The creator of Rick and Morty started a game development company.
Is VR garbage, tho.
Cool, but…
Where are the videogames?
Reddit's favorite tv show xD
where do you think you are
I agree with Sam Hyde. This shit floated on the fact everything else on TalmudVision is worse, and is gonna sink like shit, once the world narrative changes.
Who is this Sam Hyde and when can I get another Ideas Man?
This show is funny, the fuck is your problem?
but user, futurama isn't funny.
What do you mean by this?
He is trying really hard to fit.
Don't really care. I like the show despite the creator having left leanings sometimes and letting it show, but he keeps it pretty neutral with some reality checks. Good and bad eps but ultimately a good time, and the improv commercial episodes are stellar. Again, any vidya that AS pumps out is browsershit, so I could care less about any of this.
Futurama was easily worse.
has his condition spread to his brain?
I can't wait till the new season of Rick and Morty.
FYI: the creator was also hired to write jokes for the new Dr.Strange movie coming out. they are reshooting it right now.
Is the guy actually leftist? It doesn't show a lot, I can only name 3 times it actually showed, that episode with the women civilization on the wage gap part, the retarded conversation with Morty and when Morty talks about sensibility. In any case, I seriously doubt it will be any good because, even when AS isn't probably involved with it
He is a mass-murdering nazi muslim nigger cop UCLA student
That's the joke, you dip.
When the Jews either burn TV down because no more profits, or they begin pandering to ebil nahtzees in order to keep shekels flowing. Judging from the fact the Roths just sold off their dollars, I'm going with the former.
In comparison to other shows on AS, it's pretty leftist, although like I said it keeps itself in check like how Earth was added to the galactic nation council or whatever and was immediately flooded with migrants and tourists, and clearly looked like shit because of it.
I already know what episode you're referring to, stop being retarded, they were making a statement about how if humans aren't all one single consciousness, that we end up noticing our differences and end up becoming violent because we don't understand each other. The episode was trying to say that you either choose to give up your individuality for safety and peace, or you separate yourself and become an individual despite the consequences. The show makes it very obvious that there is no correct choice except comedically blowing it out of proportion when people aren't linked together.
Pull your head out of your ass and realize satire when you see it, you triggered faggot. Sarkeesian-tier "I'm going to read way too deep into this and assume it's x-phobic" logic you have going on here, except in your situation it's "I'm going to read too deep into this and assume it's leftist marxist logic." Kill yourself, I beg you.
He's right
What a load of millenial garbage. No?
It's a pretty low understanding of racism, in itself. They pretty much state it outright about how we "just can't get along", when the differences in race go far deeper than nipples, like brains. You should really consider reading up on real racism, and not the stuff you learn in StateEd.
What does the media have to do with a good content? Rick and Morty was good, and so is most of AS shows, regardless of what you think of TV, since from your post, I can really see you hate TV, not the show. I seriously doubt the show will stop being funny after it is aired.
Are you retarded? Because that's not what the episode implies. It's individuality against hivemind.
It doesn't have to do with racism, idiot, even if it is depicted there, it have to do with Individuality against Hiveminds. In your idiot terms, it's actually authoritarianism against libertarianism.
Go back to Holla Forums. Althought they'll claim you're an idiot there.
They control the networks, and the content. With how the pendulum's swinging, as of late, we're gonna see a big push for TradCon mindsets. People are gonna want more Married With Children, than say, the Sarah Silverman Show. They'll either lock up TV like the electric car, or just change their feed, for more shekels, as I've already stated.
Once the new fluff comes up that pales R&M in terms of "edginess", it'll be so non-current year. The female writers to the new season will ensure that.
Adult Swim games tend to at least be novel, as far as flash or mobile shit goes.
I expect AS-related VR games to be similarly novel, assuming you like the source material.
Any of what you said really have to do with the show being good or not, it have more to do with how Jews control content, and if that were the case, doesn't make more sense for the Jews to make it good? Also, your theory of Jews wanting more money is retarded. Jews already have the banks of the world, so money for them is irrelevant, even Holla Forums acknowledge that. You're even bad at being Holla Forums
Taking a neutral stance on the subject is now a bad thing? Really son?
Nigger what? If anything it goes beyond racism, it talks about all differences between people, not just race.
Either use their words or stop arguing at this point, because you're setting up a strawman.
Yet they say that groupthink also removes any sense of individuality, and how it turns us into drones and how fucked that is. Did you actually watch the episode or do you just want to take shit out of context and run with it like an asshat?
Educate myself, got it.
Why do you keep posting the SJW censored version?
You're grasping for straws, mate. I know you want to enjoy it very badly, but sometimes it's better to just turn off the set, and walk outside. It's good for you.
I don't think you realise the meaning behind Jews liking the attainment money. If they wanted to, they could just take over everything, already, but they like the idea of making profit, because it means a sale happened, and when they sell shit like stuff on TV to people, it tells them that people believe them. Suckers.
The Jew is not a creature of tyranny, but one of temptation, always lengthening the strength as they pull. A foolish move, with their lack of foresight. It's why they tend to be kicked out, once people inevitably realise what's going on.
honestly that webm is pretty much a perfect representation of the show
The dynamic is what makes it good, and why the fanbase is pretty much half leftist, half pol.
It uses race war as an example of difference among people.
Projection much? You forgot the "heh, kid" at the end of your post, too.
There's another version? I didn't know.
The point wasn't the race wars itself, faggot, the point is how they were better when under the hivemind. In the episode Morty's sister was being SJW trying to convince everyone how their individualities made them good, and by the race wars it was clearly she was wrong.
Yes, they did, only in that specific part of the episode, that wasn't about the race wars.
Fixed it for you.
I believe its time to stop hating reddit. Its not a bad resource to get information from. Themed boards are far better place to discuss shit than cuckchan. Lately i started visiting it more frequently from google search.
I mean things that are not being discussed here.
First season could be considered okay discounting the awful fanbase and that obnoxious DMX scene that had nothing to do with the rest of the episode at all. Shit was Family Guy-tier. Their first and only foray into the video game industry thus far has been a shitty Pokemon parody mobile game, I don't have high hopes.
