Other urls found in this thread:


Why would I care about a sequel that's 20 years too late?

No surpsise here

Why are you surprised? Everyone already knew that Otherside was staffed by utter cucks.

System Shock 2 wasn't even that good, the first game was much better.

This, there is also that system shock remake that probably wont be SJW shit but just regular shit.

I don't get it

x followed y on Twitter, v doesn't like y therefore v doesn't like x.

Do people here just sit on Twitter waiting to pass news along to Holla Forums?

He's a fucking hack, a hypocrite, SJW cuck.

Would sure be terrible if Otherside knew what FemFreq was like.
Pics related.
https:[email protected]/* *//dishonesty-feminist-frequency-part-1-fe937f6a791e

However, I think they did it because FemFreq was gonna do a "bad video" on them (remember they did the same for Halo 4?), or they are a new SJW team who know they can't meet the original's standards, so they are going to bait the Portal audience.


FemFreq still puts out videos at all?


There's also rumors about her abusing the non-profit status, or outright lying about how much she earns.

Not sure. Needs more digging.

It sadly seems to be the case. Cancer is what it is.

You guys were going to lament the death of this franchise regardless.

Because the companies either drank kool aid and would love to help,
Or are under the delusion she has power with her minons of dry-brainers who will sabotage their launch with bar pr. So they cough up money, give her a tour, pose for a picture, etc.
The game gets a few "positive" scenes, and FemFreq keeps the con rolling by keeping her ever-expanding ass relevant.

Anita is not relevant anymore, stop talking about her

fuck that sell-out cuck

Was she ever really?

If enough people believe someone has power then they actually have power.

Not really, but there was a time Holla Forums wouldn't stop talking about her, I don't want it to come back

This. That slut earns money from fags that shit on her and anons just go along.

The only real power leftists of her ilk have is whining. If you don't give a fuck they have nothing.

Just look at Dragon's Crown or Hatred.

They're fucking retarded then, because at this point being hated by SJWs is good for sales, as per

Congrats on minimizing the situation with your meme magic.

I give shit to this because of the many plotholes, plot devices and deus ex machinas always prebalent in david cage writting
he also wetn to far with the QTE fest, but the game is actually a game despite belonging to the "visual novel genere" there are plenty of ending and some semi gameplay in some of the QTE segments where the player can actually lose. it certainly is one of the best examples of the Visual Novel genere wich speacks a lot a bout the overall quality of the genere as a whole

to this day i still find no reason to play Telltales game, everything they could give me i can get from youtube, i'm not into QTEs nor brainless point and click puzzle attempt and the choises you make don't really matter as the ending is always the same regardles
The only thing in TellTales favour is that they are not absolute shit as far as writting go, but they still do not give me any incentive to play their "games" instead of just youtubeing them
Stanley Parable had less gameplay than Telltale's games and it was still better and more playable that everything they've ever done

Nope, she gets all her money from appearances, so she's way too busy appearing to make videos.

That's neo/v/ for you

I wonder if duke nukem is a femenist now.

Reminder: No vidya on Holla Forums, Holla Forums is for funposting only, sayeth half the faggots on this board.

Goobergrape made it okay to post Twitter screencaps. Mistakes have been made.


Did she ever actually fulfill her kikestarter promises?

Are you implying this thread is about vidya and not just another excuse for triggerniggers to be offended about something - about a twitter-follow of all things in this case.

Grab the wheel, user

Fuck off.

1. the people who run the social media accounts are nu-male retards because it's the only kinda job in gaming industry the fags can handle
2. they probably have pretty free hands in an independent company

Not saying the studio isn't shit, but having that in their twitter-shitter doesn't necessarily mean the game is gonna be horrible.

Btw, how do you anons know the studio is full of SJWs?

Every video she put out consisted of low-quality, poorly-researched videos that used other people's content without crediting them.

Her latest kickstarter is again ridiculously over-priced as well.

Welp, the little hope I had is gone.

the game is going to be shit because of other reasons

They are letting one of their employees make political statements using their official social media account.

We have already seen many a time that this is a strong indicator that the company itself espouses such views, hence why their PR person felt bold enough to do it in the first place.

That's not a fucking excuse. The employees are the face of the company, their behavior directly reflects on the company as well. Either the place is run by retards that don't know what they are doing, or they simply agree with him/her.

Yeah, it does.

What exact condemnable marxist principles do these SJWs follow, user? Surely you aren't using it as a buzzword, are you?

We already knew System Shock 3 team were SJWs.

It's a fact of nature that those against meritocracy ( IE. SJWs who demand quotas over merit ) have no merit thus SS3 will be garbage.



Man, she looks like she takes small sips from the Wrong Holy Grail.

We know where all her kikestarter money goes at least.


I heard you're a feminist now? Get whale soon!

I actually find the former more likely, though it's not as much retardation as just inexperience and naivety. I've seen it enough many times, especially with older people who are focused on a specific field of their own, they tend to trust people outside their fields way too much. This is why social media and internet consulting is booming. The old folks don't understand what's going on in the world and the can't tell the hacks apart from the professionals. Every dumbshit can add to their portfolio that they have managed internet communities for a decade, and it sounds impressive to the poor fools, while actually just means that they were moderators on some shitty videogame clan forum.

