Advertisers using fewer white people because they no longer represent “modern society”.
So the're finally admitting it and normalfags won't care. They'll probably think it's a good thing.
Advertisers using fewer white people because they no longer represent “modern society”.
So the're finally admitting it and normalfags won't care. They'll probably think it's a good thing.
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I'd love to see the left further alienate itself away from marriage by telling women that they shouldn't have wedding rings because it's misogynistic/homophobic. Some sort of campaign to encourage women to donate their ornaments of "straight privilege" to a fund for social justice.
300k youtube subscribers
500k instagram followers
85k twitter followers
literal nobody.
yeah.. it was totally not pushed, the public wanted him.
So they used our monies, both as consumers and as taxpayers, to import (or further the import) of brown hordes to our countries, and now they don't even have the good God-damned decency to put us in their ads because white people "no longer represent modern society".
And people eat this shit up. I just don't get it.
Seems more like four out of five to me these days.
lol, "she" looks like the youngest kid from Malcolm in the Middle.
i see that after my thread got shoah'd they finally took my advice - it is going to end up costing them a fortune
Me too. I think they must be only counting the ones where its just minorities.
What a time to be alive.
Said no woman ever.
Fucking disgusting. Let me off this ride.
I can only hope that when it happens the backlash will be so enormous that I won't see a nigger on my computer screen/TV for the rest of my fucking life. I'm sick of this shit.
Now here is the irony. Any advertising company that makes commercial featuring only white, Aryan straight couples with children will be wildly successful, far more than mud couples, or worse: race-mixing.
Meanwhile, in the Pale Moon vs AdNauseam thread:
meme it
It's not the actual customers, it's the outrage mob. Just like how gamergate had SJWs who don't play games like Tomb Raider crying about how sexist they think Tomb Raider is.
Companies want to avoid controversy as much as possible. Even if the kind of people to bitch about Tiffany's ads won't ever buy rings, the last thing Tiffany's wants is for a bunch of angry SJWs raising hell against them.
A good way to stop this would be to make sure that these advertising agencies pandering and fearing SJWs fear us more. Wouldn't hurt to take old ads, place them against new ads, and then talk about white genocide or something. Right now, these companies have no reason to not use all this diversity in their ads. No one is going to give them backlash for going diverse, people will if they just have white people.
Pandering to SJWs and leftists always hurts a business, but these businesses either aren't aware of that, or they decide avoiding controversy is better than potential loss of some business.
Anthony Birch?
To play devil's advocate, I personally don't know anyone under the age of 35 who watches TV. I was able to get my grandparents to stop by ripping seasons one through 10 of the Simpsons I'm serious, that's ALL they watch and am working on converting my parents.
For all l know this might be a legitimate buisness strategy. I see no reason whatsoever to care what the idiot box does. Because they will NEVER get me to rot my brain on one.
aka "the vicariously offended".
Spoiler that shit
My point being that upsetting the outrage mob of spinsters and the likes won't lose a single sale.
Not surprising, employers pefer dindus and spics who speak spanish over hard working whites. I went to fill out application everyone was wearing baggy dirty clothes but didn't let me inside because the employer said I needed to more dress professionally. I was wearing khakis and buttoned up shit with a tie , It was suppose to be a high volume restaurant too
How the hell did two white people produce a middle-eastern bathhouse fuccboi?
I'll give you three guesses and one hint. Here's the hint…
Fucking this. I was trying so hard during the first year of GG to get people to understand this. Thick about, just like the government has out-sourced its tyranny to private contractors so as to get around the constitution, leftwing activists then target brands as much as people with their Alinskyian tactics. Now that I think about it, Holla Forums could probably create an updated Rules for Radicals regarding this form of corporate "activism" (terrorism) with examples plucked form recent history.
There are always feelings expressed that "Holla Forums isn't doing anything anymore" and if you have those feelings then I suggest pushing an op like this one. Pick a brand target, shit all over with memes and infographs then spread it on social media.
I work in retail and what I think is being revealed here are trending consumer demographics in advertising. What I am seeing on the sales floor is that actual US immigration is up, if not increasing, however it's not worthless broke-ass Mexicans. Trump is getting rid of them, yay, whoopie. What I am seeing are super wealthy Chinese, Koreans, Arabs and Pajeets. They are all buying cars (think sales tax on automobiles) clothing, consumer goods, household good, durable goods, they are coming to the US in a fucking flood and they are bring their wealth with them…. why advertise to broke ass Americans that are more interested in wearing black hoody sweatshirts and fighting in the street over homosexual and LGBT rights.
