People who were born when Chrono Trigger was first released are now old enough to buy alcohol in the US
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Hi, my favorite game is S.T.A.L.K.E.R
hi pal, that's a pretty good game. My favorite game is age of empires
I remember this old gem XDDDDDD
The first one?
actually no, the second one.
did you know they have a third one? I don't like it as much as the second one, it's a pretty big departure.
Yeah, 3 was pretty dissapointing.
But then again, muh Xbox.
Guys, there will be time in your life when you will regret everything, and think of no choice but to drink heavily. Sober people have more options to get rid of their sadness, than drunkards. I know what i am talking about.
You won't enjoy anything in your life more than alcohol, and that will ruin your life.
I didn't know Mexicans were into cosplay
I don't get posters like this.
This thread is the exact kind of shit you could've expected to see in pre-2007 4chan. What do you want?
Heres the real thing
few people can pull off a mullet this well
we need to stop this
If you aren't an 80s, you need to leave.
I'm 24
There are people that were born in 2004 that are posting on this board right now.
If you think 16 is the youngest that people browse this site, you are being very optimistic.
I'm 27
me too
I hate being an adult.
Time flies. Doesn't it
Truly the Land of the Free
Faster every day.
27 here.
Are you prepared for wizardry, brother?
Video games
The only people who give a shit about the drinking age are dumb shit kids who still get all the beer they want because no one actually gives a shit.
You'll have plenty of years to fuck yourself up beyond repair, I don't understand why so many kids want to dive head first into that shit. So fucking stupid.
I wonder what happens when you hit 30.
I'm in a rush to get my life back in order before I get any older.
If I don't then I'll feel like I didn't accomplish anything.
I'm terrified of getting older because my opportunities will dwindle.
That and I wasted my youth
30s are alright so far
depression kicks in at about 28-30 for men so you've stop caring about most things
I've been depressed since I was like 13 and it shows no signs of letting up as my 25th birthday approaches
Life is a sad thing by itself. Stupid jewish psychologists with their lies expect you to be happy law abiding citizen, smiling 24/7 and don't be homophobic, transphobic, racist or straight, and vote for Hillary.
Maybe you just need that certain something to kick start you out of it.
Maybe something you're really passionate about.
For me; getting my heart broken really woke me up.
**I also saved up some money and saw one of my favorite bands live and in the front row. And had a genuine smile across my face.
I know what it feels like to be depressed and when something makes you smile and it feels real and genuine you'll love that feeling. It's a great feeling.**
I'm in my early 30s. I'm not the oldest person on this board but you're all faggots.
oh god FUCK
How do spoilers work again!?
yes, but it gets worse as your body cuts off the testosterone supply
Changed my mind. Bumping.
have you been here so long you forgot how to spoiler or are you an outsider?
Also your post reeks of /r9k/.
I don't think I had enough testosterone to begin with.
I thought the "**" symbols meant a spoiler
The only boards I ever visit is Holla Forums
I haven't really been anywhere else on here.
it doesn't like linebreaks
I don't know, but hopefully I'll still play video games and other things I enjoy.
I'm quite liking my 30s, actually.
Work for myself, make good money, play vidya all i want, no longer have familial obligations to waste my time, thousands of miles from my hometown, all the idiots I knew in my highschool days now taking care of ~3 kids on near poverty levels of income, sit on the PC with my cute *trap* wife laughing at retards all day.
It gets pretty good user.
welp, fucked up that spoiler tag.
Oh, I know. But 2000 is such a nice even year.
Yea, having disposable income and few responsibilities other than "appear at work on time" is great. Then you get a girlfriend and it all begins going downhill.
Don't get a girlfriend, get a trap.
Solves that problem easily.
so long as you avoid the tumblr type.
You can't be serious.
Seriously, it's 100% better, none of the vindictiveness, none of the dumb jealousy bullshit, none of the nagging.
Also: the head is leagues better.
granted you do ofc avoid the tumblr types as I said above.
This is Holla Forums, remember.
Homosexuality is a mental illness.
I care little for school but I am mostly sad I am disappointing my mother.
drop out get a job working over night and earn money it's more gratifying than school will ever be
Well, excluding the bacteria-infested axe wound.
I'll concede to your point in that.
Unless it's like that doujin with the magical sex-change toilet, that's a man and you're a faggot.
And a 3DPD-enabler, at that.
please ban me for underage
I tried that, doesn't work
I don't think it's even against the rules here.
I missed a day a week on average in HS and still got 3rd in my class. Just make sure to keep up or just get a job like suggested.
Yep and yep.
