North Korea just launched a balistic missile and its heading towards east, missile still on air!
North Korea just launched a balistic missile and its heading towards east, missile still on air!
Other urls found in this thread:
Missile overflew japan
Fuck Yeah! Big Dady Kim is a BAD ASS!
That's it.
its literally nothing. anti air defenses are made to shoot down hundreds of missiles. this is just one.
not to mention this has already happened before
There is HOPE the world will be rid of the JEWS
I'll care when they land on San Francisco.
Projectile landed 1,180km off the coast of Hokkaido
Rest in penis Hawaii
Propaganda being played over 6400 kHz radio in Pyongyang
It'll be a good day when that day arrives. Would be better if Commiefornia was the only place they hit.
Its all hype but on the off chance they hit California with a nuke I will send Best Korea a really really nice Fruit basket.
As a Thank you gift.
My god, it's actually happening.
Is there any conceivable reason why they'd do this? I don't get it.
rolling for cascadia subduction zone or yellowstone
Posting in ebin thread. Rest in piss, San Francisco.
you know some of us still live here right?
and north of sacramento is all red anyway
Video or it didn't happen.
I mean, they pretty much always play propaganda over those speakers, occasionally make a deal where they shut them off, then turn them on again a while later.
Rolling for SF Bay area.
Directly on Trudeau.
Are the people of Cipangu pissed?
on all of (((THEM)))
1,180KM = 733 miles
Oh noes.. A flase flag fake nuke. Who is america going to bomb next
1-2 is washington
3-4 is india
5-6 is rest of middle america
7-8 is nothing happens
9-0 is sand niggers
if dubs its a direct hit
Rolling for Austin TX
Rolling for (((THEM))) again
A divine wind is stirring
After overflying, so to the East of Hokkaido? Anyone want to work up a map of what operational range that suggests?
Right into the fucking hurricane it goes!
Was going to roll for Yellowstone
Fukushima 2: Dayglo Swamp Boogaloo
It's bantz. We know it's not your fault you're surrounded by filthy nonwhite commies.
Pic related.
top kek.
Why there out of curiosity?
They're just hyping it up. It's just a test of an IRBM.
I hope they fish the missile bits from the ocean. One small bottlecap sized object can disturb the micro organisms in the ocean bed in a 1-meter radius area
At this rate nobody takes war with NK seriously. When it happens despite the endless lead up I think people will actually be surprised only when Seoul is wiped off the map.
At this point I think we all just want the final battle to just begin just like LOTR. Don't care which side wins just get the damn thing over with already.
I dont know what disturbs me more
the non-whites who aren't actually human and rely on their animal instincts or the hipster whites who are humans who are knowingly destroying the west
MIRV confirmed.
It's too late for saving the ocean mate. Have you not seen the sheer amount of junk and shit in it?
You can't blame an animal or a jew for doing what they do. Like Hitler said, it's in their nature. The whites acting outside their nature is another story entirely.
Crowdfund giant wind turbines to blow all the radioactive materials to the south. Nothing of value will be lost!
so USA getting an EMP surprise in roughly 45 min?
I love this man
NK is never going to attack anyone unless they are attacked first. This is just posturing. ZOG does military exercises twice a year during planting/harvesting and NK must pull soldiers from farming to man their positions. NK just wants the US/SK exercises to stop.
And as usual this was meant to fear monger and was fucking nothing.
I'm disappoint
This is a pretty major escalation, it is going to require a response.
Holla Forums love Kim Jung Un
If dubs all the kikes get nuclear holocausted.
texas got dubs laddo
If it landed 1,180 KM off Hokaido, I think its physically impossible for it to have landed anywhere but in international waters.
Texas got trips, my dude.
Also rolling for SF.
Japan is going to be scared shitless by this.
Except, as Trump put it, NK will get absolute hell if they ever actually hit anything.
Not sure if this is much to worry about.
still counts.
three missiles huh, that could hit 3 big cities on commiefornia, or even seattle, portland, and a big city in commiefornia
I will argue with your dubs and point out the application of plastic eating fungus to remove the filth floating about.
It's just a missile test. Really no "escalation". However, if the SK intel rumors about preparations for another underground nuke test being underway are accurate? All bets might be off. If there is no response to a nuke test, Trump's words would ring hollow in the future.
RIP texanons
Please land in san francisco
The idea of watching Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco getting nuked is making me wet. Please stop.
something like this, though it could change depending on where the actual launch pad is
Does that mean nobody cares, or that it's now everyone's problem?
Rough estimates from launch sites in NK and the Hokkaido island distance.
Oh man, if only….
it was a MIRV missile test, not three different missiles
As much as I'd love to see Sodom glassed, the radiation breezing across the country is not a good prospect.
Why can't they fucking nuke California or New York please god, I only asked for this one thing and you don't deliver.
Dubs confirm. Good news, lads!
Who said it?
Because it's the gay capitol of texas. Texas is basically a funny shaped california at this point.
He seems like a retard, but he's our retard.
They want us to go to war with them to cull some whites, test some weapons, and generally make some money. It's all some sick fucking game to these kikes. Best Korea doesn't want to fight anybody because they know they'll lose. They want to be left alone, and maybe get some gibs every now and then.
You know this guy is torturing people, including christians, in gulags, and makes everyone in his country worship him as a god? Are you fucking demoralized, Holla Forums? To praise this man takes some blue pills up your asshole.
fucking dope giving up your bookmark bar like that
goy tier
Because the whole thing is manufactured and its going to be either Alaska or Hawaii - somewhere nobody really gives a shit about, but which will give the excuse for a giant war where East Asians and Whites kill each other over nothing of value.
Sounds like a decent idea but is it being implemented to a significant degree? And what about the fact that India is polluting the ocean with masses of shit?
or just being paid to do it
Still no dubs? What the hell. Probably Midway Island. We need a real Pearl Harbour.
Kim is inbound
Where does a civilian purchase a radiation suit?
Christcucks are not worthy of pity, they worship the enemy.
chill, it landed already on the sea
That makes me care even less - Christianity in East Asia is just one more example of the subversive semitic character of the faith in question.
Not that I'm overtly fond of the Norks, mind you, its just not worth a war in any way, shape or form, and really has nothing to do with the US or the West seeing as these Norks can barely get their shit past Japan (and given we could glass the entire peninsula in about 12 hours if we so chose).
no shit, you don't think we're spying on the norks? war would be over before they even got a nuke off the ground if they were serious.
ww3 confirmed
Just craft one with tin foil and cum.
stop being atheistic
Inb4 Japan leaves the NPT and assembles and tests one of their already built nuclear weapons.
If it landed in International Waters that means that we're probably speeding towards it to salvage it and analyze it. However, other Naval forces (e.g. China, Saudi Arabia) may also be attempting to get it. There was a film about this, an Anti-White one about a black scuba diver and the desegregation of the US Navy, but at the end it talks about salvaging weaponry in international waters.
yea I fucked up and forgot to crop the image
Hail our new rleader
But user, Jews love Christianity.