And on the other hand, I see very few Whites shopping, or why picture them as a demographic group when they are blithelessly unaware as to what the fuck is going on in their own communities economically.
Idiot Boomers are the main audience for TalmudVision, with some trail-off into GenX. The Electronic Synagogue was invented just in time to amaze and delight Baby Boomers while they were small children, and they haven't stopped gazing into its kosher glow since they had that Indian on the test pattern. They'll worship it until they finally die, with all the fervor they once applied to their cult gurus. Forget the Boomercucks; they've been dead for decades.
One of them, in my family, used to torture me all afternoon and evening by sitting in front of that fag box and watching all the same damn-fool sitcoms over and over. If I ever meet Kelsey Grammar or Ray Romano, there will be hell to pay for what I went through. I finally just cut the old whore out of my life and never looked back; it's been liberating.
I guess I'm somewhere between GenX and a Millennial, and I stopped watching TorahVision in 2003. You miss absolutely nothing by giving that up, except your quaint illusions about the system being stable and equality being feasible.
As for these darn kids today, the ones who openly joke about gassing kikes? I have high hopes for them. Pity they didn't come along sooner, but we fight with what we have. Just remember to redpill the kids whenever you can. I've taught my daughter that niggers have STDs and will rape her, and I taught my son that the Jews want to trick him into buying useless shit so he'll have to work all his life to pay back the lazy moneylender. Without Vacuum-Tube Judaism to convince them otherwise, they seem to be coming out the right way.
I haven't bought a shirt or pair of pants in four or five years. I make a modest living and have saved around 30,000 so far in my checking.
Why waste money on dumb shit?
exactly, and whether you've saved money or not last week a study was revealed that most Americans (78% of them sadly) are living paycheck to paycheck while they fight in the street over LGBT issues, or muh Trump issues.
Most Americans live paycheck to paycheck
Is this the _user at work targeting sjws?
How are you dealing with the school indoctrination, homeschooling? Also are you planning on discouraging them from entering uni and instead doing trades or what?
Been thinking about this stuff more and more as my son's now 2. Still a few years off from school age but schools seem entirely fucked at this point and I'm leaning towards home schooling because of it.
I had the misfortune to work with ad people and it's a endless parade of yids, numales and hipsterfags with USI and a lust for drugs.
my ass
In my opinion, they're in the process of priming you up for the upcoming (intended) demographic change so that you will feel less surprised or outraged when you finally become outnumbered. It's very subtle, reminds me of that scene in the movie Focus where they kept flashing the number 55 everywhere subliminally. This is one of the reasons why coal-burning isn't seen as taboo anymore and why the average white girl isn't instantly repulsed by the thought of a nigger touching her. There is now a subconscious effect in play that "it can't be that bad, I've seen it… somewhere… everywhere. It must be normal."
I have no TV cable but the few times I visit my parents I watch theirs while falling asleep and the commercials and programming always make me feel like I'm in bizarro world, or some dystopian Twilight Zone episode. Life insurance commercials with white grandparents and quadroon grandkid. Even my parents admittedly don't have the time to really watch anything. I hope cable TV goes instinct. And any and all advertisers that put the same shit on JewTube and the like should get the rope.
Top Kek.
Is this satire?
Boomers aren't prepared for retirement. Around 30% have no savings, more than half have less than $100,000. I know a couple who retired with $250,000. They blew through it in three years and now work menial jobs in their retirement.
There is nothing "upcoming" about it. It has already happened. "Right wing" agitprop that endlessly propagandizes statistics in the future tense is the real primer and it works as intended: a constant worry, a constant reaffirmation of loyalty to the military and police for "protection" from the hordes, and a commitment to continued participation in capital generation instead of all out war.
It's already over. Go to a school that isn't in your spun-off municipality.
Homeschooling can leave a lot of gaps in their experience of the world, user. Public school can be a wonderful teaching tool of its own, however. Just hunt around in your district for the magnet school, the one that you have to win a lottery to get into, and send him. It'll be the whitest school in your area, apart from the private ones, and the curriculum shouldn't be too bad. Be sure to volunteer and keep abreast of what's being taught. When my son's school did MLK-Asshole-Licking Day, I used it as an opportunity to teach him about how people used to be free to decide whether or not they wanted to live together and go to the same school, but then some (((agitators))) took that choice away from us all. When he came home from school one day and told me he was a feminist (at age 6), I didn't freak out. I just walked him through the logic of feminism and asked him questions about whether he thought boys or girls had things easier. A week later, we were laughing together at 6oodfella videos. You just have to invest the time, and every Hebrew lesson can be turned into a profound inner conviction that the world needs to change into something better for our people.