It is a man, and I am indeed a faggot.
getting a job was the best thing that happened to me. Former neet planning on suicide with extreme depression. Everything started clicking once I started working, things got better. After a drop where I became homeless for two months (during winter no less) I just kept working, and now live in a lovely home with a ton of other people I barely see. I just pay rent every month, work two jobs now, and now my life is very project oriented. I make goals, and work to achieve them.
mark you need to fix this
jesus, even my pseudo-normalfaggot friends know about this website and i'm a goddamn schoolkid
I got banned for saying I am 97' masterrace last year《for 2 hours》
They probably don't enforce it because kids like you jump on your friend's PCs/phones posting shit like this to try and get them banned for laughs.
Just as you're doing now.
tons of people know about 8ch. It was in fucking time magazine. It's still a much less popular site than 4chan, and due to a more concentrated group of users it has higher post quality and focus.
tell that to >>>/furry/
it's not even funny, why bother laughing
i'm just pathetically desperate for attention, and i want other users to know the sad truth about the state of anonymous social networks
I've seen enough of my friends turned into penniless soulless husks by their vitality sucking (now fat as fuck) bitches and a clutch of screaming sperging brats - that being a faggot is starting to look better and better.
Why do you guys keep complaining that you;re growing old?
This guy gets it.
It has recently dawned upon me that I have reached a decrepit physical state, which has ultimately interfered with my abilities to cope with fecal matter.
Nigga you serious?
And actually, my wife isn't remotely a drama whore. It's specifically why I pointed out to avoid the tumblr types. But hey, enjoy your 350 Lb welfare queen, and your 3 lifelong nest egg leeches.
Oh yeah? Well I was old enough to hang out with degenerate college kids and drop acid during our entire playthrough.
Unless you're far from Aryan, you've fallen for the merchant's meme.
Having wine or beer with one's food is great. As with everything in life, you enjoy things without overconsuming. Having to legally wait until 21 is stupid. For a country that boasts about freedom and how government shoudn't be intrusive, you sure are cucked in this regard.
C'mon user, call the trap what they really are.
Why does Bulma have purple hair?
Sounds to me like your normalfag friends thought using their dicks and paid the price.
If you are younger than 25, its a 90% chance that you a casual cancer faggot that would be laughed off 4cuck when it started
That can't be right, I have been depressed since I was 12
I am 18 and I enjoy
2004-2006 was probably pretty comfy.
Once Fox News made its news coverage, probably even before, it went to shit.
I mean, these people actually thought 7th gen was good.
leave your home and visit the shrine of a physician.
were still children in the grand scheme of things. we just have the burdens of an adult. this short life span of humans is pretty horrible
once encyclopedia dramatica launched it was over, the early days of the first exodus was the best weve gotten since then.
but it was always horrible, and the memes were horrible and unfunny
Bullshit. Source or gtfo
it's a tragedy
Could be worse, women turn into fairies at 30.
why go on?
Fuck, I can't imagine when I'm 50 and every year just feels like a second.
There's nothing you can do to stop me OP.
You mean drink soup right?
it's too good for you anyway
That's half gay, but on second thought
Probably. But highschool freshmen will be learning about 9/11 as a historical event that took place before they were born which means there's an entire generation out there that hasn't played Twisted Metal Black.
It's funny that I played every Twisted Metal but Black and the reboot. I even rented Small Brawl with my brother a long ass time ago. Guess I should try to emulate it since i have a pretty good PC.
every fucking time
Stop being underage maybe
I've been working at it my whole life
I won't call you a faggot, but you're missing out on one of the few JRPGs that even haters of the genre have difficulty finding fault with
also, ur a faget
'97 here (turned 19 last month), been surfing the 'chans since '09.
Hell, I've even heard of 10-year-olds browsing these sites.
We clearly need to post more gore, if this is true.
We need to post more lewds to keep kids and normalfags away. Gore helps but it's not strong enough.
If these kids were anything like me when I was ten, I'd stay for the lewds.
what the fuck is going on in this picture
Some kids are pretty cool. If they do come here we need to culture them and bully them into patrician taste instead of letting them go back to their Markiplier and Pewdiepie.
As long as they don't shit up the place and keep their mouths shut I'd welcome them. Some kids are not annoying and actually want to play video game and are better to have around than some adults.
is there porn of that?
Here you go.
You're getting it, user.
no. Just aesthetically.
Please user I don't need to reconsider my whole life this early
did he keep the penis?
Yep, no chop chop.
It's a trap, not a mental patient.
I felt compelled to make this
Who said he was going out in public like this?
Naw nigga, he just straight up has those curves, and an onion booty. Porcelain skin and all.
