Post those games that shit it on their own past legacy
Ruined Franchises
As someone who has played all the God of War games to death and love them to pieces, GOW4 taking this new direction is needed to stop the series from becoming stagnant. The gameplay trailer looks bad and the game could be even worse than Ascension but still, the change is needed or they should have just put the franchise to bed which I personally think they should have.
I bet my left nut they will never have the balls to make a God of War base on the christfag mithology where you beat up Noah, Jesus and all the gang
Metal Gear Survive™ begins with you creating a custom character just like MGSV, and once going through a basic movement and combat tutorial in the attack on MB in a ripoff homage to the first mission of MGSV, the trailer cutscene happens, and after going through another five tutorials with your comrades, the "Last and First Men," including strong woman who don't need no man and jive soldier boi, you begin a twenty hour long unskippable cutscene on the history of central Africa, which is where the game takes place so we can reuse assets delve deeper into the issues of soldiers on the battlefield.
After 200 hours that's really just the same 5 hours of shooting zombies "those who are lost" who turn out to be made from the bodies of child soldiers who were dumped into tar pits and had fused with the protozoic amoebas which were the precursors to the parasites, which give off radiant energy from the crystalized red rocks seen in the trailer, you discover a vast military conspiracy that is attempting to keep you from leaving. With help from "The Wizard," A child computer whiz turned political prisoner, and a mysterious man calling himself "Gary Murray" over short wave communications, you learn that you are in a "black site" code named "Camp Alpha," a dumping ground and testing site for technology and weapons made by the Philosophers using the south African government as a front. Later revelations reveal that the site is an inheritance from The Philosophers, and after a daring raid on the south African Lobito Island to rescue Murray, destroying Metal Gear KODOMO, a prototype bipedal weapon platform that utilized diesel fuel containing the parasites amoeba to overcome the limitations of previous war machines, you learn the awful truth, you and your comrades were recovered from the remains of MB by XOF, and left to fend for yourself in camp Alpha, so that you could clean up the failed prototypes that ultimately lead to the micro technology that dominated civilization later on.
The first events of the trailer were a near death hallucination brought on by PTSD, and the amoeba have given everyone a DEADLY MEME VIRUS, so even if you somehow escaped the site, you have less than 72 hours to live. The end game consists of a suicidal assault on a XOF compound that is coincidentally a modified camp Omega to destroy a rebuilt ZEKE that has been modified to launch biological payloads. The game ends with a fade to black of your squad fallen after barely defeating a reskin of KODOMO your past, with a post credits call revealing that the Patriots have recovered people from your base camp who have developed an immunity to the parasites nanomachines hypnotic suggestions Obama amoeba. There is no postgame.
You can trust me my uncle works in Konami's pachinko division.
That's not a new direction, that's turning the game into a boring TLoU clone. The should've just put the franchise to bed rather than do this shit.
Next you faggots are going to post Bioshock Infinite and Fable 3.
To be fair, the Dead Rising gravy train crashed when 3 came.
4 is only going to worse than that.
The combat of prototype 2 is much more satisfyig than the first
It never stops hurting
His point is that Prototype, Fable, and Bioshock were always shit.
The first game was designed around a Roman or Greek tragedy, as soon as they made a sequal it pretty much made the effort meaningless.
Fucking emo kid ruined it all
I quit for good over a year ago now. This one is like an abusive relationship.
DIE !!!
It was slightly hinted at in 2. I was really excited.
This guy gets it. While I don't think that Prototype is shit (at least in terms of gameplay), it is unmemorable. I have no reason to play Prototype 2 but I at least have some peace of mind that Alex Mercer is dead.
I played Bioshock 1 and it was irredeemably shit.
Saying Fable 1 is wasted potential is like complaining that that notebook could have been a novel.
You know that people made jokes about GoW moving to Norse mythology, right? These games were always soulless. They are casual games presented as hardcore like Bethesda RPGs are presented as RPGs.
But those were always shit so how could they ruin them?
