We need to talk about the vaginal jew

Some user -unironically- posted pic related in a thread complaining about black migrants demanding housing in the city centre of Rome, Italy.
The irony is that white men pandering to white women is how they cucked themselves into letting migrants come in. The women dont care. As soon as that knight gets killed by a black man the white woman will jump on the black guys cock and yell that it's racist to call her child a mixed blood.

Women are responsible for:
Are we detecting a pattern? When will red pill white men on Holla Forums stop pandering to women and say no.
You do realise that feminism is just 1 massive shittest for all men right? Women will be much happier if we say no!

I guess you just destroyed all my valid arguments. Well played.

The problem stems from the attack on masculinity and ensuring males aren't assuming their traditional role that has worked for hundreds of years.

The facts are against you, shariablue.

Pretty much this. Without real men to keep women in line, all hell breaks loose.

What we have to do is create artificial wombs and we can kill off all women. Men are much better partners anyway.

the marriage/divorce machine is legal slavery.

Don't get married if you live in a western country brothers.

hi reddit

Its not legal for men to assume their roles anymore in the western world.

Yes, men have cucked ourselves and the system now enforces our cuckery. Not having children is not the answer. If the bullshit arises with your own woman then try to you deal with it like a man.

you're a shill/virgin/faggot trying to divide white men and women
Kikes and niggers vote for immigration. Not white women. Stop letting your cuckold fetish control your life.

To secure the existence of my people and a future for white children. White women are 50% of your people. White girls are 50% of your children.

If you do not support the fourteen words, then you are not a White Nationalist, Fascist, or National Socialist. You are a racist liberal, and you are not welcome here.

MGTOW filth and PUA faggots get pine boxes on the DOTR. Transhumanism is Jewish materialism with a futurist patina. Fuck off Reddit.


Women have been allied to the Jew since day one. So have been homosexuals and pedophiles, and every non-white. It's straight white males versus the world, as its always been since we began taming nature thousands of years ago.

I agree with this, machines would be better white women than white women, but


Don't have kids brothers, they belong to the real alpha male in charge (the zog state).

You have a jewish mindset.

Fuck off, Roosh.

Typical twink, you gay ass shill.

I don't hate women, but I acknowledge that society and the gubbermint are mega incentivizing them to behave very abusively toward young men.

Don't get married, don't have kids.


Patrice will explain why you are a faggot OP. And everyone should listen to the two videos I'm going to post.

Your self hatred is evident. Grow up. Our women are OUR WOMEN!




This isn't r/mgtow faggot. What the fuck do you think we're doing here?

Shes not yours, its just your turn.

You're a long way from r/the_donald

Say what you will about niggers, but Patrice is a smart guy when it comes to relationships.

So almost 5 percent less women voted for Trump then Romney, what is that suppose to imply?

I don't want you guys to experience the pain that drives people to r/mgtow.

Seriously, all my male peers who got married got fucked by divorce so hard, and the statistics show that marriage has been turned into a ZOG weapon used to exploit men.

Don't be another number.

I didn't imply shit. I said it.

No one thinks women should have political power. Everyone thinks we need white women to make white babies, and without white babies we die out.

We agree with the first half other the MGTOW stuff, but rather than suiciding ourselves we work on fixing ourselves and fixing them.

Hmmm, really makes ya think. If anything, it's us men that need to improve. Remember, we get the women we deserve.

Time to go back to your little reddit board, schlomo.

I see whites have the highest scores for race mixing. Not sure what your trying to say here kike.

You post literally shows half of white men and women are ok with destroying their heritage and race.


Tell that to the judge when your wife takes everything from you, and your kids are raised by the tyrants.

Imagine being such a nigger you couldn't even tell big numbers from little ones.

Holla Forums and all of 8ch is rightful Robot clay. Tradcuck whiteknight Normalfags - GET OUT

The bottom line is that in America alone there is a 50 percent divorce rate (and climbing), and 80% of divorces are initiated by women (and climbing).

getting married is playing Russian roullete by yourself with six chambers loaded.

So fix the problem, campaign to remove no-fault divorce. Removing yourself from the gene-pool isn't a very good answer, is it?

Didn't liberals have problems with granting women rights only to have to women vote them away in Spain? The issue is the corruption of women not women themselves, so go after what is corrupting our women.