So you're a faggot who likes feminine men I guess. Kind of a beta-faggot or something like that
Show us her tits, or else this story is false.
what the hell
It can't just stop there now can it?
I'm pretty much a bear.
I wouldn't exactly say I'm beta, I tend to be rather intimidating to most people. We just suit each other, I'm brash and overly macho, and he's quiet and obedient.
And we both play a shit-ton of vidya, so it works out.
So you're a faggot but the less faggot part of the relationship. And the other lad is the true faggot, while you're kind of like a poser faggot or something like that.
Eh, close enough.
I used ED extensively until 2012, never went to halfchan
No it cannot.
I made her into a shitty tumblr.
user no, this is getting out of control
What have I done?
Yes, and then when you hit about 25 and have no qualifications you're fucked, you're just as useless (if not more useless) than any immigrant coming into the country since they probably had to work harder than you in their third world shithole, and will be happy to be paid less.
Is this her final form?
You call that tumblr?
Do I look like an artist to you? Why you gotta make me try to fix this
Might just be my monitor.
I can confirm that there are young kids that post on imageboards Was one myself years ago. Someone should teach them to lurk, best way to learn the culture and not get called a faggot.
I've played everything from FF to SMT, and Chrono Trigger is still one of the lamest overhyped pieces of shit I've ever played
It literally brings nothing interesting to the table
is it a feminine penis?
I haven't heard the phrase 'lurk moar' for over 3 weeks now
that is a problem
user what have you unleashed upon this world?
Of course user.
Everyone loves a feminine penis.
I wonder if women would agree with that statement
Women aren't people, user. They don't count.
you're doing a disservice to people like me.
I'd adopt you
t-thanks user, but luckily I made it out adopted.
Like ab3eaa I'm a faggot with a trap "girlfriend", I plan on helping at least one child out of the hell that is foster care/orphanages.
That's a noble goal user, just try your best not to force faggotry into his life
People who do this to their kids should be dragged out back and shot.
Fuck that dumb horseshit, let your kids be whoever the fuck they are.
I would never force anything upon my child.
That's a tad extreme, but I agree that's some stupid shit for people to do.
I am surprised I haven't known about conjoined sisters porn until this thread.
Well, it tends to occur without the parents even noticing. I mean, if as a child you see that your parents are faggots, you'd have a tendency to grow up thinking that's the normal thing to do, since children tend to follow their parents. As such, that child would probably see heterosexual people as heterosexual people see gay people. There is a chance hormones perform a miracle, but the social conditioning can be stronger. That's an argument I heard against gay adoption at least. It's a complicated subject indeed.
I kind of feel sad for Eric. I'm not sure if I should categorize this as NTR or not
be careful that they do not inherit the worst qualities though
who is this semen demon
Well I made a mistake here. Eric comes from and
I started using 4chan when i was a faggot 14 year old. 10 years later and still a faggot
How the times have changed.
Yes, it is, I would say that nurture definitely plays a much larger role than nature.
My mother died when I was fairly young. My father had trouble with every women he dated while I grew up, and I'd have to say those experiences at least played a role in who I am now.
Also, my girlfriend's body took the treatment well and no one would know otherwise unless we told them so, that's a plus.
well, they did break up with him first.
Oh my god. Shut the fuck up with your trapphobia. I'm tired of trap phobes like you ruining this board. I'm a proud mtf trap and if you have a problem with it then get off of my board. By the way, traps are superior to both women and men in every way. Fuck off.
i think you mean futa.
Hormonal treatment, she was a guy who was really androgynous. After gender therapy and treatment she got a nice rack to complement the rest of her body.
Did he keep the dick? This is important
Get fucked, I'm sure you'd like it anyway
user, he is still a guy.
Yes he kept the dick.
I just say she because if I constantly switch between the two I end up fucking up in public and people suddenly act totally different when they find out the couple they had been out doing stuff with is really two dudes.
I understand completely that I'm attracted to a dude.
Post pics
gee, i wonder why?
What a shame. Why didn't he go all the way though?
No you sick fuck, get your own trap to jerk off to.
I'm just curious to see how convincing your trap is. Like, I want to see how far science has done to fool the human masses that a man is actually a woman.
I don't mind it.
He didn't want a giant gash with extremely high maintenance needed just so I could fuck him there occasionally which I heard was awful to fuck anyways and he would only have to take a pill fewer. We're also not exactly what you call wealthy. Also, like I said I'm a bit of a faggot.
I won't lie, there are quite a few traps look awful, but there are many that are able to just blend into society.