As for their futures, I wouldn't presume. STEM is cool, of course, but my son has always been a real push-ups and martial arts kind of boy, so I'm thinking he might land on the Marine Corps when he's 18. My daughter wants to be a mom with a singer for a husband, so we're halfway there on that front.
Above all, you must set them an example of what a man must be. It shows your son how to grow up and teaches your daughter what an acceptable husband looks like. Take your time, user, and the dividends will flow in the form of multiple pure-white grandchildren.
Future champ? If anything we need classy combatants in combat sports being the figurehead of white martial excellence. Dying for ZOG is stupid.
Yes, I agree we are pretty far gone as it is. I guess I meant more in the sense that while niggers take up 12-13% of the population, they account for like 60% of the makeup of commercials, movies, and modern television shows. They're already projecting it way into the future.
So you think people that shill the "2050" meme are a negative primer? Do you think we shouldn't be worried or more focused? What do you mean by continued capital generation? As in just continued mindless consumerism?
I've long since been out of school.
Shit meant that for you
There you go using official government population numbers. The point I'm making is that the percentages that get presented to you are false. Go outside. Unless you live in Iowa or Wyoming or something, niggers are pretty much everywhere. And the level of racemixing with niggers of high school to early 30s women in this country is astronomical. Remember that every racemixer gets counted as White.
Well, I don't contest that. I live in fucking Georgia :/
Not really. There's sports rec leagues and the like and home schooled students tend to perform even privately schooled individuals academically. You have things happening like kids getting in trouble for "misgendering" now, I don't want him(and future siblings) to have to deal with that type of crap when its likely only going to get worse.
That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying it's already happened, it's already over, and you are thinking like there is something to prepare for. It's now. All serious capital and means of production exist solely in non-White hands and those who intend to slaughter you [i.e. the military and the police and corporate America]. The option is total war or death. That's it. There's no other measures to take right now and the "right wing" controlled opposition shills to people about "upcoming" shifts to fool from understanding that it has already happened.
It means you keep going to work instead of straight up killing people. There exists in the United States – and all nations west of the Rhine – absolutely zero means of production that are not either explicitly controlled by the forces of White genocide or easily appropriated. When you go to work at this point, you're killing your own people. But the average person has no other way to support their family, has no interest is devising other ways, isn't ready to kill when they wake up, kill before they go to sleep, and so here we are. There's really not much further to take it.
Sorry for the double post.
I see. Pretty grim. Can't really "start the fire" either without just being one lone gunman, who will just be made a further example of. Black pilled as fuck.
The United States that our founders secured for us is gone, this is Israel's shopping mall now. We need to burn it to the ground.
Ah, but what glorious days shall follow.
"There are no guarantees, you have to assume the abyss. Understand well, we are all post-humous men. There is no other way." - Cody Rutledge Wilson
There is legitimately 10 years at best to start a hot war. Some of you simply do not understand that there are almost no actual White people left. 70 year olds who can't fight don't count. Transabled basket cases don't count. Racemixers don't count.
There is sort of something romantic about the idea of being the last of your kind. Last Son of the West and that.
No, there isn't anything romantic about it at all.
What's this phenomenon called when a vocal minority screams a bunch and gets you to do things that the vast majority of the population disagrees with, and you end up adopting ideas that you think will be better for the company, but actually just end up hurting it?
They aren't a minority.
You're delusional if you honestly think anything more than a tiny fraction of the population would be upset at seeing white couples instead of racemixers in TV ads. It's something that's being done to cater to a very vocal minority of SJWs and jews.
No, that would be you. It's a fraction of the population who is even White anymore.
The only places in the country where this vocal minority doesn't hold militantly overwhelming sway is tiny little hamlets of a few hundred or thousand White people. They own the nukes. They own the stock market. They own all large fabrication plants. They own the military. They own the air force. They own the universities and the entire school system. It's time to wake the fuck up.
Yes, but how are you coming to this conclusion? Do you travel broadly in the United States and take consensus? Not baiting, I just want to know how you are so sure.
Oh, I see. I've gone back and read through your posts. You're a delusional defeatist faggot who actually believes the false consensus the media has put out there, while also simultaneously believing that there's a massive conspiracy to hide millions of extra blacks in the country.
