What the fuck is their problem?
What the fuck is their problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
Punk has always been for faggots.
They've let other men fuck their wives.
They don't want to be american idiots
Green Day still exists?
Who saw it coming?
And degenerates.
Even so, you'd think they should know better thatn to sound like every old hag they used to annoy back in their early 20s.
love me some old-school pap-punk, it juts light up the nostalga vibe
I'm pretty sick and tired of the "video games make you violent" meme.
You fucking nigger, "shooting and killing things" has been video games for fucking ever. Go fucking kill yourself.
Either their label told them to push their liberal agenda or they're doing it to get their name out again. God knows these douchebags should have stopped making music years ago.
These wankers keep saying this about everything they don't like, but it only ever makes them look like a bunch of limp-wristed pansies. Why they use that word so often is beyond me.
Sage because this really isn't video games.
That dude Deryck Jason Whibley, used to bang Avril Lavigne. Look where that got him.
oh boy, these fags needn't embarrass themselves like that
Green Day represents everything wrong with punk rock. Their more concerned with politics, image, and general cocksucking than the music. Punk was originally not meant to be taken as seriously as it later was. It was just supposed to be about making simple and fun rock 'n roll to contrast the very complex and serious prog and metal bands that dominated in the early to mid 70s. Then the British ruined everything.
this entire fucking thread looks like it should be on /news/ but haji is too busy encouraging the cumskin /freech/posters
How vulgar.
Why should anyone care what some musician has to say on this subject anyways? At least he's going for the violence angle and not the sexist one.
Their agent probably told them that fear mongering over video games was in and would spread news about their newest album.
Fucking wew lad, that's some next level JUST right there.
Do you think this is acceptable for children? Killing innocent animals with fire?
how fucking shameful, I hope you all burn in hell
At least Henry Rollins hardcore, I know mellowed out over the years, but doesn't take shit from anyone, least of all hipsters and SJWs.
Green Day existed in the first place? They always seemed like one of those made-up brands in sci fi games that exists only to be namedropped once or twice and never elaborated on.
He looks like one of those troll figurines.
Wouldn't be the first time it happens
Green Day never liked video games. I remember back on Google Video every Green Day Zelda AMV was taken down after a year. Since DMCA takedowns were unheard of at the time, people speculated the band themselves took the shit down, not even their record label.
I'm sick of the "pop punk is punk" meme. Punks have never been leftist faggots. Nobody fucking remembers the Las Angeles Punk Rock scene of the 1980s when they were still skinhead nazis
normalfags don't even take the vidya is violent meme seriously anymore. Its one of the only good sides of normalfags taking over vidya. GTA V, part of one of the most controversial game series' Is also the fastest selling piece of media of all time. Selling between 40 to 60 million copies in less than a fucking month. This doesn't mean 40 to 60 million more people are fucking killers and rapists
Daily reminder that Green Day tried to be "punk rock" at a iHeartRadio event (and failed miserably).
Yeah, i know, that's why i archived it.
Saging a shill thread.
Last one.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Green Day was just saying shit like this to drum up artificial controversy to make them relevant again.
Never in my life would I have imagined I would one day be posting on Holla Forums about a gay pop punk band I used to like as a child (Dookie album).
How could this happen to meeeeee~?
Pussies can't even intake violent media without wetting themselves, who knew?
I know Green Day has always been basically as mainstream as any pop singer since day one
but I can't help but feel a twinge of irony from a punk band of all things saying "FAKE VIOLENCE IS BAD, THINK OF THE CHILDREN"
I still appreciate some of the shit the Dead Kennedys were dropping in their earliest years
Far from it.
I'm old enough to remember when I went out with friends to go "punk hunting" for being dirty, smelling cunts.
inb4 nazi punk
oh no
Oh yes bravo, bon mot! It takes real style to do that. No small wonder why their music is so popular.
Trips don't lie
Jeez, and these faggots used to be punk?
Bunch of bicucks and faggots druggies.
These guys have never put out one single good album and they are 20 years past their prime.
They were never punk. They were as punk as Avril Lavigne.
And these guys used to call themselves punk?
They sound like fucking soccer moms.
Well maybe I'm worried about the antisocial and anti-society messages and of themes of bands like Green Day and how they encourage these behaviors in their young and impressionable fans and listeners.
I'm not really but these whiny punk faggots have been around long enough to understand that calls for censorship point both ways.