Ape Escape
what was wrong with ape escape 2?
monkey soccer was the best minigame in any case
That's still salvageable
I didn't made the image, i just thought it was spot on when it came to the spin offs.
just how bad was ape quest?
I think the problem with the spin offs is not the quality but how they affected the series as if they were the main games instead of the platformer trilogy.
yknow what's the worst part? this COULD have been good. Front Mission series had action games before, FM: Gun Hazard. blatant grabcash at the 3rd person action game market with mediocre gameplay and story. didn't even need a story, just a fun mechshoot and it'd be the tits.
Although Da2 wasnt that bad.
>The Hand Of Evil Strikes Again!
Oh I think it might be just a little bit.
I'm still surprised how it looks worse than most PSP games, it's not like the 3DS cant handle good graphics.
The fact that people act like theres nothing wrong with the new God of war makes me wonder if they're desperate for any games or if they think there's nothing wrong with a basic game where you never seem to fight more than one enemy at once.
Lest we forget
mass effect 3 did more than shit its own bed, it ruined colors
now every time i have to pick between colors im reminded of this shit.
Deus Ex
You called that ruined?
Stand back, ladies.
The series was ruined since MGS4
red alert 3 had flaws but i could still enjoy it. i was not able to enjoy cnc 4 at all. what the fuck is generals 2? i thought that got cancelled
Come up with an actual coherent argument. I don't even give a shit about GoW but goddamn.
When that trailer started playing I and everyone else in the world independently thought it was The Last of Us 2, it's not a coincidence
You don't seem to fight more than two enemies at best, that's a complaint. Combat looks brain dead. And it looks scripted as fuck, the environment looks beautiful but what are the chances you'll be able to explore it?
Complaining about a game from a trailer are as fucking stupid as getting hyped from a trailer
no reason to talk about this shit until a final product actually comes, until then its just autism bantering
what are you going to do next, weigh in on NX rumors?
A gameplay trailer is supposed to get you excited for a game, you know.
Sounding a little desperate there, pal.
the only game where a mech feels like a mech and IT'S RUINED
5 killed the franchise even though Monster Rancher 3 started to ruin such a great series. It hardly had any virtual pet mechanics out of some complicated mini-games that made monster leveling feel like you're pulling teeth. It was more of a shitty Jrpg with terrible pet mechanics.
Honorable mentions: Diablo 3, Street Fighter V, Samurai Shodown 6, Samurai Shodown Sen, any Final Fantasy game past 6 or 7 (ymmv).
My baby has fallen far ;_;
really? one of my biggest complaints with MWO is the mechs feel like they're no-clipping, don't feel like mechs at all. MW2/3 had much much better feel. MWLL does too.
I would say this but it looks like EOV redeemed the series.
I was talking about how the mechs before MWO felt like actual mechs
Reminder that they made Vergil an edgy faggot too.
What legacy?
requesting Unteralterbach version
I had no clue this even existed. That dislike bar is fucking hilarious, by the way.
Major props to Konami for coming up with such a wonderfully creative way to brutally rape MGS and shit on Kojima yet again!
The problem with that is the fact that those (((prophets))) don't exactly have world-altering powers, while the deities Kratos have so far faced were all pretty similar in terms of general concept and powers to their traditional versions.
I always got the impression that they were going to make a game about running around and fighting Germanic gods and shit anyways and decided after the fact that if they put Kratos in it and slapped "God of War" on the box they'd sell more copies.
world of warcraft
It was honestly more fun than the first game if you ignored the story and just pretended you were a nigger going on the ultimate chimp-out.
Might as well rip off the stealth bandaid all at once
Playing overly emotional superwoman isn't very relatable or interesting to play as to begin with. Shes not exactly Bayonetta type character.
I don't believe I am the target audience of the new TR games and I wonder who is.
Ok, now we're inching closer towards Metal Gear series territory. A shame literally none of that was communicated in the trailers and instead it was just "gotta go home bruv"
Somehow, someway Konami's lack of self-awareness still astounds me.
Shadow the Hedgehog.
What about the 2016 smash hit "Tom Clancy's multiplayer RPG" where everyones a bullet sponge?
