Holla Forums is dead.
Know any cartoon games? I like Battle of Bikini Bottom
Holla Forums is dead.
Know any cartoon games? I like Battle of Bikini Bottom
Just about any of the old THQ Spongebob games were fantastic, even the movie game.
Gravity Rush is like a superhero comic without most of the bullshit.
It's also shallow, uninteresting, short as fuck tumblr bait
GOAT cartoon game
Who the fuck is the new mod? Why did he delete almost everything? Like 75% of Holla Forums is gone.
Just an autist who managed to sneak his way into a moderator position to delete half the board out of spite or something.
His name is Highjinx and like all namefags he's doing it for attention.
in honor of that SU get that triggered the Holla Forums mod, attack the light is a decent mobile rpg
freedom force
mvc2/xmen vs series
viewtiful joe just forget that the cartoon exists tbh
doug tenaple games
hopefully cuphead, if it doesn't turn out to be bad
fuck that sounds even worse than redwood
Some guy that really doesn't like /jojo/ wants them to leave so he purges the board whenever he sneaks in moderation.
I do not know who you are, and you probably do not know who I am either.
But you are my nigger.
Hardly, Redwood was around forever with the blessing of the site's cuck owner. This faggot managed to slip in before getting reigned in and losing his power, now he's just acting autistic to pretend he's some kind of mastermind who has sunk the board or something.
Hit and Run was the shit. I loved getting to kick Flanders.
It seems like Beyonder's decapped 'Jinx, still a shit show though.
Since I was away during the drama, what threads did he leave up? I know he hate's JoJo but the only thing he seems to actually like is Power Girl.
What ?
And no one's spamming hotpockets in retaliation, the way /sp/ did when the mods were fucking around with their board back in the day on halfchan?
Wait, did that absolute madman finally hack the board on the third try?
Adventure Time is so cucked that it's been replaced by /jojo/
Holla Forums doesn't fight back.
The newest Rebirth thread
The drawfag thread
Two OC threads that were actually producing shit
A write thread
And some others
Also he reminds me of the autistic that goes around the top boards going…
…if it doesn't very strictly conform to the subject of the board.
Adventure Time is so shit now that anytime it's brought up it becomes a JoJo thread. They'd rather talk about anime that than show, let that sink in.
Beyonder apparently was looking for mods, Jinx managed to spoof him during vetting and then he started to nuke everything apparently that triggered him. Which was most of 8/co/ it seems.
Yeah, Beyonder took care of it. He left up the Coraline thread, dcrg, Bojack, deleted the SU general and the Hellcat storytime, those were the only two I was actively participating in but almost 70 percent of the board was wiped.
Adventure Time is such a shitty cucky show that we just turned it into the Jojo general instead, some faggot tried to storytime Powergirl, failed, got pissy because people spammed Jojo because of how incompetent he was, and then turned that autism into a desire to purge it from the board like we've seen here.
There's already another thread up though, so it didn't exactly do much good.
No real reason to, Beyonder already got rid of him, biting the bait he's posting now would just give him what he wants essentially.
Well, fuck him, time to fill the catalog with comic dumps.
I guess that's better than doubles.
Ed Edd n Eddy MMO
Do you think with meme magic we can eventually make it real?
That and some help from agdg
Of fucking course he did.
What was the name of the Simpsons game that ripped off Crazy Taxi? That was pretty fun.
At least he killed that weirdo Clarence thread.
I'm still not sure what happened with that one.
So someone purges jojo threads?
What's bad about that?
Jojofags are boring as hell and Jojo is something one can only enjoy ironically, laughing at how bad and gay it is.
Sam & Max is pretty much top tier. And not the shitty Telltale games.
Cartoon Network Punch Time Explosion was an interesting Smash Bros. knockoff. Not actually all that great on its own, but I enjoyed it enough.
My first furry porn
Fukken this.
I love you user, here (You)
bitches cant handle my glide around the universe
get out there and fight for your board, faggot
You mean the same autist from Jojo-day?
Wow look at this fucking casual, KoTH MMO Master race.
yfw Holla Forums want a good mmo so bad that they shitpost about games that don't exist.
Episodes 4, 5, and the first half of 3 were great but the rest varied
/a/ doesn't allow jojo because "muh Holla Forumscore"
Sly 2-4 are pretty much cartoons in video game form.
there is a jojo thread on /a/ right now though
And not 1?
Hardly, compared to the vast majority of boards on this site. It's in the top 10.
It's been probably a decade since I last played pic related. Been meaning to track it down but I can't find it anywhere locally.
So you are this Highjinx I've been hearing about
the hell happened to adventure time? is it no longer just about wacky supernatural stuff and occasional monstergirl princess?
Sam & Max forever. Day of the Tentacle too.
Try Sheep Raider on Playstation? It's a stealth/puzzle game where you play as Ralph E. Wolf trying to steal sheeps away from Sam Sheepdog.
adventure time was fucking never good
This was a pretty decent game, felt like a successor to the Sunsoft Batman game. I especially liked how the game's music was all based on the music from the show. The Genesis version had some decent (if very) different music, but I didn't quite like how it was essentially just a Batman-themed SHMUP.
what dark path have you led me down?
