Talk about Etrian Odyssey, Dungeon Travelers 2, Wizardry and more.
I just beat this crocodile in Etrian Odyssey II, getting one to show up was tedious. Thankfully I got the conditional drop along with it's normal one.
Talk about Etrian Odyssey, Dungeon Travelers 2, Wizardry and more.
I just beat this crocodile in Etrian Odyssey II, getting one to show up was tedious. Thankfully I got the conditional drop along with it's normal one.
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I accdiently deleted my EOU2 file when I was transfering it from the cart to the hacked copy. I just got to the 5th stratum in Story Mode.
I know I know
Honestly, I would feel bad for you but you paid money for EOU2 so you'll get zero sympathy from me.
Were you trying to pirate the DLC to go with your hacked copy?
Are there any with real graphics? Meaning with fully visible and animated characters and animated enemies? Not just skewing and stretching static sprites of enemies and just hitsparks instead of characters?
I like the concept buy I don't like how spartan graphics in these games are.
man etrian odyssey 2 is such a fucking grind.
Legend of Grimrock might be up your fancy.
Start from it and work backwards through the genre if you actually like the games.
There's just something about EO2 that stops me right in my tracks. On two separate occasions I've started up a save fully intent on completing it, but somewhere around the 3rd stratum my will gets sapped to nothing, despite enjoying the game every step of the way. It wasn't like this for EO1. I blazed through that game in a week or so without putting it down and fully expected the rest of the series to follow suit.
At this point, I really just want to continue on to EO3 which I've always heard over the years is superb, but my autism won't let me skip past a numbered title. This is troubling, since I'm hype as HELL for EO5 and would like to have completed all the previous entries before I pirate/buy it.
You don't really need to retire as end-game enemies are balanced around Level 70 and over characters.
Sounds like you are burnt out man, maybe play a different crawler/genre before continuing on EO2.
Yeah, but for some reason it wasn't working with the save. Whatever. I'll just play Sword City or EO3 or SMT1/KMT or something.
Jesus christ, just play 3. 4 is also really good.
Maybe the DLC is not the same region? Anyway playing those games is a smart choice since Story Mode is bad.
Bumping this thread.
7th Dragon 2020 and 2020-II on PSP, and 7th Dragon III Code: VFD come to mind.
So is there any reason at all to play the Story Mode in the Shin remake of Sekaiju no MeiQ? I'd rather just play the proper game and make my own party if there's no difference, but if Story gets any bonus dungeons or shit…
Etrian Odyssey disgusts me because everything is so bright and happy. The music is fantastic and yet it does not fit the game at all. It seems completely tone deaf to the importance of atmosphere and discovery in this genre.
Silly nips.
We're talking more about First Person Dungeon Crawlers
First person ones feel slow as fuck user.
I've only played Etrian Odyssey and Wizardry 6, but they never felt that slow.
The best thing I can suggest is just try one if you haven't. I was surprised that I enjoyed it as much as i did.
You rang?
Diablo is really it's own subgenre of action RPG more than anything.
What do you call it?
I still call it hack and slash but the term seems to have died out.
I do so as well but everybody calls everything that resembles D2 in some way a Diablo-like now. I dont see how Diablo in general can be called a rpg in anyway, either. Just because stats ? Shit system.
Its a hack n slay with heavy emphasis on item gathering, thats it. Wouldnt even call it an item-hoarder since the whole interface is counter productive to this. With plugy added it becomes a hoarder but without, game was never intended for you to have 20 mule accounts. The space restrictions were part of the formula, originally. Because doooh, its a rogue-like-light.
Hack and slash is actually how I'd describe something like Devil May Cry instead. I just call Diablo and it's ilk Diabloclones, same way we still call stuff like Fushigi no Dungeon "Roguelikes" or those 3D gun games "Doomclones"
You just reminded me how awesome it would be if we actually had a game that combines stylish action combat with Diablo 2 like character development.
PSO2 Fits this description somewhat.
Grimrock in't really the same genre as the EO games though since it's realtime and focus more on puzzles instead of chardev. It's more of a spiritual sequel to Dungeon Master and Eye of the Beholder then Wizardry and Might & Magic.
I call DevilMayCry n stuff action adventure.
Come at me, bro.