But I'm not going to share pictures of the person I love on the internet just because some random faggot wants them.
stop being a faggot and post those pics with his face blurred.
Well it's not what I would expect, I expected disgust or them to walk out on us.
The two times I've messed up they kept trying their hardest to act like they were the least homophobic people on the planet.
Oh just so you can reverse search it and find our names? How about no.
You're already considered a faggot, no need to be shy about that. Well, I guess science hasn't gone far enough to make artificial vaginas completely viable. Still, if you both are comfortable with that I say he made the right decision. The less surgical treatment the better. I suppose he does go full tranny and dresses like a woman right? I've seen guys more feminine than some women of current year
Unless it's a picture you already posted elsewhere on the net nobody will be able to reverse search it dumb ass.
tomboys are just better though
The two times I've messed up they kept trying their hardest to act like they were the least homophobic people on the planet.
Well, some people don't really have to try. If I was in their shoes I would be pissed off if you didn't tell me before hand, but if you actually did I would be ok with it, hell if he looks cute I'd compliment him
Thing is, that works with cute tomboys, not the sort of 3DPD you see nowadays
get out of here, Holla Forums is not your guinea pig
This is you.
I'm at the point where I think I would fuck a dude if he had nice enough hips and no man jaw. I blame Holla Forums for posting futa.
Nigger stop being such a paranoid pussy. At this point I believe that you're just telling "stories"
It was within you all along, we just helped it surface
Nope, not yet.
I agree
He typically goes out dressed in casual attire (t-shirt, jeans), but if we're going out on a date or somewhere classy, he dresses like a woman.
Sorry user, I'm not comfortable with that and I don't think he would be either.
Well if are know that the people are cool we would tell them, but that has yet to happen since we aren't the going out type. I mean there's a reason why I'm here, posting on Holla Forums, rather than doing something productive or socializing.
Nigga, everyone's a little gay, some are just REALLY gay.
I was raised by a single mom, so that probably helped too. Please help me I don't wanna be gay.
All he needs to do now is embrace the furry.
basically the google of masks
I'm not that much of a degenerate, user. Traps like don't exist anyway so I'll probably never actually get a boner for a dude. I'm still disgusted in myself, though.
Are you sure that's actual depression and not just general lazyness and apathy?
user, I have some news for you.
I figured as much, most people will act like it's natural out of political correctness. Me, I know full well it isn't, so I can easily accept it. I don't like gay shit, but I don't mind gay people. As long as they keep the lewd home we can be the best of friends.
No need to be scared user, just try to rationalize what exactly is making you feel aroused.
Begone degenerate
Asians are indeed scary
Me too
I turn 34 this year…
Senpai is that you?
Me too
You can't stop the furry, user. It will take over you like a stupid living latex fetish.
Going to the gym is your first priority.
maybe youre just navy or jail gay. gay because youre surrounded by it and dont see other options.
so go look at things that dont have penis and get the hell out of threads like these if its affecting you in a way you think is negative.
You're a good man, user. People like you give me hope in mankind. Which is then shattered immediately when I come across libshits and exteme faggots.
Shoo shoo furfag.
There is a line of degeneracy I'm not willing to tolerate. Now end your sorry life
Fuck. In all honesty, my dick doesn't care as long it has a feminine face and nice legs.
Yeah.. I've started taking vitamins too.
It's how life is user. The world would be a very different place if good and/or reasonable people weren't rare. Tell your mate I said hi
Maybe desperation is getting a hold of you user. Think it through, go see some lewd and find out if a dick is enough to turn you off
Wait, fuck. When you said navy or jail I was thinking of a big black man or something.
murs respectfully in your direction.
Nah, you're gay.
Probably. I'd still fick a woman, though. So I don't really know what I am. I bet there's some made-up Tumblr expression for that shit.
There probably is, but it's fucking wrong.
It is what is.
No problem.
Nigga, you gay.
I was gonna say maybe you're just attracted to a female looking form, but your previous post is just too fucking gay.
nice fuckin quads bruh.
I know it is. I promise if I get AIDs I'll kill myself.
Now I really am gay
It's all over, wanna borrow my .32?
It's called not giving a shit and being a free spirit. A lack of care for anything a way everyone should live.
I was raised by my grandparents. Everybody around me are sinners with wicked souls who cheat and do drugs. I'd seen how low man can go in his morally depraved ways and have given up on having any hope for the world. I Sit here and bid my time and hope that there isn't a god so I can enjoy an eternity of oblivion when my time comes.
All that is a lie and actually live a happy life
It's okay, user. I haven't fucked anyone yet! I can't spread my lethal injection.