As opposed to WHO!? The Queen of the Damned that he's running against? Do these assholes think that their Bernie is still secretly running in the election or some shit?
Literally Who?
we're filled with nothing but walking simulators
shitty android copy pasta games
shovel ware
and so on
yet, they're cocerned about games with violence? god fucking damn it.
I knew they were sell-out pussies, but wow.
I didn't think a band could be lamer than Oasis, but Green Day pulled it off. It's almost impossible to top Oasis's shittiness.
Huge fucking surprise there m80
Wasn't blink 182 at E3? why are these pop-punk shitdicks trying to make a come back?
I was wrong to say "Punk has always been for faggots." I was just pissed at these guys and wanted to lash out but didn't know what exactly to say.
It wasn't always a faggot genre. Johnny Ramone was a rightwinger and the Sex Pistols didn't give a shit about politics. Guys like these co-opted the genre and turned it into their own little shit show where they could suck progressive cock all they wanted.
Green Day and bands like them claim they are a punk rock band but they are anything but. They're just pop stars who use the punk label.
Same reason we still hear about Aerosmith going on tour, even though they're literally "dad music" tier now.
Gotta cash in on that Gen Y nostalgia, goyim
At least I can fap to Avril.
There's also shit like Crust punk which is pretty much Social Justice: The Music Genre.
I dunno, but I know their new guitar player is so fucking bad, it completely screwed up the intro to one of their hit songs. Listen closely at the beginning.
Aerosmith was always "dad music."
It must sound horrendous.
Green Day still exists?
Where is that dude who makes Blink 182 remakes into Holla Forums lyrics? Get him to do a Green Day album just spit in there faces, hell, fuck I will do it.
wanna be punk band that makes shitty music has a stupid opinion, color me surprised.
Judge for yourself.
i thought that punk shit band died years ago
fucking agenda pushing shills
seriously what has Donald been doing that they are so scared of?
I've found a Hundreds of reasons why not to vote Hillary and hardly any to not vote trump
Green Day is not punk you retarded millenial twat.
Jesus Christ kids these days are fucking retarded.
his hair
must be lefties
"The committee was founded by four women: Tipper Gore, wife of Senator and later Vice President Al Gore"
" Democratic Senators Joe Lieberman of Connecticut and Herb Kohl of Wisconsin led hearings on video game violence and the corruption of society which began in 1992"
MSM blames the right for censorship, but no one censors like lefties.
I think it is because they are intellectually immature. Everything scares them and is going to destroy their kids or them. They want gun laws passed because in their minds if they ever got their hands on a gun they would shoot everyone they hate. Video games don't make people violent, but they do make democrats violent.
When they see violent images they are actually attracted to it….and that scares them.
Once their world is deconstructed before their very eyes (which is easy to do) they always lash out violently. Look at how they protest. Look how they treat others who "disagree" with them or argue with logic.
If anything should be banned it should be lefties. Put them in their own county and let's see how long they last…or let's look at states in America that have been liberal run for decades because that is their utopia.
i'd fuck his hair
Not an argument.
Green Day Aged Worst than Birthday massacre, Marilyn Manson And Aquabats
Aquabats are in their 40s and they still look 25.
People in this thread thinking Green day is anything but Pop music. Just because they have a song called American Idiot doesn't mean they are punk, they are just British. And just because they are British doesn't mean they are punk.
Sounds like dogshit!
You mean a band that hasn't been relevant for like ten years?
And when it was found to be unpopular, they falsely blamed it on the Republicans and right. Fucking sneaky cunts.
Nothing says 'punk' like a list of rules about what people are allowed to think.
That sounds fucking terrible.
what did he mean by this?
…is this real? There's no way. It's a shoop, right? Fucking hell.
You won't find this shit in metal.
Oh god. He looks like Patton Oswald going for a sex change.
Marilyn Manson always sounded like a worse version of Nine Inch Nails to me, personally.
What game is he playing? And how many actual people has he shot and killed through the magic of vidya virtual violence? Though seriously, how big and sandy are their vaginas in current year.
I give him credit for being at least self aware enough to poke fun of himself for being a proto-edge lord
Of course it's fucking real.
Come on Holla Forums
That looks more gay than geek punk
Midlife crisis is really a bitch.
Friebdly reminder Green day & Punk is less gay than Gangsta FAG
Honestly surprise Gangsta fag not a meme yet. He had a cult following in the MySpace days.