This is a good thing. I haven't owned a televsion since around 2006 or 2007.Before I quit watching television the only channels I watched were those classic movie channels. The ideal situation will be that television is only something that non whites watch. Like BET was. I didn't watch that because it was for blacks.
I'm not saying that I'm for it because I'm certainly not, but they're not really wrong. Demographics are what they are and these companies do not give a single shit as long as they're making money. The fact is that most white people don't care. From the USA to Sweden to France to Australia it's the case. For all of the talk about how racist whites are, they're the group who -largely- doesn't care about not being featured as much, they don't even bat an eyelash at all of the interracial couples (typically the woman being the white one) in ads. The fact is, however, that black and brown people care a ton and get pissed if they're not over-represented; we know that blacks make up around 13% of the US population but if they're only making up 15% of people in ads/movies that's still not enough for them. They'll complain some but it'll be moronic whites (and we know there are a LOT of them) who will get "outraged" on their behalf. The rationale is that whites are rapidly fading away (which is demonstrably true [at least as things are going] which we know and it's going to get extremely more apparent in the next decade or two once the boomers start dying off in droves) and from a business standpoint where you just want money and nothing else, you'd be insane not to capitalize on that fact.
Leave your house. Go to a high school. Go to a college. Anywhere that isn't like the Dakotas. Have you ever been to California, Texas, Florida? Those are hugely populous states. There are hardly any White people left in them at all. A similar situation exists in New Jersey and Virginia, and to a somewhat lesser extent Maryland and Delaware. Even in New England, the Midwest, and the Pacific Northwest, all the majors cities reflect the same. So it's really just little hamlets that are left of White people and the closer those hamlets are to a larger city, the more likely they are have a significant jewish population.
Correct. Nobody has access to better, more accurate demographic information than corporate America. They are pitching to who exists.
It looks more like panicking to me after the "controlled" tiki protest, kikes really want white people to die.
Shills have been coming here to demoralize lately. Complaints with no solutions.
The trend in advertising is not new. Shutting down various corners of the internet because of Charlottesville is simply an unofficial, official roll out of ZOG-media 2.0, now equipped with kill switch.
They're jews, all they do is complain.
Kill yourself.
It's not so much panicking as much as it's a convenient time to roll it out. Whether Charlottesville had happened or not, it was inevitable so long as the demographic trend continued. They did it before that. They did it before Trump was elected. They did it before Obama was elected the first time. It's not new, you're just more savvy to it. Yes, I completely believe that there is an agenda by a lot of these people to just wipe away whites, however one thing that's universal with them is a lust for cash that morality will never compete with for them; they're far from stupid and they'll go with whatever the direction that the wind it blowing. If they see that everyone suddenly likes the Klan, Nike will be releasing hoods with their logo on it by this time next week. If they notice that California is essentially Mexico, every Subway ad is going to be featuring Hispanics eating their new spicy subs. And as things are, the trends are to: hate whites, hate men, realize the demographic shits and play to all of these. The perfect advertising to someone who sees this? Make every ad a group of brown men with white women and call it America™.
You'll be able to experience that feeling in full on the DotR, when the wind whistles through your hair on your way off the scaffold, blackpill-kike.
That's what happens when your the richest generation to exist or ever will exist. You assume that the money train will never stop rolling. They grew up in a time when r-selection really started to hit.
I'm not blackpilled, it was response to the defeatist poster. I for one think the white demographic is closer to 70%. If you judge by pockets of niggers in the south, Chicago, and Detroit, and the spics in California and Texas, you will probably get pretty black pilled. I'm no kike.
Nowhere is this more true than in the SF Bay Area. Every Boomercuck I knew growing up bought their house in Walnut Creek in 1965 for $10,000, and 25 years later it was worth $500,000. Fifteen years later still, just in time for retirement, the place (or whatever they traded up to after the second divorce) was worth over $1 million. Then the retards all sold out when they hit 65, which would have been. . . let's see, when would the bulk of the Boomers be hitting retirement age? Um. . . 1946 + 65 = 2010, with a little wiggle room on either side for early retirement among the most well-heeled cucks.
Does anybody remember anything odd happening to housing prices around 2008? Anybody?
Probably just my defective Bearanstain memory acting up again.
Because whites are too smart to buy their stupid shit, so they start exclusively selling to shitskins and women and make up a phony excuse as to why whites aren't profitable.