Can't argue with that.
ty fellow user
I'm sorry OP but God of War shit on itself in its first Sequel.
The story was finished in GoW 1.
anyway, another thing related to GoW acronyms, Gears of War.
Here's the game that shit all over the franchise.
I still have no idea what the fuck happened here. They changed the entire control scheme…FOR WHAT!?
But it wasn't Bomberman 360…
Wait, nevermind…
Why the fuck did I think this came out for the original Xbox?
sweet ID
> Spinning a long projectile through force at the head to 'improve stability' (I guess?)
This would CAUSE instability.
I hate video games. I really do.
I blame it on the studio hand off.
Really I just wish they'd have had the restraint to end it as a trilogy rather than continually shitting out worse and worse games. Fucking EA is probably setting outrageous sales goals for the next game like they did with Dead Space 3
It is sad because it was 3 games I really fucking enjoyed.
So many fun times had with these three games. With LAN connections with friends and online play and the campaigns and the over the top story…
Oh man..just..I don't know…I can say that GoW 1 to 3 was probably a great time of fun, personally, for me. Judgement was shitty as all fuck and I can probably trace it back, maybe, to the beginning of the end of the fun in my life.
They're not coming back from this.
I actually thought the second one was half-way decent.
What a shame.
I've always really hated the "let's kill le gods *tips*" bullshit.
Dragon Age's problem was the endgame part of the story being rushed as fuck, and generally being a bit unwieldy. Also certain mage builds being gamebreakingly OP. And also fucking intrusive DLC advertisements!
Dragon Age 2's problem was oversimplified everything, a shit plot that railroaded you at the best of times and didn't make sense at the worst of times, and generally being a game that looked like it was made in 4 months. It was fucking ugly, it reused areas in an already tiny fucking game, and neither the combat nor the plot were good at all.Not to mention it was the first DA game to adopt the cancerous bullshit Mass Effect Choice Wheel(TM), except SOMEHOW WORSE because now one option is always 'diplomatic', one option is 'snarky asshole', and one is 'I'm an asshole for no reason', and almost none of them have any impact on the game's plot.
Dragon Age 3's problem was, ironically, the opposite of DA2's problem. Where DA2 was a tiny fucking shit-stain, DA3 was like the dump you take after a burrito-eating contest. It was massive. It was so massive in fact that 90% of the game feels FUCKING EMPTY, and what parts of it do have things to do are largely filled with boring, uninteresting "Kill X" or "Get Y" quests. They also made a Big Fucking Deal(TM) about you having your own base, only to stick SO MANY FUCKING LOADING SCREENS IN IT THAT LITERALLY HALF OF YOUR PLAYTIME WILL BE SPENT LOADING SHIT IN YOUR STUPID FUCKING CASTLE!
These are core fucking design flaws, and that's before we get to the retarded ME3-rehash plot or things like Sera, aka Tumblr Butterface Sorandumb: The Character.
DA2 also shat on the established Qunari lore from 1, and then DA3 decided to SJW up the already-shat-on lore.
tl;dr Dragon Age was never good. The first game was OKAY, then they shat it up with DLC, and the series has never gone above the bar the first game set.
Also the first portion of the game being a godawful slog to the point where the most popular mod is skipping the first several levels
you mean franchises which were shit from the very start?
The first Walking Dead was good, but it pretty much killed Telltale's entire genre of episodic games. All of them tried to copy the first one and they all failed, some worse than others.
Fuck Ubishit.
Good thing we have gotten PoE and other Diablo clones.
Final Fantasy?
Fuck off gook.
I'm still waiting for some autist to bring up how Jimmy "The Wizard" Harks couldn't be in this plot because he was born in 1984. I made the story out of random snippets from the acid and ghost babel parts of the MG wiki and trying to be as creatively bankrupt as possible.
Prototype isn't salvageable. Because Activision owns it and they killed the studio that made it with seemingly no plans for a revival. Its dead.
Almost any final fantasy game after 6
Has PoE kept getting worse?
I haven't really played much since they added act 4.
