Planescape Torment

So, what exactly is great about this game's story?


pls fam

It has a lot of those words, so it's like those books I hear are great.

You see you die, but you don't really die.
It was an interesting premise and more detailed than most vidya then and now.

Almost every side quest ties into the main plot and every thing that is brought up is relevant in some way or another.
Also if you are interested in the Planescape setting, it realizes the world very well.

Even though the game is linear as balls. The side quests, and the companions are the best in any RPG ever.
Also helps that Planescape is an awesome setting that deserves to be explored more in vidya, not that Cook bullshit that the new Torment is based off of.

Why do they give me the name of the class if I can't roll anything other than a fighter then?


The ultimate point and morality of the story is very mature and can be appreciated from both edgelord and traditional angles. It also helps that the game successfully synthesizes the form of both Greek drama about the futility of running from fate and western literary canon about character development to escape one's fate.
When discussing what Planescape did right, you're not dealing with petty concepts such as "I liked it". You can go all the way and discuss it like the greats of literature. Of course, I'm nowhere near conceited enough to claim it can rival Shakespeare, but when your framework for discussing a work is similar to the former, you know you have a great at your hands.

Play some more of the game and find a trainer to change your class.

Why does everyone say the novelisation of the game sucks then?

It's a pretty widely accepted opinion, user.

just where do you think you are?

It's pretty widely accepted within Holla Forums, user

I rest my case.

Judging by the replies, I take it this game actually sucks balls, doesn't it?

Shouldn't you guys be in a thread to exchange steamhandles, suggest yourfavority kikebook groups or discuss the latest Overwatch strategies or something?

nah, it's decent to good depending on your tastes.
it just has an overly devoted internet defense force

I was born in 1990. Is this game good or not? From what info I can find online, it seems to be more of a tedious VN than a game. So basically cancer "story-driven" gameplay before "story-driven" gameplay was cancer.

But is it good, or not? I can't tell if the people praising it ITT are being honest or sarcastic. Comparisons to Shakespeare? Really? Hard to buy that.

Why don't you just pirate and see for yourself and buy if you like it?

In the middle of it. The download is slow as fuck.

Shakespeare was a hack and his works are only remembered because nobody can fucking understand ye olde english so it seems classier than it is


Not so much that as it is a product of English imperialism. One of those "spread by the sword" stories. Most of his writings is ripping off classical Greek and Latin literature.

There is such a thing as being too contrarian you know.

It has a well crafted story and characters centered around the theme of determinism.
So many options in playstiles, dialogue and characterbuilds that it has a high replay value.
The exploration is good, the dialogues are good.

The underage faggots infesting Holla Forums these days will probably hate it because it contains hours of reading dialogues and paying attention to events.

So you can't appreciate poetry? You just want to "get to the point" like an autist you are? Plot is overrated. The poetic links between sequences, between characters, between settings, between all aspects of mise en scene, is the true artistic value of a literature and cinema.


There is no reason to care about gameplay when there's the chance to pretend genre fiction shlock is high art if it's in video game form.


Okay, finished downloading. Where is the damn crooked bone in the Mortuary? Also,
the gameplay really is shitty. It's been a fucking walking simulator so far.

What are you, a pleb? True connoisseurs play video games to read shit tier fantasy stories in visual novel form.

Just stop and uninstall it. I'm sure there are good torrents for Mass Effect 3 or Dragon Age Cisquisition which you will enjoy.

Need a walkthrough? Strategy guide? Maybe a let's play?

And based on your recommendations, you lack compeltely the frame of reference to even understand what good gameplay is.

Gameplay is entertainment. Art can't be entertainment. Art is highly spiritual and meditative. The intuition of art is the same to those of faith in a religion.

From what I've seen, Planescape Torment's dialogue is nowhere near art. It doesn't make the soul of man receptive to good and prepare them for the life beyond a few decades of their lives. It's not even at the same level of Ingmar Bergman. There's nothing but intuition of discovery, empirical intuition, instead of artistic intuition, in the story and dialogue. It's a mediocre game and a mediocre literature.

If Holla Forums is to be believed, no such thing exists.

You certainly won't find it from Planescape threads.

That's the tutorial? It better be, since it was a cakewalk, literally. I finished two quests in under 2 minutes. I just can't find the finger bone for the secret passage that guy disguised as a corpse mentioned. Maybe it's on the first floor.

The gameplay sucks ass user. I don't see how it might improve later on.


Because it's like Cirque to Soleil wrote a DnD module. And there's a lot of faggots around.

yeah, I guess there are some faggots around here

This is one ugly looking "game" that's for sure.


smudboy started his analysis of the plot 2 months ago.

