Producers are said to have ignored stunt coordinators’ concerns about the motorcyclist amid a desire for a race and gender match.
The left is this fucking stupid.
They spend hundreds of millions of dollars on
these shit films. Couldn't they have just stuck
a prosthetic nigger mask and some frizzy hair
on a competent white stunt woman, or
used CGI?
Because they are selfish sociopathic sjws. That is all I can say.
Technically Canada is a post national state, so you cant be Canadian.
He actually said that? You can't be serious.
How long before people start calling for this guys removal for stating the facts being racist?
Fucking (((mainlanders)))
CANADA Is a fake boat. See
Technically it was never national.
t. Thinks beaverposter is Gerry Butts
Hes pretty much a younger Bernie Sanders or something, be really happy you didnt get that guy.
Gaddafi was beaten to death but this man will die of old age.
No, they want to injury economically white people that don't adhere to their ideology. It's ideological and economic class warfare.
Well to be fair Canada is part of the North American continent.
Thats not what it means though. First comes their ethnicty, like Irish in Irish American. The nationality, the country comes second. Irish Canadians call themselves just that, not Irish Americans.
Anyways, the whole thing is moot and ridiculous because they should just be using stunt masks, no one would know the difference.
I hope they got it on film and leave it in for Deadpool to comment on.
I stopped watching movies made past around 2000 a few years ago…
But if they are killing niggers I might have to check it out.
Just kidding.
Fuck Hollywood and all its (((people)))
Anyone who has driven in traffic surrounded by niggers knows that only asian females are worst drivers.
So the quest for diversity killed a diverse?
*they want to injure
Maybe if (((they))) didn't blackwash Domino this wouldn't have happened. Niggers should be going after jews for setting this innocent black woman up for failure.
We waited more than a century for that, I don't think its coming.
This is a complex problem, with lots of causes.
The one Holla Forums is going to jump to is the "muh diversity" push - this is an issue, but not the biggest one, by far. Also, it's being discussed at length already.
The biggest one is that the producers rushed a person into doing something they weren't qualified to do, and the stuntwoman accepted and died because of it. This is a scandal that transcends race - the fact that this woman was black, though relevant, is minor compared to the fact that (((Hollywood))) producers are willing to let someone die so that they can rush out a shitty superhero movie. This is them literally being murderous kikes in an attempt to grab money.
Fucking disgusting man.
user, before laws were put in place and overseers placed on set, (((Hollywood))) used to express exactly zero concern over the prospect of animals dying on set. It was a non-issue for them.
And niggers are just another form of beast - why would the Jew concern itself with their care?
The clear message is that affirmative action will get you killed, nig nogs.
tldr; win and more win. Dead nigger cunt because lefties are tards. Beauty.
Spearding this subtle could deal a big damage for the current jewish PC propaganda. Maybe listen to logic couldn't hurt? Maybe being overly pc is dangerous? Seed these questions wisely.
That pic just the tip of the iceberg. Would be glad if we could someone white wash the black mythic gods for revenge but blacks pretty much doesn't have any kind of culture. They literally hoarded and integrated other arab tribes and white traders culture into their.
Three thousand years well spent in a food rich continent. Bravo!
Top kek
They want to prove that Women, and in this case a Nigger Women, are just as capable of doing those things as the White Men used on the stunts.
Maybe they're trying to justify "See! Women can do these things as well! They can be heroines as well!" when it's a documented fact their Physical underperforming compared to Men, be it in controlled studies, general population analysis, in the army, in the police, in the fire fighters…
These people are just stupid.
I think they were preparing to release an article when the movie launched: "Deadpool 2 and why Black Women in their 40s are just as good as any Men: Destroying Ableism"
When race is more important than ability, people die.
Where the fuck has beaver poster been? Haven't seen him in quite a while.
face of superwoman in the very last pic is strongly reminiscant of hillary in her youth. Makes me wonder what would have been, if that woman had been taken under the care of a loving man…
Thank Christ it was the nigger who died.
This is a problem for linemen, ironworkers, and now navy seamen.
Unqualified people being pushed in to posistions they are not fit to do strictly because of their gender/color.
There was a big lawsuit in my state by people applying to be firemen. The city was taking blacks who COUDLNT PASS THE ENTRANCE EXAM over highly qualified whites.
They are already taking woman who can't even do a fireman carry. How they fuck you going to be a fireman if you can't carry someone out of a fire??
This AA stuff has already killed tons of people.
I also want BEWS and Gex back tbh.
Why are the kikes shilling so hard for sheboons lately?