The tree started getting extremely restrictive / focused.
Stopped being about making a character and started being more about choosing a character.
It basically made the series stay where it had been for the prior 10 years, with a community of autists making mods for SC4. Then Cities Skylines came out and did most things SC2013 wanted to do, but well, in an almost spiteful manner.
they could have made another action game based on another mythos, with a new character. or just dropped it since it long reached its peak and was only going to get more casual with more releases (although reviewer babies complained so hard they actually made a segment in ascension easier)
you can call GOW casual till the cows come home and i won't disagree even if i played the games and enjoyed them, but they were still high violence action games which is a genre that is dying and it breaks my fucking heart
now we can experience more SLOW WALKING EXPOSITION instead of rip and tear simulator
That's Everquest 2, right? The UI setup is almost the exact same as WoW
RIP Everquest Next, you never had a chance
Wasnt a theme in the first game corperate greed? So why is the sequel full of microtransactions and season pass pre order bullshit?
I'm honestly glad the sequel to that bombed.
I will agree that DS was nowhere near as good as Thief 1 and 2, but it at least kept some of the original gameplay and story to it (then again I'm one of the odd people that liked it despite the obvious downgrades).
Thi4f can go die in a fire for what it did though.
What about reboots, like Thi4f? It's not on the list, or I'm going blind.
Brotherhood was the last good game.
Just to add to what a piece of shit DA1 was, despite billing itself as an "RPG" it might as well have been a cinematic FPS with more team-controlling elements. It had all the meaningful choices of The Walking Dead.
My favorite part was the grail drinking ritual. First guy to do it dies, second guy starts to wuss out and gets shivved for his trouble. And they couldn't even give you a dialogue option of "UH, NO FUCKING THANKS"?
No user, you see choices not mattering at all is deep and represents how little in life your choices can matter sometimes. It's too deep and what the medium needs to grow up because thats what all the big game sites run by faggot hipsters say
You know when you play a tabletop RPG and the DM needs to follow an advendure and if you say 'No fuck this I'm out' at any point he is fucked because he didn't think of an alternative.
Well it was like this, bad DM'ing, in a videogame.
What Kratos is gonna kill Noah and wait 10000 years for Jesus to be born? Also it would be dumb and pointlessly edgy because Christianity doesn't have Gods for everything like pagans do.
Was Dante's inferno any good?
Yes it was, but it's not so much a description of hell as much as a long political diss to people Dante hated.
Oh you. I meant the game, friend.
it was okay at best but had some cool stuff to look at
I know what you meant faggot I am just saying that it isn't really comparable to Greek mythos.
Here's your (You).
Revelations was fine although it didnt do anything new.
AC3 was major disappointment with how utter snorefest it was
Black flag was a pirate game with ac slapped on it for marketing.
Unity required 2k pc to run at 30 fps
Rogue was actually pretty decent.
Syndicate ended the annual release cycle because it was received so poorly.
Tried to be Dead Space for some dumbass reason.
FME was better than most mech games that generation, miles fucking better than armored cores, that's for sure.
The only problems it had were shitty protagonist and forced on-foot sequences.
Thats a really regrettable protagonist design.
Did they try to make him to look like Tim Allen? sheesh
Oh shit.
What I don't understand is theres more subtle differences between the 3 than just the kool-aid filter which makes me really wonder what the fuck happened? Why did they put effort into such slight alterations?
Multiplayer was fun until the Koreans decided to pick up the game. I can't compete with those slant-eyed bastards when they play the game nonstop.
Not really a franchise, but I just played the titanfall 2 beta for a bit and it's fucking garbage. There's no attrition mode and the new bounty hunter mode just encourages campers instead of movement.
Here dude, I found some gameplay
Why the fuck did they make an elf with nigface?
No mentions of Starcraft 2?
10 years of waiting for another starcraft game and they went ahead and threw a story together that was a copy-paste job of Warcraft 3.
Unfortunate. Brood War HD would be enough for me. The original artstyle was so charming, all I'd really want is sharper textures and increased unit/object capacity for them custom maps.