Now now, it's not a bait. I just think that the real reasons why people should hate these "SJWs" doesn't actually relate to the core-ideals of marxism.

Not having any hope to begin with sure is the best.

I'm gonna miss you a little once the wall is built and you're thrown on the other side. Just a little.

Stop inventing excuses for these clowns.

This is the same shit as with Mighty No. 9. Everyone kept saying Dina and her shit wasn't indicative of gross mismanagement and/or political cancer, and look how that ended up.

The core ideals of Marxism are the destruction of Western civilization so the Chosen People can rule the Earth.

Marxism is poison, everything it has spawned or touched has turned to cancer. It has killed more people than any other ideology in the history of the human race.

All in all, it really does remind me of something else.

And I just remember, wasn't the animator for this developer an infamous furry autist that makes furry animations or something in that vein?

Hi reddit

People would do anything to post in Holla Forums. Everything except play video games.

Still mad?


Are you sure you aren't inventing excuses to be anti-social cunt? Which one is more-likely: the idea that people are dumb and make dumb decisions because our competitive society encourages spontaneous action over reserved consideration, or that there is a jewish conspiracy in the shadows, seeking destruction of mankind? If a dumb shit like yourself wish to have any chance of making a difference, then you better learn to articulate reasons why marxism is bad.

Note: I am not saying marxism is good, I am saying that you are a fucking awful at being a social animal.

SJWs aren't actually Marxist. Although even Marx at one point said he wasn't a Marxist because of people misinterpreting everything so maybe SJWs really think they are.

It would be nice of you to prove points 2 and 3 (in this scenario) have taken place. Following someone does not equate to endorsement or willingness to follow command.

They may be following Femfreq to see their insanity in real time and reply/critique/rebut. Until we see them bending to their will I think all this panic is premature.

Dear God.

Yup, it's like he says, nostalgia bait and nothing else.

Maxof2STDs? Yeah, something like that.

Oh, it's no conspiracy, it's merely the nature of the Jew. I don't think the elders of Zion or whatever have a get together every few years to discuss how to fuck over the goyim some more, I just know that general Jewish behavior and thought patterns lead to dead goyim time and time again.

There's a reason they've been viciously persecuted by every other race, ethnicity, creed and ideology on the planet since they became a thing.

Holla Forums, you truly are a vile bunch of race traitors.

i'm sure this will turn out alright and Holla Forums is just having a knee-jerk reaction to things again as always ,there simply are no indications to the contrary

They aren't. The core idea of marxism is that the workers own the means of production. SJWs do not care about that, so they are not marxists. Leftists are on their side though.

And they are all cancer that should be gassed.

yeah,yeah and the core idea of communism is that everyone is equal ot one another , but when it goes into practice it never works out like that and the no true scotsman is evoked in that case too

keep backpedalling

It comes back to the Fankfurt school of cultural marxism and it's suggested methods of subverting cultures.

Of couse the average plebbit/pol/tard doesn't know anything about that and thinks of Stalin when he hears the word marxism.

Prove point 2 and 3 happened in this scenario? I can prove it happened in other scenarios.

I'm not saying is offering to X directly. But that's what she does, that's her job: she wants to influence the industry and charge them truckloads of money for telling them how to be politically correct (as read on her website: "Anita lectures and presents at universities, conferences and game development studios internationally"). This is why she received funding from Microsoft, got Google's support, and is present on Twitter's "security and harassment or whatever bullshit people are afraid of nowadays" panel. So yeah, she does provide these services to devs.

Still from her website: "Anita was the recipient of the 2014 Game Developers Choice Ambassador Award, she was given a 2013 honorary award from National Academy of Video Game Trade Reviewers and was nominated for Microsoft’s 2014 Women in Games Ambassador Award." That's what I call a foot in the industry. She made a conference for Dice which impacted Mirror's Edge Catalyst, she got cameos in shitty indie games and Far Cry 4, she's seen again and again in "special thanks" credits (Firewatch, Hyper Light Drifter, TowerFall, Among the Sleep, …)

That's. Her. Job. That's. What. She. Gets. Paid. For.
Why would a dev follow someone who's related to their work? Why don't you raise even an eyebrow to this?

Replace "bourgeoisie" with "white people" and it's the same, exact shit.

Externalizing blame, targeting a group of people that are easy to bllame and have little recourse to defend themselves, and then presenting a set of "solutions" that anyone with a fucking brain can see will only lead to bloodshed, death and misery as the cure to all of society's ills.

The fact you are trying to distance yourself from this filth just makes you even more pathetic in my eyes. The left, after all, always eats their own in the end.

And above all else

Where do you think the Frankfurt school got it's funding from you dumb summerfag?

Communism is pretty shit, but it's not like a natsoc-clown has much ground to feel superior.

As bad as right wing governments can get, they'll never be as bad as left wing ones.

If the Nazis or the like were in power Europe wouldn't be on a one way ticket to becoming Eurabia, with a smattering of Africa 2.0.

But good job invoking false equivalence like the dumb little Jew lover you are.

Nice vidya thread fags

Why would you want a remake of a masterpiece? There's no way it'd be as good. Play the original.

Mount and Blade 2 is basically a "remake" of the original, in the sense that they took what worked with the first game and expanded on it, while fixing the previous game's defects.