Simpson's Road Rage. Fucking loved that game almost as much as Crazy Taxi. Funny dialogue, different cars to drive that all handled differently (each with a different character), pretty decent level design. Not as challenging as Crazy Taxi though, but I think they did that deliberately so that the player could see most of the sights on the maps (which were packed with places and references from the show) and hear most of the dialogue. Overall, solid rip-off of Crazy Taxi.
It's all about lore and being deep now since lots of hipsters came in while old team walked out. What's funny is that it ends up being shallow trash regardless.
is there a reason theyre going in that direction? aside from the fan theories that always used to get thrown around.
Surprised no one's said Stick of Truth.
It's on my backlog I'll get to it eventually.
Blame Reddit and nerd culture for desperately trying to justify their interests to normalfags instead of just accepting that they enjoy a children's show.
Hamtaro: Ham Ham Heartbreak is one.
I never played it, but I remember a buddy said he used to run out his batteries listening to Moonlight Sonata while he went to sleep.
on pc you could mod cars by changing some values in txt fies. That shit was fun.
God damn Holla Forums, what's been going on with you? I know you've been shit for quite some time but god damn. This is some cancer. You have more cancerous generals than us.
That game was a pretty good platformer.
Only way to offset the pointless fapbait generals is to make and post in productive threads.
Fuck you for reminding me of that game. I used to listen to this over and over again.
The alternative is to talk about older shows or wait for a show that's good (whenever that happens).
Fun gameplay and an incredible soundtrack, not to mention a story that was approved and tailored by the writers at the time and containing all the original voice actors for all the characters seen, this game is a fucking masterpiece. I still have that soundtrack on my phone, it's really damn good.
Did they actually release it? I thought it was confirmed vaporware years ago.
nah, you're thinking of the evil con carne spinoff.
The very same faggot, he even took his tantrum to Holla Forums
Would I really be missing anything if I skipped stick of truth and just played butthole?
Maybe when the new samurai jack season starts
wew lad, that's some raw autism
have another (you)
It's good as an episode of South Park, but there's not much gameplay wise. The exploration is somewhat fun (I like the small town setting), but that's about it. The simpleness of the combat will eventually start to wear on you because you'll be spamming the same QTEs over and over again, the lack of stats means that there really isn't all that much difference between the classes since they can all use the same gear, and despite fancying itself as an RPG there aren't any meaningful choices at all.
If you can get it for cheap I'd say go for it because it's not long at all, but I definitely wouldn't pay more than 10 bucks for it.
To be fair, the Board-tan thread only exists because there's a guy who's trying to do something with the characters and wanted reference material.
But yes, comics and animation in general are pretty shit these days, so there aren't many good threads.
the simpsons GTA clone was pretty good too.
simpsons hit n run is the name
Like 5% of western comics and animation are actually any good right at the moment and that number is going down, so don't expect it to get any better. Even with all of its problems gaming, movies and other forms of media are way more healthy so even generals for shitty or mediocre product elsewhere are going to be much less troublesome that anything on 8/co/, let alone the black hole that is cuck/co/.
…And the conclusion, if anyone cares.
the article isn't even real but i'm angry anyway
Pocket Mortys
Its like pokemon but with dark humor and its a lot more difficult.
That's pretty good, lad.
Holla Forums is a shitty place anyway, I occasionally drop in browse a few threads and most of them can be summed up with
Thankfully it isnt as trash as the niggerking's domain back on cuckchan but its still infested with the biggest autists. the only bearable threads are the storytime but even those are getting derailed by faggots
But Louad House is good faggot.
please you only watch it so you have context when you masturbate to you favourite girl
anyway this was the last good cartoon to come out
The comic giants are dying, nick and CT are more interested in protecting their dwindling money than taking risks and most good shit is being infested by progressive numales and feminazis
Holla Forums brought it upon themselves really.
Holla Forums has always been a shit board though
Ok i'll give you F is for Family but
anyway isnt voltron an 80s show?
also FisFF is probably gonna end up the same way every other series does, progressively getting worse as they churn out season after unwanted season
I bet you didn't like Chowder either.
like I said I only drop in to Holla Forums occasionally and dont keep up with every cartoon release.
No I didnt like chowder
reddit go away
Fuck you nigger, this looks good.
If noodle arms is bad then you are saying Flapjack and sheep in the big city are bad because those are just as "noodle" armed.
Noodles arms are the least of those shows problems. Hell, noodly bodies aren't even the worst part, it's just that the art in general is so pedestrian - something not helped at all by the noodles.
straight outta deviantart
Say it ain't so.
/a/ doesn't allow anything.
In addition to what said about it, that show had quite a few moments of subtle pedophilia in it. How anyone could've liked that show is beyond me.
All this shows is that Holla Forums has shit taste in things other than videogames.
could you go back to Holla Forums then. Next you'll be explaining how all anime is trash because of the framerates its shown at
No, just most anime is trash because of the framerates its shown at.