You sure? I don't think even he thinks he was right anymore.
I'm going to assume you're still in your teens to be saying this. The vast majority of it is just Tim & Eric lolsorandumbxD copycats last I checked. Aqua Teen is the only really consistent and passable thing that comes to mind.
I believe it's time for you to go back there and stay there for good.
Yes, because "neutrality" doesn't mean what it used to. The ground changes, and in the end, neutrality is simply moderation between the two political vacuums. In layman's terms, it's the bitchgame.
That's where the not-so-subtle inevitability of "prejudice" comes in, with these Star Trek alien metaphors being used to tell us how apparently hatred is only skin deep, when it goes much deeper than that.
Which is apparently better than being an individual, by the shows standards, or else society will suddenly collapse onto itself in a huge race war.
It utters race war literally. There's no metaphor to it, at that point. No sense in moving the goalposts.
You deny it. I prove it. That's the goal.
What in the actual fuck is going on here tonight? So many cancerous, lolberg posts. Are we being raided?
Although I think this place needs more users, hating Reddit is only natural. Using it to get information is risky since the information is usually wrong, the worst part are the users themselves that get dumber with the rep. system.
Get the hell out of here if you think is good to go there more often, or even at all.
Are you retarded?
Maybe the majority is an overstatement, but I was thinking more in Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Clones High.
Alright, let me prove that Adventure time is a show about Zombies because they had an episode with zombies. Do you realize how retarded you're being?
There is.
it's like hating youtube.
i hate the soundless LQ webms though
That only applies to that specific alien society. Rather, if you really think it's about some sort of message, it would be that collectivism SOMETIMES is beneficial, at the cost of your fucking individuality. The show never makes any claim that losing individuality is inherently better, just that, for this society, it is. You're looking way too deep into this, m8.
Hell, you could take the analogy even further and say it shows what happens when collectivism (Unity) interacts with individualism (Rick): Everything falls to shit, because they're incompatible.
We're being flooded with retards and normalfags after being outed by MSM and that speech Hillary made earlier today.
Yes, Shill-berg is getting frantic.
That was the hacker known as 4chan.
What did she mention the terrorist hotspot Holla Forums or something
its acceptable to use Reddit for informative stuff about some things, like if you wanted to learn how to softmod your PS2 or get PSP emulation up and running on your PSP then they have useful sources for learning how to do this. However interacting with the community is probably not for the best.
Rick and Morty is a rip off of Back to the Future. I mean, haha, is this what we do now? Copy old movies into zanier versions with silly voices and call this an original show? Fucking cancer.
She didn't mean it in a "special snowflake" kind of way, she was hardly being an SJW in that ep, extreme hiveminds would cause concern for anyone who values individualism.
AS is doing a lot better, they brought back Toonami, they also have World Peace and Eric Andre is pretty good. I think they're trying to actually aim for content with actual meaning as of late.
Reddit is good as a source of info for some niche subjects, as well as help with troubleshooting an issue. The problem is the upvote/downvote system in terms of quality content when it comes to shit like humor or opinions. Reddit has it's uses, but when it comes to discussion outside of a few things, it's ultimately an awful place to be.
What are these mental gymnastics? It's neutral to offer the viewer a choice to make about their own personal beliefs, jesus do you actually use your brain when you watch shit or are you autistic 100% of the time? If you think letting someone view the facts and deciding for themselves is a bad thing, you're retarded. Plain and simple.
Except multiple times when the aliens were shown to be assholes and that there's nothing wrong with being assholes. Try actively watching the show for once.
oh gee whiz what is satire
Satire 100% confirmed to have gone right over your head, assuming yours is functioning.
user, it uses race war
as a fucking example
it's not a metaphor, it's a fucking example. an example, user. user please read. please use your head
I think the whole goalposts thing has turned into a meme for retards who admit they have no idea what's going on but are desperately looking for a way out so they throw as many fallacies as possible into the wind hoping one sticks. Nobody is moving goalposts, the argument was about how race war is an example, you retard. You keep saying that it isn't an example and now when I give you the same reply, you pull the "goalposts" meme out of your ass yet nobody here is changing said goalposts.
The episode was very much treating the gommie disease as a non-issue, and not exactly in a tongue-in-cheek way, either. No getting around that.
That's not how that cliche works. Forehead ayys are almost always meant to represent some kind of metaphor about humanity. Been that way since Star Trek. If the show weren't like that, it would just be taking the piss all the time, but the sad ending tells us otherwise.
The original short was meant to be a shit on the movie trilogy for how bullshit it's plot tended to be, which I didn't mind, as I feel BttF is nothing more than popcorn trash. For all we know, licking someone's balls could save yourself from "dematerialisation" by that film's logic.
What does Holla Forums have?
Except multiple times when the aliens were shown to be assholes and that there's nothing wrong with thinking that they're assholes*
fixed for tired autism
American McGee
a loaded gun
I value individualism and I understand that in a society of idiots a hivemind is the best thing that can happen, as long as I'm not assimilated.
Let's ignore that the race wars happened for less than a minute, then.
Have you even watched the show? There's unresolved plot on fucked up planets everywhere. There was a fucking purge planet that copied the plot of that one horror movie (The Purge?) that ended with the society immediately going back to purging right after they left.
The most that could be a "metaphor" is that intelligent life tends to be fucking retarded. Or maybe it's, I don't know, a comedy show?
Except it leaves people like us out in the wind, I've had to relearn how to talk to normalfags for the past 3 years of my life.
the powers that be don't care, you'll be assimilated
I think that's because the show is a fucking cartoon made for laughs, it doesn't need fucking cohesion. In some episodes Rick breaks the 4th wall by the end.
It's just a show. Trying to look too much into the show with plot holes and the like is Tumblr-tier. It just isn't important for the show to be good or fun.
Exactly what I'm trying to tell the other user, yeah
I didn't really got anything in your post. Are you ok, user?
What I'm saying is that people not a part of the main hivemind aka autists like us at least in my experience makes me feel alienated by simply not being as retarded. Imagine trying to make friends in a room full infants, it's difficult.