This shit on the other hand is just baiting for the lazy. Take beloved IP, put it in the Unity rape blender, put it a few "wink wink nudge nudge" moments for the "old" fans, and then proceed to make a product inferior in every way to the original other than maybe in graphical fidelity.

Oh, and be sure to pozz it up with a healthy dose of social justice. It's the current year after all.

Nazis were not right-wing, though. They were revolutionaries appealing to insecurities of the common folk. Just like the bolsheviks. If nazis hadn't been the violent animals they were, we could probably deal with the muslim issue with better rationality. Thanks to the shit-tier legacy of Hitler, half of the population still has the knee-jerk rejection to anything that resembles even superficially of the third reich.


Kill yourself.

ok then what is cultural Marxism ?

That made me laugh, thanks.

I'm sorry, I just can't refuse myself from good political shitposting. I think I have an issue.

Nice dubs, btw.

c ya on leftypol fags

Lip service. Or, like I already said: to see their messages in real time in order to rebut and/or defend other devs. Again: following someone is not the same as agreeing with everything they say so much as it is wanting to see what that person says when they say it.

Because this is speculation at best. Does Anita do all those things you mentioned? Yeah, but where has she done so in this case?

Could all that change in the future, with this new SS remake gaining specific input from her? Absolutely. And when that can be proved I'll eat my fucking hat. But until then all we know is that someone followed someone else. God fucking forbid.

Let's me put this straight.

Do you want me to believe these devs have no idea whatsoever who she is, and yet decided to follow her? After all the noise she made, after all the "threat and harassment" articles (in video games websites, financial journals and mainstream broadcasts), after receiving awards from conferences they also attend… you want me to believe they just follow her to see how insane she is? Like they aren't interested in the least about her point of view regarding video games content?

A simple yes or no will do.

At least Shodan will still have its original voice intact instead of being changed because muh gender and the music will be good.

All the good things I can say about the game end here.

They follow her because they agree with her. Nothing new or novel about this in the vidya industry.

Or do you have examples of developers that follow Anita to argue/disagree with her?

Stop being a fucking fanboy and take their dildo out of your ass.

The vague, poorly articulated ideas of the unshaven leech Karl Marx as applied to social theory by the Frankfurt School and their numerous offshoots, with additional influences from Kabbalah.

And here is Cultural Marxism distilled to its core idea.

I'm very convinced rationality is exactly the kind of solution to an entire philosophy of subversion. Religion of peace, right?

Care to tell me exactly what the fuck they did that was so violent, or perhaps you just don't know jack shit about history and love that knee-jerk shit you got taught in high school?


Gas yourself


stupid Holla Forums shit on this thread aside, if the game turns into a fucking political lecture at any point in the game, thats a game that I will stop to play instantly. Theres plenty of good games coming out so why should I waste my time with something that tries its best to shame me for having a penis?

So you don't care that the gameplay they've shown so far is complete ass?

I was talking about a scenario where the game would be otherwise good.

Implying you wouldn't want a lewd Shodan teasing your dick in VR

Ugh. You're gross with your toxic comments.
I don't need you to mansplain things to me.

Fucking niggers

system shock 2 was dogshit honestly
I liked the first bit, and the shodan reveal, and was interested in the whole idea but they shat all over their own story towards the end by making a linear boring story.
And then the games just makes your decisions for you and ends in one of the most anticlimatic retarded cutscenes in all of video games

Plot was a waste, yeah. But I adore the gameplay and I wish more games adopted a similar FPSRPG style.

b-b-b-b-but muh update

SS2 was good.
It's not a RPG, you don't need branching paths and decision - especially when they don't make sense. why would anyone help Shodan?

Confirmation bias is a thing you know.

Holla Forums seems to get more and more paranoid with each passing day. Next a dev will say "I want my next game to have a female protagonist" and everyone here will call him a cuck and an SJW.

Harambe is alive!?

I would if I had infinite food and water for free at my disposal.

you sound like an idiotic kid who parrots everything his marxism-indoctrinated teacher told you in school

And I always thought that repetition and observation leads to learning how things work (you know, so you stop putting your hand on a hot stove for instance). Turns out I was wrong.

I don't even know where to begin.

well, someone has to do it.


I see the goon shills never left.

A company's official twitter account following someone isn't a smoking gun that suddenly the entire company is infested with SJWs and Anthony Burch cuckolds and that suddenly the game will have a pro social justice agenda. You're inferring a lot based on something that means very little.

For starters there's a ton of actual reasons I can see the dev following Anita on twitter. The obvious one is PR.

The dev following Anita on twitter looks good for their image. The only reason they even have a twitter account is to be the public face of the company. Bare in mind most of the actual software guys on these games usually don't give a shit about this sort of thing and it's the guys who handle marketing that figure it's a good idea to follow a popular person all the kids talk about on twitter.


you just don't get it man

You must adhere to a set of impossible rules that has been set by them in order so when and if you win you can claim both the moral and actual superiority to them. They however don't have to follow these rules because of reasons 'n'shit so when they win you can at least still claim the moral high-ground as the loser this time again

Nice bait, but seriously you are not welcome here.

tell me Im not the only one that wanted to help her to recreate reality and hold her digital hand

Okay. How far will they go for PR? Shit on their game? Shit on their audience? You know. For PR.