How isssssssssss this the top thread of the catalogggggggggggggggggggggg who fucking cares about some 40 year old faggots.
How soon until one of them come out as transgender?
Donald Trump responsible for this confirmed.
Who cares, they are 5'4 and 44.
Literally the best content ever to have involved Green Day coming through.
Green Day used to be punk; just, at a time before half of you were born. Of course, they also used to sing about doing drugs and beating off, not political acumen or whatever other bullshit is in their albums anymore.
The real problem is they got popular and starting drifting away from actual punk.
This. They turned into emo punk faggots with American Idiot.
No, sorry, they were never punk.
They were pop, get over it.
Can we all agree it's getting to the point that Brony Music Is probably more masculine than punk?
I cringed
This. is in denial.
Punk has been a dead and rotting carcass since the 80s.
Punk was never alive in the first place, it was made in hopes to bury the strong sound of Metal and Hard Rock. Which in Britain at the time was very pro nationalist, white and aggressive. Dem kikes paid most "punk" bands to be fucking morons, abuse drugs and write anti shit songs.
How in the fuck can someone be so detached from reality
Much sooner than that, i'm afraid. Dookie was in '94; this is off of Nimrod, in '97. It was all downhill once they struck gold.
You also snarked.
But, shit, unless you're gonna give me some huge musical genre chart and categorize what Green Day is, specifically the Dookie album because i hold that it's both good and punk, i'm not gonna accept your faggot gainsays as fact.
Its pop for fuck sakes, get over it.
Why don't you pick something that actually sounds cool
He looks like another casualty of society
In America, Punk thrived in the 80s, and I mean traditional white-nationalist Punk, not dumbed-down pop punk bullshit. It blew up in places like Los Angeles and was created as a response to the dumbed down Jewed as fuck genres we had at the time like Funk, Rap, and Disco shit. They say Disco Demolition Night, held on July 12, 1979, was the beginning of the Punk Rock scene
More important than that, they're detached from video games.
One of the few musicians in punk that dont hold left wing views is Michael graves
its amazing, its more punk to not go with this dumb ass leftie media narrative
Id rather none of my music have any political tone, thats mostly why I'm into psychobilly and horror punk
even then its hard to escape
because this is whats considered punk in 2016
Music is blurry as fuck when it comes to the jews.
I fucking hate having to dig for so long to find clean music,
Reminder that Green Day was brought into the mainstream by their song "Longview". It's about getting high and jerking off all day, and the intro to the song was written while on LSD.
And now they're afraid video games are a bad influence.
I seem to recall a mention of a disco record burning taking place in That 70s Show. Is it an anachronism, or was that a thing that happened before 1979 as well?
Punk died with Refused a long time ago. Now they are commie shits.
This thread is sickening. The complete cucking a genre called "punk" has apparent!y suffered is just worse.
All I care about is Coldplay not being cucked. Let them sing as depressingly as they want.
I remember hearing somewhere that that was about another genre but I can never remember the name of it. Not that it doesn't apply to punk, too.
You mean like when it was created in 1982?
What a revisionist shitpost.
Just listen to Wagner or Bach.
definitely anachronism going on here. But I don't know when exactly in the 70s That 70s Show took place. The shows creators most likely wanted to reference it for shits and giggles. There was only one Disco Demolition Night
cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck memes cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck cuck
commies ruin everything they infect.
Metal will always be better than punk.
Seems someone got triggered.
Bideo gayms is real
What's the news here? An outdated and past their prime band that thinks they're a political force and their songs matter are trying to get some attention for the release of their new album.
Old Metal will always be better then everything besides Classical and video game ost. Metal now, holy fucking shit is it infected with parasites.
Thanks for posting that image, I was looking all over for it.
is right though, punk was always shit for edgy rich kids trying to get back at their parents
a psychobilly band I like normally sings about dead girls and zombies and murder
but for some fucked reason I am almost 100% sure on their newest album has a song about Refugees in germany
just fucking lame
Just remembered. S.H.A.R.P. Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice. A very shocking stance to take one hundred years ago. Not so much nowadays.
I want the neo-90s to end
yea I get that
but how many punk bands were singing about refugees being welcome to rape your woman and not being sexist
angry rich kids were just assholes, angry rich kids now are SJWs and its a lot more awful
Green Day did it a few years back, they completely changed their style to cater to the new audience and its been making them bank. Greed fuels everything.
I can't sing in man register so i make this weird cartoon voice
Fair enough.
