Soo, is there anything happening about SuperHot?

soo, is there anything happening about SuperHot?
I remember playing it shortly after release, and it being kinda fun, but also pathetically short. Also, making absolutely abysmal attempts at viral marketing.
Did the game go anywhere? Any expansions, DLCs, sequel announcements?

Oh, I'm sorry, I'm doing this completely wrong. Meant to say
NOW THAT THE DUST HAS SETTLED, what do you think about this game, my fellow anonymuas? :>)

eh, self-bumping a single time

I reallly hate that the replay says:
The concept of the game is interesting

A VR version had been announced for it in E3 but otherwise I don't think it went anywhere.
As for the game itself it's fun but I felt the parts where it tried to go 2deep with "oh you're being controlled you're just being played by an AI" are my least favorites, I just wanted to fuck shit up.

It was fun. But the game should only have been a gun-fu simulator without the pretentious story they shoved in.

The "story" was 3deep5me but the gameplay concept was pretty cool. Hopefully we'll see a sequel or something

Wasn't it being ported to other systems?

I think they were trying to hint at a vague sort of bigger mystery that might be slowly unveiled or sussed out through autistic digging into the game's files, but the devs blew their load prematurely in the secret terminals you can find.

In case you didn't go out of your way to find them, and I don't blame you because they are hidden in the worst possible ways, the devs more or less admit that there is no mystery, superhot isn't anything special, and the point of the game is to tell other people to buy their game.

The air of mystery and conspiracy and hints of some bigger story were all bullshit to string people along, because meta-narrative games are the new go-to gimmick for pretentious indie devs, after walking simulators wore out their welcome immediately.

I honestly didn't get the point of that. Since the very first demos the game had my interest and it stands on its own without needing to have a pretentious story or that stupid SUPERHOT IS THE MOST INNOVATIVE GAME I'VE PLAYED IN THE PAST WHATEVER marketing deal

The story didn't seem at all 3deep5me. For me it didn't look like they put any effort into it and it was just there because games need a story for some reason.

The gameplay is fine and compelling enough on its own, but then it starts doing that "breaking the 4th wall" thing that Undertale did and made hipsters cream their jeans over.

You find these terminals hidden outside of the bounds of most levels and each one gives you a snippet of conversation with the mysterious entity commanding you to shoot shit. They give cryptic pseudo-deep answers up until the last one which gives you this message.

In other words "WOW. IT'S FUCKING NOTHING."

I wish indie devs could make games without needing bullshit meta narratives. Hell you can even make a good story without needing 4th wall breaking and doing OH YOU THE PLAYER ARE A BAD PERSON FOR WANTING TO HAVE FUN or viral marketing within the game in Superhot as an in joke or whatever.

I wish fourth wall breaking would go more than just berating you for doing something the game expects you and locks in doing or winking at the camera for "obvious" jokes.

I had a realization a while ago that most indie devs have been trying to recapture the spark that Portal had back in 2007.

Think about it. Game opens with a seemingly unassuming, normal, gamey series of tests. You follow instructions. Laugh a little that they promise you cakeā€¦ And then you peek behind the curtain and realize that not everything is right.. and then you escape the murder attempt and things get more hostile, and so on and so forth until the game culminates in a catchy credits song and it's all wrapped up in a couple hours, tops.

The game itself is bare bones that there really isn't much left to really be done. It could be something more, say, if the developers released a mod kit or something. But, hell. I haven't heard anything out of them since its initial release.

Yeah, that was the one time where the whole "you're just doing what your told without question" DEEP MESSAGE idea actually worked. And not because it was the first time, but because it actually made sense there.

In-story, nothing was actually forcing the character to do anything, but proceeding with the tests was the absolutely only thing to do aside from nothing. Realistically, you were physically boxed in to absolutely one path. In-story or IRL, you proceeded because that was more interesting than doing nothing. Ever since then, games doing that twist have tried to make you feel bad for killing or whatever, even though conceptually, your character could have done other things, but the game's intended sequence didn't allow for anything else. They want you to feel responsible for choices you never had in actual practice, but Portal never treated you like you had a choice until you finally actually did, at the end of the final test. And that's why only Portal did it right.


Neato concept though

Its a fun well made game centered around a nice mechanic

It does well things that it was supposed to do

also its the most revolutionary fps in years

warning you right now - Kuvshinov is a great illustrator but Holla Forums has a fucking vendetta against him for some reason. Avoid posting Kuvshinov pics

Shit, man.


Something happened with one of the devs where they came here and got mad right? Or was that a different game?
Anyway the game is neat but it's way too short


I couldn't even finish it, after hearing the retarded announcer repeat SUPERHOT all the time every fucking replay for 6 or 7 levels I dropped it.

I've never heard of this name before. It just grabbed a random image from reactions folder. Uh, thanks for the warning?

It was on 4chan I think where a dev inadvertedly outed himself saying "Man I just wanted to talk about our game, what the fuck".

Its still slimey to do viral stealth marketing, I would have much more respect to go out and flat out admit and be honest.

Isn't it because he made the poster girl for Mark when we were supposed to into infinity next?



oh no, wouldnt want anymouse to get unhappy feelings

The game play is extremely solid and fun, but they story comes off as funny if anything because it tries so hard to be deep it sounds like a joke

You know you could easily find out if you searched on the internet, right?

The game was good but shorter and more barebones than the original portal which was a pack-in game and not standalone like this

Funny that they wont launch a multiplayer, it could be like a modern game of chess where you have to plan every movement in advance or else you get killed

neat concept, stupid tacked-on story that would have been better off not in the game, incredibly annoying SUPER. HOT. SUPER. HOT replays that sound like not such a big deal but the seventieth time you hear it drives you mad

i liked it, but then again I didn't pay for it