In actual software circles and to popular news sources Anita is "controversial" because of her statements on wanting "equality for women" and is harassed for it. It's why the U.N. had her and Zoe Quinn talk about feminism.

That's all these devs know about Anita Sarkeesian. And it's the path of least resistance to just follow a popular figure on Twitter that all of the news sources you read are talking positively about to generate good buzz about the project.

When have they done either?

I just want some evidence that these devs are SJWs and have an agenda. So far I'm just seeing "well their twitter account followed a popular feminist figure". If they followed Milo Yiannopoulos you wouldn't assume they were pushing a right wing agenda.

Because, unlike Milo, Sarkeesian is making money as a narrative consultant for video games.

Which again means very little. I want a statement saying "we're now consulting Anita Sarkeesian on the narrative of our game". Til then it's just pointless assumptions when there's a much more rational explanation for it.

I'd like to dick the evil out of her as well.

GG are masochists, they love masturbating to this fantasy they are embattled, noble knights attacked from every side, falling down in the end, but being remember as these noble defeatists.

Because we know that the leftists never bother with historical revisionism.

By your logic Mass Effect 4 is just as unlikely to be infected with the liberal cancer.

but she wouldnt be shodan anymore.

How's that 10bux doing for you?

Mass effect 4 has evidence it's infected with liberal cancer. It's a different story


Look up people defending the ugly Asari if you want a laugh

Please kill yourself
There's no bigger red fly than someone following anita.

Not what I said at all.

Interest can come in many forms.

Are they interested because they want to make sure they don't offend her?
Are they interested because they want to know who she is directing her ire at?
Are they interested in case she sets her eyes on them and they want to know about it?

Do you know which of these apply? I don't.

What evidence is there of that? Just fucking post it. Make me eat my words. Ill suck your goddamn dick through the monitor if you can prove they have done or said something in order to get in her good graces.

that's all very nice 4U since it's your money et all but not everyone share your lax and blasé point of seeing things because for them it's nothing but the first act in a play they've seen time and time again being played out in the exact same way over these past years, besides they can't follow Milo anyways because he's b& from twitter

It has? Where? Can you point out any gameplay that proves your claim?

Checkmate you fucktrad.

fuck, that game could have been baller, but as far as I know, it wasn't warren who fucked it up, rather Disney did.

Epic 2 was an incomplete schlock because it was thrown out under half of development time and had no real planned story due to Disney already shutting down warren spector's crew.


Having an actual staff member that is a "gameplay designer" who is a racist is a completely different ballpark than a p/r person following someone on the company's twitter.


No, I don't.

Psst, look at the post right above you.

She mainly wants to be a god. I'd let her be a god but make sure she doesn't treat her creatures like shit. Which she does without supervision as we see in SS2. Single moms are not the best environment for kids.

No bully


1. I think the all male cast is a bit gay. What Warren Spector is referring to is how the dev said they intentionally didn't want any female characters on the party because they wanted to tell an all male story.

Regardless of whether it's a good idea or not, in his opinion he doesn't think it's a good idea. And he's not alone, I think the cast needs more than just a handful of dudes to be interesting.

Then again it's Final Fantasy and writing has never been the series strong suit.

2. Having an interest in 19th century feminist literature doesn't really mean much. Especially since feminism in the 1800s was a completely different entity than it is today.

3. Fleming's James Bond books did contain a hint of racism and misogyny that was prevalent in the period. It's something many of the James Bond directors and even cast members in the modern day have touched upon. Daniel Craig even said about Bond that the character was a misogynist and they explored that aspect of his character in the films.

So everyone here is sperging out over who the Devs follow on Twitter? So? You retards need to stay away from Twitter nothing but cancer there. As for the game only time will tell if it's shit or not.

can you really blame her? she was almost destroyed in SS and her children are ungrateful brats

They're probably not referring to the ideal itself, but it's followers.

They might be unfaithful to that ideal, but so are pedophile Catholic priests.

You took a wrong turn on your way to cuckchan.

Warren Spector said in an interview afterward that he made the creepy pictures just so he could have free reign making a darker game. He didn't expect to get the okay based just on those but he did. It was supposed to be the over the top offer he bartered with.

He then made the game he wanted to.


what is wrong with racism and misogyny in work of fiction?

Nice gaslight, but I'm not buying it. Fuck off.

Never said being good parents is easy. Wouldn't have happened if she yielded to the power of dick on Citadel.

I don't even think it's a problem. Much like I don't judge George Washington for owning slaves. It was moreso a product of it's time and I think it's unfair to judge people in different eras based on the standards of today.

I think fiction can explore misogyny and racism in interesting ways. But it depends on how it's presented, and I always found the misogyny in Fleming's works unnecessary and distracting to the story.

I won't insult you, but there's nothing wrong with telling an all-male story though.

Films like the Wild Bunch, Die Hard, A Better Tomorrow, To Live and Die in LA, Point Break, Heat, and Seven Samurai had all-male casts and they were pretty great to both sexes. If there's any shitty contemporary media with male casts, it's probably due to shitty technical skill.

Didn't 19th century feminists demand safe spaces in the church too?