There are exceptions.
oh god it is you, I had to save that Holla Forums thread for a good laugh
I'm actually kind of glad another autist purged your board
Holla Forums is one of the only decent boards where you can actually get a decent conversation going or get some OC.
If some people talking about cartoons you don't like makes it bad than by that logic Holla Forums must be complete shit because it talks about bad vidya all the time. I wish Holla Forums was half as decent.
At least it degenerate it's entire society like anime.
Hey stupid. People have been criticizing anime's low frame rate for 30 years now.
no its pretty much just Holla Forums
How does one not expect bullshit from such an individual?
How are you this ignorant?
can you try typing that again lad
People legitimately like that shit? I thought Netflix was just shilling it as hard as they could.
you've spent way too long in those Holla Forums circlejerk threads
I bet you can't name a currently running anime as good as pic related
Animation in general is garbage now, famicom.
It's a bit like Moral Orel and Duckman, it gets surprisingly sad. I say surprisingly because the characters are not lovable at all, which I think is the point, shitty people doing shitty things. The only reason I still watch the fucking thing is because it hasn't gotten cucked to the point of AT, yet.
Are you pretending to be retarded?
Why not play it? If you get Butthole you get stick of truth for free too.
Most anime even to this day have different budgets for fight scenes vs standard stuff meaning that scenes that aren't fight scenes tend to have horribly low animation.
How can a race traitor jap lover like you not know this basic shit?
First half of seson 1 is meh, then it gets good, then it becomes shit again at the start of season 3
So yeah, it's at least 50% gud
You get SoT for free when preordering (or buying?) Butthole.
Yeah, preordering, whatever, but still.
I like animation wherever its from even the clunky as fuck russian shit people are diggin up today
You're the traitor to animation for shitting on anything not made by the SJW ridden clique known as western animation today
It's rough. Early on it sucked ass but it got better and continually weaves in and out from 'Family Guy tier garbage' to 'heartwarming, touching fun' and back and fourth. Constantly. You go one episode and it's great and the next one is just as bad as the one you swore was the worst one yet. They try, but they have no idea what they're doing.
Nice strawman faggot.
Sorry I like good shit like Venture Bros.
good job Holla Forums as self aware as ever
make way for the goat retro cartoon game
*hugs everyone in this thread*
carry on
It's basically a shit anime. The voice acting and animation are basically trash.
Except that wasn't a Strawman. You got butthurt saying I only like hurr durr SJW shit and I corrected you to what I like.
had a blast with these two when I played them with friends
I played them on GC back then, but they're also on PS2 and old Xbox
other than that, Bugs Bunny on the ps1 was ballin
I want MORE than just a hug, user.
level design in that game was on point
I remember the throw mechanic being absolute dog shit, but my god was the game fun
HighJinx, we know it's (you)
Stop shitposting and go back to bed, your anus need some resting
That game is pretty hard to find in general, at least where I live.
I recently beat the Spongebob Squarepants Movie and it was pretty good frustrating as all hell at times, though. I got Scooby Doo Monster Mayhem I think today, since I'm in a licenced cartoon game mood now.
That game and Night of 100 Frights were two games I fucking loved as a kid and I don't think I EVER got an opportunity to replay them and not love them solely from being 12. Are either worth it?
the path of swedish dubbing.
my nigger
I loved that game back when I had a PSX, it had a really good gameplay along with a comfy soundtrack
Tried to play it again on a emulator, but it was a huge pain in the ass to configure it to make it run smoothly; the audio was totally desynchronized and the framerates (yeah, framerate issues emulating a PSX game, go figure that) were a complete headache that I simply dropped it
kek i love these heavily biased comics
Does anybody actually have a cap of that initial Power Girl thread that started it all? I'm looking to make a /cow/ thread.
This autist's antics will not be forgotten any time soon
I haven't played it yet. I might start it after Wild Arms.
I did see the other one at a charity shop last week but I bought a different game instead. They only had The Thing and a few other PS2 games today I also bought The Thing.
So should we make a new Holla Forums or what?
We're fine. Holla Forums is under control right now.
It's just that we accidentally created a turbo autist who is now rampaging across Holla Forums.
No need to be alarmed.
is he a Val tier autist?
Fai tier autist.
Are you kidding me with that CalArts bullshit?
It was also decided that, despite the framerate issue, anime looks better and is generally more enjoyable than most western cartoons because the animators in japan know how to compose action and movement scenes in a dynamic and clever way - therefore squeezing the most bang for their buck out of their limited animation.
Play the PC version. It's much better looking thanks to the cell shading.
>>>/cov/ is still a thing
Let's get him to come to /cow/. Here's a thread I made on him >>>/cow/225161
And try to rip-off Evangelion as much as possible
How do you sad fucks go an entire quality cartoon games thread without mentioning the DuckTales game? WayForward even made a great remaster with the original voice actors a few years ago!
Is the problem that the generals of these shows exist, or the content therein? I don't follow.
I so fucking want a DVD release of the Venture Bros in europe. And Harvey Birdman too.