I use that term for Zelda more
I put them all in the same category. Grimrock has levelling, spells, equipment etc. more than enough character development.
I find most people for whatever reason feel strongly about the real-time aspect of it, which is I think missing the big picture. Also real-time combat best-time combat.
Eh. It works for some genres, but dungeon crawlers aren't one of them IMO
It depends on why you like the genre to begin with I guess, if the main draw is getting lost in labyrinths then Grimrock is definitely a good place to start and some of the recent turnbased ones like Operation Abyss and Demon Gaze can go fuck themselves since they have always on unlimited automap. But on the other hand if the main draw is chardev/partydev then I feel that Grimrocks party of four characters is to limiting. Though The Dark Spires was also limited to four man party and that game is excellent.
I'm currently wondering what I have to do to unlock the quests to battle Briareus and Wyrm. Do I have to the chess pieces fetch quest or a different set of quests?
*have to do
Whats the difference between To Heart2 Dungeon Travelers and Final Dragon Chronicle: Guilty Requiem? I know FDC is lewder but is there any other difference?
What are nice features in a dungeon crawler game?
Dark mazes with explosive walls like in Wizardry Empire.
Use the english name and you'll probably get a response.
In 1 yes there's story locked shit, in 2 there isn't any.
in 2 it's DLC locked instead.
Problem is it could be done multiple ways, "Labyrinth of the World Tree" "Yggdrasil Maze" etc. so I just stick with the proper title to be safe. Thanks though.
Oh right I forgot you're that weird weeb guy, sorry forget I responded to you and fuck off and kill yourself
But the proper title is 新・世界樹の迷宮 ミレニアムの少女 not your foreignized bullshit!
No idea what you're on about, but thanks for the information earlier anyhow.
Yeah, I was too lazy to open up IME, so sue me.
"It's only optional!"
you guys like? my mom bought it for my birthday.
Revival bump.
I just finished my 1st playthrough of pic related yesterday. Went Law.
I can't believe how addicted I was to a 1st-person dungeon crawler, let alone a vidya game. Played nonstop 'till 4 in the morning most nights, I couldn't put it down.
I'm thinking of running through it again on Chaos. It's just too damn fun.
Now play Elminage Gothic! It's the best the genre has to offer!
Yeah it's pretty much my favorite DS game, everything about it is top-notch.
That's what's great about it. EO2 was the first I played of the series and I loved the visceral script's contrast against the beautiful art direction. I'm all about contrast in creative media, it always catches my interest when it's emotive.
I have yet to play a better dungeon crawler than Wizardry 6.
>Going Law
>Going Chaos
Gore is a war hero, Arthur is my commanding officer and you are not my crew member.
Gore was a nigger an Jimines a spic Law and Zelenin was the only way.
It has enjoyable party building but the save anywhere system destroys any suspense when you don't have to wait +2 minutes for the save hoping it won't corrupt your floppy.
Wizardry 8 with the combat speed mod.
They must all be purged, every last one of the foul devils, Law and Chaos alike.
I found it slow as fuck even with the mod.
Even in your imageboards, F.O.E.!
I regard Wiz 8 as kind of strange. Sure, it had rock solid mechanics and an outstanding character creation, a nice feeling of progression and was a satisfying conclusing to the whole saga, but something about the world design and the nature of early- and end-game-fights simply felt… off. Too many wide and otherwise empty places that were simply filled with some roaming monsters, either indoors or outdoors.
I'm more of a fan of Might and Magic 3-5 (6-8 are another story): Turn- and grid-based, excellent dungeon design with some fun riddles and quests, and refreshingly non-linear for its time.
So I beat the Abyssal God and I noticed something odd, whenever it starts having a random pattern (after it has 75% HP or less) it always uses Dark Lightning first.
damn, I've not seen this meme in years
Is pic related any good? I need something to play after I finish DT2.
Has anyone have played the new Etrian Odyssey game?
Sekaiju no MeiQ 5? It's good, I would recommend picking it up immediately it'll be better once they release the real soundtrack
I know a little jap, maybe I should give it a try I would like to buy it physically but 3DS hacking is too easy
Best way to improve is to challenge yourself and why not do both? It's what I did
Yeah, preorders for that closed within a couple days, I was pissed I missed out on it
How's the dark spire?
Pretty alright, it has a bit of a slow start though
Can you reccomend me a good dungeon crawler?