Also you are a shill/virgin/faggot trying to divide white men and women and you have no valid arguments.

Less than 10% of white women identify as feminist, less than 18% (all races) have had an abortion.

This is with propaganda blasting them 24/7 since birth, and the Jew offering women infinite pleasure and ultimate power.

What portion of our men would resist that level of enticement and brainwashing? Put a pair of tits in front of a white guy and 90% would follow the Jew.

White women are holding out just fine, but they need white men to step up to the plate because its not a womans duty to slay invaders or fight the Jew.

Welp better not have kids and import millions of refugees then.
Why are you crying about this on Holla Forums instead of some nigger forum where the rates of marriage instability are higher?

putting inb4 doesn't stop it from being true

Don't do it Fam

I think in his case it is.

It really is as easy as that. M-Muh there are no good woman left! There are go find them ffs I am sick and tired of Holla Forums always talking about woman like their only interaction with woman are in media form or club sluts.

I don't think people realize how large of an industry divorce is for the ZOG.

If marriage is destroyed then people are left in a Paleolithic sexual environment where 20% of men and 80% of women can be as hedonistic and wasteful as has never been seen in our age, while the outcasted young men pick up their slack.

over 60% of men in the west are turning the wheels for the ZOG empire.

because sexual economics is among the most politically incorrect topics of all.

uhhhh… i didnt agree to this. did i skip a meeting?

If we are to keep the Vaginal Jew around, we must enact a true oppressive Patriarchy. Women must be beaten in line, or bound up in a basement if that doesn't work.



Ok Milo.

checked and kekd

Nail on the head

The issue is that women are women and are going to naturally want to seek safety and security, therefore they will vote for socialist and feel-good policies out of natural instinct (broadly speaking). The solution is rolling back their ability to vote.

50.000 per month

ZOG society and double standards are the problem. Feminism is just a scam on the losing side.


you are fuckers that fall for kikes divide and conquer
White families are as bad as it gets, we have low birth rates.
Don't like cunty women that treat you like shit and steal all your stuff?
Then don't date them.
Just find their characteristics and avoid them.
They will die out that way.

This "vaginal jew" is only in your head because you're a pussywhipped faggot that does whatever the bitch wants because she has a pussy.
When you get laid you will understand that pussy isn't everything in world.



The nuclear family is the heart of a healthy society

Replacing women with machines is anti nature and thus innately jewish. Women are part of the problem but they're not the problem. The international jew is the problem. Women are dumb lemmings. They will follow who ever they perceive to be the strongest alpha male. The marxists professors and media moguls churned out by the Frankfurt School have steadily eroded the concept of masculinity in the west so the western woman is now taking part in an unconscious collective shit test. Artificial wombs are a pipe dream decades away and Reddit-MGTOW does not produce white children.

The nuclear family is the heart of a healthy society

All these literal cucks putting pussy on a pedestal. Can't save the White race if they're not your kids, and thanks to telegeny and your pretty princess' 50 previous sexual partners - many of them black, they never will be your kids anyway. We must eradicate sluts and replace them with artificial wombs, keep the other women whipped in line, and lower the age of consent by 6 years.

The ZOG is the new alpha male.

the safest and most secure position for a woman is to be a housewife and they have been conditioned to not know which way is up

Here you go, bud. Now back to reddit.

Women will go extinct and Man will finally be free.

Sure thing, Himmie

people seem to forget that hypergamy is mostly done by feminists, and abortion users, and also encouraged by PUA faggots.

Women tend to date within their income bracket, its just that women with above average looks tend to play hypergamy game, it gets worse when feminism is involved. PUA and short term betafaggotry is what is gonna kill us all.

You are the Reddite trash, Normalfag dog

Hypergamy is just female dimorphism, its biological. The problem is that the state has made marriage into a divorce industry that legally enslaves men.


I think you meant since the dawn of man, aside from those other times the so-called "enlightened" fools made the same mistake our fathers made. They trusted the kikes and those under their influence.

Learn to speak English you fucking animal. Filtered.

Who will raise your XXY potatoes? You greasy, retarded, fidget-spinners would never be left alone with children.

to go extinct also.*

Then burning every biofemale to death is imperative.