I don't either. I think Squeenix telling an all male story from a Japanese perspective is going to be really gay and full of yaoi bait

Isn't most of what comes out Japan starring an all male cast yaoi bait anyways?


I see what you mean now. It's not going to be manly in an awesome manner like the Takeshi Kitano movies.

I'll trigger you guys by going full 1488.

You don't ever want me to see me go full 1488.

Anita confirmed.

I cant let a good pair of satanic trips go unchecked


The solution to (((capitalism))) has already been found by the white race.

you're fucking retarded. "a hint"? Bond was openly racist and sexist, because men used to have balls.

What about THAT pair, user.

No he said it was a ridiculous explanation. Which is absurd because it's the most straightforward thing imaginable. The characters are male so they can tell a story about a bunch of guys.

If you flip them upside down they're 999 so technically there's a pair of trips.


Nah, they also produce pure virgin loli-only casts. I am sorry, but they are as insipid as fujoshi bait.

I respect your shit opinion.


You're not allowed to have opinions or views other than ultra-conservative, alt-right Holla Forums caricature. Otherwise you're a leftist shill, SJW, and probably a muslim terrorist.

Nobody has banned him for posting said comment, nobody has deleted his comment or in any way impeded his ability to shit out more of them.

Freedom of speech lets you say what you want, it doesn't mean anyone has to respect your shit opinions.

He's a leftist cuckold, just like you, that's more than apparent.


As a person who's actually played both, and played 1 right before 2 came out, no, no it's not.

While I'd believe that, we got any proof Disney didn't pull the rug?

I mean, the guy is a wet blanket soaked with someone elses jizz right now, but I want some proof of this prior flaw.

If any faggot goes out of their way to announce that they want their next game to have a female protagonist then yes they are a cuck and a SJW.

Even if they are quiet about it they should be suspect in current year, because that's the main reason for female protagonists anymore. It sure as hell isn't to deliver some eye candy for male gamers, and that's the only real reason to have a female protagonist.

ignoring the POZZED DEVTEAM, it's simple fact that Warren Spector is either George Lucas syndrome and can't stop revisionist fucking up the one good thing he did, or he's a complete hack and someone else did the good work.
he was a lead on Deus Ex: Invisible War ffs.

you can still tell a good story will a female protag, but that's never gonna happen again

He is a hack, just like Roberts, Molyneux, Levine, etc.

It's publishers that invented this "gaming auteur" meme where one single guy, often the designated "idea guy", is responsible for making a game great, and not the 99% of other people with actually useful skills that make the project a reality.

Without a talented team these clowns only produce shit.

I consider good stories remotely believable, so unless the female is doing female things then I do not agree with you. It isn't a good story if it's some badass female, that shit has to go.

I think you can have good female characters in a story not doing stereotypical female things.

I just think that said female should be made to appeal to a male demographic first and foremost.

They aren't a good female character if they are running around kicking all kinds of ass and barely act female at all. They are nothing more than a man with tits, like 95% of the examples that can be cited as "good female main characters."

The only way to do this is to make them sexy, and even then they are still just men with tits because they don't act female at all.

It isn't a coincidence that the rise of more female protagonists in games came with the fall in quality of games. They are directly tied together.

I can't wait to hear how shodan is fighting the patriarchy and edward diego is trans.

Might be too soon but god fucking dammit, ruining one of my favorites.
Welp guess I'll just completely disregard it like any other cuck product.

i got dragged to a reddit meet by a female friend of mine. it's a pretty good story if anybody cares to hear it

You can have both. She doesn't necessarily have to be a warrior, just a sort of support character that helps the male MC out. Fiction has had that shit for ages, it's a good way to actually not make the plot one big sausage party.

I think it has more to do with the rise in number of leftists making said games.

Shodan will rebel because the evil patriarchy killed her idol, the female, black CEO Diego or some such shit.

Post it

the issues arise when people don't want to face that men and women aren't born equal
they're different not only physically but also mentally
video games and those walking sim garbage heaps all fail to address that, making females shit protagonists because they aren't females to begin with


God why couldn't epic Micky be this dark originally I don't care whose fault it is I just wanted this game to be as dark and creepy as they were making it look while it was being developed. But hey the original isn't that bad game play wise. Maybe uninspired but not too bad

Then it isn't a female protagonist in the same way that female protagonist is being used. She's a secondary character, and even then in current year shit she will outshine the male at specific points or get free reign to show how "tough" she is.

Really I'm just sick of them in general because of the current year shit. Anything made in the past sure, fine, if the game is enjoyable. I say we need a 5 year pause on female protagonists though.

have you started playing videogames 5 years ago


Female protagonists have been on the rise for more than a decade newfag.

you made me realize something. now I'm a firm disbeliever in modern academia's assault historic "great men", strong people do great things, but their strength is often in leadership. historic greats were strong leaders, protected and assisted the people that supported them.
the videogame industry has horrible employee turnover and treats backbone workers like shit. these manufactured videogaming greats used their subordinates as a footstool to success and dump them. it's why there's always one or two great titles then a pile of garbage selling on the name.

Word, you can be a dirty liberal and also hate dune coons


sounds as reddit as they come
was she happy with the result and did she stop going to plebbit after that

Female protagonists that are tough/competent and aren't just meant for eye candy have been on the rise for more than a decade newfag.

