I'm having to leave for a trip for a week and all I'll have is a shitty laptop to play vidya on. What are some games that don't require a good mouse or a mouse at all? Pics related are some I've already got loaded up.
Games that don't require a good mouse
No mouse? Any shmup or fighter. Also old school FPS.
Any turn-based game doesn't need a good mouse. RTS in general doesn't, unless you're gook clicking.
Any RTS games you could recommend? I've never been into the genre but now's as good a time as any to try.
binding of isaac, endless legend/dungeon, Killing floor below hell on earth difficulty
Got it already
I'll grab it
It's not that fun without friends
Can't get that game running even on my main desktop
RTS really does require a mouse though, what the fuck?
Total War and Paradox games don't require good mice. Paradox games really don't require a mouse at all, but TW with trackpad would be pretty bad unless you autoresolved battles like a bitch but then you're just playing an okay TBS.
Good TWs - Rome, Medieval 2, Shogun 2, Empire
Good Paradox - Victoria 2, Darkest Hour, Hearts of Iron III with all major expansions, Europa Universalis III, CK2 (except it's been Jewed with DLC beyond repair, and several features beyond 2.4.5 are garbage so I recommend that setting)
How about RPG's like Wizardry 6-8 or Elminage Gothic? The x-com games would also be pretty good. Emulating GBA or SNES games is always an option.
Just buy or borrow a mouse OP
Fuck off Satan
Hello, Jesus here, he will go away only if you check these doubles.
where will you be going OP, out of curiosity?
reported, enjoy your ban :)
I'll check out the TW games and Hearts of Iron 3 then.
It'd have to be a shitty portable one and those are usually wireless trash.
No dubs, (((Jesus)))
Las Vegas with a group of friends.
How shitty is this laptop? Suggestion depends on how relatively garbage it is.
2.5 Ghz Intel processor
Intergrated Intel graphics
If you've got a shit mouse laying around and are OK with relaxed 4X games, try Sins of a Solar Empire. I usually play it to relax, setting the map size to absolutely fuckhuge. Games will last a looong while.
Most roguelikes can be played keyboard-only. Try Brogue, Angband, Sil, DCSS, Nethack, and/or Cataclysm DDA.
The traditional places to start are RA2 and AoE2. You could also look into turn based games.
that better be OG Doom you're talking about OP, and not just because your shitty laptop probably couldn't run the new one
What's RA2?
Yes, it is.
Even if it could, it requires a good mouse, so I wouldn't bring it anyway.
Red Alert 2. What RTS you should start with really depends on what you want from it though.
To add to your old school shooters I'd say Dark Forces 1 and Blood.
He's on a laptop though, so he probably won't have a good numpad.
I'm fucking stupid and replied to the wrong post. I blame alcohol.
Buy a cheap handheld instead. More portable and less awkward to carry around than a laptop.
You can easily play nearly anything made prior to 2008 on at least medium settings. Your real bottleneck is texture quality, because your graphics uses system ram.
Anything on the NES can be emulated, SNES may take some getting used to on keyboard unless it's something like an RPG.
Get some Roguelikes OP.
I would suggest starting with nethack but there is a world to explore and most of them only need a keyboard.
Most things, just avoid playing online.
Just chiming in to recommend DoomRL. It's a nice little reinterpretation of Doom in roguelike format, it's great for quick games and is very straightforward. It's even got sprites so you don't have to play with ASCII if you don't want to.