As for the whole assimilation part, what I was trying to say is, people outside of the hivemind can damage it, hence people who control said hivemind will desperately try to eliminate said threats.
Except there's the fact some ideas can't be expressed, and that some are factually superior. In the end, neutrality is merely a safe space that will only satisfy one, in the end.
The series isn't exactly very positive about humanity, you know.
A parody of society and politics. Mind you, in the end facts still play into that, since satire itself depends upon subjective ideals. Leftists satirise the right, and so on. There's no playing neutral, and saying everything sucks.
I'm not seeing any arguments as for that being the case.
It's not exactly an hour-long show, user. They have deadlines to meet.
Exactly. That theory in itself is just boring late-twentieth-century cynical trash. Low-grade satire, by those standards.
user, we're just a bunch of apes that figured out how to use tools, with only a few hundred thousand years of selecting for brain power. We're largely guided by emotion and instinct rather than logic.
We ARE fucking retarded. Just not as retarded as those in sub-Saharan Africa or the various fucked up planets in a comedy show.
That in itself isn't the main focus of the show's jokes anymore than any other comedy show showcasing human (alien, whatever) stupidity.
Still haven't addressed what the show isn't exactly bad besides Jews., because being "Cynical trash" isn't exactly bad, neither is low-grade satire.
It's 23 minures per episode. More than enough to make an episode about race wars. Except they didn't.
The hivemind would assimilate you regardless of what you think, user. As long as you can escape, you have 2 options left, stay and become part of a working society without your individualism, or escape and become a loser with your individuality. Honestly, I don't think anyone would willingly chose the first one, but that would be the most efficient way to keep a society.
Shhh, let him alone with his far superior and intellectual mediums of entertainment, even if he is in a Video Games board, controlled by the jews as well.
Nah, that part is actually a huge let down. Rick's exact words are "Really Summer, you have to mention that point now".
What's a lolberg?
I'm not about to waste my time fighting over something as complex as individuals vs the group, and neither will the show, hence why it lets the viewer do that themselves
The show wasn't saying you can't choose, jesus christ user the whole point we're trying to make here is that the show says you should decide based on the events that unfolded, it's not saying that you shouldn't decide. user. user, please. Please stop being fucking retarded.
I don't even know what kind of point you're trying to make anymore, although I can make a wild guess and assume that you're trying to say that AI jews are controlling the human race into ending itself in it's entirety.
I don't even know what you're attempting to make a point about anymore, the show was blowing out of proportion how humans react to not being linked with each other. There is no higher analysis to be done here, the show is simply joking about how individualism may cause problems, but certainly not all out war the second people aren't linked. Wait,
you hear that? The show agrees with you in saying that individualism won't lead to chaos. You know how they're agreeing with you? Through satire. Yet here you are, arguing with a show that agrees with you on that aspect. You. You are retarded. Please understand that. You are the cancer killing this board
Because the show talks about differences in general, user. Differences in general, and uses race war as an example. Please continue being blind though.
Thanks on being the cancer killing this board, taking the redpill meme so far that you aren't even self aware anymore. You and people like you killed pol with your autistic memes and your inability to actually think and realize that not everything is controlled by the kikes, and not everything pushes a leftist agenda, yet here you are, creating a right wing version of tumblr. Go ahead, post your memes now and finish the job.
The show was still operating under the assumption that the wage gap is real. That was the problem.
Why do you even bother engaging retards, an0n?
He can't even comprehend neutrality on a subject.
I know. Years of posting here has put me into this weird addiction where I constantly need to debate retards on the internet. No exaggeration but it's become a serious problem that I spend hours a day doing.
I figured the only reason you'd like such garbage satire is because of it reflecting your worldviews. Typical evolutionary defeatist.
Perhaps by your standards, but you watch television, so that's a given.
Which is low-grade satire. Even the Greek satirical plays would just give away the message using the chorus. Playing open is worse than South Park.
Which is wrong, as freedom is meaningless.
Exactly. Satire is meant go parody either society or politics. It goes both ways by showing us the ignorant aliums as a stand-in for people, and the hivemind disease as a stand in for gommunism, as sci-fi shows always do. Playing neutral for the sake of fairness is the mistake made here.
Yet it doesn't actually show why real prejudice exists, and that's because of stark differences. Not miniscule ones.
kill yourself, I'm not wasting any more time on you.
You play video games You do, right?:^) so you're on the same horse. Unless you play intellectually superior games, somehow.
Figured, you somehow believe than existence is more than an accident. What a faggot. I bet you also like Imperial Guard because "Muh human race", don't you, fag?
What a meaningful walls of text here, mates.
plan text plan text plan text plan text plan text plan text plan text plan text plan text
plan text plan text plan text plan text plan text plan text plan text plan text plan text
plan text plan text plan text plan text plan text plan text plan text plan text plan text
plan text plan text plan text plan text plan text plan text plan text plan text plan text
red text red text red text red text red text red text red text red text red text red text red text red text red text
tl;dr faggot thinks he is intellectually superior for not watching a show.
To clarify, Dan Harmon hovers somewhere between "full progressive" and "neutral", depending on his mood. He has a severe white guilt problem, but he's honest about it. His ex-wife and his assistant, Spencer, are more progressive than he is. Spencer in particular is basically an SJW cuck, while his ex-wife is just an artsy LA type. Pretty common, nothing special in the politics department.
I don't think Dan Harmon has bad intentions (then again, most SJWs don't seem to, either, they're just retarded and lack self-awareness), but he has said things like "I don't think racism can be solved or go away without some kind of emotional retribution". Basically, "years of bad crap entitle someone to revenge" crap. But he was having a pretty hefty white guilty night when he said it, and he's turned around and said sensible things, too. Then again, so has Patton Oswalt. At least Dan Harmon hasn't gotten personally involved in political drama; he knows well enough to stay out of it. Worst I've seen is he asked Twitter to help Spencer after Spencer went on an angry rampage about GamerGate and got suspended.