Did Tumblr organize a punk festival now??
How much violence is in that game?
This is what ideological subversion looks like
It is a game where you must compete to become the ultimate real estate tycoon. The final boss is Trump himself. In other words, its more violent than Grand Theft Auto
Proven time and time again with big game companies, trying to be safe so kiddos will get the game, increasing the audience size but making the game more boring in the process
Both of those are nice, but yall need to broaden your taste.
It begins on May 17, 1976, and as the seasons go on, it gets later in the decade, until the final episode, which is on December 31, 1979. There are some other anachronisms, like band posters that didn't exist yet hanging in people's rooms.
Ministry is okay, I'm generally in more of an ear rape mood though.
Depends on where you're looking.
See video related.
Wait, these faggots are considered as punk band? I always thought they're another shitty pop-rock band for retarded teenagers or girls.
It's really sad that punk is raped to death, at least they don't care about Oi! yet.
I don't think puritans are right-wingers. Neither are democrats.
Literally who?
I'm more of a comfy type of guy.
Metal comes in many materials.
Uninformed, more like. If nobody taught a kid born in the 90s about the punk scene in the 80s, and punk isn't a genre that interests them enough to research it, how are they supposed to know? All marketing that I've ever seen involving Green Day has labeled them as punk. Other bands that sounded like them at the time were also called punk. What are kids supposed to think?
For themselves.
I agree with everything he said. Except I'm not a liberal. Honestly I'm starting to lose faith in Trump, if he was an actual fascist with fascist ideals and promoted ultranationalism I'd be behind him…but as I see it right now, he's someone who doesn't know how to deal with critisism, who flipflops and only says what he's thinking. Its getting annoying.
It'd the epitome of normalfag music Niggers may as well been premiered on Nickelodeon..
That started with The Clash, London Calling in particular. I like the album quite a bit, but it's what killed punk.
For themselves, that's what.
People constantly try to brainwash kids for their side, and it's up to the parent to tell kids this, make them aware of this, so the kid learns to use THEM, not the other way around.
It's the difference between a leader and a tool.
That's what a tool is. That's what the term means before the media sterotyped it to hell.
Don't let your kids become the tools of anyone but themselves. Because then they can't be used to harm others. Like that one video where a mother pulls her son out of the Baltimore riots by the damn ear, you get involved in your kid's life, do good for them, guide them in the way of solid rock and metal, not the way of trivial bullcrap.
I miss when metal wasn't just a meme.
Friendly reminder journalists would attempt to destroy Austin Powers with sexism, transphobia, fat shaming and homophobia articles if it came out today
That's retarded. George caused a stupid and pointless war, and Donald was explicitly against it.
I eat because I am unhappy
I am unhappy because I eat
It's a vicious cycle
They even ripped on "Deadpool" at some point, basically for not catering to them.
Trump also doesn't put hits out on dissenters and has lap dogs full on calling for racial genocide in public.
But the Deadpool movie marketing made him a canon pansexual.
Rape cultural, sexism, Homophobia, ableism articles if this came out today
Pay no attention to the pink age.
muh nigger
I had to look for a few more articles and pictures about this.
Holy shit, it's like the Gathering of the Juggalos, Tumblr Edition
While were on the subject, have some KMFDM. (Please ignore the idiotic Columbine comments, the band's old stuff is golden)
Funny how says 'freethinking' down there.
Also my nigger
I know right. These people are fucking delusional.
Das rite
pic related
pic unrelated, pretending to be satan worshiping nihilists was too hardcore for greenday, they were just weepy angsty.
More bands need to be Satan worshiping nihilists
Disturbed were not even subtle ripping that video off
What says, however, Jon Nödtveidt from Dissection did kill himself in the name of Satan.
At least ONE of them is Tr00 As Fvkk to do it
But Manowar does sound cool.
Oh fuck, that song's there? Shit, I've had that game kicking around somewhere, maybe it's worth a try.
I've got a couple of more.
(not vidoe games, but fuck it)
Don't forget Fear Factory's "Demanufacture" on Messiah.
Metal has been in many more vidya than Punk
It's not only the video that's a shitty copy.
Didn't Billie assault a guy for yelling "Green Day sucks" at him? Seems kind of hypocritical to worry about fictional violence after that.
My sides!
Huh, that's pretty odd. Same 'shaded' style that the KMFDM's cover artist, Aidan Hughes, does.