Fuck blizzard forever
and let`s not forget the end of it
Oh boy, when I finished HoTS and in the end Kerrigan flies away…like..literally pulled a Poochie. Flew away because the Zerg needed her or some shit.
And the story itself…with the Feral Zerg and just..oh my fucking god.
I wonder when Final Fantasy began to shit on itself, I'm not talking about spinoffs but with main games. It seemed as though with the PS2 era it slowly began to stray away from the formula it had which made sense since it had to have been stale to some then, but with 15 now it doesnt even look like an RPG, just a lame hack and slash or action adventure game.
I remember a leaked ending from before that one released. Kerrigan said something like "the zerg are free now" after leading them all to the terran homeworld to (watch Jim) kill Mengsk.
All the videos I found were taken down within minutes of each other, but the first few links did find their way onto the Blizzard forums.
well, FFX was my first Final Fantasy game.
I will say this, I have tasted XIII-1 and XIII-3 and tons of other RPG games of course before and after that.
I will say that XIII-3 if its MECHANICS were put into any other story would be fucking golden. It is a great example of what can be done with a modern RPG game.
Its just fucked because instead of being its OWN game it has to be saddled with this XIII garbage.
I honestly believe that Final Fantasy XIII is actually intentional sabotage.
I've had this theory brewing for a while now. I believe that the Japanese game companies are all infiltrated by people working to destroy them on the behalf of the other companies. Corporate espionage that has taken a hilarious spin because everyone has someone in every company. So what you have is a situation where every major Japanese developer/publisher has someone able to make high level decisions, doing it to tank the company on the behalf of another company meanwhile that other company has the same shit going on.
And before you call bullshit, corporate espionage is a real fucking thing. Look it up. People paid to get hired by other companies in high level areas so that they can fuck with things and relay back to other companies what is happening. Corporations are so fucking big now that they play games like countries.
It gets worse. The Protoss campaign started really fucking promising but about half way in they started on with all that other bullshit.
Is it just me? Do I remember Starcraft and Broodwar wrong? I remember it as scifi. not entirely hard scifi but it didn't have this super mystical element to it that keeps fucking popping up in Starcraft 2.
I still haven't finished the protoss campaign.
When did a tactical combat series about war and your dudes turn into a waifu simulator? More importantly, WHY!?
Sales were down, so they added waifus.
The original creator is trying to make not-Fire Emblem for PC, last I heard.
As soon as they dropped Jim promising to kill Kerrigan after she murdered everyone near and dear to him and switched him to "a bloo bloo, I gotta redeem her" I knew it was going to be shit
Funny how remaking a game from 1990 without adding any of the staples of the series that weren't added until later installments can put things into decline.
I'd love to be optimistic and think they'll do something great now that the series has more attention than ever… An epic plot, characters that aren't one dimensional, unexpected twists… But I've been disappointed too many times.
The characters were just starting to get more complex in the GBA games… then they turned them back to 2D + a "cute trait".
FE8 was pretty bad in that regard too, to be honest. Most characters had some sort of quirk that was their defining trait. Nowhere near as bad as Awakening, but still pretty jarring.
Honorable mention, every Rainbow 6 after Raven Shield.
Agreed, everyone knows GW2 is shit but the lore rape and SJWism started here.
I keep thinking about this and the only answer I have is that they were trying different things, but every time they deviated, people lashed out and they had to go back to the formula.
Jobs system gets kicked to a side game. VIII's system is tossed in a side game I can't remember or left to die. XII gets shit for MMO gameplay. They just never found the next step after ATB, yet even that kept being taken in and out. Has Dragon Quest been having problems or does that seem to keep selling just fine?
After seeing all the Lightning shit with Toriyama and her being pushed in every game despite fan outcry, I wouldn't be surprised. Sometimes I can't tell if a company is genuinely retarded (Bioware) or being sabotaged. God help you trying to talk with people about anything like this. It seems like corruption and things like the mob are only viewed in a past tense by normalfags, rather than it evolving with the times. Any work you recommend starting with to read up on it?