Justin Roiland, on the other hand, is a real American hero. Browses imageboards, doesn't care if he offends people, and has told SJWs to sit and spin before. On the other hand, his humor and writing is mostly "random humor", and he's openly bragged about visiting halfchan before. Overall, he seems like he's probably not that different from the average poster here.
The show primarily works by having both of them, though. Lose Harmon, and the writing quality would suffer. Lose Roiland, and the spirit and integrity of the show would disappear. You really need both. I like the show a lot, and while I'm not thrilled by its popularity, I'm not going to complain about it until the quality declines.
So far, there's been a handful of progressive opinions, and the main character hasn't spoken any of them. In fact, he's argued against all of them. And yeah, maybe you could argue that he's probably not intended as a role-model, but the other main character is literally stated to be an idiot, and 2/3rds of the lines you listed come from him, and the other is from a generic teenager stereotype. Even Dan Harmon acknowledges the tightrope walk that is a "Men vs. Women" episode.
Overall, Rick & Morty mostly stays out of politics. And I like that. I'd rather a show not comment on anything than to comment in support or opposition of something. The real problem with SJW media is it lecturing about morality and stating that one option is *the* right option, especially if it's a contested or controversial issue. When I was a kid, a "controversial" episode of a TV Show entailed discussing a serious subject, or a debate, and if it was a debate, it presented both sides as fairly as the writers were capable. These days, they don't want ambiguity, they just want to tell you how to think. That's not okay. SJWs can't tell the difference, or don't want to admit it, but there's a huge difference in the way issues are approached now that makes it safer to just not touch them.
Yes. Yes I do. The same for you, I assume?
40k is trash, and so is HFY. I consider myself "neutral" in terms of respecting existance. Be thankful for having a conscience. Shame about your mindset, though.
Deal with it.
The game development company is being made by Justin Roiland, co-creator, not Dan Hamon. I fucked up the OP.
Also, what with the file names now?
Why should I be thankful for existing in a piece of shit universe? I might as well be dead and there wouldn't be a big difference out there, and the same could be said about the greatest human who ever existed. I'm trying not to project here, but why are your standards so high? What do you expect in life? At the end, you'll be as dead as anyone before you and chance are it won't matter.
Suit yourself, but you're still missing pleasures of life for your stupid way of thinking. What is worst, you think you're superior for that.
You read the post anyway. I bet it hurt what a random stranger thinks about your taste.
At least we've gotten to the crux of the issue. You don't like sci-fi humor because it inevitably brings up humanity's own fuck-ups and (current) biological limitations.
Regarding your pic, just because I recognize that life has no (apparent) meaning and that we're just a bunch of meat sacks with the illusion of free will doesn't mean I'm not going to shitpost and play vidya to my heart's content. This is just a typical scientist/engineer attitude and fully explains why Rick and Morty is popular with actual science-minded people (compared to Big Bang Theory and "such a nerd" humor). In that sense, yes, you're right, understanding science explains why Rick and Morty is funny as shit to me.
You really are a monumental retard, aren't you?
A work of fiction HAS to preach a moral message?
Letting the audience think for themselves is bad?
And someone with your mental capacity thinks themselves superior?
African niggers are smarter than your faggoty ass.
In reality, you're just upset with something rather minor in your life, and are projecting it to global levels of misery. You're not exactly the first to make that kind of grand idea, you know, and your attempt at being smug in the latter part of the post is sort of defeated by your whinging about the banality of life. It's very childish, for something so profound.
It doesn't not have to. It's just that going for the whole "fuck the worl I bend da spoon wit me min" crap is sort of overdone, these days. It's not really "high-energy" anymore to make such a great judgement of life, since the 90's ended. That's why Futurama feels superior to it, because it just has fun. Most "profound" anime blows this shit the fuck out, by the way.
It doesn't mean you're immune to criticism, either.
It's Black Science Man shit, user. If this is anything close to eloquent for you, then I think there might be something wrong with the educational system, which there obviously is.
A satirical one, yes. The Jews doing South Park seem to understand that, at the very least, despite how shit their tune is.
I don't. I'm rich.
Also, stop dodging the question and answer, why so high and mighty? And why do you think there's more to life than what there already is? Basically, stop being a faggot, or die in misery.
The other user already told you, but it's called "thinking for yourself". Getting a moral message out of satire is a bad idea because the message can mix. Also, this is supposed to be adult humor, so there's no need for a moral message at all unless you're 12.
So you don't think life is worthless, after all?
Why so down and glum?
This is why you put effort into your satire. Its what seperates "fucking white people" from "poz loads" in terms of hilarity.
Then they shouldn't bother at all. No sad endings. Only fun, which is the mature option, since morals are for children. Half-assing makes it just as worthless as the flash animation they use.
Here's the official upload
That's something videogame chicks have over real life ones, digital chicks don't have ass zits
It is. I just happened to have rich parents. Life must suck even more for poor people, and if it doesn't they're probably retarded or ignorant. I also can have a lot of pleasures such as all the vidya I want Although I pirate anyway, but absolutely any of that gives life a sense or a worth. I could die tomorrow and all my money would mean nothing.
I don't know user, I'm pretty happy with my life. That's why I'm able to enjoy Rick and Morty. Still avoiding the question, thought.
Yeah, but it would be funny just for a designated group, the one you're giving the message to. Besides, it's entertainment, you're in to distract yourself, not to get moral messages. Rick and Morty manages to be good regardless of your political view. In fact, I'd say it only pisses radicals, either left or right.
Oh boy, this already tells me you haven't seen the show
Moral messages are for children. I'm an adult, I should already tell what's right from wrong. If you can't you must be an autist. If I wanted to learn about morals I'd read about philosophy, not watch a damn show.
Thanks. No subtitles, tho.
Maybe if you weren't rich, you'd appreciate life. Have you ever heard the saying "money can't by happiness"? Of course you have. Most people don't get it. They think money would solve all their problems and then they will be happy. Never works that way.
Do you have a job? Have you ever had a job? Do you have any hobbies that don't involve IT?