They may dislike Christ - because he was a subversive Jewish traitor who threatened the hegemony of their religious elite - but they fucking love Christendom. It has destroyed the European man, and ensured plenty of support for Israel.
Nobody cares.
cool does this mean we can glass a bunch of communist chinks now?
Do these actually work?
Stop being Jewish.
Even the liberal cunt you've posted wouldn't make such an inane argument.
if digits it's wwIII
Its not even a real happening user, its just norks shooting bottle rockets into the sea.
They'll use this to amp up the MUH NORKS rhetoric, pushing for a globalist war so the Rothschilds can try to finish their set.
lads, a few days ago they were talking about how the norks were about to complete another detonation test, instead this happens.
were those warheads live and if so what are the chances those sneaky norks are planning a fucking tsunami attack?
There should be a few in the ~$1000 range, those will work. Those are probably better than nothing though
dude I can't believe Japan just died
naruto couldn't even protect them
It's never going to happen.
You failed grorious reader.
Shills are hitting us and /christian/ right now.
Nigger, if there's a fucking rad issue, no amount of suit is going save your sorry ass.
Rolling for israelll
It's still more fun than religious d&c for the hundredth time.
But that's not 700 miles….
Its possible to pull off with enough man power and an actual epa. Granted, it'd be much easier if all the pajeets conveniently died of a new, specific disease first
Meh, I guess.
Rolling for globalist (((financier))) manufactured conflict to kill Whites and East Asians.
I wonder what trump thinks about this
You've fallen for the trick, they used the substitution technique and swapped the position of the home isles with open water. Kim just can't hit those elusive Nips. How many attempts does this make?
Toiletia confirmed the new ebola.
Probably something cucky. Or nothing at all.
that image shows the approximate path, not the path 'til it landed
unless you are spending thousands of dollars on a state of the art suit, no
even then, i would just recommend trying to move out of a place with radiation. preferably before the danger becomes apparent
who else would make such a edgy statement faggot? a Buddhist? come on.
Who cares? Not a damn thing a little ziofag like him can do about it anyway.
I think it is all a stage play act look this way goy look that way goy but never look at the jew oh now thats anti semitic toward non semitic ashklenazi goy
b-but jesus was a socialist xD
what a free wheeling spirit
we love you Kim
>implying Christianity isn't slightly more/less Jewish proto-Bolshevism
This is true, but has more to do with the subversion and perversion of Christianity and how it is taught in churches than the original teachings and prophecies themselves.
I'm sure Jews love the way colleges are right now, but colleges were not always leftist indoctrination centers.
There is no edginess in despising traitors.
Yeshua's teachings are akin to spiritualist proto-Marxism. Christianity is responsible for the decline of Europe. Endorsing Christianity is no different from endorsing cultural Marxism. Both ideologies destroy nativist cultures to be replaced with Semitic falsehoods.
it's funny
I checked in on Reddit, it's a true circlejerk going on over there
Hello Se-Att-Le. I am a Mushroom cloud.
Calm down, you nerds. There are other boards for this.
What are they saying?
Though most environmental causes won't be progressing very far while the kikes are still at the helm due to their general indifference towards nature and the environment.
that's pretty far
is that the furthest they've shot one?
Meh, Christianity was always Jewish bro. Its just, in the past, the sheer quality of the European people kept its more virulent aspects from coming to the forefront. But this is not a religion thread.
Kim knows what why is up. He's about the only one left on the planet
Don't really know, it could be
Kim should launch again, just to provoke a response
Please be headed towards San francisco
Why would they launch it over japen? Was it just to demonstrate their achievable range and that ENE would have it land in international water?
its over my dude, it was a test. next time read the entire thread
woah watch out, this guy can teleport behind in a very cringeworthy way and swing his katana, the edge is just too much.
LA, California and Houston, Tx. Bake and boil them.
Heil Hitler
hmmm christianity was so bad wasn't it?
What was actually responsible for the decline of Europe was the jews / Karl Marx.
Who else /ready/ for Japanese reunification of Korea, lads?
Hopefully Berkley, California and Hollywood is targeted next.
That's a falsehood user - Jews aren't indifferent towards nature, they actively seek to oppose it.
Final redpill.
NK was nuked and devasted in the 50s by the (((usa))).
Government was replaced, and it has been used as a puppet state bogeyman ever since.
sounds good unfortunately kim could have been crushed along time ago and would have unless he is playing the jew game. You think he is isolated and bucking the system yet have no idea of the back channels and reach of global politics that you will never get the gist of from jew media pleb.
No sense in waiting for that "perfect moment"
these retards are literally 50 years+ behind in rocket tech. They don't have fucking MIRVs
No, this time all the ungrateful blockheads get turned into pig feed.
Full statement of the US
Christianity has never been a decent religion. From the very beginning it has been a tool of subversion. Yeshua is a fictional amalgam of hundreds of years of Semitic rebels who stirred up dissent against Roman rule combined with stolen archetypes and narratives from other religions in the same way that the material of the Old Testament was stolen from other religions and pasted over with Israelite tribalism.
If you worship a Semite, you become a slave to Semites and worse, you become like to a Semite in spirit.
Europeans defended Europe; Christcucks allowed Semites into their nations while destroying traditional cultures. Semites would have no power if not for traitors who worship them.
Terry Davis's dad could make a better missile than all those goddamn gooks, praise kek.
truly a great man
go kim
does every thread have to devolve into this shit?
Yeah, let's argue over who hates the jews more in a North Korea thread.
I'm loving these.
Christians are worse than Jews. Hands down. I could easily forgive Jews for all their transgressions if they promised to kill every single last Christcuck on the face of the planet, preferably starting with the white ones.
Silicon Valley or San Fagcisco
They are so dumb they don't even understand that little Kim's toys are the perfect excuse for more "American imperialism". Those trannies have dildos in place of their brains.
take your religious discussion over to >>>Holla Forums you cancerous fucks. filtered
North Korea is china's puppet, why would you give your retarded little brother a rocket launcher?
Yes you are right, my mistake.
Thank goodness my animes are safe
Better yet the internet.
Are we Israel's puppet?
t. Subhuman chink confirmed suicide watch.
The whole of Asia will make Nanking look like an afternoon picnic after the Yamato Began to Hate
Would it have been any different if European was pagan? The jews will exploit anything.
Thread is pretty much over. We were hoping for a happening but North Koreans only shot a missile and the west isn't going to do a damned thing about it.
Still not tired of winning
kim wanted to hit KeK
Do more of what makes you happy - KJu
kill yourself kike
>Christian warriors
>Battle of Tours
Nigger, get real.
Next you're going to be calling Clovis a fucking Christian, top kek.
>Shit, this battle isn't going well…. Hey Sky Jew, win me this battle and I'll convert.
>Battle turns out okay
>Aight, I'm a Sky Jew worshipper now. Where's my battle axe? I gotta go kill some people.