Christianity is the 'safe" option , make Kratos go after mohamad and mudslimes if you want some street cred
Any sequel made after 2006.
Pic related, the only good thing in the last campaign
I don't have anything to really give you to read on the subject. I just remembered seeing a documentary about people who do such jobs. They are hired by other companies to infiltrate the highest positions they possibly can with fake resumes and references.
In that way, they can have information about what the company is doing and how it is doing it and they can give that info to the company that hired them. Of course, they're pretty much making two fucking paychecks while this is happening.
If in the right position, they'll make decisions that would not really be in the best interests of the company they're infiltrating.
This is a real thing. Given what you see in the past, what, maybe less than 10 years? How extremely shitty every decision seems to be? Its really not difficult to wager a guess that such things are being done.
What, there was C&C4? I think you're bullshitting me.
Street Fighter was ruined with the forth game and SF5 is a worthy sequel to SF4, although I like that gameplay in 5 is faster, too bad it's still based on SF4. People like SF4 just because it was their first fighting game they took "seriously" if they actually touched old SF or MK games.
Oh a trait is fine. Helps you remember. An old D&D trick.
The Gambling Myrmidon.
The Country-bumpkin Soldier.
The Cocky Mercenary.
Something to define them early on until you have more convos and learn about them.
I meant shit like "I get mad" or "I love baking" and that's it through the whole game.
SFV looks good enough that it legit gets my dick hard sometimes.
Unfortunately people are ashamed of their boners and are working to get all of that stuff removed. All those little details.
My issue with SFV is how the game was released unfinished and even with all the content, still feels like its lacking, i just hate it when a sequel gets less content than previous entries, it just shows something about the modern state of video games.
You could argue with something like "quality over quantity" but still.
Mein neiger, the only redeeming characters from SC2. Tychus in particular, to this day it makes no sense why Raynor didn't save him.
>in doing so, allows raynor willingly to defend her and instead kill him
I've never been more upset. I read both prequel books, Heaven's Devils and Devil's Due, and Raynor should have let Kerrigan die rather than murder his best friend.
I agree., that there's nothign wrong with traits and quirks. My issue with FE8 is that it does get into "that's it through the whole game." territory. There's no growth for a lot of characters.
Forde likes to paint. Neimi cries. Joshua gambles. That's about it.
That's not to say other games aren't just as guilty of this with some characters (FE6: Fir wants to fight and get stronger), but it just stands out as being particularly bad in FE8 and Awakening.
Canas in FE7 for example has some rather interesting support conversations. Depending on who you pair him with, you learn about his family or his musings on the nature of Nergal's morphs. If you pair Matthew with Jaffar there's a revenge and redemption character arc.
Resident Evil
Hi redditor.
In fairness I think it's safe to assume Raynor was being based on a writer's own personal fantasies/issues. Something about "saving the girl" and all that, and how true love is supposed to be so much more important than something as frivolous as a best friend.
it's okay, anons
surely capcom will redeem themselves and give us DMC5 any day now
Raynor disregarded the strongest man law: bros before hoes
Preferring to trust the blondie sniper over the reggae-cyber killer is ok, but killing one of your only friends because of a bitch, that's a sin agains bro philosophy.
wait what ?
Oh the memes
Let me throw an idea at you user, what if character X gets corrupted, like completely and totally
but then, boom redemption out of nowhere assisted by white knight Y
Seems right. God of War was just basically vidya games of various bastardized greek stories with Kratos replacing the various heroes. The fact that it ended would indeed rub a few sourly, but they should have upped the combat, not turned it into uncharted.
2 had the best combat mechanics. 3 had better air control, but all of them paled in comparison to anything else around that time that was a "high octane action game".
i liked the idea of expanding on the world but… it just didn't feel right.
3 had it's issues with the lack of mixing, but that was all right with the fucking amazing soul transfer which allowed for literally the LAST DAY of the monster to be saved, but the mixing of the speed and skill stat was weird.
4 seemed to come back a bit with the micromanaging being up to YOU, but the bullshit in learning new techs was just infuriating, as was the whole "friendship" required to make mixing ANY good.
