Have some free pasta I got from some guy a few months ago, do with them as you please.
25 more shekels have been deposited DIRECTLY into your CTR ShariaBlue JIDF PSYOP CUCK SHILL PRO account you weak fucking manlet, brainlet, low-effort, low-IQ, low-energy, low-test, weigh 70 pounds soaking wet, zero muscle mass, eat only JEWISH chia seed like the pathetic fucking rodent you are, zero integrity, zero morality, zero virtue, zero conviction, zero faith, zero value to society, redditoid CUCK, and OBVIOUS OBVIOUS OBVIOUS K I K E
no, you're a pathetic little fucking RINO cuck is what you are, you're a pathetic little fucking party-traitor, country-traitor, race-traitor, species-traitor, and cucked in the mouth, cucked in the ass, cucked in the genes, and cucked thoroughly and permanently in every last constituent aspect of your entire existence, you fraud, you fake, you phony, you fucking LIAR, you JEW, you OBVIOUS JEW OBVIOUS JEW
another pathetic, vacuous non-argument straight from the cuckmouth of a californo-degeneroid niggergoidal underage millennial goon coon from the cesspit turbo-marxian slums of deep tumblr did they teach you that at CTR SHILL TRAINING CAMP you pathetic fucking OBVIOUS JEW OBVIOUS JEW
25 shekels have been deposited into your account, you blatant brainslave parroting puppet, shillary cuck, degenerate and derelict millennial wastoid delinquent, you subhuman freak rainbow-haired gender-psionic homo-communist, you walking pustule of big black islamic nigger AIDS, you permanent cuckoldian wretch knave to jewish puppetmaster UCLA overlords, you filth, you trash, you garbage, you evolutionary dead-end, you genetic mistake, you living error, you absolute waste of resources, you CUCK.
kill yourself you californian brainlet neo-marxist permacucked tranny mutant kike faggot. your degenerate ilk are the DEATH of civilization and the DEATH of nations. YOU are the cancer.
kill yourself you pathetic jew-brainwashed cucklet guinea homo faggot. go die in a bus fire.
you just blew your own cover you retarded fucking goon you completely fucking cucked yourself and choked hard, you idiot shill god FUCKING damnit you have failed here now harder than anyone could've possibly imagined you've absolutely embarrassed yourself you low-IQ subhuman moron brainlet go back to /utg/ you abject fucking failure ZERO shekels have been deposited into your account for this. you fucked up. YOU'RE FIRED.