If Christians hadn't destroyed the Roman Empire, we wouldn't have needed Tours you cuck.
Until we deal with the CQ, yes, yes it basically does.
we're Israel's bodyguard who gets paid by them to do degrading shit.
israel has almost no military capacity because kikes are subhuman and the best they have is jericho 3's, their nighbors could and would fuck them over overnight if they didn't have the us military backing them. In fact they needed us to beat Germany in WWII so they provoked an attack from Japan and let it happen to drag us into the war, judea is not limited to israel, they are international parasites.
W-what happens if you hit KEK?
some fail to realize how much control of N Korea China has in fact they are nothing but a vassal state to chine as sitting right on the border china could piss through 30 million casualties to take it over with superior weapons and kim fat gook knows it so he plays the game and does what he is told.
I'm doing a poll:
If you hate Christcucks, please respond to this comment shortly explaining why.
San Francisco
they're Jews, they just don't know it
I almost fell for it, fuck off with your bait derail kike. filtered.
A missile get's within 500 km of hawaii and their entire island devoted to missile defense get's activated, forming a literal wall of countermissiles
the world gets quads
kek wills it
communism is a jew construct the chinese have been infected with.
along with my double dubs it's confirmed that San Fagcisco will be destroyed by nuclear fire
Morality isn't based on authority. It's based on mutual effort and mutual rewards.
What's he derailing? Nothing's happening.
Con-fucking-firmed. Praise Kek.
May Jesus save your soul from the kike brainwashing, Amen
You can thank the moderation for not banning all Christcucks. Such traitors will shill for their foreign ideology endlessly.
There would have been nothing to exploit if not for Christcucks whose racial loyalties were compromised due to their acceptance of a Semitic savior. Christianity caused the degeneration of Europe through subversion of homogeneous cultures.
North Korea
>Christian values that promote good behaviour, neighbourly communities, strong families, healthy lifestyles, and functioning socities are bad
Shalom rabbi
What's the weather like in Tel Aviv?
This is not a religion thread fuck christcucks anyway lmao
I'm sick and fucking tired of Christcucks thinking they're welcome here on this board. When are we going to speak up and demand Christcucks be permabanned on site by the mods?
Enough is fucking enough.
We don't allow Jews here, why do we allow spiritual Jews?
Who is with me?
why are you spoilering this shit?
Fuck San Francisco so much.
Seems like he wants to get attention that way
haha nice
I've never seen shilling of this degree before.
Are we being raided
Nice. Good luck, based Kim. Burn the kikes to crisp.
You aren't mentioning everything, eh. Turn the other cheek goy, let those foreigners in goy, everyone is equal under the skyjew goy,… Also, you will always put your non European religion before the blood and kin. Disgrace.
Mods don't have the balls for such actions. It won't happen until the next migration.
it does have a cultural effect and therefore i think it is relevant but only to certain topics
it's like if i start harping on about Syria or some shit
it doesnt have anything to do with this thread
So many HAPPEINGS all at once lately. I am still busy with the Hurricane HAPPEING. Now I have to follow NK too?
He's obviously trying to be annoying just like that other guy was.
Was it not christian countries that kicked jews out of their countries multiple times? wheres that image thats been circulating throughout the years.
Doesn't matter what set of religious principles a country has. Muslim, christian, Buddhist. Jews will subvert and exploit.
Threads over anyway. Nothings gonna happen. Besides, some cointelpro faggot started it and it was successful on his part because now we're all arguing about shit that doesn't even matter.
Nice D&C attempt, rabbi. Reported.
There were a couple of goofy threads earlier. It almost feels like a group of guys who didn't move on beyond 2007 internet and still think they're funny. Either that or the rampant suicide rate in shilling companies has caused them to start recruiting newbies.
To the Christian, everything good about our people and culture is a result of their religion.
To someone who actually respects their race and ancestors, everything good about our people and culture is a result of our collective will as a race.
lol this fucking guy
any time chinks shit is involved you see mass shilling don't forget there are billions of them centered mostly in one spot being china.The chink jew is here always has been.
NK ruined it by not striking commiefornia with 50 nukes
Just report the anti-christian D&C shills in the thread, they are actually getting banned quite swiftly here.
shits fucked
truly a man against time
filter by ID+ you autist
All signs point to yes.
The Jew Fears the Pagan - Not the Crusader
>promote good behaviour
Already had that, didn't need Christcuckoldry for it.
>neighbourly communities,
See above. Also: Was murdering your neighbor because he didn't ascribe to Sky Jew 'neighborly'?
>strong families,
See above.
>healthy lifestyles,
See above.
>and functioning socities are bad
See above.
Europeans had literally all those things centuries before Christianity existed, before the Jew was born… Then Christianity destroyed it all.
You literally worship a rabbi.
Now if they could rid the US of California and New york city….. with their nukes of peace.
>I got one pic citing /leftists/ as using christianity as a wedge, because its an obvious area of conflict amidst the groups who use Holla Forums
>therefore all criticism of christianity is /leftists/
Seems legit.
Name a single one of those countries from which Semites are CURRENTLY banned. Christcucks will always be subservient to Semites, it is inevitable because they worship a Semitic savior.
We all worship money
Fuck off, goon.
Ballistic overflight is a violation of Japan's airspace and their sovereignty. It is a damn serious offense.
By God, we're hitting levels of interdimensional chess that shouldn't be possible.
1.21 Gigareichs
somebody hasn't swallowed the final redpill
Fallout is your biggest worry.
A simple disposable cleansuit and good respirator will work.
Nippon wont attack nkorea they will only defend not attack
lel, you gotta switch IDs faster fam
Abe has been a fucking dick and this is what Japan gets for trusting such a fuck-up.
I am a Christian and I absolutely hate these so called "christcucks" who do not do what God says in His word. They also don't recognize who has been fucking with the world since before it began hence why they get called synagogues of Satan.
Nigger, we've been over this countless times.
Jews hate Christ because he was a traitor to his people, which were the kikes. And not in a super-noble way, anymore than, say, a subversive kike attempting to subvert a kike institution would be super-noble - its just a kike acting like a kike to other kikes. And kikes hate that - everyone hates that, because nobody likes traitors (except Christians, muh forgiveness). Its almost as though those hundreds of years of Christian teachings that denounce Jews didn't actually get rid of the Jews, did it? Even after kikcing them out, Christians would let them right back in a century or two later.
That could potentially indicate they have working MIRV tech. That's light years ahead of where they're supposed to be.
checking these radical dubs
Abe is a globalist cuck and if he doesn't respond to this with force I hope the nips replace him
Good derail of the thread you fucking kikel.
Relax nigger, I was having a few keks about the notion that Trump might actually be intending to nuke our libshit West coast in coordination with Kimmy.
Ands its not religious dnc to note that Christianity is Jew - its a fact, and peopel like you have convinced me that the CQ may be even more important than the JQ, because the CQ acts to aid and camouflage the JQ.