What can we do to unfuck Brendan shit?

My God, Jeb. You really have an animus projection problem. Learn to own your life!

More like colonize the stars with artificial womb technology

Which is decades off.


Everyone's problems is woman's fault

And you think the ZOG will simply allow you neckbeards to have this "artificial womb technology"?

When your kids get taken from you and end up raised by your cheating wife, and the media as their new father you will see us eye to eye.

Cool beans. Women have until it's developed to enjoy their heinous hypergamous nature.


Better to die standing as a man than to live kneeling as a slave

If you're a man and you want to get married this badly, move to a country where there are fair legal and social standards for marriage, and men are able to fill their necessary role.

Nope. The survival of the white race is all that matters. Your honor means jack shit. My honor means jack shit. My fate is irrelevant. The fate of the white race is all that matters.

Kill the ego.

If you have to inb4, your argument is complete shit and you know it.

eat a cock, cuck

There are still plenty of good women in the west.

Survival matters more than honor?

That's kike shit.



50% divorce rate, initiated by western women 80% of the time.

No thanks.

Except for the wallet rapeing anti rape laws. What you don't get is being male is not legal.

Survival of the white race matters more than my own personal honor. To claim otherwise would be selfish.




I like how you lump every white woman together. Typical kike shill.

Niggers aren't people.


whites are least likely to racemix and white woman racemix less than white man.
are you two retarded?

lol reported

Hmmm, really gets those hamster wheels spinnin.

Just because marriage is fucked doesn't mean you are defeated, you have to avoid all the traps.

If you're fighting against this shitty MGTOW thread, at the very least sage.

All women must die.


Pathetic. You've run out of arguments.

You should be banned for likening our women to jews, and crudely. If anyone ever said that to me about my wife they would be socked in the mouth. Take your MGTOW faggotry somewhere else, kike. We don't "need" to talk about anything with whoever you work for. In fact, we have this conversation dozens of times a month naturally which you would know if you were a Holla Forumsack.

Kill yourself.

Reported for Normalfaggotry.
Every anti-MGTOW is a literal cum-slurping cuckold.

This isn't a MGTOW thread as far as I'm concerned, its a light on a topic that is constantly silenced, and that is how women are being rewarded for being abusive and exploitative in the west by the elites.

Better them than your boy pussy you fucking nerd


lol global report

You fucking retard. No. We are aware of the increased empathy in women, white women particularly. We are also aware they are driven by emotions and follow strength. We are working on outward strength and fighting back. If you don't already know these basics what the fuck are you doing on Holla Forums besides watering us down.

Faggot, Patrice O'Neal was a mess and a negro. Not somebody to look up to when it comes to wisdom.

Sure, if you're 16 and never have been in a relationship. It's teenage-fantasy-stories from some nigger who thinks he's smart. Listen to what he says, he's just the same as an empowered woman trying to make women feel strong and shit.

Get out, kike.

In group survival is the only argument that the Jews have for anything they do. Don't be like them.

Take your centrist mra shit back to Sargon's comment section.

Prove me wrong first.

GO fuck yourself. You're not fooling anyone.

Take a hike kike

Reports filed by Redditors are discarded.

What the fuck do you think a tribe is? It's a family, it's the relatives of yours and through more births it grew into a nation of your people. The problem is that the kikes have been drowning us with people not of our tribes.


All you need is sex appeal in a movement and the women will flock like cats in heat.

Less lard ass NSM faggots and more clean cut bulk lads with that HJ cut. It's already happening. Just don't give women actual decision making authority or you're just asking for the cuck.

That is so retarded I honestly don't think even you believe that. You're just a troll trying to rile up Holla Forums for your own amusement. Most likely a goon.

stopped reading there

When its your son who suffers in our society you will understand. When he gets circumcised without his or your consent, when he gets "educated" by the state and given drugs to lobotomize his potential, and once hes all grown up he might find a woman whos given her best to 50 other men before, and when he has your grandchildren they will all be taken away to be raised by a single mother and the state.

Welcome to the brave new world, being a man is already illegal.

I truly feel bad for a white man who is so poisoned that he hates his other half, or is so pathetic he cannot reliably find her or keep her. Nothing is ever easy, you lazy cunts.