I've already played EOI, III and stranger of sword city
Why did you skip EO2?
But no there's the Wizardry series 6-8 are pretty fun but play a bit dated.
EO4 is fun if you want more of the same.
EO5 is good if you know japanese.
Grimrock 1 and 2 are good, but require a lot of clicking.
Those are just off the top of my head.
I heard EO2 was shit.
Oh and I've already played grimrock and I didn't like it much, and I don't have a 3ds so no EO4 or EO5 for me.
You got anything else?
no that was only Untold 2.
EO2 is considered the best next to 3
sorry didn't answer
there's plenty more, but how open to dated games are you.
As long as it's not on the snes it's probably good for me
Well shoot, that leaves out a lot of the classics
You try strange journey? It's not typical from the "make your party" aspect, and has a bit more story than others, but it's a pretty solid game.
Yeah I've already beat it too, although it hardly counts as a DC to me, but that's mostly because I categorize SMT games in their own categories.
you tried….
Wizardry Tale of a Forsaken land?
Nah, but my pc can't really handle ps2 emulation since
hmm well I guess in that case my best recommendations would be Dark Spire and EO2.
A lot of what are considered classics look like pic related
holy fuck, why does this pain feel good?
QUALITY Cabbage? Is that you?
It's a pretty simple and easy DRPG. There are maybe 2 fights in the game that require something besides the usual 'rush 'em and heal when necessary' tactic. Not a lot of customization either when it comes to stats and there is no class changes/skill tree if you enjoy that bit. The music is pretty good though.
Im playing persona 1 on the psp along with Kyuyakku megami tensei, fun stuff, but grinding for spell cards in P1 is a pain in the ass
fuck that gay shit
Well that was easy. Is respeccing for specific bosses something that's generally required in Dungeon Crawlers? I kind of cheesed my way through EO1 with defender/immunize so I never really had to do it before.
I've been thinking of making a quick Etrian Odyssey tier list going by the general consensus here.
I got lucky since she spammed tentacle in the first two turns, I had a couple of Thearica AXs to remove binds from my party. With my Hexer I managed to afflict fear on her and spammed suicide while my Gunner used warmight boosted ricochet every turn.
Yeah, that's what I was trying to do at first. I actaully got really lucky on my very first try and managed to get her down to about 5%, but in each try after that fear just wouldn't stick. It's still really great for random encounters though.
I got through EO1 same way you did, although I admit to also doing autism tier grinding at the same time and had a max party of all classes (just not retired for rebuffs outside my Alchemist). I honestly hope the sequels DO require you to think faster and harder on how to overcome bosses, mobs, and FOEs.
And I say that because DT2 has spoiled the ever-loving fuck outta me. You either speed dmg all the final bosses, or you fine-tune a team that can seriously go toe to toe with them. And that takes autistic grinding the likes of which the world has not ever witnessed.
I'm probably going to be mad as fuck at 7th Dragon VPS and Moe Chronicle, since they're next on my list. Can't be helped—this game is one hell of an act to follow.
Which one is that? You mean VFD? I still need to finish 2020-II
Yeah I mean that one. I haven't finished the demo, but seems fun so far. Might go back and actually transverse through the DS release no one ever talks about.
Keep in mind the DS game is a VERY different beast, 2020 on the PSP redefined the series' gameplay in a major way.
It's pretty okay. Nothing special, but that's to be expected when they didn't try in any way to break the EO standard. It does start to be a bog to get through somewhere around mid-game, though. At that point it essentially just becomes a non-stop boss-rush of dragon-slaying, since random field battles don't give shit for XP. Might be right up your alley, but personally it just started getting tiresome for me since the field-dragons didn't particularly require any strategy to kill.
Something like 600+ fucking dragons, man. What the FUCK were they thinking? At least the foxgirls were ultra cute.
666, for symbolic reasons, yeah and if you don't kill them off within enough inn uses, they respawn
I'm disappointed Holla Forums
I prefer torpor for random encounters, thanks to the Hexer's high LUC it lands sleep on them every time. It goes well with my Gunner's wildshot.
Well, a party full of lolis is the only correct way to play.
Most of the genre has been taken over by Japan. It makes since that it wouldn't be mentioned much. Saying that I should play it.
That's true of video games as a whole though.