All of those things were inserted to christianity later to make it more suitable for europeans. Jesus was a proto-communist who preached egeletarianism, lived in a commune with his flock of cultists and whipped jewish money lenders for practicing capitalism.
That said, this is pure fucking religion D&C and i have no intention of keeping up this false beef. You faggots can believe what you want, the only thing that matters to me is are you pro-white.
Salty Christian sure is salty.
What happened to all that neighborly love? Call me intl next. Let's see if you can beat your record.
Christian teachings are incapable of denouncing Jewry, Yeshua is a fictional savior of the same race as the Jews. Christianity is Jewry.
anyone have some live updates??
Cannot confirm that some poo in loo knows anything, but I was outside white house this morning no problem, gooks were banging drums about DACA. Three hours later I pass by and street was shut down, plus shitloads of cop cars physically blocking entrances, like using their mass there was so many. This would have been 330ish, so they very well could have had advance intelligence of the launch.
Rolling for Trump inserting shitpost along with generic strength message.
>That said, this is pure fucking religion D&C and i have no intention of keeping up this false beef. You faggots can believe what you want, the only thing that matters to me is are you pro-white
It is physically impossible to be pro-White and Christian, unless you're going to suggest its possible to be pro-White and Jewish…
Shills begone this is a best korea thread.
Anyone else believe that this happening will actually make the world a better place?
I am not a fan of Christianity at all but you are blatantly a d&c shill. Fuck off back to wherever you came from, this is Holla Forums business.
By the Gods…. Can you imagine it?
The smell of melted problem glasses would waft all the way to the Rockies…
Posting these again.
Stay mad. Best Korea did nothing wrong.
Well gentlemen, to bring this thread away from picking a fight within our ranks and back to the the topic at hand, it looks like this could be the start of a war no one wants to fight in since the norks almost certainly possess chemical weapons that they will definitely use if pushed. This is not good.
how pro-white are the norks and would they be likely to target the midwest instead?
Those who call others shills are almost invariably shills themselves or else newfags who have adopted the parlance as a blanket defense when getting BTFO. Shills are real, but they almost never call others shills anymore - the election is over, and they've changed tactics.
my take on Christianity was an early form of A FUCK YOU JEW apparatus as jews claim no one but them could ever get into heaven when the white men said we will remake it to thwart your self aggrandizing bullshit and rewrite it to say anyone (gentiles) can be saved and go to muh heaven …this actually worked very well then over the course of time allowing the jew parasite to even exist it was infiltrated and subverted long ago.So time to set them both down and come into the age of transition …Not their yet all of us will be dead when it happens yet leaving an age everything changes.Jews think they are going to win yet the truth is they will end up beggars in the street of a dead religion that served them so well in the PAST.As the new age rolls in the jew or whatever they are called genetically by then will continue to try the same old shit it always has and be met with laughter and disregard.
The White House, but the payload fails and there's no casualties, then Trump declares open war on NK and glasses the entire place, but only after drafting heavily from Gommiefornia and other poz states and sending cucks to die
Wew, yeah, surprising.
I imagine that's what freedom smells like
You forgot
The norkies are communists/juche. They have likely no care for us or our interests whatsoever. If they do fuck up LA and SF then so be it. But they are not our friends.
they would be stupid unless they are trying to destroy our agriculture powerhouse
If you want to fuck up a country you hit the densely populated urban centers. And who might be in the populated urban centers? Lots of nonwhites and white race traitors.
No, Europe's quick and very sudden death "coincided" with tens of millions of Europeans getting slaughtered in two world wars.
(very impressive)
How do you think they're going to swing this? I don't see any reason why NK would pop-off like this.
Nobody cares, tranny.
Christianity is literally worship of a Jewish rabbi, born of cuckoldry, pushed by his Jewish buddies when they ran off to Greece because they were branded traitors, just like the rabbi they followed. Simple fact bro: The Jew fears those who worship Nature, not those who worship the same God as they do. inb4 ITS NOT THE SAME G-G-GOD!
And who started both world wars and let 100 million muslims into europe??
Fucking KRAUTS
Sure, but pure fantasy isn't a good thing to indulge in.
You cared enough to post bro, so clearly you care.
And your argument is still shit.
Get out.
Christianity has been pitting Europeans against each other for thousands of years, all the while destroying the traditional cultures of European nations.
she's probably been executed for not smiling in that photo
the whole thread has been fantasy
Now THIS is shilling.
Because Trump made Kim his bitch by not backing down when shit talking a few weeks ago. This is Kim reasserting his dominance.
Why do we even have mods
Go start your own fucking thread you derailing kike. Fucking hell it's impossible to talk about this clearly important happening because of shills like yourself hell-bent on derailing. You want to take on kikes go after the new leader of identity europa or come up with some way to avoid the censorship dragnet that threatens to smother us all or else simply fuck off with your sperging you fucking waste of genetic material.
Is Kim that dumb though?
Be quiet shill.
Only cowards filter.
Not really. Can't really deny germany's contributions to europe's demise.
Seems legit Schlomo.
did britpol finally come back or something
China does
There hasn't been decent moderation of this board since IDs were introduced, and they nearly cucked out on that due to the shitstorm the shills and shitposters raised. There will be no improvements until another migration is made.
Not sure why the kims are doing this now. Perhaps they see our interests growing and the tensions across the west as a sign of weakness and decay, the thing that worries me is that if the US is dumb or malicious enough to make the first actual move the chinese will almost certainly bail out little kimmy and that will be a disastrous loss of life.
100% my friendo
anyway threads over. We hoped for a happening and the norks didnt deliver like the pussies they are. Now it's just anti-christ shills vs christ shills
they crashed 600 miles off the jap coast did they not?
eh, fair enough
What sperging? You're the only one sperging here, friendo. But sure, let's talk about the happening.
Who the fuck will be migrating? The vast majority of users are memelords or retards. The migration has already happened and this is what's left
Are they really? The chinese are almost certainly arming the norks with these and will likely use kim as a proxy to push the USA out of the position of hegemon.
Best the final battle will be between the forces of God, and the NON-BELIEVERS, which makes jews, chrisatcuks good and Holla Forums anons bad
where is there left to migrate to? the tor site?
uuh ups, missed the part where it said it was breaking into 3 pieces and fell into water. But maybe there is still more coming eh? hahaha
Holy shit these are gold.
All the Nork shills ITT celebrating the firing of missiles over japan
This is a slide thread now.
post tits nowwwwww
Look just because someone else dislikes kikes too does not make them our friend or are you going to convert to islam now like devonus did?
I have no idea or I would be there already. Of course, it is possible that the sensible posters simply quit coming altogether and focused on their own lives. Fuck it though, this place is beyond saving and only good for shitposting and the news
Spoiler: It's his precum
Get a bunker with a 6 month supply of food and water. If you can't afford that, don't live in a target area.
you are alive now and weren't alive back then diff times user and I did say the (((rat))) subverted it in the end however useful as it was at the time for gentiles to take absolute power.