Do you blame your children for their early mistakes as well, implement a punishment, and move on, surprised when they just learn the lesson to be sneakier about doing the wrong thing?

Fucking pathetic. All MGTOW are pathetic or kikes. Actually makes sense kikes can so easily speak MGTOW whereas the salt-left cannot convincingly psyop this type of argument here. Kike women are fucking neurotic, emotional, morons. I hate them too.

This tbh. I've had non-white liberal chicks who were into me start shitting on lefty values they knew I hated whenever I was around.

Post your braindead first-base shit in ThatGuyT's twitter feed. Nobody here cares.

Seems like MGTOW is truth after all, no matter what (((You))) or your (((Divorce lawyer))) cousins have to say.

Already did. Reported.

Reported for being a redditor.

Reported for not even trying.

You fucking nigger, Patrice O'neal was a fucking comedian, born and bred by the white-hating Spike Lee. First of all you assume the position niggers has on women is that of the position white people should have, which is not the same. It's not the same because they are qiuet frankly a whole race of men who grew up with single mothers. Which means they hate women but they adore their mother. Secondly, they don't think relationships or family is important because that's how their fathers that taught when they came in them and then left them alone to raise a child. Lastly, most of the shit he said was for comedic effect, he just "sounds" clever, because that's how he delivers it. Have you heard his advices? It's all about polygami, fucking around, eating ass etc. Which all boils down to the problem of not focusing on creating healthy relationships which turns into a healthy family with lots of kids.

Which we fucking need for the next generation when the shitskins are going to outnumber us in our own countries. Jesus fucking christ, you would think people on Holla Forums was more clever than this.

Hating women is irrational, but they are extremely privileged

lol you really think you can get that statement through on Holla Forums? Haha get out.

We're doing the right thing, don't stop.


You're just a punished nu-male who married the wrong hag. Just because you got fucked doesn't mean every other man will. Admitting to yourself that you're part of the losers club might be painful, but you're not just like any other guy and not every other guy will face your fate. Plenty of others will succeed where you failed. Deal with it.

Yeah you ask a woman if she would like to have an illiterate-nigger-rapist or a pile of money she will pick the rapist

MGTOW is hating women. VERY thinly veiled, and very obviously kike created ideology. You think white men have no problems? Get the fuck out of here, that is why we are here. To make white men stronger. Stop making excuses to be a faggot loser. You either win or you lose.

No matter what fucking angle is tried, I will never concede to attack or besmirch half my race outside shitposting with my buddies over a beer.

You sound weak. Goddamn, what a faggot.



You Tradcuck Normalfags don't represent Holla Forums. Holla Forums acknowledges and addresses Truth while you sweep the evils of the Vaginal Jew under the rug. Back to r/The_Donald with you.


I'm a loser alright, but its not because of any divorce I've had to face.

All my male counsellors, teachers, and enough of my family members and close friends have had so many horrible divorces that they served as a clear warning to me to be cautious about marriage.

The truth of the matter is that marriage is dangerous for men, and it has had declining success here while also causing serious damage to society. If you want a white wife so bad move to a country where marriage is fair, and stay there, don't bring a foreign wife to a country where she will be payed to hurt you and your children.



You know what would solve the divorce-thing and kill off that industry as a whole?

Make it illegal again. Make it fucking illegal. That way the kikes can't make money off of people's misery, people actually work on their relationships and they stay together to raise the kids.

Absolute cancer



Everyone loses in the ZOG.

But keep being cap'n save a hoe, lets see how much you win that way.

You tried to downboat me for making fun of MGTOW fags like yourself. You're cancer. Sage isn't a downboat, MGTOW is for literal closeted fags. Get off my board.

Your viture signalling doesn't mean shit.

I'm so sick of you fucking posers and phonies coming on here and trying to uber-belong. The entire point of Holla Forums is redpilling (learning, exposing the illusions)

The videos are 100% redpilled

So I'm gonna assume these are goons screencapping their own posts and showing them to each other to wag their fingers at those evil sexists on the internet.
Either that or they want to be white women so badly they've started hating the real ones.

Whatca sliding, shlomo?