Money sure can help though, then you can afford to not live in a shitty neighborhood and you don't have to work somewhere you hate
No no no no. I completely disagree with that user. I'm actually pretty happy, And I'd like to think that it's mostly thanks to my money since otherwise I'd be your average shitposter.
I'm not arguing about happiness at all, I'm arguing about both meaning and worth in life, which is nothing. I do think that people should try to be happy in life, after all, that's honestly one of the fewest thing we can maybe achieve, but even that is meaningless. A happy guy die the same as a miserable guy.Try to prove me wrong.
I did. I quit. I realized I hate people and since I don't need a job…
You turned their millions into billions. Right? You're not some manic depressive yuppie. Are you?
Then you really aren't a nihilist. You're just debating existence over spilled milk.
I think one group has enough of the media catering to them, despite how much they skew their perspective of "permanent revolution". It's very much their style of comedy, if you look at any forum discussing the show. There's always a dominant side to anything and everything, and with this show, it's definitely resonating more with the leftist "non-mainstream".
That was a serious statement, user. Don't be stupid. You're being stupid.
The only reasons to go to Reddit are porn and niche IT support; and even then the porn's has trash quality and no audio.
If you're happy now, you'd likely be happy without money.
Can help heal a sick life, but cannot bring happiness.
that animation is horrid. how can anyone like it?
Without money he wouldn't be able to live how he does which makes him happy
Fucking commie.
No and yes. They don't care, they are rich.
Never said I am, did I? Even then, I don't see how a nihilist can't be happy with life. You're apparently thinking that a nihilist have to be a wrist cutter emo.
Existence is that trivial.
Short story, I was arguing against a black lives matter girl about why more super heroes should be blackwashed and she gave me that exact same argument. I'll tell you the same thing I said to her, only because there's more of X doesn't mean you can take it and give it to Y. Go fuck yourself with your Robin Hood complex.
I bet you think Undertale is terrible too.
I know. If you think you need to constantly learn about what's good and what's bad, that's ok. But us humans like to think about other things, like sex, that ultimately leads to nothing anyway. Such is human life and nature.
I seriously doubt it. I'm only happy because I don't have to face what non rich people do. I barely go out anymore, and when I do I'm utterly disgusted by everything I see.
The same reason people liked Ed, Edd and Eddy, maybe?
What shit taste.
So being under the age of 15?
I wish I was 15 again, being older sucks
Does he eat money? Is that his only form of sustenance?
Commie? It's not like I'm telling him to give it away.
So you never see anything, but sure you hate it? Sounds pretty depressed for a happy man. What do I know? Enjoy what you have I suppose. Don't mind me.
Straight up Biden tier niggery.
Wew. I wonder why they cutted that part from the comic-con release.
Actually, yes, probably. But I'm used to Ed, Edd, and Eddy's animation, so I don't mind this one.
I actually live in a third world country And I'm from one of the few rich families here, so going outside isn't exposing and dangerous, it's actually depressing. In fact, probably most of my hate for humanity comes from watching those bastards outside.
Even if I didn't go out, there's this tool called the internet that gives you access to most of the information you need.
When you live surrounded of everything you need AND want is really hard not to be happy.
I'm already beginning to sympathise with them over you. All that legacy build up, and you're a nihilistic cunt. Trump would certainly not approve.
Because that would make them full of shit, like most nihilists.
Existence being trivial is trivial. See where I'm getting? Get a job, yuppie.
Except unlike limousine liberals like yourself, it's about who's right. Not who's fair.
You think it was good, in the first place? For someone who's supposedly rich, you sure don't have any acquired taste.
If you knew what I was saying, you'd know that I was being serious when I said that morals are for children. Reread it with that in mind, and figure what I'm telling you with proper reading comprehension.
Listen right here. And listen good. We don't accept shills nor people of jewish persuasion around here. I can smell the sweat dripping off your schnozola from here. There are many questions raised by your post but they answer themselves.
You know, I wouldn't say I hate life, as pointless as it is, not my life at least. I'd say I just hate humans.
They have other sons that will keep on the family's legacy, as pointless as it is. But at least it got me sweet money.
I'm actually a Trump supporter myself. He is more like me than you think. In fact, he started to back pedal lately in things he said before.
Use a real argument, faggot. You're full of shit yourself. Full of yourself, I mean.
Then why are you arguing with me right now? I'm doing it because I want to, because I can, and because I don't have anything else to do right now.
And what makes you think you're right? Also, I'm insulted you called me liberal.
Then what's the problem with Rick and Morty not having an overall morality message?
Fair enough.
Seems to me like you're just over content with life. You have no struggle, and because of that, you're like that KrautKike from over a century ago who wrote that book that's caused all the problems we face today.
You don't seem like a very loyal one, with how quick you are to criticise him. Seems to me like you just don't want to follow example, because he isn't "good enough".
Look into yourself, user, and realise that you're just being a leech on people who never bitched like you.
Ask yourself the same thing.
Well, Holla Forums tends to be right, and Holla Forums tends to be wrong. Fairness is only being complacent, in this decision.
You sure don't seem to be acting like a proud conservative. Be up to your example. To me, it sounds like your country isn't great. Guess how Trump feels about America, and what he's doing about it? Take some notes, and learn about philanthropy.
The problem is that it tries both, which is shit. People praise Futurama for the same, when it merely means a rollercoaster of feels that only becomes nauseating. Either go full fun, or go homo with your sad crap.
Fair enough, but not exactly accurate. I don't mean to tell what should be done and what shouldn't be done in life. Even when I had an over the top education, I don't. You're, tho, at the very least, saying that Rick and Morty will somehow make you retarded.
Another quick story. I live in Venezuela, and this was exactly what led us to be the shit country we are right now, not questioning the fag that was elected 17 years ago. As good as Trump is, he is still a human, prone to errors, and that's bad enough already. He committed a lot of mistakes before and during his campaign, I still support him, but the guy is not perfect, and all mistakes should be addressed in order to prevent them.
So what? I'm supposed to be mad at that? There are 7 billion people on the planet right at this moment. That some rich faggot doesn't do anything is pretty irrelevant. Shame that you probably have to work in a few hours, tho, while I'll sleeping here and drinking yogurt.