You want to demonize it go right ahead I don't believe in it.You never wonder why in description of early christians never mentions the fact that they were against jew belief and categorized as wrong and there for worthy to get burned alive for heresy and thinking they were special.Fuck off with your programed bullshit.DIG LITTLE NIGGER DIG!!!! DIG!!!
Go jew somewhere else. D&C shill.
fags btfo
the point is that christianity is a terrible religion that teaches anti-morality - "let everybody trample all over you, be a homeless foot-washing loser like Christ"
probably less than 25% of whites are christian at this point so just let the shitty kike religion die already, it's not d&c, it's behind us
In a analyzed opinion.
It is a play right from the CIA's book. Prop up a dicator to proxy your wars. Probably more than 1/2 the generals are on China's payroll while the Kim game is just an act for the North Koreans and the world.
Trump said he was going to negotiate with China on trade as well as wanting the West out of that region. This is now the greatest leverage they have as Trump has put himself in a position where negotiating with China is the only way to deescalate or he runs the risk of looking weak.
The other alternative is a hot WAR which both parties will avoid at all costs.
Or this could be wrong and this is really a rouge regime with its own interests in mind but it is more likely that China is really in charge there.
Well China did say exactly that. But they also said if NK starts shit they aren't bailing them out.
I agree with you on this christianity is not what it once was being a unifying apparatus for whites yet it served its purpose at the time since then the interpretations of the so called word has led to jew subversion like a pope calling for mass immigration because he is a jesuit that by tradition and law should never be able to be a pope …jew subversion worming its way into everything we do to push everything that is against parasite removal.
Jews are CANCER cut them out make sure no rouge cells survive and LIVE TO FULL POTENTIAL WHITE MAN.
With out a jew leech sucking your blood and diseasing your mind./
WRONG. Democrats are in quadruple double down mode right now. Why the fuck would the paid shills they hire be given different strategies when their overlords don't even fall out of stride.
North Korea will be bailed by China and Russia. They'll simply "liberate" Pyongyang for themselves. Stopping any further movement and burger cucksheds being erected. It would be a huge waste of time and resources to go to war.
That's what I believe their stationed troops were for. Your not the victim here, ciaburgers.
>hits (((Musk))) thereby crushing all hope the (((elite))) have of escaping after they ruin Earth
china or russian will not go in there if its a nuclear waste zone after being glassed at least not for the next 50 years.We hit NK we have no need to invade let them all die from radiation poisoning and a few strikes on critical infrastructure the sit back and watch them wilt.
I've been wondering, but does NK know about the jewish question? Are they aware of their influence in the west? Or is the west a single entity for them?
Because they are the first strike option which allows them to make a first strike without taking the blame. They're starting to lose the trade war and see the need to press their advantage - it's straight out of The Art of War.
Honestly they need to hit Japan first, it's been too long since their last dose of radiation.
Japan is going to provide valuable genomic information once we get to the point where we can reliably splice genes between different people and want to start colonizing the stars, they're the Human equivalent of the animals around Chernobyl - they are slowly developing an immunity, which means extremely lightweight spaceships since you don't need to pack a solid meter of lead around the hulls to survive outside the van allen belts.
China is just going to throw NK under the bus and turn a blind eye as America freedomizes the gooks.
Giant Gundam "statue" comes to life when
we are already in place to wreck them then you will see massive migrants leaving kim gooks buffet trying for S korea and China and Russia . To think this fat chink has any power is absurd and China or Russia won't do shit if we glass them knowing they would be next most will be some bleh at the UN who no one gives a fuck about anyway unless they can make shekkels.
Japan ought to send them some unarmed missiles right back just to fuck with them.
Nah korea shouldn't even exist in the first place.
I have a really high upboated comment on plebbit frontpage nip vs best Korea thread what should I change it to
checked they are just a buffer zone for chinese chinks and why S korea is ally and doing so much better living wise than any NK dreg
We can reliably manipulate the genome of human gametes, fam. it isn't difficult at all. the issue is that we are now ALLOWED to because Highland forums wants to hinder the advancement of humanity
really the only difficult part of tampering with the human genome is knowing how to effect the change you want if you're trying to make a complex edit, but that could be worked out over time
the benefits to genetic manipulation are huge, though, and its a fucking travesty we haven't started doing it 20 years ago. for example, cystic fibrosis is the most common hereditary fatal disease (lifespan is projected to be like 30 years now, and thats 30 years of absolute hell) in white populations, and its literally just one fucking gene that has a fucked allele. incredibly simple to scan for, incredibly simple to fix, but kikes enjoy sewing human misery so we cannot fix it
when will Trump just neutron bomb this asshole?
>hinder the advancement of humanity i meant the advancement of whites, obviously, considering all others are regressive subhumans, except nips
I meant korea is japan clay also s koreans like the talmud and their government is full of feminist/cultist.
then why aren't they launching missiles at them?
nobody wants to attack best korea b/c they would raze jew korea from across the dmz with massive conventional artillery in response
but you know nothing about the neutron bomb evidently
where are all these nork shilling faggots coming from? fuck off, never going to support a fucking communist no matter how much you faggots larp
you're right. sounds interesting, what wrinkle does a neutron bomb put into the equation?
Until they are given the truth of National Socialism .. ofc sk chinks will explore jew bullshit and their seemingly miraculous difference between their castrated northern commie supporting bretheren.
Guess 3rd time isn't the charm
Hitler was a National Socialist. Hitler and Jesus would have been buddies in a buddy cop movie where it ends with them gassing the rest of the jews. Because the jews invented the holocaust, and Jesus was a jew, so he totally would have told Hitler to do it for real.
When you drive alone, you drive with Hitler, so let Jesus take the wheel and have a kick-ass road trip the three of you.
know how i know you're not from around here?
two or three bombs could destroy all of their artillery and kill all of their tunnel soldiers and infantry waiting to storm the dmz up to about 25m underground and in the 80s up to 500acres out
lel you fucking klown. do you have no idea how fucked they are? a different form of government won't help them. they are animals
we know its leftpol trying to soften pol from natsoc to soc
I hope nk gets broken into 2 more countries. I love it when the west just makes a new country for a laugh.
righd in da benis :-DDDDDDDD
I know how much nips hat them the point I was making was that even they have it better than N koreans ….I never said anything about them being able to migrate to Nippon.Natsoc would never permit that.
Not every race is capable of national socialism. Chinks aren't human poor and cheap imitations of what Europeans have made. At least japs studied what Europeans made.
because america would destroy NK.
NK is backed into a corner by Zionist kikes.
The irony of this happening while I was at theater watching Terminator 2 3D today… which is a really great 3D conversion btw, that fucking nuclear fire melting Linda Hamilton so rich in 3D.