Those take me back, man
That's why Metal is better.
Also, Fear Factory! My nigga!
Even the Quake soundtrack is fantastic as background noise
Based Trent
Quake 2's was better though.
It's hard to choose between NIN, Sonic Mayhem and Front Line Assembly. They all did a fantastic job
Read the Ministry book where Uncle Al tells about his life story, or what little he remembers
It's stories like this that put things in perspective.
why are those humongous faggots desecrating KISS band
I usually take everything he says with a big grain of salt, he tends to embellish/exaggerate anecdotes, though
Still, fuckin' love the guy.
My respect for Tak Fujii rose even higher since he started calling out that kind of bullshit.
speaking of KISS, it's one of the bands that had a "real" actual videogame
I remember playing that game, it wasn't bad at all
You don't have the data either, fuckwit.
Greg is probably SJW as fuck too, seeing as how he's entrenched in academia.
Reminder that Quake was released as a game and album in mind. If you put in the Quake CD you'll see because have have both the soundtrack and game apart, at least on linux, also works in CD players. That's why the soundtrack sounds so clear, it's CD quality.
Pretty cool considering most developers back then didn't do it like that or compressed the fuck out of it.
Trent also did the sound design of Quake, even with the soundtrack turned off the sound design blows about every other game out of the water. iD never wanted a OST for Quake but Trent insisted on it.
Really hope NiN's next album is gonna be some dark ass shit again.
Yeah, I kind of got that feeling halfway through the book. Al sounds like one of those kids at the playground who likes exaggerate things just so he can sound more badass. But I think I can forgive him.
What about that story where Al slaps his nuts on Ice Cube's back for trying to steal Al's beer?
losers trying to be relevant.
I can't read/write moon well enough to translate this in less than half an hour. What's it say?
Is that real deal? Perhaps he's not all that much smarter than Shitlary.
music as audiocd was pretty common in vidya, especially on playstation
some just opted to write raw music data as normal files to save space by writing for example only mono data
That one sounds too outlandish… I dunno what to believe
He also says he used to fuck around with Limp Bizkit's Fred Durst
These are people who throw around the phrase 'punk' without actually having the punk in it. Like Steampunk.
Yeah true, I remember ripping PSX soundtracks for days on a shitty PC.
Top fucking kek, slowpoke.
Green day is still a thing?
they're not ecelebs, they're regular celebs
they're too old to be ecelebs
You're so used to whining about ecelebs that you write the e reflexively even when it's not called for, don't you?
Irrelevant nobodies.
Did I go back in time to 2004
Basically, someone informed Tak that people complained the MS party was "sexist" for having female dancers, and Tak said that is idiotic and if they're so concerned for equality they should just add male dancers to the mix or something.
Can we all agree that Steampunk is the gayest thing ever conceived?
That's the exchange happening on twitter in the picture? Or is he telling the person about it after the fact?
I know that video was supposed to be cringey, but that was basically the soundtrack to my childhood before I developed a taste in music myself and just listened to what people around me listened to.
Fuck, now I'm sad.
Still not as bad as furries.
But then again, nothing is.
Steampunk is a subculture taken over by former goths.
I should know, I gravitate towards goth subculture (for reasons) and many former goths are now into Steampunk. Not only that, it's taken over by former goth nerds
Dieselpunk, however, is where it's at, anons
Excuse me?
No. Your image is the equivalent of posting an obese Naruto cosplayer and then judging all of Japanese media by it.
Steam knights are cool. It's a shame the Greeks invented steam power and then didn't do shit with it, since slave labor was cheaper. They no doubt would have made some interesting shit. Not that knights like this existed during ancient Greece.
Just take a look at their lyrics, Juggalos are all in on this SJW agenda too
I'm in an old station wagoon deep in Alabama
Wipe the sweat outta my eyes, cocked the hammer
I see a pickup truck with a rebel flag window
A skinny redneck with one of his kinfolk
I pull up along side and blast the passenger
Blood, feathers and bone, a massacre
I kept shootin', hit the driver
He fell on the horn stuck
Threw a molotov cocktail and blew up the truck
[Hook 1: Violent J]
Out here pretending like you ain't offendin'
You redneck judges with racist grudges
If you got a tattoo, I'm aimin' at you
You get punched in your faces, reppin' the racists
Confederate Flag
F-f-f-f-fuck you
Confederate Flag
F-fuck you-f-f-fuck you
Confederate Flag
F-f-f-f-f-fuck you
Confederate Flag
F-f-fuck you, fuck you
[Verse 2: Shaggy 2 Dope]
The judge, grandpa, dad and three sons
All of em' KKK, they can't run
I blew the hair clean off and both still in the hood
The headless horseman fell dead in the woods
The rest of the clans man ran cause' they were scarey
It was Tim the baker and the bar bellary
They all pussies, threw off there hoods and cried please
But they were devils, so I capped their knees
"Video games are different now too. You’re actually in there shooting and killing people."