I already answered that, actually.
Why should I? I do believe conservatism is the best way to conserve humanity functional, that's no brainers, but I couldn't give a shit about humanity to begin with. If you actually want me to go out and start handing Trump t-shirts in order to be a proud conservative, you're a faggot.
You're really bad at being Holla Forums, you know? Makes you wonder why you're here, probably because you'd feel like a faggot there.
It doesn't. It's called neutrality. Humor doesn't have politics unless you make specifically political jokes. It's like you're trying to tell me that Looney Tunes humor is leftist or something.
I thought Holla Forums likes rick and morthie :-( Holla Forums TOld me that he likses ricksy and marthi alot very much ;___;
Bon voyage
I'm saying that it's badly written as it is animated.
Silly Pablo. Socialists can't be rich.
Of course the fucking salsa verde is concerned. No wonder you're all soulless, with your inhuman political ideology.
My apologies. If you had told me before that you were a red taco, I'd be more understanding, since the closest thing you can consider to be a luxury is something I can pop to the grocer for at will, rather than waiting in a food line.
Of course. You're an atheist state. Right? No faith in anything. Not even your country.
Says the socialist.
Of course. Not like I'm expecting someone who has their wealth annually stolen from them to know the meaning of gifts. You don't celebrate Christmas over there. Do you?
Its satire, which chooses from either that, or society to parody. No problem with Looney Tunes, since that's random. No bullshit there, unlike in R&M.
You convinced yourself that X must be made like Y. I won't bother trying to fix your delusions.
Morals delivered on a planner in a story are for kids. You are cancer.
I had seen footage of this a few months back. Looks cool as fuck tbh, wouldn't even be surprised if he got some special help from valve after voicing so many characters in their vr demo
That's pretty subjective. I'm sure you're mad because it doesn't pander to you, that's all.
Keep the good work, pal. I'm sure that way you'll make america great again with your misguided sense of what Trump really wants.
If you mean Venezuela, actually no, this place is pretty religious. As for myself, religion keep sheeps in place. A shame it doesn't keep faggots like you out of image boards.
And that include both sides. A comedian that only make satirical jokes about only one side is usually a shill, just like you're being a retard.
God damnit. Is there even that one game that actually makes VR worth owning?
Nihilists are huge fucking faggots. Passive Nihilism is what gives rise to faggots.
The only GOOD nihilist is the Uber mensch.
Believing in fairy tales isn't behaviour that should be encouraged.
Believing in something with absolutely zero proof isn't rational.
Nothing does. The stigma is real, and you don't care, because non-whites lack empathy.
He wants to Make America Great Again, build a wall, etc.
Only a fucking pinko.
It's called freedom. Something your red sauce paradise doesn't have.
Wrong way, Juanito. It includes whatever sides are wrong. Playing the equality game kills comedy for the sake of fairness, when it's all just beating on the skinheads, these days.
Nihilism is a philosophy. Active/passive discussion is completely irrelevant as that's another topic.
You do know that objectively nothing is good or bad right?
the early sign of a failing movie
[the usage of the hands to adjust the hat's position by the brim so as to give a sign of acknowledgement]
-Squanchtendo is a retarded name.
-I like Rick and Morty in spite of the art direction. I really hope their games aren't in that style, I'm so tired of playing games in spite of their art direction.
-I'm concerned with how they're so specific about making VR games. Seriously, why are they so specific about VR? The pessimist in me suspects it's because they want to make those cheap room-space type games instead of just adding 3D and head tracking to real games.
The show is funny but the fanbase is cancer. Any game will be equally cancerous.
Nothing can top Invader Zim's though.
to the pig farm with you
We're on our way to become the cool cuckchan
Where do we go next
Ayyyyyyyyyy lmao
You're all pretty funny guys, because we're actually a lot more similar to reddit than you think, whether you want to admit it or not.
Only real difference is that instead of being downvoted here you just get called names.
That fucking dickshit image again
Fucking this, I've never understood that here. Getting called names is so awful.
Shut up you big fag.
You know it's true, user.
So you're voting for the guy and don't even know what he plans to do other than the wall? Well, a free vote, I guess.
It is. That's why Hugo Chavez was actually an strong leader in terms of people re-electing him so many times.
Both sides are wrong, fag. There will always be a side that is more wrong than the other, but that's why satire exist, to address the fucking errors. However, I'm guessing that what bothers you is that being confronted with something that you don't believe in takes you out of your safe space.
Reddit admin/mods censor fucking everything what the fuck are you on about?
But this user isn't wrong. Reddit tends to gravitate towards shows and content that they believe make them seem smart i.e. Rick and Morty, Futurama, Atheism.
It's the same way that Tumblr gravitates towards shows that make them seem friendly and accepting despite this not being the case.
4chan and Holla Forums go more towards content that makes them seem manly despite being dominated by permavirgin NEETS.
That episode was redpill.
The take away is that a woman dominated society would be just as bad if not worse then a male dominated society
Shit taste. The first one was pretty good, second one was pandering that took the vulgarity and gratuity that complimented the tone of the first and made it the entire point, making it obnoxious.
No. If you actually lived in America, you'd know more than enough about the man. I'm not spoonfeeding you.
Marxists can't be leaders. They can only be rulers.
You're very quick to contradict yourself. Equality is bullshit, by the way, and so is your beloved socialist leader.
Once upon a time, we used to be able to make fun of the differences between men and women. I think its the autism a lot of anons have that causes satire, sarcasm, and more clever jokes to fly over their heads and make them take it literally.
It was more what works for one alien race is not indicative of how things work for humans and that believing there's a connection is just you projecting your own insecurities on it.
t. schlomostein
Also this thread is s dumpster fire and I'm reporting it. I think if you all left Holla Forums and the internet for a week it would be good. And some if you are downright fucking retarded.
Also, morty's feminized attempts at raising morty jr (non confrontational, indirect punishment, cohesion via lies, emphasis on emotions rather then action,) backfires completely and gets him written in his sons book as the worst father
In fact its only after Morty physically attacks Rick that Morty Jr calms down and reevaluates what he is doing by surveying his surroundings.
