturally occurring solid material, including sand.
Welp, everything is dying again.
New fort, I guess, this time without fancy wide stairs.
The thing is, all my miners destroyed it from bellow and the ones above refuse to go down.
There was never any chance at victory.
You've got wood. Just build a single wooden floor. There's at least one dwarf there who could do it.
There was.
what's the wavy red thing on my map?
in the first pic?
looks like dirt or something
5th pic,
on my map
Oh, that's from the overview map on the right side of the screen? In that case the red is showing you where some creatures are, and the blue is where your guys are.
New player here. What do I furnish a temple with? I've noticed that the bulk of my Dwarves were getting moody over not worshipping, so I designated an area for that, and now I don't know what to do with it. The wiki isn't helping.
Also I'm scared as fuck over how much "fun" my first siege will be
I think all you need is a big empty room assigned as a temple and the dorfs will go and pray there when they're not busy. I usually put some chairs and statues in temples though since it will give them happy thoughts if they're of high quality, since dwarves have a real hard-on for good stonework. Maybe engrave some walls, too.
what do plump helmets taste like?
I always imagined them tasting like a portabella mushroom mixed with beer.
My first death. He jumped into a river after being attacked by a badger and drowned. How do I get this corpse out?
No bullying for tilesets, pls
Like the first one you posted.
They´re sturdy and spongy and all that shit.
What tileset is this?
Also, you should wait for winter and dig him up with a ramp.
Phoebus, it's the default that comes with a starter pack I found in another DF General's OP. Also, I think It may be too warm for the river to freeze over.
You may have to divert the river.
I didn't even know I was meant to bully you for this so thanks for letting me know FAG
Don't be a Stallman fag. There's nothing wrong with Visual Studio.
Once I get the basics, the game's pretty underwhelming. Where's that famous dorf fort challenge? My fort has enough food and drinks, keeps growing, has fancy furniture, I havent seen anything hostile yet
mine is 2.8 am I burning my pc?
How long have you been there? The first siege tends to end a lot of newbie forts.
I once had a fortress in a swamp that was wiped out in the first season because a pack of beakdogs moved into the area and hunted the settlers down.
When should I use "channel" instead of diggiing?
When you are digging channel instead of a tunnel. Anyway, I haven't played for a long, long time, but if you want to dig a big pit, you need to dig slopes and then remove them, otherwise your dorfs will keep trapping themselves on isles.
i see
diverting rivers, creating moats, excavation
it's pretty much mining, but auto-slopes the perimeter.
Yeah, since they dig channels while standing on the "shore", they used to completely surround themselves with channels and then spam "job cancelled". It seems that it was fixed by addition of that auto-sloping now.
0.4 Ghz is a difference of about 20 more dorfs while remaining in the playable spectrum of the slowdown
One of my Dorfs went insane because the fort can't into metallurgy. Should I put them down?
Usually that takes care of itself.
So to clarify, in the current version, channeling is effectively the same as carving upward ramps, the only difference is whether you dig down or up. Channel removes walls in the current level and the one below, ramps remove walls on the current level and the one above.
Why do people do that?
I wish this game had challenging gameplay like in 2D and wasn't just a tedious micromanagy ugly lego castle maker
I haven't played this in a long while but I've heard 34.11 is better to make a fortress than the current version because the current is kinda glitchy because of all the changes to adventuring mode, is this true?
Here is a picture of a smug black man holding a book
You need instruments too, I think.
for what purpose? make rock pots at a craftsdwarf workshop. save wood for bins, splints/crutches, and beds.
is this image a troll?
My dorfs are vehemently refusing to move some logs to build a floor.
They're not forbidden, and I haven't bothered making a wood stockpile yet because of how much wood I have.
h… how am i supposed to feel?
did kobolds always cry
If goblins can…
>I always did it to goblins
pic related
not shown is a group of about 15 or so trolls behind them.
I forgot to mention they are all riding beak dogs too
Does anyone think Toady is just endlessly stretching out this game with pointless kitchen sink content to keep himself afloat?
Toady made the whole 2D game in 4ish years which included most of the features in the game today. Since then there haven't been that many gameplay changes
What the fuck is it with bait the last couple of days?
Every single thread has some nigger that will stir shit up and then pretend to be "sencerely concerned".
Nigger, EVERYTHING in the game is the kitchen sink. The game is loves so much BECAUSE of the kitchen sink. The kitchen sink IS the fucking game. Now fuck off and kill yourself preferably.
If you did things right just isolate the fortress until they leave.
make moar fortifications, spam crossbowmen. Here, look at this page dwarffortresswiki.org
Thats pretty much what I've been doing.
not really the original game was actually challenging so most of the gameplay features were useful.
retards like you think it's cool to have the whole game be a "simulation" so a whole bunch of stuff happens that has nothing to do with your game experience, and that's "really fucking exciting". The simulation shit is actually getting in the way of the game like infinite free logs and no sieges.
like I said Toady made the whole framework of the game, world generation, combat, food, economy, trade, everything in 4 years. Now it's been TEN years and we've got 3D, realistic trees, sweat, taverns, climbing, all useless shit which doesn't effect the gameplay in any way
Kill yourself already.
Is there any use for the Ambush skill in Fort Mode? Could I have my own squad of ninja dorf assassins?
Hunters use ambush skill if I remember right.
Not making any real argument and just screaming kill yourself bait makes it seem likes you're just an idiot fanboy dedicating to playing shit
in the 2D game, trees were each 1 log, so the more logs you chopped down, the farther you had to go from the entrance to get logs. This is a GAMEPLAY MECHANIC that makes a GAME.
saying "Hey lets make trees really big because that would be a really realistic super cool SIMULATION" is fucking retarded kitchen sink shit.
Kill yourself
What Toady should do is polish up the 2D game and finish the economy, then release for money, then use his PHD work ethic to make something cooler, like liberal crime squad 2
Kill yourself
So it's an unfinished/unpolished feature, right.
Man, I wonder if you'll be able to order your dorfs to use stealth and tactics come next version. Nothing like setting up ambush spots and killzones while the enemy is marching to your front door.
Ok I am going to install this for the first time. wish me luck.
Military is generally a shitshow and always was.
Like how marksmen cant aim up or down z-levels FOR WHATEVER FUCKING REASON so full triple-thick walls with parapets and shit are useless.
Just dont embark on an ocean beach tile or your game will implode in its own asshole before your fort goes down for gameplay reasons.
ok fuck this I am installing dark souls 2
I haven't played since big trees were first added.
What has changed?
and nothing of value was lost
mind attributes got rewritten to support poetry and music, tavern was added
Since when? Has this changed recently? I distinctly remember having cross dwarves fight off an invasion.
Perhaps what you're referring to is the fact that they're retarded and will often leap off the wall and start hitting the enemy with their bows. IIRC the trick to avoiding this is telling them defend the wall (as a burrow) instead of "stationing" them there.
May have changed since the last time I actually played the game instead of shitposting about it online.
They couldnt aim across z-levels the last time I made a marksmen squad, thats for sure, because I NEVER FUCKING MADE ONE AGAIN.
Climbing enemies.
I tried playing this but it just seems like it would take too long to learn
I can understand why people like it but for me its a little hard to see what is going on, and having all these menu buttons is not something im used to
Just watch all of 5ippycups videos, and follow along with him as he does things. Thats how I learned. Walk before you can run.
Learning is the best part of the game, after you've mastered it the game becomes trivial.
That was fast I'm not even fucking through my aquifer yet
How likely is that? I'm still too scared to try to enbark to an area with aquifer.
I've never had that problem