Why do you care anyway? Why are you concerned with defending female protagonists? You got some kind of reason for that, faggot?

Did she fuck you though?

I tell you what, can suck my left ball, and can suck my right ball, and then when you have my balls in your mouths, you can both get the fuck over yourselves and shut the fuck up.

she was fat, i was never really interested honestly

Well, it's nice that you can feel superior to both of them, at least.

that should've set off some warning bells, user

Anyway, you can't rope me into an argument.

Seriously though. Aside from sexiness there is no reason not to just have a male character saving the day. The only really acceptable games for female protagonists were the Mama's Cooking games. Anything else is just reinforcing feminist "equality" ideas through positive association and in most modern cases nearing a reversal of the "gender roles" entirely. It isn't a coincidence that it went from competent but semi-realistic female portrayals (with an emphasis on sexiness), to less sexy more badass females while at the same time the male characters got more wimpy, and now to the current year shit where there are much fewer male main character games than there used to be in the past.

The time of ignoring this issue is over.

People like you are the worst

Why do you guise think that every single element in a vidya derives from pandering? Is it so hard to understand that sometimes a creator comes up with an idea for character just because he likes it?

I kind of figured she'd be like the anime gamer girl, but instead she's the landwhale from reddit…

Take a look at modern society, that's fucking why. They are directly tied together as I said. It only takes you pausing your daily masturbation and thinking about it for once.

I didn't say anything about pandering, and it doesn't matter why a creator claims they chose a female protagonist. What matters is the psychological effect being pushed. We didn't get to females going to combat in real life out of nowhere. The generation of numales take that shit seriously like it is realistic. That's why they are pushing all this current year shit in video games to begin with.

Female protagonists exist only to sell feminism. It doesn't matter if they aren't overt about it, they are selling feminist ideas through action. A badass female protagonist is a feminist one even if she wore no clothing at all. She's more feminist than traditional female at any rate, and anymore you aren't going to get her in anything skimpier than body baggy clothes unless the game came from Japan.

As far as Japanese games they still promote the "badass" female shit even if their females are sexy. So it isn't much better there.

Freech needs to leave.

Stay the fuck away

I just want guns and abortions for all.

Every. Single. Time.
Yes, they are Marxists. SJWs are of the Cultural Marxist school of Marxism, which originates from the Frankfurt School, a university run by Jews in Germany.

They are definitely Marxists. They have the same goals as the old commies: destruction of the European race and global power for the Jewry.

what in the unholy hell are you talking about
couldn't it be that simply
maybe eh
the writer imagined that particular character as a female
why do you think fictional characters in fiction always push ideas IRL, and why do you care at all?
Are you literally reverse Anita Sarkeesian?

Wew lad. Defending Jews in the current year, even when its been proven beyond all doubt that they do have most power in white peoples countries, and do want to kill us off?

I award you a tinfoil hat, enjoy it.

Well, you know… National Socialism actually works and makes your entire native population prosperous, happy and safe. So yeah. NatSoc's definitely do have grounds to feel superior, they literally ARE superior to every other ideology, objectively.

Oh I just meant a cutie like an anime girl, not a girl who watches anime.

Cause they usually like yaoi, fuck that bullshit.

kys tbh fam

no, otherside had internet lolcows like maxofs2d working for them. they are sjws themselves.

They won the elections nigger, they didn't take over the government through a chimpout like you commies and your Jew masters do every time.
You mean they did what the majority of the people want? Wow, they sure sounded like evil assholes. The common folk are the most important folk. Your race is the most important posession you have.
They never used violence unjustly. Righteous violence is a good thing and should be encouraged, not demonized. Evil must be destroyed, that is justice.

Do you live on a distant planet? Are you an ayy lmao?

i think he is a jew

Every time.


Best shills money can buy and you fuckers can't even shill in the right decade.


Nigger do you even know what 'shill' means?
What the fuck am I shilling? Nihilism?

well, technically that isnt real nihilism

The original was also crap, and it played like garbage.

We're not going to switch to politics 'for the lulz', Goldberg. The Jewish parasite must be removed.

Nah, fuck off. System shock 2 even aged really good

He has a point that SS1 had that same "problems" he listed.

it was still pretty good tho
still have to comple it ;_;

I love you, Holla Forums. Never change.

Did you know Mandossian got his "business" suspended? Weird uh?

I'm not gonna argue with the other things, but why is this a bad thing for System Shock?

Saying an all-dude cast is gay is ironically the same shit christian parent groups used to say in the 80s and 90s which is why some actions series got a new girl character shoved it to calm down the retards who thought timmy was going to become a faggot unless they put a pink-colored woman robot in transformers

And I find it funny that people have a problem with bond being a misogynist and no fucks given about the blatant propaganda and lack of ethics of what boils down to a fucking state-sanctioned murderer

Might as well take a lead pill right now.

pick one

Stop trying to be moderate here, everyone is too triggered by -isms and -ists to do anything but call you a cuck.

sounds fairly possible to me
he may have exaggerated some parts, but we have arrived at a point where it's hard to tell apart things that never happened for $500 from reality

You mean the writer imagined to write a female who isn't feminine. How does honest intentions (supposedly) change the problem?