Their society didn't work.
They were devoid of masculine creativity, which they ultimately coveted, and indeed at the end its revealed that a male Gazorpazorp is capable of not being a violent monster.
From a practical standpoint, they have created a scenario where one wrong move and they will have a massive rape orgie on their hands. They have cultivated a force of rape and violence.
I'm pretty sure I know more about the man than you do. "Building the wall, etc" is not convincing, in fact, makes me think you're an idiot. But hey, you're voting for him, no biggie.
Good point.
Are you being dense on purpose now? Because I can laugh about Hilary terrible speech the same way I can laugh about Trump's wife stolen speech.
No shit, that's pretty obvious, is as obvious as you being retarded.
It's based on human society, that's painfully obvious.
Go ahead. No body really cared anyway.
If you want to rag on Trump so bad then why aren't you saying why it would be a bad idea to vote for him?
Because it's not. Compared to Hilary Trump is a perfect human being. But he is not. The thing is, some of you faggots don't even allow address things like the stolen speech or the fact that he almost when to bankruptcy in 2 opportunities.
That definitively doesn't lower my opinion on him as a person or as a president, but those things happened and should be acknowledge. I think voting for Trump is the best option, either if for the best or the worst. But at the very least, he is not Hilary or Bernie, and you have to be an idiot to vote for an independent candidate.
Not a bad show, but they push feminist views and cancer like that.
Never heard of the stolen speech and I doubt it has much of a claim but.
I don't hold him up as some perfect being, in fact if there were better candidates he'd be the a no vote for me, but it's either him, or fucking Hillary, who has proven to be a sick puppet rather then a leader. And Bernie was never an option considering he's just a kinder version of Hillary, which is not what our fuckin' country needs right now.
Right now, we need an upset and a shock to the system of the political landscape, and Trump is a good start, it doesn't matter WHAT he does, as long as it keeps the others out of that Oval Office.
Isn't that a perfect trait in a leader?
I'm not gonna list every goddamn factoid of the man just for you, Pedro. Go find out yourself.
Exactly, and that's why Socialism is shit, and anything from Marxism is shit, too.
Until your dumb spic ass realises that the so-called "stolen" speech was stolen from the person she actually got it from.
Then quit pretending there was anything good about him. Your country a shit. Fucking BRs have it better than you. Think about that.
And that's cool, really. One of the thing I like about him is that particular risk-avoiding nature, and his no nonsense upfront, but lately he have done stupid shit and that's undeniable. Like backpedaling from the things he said.
The speech thing is not exactly about him, is about his wife Melanie Trump that supposedly stole Michelle Obama's speech. It wasn't her fault either, probably the guy who "wrote" the speech, but she was the one that ended up like an idiot on screen.
I'm not saying that's particularly bad, in fact, is pretty clean compared to other politicians. My whole point is that satire HAVE to address that kind of things. It's humor, after all.
Better than your average liar politician. Also, taking advantage of the system is what your smart man does, but we can't have everyone doing it, an we?
Sounds to me like you just don't know, like the policies of illegals already on the states once he build the wall. Go ahead, tell me what he is planing to do on that case.
Why do you have to state the obvious, user?
That doesn't make sense, user. An speech is not something you can give after you spoke it already. Otherwise the guy after you will look like an idiot. That's what happened to Melanie Trump.
You really are being dense on purpose, I never said there's anything good about him, I said this place is religious, and that's not good on itself, it only helped to create a fanatic state towards him and the catholic church until the church broke relations with him right before he died.
I'm seriously offended by you implying that I ever liked that piece of shit. But hey, you're a fanatic yourself, so it's understandable.
Ignoring your own argument and pretending you were ok with it from the start WHEN YOU PRESENTED IT AS SOMETHING AGAINST HIM.
But no examples of course.
So not only do you not back it up, but it was never an argument against Trump.
I don't give a shit about the rest, but you made 2 points and now they've both been invalidated. Just admit you were wrong faggot and retreat like the piece of shit you are.
Read, Ricardo.
>>>Holla Forums7258187
Because you gave Hugo Chavez even an ounce of illumination as a leader, and I had to correct your spic idiocy.
His Goebbels indirectly quotes Goebbels. What are you gonna do about it?
Commies don't know how to express faith. As if your totalitarian shithole can compare to an American church.
Cry about it to your government. Maybe they'll send a jet out.
Nothing wrong with that.
hotwheels is barely involved with the site, and hasn't been for a long time.
I can't believe how fucktarded you would have to be to come from one of the 4chan holocausts, where the community was split forever because the faggot mods and admins wanted to force their idea of how the community "should" work and what they were allowed to talk about, and then turn around and say that hotwheels is the ultimate arbiter of what Holla Forums is. He isn't, and never was. He is an irrelevant cripple that happened to have a community fall in his tiny lap.
Care to point out where I didn't address him as something else as a human? Care you telling me that if I don't depict him as a perfect human being I'm against him? I did said he backpedaled, but I didn't say that was wrong. He just did, because the things he backpedaled from are the most retarded thing he said.
Embed related. Sorry for it being WSJ.
So you don't only want me to spoonfed you TWICE, but you still think I'm making arguments AGAINST Trump?
I don't take risks and backpedal when I need to. Does that sound familiar?
There, something I already knew about, he is not as radical as you think he is, will you admit you were wrong now?
It was a bad choice of words. I meant to say that thanks to the catholic church that enabled Hugo Chavez as some kind of saint, people were alienated quickly during his reign.
It's called catholic church. I'm sorry that you unironically believe in God like the sheep you are.
I don't have to, I'm rich,
Pic related.
Jim hijacked the site a long time ago.
Jim is a biggest fag than hot wheels was. At least hot wheels wanted the site to grow, Jim only have killed Holla Forums so far.
Yeah, that sounds exactly like what happened to Holla Forums,
Unrelated to everything. Get back to the fact you ignored that the bankruptcy thing was a total bust and you got blown the fuck out.
Backing up your own arguments =/= spoonfeeding retard.