A specially powerful incitement to valor is that the squadrons and divisions are not made up at random by the mustering of chance-comers, but are each composed of men of one family or clan. Close by them, too, are their nearest and dearest, so that they can hear the shrieks of their women-folk and the wailing of their children. These are the witnesses whom each man reverences most highly, whose praise he most desires. It is to their mothers and wives that they go to have their wounds treated, and the women are not afraid to count and compare the gashes. They also carry supplies of food to the combatants and encourage them.

It stands on record that armies already wavering and on the point of collapse have been rallied by the women, pleading heroically with their men, thrusting forward their bared bosoms, and making them realize the imminent prospect of enslavement – a fate which the Germans fear more desperately for their women than for themselves. Indeed, you can secure a surer hold on these nations if you compel them to include among a consignment of hostages some girls of noble family. More than this, they believe that there resides in women an element of holiness and a gift of prophecy; and so they do not scorn to ask their advice, or lightly disregard their replies. In the reign of the emperor Vespasian we saw Veleda [a seeress who helped lead a revolt against Rome] long honored by many Germans as a divinity; and even earlier they showed similar reverence for Aurinia [another seeress] and a number of others – a reverence untainted by servile flattery or any pretense of turning women into goddesses.


There may be a gay or two, but mostly MGTOW is the ideology of us humble Robots. Anti-MGTOW is Anti-Robot, and if you oppose Robotdom, you belong in Reddit with the rest of the Normalfag slime.

The shills are out in full swing in this thread, it must mean MGTOW is correct.

Nope, learn how to read. sage

/r9k/ does not produce white children. /r9k/ is part of the problem.

No John, you are the kike. Women are not responsible for anything in the OP, kikes are.

/r9k/ is the result of the problem.

Increasing birthrates isn't the solution you "Muh dick" nigger. Decreasing Jewish headcount is.


Ultimately they are.

But I gotta keep my shitposting game up in threads like this because how quickly they slide under.

I can see why you can't get a decent woman.

This isn't /r9k/, we're not faggots. If you don't like women, you only like men. You're a homosexual, a degenerate no better than the dildo-waving parade-goers in Manhattan. You are a part of the problem.

Wew lad

Why not both? The entire point of removing Jews is to increase the health of our people.

You tradcuck whiteknight moralfagging parasites never represented Holla Forums and every time you cucked up like you're doing now, you got BTFO. Go (((Correct the narrative))) elsewhere.





Gynocentric societies cannot sustain themselves. They either collapse, or become a society of parasites. Jewish society is what you get when gynocentrism reaches close to its most extreme form. They evolved into parasites. The side effect of gynocentrism is that over time, weak beta cuck genes begin taking over the gene pool. Thus you get the stereotypical hunch backed jewish male. Pic unrelated.

Daily reminder that Jewish society is matriarchal.

I hate women but I'm not gay. Fuck off you projecting faggot. God damn, after sucking so much Black bull seed from your traditional wifey's Vaginal Jew for so long, you Whiteknights cuckolds done went gay.

Why do you have homo anime saved on your computer?

This is what the kike media guilt tripping achieves. People won't even answer a survey honestly.


Yeah, dude. Betas get heaps of pussy.

here's what you do:
Done and done.

You were still wrong in the first place for not actually looking at my post instead of just blindly spamming sage like this is reddit, user.

You are by definition a gay fucking faggot if you do not like women. You only like men, you do not like women. That's the definition of being gay.

It's loli you newfag. Lurk more.

How about you sage the thread and you won’t have replies from people telling you to sage, okay champ?

You wanna fuck 12 year olds? You will be gassed among the first.

The solution to have babies without cucking to (((women))) is to have a trap wife. You can then pay women for surrogacy and impregnate them with your seed. Both you and your trad wife (male) can have genetic offspring.

Yeah, pedo detected. You are not welcome on Holla Forums.


Being sexually attracted to males is gay. Hating women is misogyny. Learn your definitions.

Drawn by a nip that only draws faggot art? Sure thing, shlomo.

Oh shut up and respond to the arguments instead, seems fairly hypocritical to talk about redpills and learning but in turn stop trying to discuss anything and just claims that that fat nigger who died of diabetes is redpilled on women.