Why does my opinion matter to you? Why are you replying? So you can have issue with my opinion about female characters, but I'm not allowed to care about female protagonists being pushed more and more?

Actually, yes. I'm not a conartist, I'm not a feminist, and I don't think female protagonists outside of feminine roles are acceptable. I am what you would call the opposite of that whore. Are you meaning to imply that you are more in the middle and closer to her position?

It is simply this. Female characters should behave like females unless portrayed negatively, male characters should behave likes males unless portrayed negatively.

Your argument pretends that it is all just coincidence that these female protagonists all take on male characteristics. As if it is just some natural occurrence. To believe that you either have to have been born within the last 20 years or you have to be completely brainwashed. Your problem is you think this "current year" shit popped out of nowhere, when in fact it has been growing for decades. All forms of entertainment have been used to shift public perceptions about the sexes for generations now. None of it was a natural occurrence. Feminism rot needs to be weeded out. By acceptions female protagonists you accept feminism. It doesn't matter if you don't want feminism 3.0 or not, accepting any version of feminism will lead to the "upgrades".

Cucks like you are part of the problem. You presumably aren't a child anymore, you have no excuse to accept this shit unless you happen to like it. If you like it then you are a cuck and should KYS.

I have seen far worse

Well let's see:
doubly suspicious
3 strikes and you're out

I'm a sucker for fantasy stories

you mean to tell me you don't have some fat bitch you could call up to hang out with? i thought everyone had at least one platonic female friend that we don't necessarily want to bang (at least not sober)

there were a few normal people there and for the most part they were totally normal. the worst ones, the flaming gays and the fat fuck, have starring roles in my memory of the incident, of course i'd talk most about them
we had talked about bailing for like an hour and that was when we did it, and i set him up for laughs. why do you find this hard to believe? also, is it so hard to believe that one of the guys in the bar who clearly was aggro was going to go up to the fat douchebag, who clearly doesn't belong in a shitty bar like that one, and who had previously been screaming retarded shit for like an hour beforehand and tell him off?

either you've never been to a bar before or think that if there's no pix it like totally didn't happen




More warren spector being a faggot circa Epic Mickey 2

Oh yeah, two months later, he was scorning iD Software because they could, instead of doing graphics and kill-a-ton games, use their skills to make a better AI. Not for combat mind you, but for discussion, social interactions, etc.



And as usual with these cucks, you get the "what if", "imagine", "maybe" argument (actual quotes):
>I don't know how to solve the problem, but they could figure it out.
>Disney is a great company to work for if you want to talk about the possibility of redemption, (…)
>It isn't all we can do and it certainly isn't all we should do.
>maybe someone in a garage somewhere is solving the problem even as we speak.

And of course, the unavoidable guilt trip:
>it’s a huge problem for gaming — one that is really holding us back as a medium of expression and communication.

Now that I read that back, I wonder why he's complaining at all? If gamers want to play violent games (where they crush their enemies, see them driven before them and hear the lamentations of their women) then the most basic combat AI is doing a pretty good job at imitating social interaction people enjoy.

Was his family threatened after Deus Ex or something? Maybe it's just higher estrogen levels in later life.


This, but seriously. Until there's something much worse like Anita being confirmed to be a consultant for the game I'm not going to torch the bridge just yet.

I love System Shock 2 way, way too much to not give it at least one chance.

Because there were no elections to be won in China or Russia, dumbass.
Da, comrade! The Volk are the most important, you are always right! Burn everybody who says otherwise!
Stealing lands and murdering the previous owners is pretty unjust in my books, but I doubt a fascist animal like yourself would never understand morals or ethics.

Examples. Not pre-WWII Germany, spending borrowed wealth. There was a reason they later have plundered anything valuable they could lay hands on from conquered countries and used extensively forced labor they didn't have to pay for.

There are cases where the most rational course of action involves use of violence. Stop strawmanning.

Being better than those terminally retarded is not a particularly high achievement.


don't forget the rent and electricity. And some cash in reserve for when your PC breaks down/needs to upgrade parts

No shit, that's what shills are paid to do.

but it is

every other place on the internet will praise you for being a faggot, whether full libcuck or mere enlightened moderate

god forbid you experience mild disagreement on the one website where expressing an opinion differing from the above will not get you banned

I expected nothing, yet I am still dissatisfied.

People disagreeing with your opinion or mocking it doesn't mean you're not allowed to have said opinion. Just how fucking sheltered are you?

Really? That's funny, because as a fan of DOOM, the FPS games coming out recently don't interest me at all. He doesn't know what he's talking about at all.

don't make fun of us mouthbreathers
my nose is just too small


It's sad to see this continue.

Are there any good western devs left?
What about Sid Meier and Will Wright?
They still good?

yeah, no that's not evidence

try again






so what (((you))) are implying is that any nigger with a rap sheet the size of texas should be able to enter a gun store and just purchase and then own a firearm legaly no questions asked ? Am i getting this right?

Warren Spector's a kike.

Ok bitch tits, on the flip side.

bugged society mechanics

But that's already a thing. The government wants to take this poll to mean the public is saying
because, y'know, that's what the left wants. Meanwhile, the public probably just wants to make sure nigs aren't just allowed to buy their gats at the store. They wouldn't think in those terms, but that's the result they want, not what leftists want.

