Characters who are literally you

Intelligent, Nihilistic and a wicked sense of humor.

Does your e-peen feel bigger now?

Wow I haven't seen this shitty template thread for awhile. I wish it'd stay that way.

as far as memes go this one is shite, mainly because I know the people who use it are more than half serious

I don't even know what that means


You're thinking of Ness, dummy.

Back to school!

Ness isn't a nihilist or a furry

It's the weekend grandpa!


That Reshiram looks weird.

Your chosen character looks like an unlikeable raging faggot so I see the resemblance to you OP.

Thank you. I relate to asriel dreemurr a lot. He has a deep and complex backstory.

Nihilists aren't intelligent, because they by definition cannot follow their own philosophy while still doing things. To continue to do a thing which requires something active on your part is to implicitly assign it value and purpose; if you say "I just do it because I enjoy it", enjoyment/creature comforts are your value and purpose, and that makes you a hedonist, which are dime-a-dozen retards who are coincidentally prone to espousing delusional bullshit to flatter their vanity, because they are, after all, unwilling to do anything more in life than to serve their own pleasure, physical and psychological. You will often hear from them the unverifiable and extremely speculative excuse that "everyone does everything only for pleasure because it's all chemicals". This, of course, is repeated ad nauseum and usually proactively to prevent anyone from "judging them".

"Because of my laziness, ignorance and feelings, everyone else must be lazy, ignorant and emotionally undisciplined" is the punchline of the hedonist, the "nihilist", the pessimist, and the pseudo-skeptic. Or, abbreviated and preemptively dismissive - and, ironically, comprehensively judgemental in perfect ignorance - is the vague, morose notion that "everything is worthless/pointless/absurd!"

There is no such thing as an intelligent nihilist, and anyone who would argue that point is not themselves a nihilist - intelligence is an inherent value, both in the moral definition of the terms and from a bleak, mechanical review.

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You're almost as autistic as the person you replied to

dank pasta m8


Albert Wesker got me out of depression. He taught me to rise above the useless common masses and be proud of who I am. I've copied is style of dressing and manners. I am also studying business and biology to bring his vision into reality. ==The weak should fear the strong.==

That's deep dude

It's OC. There are some genuinely thoughtful people on Holla Forums, we just don't browse regularly :^)

Do you have any more dank reactions? I'd like to start a hydrus tag of them if you have a couple more.

They already do, or they wouldn't be making more and more laws to help them steal from the strong and "redistribute" to the weak.

People who object to long, serious posts in reply to obvious b8 or shitty trendfagging pseudophilosophy are the autistic ones. One of the main points of imageboards is that you can derail shitty useless threads into containing something of value and only tangentially related to the faggot OP.

Nah brah

bump :^)