the great ding dong bannuing is going to happen any second now
the great ding dong bannuing is going to happen any second now
Give context nigger
Some nutter got approved for moderation on an unspecified amount of boards, and dealing frontier justice on all of them. He's cleansed Holla Forums, so far, and is well on his way to Holla Forums.
Feels good.
Bioware's forums are closing down.
BioWare forums are closing today.
Is that why heaps of posts have been deleted throughout threads today on Holla Forums?
Only your posts. So maybe take a hint and fuck off.
Do you believe everything people tell you?
That's today.
That's what it means, you fucking nigger.
wew ur rabid lad
I'm right though. Go take a look over there.
This is why you need to make and manage your own board backups/archives.
Great, this site is kill. Hillary won.
No, only one of mine. Plenty of others have been deleted.
It coincided with, as stated above, plenty of posts being deleted from threads throughout Holla Forums.
The color of your Anonymous tag clearly identifies you, no matter the ID you use.
This better not be the case when I wake up
Oh, my God. Some of you are really fucking retarded. I give up.
I hope the archival boards like /xen/ remain okay.
Mark's a real runt of a Kike, so I doubt anything'll be cleansed here, unfortunately.
Go look at Holla Forums, OP. Take a break from sucking so many cocks.
Is anyone going to post even a shred of evidence about this mod bullshit?
go to Holla Forums, count the pages. Go to Holla Forums, read the post about the guy bragging about getting control of a board via social engineering, and calling it "hacking." As for posts getting removed on Holla Forums, Mark is sperging out for whatever reasons he has.
Cleansed them of what?
At least point to where it is, fam
Why don't I just fucking kill myself instead?
Or better yet, you, you kill yourself.
probably cleansed Holla Forums from the cancer that was Holla Forums.
I want to knit her a new pair of leggings with my bronson.
If you don't know, don't answer.
Well? What is the answer then?
Does anyone care about the Holla Forumscksuckers? Last time I went there months ago they were literally tumblr the board. I say good riddance.
Un-saging with unrelated content.
If I knew, I wouldn't be asking would I?
Perhaps I'm wondering why you would address an user before throwing them out of a thread.
Of course, you fucking newfag. Holla Forums is like a friend with Alzheimer's. He remembers who he is now and then, and until a cure is found we don't just fucking drop him.
Except it was full blown cancer. You don't just save someone with tumblrcancer.
Now go whine about it to Jim on >>>/sudo/
No more of this meta shit on Holla Forums outside of that GGen and 4AM.
Hopefully they'll ding dong bannu that touhou avatarfag i see every month among other shitposters. aside from that, this is bullshit.
He's on /a/, Holla Forums, and /jp/ for sure, so he'll probably just go to the other boards he's peddling his shit on.
That sperg is too incompetent to do anything else of note.
I hope they ban Anonymous with that touhoufag. Now there's a chronic shitposter.
Frontier Justice, user. Take a guess.
The Tewi avatarfag? The same cocksucker that spams his garbage non-Holla Forums threads every fucking month, without fail, across multiple boards and even sites?
God I hope that pathetic nigger gets the boot. Maybe the recent hubbub with the 4am cancerfests will convince Mark et al. to do what's needed to make this board great again.
this makes as much sense like villains in Bond movies telling their plan to their arch-rival right before he escapes ; besidesif he wanted to do any damage to Holla Forums he wouldve gone after Holla Forums or Holla Forums first
But instead he went after Holla Forums and he did so for a reason ,he's probably the same autist that was previously mocked by some user for fucking up a storytime so he managed to get Holla Forums's BBO password somehow with plans to purge the entire board but couldn't even figure out how to to delete his own thread which gave the original BO enough time to regain control ,which just means this time around he finally figured out how to delete threads and tried to finish what he started back then whci makes him the most butthurt autist on this place
you mean that guy who managed to guess the capcode the mod uses and then tried to claim he had admin powers then deleted his own thread once everyone started making fun of him once he started making threats like "I'LL BAN ALL OF YOU… as soon as I figure out how"?