Annie's a nigger. Bond is a nigger. King Arthur is a nigger. Doctor Who is a nigger. The nip detective from Death Note is a nigger. WW 1 and 2 soldiers are niggers. Hermoine's a nigger. They're doing this shit not to make money, but to push a narrative. Nazi bdsm porn sells like hotcakes in Israel. In contrast, cuckold interracial porn sells terribly in the West, and yet (((they))) make it anyway.
When do we get another Space Elevator thread?
A small cost for progress :^)
I mean I wasn't expecting Mein Kampf: the Game or anything, but that's just gross.
it doesn't matter.
if it goes one way, affirmative action and enforced diversity nonsense gets discussed.
it it goes the other, more dead niggers.
either suits me.
picture 1,2 and 4 are not real, right?
isn't that a fitting definition of affirmative action and quotas in general?
I had just forgotten about that shit. I can't believe they turned a top student Jap kid into some faggy mystery meat twerp that gets bullied. First off, it ruins the character. He has no superiority complex that goes horribly off the rails as he descends into madness, instead he's just a whiny faggot out for petty revenge. And then of course L, that pasty white autistic shit, gets turned into a nigger. The whole thing is fucking disgusting.
Kikes killing off niggers in hollywood production.
KEK We don't even have to do anything anymore.
Beaverposter quit
Gex cucked for evalion then ragequit because we told his jewess to fuck off
SE quit after shills hurt his feelings
I wonder (((who))) could be behind this particular narrative.
Sorry snowflake, but black Nick Fury is legit. Waaay before the movies.
(((John Landis))) killed three people in more outrageous circumstances over thirty years ago, on the Twilight Zone movie and waltzed away without any comeuppance. As I recall, even Spielberg came out at his hearing to testify as to what a mensch he was.
but they invented peanut butter ????/
Andromeda? still greek tho
what did he mean by this?
yeah not a god, but their are alot of characters in greek mythos that are shown white
I still don't get how the kike Neno didn't see Driver.
I'm giving you a nightcall,
to tell you,
how I feel.
Your double dubs say otherwise.
They are trying to push the appearance of a new Angela Davis.
I was there for everything but SE getting shit on by the shills for the last time. He made a few good threads but they were attacked by rabid shills and he didn't have the fortitude to stand against them.
How does someone with enough riding skill and experience to race professionally fuck up riding down a few stairs and go careening across the street and into a building?
Affirmative action, that's how.
That ducati is not made for that kind of shit, it's not a MX bike.
Have you ever seen any women's "professional" sports? There is a reason they are segregated.
Lack of upper body strength
Secretly /ourguy/? Consider me very confused.
It'd be nice to make a compilation of all the character niggerization in the media and then make an op to do the same to black characters and show the racist (anti-white) double standards. If we make it funny or add memes, it may take with the normalfags and spread.
I could enter a few races with my old HD. Get lapped and come in completely last every time. I would still be considered a racer. I enter a race. Doesn't mean I know what the fuck I'm doing or any good at it.
Thanks for pointing that out. The only charitable interpretation (from an SJW standpoint, which 'he' is signalling) is that it's a joke because it assumes you value feminism so much, it's as if you said "wow im literally dying in here"
Space elevator nigger here, I only lurk now.
Natural selection.
“If the movie’s producers had to go outside of the normal stunt community to find someone who was both qualified and resembles the actress, that speaks to a problem of lack of diversity of stunt performers,” says Darnell Hunt, the dean of Social Sciences at UCLA who helps produce the annual “Hollywood Diversity Report,” which comes out before the Oscars every year.
Who said there's a problem? This is funny. The execs are getting bitten by their false belief in their own egalitarian lies.
> In contrast, cuckold interracial porn sells terribly in the West, and yet (((they))) make it anyway.
I remember there was an user that actually dredged up some number and it was costing the porn industry money. Wish I had the info on hand but also know a lot of people are already on the same page.
How the fuck did (((they))) look at this pale hottie and cast that monkey? Fucks sake they're giving her an afro. Shame on me for getting hype on this sequel.
stupid thread
Holy shit, we need to meme stunt diversity into existence immediately.
It will be an absolute bloodbath and the kikes will either lose tons of shekels from the impending lawsuits or be further stigmatized and punished over time for callously making so many people of color sign waivers for dangerous work.
The fuck are you talking about? Did you even read the article or the OP? They wanted her to negotiate a 3 stair. A fucking 3 stair. That shit's doable on damn near any factory bike in existence. Totally normal well adjusted adults were pulling those kinds of "stunts" off on Indian Chiefs almost a hundred years ago and those were hard tails with leaf springer front ends that you would struggle to justify as being suspended at all. AND there was a ramp on the 3 stair. There's no goddamn excuse for anyone who's ridden for any period of time to eat that amount of shit on any bike, let alone a brand new ducati that's walking the line between hooligan standard and sumo. I hope video leaks eventually because I can't fathom how someone could fuck something like that up so catastrophically.