3 brought the encyclopedia generation, which was a fucking godsend, but the lack of monsters that showed in Rancher 2 was highly disappointing.
Quality? Quantity?
The game was boring, lackluster, unfinished and broken in some instances. Bullshit DLC, less characters then SF IV, MK X or KOF XIV at launch fight money connected to online account in order to unlock stuff and even a detail that pisses me off: They removed character interactions there were present in the series for a decade. They did it on SF IV and didn't fixed it with V. Now, remember that MK X and KOF XIV have those. I think Tekken 7 probably will have some too.
Positively, I must say the female models look good. probably the best female models on any fighting in the market. The male models, I would be a little less OK, mostly because some are much more muscular than they should, like Vega, or have muscles that look like something out of a plastic doll, like Ryu.
But there now they are even messing in the models, like the last changes on Cammy nipples.
I'll point out that even Arthas and Ner'zhul merging together into a creature who is both, yet neither, got retconned. Now It's Scourge Arthas killing (or suppressing) Ner'zhul and the leftovers of his pre-Scourge self.
It's WC3 and WoW. WC3 started the "Dastardly Race turns out to be pawns of ancient demon/god/whatever to serve for some master plan." WoW was a hit so they put happenings in it into their non-WC works, and then went around to put SC happenings into WC (see Illidan Savior of the Universe).
Glad its dead.
B-but I liked Red Alert 3. It was f-fun. I know it wasn't what you hoped for but there are far worse RTS games out there.
Still better than Castlevania 64.
Zeldas were always shit.
Nothing worse than Kojimbo's garbage. In fact, I'm half expecting Survival to be straight from his scrap-book.
Both the comic and series are overrated shit.
Better than GW2, kinda.
What are you on about? Kerrigan's whole character motivation was to seek acceptance of daddy Raynor.
Why do all western fantasy games look the same?
That shit looks no different than TES or Witcher.
Wonder how much Holla Forums would shit on Soul Reaver if it came today.
That Dead Sun thing doesn't look exactly stellar, but it does look better than Defiance.
I didn't even know how bad Gene Wilder looked until yesterday, he would have fit perfectly in that compilation.
Don't worry the game turned out to be a dissapointment anyway. If only saleswise.
how do you ruin a series of mediocre games?
played the first one a year after it came out, dumb norm friend pestering me to play it. the most generic paint-by-numbers 3pshoot i've ever played. awful story, lazy art, clunky, boring levels. two was the same but worse, didn't play 3 because twice is enough. nobody would know the game existed if Bioware didn't have a cult and loads of advertising money.
it did have some good music.
Dead Sun is absolutely fucking garbage and you know it, it getting shit on is completely justified. LoK does have fairly simple gameplay but at least it makes up for that with the story being the incentive to continue playing, Dead Sun on the other hand tries to compensate for it with shitty menus and gimmicks since they are just rebooting the story with another character in this case.
Reminder that in the SFV finals of EVO2016, Fuudo was asked to choose R.Mika's storymode costume instead of her default. Also changed camera angle on R.Mika's buttslap super,
SFV is only good for screencaps:
Shuld have stayed 2D…
also known as diablo
Holla Forums where everything's either shit or mediocre even if it has 99metaciritc score and sold 20millions copies.
Command & Conquer
Rainbow Six
That's a myopic version of it: it's meant to represent the effects of specific sins>>10531218
That's because it was a Valkyrie Profile game in a FF13 skin. Go play VP1 and VP:Silmeria.
can't come up with a defense so you make a general appeal, nice. I don't hate everything, Holla Forums doesn't hate everything. I like many things. I don't like Mass Effect because I'm not gullible to advertisements and herd behavior, and without those things Mass Effect is nothing.
I don't see what's supposed to be so wrong with Keanu Reeves there.
It's already been posted, but I'm still raw over it so I'm bringing it up too. If I tried to talk about the series with someone now, they would probably just ask if that was the game where I can fuck my little sister.
I don't even get how people call ME an RPG. It's a boring shooter.