This thread is for the discussion of fluoride poisoning on the population. One of the most notorious effects it causes is PINEAL GLAND CALCIFICATION.
I've been deeply concerned about WATER FLUORIDATION lately. Few people know about this problem, and fewer even care. Lemmings don't even question what's being put in their water, because the government is caring for them, ofc. So I saw this picture of the little monkeys and chemtrails ( ← ), and realized something: Calcified pineal glands might be the real tinfoil hats.
Pineal gland calcification it's the phenomena of progressive destruction of one of your most important endocrine glands. The pineal it's the sole responsible of creating MELATONIN, which is the hormone that regulates your sleep and wake cycles. It also plays a role in cardiovascular stabilization and fighting against cancer for its antioxidant properties. This small pine cone shaped endocrine gland is often called "the third eye" (it has fucking photoreceptors inside of it) and it may be the connection between our physical and spiritual worlds. It is also believed that it produces DMT, or some related compound that may play a role in dreams, visual imagination and creativity.
I believe it's one of the main reasons of why normies seem so hard to redpill, why they spew bullshit without a second tought: they are being sedated, poisoned, and dumbed down. You are too, but a reduction of 10 IQ points will be harder for the normies than the intelligent Holla Forumsack. Have you ever been talking to someone and they don't seem to process even a single word of what you say? Some call it "The fluoridated stare".
The following is speculation: the calcified pineal gland can be used as an antenna, and if René Descartes was right when he regarded it as the principal seat of the soul, you get a direct line to the very core of every human affected by this. There's also all this metaphysical functions it is said to do
So it works this way: you ingest fluoride, a super reactive halogen that has no business in your body. It is the most electronegative element, so it will react with whatever it can. It can wreck havoc in your cells being a powerful oxidant like oxygen, or it can go to your brain and deposit in your pineal gland (it's not protected by the brain blood barrier) where it will act as a magnet, bringing filthy illegals to your brain: Aluminium and Calcium
"This calcification process is caused by constant exposure to substances like fluoride which build up in the body over time. Toothpaste, public water systems, hormones, food additives, excess sugar and sweeteners in your diet or even regular exposure to cell phones has been linked to the phenomenon of calcifying the pineal gland." -
"The [F] of 11 aged human pineals and corresponding muscle were determined using the F-electrode following HMDS/acid diffusion. The mean [F] of pineal gland was significantly higher (p < 0.001) than muscle: 296 + 257 vs 0.5 + 0.4 mg/kg respectively" - The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland -
"There is a barrier between the body and the brain that stops metals reaching the brain. In 2013 Akinrinade ID and his colleagues from Bingham University in Nigeria, showed that the relationship between fluoride and aluminum is important in escaping this barrier. Fluoride combines with aluminum to form aluminum fluoride, which is then absorbed by the body where it eventually combines with oxygen to form aluminum oxide or alumina. Alumina is the compound of aluminum that is found in the brains of Alzheimer's disease." -
Another fun study: Pineal gland calcification and defective sense of direction -