>the (((west)))
so bombing guam or japan wouldnt lead to destruction? saddam lobbed scuds at israel all day long
gif the nuke explosion or gtfo
fam neither you nor i implied that.
that's arguable, sadly
such people are incapable of any form of civilized society. eradication is the final solution
If ten of my guys suddenly surround you what will you do? Fight to the end as a last resort but no doubt try to get out of the situation in simpler ways. NK is surrounded by Zionist America, Israel, Communist China and demon worshiping cultists in SK. All Kim can do is saber-rattle and hope it scares everyone off.
I heard that Nork's rocket engines were bought from Ukraine. If that's true, will Russia be pissed at the Norks now?
saddam wasnt surrounded? are you sure the attack israel thing isnt just to rile up the cuckservatives for a war?
what happened to Saddam?
can confirm austin is pozzed as fuck. on the other hand, the pantyfags carry airsoft.
t.live there
nips can be natsoc and actually were in ww2 and even now and people can be trained for their own benefit.
>t-totally not like america supplying arms and munitions and vehicles to the kiked islamic state the kiked saudis
All of us in danger.
How will nuculear fall out effect non-West Coast cities? Like the rest of the State?
How do you survive nuculear winter again?
it's mostly that he's an underdog that puts the kikes out and provides a steady source of lulz
nips were always a cultured race, and are remarkable in that fact. koreans are asian niggers, just like chinks and philipinos and thais etc. the only human non-whites are nips. literally every other race is animal-tier
also how's that going in zimbabwe, faggot? those niggers what lived under aparthied were being instructed in civilization. how's that turned out?
"I think North Korea is starting to respect us" -Donald Cuck Trump
That makes it
Normalfags are fucking terrible, don't you agree
same as churchill blowing we killed the wrong pig Nippon would have been a far better ally if we weren't infiltrated by parasite jews back then FUCK.
Hey-oh trips for Texas super checked
You've misspelt Jews once again.
And bombing Japan wouldn't result in the same fucking thing?
no one has bombed japan, user.
kim is saber rattling.
if kim attacks the kikes in China, Israel or elsewhere, its over for NK. if kim doesnt attack, its over for NK. the only move left to bark like a cornered dog.
nice propaganda poster salt-left
try harder
whats propaganda about a photograph, user? NK being a broke, destitute place is the propaganda.
kim hasnt attacked anyone. so what do you call flying missles with the intent of NOT attacking? is it called "saber rattling?" is it? dumb kike.
lets crowdfund you a ticket to north korea then
like operation Barbarossa was just war games right?
not an argument
what does a military operation from the 1940s have to do with right now, user? who has Kim actually attacked?
tbh I have no idea what the fuck is going on in NK. lugenpresse likes to shill the absolute poverty of the place and you sometimes hear about the place being a utopia but i've never seen actual evidence of what it's like there either way
not an argument
there are three nations left in the world without a central rothschild bank. north korea is one of those places. i dont care about gooks, but i do care about not supporting kikes or their plot to overthrow peaceful gooks.
why are you avoiding the discussion user? i asked who kim has actually attacked. would you like to answer or do i accept your defeat?
it's a paradise for the commissars
he was a jew and got a jew's treatment.
I can tell you arent from around here
probably a spy or just a regular idiot
a jew would say that but ok nigger
where were you when MOSSAD got BTFO by some gooks?
everybody knows about trips o truth
kek i thought you were just shitposting but im actually starting to think you're a real kike
youre a fucking idiot. KYS.
you sure do love sucking a commie chinks dick dont you?
why don't you pack up your shit right now and move to israel you think you will talk your way out of getting hung ? No word salad is sufficient to perpetuate your jew lies anymore.National Socialism is nature and you never win against nature jew.
To be fair, John Bolton not that long ago bragged he was one of the key figures responsible for ripping up the agreement Bill Clinton signed with North Korea, and the US's failure to deliver aid in the creation of several nuclear power plants of a specific type that could not create weapons grade material - was key in forcing NK back onto a nuclear weapons oriented path. Jimmy Carter was also supposed to give a bunch of aid, and I was going around blaming him until I heard Bolton on one of the fox shows a couple weeks ago, brag about that.
Then that means someone is feeding them technology or it's not really NK.
And (((we all know who'd want that))).
pick only one
nihilism is gay tbh
thats what im doing
This is payback for the court judgements.
And Captain Cook.
you know I'm not kidding when I say I don't give a fuck, right? collateral, nigger, this is war, got to crack a few eggs to make an omellete, you should have got out months ago
Go back to Holla Forums you sick fuck
Pyrrhus won a lot of battles but ultimately lost the war.
And here start most of Shon Meegumi Tansay games
stop whitewashing ethnic culture you fuck
no u :(
That's a man, isn't it.
Looks like a man to me. There are some masculine features there. It's definitely an effeminate dude.
ok say I have kids with a white nordic class woman all offspring beautiful yet wife won't have anymore she thinks she has done her duty for the white race and comfy yet I have a lot more Germanic sperm to populate women with good genetics..Family is everything but I want more kids ?I am sure some nip girl wants the seed of my genetic lineage going back to the romans yet I refuse when tbh we killed all their males and raped their women.
What would a centurion advise me.
I sure hope it's a man, my boner would depreciate in value instantly if not.
>gook pretends communist gooks aren't communists because kim fat il made some newspeak and (((wikipedia))) reported it
can you give a few examples of NK's current Communist policies?
I want to kill all jews but I don't want any offspring from the rapage and further their disgusting dna
im sorry, fam
also ihope this isnt a quadruple post. fucking jim fix ur shit
Man I wish it was easier to tell whether or not there is anything circled in the crotch area or not, because I can't tell.
If a bitch, is she naked anywhere?
Tl;dr, is it happening or not?
so you cant backup your claim?
then i humbly accept your defeat.
Real Socialism has been tried It's called national Socialism, just not real Communism as that's not a thing and would be even worse to live in than the communism we know
Doesn't seem like it.
look at the carrying angle, fam pic related if thats not a gril then im a retard
wrong. socialism in terms of what a jew would consider is entirely different than National Socialism you ass hat.How about you brainwashed fuck tards actually see it for what it is instead of blowing your jew op propaganda on it.Seriously grow the fuck up or gtfo.
Nice try schlomo. Disguising your botnets as images. Not even trying anymore.
s-shit i downloaded it and now no icons on desktop are gone and theres playing x gon give it to ya
Which is why the Jew is wrong
Hello retard
1.NoKo is Strasserist.
2.NoKo is redpilled on the JQ
3.NoKo fights against the Jew and Israel everywhere around the world.
Pretty sure you are a jewish shill, badmouthing based Kim, because you know he threatened to nuke Israel first if shit goes down.
No he threatened to nuke some inconsequential island in the pacific that some America navyfags live on
He said he will obliterate Israel just a few months ago.
>(((PRC's))) buffer zone is aware of the JQ
Just on the wire:
‘Overwhelming force’: South Korea conducts bombing drill in response to Pyongyang’s missile test
It's common knowledge on this board. I bet you hate Assad to, don't you?
Checked for cold beers are better.