They found such an ugly negress to play her too. Disgusting. I would love for storm to be played by an Asian in the next X-Men just to see niggers go into convulsions over it.
she was racing professionally doofus.
I'd just about managed to forget about Beyond Good and Evil 2.
Did you see the e3 trailer for it? It's absolutely disgusting. An ape acting like a nigger chav and his black female companion(see: ape as well) rip off an Asian pig businessman by selling him a bogus idol, get the police involved, hijack a police ship and blow up a very large ship, which crashes into the city, likely killing hundreds of innocent people, all while hooting like the niggers they are, and celebrate the absolute chaos they created. Also, there is a strangely excessive amount of swearing in it for some reason. It's this strange glorification of nigger violence, and it's appalling if you took even 30 seconds to realize the implications of the entire trailer. Why anybody is excited for that game, I have no idea.
forced diversity hires incoming
that moment when L finds out his Wasabi friend is killed
he does
It's called stalag porn and the Israeli state had to ban it because it was so popular. Look it up. Kikes get off at the thought of getting gassed.
Showbiz is a lot of pressure when a crew that's 10-15k a minute is relying on you. It's all down to you and your special ability/expertise. I've been in that position a few times with my own business, started from scratch - you want some grey hairs? That'll do it real quick. Your entire rep is on the line and it might be a big break for you the first time (like her) etc.
Problem is in some environments even with safety experts and their recommendations, film people will still push to do things or find a compromise, where they can get what they want, while skirting your recommendation to the maximum possible extent. Pray you have a good safety staff to work with who respects your opinion. The film people will partially hate you but also respect that you're saving their ass from huge lawsuits. The pressure of time and cost is the main one that causes people to bend, agreeing to things they should not (especially if they are not confident/have balls/easily pressured) and is mostly why this lady is dead.
And yeah there are plenty of shitty motorcycle 'racers'. A well established road racer or trials/MX bike rider would've been my pick for this, they can handle rough terrain and know how to throw a bike around outside of the clean, smooth and predictable environment of a track, outside of most peoples' comfort zones.
I learned how to push sportsbikes to their limits (to the point of crashing countless times, learning to recover slides, etc etc) in shitty carpark surfaces with hundreds of hours under the belt, then went on to tracks and was unmatched by all but the top percent or two of racers - the best of the best. People were astonished by this, because it's a very unorthodox way to go.
I think that says enough about how bad/good track only 'racers' can be. The track is a great place to have safe fun, it's not always the best place to learn to ride a bike competently from scratch, as it doesn't reflect most surfaces or scenarios you actually ride on away from the track, like this situation..
was it colored or ethnic or negro or what now
letiest cant even keep track of their own euphemisms for their racism
canada yes!
Affirmative Action Accomplishments:
-1 Nigger
I mean, it's surprising to literally nobody here, but it's still really disgusting having to think about.
They always go so far out of their way to make the whitest characters black. Pasty white Domino? Black. The only norse god whose skin color is written down (as extremely pale white)? Black. Redheaded character? Black.
Token Asian stays Asian, anyone who was already black stays black. You can get pretty far with normalfags by pointing out that they only ever change redhead/pale skin to black. Never anything else to black, and certainly never anything else to any other color of skin. Where's the Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Indian, or even fucking inuit diversity? Is diversity a lie since they only promote blacks? Weird eh? And so on…
Fuck I'm mad. Leave us alone or try to win in a straight fight you pathetic kikes. We could be in space right now if you weren't such parasitic trash.
Also I didn't respond to the thread but preventing Molly Hayes from being white was lame even if we all saw if coming. The only white + male people allowed on television now are token redheaded protagonists (to Indoctrinate kids into thinking it's normal to be the only one) and numale cucks literally hired to be effeminate. Enough tolerance for this warfare on our children. Kill the kikes.
please tell me somebody post the film????
I was laughing hysterically at that shit.
thx for warning me i was going to give it a go
but now i feel ive had enough jewvision and do not care to see such degeneracy for a while when im inside my house
When you make one.
Space elevator is an idea.
dont be like the leftist that yells "STOP IT BEAR"
kikes will kike it is their nature
being mad about it is in vain
being mad and changing it, now thats good
Reminder to everyone that he's not just wearing a red bandanna for fun in this pic, but rather he's sucking up to Muh Based Sikhs and trying to pander for the PooInLoo vote by visiting a Sikh temple. A true expression of postnationalism.
The biggest one is that the producers rushed a person into doing something they weren't qualified to do, and the stuntwoman accepted and died because of it.
Change 4 words and you have affirmative action in a nutshell
Underrated post lads
checked. got any meme ideas?