Which is worse? Punks or Juggalos?
O Captain my Captain!
To be fair, those are demons. Wolfenstein came first, though.
Juggalos, in general.
what a bunch of fags
i think their problem is that they're concerned with kids getting negative influence from the media.
side note: do different opinions really upset people that much here?
Why don't you fellate a double barreled shotgun Kurt Kobain style?
so that's a yes, just checking
They could have started with the popularization of tv wrestling in the 80s
Or televised boxing in the 50s
But no, suddenly mma is too much for them
I wonder who cut the paycheck
I always found it amusing how these people only attack "safe" groups. Take Marilyn Manson for instance, he always went out of his way to make Christians "scared" and always waxed on about how he was fighting the system.
Then Hebdo happened, people were actually killed in the name of a religion. What does he do? He says they went too far, that they were "asking for it". Deep down he knew nothing would happen if he taunted Christians, at most they'd just roll their eyes and maybe tell their children not to listen to his music.
When Greg Gutfeld called him out after Marilyn explicitly stated that they were asking for it, he tried to use the racist card and to have his tweeter followers harass him. It fell flat on its face hilariously. By the same token, I'm pretty sure ICP knows no one will ever do anything about them masturbating about killing those who still wave the Confederate flag.
At the end of the day these "rebellious" groups are about as consumer tested and safe as they come.
Being a race traitor is inexcusable. The KKK isn't some horrific organization intent on murdering blacks because of hate, they're often guests at black nationalist conferences and the same goes the other way, black nationalist figures are guests at white nationalist conventions. It's been this way since the civil rights era.
The supposed animosity between the two groups is entirely fabricated. It's the SJWs that are promoting racial tensions and violence. It's the FBI that was bombing black churches and spreading 'Black Panther Coloring Book' encouraging a race war
That shitty song is a perfect example of their propaganda in the modern. It fits right in with the disgusting work linked above and will be seen as such by future historians.
Remember when (((David Draiman))) of Disturbed outed himself on twitter demanding a comedian be censored & fired for mocking Israel & hurting his precious feelings? All this of course after (((he))) mocked the precious feelings of feminists & SJWs. Not only that, (((he))) demanded a group explicitly against censorship start shilling for Israel else be branded "antisemitic" & (((he))) made threats toward them.
I find it funny how he was really pro Gamergate when that was in full force as he was all about fighting the mainstream media. It was a bit obnoxious how he was typing in all caps every time though.
The DRAIMAN SPEAK is basically a meme on
Was there a reason for that? I'm wondering if the guy is just computer illiterate or what.
True. Blacks kill more blacks in a year than the KKK has supposedly killed since it's creation.
Regardless, the KKK was infiltrated & co-opted by Feds. I wonder if all the people typing KKK repeatedly in their Moonman lyrics are aware?
KKK is just a meme by now. The organization itself is a hollow husk with no bite to it. You might as well join a LARP group, it basically carries the same social stigma these days.
People here really need to watch The Birth of a Nation to learn why the KKK was created. They had thousands of black members a hundred years ago.
Moonman aims to offend and it's catchy.
so, these sacks of shit are considered punk nowadays? what a sad world has this become
Meanwhile Slayer doesn't give a fuck about Muslim sensibilities.
It's all about children and teens who think they're true rebels who fight against the system too, you shouldn't be surprised. What is really amusing is when all these shitty bands/signers don't offer any kind of solution in their worthless music.
And it's really fun to watch how these pussies show their true color when they whine about -isms and other pointless crap. They're such rebels, wow! Da system has no chance to survive!
I would be grateful if they invented their own term for their crap music instead of raping punk which is pretty much too niche if not totally dead nowadays. It can be pain in the ass to search for true punk bands.
The moral of the story is pretty obvious to me.
You want leftists to stop doing something? Gun a few of them down.
Is Black Flag cool?