Assuming Strasserist retains a large amount of things that are National Socialist policy, North Korea is very different from that. For example, there is no love of their people, the people are simply disposable peasants. Its a shit country that treats its people like shit, and yet is still somehow the victim of international Jewry, at the end of the day.
political shit show not worthy pay attention nigger an user always knows are you even white ? lol go back
You are retarded and no have idea about Juche. Juche is nationalism on autism.
They don't care about individual people, because they see their blood as one single organism. This is the reason they all have same hairstyles and same clothes - they celebrate their sameness, they are so nationalist they try to be a single hivemind.
This is your brain on (((collectivism)))
They put a statement about Main Kampf on their only site.
NoKo doesn't recognize the existence of Israel, denies holohoax and spergs out about Jewish control of America now and then in their statements.
That's anzujaamu you dunces. She might be a bit flat but not a dude.
With grammar like that, we can tell you're not one of us. YOU WILL NEVER BE WHITE.
There is nothing wrong with collectivism and submission if it works for them. Asians can only function under collectivism, even the Japs would kill themselves when their daimyo died
I kek'd, this is what happens when your mind is on traps. My guess is it's an actual girl: no visible Adam's Apple, elbow angle, and the circled crotch area is probably just underwear (potentially with a menstrual pad too; these can sometimes make a misleading bulge).
third time, show jewish media headlines actual proof or GTFO
Fuck it with your baseless bullshit, show proof or GTFO
Its a guy who had a botched circumcision, and doesnt know how to answer "are you a boy or a girl." This is definitely not Holla Forums approved.
You realize that well over 1,000 nuclear and atomic weapons have already been detonated on the soil of the continental United States, right? Radiation is mostly a meme.
you niggers i was proving that anzu was a gril jfc stop bullying me
Stop shilling, Shlomo, no one buys your bullshit here.
Pretty sure last time they fired over Japan, Japan threatened to bomb the shit out of them.
But that was about 10 years ago, and Japan's changed PM's about 20 times since, so they've probably forgotten.
China has MIRVs, and they were being developed in the US as far back as the 70s.
may he succeed, mein fuhrer
Delusional dumpling is going to get stir fried.
religion has been discussed to death and much evidence has come out that shills use the derisive topic as a method to derail conversation
religious discussion is not for Holla Forums
anyone discussing religion is properly assumed a shill
I'm surprised the chinks haven't given the norks their ICBMs yet. The norks can already nuke the chinks all day long so they have nothing to lose if the norks nuke their western pigdog enemies or whatever. Weird.
All we know is that a missile overflew japan, coming from the general direction of NK
North Korea is going to nuke Japan
And Japan is going to realize how cucked it is, and it's going to become an empire again. North Korea IS going to get Banzai'd so badly, that they will fucking wish it was Nanking.
And with the new empire comes a new Reich
'Judgement Day' happens to be tomorrow.
Yes, but mods never ban "kekists" "pagans" and related irrelevant tards.
wait I have to have perfect grammar to pretend like you are a white man because jews go to is…. criticizing type and have nothing else of substance …
Nah jew fuck you …pure white here. Enjoy pic related destiny is coming rat
Every time I see that image I want to find that magazine, I know it's MC ☆ あくしず (MC ☆ Akushizu) but I can never find any with those exact covers,
Just goes to show how far we've sunk to be relying on somebody like Kim to free us from our jewish oppressors.
IF DUBS COMMIEFORNIA and even better SanFag is done for.
/salt-left/ couldn't be more blatant in this thread
Pls xplane
The dubs confirm. But nukes are fake you faggot. So it will just be a regular bombing instead if it does happen.
Also explain yourself as to why you came to this conclusion.
Oregon BTFO
Make Gookesses Comfort Womyn Again
I'm not buying it. Though MK Ultra is also 441.
As is European
Nice protonmail, cvar
What's the point in using Proton Mail when you're using Windows 10? That's like thinking you won't get HIV because you used a Milky Way wrapper as a condom
So an intercontinental ballistic missile. Yeah? I literally am going to stop caring till I wake up with a sticky thread on Holla Forums called "IT HAPPENED"
better get two guns, friend.
Jesus christ, that's the best good troll I've seen the entire day. However, it lacks the classic "are traps gay" tab and therefore you suffer a score penalty. Overall I rate it 9/10, pretty good troll.
sounds good
I-is it possible to send an edible arrangement to north korea?
t. American Public; Please nuke the entire western seaboard
Hoax and Psyop.
Trumps silence on this is odd. I would imagine his Generals are blueballing intensely and hounding him to invade at this point.
And the final time 0612 is another triple 6 encoded.
yea. I mean the timing was genius. The perfect time to shitcheck Trump would be when theres a major ongoing natural disaster which was made worse by a commie mayor rescinding evacuation orders.
But for Trump to have no response is a bit ..
Let the salt flow.
You faggost better film in HD on the horizontal when the nukes drop
who broke it first? this martyn williams kike?
posts random falsifiable japan pm video
radio that always plays marching songs is playing marching songs, goyim
"many experts say this was a mirv"
"i spoke to us governemtn sources" (((PANDA)))
I probably missed a bunch but.. you faggots know what to do
Silence means choices have been made, now action speaks
or it means that he knows its a kike psyop
Trump will do nothing more than call a (((UN))) security council meeting. He’s a weak willed bitch who knows China will economically fuck his shit up if he strikes first. He’ll have to wait for the inevitable false flag.
That guy living in Japan here, I'd put on the TV so I could watch guys point at maps and go "ahhh"… but it's stopped working.
Or it didnt happen at all you filthy nemur
If we go to war with China, the economy will go into wartime mode. (((International trade))) will not matter.
Where in Japan are you?
Also, Japanese are a high strung people and when I was there a month and a bit back, street Japs didn't seem to give much of a shit about what the Norks were doing. Is this your experience or are they now losing their shit?
Japs avoided the Confucian trap by sticking to their ancestral religion. There's a profound and subtle reason why the west and Japan have grown together in ways that the west and the rest of Asia have not.
Don't want to narrow it down too far as it would cause me to self-dox, but I can get to Osaka, Kyoto and Nara in a reasonable amount of time.
Anyway, turned out I'd plugged the aerial in the wrong socket after unplugging my Snes. The normal shows were on and people in the supermarket and street were just doing business as normal.
So we must conclude that this, as with all of NK's other threats and "tests" ("testing" the only weapons they can afford to build), is fucking nothing.
Literally who gives a shit? Why do you care?
No fuckwit, they've put shit into orbit before.
You post like Imkikey. Fucking hang yourself man, the board will be the better for it.
Holla Forums was always majority Christian since /n/. 8/pol/ is the first board where we have a compromised staff larping hard as LARPagans, and 'atheism+' Goons straight out of Something Awful (they even use their old 'muh kike on a stick meme').
As for the topic itself: yes it does belong on Holla Forums because it is politically incorrect (Cultural Marxists try their hardest to eliminate Christian holidays and traditions).
