The Chans are a good place to distribute information but ((((they))) own this site and if you tell any real info you will get banned. What are you doing outside of shitposting and what are you prepared to do?
Other urls found in this thread:
What are YOU doing irl? Post your plans in detail op. Post your list. kek
Fuck off back to whatever shithole you came from ass faggot
Lose my humanity
why are you being a dick? I am a published author I have brought the JQ to the consciousness of over 2 million people single handedly and me and my team of investigators exposed the VA psyop right after it happened and ran a counter op. WTF have you done?
I am the tip of the spear motherfucker
I just don't get why people are attacking this sites credibility now, as it's actually getting it's shit together now. They are trying to fight back, and maybe the reason this site was left existing was because they thought it would just continue infighting until it imploded itself. Or because the user nature of the site made them think they could continue to control the direction of the posts? WELL GOOD LUCK WITH THAT AFTER YOU WIPED OUT EVERYONE BUT THEM… now the true enemy is in their sites.
Another GG has started but it is nameless now. And it seems really really pissed off. Good luck trying to stop them if they continue to direct their attention as one. Got to work on that d&c huh?
Because every time I post any real truth here they ban me immediately, like this
Go post it on an Alex Jones forum, where it belongs. If I was a mod, I would have completely eliminated such useless posts as that completely and utterly, as it's part of what had ruined Holla Forums
the ignorant always mock things they don't understand
you are playing checkers in a chess game, and don't even know the rules
Not an argument (yes I am Stefan-ing you).
If you want to push Christianity mixed with some conspiracy stuff, there are better places for it than Holla Forums. Your posts would simply direct attention away from what actually matters. Each time you nutters predict the end of the world, it never comes anyway, so why direct our attention in your direction? Go away.
I am not predicting the end of the world I am trying to show you something that is literally written in stone by every civilization that ever lived. This has nothing to do with Christianity, this has to do with ancient knowledge coded into every religious text with far more ancient knowledge of celestial patterns, mathematics and geometry and I can prove this conclusively to anyone smart enough to use simple logic
Humans have a great ability to look for patterns, and our bias (whether religious, political, etc) fuels that into finding things that satisfy that bias. This is why people can find "truth" in a flat earth.
You don't realize the harm people like you have done to this site, but at least you're not a Jew. And I do actually think you mean well; you're just misguided.
humans also have a talent for ignoring the obvious
flat earth is an Illuminati psyop
I am bodhi mantra and I told I can prove this conclusively (I am a published author on the subject) and your response is to ridicule me instead of doing the proper investigating, this is why you will never escape the matrix
You are beyond hope.
ROFL if you are implying the Illuminati is not a real organization you are a complete fucking idiot. This is well documented and indisputable even George Washington wrote about them and they were kicked out of numerous European nations. Fuck you people are beyond hope as usual revealing truth has no audience. This is why the kikes look at you all as cattle, they aren't far off really. Keep grazing
nothing but massive droolers here as usual see you in September faggots
With that sentence structuring? Lel. Liar. All you are doing is claiming a Holla Forums victory for yourself. Why not just go ahead and namefag, fag.
Nothing much to do other than connect with locals in your area. We're robbed of any further means of organizing that won't be infiltrated.
"Illuminati" was a pre-emptive strike against naming the Jew. We were all teenagers looking for the truth once.