Didn't they already come up with a term? Wssn't it "Emo"?
Could be worse. He's a big atheist but otherwise quite unremarkable ideologically.
emo bands in the 80s and 90s were about personnal problems, but I wouldnt be suprised if modern emo bands started whining about racism and sexism.
But everyone around me says it.
Would you count Blink 182 as a punk band as well?
Nah. Punk is for people who want to play metal but can't play so they Seattle for punk instead.
Guess they've become American idiots.
*settle fuck autocorrect
But that's not true. Mortal Kombat on the SNES had more gore than the average M-rated shooter.
Your parents grew up watching men die in bare knuckle boxing matches. The problem isn't today's media. It's today's parents being coddled faggots.
>actually in there shooting and killing people
No you aren't.
His beliefs are irrelevant. He can believe the moon is made of cheese, but that doesn't mean we should start planning ways to combat lunar molding.
That album sucked. Greenday has always sucked. They were the poor man's Offspring, full of self-important jackasses who think politics can be boiled down to calling people names and throwing temper tantrums.
They make money pretending to have a political opinion, and they'd rather take a vacation when democrats are in power. So they're gearing up for another work shift. Nothing unusual.
I've expected a Carlos.
I don't have any carlos
You didn't get the picture when their early albums were all conspiracy-theory bullshit, "US sux mang!!111!!!", "my candy and cereal and kid stuffs XDDDDDD", and "omg world is blow up bcuz CO2 u guis only our dads are 2 dum 2 realize XDDDDDD human kill off everything people bad"?
Really, you didn't see this coming?
yet somehow both underclass hero and screaming bloody murder are okayish albums.
dookie was good. 1000 hours and smooth had some of their better stuff on though.
not to mention the album being called "hooray for boobies" and some of the other songs on the album (3.142 talking about "I NEED TO FIND A NEW VAGINA"). dear god, the entire album would make people have a fit.
Most anons are new & young, they spout "Green Day was always pop!" because they were born in 2000.
Compared to some celebrities that think they have the solution to every problem in the world, that's a ton of humility at least.
they are just trying to remain relevant.
You should ignore them and admire my repeating digits .
irrelevant gen-x band doesn't like thing, news at 11
Musicians are leftist retards by nature so I expected the Trump commentary. But the videogames thing was weird coming from them.
I'll agree that this is just some publicity stunt while shilling for their new album.
They should have retired with dignity or reinventing themselves and distancing from their previous work. Watching them doing music that doesn't satisfy their fanbase nor the CURRENT YEAR generation is just sad.
Polite sage since they don't offer any insight on why they think that way, so we could actually discuss something.
Calvin and Hobbes was more based than I calculated in childhood
A great majority of them, or at least the most vocal/shilled by the music press.
The moderate ones or right-leaning tend to not talk too much about it or keeping them apart from their work, as it should be.
They are entertainers. What they do is not going to change the world, unless they do something else apart from playing chords or pressing buttons. lots of musicians don't realize this and they end up looking like complete hypocrites preaching about social issues from their ivory towers that the (((music industry))) has made for them.
Because going sober worked out so well for Metallica. At least Greenday has far less further to fall.
And the Offspring were better Pop-punk anyways.
Fuck them for doing this plague of a song. I don't understand why radio stations insist of playing this piece of shit song.
Forget all that shit "The Lap Dance is So Much Better When the Stripper is Crying" gave me pause on first listen and I browse Gurochan on occasion.
Fear Factory is pretty closely tied with Carmageddon, don't forget.
Areosmith also had a game called Revolution X made by Midway Rip
I never liked Smashing Pumpkins but seeing their lead singer just say in a fairly low-key way that was somehow "controversial" that SJWs are useless hypocrites made me want to buy one of their albums.
Is anybody surprised that a bounch of faggots are acting like a bounch of faggots?
They always were faux pop punk cuck niggers since their inception. Anyone who listened them is a faggot.
But if you believe it's important for everyone to kill themselves in ritual self-sacrifice, and believe you are personally more accurately aware of this then most people, logically you have to continue living in order to spread that important message to other living people. Kill yourself first and the message dies with you and the mission isn't accomplished. Once everybody else kills themselves, then your mission is done and you can finally do kill yourself too.
Green Day still exists? Are they still trying to gain relevance again?
At least Weezer made a noteworthy album recently, what the fuck have these faggots been doing?
Just listen to metal about penises guys.