Bow down to the sun whose left over the stardust created this planet and all the living beings on it.
The trap-posting faggots have sure lowed post quality.
Daily reminder that on DOTR all trap-lovers are destined for the bog.
How about a crowdfunding campaign to help Holla Forumslacks move to redpilled areas?
Are the kikes arming NK to draw us into war with them?
Move you fucking retard
I forgot about that, pretty good stuff
So… Where did it hit?
Well, this is a natsoc board. I'll just leave it at that
Agreed, something about this stinks. People claim the U.S. knew,>>10513358
so what is the outrage about.
Agreed, something about this stinks. People claim the U.S. knew,
so what is the outrage about.
Stupid fucker probably insisted on kosher food
Is this bullshit or real report?
South Korea drops eight heavy bombs near North Korea border to show 'overwhelming force'
South Korea's military has dropped eight heavy bombs near its border with the North in a show of what local media called "overwhelming force" following Pyongyang's latest missile test.
President Moon Jae-in ordered the strike, by four F-15K fighter-bombers, at a firing range in the country's east to "display a strong capability to punish" North Korea if it were to attack.
The MK-84 multi-purpose bomb is a 2,000lb munition that can penetrate some 11m of earth and 11ft of concrete. South Korea said all eight hit their targets at a testing ground on the country's own soil.
The Yonhap news agency said government officials wanted to show Seoul's ability to overwhelm its belligerent neighbour in the case of all-out hostility.
Go Kim Go!!!!
Is this satire? It's right at the point where my gut says it's too retarded to be real but I really can't tell.
Yeah saving the actual image and not "save link as" brings it as .jpg.png which is suspicious. The user who has that image though has multiple images with that .jpg.png and they all look like caps. I don't know what the deal with a2fec6 is but all the NK 4chan caps are .jpg.png when you try to save the enlarged image itself. I don't know where he got them so I can't say one way or the other.
fuck off back where you came from, cancer.
China is very unlikely to give norks nuclear weapons tech. They want NK to be a buffer and a pointman, not a serious contender.
wtf i literally unironically love Kim now.
China doesn't control North Korea like people think they do. Sure the United States has empowered it's dictators all over the world and it's understandable that Americans would think like that but it's not the case. In China there is the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, and Koreans have a great deal of freedom there. North Korea is it's own historic people and country, that is why it's not considered China today. The Koreans have fought to rule themselves for thousands of years, it's what pisses the North off about the South, letting Americans rule their geography. And if one looked at it from a Nationalistic point of view it would be no different than how Americans would feel if our US government was Mexican, Canadian, or in reality as it is Jewish.
more like 45 minutes.
Oh I know. I'm just talking about what China does and doesn't want Korea to be, and what they would and wouldn't do for them.
China and Russia will get drawn into any military conflict. They have been saying for 20 years that there needs to be dialog. An honest and open discussion and the US is fucking tone deaf on the issue. Jade-Helm, the military build-up in the South has been the reason for this. Minus all the gulag bullshit about North Korean Kim is from the fucking historic ruling Andong Kim clan. Jesus chirst their history goes back 2000 years in Korean. Seriously, a search of information on the internet and Korean history shows the North have a right in a say as to what occurs on their geography. Just becuase the cucks in the South as the same cucks that kissed Japanese ass doesn't make it the right moral position to take, and that is how everyone in Asia will see it. The North is the underdog and everyone loves an underdog. Trump is a fucking moron on this issue.
what's the matter user? just because you are ignorant on the history of Korean and guzzle like cum anything the NYTimes or WaPo has posted about North Korea over the years, maybe you'd be happier reading The Guardian, the South China Morning Post, CNN or any other Kike owned news outlet. You think it's a good thing that the Joseon dynasty was destroyed by the Japanese in 1898 by murder and then when the Koreans finally found their independence once again in 1945 they should have been forced to give up their right to independence and self rule, again by murder to the the United States? China or Russia do not tell North Korea what to do, unlike South Korea which kisses the ass of the United States of Kikes at every turn??? If the United States didn't involve itself in the internal affairs of other countries the North would kick the shit out of the South in a matter of a few months.
They have no other way of testing without it going over japan.
You can't get more blatant with your globalist kike shilling.
The border of SK/NK has fucking nothing - the DMZ is basically completely devoid of anything, so there's no harm done bombing it.
Don't think it was the DMZ, that is why it is "the demilitarized zone". That bomb looked like it occurred at the same bombing range that South Korea always uses.
Pic related.
Also, Slim Kim's 3rd kid was born earlier today. This shit was probably just fireworks to celebrate. Half the world's panties in a knot over a small celebration, and Kimmy's probably laughing his ass off.
t. norklet
The only thing that makes sense is North Korea is part of the Deep State and they are doing missile launches to allow the U.S. to move nukes closer to China.
The U.S.wants to get so close that China's defence systems have no time to respond.
Kek and the chaos are with you fat kimmy.
I'm deeply confused who to root for as ultimately North Korea has no Rothschild bank.
Well if it comes on the news that North Korea nuked a US town, this will cause Trump to attack Kim Jong Un. Along with China staying neutral from the situation. I have to wait and see though.
Get off my plane faggot.
You're kidding right? The United States doesn't have US Customs inspectors in Chinese ports. With all of the shipping containers coming into the US from China if China wanted they could fill 100 shipping containers with short range nuclear missiles. North Korea is North Korea, they have their history, their own beliefs, and they are their own people and they have no intention of being deposed or invaded by the Kikes from the South. It's really that simple, they are the hermit kingdom, have been and wish to remain that way.
He's in San Hambonio now I thought
oh look, another korea thread
why havent theae threads been banned yet?
pretty girl.
This is a 6 day old thread now, thanks for bumping it when it's already out of date guys.
Let every man work for his bread. Jesus was a carpenter before he began evangelising. Stop using a commie meme to support ttheir agenda.
Understand the sarcasm, but it should be noted nonetheless.
You were obviously hurt by the church, in your eyes a group of people who sit in a pew on Sunday but fornicate on Monday. They are the hypocrites, they are the sinners themselves. Lead the the execution by snakeoil salesmen and motivational speakers. I'd suggest otherwise but understand that religion is an evil tool for all classes. Paganism and Atheism is also. Religiosity is a sin in itself and you're painting the very thing holding today's moral fabric together as the enemy. And while you may not see it, you will find that there are those who are quiet, behind the scenes - waiting, watching… understand that when the day comes, you'll have a choice in the matter. You will choose death, or you will choose life.
Watch 52 episodes of the Labyrinth of Truth by Watchers. Ignore the other shit on YT channel as it is not the original uploader. Watch the embedded intro and think about the words being spoken. I understand your point of contention, but do not be mislead by false dichotomy. No reason to hide, for the Truth never fears anything. Nothing will conquer. I would rather have you by my side with a sword than those who amble aimlessly into the night and whom have been corrupted by the evil you live amongst. Sons of thunder my boy. Never forget it. The sons of thunder. Paul is a great example.