What did he achieve in life? Giving a woman a ring, raising someone elses daughter and having an open relationship where he couldn't justify himself getting cucked because him fucking women but her not fucking other men would be fairly hypocritical. Again, he was a fucking cuck who justified his position with these theories on how relationship works, which they fucking don't.

And seriously, why would you ever listen to a negro about relationships? They are a mess, filled with single mothers, pimps and niggers just fucking and sucking off eachother with both sexes (yes, niggers are more prone to be homos) without any sense of responsibility or thought-process of waht would be the most stable and healthy relationship so that you could serve your family and in turn your people the best way possible.

There's a reason we build fucking civilisations offf of collaboration and hard work, a man toghether with a woman without the divorce-thing existing worked. And of course cheating and multiple women to one man existed, but it wasn't as wide-spread as the kikes and modern historians would like to make you believe. It was only the kings who had access to multiple women and they still in large kept to a queen. And lastly about cheating, it would get you shunned, it would make an outcast, some they just beat to death.


Lmao moralfags blew in straight from Reddit

You get your jokes straight from 2014 huh?

This is how it is.
If you disagree, you are not from here.
They are not worth the pine boxes, though. Just burn them in the ditch like niggers.


Mgtow, sex robots, traps, legal bookers, less welfare, and economic worsening all will drive down the cost of hiring a surrogate as women seek easy financial support.

For a man who's gone his own way, you seem to spend an awful lot of time thinking about women.

All MGTOW threads shall now be bumped to the top of the board.

I don't personally want to, but under a system of arranged marriage, with girls being married off asap, there must be a law that supports consummation. Again, the father of the child would decide.

pic unrelated

What are you faggots doing here? Where did you even come from?


They still accept their dogma, they aren't actively fighting against it, and the fucked-up feminist laws are slowly spreading out to the rest of the country; So it really doesn't matter if they accept the feminist label or not. You also forget that the label of Feminist itself is also man-repellant, so of course they're not going to identify as one if they can't score a man to extract resources from.

Stupid virgin faggot, everything you listed was done by (((them))). Read a book you fucking nigger.

The clown porn image is from my personal world class collection.

You're not funny.


HIV/AIDS, bug-chasing, pride parades, super hypergamy and promiscuity, and rampant child molestation are good counterarguments.

How about you contribute instead of spamming the thread with your reddit-tier cancer? Don't like the thread? Fucking sage and move on, don't sit here thinking "HUURRR I BETTER DOWNVOTE ALL THESE PEOPLE SO THEY KNOW THEY'RE WRONG" Christ kid, come on really?

No, misogyny is a prejudice against women, there's no emotion to it. Actually hating women in the visceral, emotional way that you do is not mere misogyny. Men have by an large been misogynists for all of history, yet they still could hold healthy relationships with women. You have such strong emotions towards them that you don't even want them in your life. It's the beginnings of autogynehphilia and blatant homosexuality.

Well I'm not attracted to men either. Too masculine.

How about you stop shilling an MGTOW thread, kike?
You mean like MGTOW, which you’re bumping?
lol sage

We are making sure you know you're not welcome here.

Porn collection?

It's my collection of shock site reaction images. This one is just a BDSM clown, he's quite the piece of work.

Mgtow + trap wives + surrogacy (because that's all women are good for. Even males can breast feed.) is the FUTURE

You type like a goon.

MGTOW is the opposite of Reddit. Being a pussywhipped whiteknight is the definition of being Reddit.

This tbh. Guessing most of these dudes are unconvincing trannies. sage this shit you fag

You're not funny.

So MGTOW, got it. Thanks.

designated shitposting thread

Look, I get most of my antics from Newgrounds.

You deluded Whiteknight cuckold. Death would be a mercy to you.

10/10, would laugh at you again.
By… not being MGTOW. Got it. Sure thing, moishe.

lol Newgrounds amirite? :DDD

Again you're just trying to come up with another oh so ironic oh so witty post while you smirk with your snarky goon buddies in IRC.

Is that you Andrew?

You're not funny.

Excuse me, Discord. All the ironic fags use Discord now.


What the fuck did you just say to me you swell coward?

Why do you care so much? Stop caring you carefag.


Yeah so you're not attracted to anybody, you're a fag who's on his way to autogynephilia

You're the worse type of subversive

Who could make such a post?