Green is and has always been crap, I tried to listen Dookie and never could make it past the first half, they're probably just trying to be relevant again.
Good thing kids nowadays don't give a shit about punk, and guys who do listen to punk hate green day because they're a bunch of sellout faggots.
I'm not a horsefucker but I've always genuinely enjoyed that song.
Nihil a best
Too bad on their last album KMFDM wrote a song in support of degenerate russian femcuck group Pussy Riot
Irrelevant cucks echoing decade old bullshit opinions.
It's so much fucking nothing.
I'm actually shocked memelenial nu-Holla Forums even knows who that is. Aren't they older than most anons parents at this point?
is there any source on this?
I'm surprise anyone even cares in the current year.
Fuck no. Henry Rollins is a liberal cuck, though I'll admit he's was quite fit in his heyday. You'd think libcucks would take a page from Hank's book and use their anti-white outrage and turn it into gains.
And even then Danzig was the better fit punk/metal singer
Because Gene and Paul are the biggest insufferable kikes in rock and deserve to be made fun of.
Irrelevant ex-pop icons try to cling to relevance by talking about hot button issues?
What else is new?
wow that'd suck if some super violent GTA kiddie snapped at this insinuation and killed them all on stage while saying "hail getler gas the koopahs race war now"
gene simmon's real name is Chaim Wiz
No, i'm not joking
Says from the band that writes guns and other stupid shit in their songs. Why is everyone in Hollywood and the music business fags these days?
Presidents give direction. They're there to look smart, give speeches and direct the country using their character and little else. The nerds will do what they say they need to do.
Dookie is a fucking classic, and a staple of it's time period, but after the 90s ended they were desperately trying to stay relevant. American Idiot was a revolutionary album that fucked up music as a whole for the worse, and even then it's quite overrated (and it's also not punk.) All this dumb shit is as expected for Berniecucks.
It sucks Jello turned into a liberal faggot in the end.
t. White People and the Damage Done
It's funny because these are the same people that complained about Walmart not carrying their new album in 2009, and they refused to release a censored version. Fucking hypocrites I tell you what.
The punk scene they came from was just as cucked. They had the same rules at their punk club in the 80s. Shit gives punk rock a bad name.
Metal is the most redpilled genre. Recently Slayer gave a speech in Switzerland about how they should NEVER let their government take their guns away, and to prepare for the shitstorm that's going to go down in Europe in the future.
This is correct.
Oh thank god I thought I was a faggot.
>inb4 no u r a gaylord
An example of choosing what is in your mind "the lesser of 2 grand evils"
Personally I'm writing in who I want to be president, this is the mentality that always ends up fucking us in the ass in the longrun. I know I'm not voting for child raping Donald Trump (who will just be a puppet of the Clintons anyway), and I'm not voting for Shillary because she's a communist.
Feels bad.
The KKK showcased in Birth of a Nation isn't even the same organization that exists today, and I'm not just talking about the three letter agency infiltration either. There was basically no continuity between the first Klan and the second Klan.
West coast Ameriniggers please leave
Have some Hard Rock as well
'punks' in a nutshell
Yeah…Yeah, you will.
Anecdotally I've met several leftist faggots at metal shows.
gg, no re.
Underrated post.
They're trying to hold onto relevancy, that's their problem
Okay, pal.
Their age is irrelevant. Their peak of popularity was during the early 2000s, when most Anons were in middle and high school.
I don't care what they think because it's them, it's just interesting when someone believes something completely different than what they've very vocally espoused at a different point in their life. They're literally famous for being counter-culture, no matter how legitimately, so it's interesting to see them be such pussies now.
But that's all punk ever, and pretty much all modern Marxists/socialists in a bundle too.
Same shit that happened with Henry Rollins. He was relentlessly bullied by black kids in school, became a pop punk star who was convinced by Ice T to be "down with the cause" and proves himself to be the king of all cuckholds by writing pic related.
I love Julie Brown.
They're a minority. Most metalheads are red pilled as fuck.
I love these trope parodies
Okay, after seeing that i've officially lost all respect for him.
I was bullied by niggers when I was a kid too and I almost fell into that same "It's your own fault because of your ancesters" trap but thanks to places like Holla Forums and certain real life experiences I now hate them more than ever and have dedicated myself to screwing them over every chance I get!
"If a man smites you on one cheek, smash him on the other."
- Ragnar Redbeard
Actually even though I think they are both shit, I doubt Trump is a puppet.