Whether its your intention or not its what you are doing. And exactly how much of a rats ass am I supposed to care for your intentions instead of your deeds? Because I don't.
You should actually try following the campaign instead of just listening to retarded mass media. But hey you won't even admit that you got blown the fuck out so who knows.
Again, read the thread I linked. He's not "softening" like the lugenpresse will have you listen and believe.
Just admit you're wrong, Rico, before you make another "bad choice of words".
>*tips sombrero*
So rich, that you consider yogurt something to gloat about having, while under a shortage of toilet paper.
If you browsed Holla Forums, like you supposedly claim to, you'd at the very least know how much the press is full of shit. The thread I linked should tell you so, Holla Forums.
Nice backpedaling.
I don't have to when you can just search Melania Trump and the first results will probably have to do with the speech, Doing it myself would be spoonfeeding you, specially since it wasn't an argument against Trump.
Sorry for questioning almighty God Trump. You can go back to your t-shirt handing.
2 things, I never said he stopped on the banning Muslims, he actually said himself that it have to be approached carefully, which is something I know because I listen to his speeches and follow the campaign. Meaning he is not the ban happy maniac everyone thinks he is, even when he still wants to ban muslims. I can't believe I have to spoonfed you again.
He isn't but he certainly isn't a maniac either. Have you read the same thread and your own fellow Holla Forumstards?
Richer than you, working class man.
Embed ate my pic. If you read the whole post, you'd know, but being informed of the whole thing is something fanatics don't do, so well…
The uploader didn't cut that part out for censorship, he explains that his camcorder fucked up
So you're going to ignore the argument and refuse to address the discussed point? Either do or give up instead of trying to strawman. I'm not falling for strawmen.
So basically your arguments are only worth as much as your own word/opnion. Nothing.
Again an unrelated strawman and ad hominem.
zzzzzzzzzzzz you listen to the retarded mass media instead of listening to the campaign. Nuff said.
Yes, because it was already addressed. I'm not strawmaning something that doesn't need to be.if something, you're the one avoiding the argument.
No, it's worth the information that you should already have on the subject, which is apparently none.
How is it unrelated when a critic is considered an argument against a person? Or, again, you're being dense on purpose?
Ad hominem, check, unrelated statement, check. You're a fag.
Except for when you state that he's gonna take over and be just as bad as the others. Not all country's operate like your pink tide shitholes.
The bolivar is at about tenth worth of USD. I'm very certain that a tramp in America makes more than spics whose government can't even spend it's revenue on food, like yourself.
It's not a proper argument, though. Just saying he's gonna be shit without evidence is the generic anti-trump argument.
Well since only one of us believes that and the other says you need to address it. Maybe you should either explain where and how it was addressed (BY YOU SPECIFICALLY) after you got blown the fuck out instead of refusing and pulling strawmen out your ass.
Not how arguing works. Either you back up your statements or shut up.
Not falling for strawman thank you. Either address what I wrote a couple posts back or concede.
1: Not how ad hominem works
2: Related to your source (which is called into question by me and destroyed by another)
3: Insult, not an ad hominem. Just fyi.
or just say that you were wrong and that you got blown the fuck out and leave the thread in shame.
Sorry am actually playing videogames.
I never said so, but will you deny that possibility or you will be close your eyes and ears to it? Sorry to say that US is operating pretty poorly right now, hence why Trump is such a light of hope, even if he isn't anything special.
Thanks to the currency exchange rates and the actual black market currency exchange, having 1000$ means you can buy whatever you want here. My family earn dollars thanks to foreign deals and the such, and we bring that money back. You seem to think we somehow depend on government. We don't, government is corrupt, and we are rich, go figure. The thing is, I have more acquisitive power than you ever will, meaning that I can buy 10 PCs if I want at the expenses of making this country worst. Not that I care.
I'm not saying he is going to be shit, I'm saying that he can probably be shit. That's a possibility, you know how that work or you failed math at school like a regular american? I'm saying that Trump being the human he is he is not perfect and if people lead him the right way he can be a great president and leader, but if people start sucking his balls for every shit he says, he can become a shit ruler. Reminder that a lot of people voted for Obama only because he was black, a lot of people will vote for Hillary only because she is a woman, and a lot of people want to vote for Trump because he will build a wall. That's why democracy is pathetic.
When did I say I addressed it? You already did, there's not a lot more to say on the subject, hence the "And that's cool" said here
But you want to get blown the fuck out, ok Let's address what you say here and I'll do it in a single paragraph
I claimed that Trump almost went on bankruptcy 2 times. Most people says it was more than 2, but I think there were only 2 occasions were he was hit the most, when he had to lower his shares in 2004 in Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts, and, consequently when he resigned as Chairman in 2009 in the same thing.I believe it should be dressed because it proves he is human, he make mistakes, and we should be aware of them. I said in this post that that shouldn't lower your opinion on him, or a thinking person's opinion at least, but it happened, now your whole argument is "hurr that's not Trumps fault", when it was and he assumed the consequences, and even if it wasn't it had Trump name And he was even chairman by the time, so he stepped down as a Chairman. Get blown the fuck up, faggot.
Nice fallacy fallacy, fag.
Are you retarded or you didn't watch the speech, as I did?
Get a better understanding of how fallacies work.
Not addressing. That's deflection. Come back when you address it properly like I said in response to "its cool XDDD"
So you don't even know what a source is.
You're not even trying to be coherent.
Your pic said otherwise.
What possibility? 50%? 1℅? Get on with the evidence.
It's a socialist country. Anything other than you eating bread rations is unbelievable without proof of otherwise. You can claim anything, but you have to prove it, first.
His life story says otherwise. Try reading his books, or books about him from before the mudslinging began.
Everything he says is correct as fuck, so I don't see why he can't get positive feedback for being right.
And? He's not under any superpac. His campaign's completely independent, and you can't prove otherwise.
Republics are awesome, but not the bullshit commie ones you live in.
Even thought they made an episode based around faminism being cancer and another about beth being a total bitch?
I think you need to relax a little and understand comedy isnt supposed to just make fun of the things you dont like.
what is this thread