I really wish they allowed Lustmord's soundtrack in the final release. Would have made the game that much better.

God fuck what happened did Holla Forums piss on Shillary or something.
Away with you gaymergurl.
Shoo, shoooo…

For some reason I thought he had dropped off the face of the earth after he raged about RTwP vs TB gameplay.

I really liked how side quests were structured within their respective zones. Each area of the map of Sigil felt really dense and I spent hours doing quests only to realize I may have still been in the same building or region. The game excels at giving you a lot to do but not subjecting you to a lot of needless running around. The worst I had to do was run to a shop to buy an item and run back to the Sensorium.

I really don't understand why you felt the need to state your age. It had no relevance to anything else you said.

I was planning to play this right after finishing Deus Ex, but I hate CRPGs, I could barely get through fallout
Should I still play it or skip it altogether?

He was establishing his character backstory.
Sometimes you need to make sure everybody knows you're an entitled 20 something that needs his hand held and likes to complain about vidya in a genre he apparently doesn't care for in the first place.

You're projecting.


You can appear pretentious if you hail it as the pinnacle of game writing on every "best games ever" list.

Nah, he only slowed down for a bit. He also finished DA:I just before Torment.

You could not be more wrong user.

Damn, I just checked this guy's channel and his analyses are watered down even when he's right, because they're bogged down under the rest 80% of the contents in his videos which is made up of nothing but nitpicks.

Why do people say gameplay when they really mean combat? And why do I get the distinct feeling that the only form of "good gameplay" to these people is realtime action combat?

When I say gameplay I mean anything outside the dialogues. PT's pathing also sucks, you can do pretty much nothing with most items so the inventory is pretty redundant, character customisation is very paddy, and yes, the combat is garbage. .


No matter how awesome the story is, it can't save a D&D game where you can't even create your own character.

You can't understand yourself apparently ye actually means "the" because the "y" is actually Thorn and that stopped being in use for only a hundred years or so.

Just because your teacher didn't teach you to properly understand what was being said so you can appreciate just how raunchy all Shakespeare was doesn't mean he's a hack.

Give him some vaginal painting examples. Or that Fountain "sculpture" that everybody knows about.

Gaming is dead.

the world and the characters, main plot is pretentious shite

And this is the kind of response they want to create.

Chans as a whole have become a threat, a competitor, to the old guard, the old media. Add to that that given anonymity, a lot of people act like idiots or trolls.

However, what I saw at Gamescom 2015 and 2016 has given me incredible hope for humanity, for gaming and heck, even for Germany as a country.

Also Planescape is one of my favorites, next to Deus Ex, Fallout, Morrowind (Gotta try Daggerfall one of these days..) and the like.

I was born in the '70s. It wasn't good. It wasn't even talked about for years until the hipster clique egged gamers on to push for the kind of non-games that literature and humanities grads can produce. Via reverse psychology, gamers offered up planescape to defend their medium's honor and pretended to like it. And that opened the door.

This has to be bait.

I'm sorry.

The side quests and characters are great, it really gives you a feeling for the planes. The gameplay is meh but it's a bit better if you play as a wizard, all fighters do it click on things so it mindless for them.


Is it the school holidays in murica or what?

I haven't finished it yet. I love the character interaction, discovery, and world building, the music and art, the atmosphere of the game. But the gameplay, especially the combat, is so mundane and breaks the pacing so much that I find it hard to push through.

It doesn't feel like it warrants being called trash by the supposed forty year olds claiming that it's overrated garbage that was never praised until recently. The real time combat is some of the worst I've ever seen (alongside baldurs gate and the rest of the infinity engine games really NONE of them had intiutive gameplay D&D was a mistake) but I liked planescape a lot more than them because it didn't feel like a half baked D&D quest with the world's least imaginative DM. I was terrified when I entered the lady's maze and after a while the shade showed up and followed me around the map while I tried to figure out how to use the portals to gtfo. As long as I kept moving it couldn't really hurt me, but it was spooky as hell spending such a long time just wondering around while something hunted me so tirelessly. Especially when it was the first time in the game I'd been truly alone.

Funny thing is, Dragon Age: Inquisition actually has a better narrative and is a better game than Planescape Torment, in spite of how flawed it is.

Planet Escape: Tournament Edition is better.

I did play this game and finished it, but I can't say I enjoyed it. 70% of the time, you will miss your attacks. That really angered me.

Man, fuck off. Even though it start off shit, being a Mage in Torment is way better than being a mage in Inquisition. You actually feel powerful at the end with all the 9th level spells.

Do you even fighter.