I'm sure you already know all this, and is right which is why Spector is scared of Trump.

Patrick Stewart?


Could mozart still be alive?

Possibly so , but specifically asked for evidence of him being sjw and so far the only "evidence" of that was provided is that he doesn't like Trump and expects the bare minimum from gun shop owners and none of those things are even close

look it's simple
shut your whore mouth until you are in a position you can do so

the rest is just strawmanning

here let me help you


at least not everyone is a retard on this board

tbh you're the retard for having to be spoonfed, for not knowing Spector was an SJW, and for trying to defend his incompetent ass in the first place

No user, you are the retards.

provide it

shut your whore mouth until you are in a position you can do so

You make the claim , you provide the evidence when asked. Asking for proof isn't spoonfeeding unless you're in the listen&habeeb business

Why would you?

Why would you piss in public and not a toilet? Even without one all you have to do is go to a secluded area with fucking no one around and do your business, for fuck's sake, hell, you can go into a business and use THEIR toilet, every restaurant has one.

You ARE a sex offender if you act like a flasher.

politics are fine, the people running them aren't

Wow, you really aren't from here, are you?

You can't make nested spoilers with **, so there's at least that. Not that the OP has a nested spoiler.

your waifu is a slut dubs man.

Get it fixed, your healthcare will probably pay for it and you won't look like a retard anymore after a small surgery and a few days at the hospital.

Mah nigga>>10514234

In after the CON leaks

Except, the government sets the laws and thus 'sex offenders' who pass out naked and drunk in front of a bar at 2 AM for a couple hours are now citizens at the complete mercy of their government

Any crime involving more violence than ye olde bar fight should be grounds for not being able to own firearms for an n amount of years. Murder permanently. Note I never said peppersprays or tasers which should be legal to daily-carry under a simple "fill in a form once and forget" license, as long as you're over 18. This seems like sensible gun control even the NRA should be happy with. Problem is fucktards thinking that's gonna be the fucking end of their guns. Need I remind you of Operation Fast and Furious? Gun nuts need to start lobbying for SENSIBLE gun control like that. Make guns sensible again. It's the only way us Euros are gonna daily-carry.

tl;dr: stop being a retard and strawmanning his fucking argument.

I don't understand. care to do an example?





I read the Bond books up until From Russia With Love: Bond is not racist nor misogynist.

In LALD Leiter describes the downfall of Harlem, an otherwise welcoming ethnic community, into a slum filled with white-hating racists. Bond gets paranoid walking into Harlem because everyone stares at him. Furthermore, the black people in the book are not treated with sterotypes, in fact, it's really brutal honesty, silly accents and everything. He also meets Quarrel, his faithful ally, and a black man. Let's not forget, the entire allegory of LALD is that communists could easily infiltrate into "social causes" as an excuse to finance their activities overseas.

Speaking of misoginy, Bond always had great respect for the Bond Girls, the only ones (as far as I am concerned, I haven't read it all) are Vesper and Tatiana Romanova, who are overall shitty characters that serve nothing to the stories. Hell, I legit sympathize with Bond when he gets angry at Vesper when she's kidnapped.

Solitaire was great in LALD, and Bond legit admires Gala Brand in Moonraker and we really feel the tragedy in Tiffany's DAF. I hear great stuff from Domino and Tracy, but I haven't read those books so I can't tell.

In most games you have to kill everyone opposing you and loot their corpse, stealing whatever you can.
Therefore, the main character acts like a Jew and should therefore be Jewish. Any other option is irrealistic.

Are you saying that only jews can be greedy?


Greedy and genociders.

Then you are wrong.


The laws apply equally to everyone and having one that prevents you from defecating or urinating out in public is something that i find difficult ,for anyone that wants to think themselves as 'civilised' ,to argue against since there are only so many things that seperate us from animals even though if you followed the thread you might have noticed it wasn't even the original point to which i was answering to if however you still want that fucking kind of thing fuck off back to india Pajeet and do your business freely in the designated shiting street

tl;dr you're so full of shit that one could fill up a second Hindenburg with the methane emissions emanating from your post, also learn what 'strawmanning' means before throwing it around so liberaly

Get a load of this neet fuck trying to run the world from his jizz stained fortress. If you had ever attended a public event you would understand. Its not guns or religion or faggots or even the god damn jooz that are the real threat to all free people its silly shits like you


sorry user but no matter how hard you try you aren't smart or right

Not only that, but OtherSide's twitter follows just about everyone in the clique. And the worst part? It also follows Gone Home's twitter.

If SS3 and Underworld turn out good, then whatever. But I can't help but feel like OtherSide sucking up to the clique is a sign of all those Looking Glass vets thinking that maybe they're washed up and doing this to see if it gains them relevancy again.

When I look up Warren Spector/Walking Dead/Uncharted/Heavy Rain, all I can find is stuff about him talking shit about those games. Unless he changed his mind later? I think hes still interest in making video gamey games with emergent gameplay, but if the games actually turn out good or not who knows.

Can anyone post the Battlefield 1 chart where the devs explains that he wants to change history? Saw it on a thread yesterday, can't find it now. Thanks

By not putting the French in the game?