That thing is a kike so what do you expect.
You do know many spics go under white.
I think you meant
So we're literally oppressed by the system now.
Thanks lefties!
Destroy the MSM. Destroy the university indoctrinators.
Time for the rope NOW.
This is blatant genocide now.
They're juden, user.
This is why the kikes want us gone.
Straight white male here. I reject advertisers.
My company already got rid of its advertising department and says they'll advertise with only employees. By the way the company is entirely white and some pajeets.
that's fine, maybe white people are not the retarded target to buy retarded shit anymore either. shitskins love to buy shit.
This is real life, not animoo. Get out of the basement.
if you advertise to white people and you keep showing racemixed or non white couples then you sure as fuck are going to break the conditioning and get them to reject your product
how dumb are marketing companies i understood this shit at an intuitive level the first time i did any kind of sales and advertising
thats right, including the old white people over 55 there are less than 700 million european blooded people left in the entire world
defeatism a shit
every defeatist go kys instead of telling others that theres no way to win
you are too weak, and your words are nothing
public schools are never are an option
private schools are almost all nearly as bad just cost you more shekels
this kind of bullshit is what is causing so many people to be lost as the turn 16,17,18 and only begin discovering the world and that the have been lied to throughout their "education"
I remember this little faggot.
Life is cruel when you make a monster of yourself.
So what? This behavior is exactly why the Left keeps losing the Political War even if they appear to be winning the Culture War. Apple just donated millions to the SPLC, good, get it out in the open and piss off more normies. That's the great thing about the Truth, once people are exposed to it, and look over that Wall the MSM has created, there is no going back for them.
Understand all of this is done out of sheer desperation. Massive shilling isn't necessary when the majority of people already hold your position.
This, interestingly enough. I don't think I've ever had such amazing opinions from co-workers and strangers in real life before basically saying they agree. They didn't even care before now they are forced to, they know they are white. They know what it means and what it means for their kids.
Then using homosexuals and Africans in advertising campaigns makes no sense. Those groups couldn’t care less for political correctness and actually respond positively to wealthy Europeans who they desperately emulate (by buying expensive crap like European handbags).
So self neutering is a way to show what a man you are? Fuck, I can't even laugh at how pathetic this is.
How are these businesses so stupid? To be politically correct they will lower their profit margins. How the fuck does that make sense?!
Why are kike women always cuckoldresses, and why does this get passed on as "white women cheat with sub-humans all the time!"? 90% of the time when you see a "white" woman with a nigger, it's a fucking jew. I didn't realize they also fucked whatever the fuck produced that little freak.
The longterm success of a business doesn't matter to those calling the shots. They're still getting paid inflated salaries and collecting ludicrous bonuses the whole time the company they're running is slowly going down in flames. Nepotism and favoritism is always an issue, but in a corrupt society it is the law. None of these people will ever be negatively effected by their decisions and even if they were they've made plenty to retire on already.
True. Reminds me of those European companies in Germany or Sweden, I think it was, where Jews were just running them into the ground to fill their pockets. Once all our old-school companies are gone, what the fuck is their plan? In the US we're losing our big names little by little every year. Soon Sears, a great American company, will be gone.
Hide in gold-plated bomb shelters while civilization ends.
That's a lie. They do it because they're in on the conspiracy.
Can't they only clean air and water for a limited amount of time before they need to replenish from an exterior source, which could be tainted?
I boycott everyone one of these cunts I see doing it and write them. Had some fun responses but most don't care until the quarterly results come in and they see how many other Whites are telling them to fuck off with their pocketbook and then they revert.
Those groups HATE niggers and faggots.
No. They hire an ad company which is all Jews and faggots and this is what they get. Faggots are a micro minority, shitskins are all broke as fuck. Whites get pissed, it's just horrible for business.
You red texted your lies? You work in retail which is utterly collapsing and you comment on five different things. You only sell one thing. You see few Whites because they see nigger flashmobs at the mall on tv so they have Amazon Prime.
Over 70% of US marriages end in divorce now. Weddings are in the shitter. Young people don't want to get married. Rich people do. Just like they're still having children.
Target is a great example. Pandered to trannies, lost over twenty million in revenue and went down for three straight quarters. They closed/are closing stores. Kikes are the best businessmen. Sooper intelligent. They get to where they are because they just soopers intelligents. Nothing to do with the fact that kikes got everything they ever had by looking white enough for us to treat them like one of us, while solely looking out for their own behind closed doors.