I'd guess a lot of them are trapfags.


Without white women, there can be no future for the white race

Sci-fi delusions. Grow up faggot.

I will show you the true, textbook definition of a sick fuck!

more shitposting please

This is an MGTOW thread. You're bumping an MGTOW thread. If you say other's should just sage and move on then you're allowing MGTOW-faggotry the opportunity to flourish on Holla Forums. That anti-family cancer should never be allowed to flourish. I don't even know how how you perceived my posts to be pro-MGTOW.

At least sage.

No father would marry their young daughter off to a middle-aged man. Give up, you can't refute the truth that arranged marriage prevents half the shit you're concerned about.

Getting married and therefore almost 100% guaranteeing that you'll pay money into the divorce idustry, and having your White kids taken from you to be """"Raised"""" by a single mother and indoctrinated by public school systems is directly in line with Jewish interests. If you care so much about White birthrates, go ahead and impregnate your gf, but ffs don't marry them. Marriage is the crux of the problem.

lmao omg thats soooo random

You are dodging what you just suggested because I called you on it.


Kike, please.

lol nope, you fucking cuck
As opposed to not having them at all, right, kike?
Reported for not even trying to hide your jewishness.

not enough shitposting

You are an enemy of the white race.

200 years ago, airplanes were a "scifi delusion". We could avoid having to seek a technological alternative if we instated a real Patriarchy but you Whiteknight faggots oppose that.


KYS you fucking beta-communist nigger

Then I start furiously masturbating my 300 mile long mastodonic pee pee penis because I am a big gay poopy man who likes dicks and assholes and cum and poopy and Holla Forums will turn into a super duper dee duper gay board for the barney bunch and no more women will be allowed to come here.

I was once a bit more black pilled.

But honestly, Europeans and their "humanitarian" ideals just forgot the realities of nature and allowed disgenic values.

Bring back the focus on natural law, and state sponsored traditional gender roles.

Encourage families by the interest free loan system of old Germany, and bring back punishments for infidelity. A contract is pointless if breaking it has no consequences.

People do seem to forget that in the olden days, it was common for European women to cover their hair (use a veil) and were very restricted in most aspects. It wasn't completely like the Muslims, but not something that explosively different.

We would need both the carrot and the stick, administered in a fatherly manner to the people. Obviously we would also cut gibs for irresponsible behavior.

Doesn't seem too hard, but it might take a gigantic crisis first…

Real white patriarchies are no more complicated than men being in control of their family. When a group of families band together, you have a society. Stop playing like you have some secret. You have nihilism. Kill yourself if nothing matters. Spin plates in hell, cocksucker.

My bad.

Nice, this is good shitposting


The fuck? That has to be made by EA, that's a complete shitshow

Look. This is the goon who has most posts in this thread. He's the main one who's been toting this MGTOW bullshit. I got under his skin and he exposed himself. This is a goon thread.

I'm a MGTOW, not a goon femshit


yes, nice shitposting

Probably, although almost every game today sucks.
Wise words.

If the progeny of the White race is to be raised by single mothers, Whites have earned their death. I would be fine with adopting a kid, but you Whiteknight Kikes oppose that and label single men as unfit, all while worshipping single moms.

Normally I don't post this much in a thread, but this one is filled with not so swell white knights that have earned the wrath of the mighty barney bunch company.


Wow, your posts are like so ironic and carefree.



As bad as the AI is in that game, it's still fun to stack up bodies like that. Something about Hitman is just entertaining

Patrarchy must mean something more radical. Women are not fit to be free in a kitchen - they must be enslaved and bound by chains.

This is our paradigm.

Yes, good. Let the hate flow through you.


I bet my post will not even be noticed. No chance for SERIOUS DISCUSHIUN…

I should have noticed the spam cl:^)

All this samefag derailment, shilling and spam reminds of the late2014-early2015 shilling bursts.

They are even going of topic about random vidya.


Sage indeed, friend

True. Hitman is such a fun playground.

HAHAHAHAHA holy shit. Niggers are unbelievably stupid.

OP completely BTFO, btw.

I bet half of these Kikes saging this thread are themselves roasties.


all this swell gay poopy spam reminds me of the early image board days, because they were gay.

Reddit is where you belong, Normalfag.
