Fuck it. Let's have an ideafag thread. Post all your greatest and shittiest game ideas you've ever had.
Ideafag Thread
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Fuck off and die.
you'll never steal my vidya ideas you fucking mind jews
wont it?
I want to live in the world of OP's picture.
Here's an idea, how about a waifu simulator with realism? You get to design your dream waifu and the game begins just as you start living together. The game then explores how even the nicest person can become a hellish nightmare once you have to actually live with them. Maybe your waifu is useless at cooking and you don't have time to do so yourself as you have to work too much in order to provide for her. Then she orders expensive takeaway food and grows fat and starts to resent you.
The point of the game would be to utterly deconstruct the idea of a dream girl actually making your life any better.
But how are you expected to make money off the losers buying your game?
procedurally generated loli death game
The big guy question is:
What game would Holla Forums buy?
Downhill Drifting with Eurobeat playing. I say this every thread god dammit.
You draw them in with the most luscious and gorgeous waifus ever seen in a game. They then spend their neetbucks on it and find out it's kind of terrible to actually live with them, that's a valuable life lesson I think. There will be lewd content just as advertised but after your waifu clogs the toilet, neglect to do her part in your household and cheat on you it won't matter.
UE4 aggydaggy here, looking to submit something to Lewd Jam:
I need your ideas, and hopefully I can implement them.
I can't do VR nor softbody physics like Monster Girl devs though.
Me as the cutie rummaging through her bag while leaning on the support column.
Survival in orbit.
Can you do hand holding?
i was thinking of a character that uses a rifle but is modified to be a scythe and can change to either a rifle or a scythe, but changing to a rifle has no real purpose other than to look cool as a rifle as you can also shoot while having your scythe sticking out
How about a game where you manage a fast food restaurant and your staff is composed entirely of monstergirls? Can you handle the pressure of having to exploit these young naive girls and what sorts of relationships will you form with them? When one of your cashiers can eat you up if you piss her off will you tell her she does a poor job? Maybe the snakegirl will have a hard time working in the kitchen since people keep stepping on her tail, will you give her the boot or try to find another position for her? Defeat the crushing competition and keep yourself and your staff healthy.
As a dev, I honestly wonder about this. Obviously, my games will be geared towards Holla Forums's tastes in general, because that's my wheelhouse, but I wonder how profitable it will be. I at least need enough money to survive from game to game. I'd like to be proven right about piracy, but I'm not sure what will happen when the primary target demographic so disproportionately consists of pirates.
Of course, all of these thoughts are completely irrelevant if my games are shit.
How about the same,but with genuine monsters?
that spidergirl is so fucking beautiful
Problem is that a lot of people hate ideafag threads because they value their idea so much, they value getting compensated moreso than they value the slim possibility of an actual game being picked up by a real dev and made. They also think that they'll make their idea into a real game sometime in the future, which is something that will likely never happen.
Reminds me of that ancient game where you had to run a fast food restaurant with a robot and you had to record how you make the right dishes so the robot could repeat them. Then it was all a matter of running the right programs in the right order to give the customers what they wanted. If you gave them the wrong stuff or took too long, they'd get angry and throw trays and food after you. Had to get a certain amount of customer satisfaction and profits to proof your robot was competitive.
I got a new brilliant idea for you guys.
A game where you have to avoid getting stuck in traffic on your way to work. The game gets increasingly harder as both the seasonal weather and retarded new city planning goes into effect, then in the later levels you have terrorists to avoid. Pick your route and means of transportation and make it on time. Forget about taking the buss if the weather has changed for the worse, listen to radio reports in the beginning of each day for hints, avoid road work and other blockages.
There are minigames on the buss where you have to avoid getting pickpocketed by gypsies and both squeezing into the overcrowded buss and then getting out of it at your station. You drive the car yourself and have to adapt to the changing conditions.
Shill Idea #1:
A piece of malware written specifically to help train people of all levels in computer interaction - specifically through a terminal.
The malware is assumed to be an opponent that can only make the exact number of moves the player makes. Moves are made as terminal commands, and one complete series of inputs is a turn. So it's a tit-for-tat game.
The malware has pre-written objectives relative to the level of the player. At a beginner level, the terminal specifically guides you through the most basic of terminal commands while trying to help you defeat it. Intermediate levels scale with knowledge and intuition. Advanced offers no help.
After completing all three levels, the player unlocks the capacity to turn off some safety mode. The malware still obeys the tit-for-tat move system, but its objectives include real risk: its duplication onto other systems, its attempts to disable your capacity for input, restricting user access or locking it out permanently, and nuking the machine it's on if it's outplayed.
The idea of this mode is to simulate real world Information Security against an AI limited only by its design. The player can completely redesign the malware to their liking, enjoying every FOSS benefit to help people learn more about the computers they use every day.
Shill idea #2:
A Linux terminal game which simulates user-constructed spaceship designs.
The designs are built on top of a physical machine's hardware capacity to perform calculations - specifically data generation and encryption - and the game uses this as the basis for power generation and conversion; the player writes the software at every level, and can rely on pre-existing frameworks for assembly level stuff. This includes how your engines, weapons, and other components that you design work.
The front-end is entirely ASCII art with user input layouts that can provide a view at every level of abstraction in the software written by the user.
Literally everything but the game rules, which define the pseudo-physics of the universe, can be rewritten by the player.
Could be cool but the monstergirls would sell more copies I think.
Any idea what it was called? Sounds kind of fun.
It's ancient. C64 or Amiga era. Don't remember.
I want a game that is a fusion of arcade skateboarding, a romance visual novel, and science fiction.
The entire game is about doing radical tricks to impress cute alien girls who came to earth for reasons (theres like 6 to choose from) and defeat some evil guy
Why aliens? I don't know
tony hawk underground + visual novel gameplay
one million secret endings
Soundtrack consists solely of the offspring and other such bands
Sounds pretty cool actually.
Looks like a deep personal fantasy of yours. I would play it tho.
Thats actually an interesting idea.
a hybrid of SHMUP and JRPG
you only play as 1 character that you pick at the start (like in a SHMUP)
you navigate menus with the number keys while moving/dodging attacks in real timewith WASD plus Q and E to shift within 3rd dimension layers (you can remap most controls, except maybe the number keys)
there will be toggles for movement speed and firing (on/off)
from the menu you can change your shot-type, use a special attack that uses your magic resource, a SHMUP-style bomb (destroying enemy projectiles) using a bomb stock or magic if you have no bombs.
There are many damage categories, like fire, water, air, earth, cold, lightning, light, darkness, metal and wood, blunt, slashing and piercing, among other, more uncommon "elements", like blessed or profane. Weaknesses dont always mean (only) more damage, but can also apply a negative effect on the target:
Against a vampire, fire can inhibit health regeneration, water attacks can slow it down, critical hits from piercing attacks trigger their critical effect twice.
Critical hits are not random, but triggered by hitting a "weakpoint", which for player characters and most smaller enemies would be the center of their hit box. For large enemies/bosses it my be other places on their hitbox.
Experience is given not to the player character directly, but the techniques that you used in a fight. There would be three kinds of levels:
Technique levels, which improve a given technique when it has enough experience points.
Class levels, which increase by having sufficent experience across a set of techniques, give stat increases and special abilities that improve these techniques. A technique can be part of multiple classes.
And character levels, which are calculated from the experience of all techniques and also give stat increases and abilities.
There are other details that i wrote down but dont remember right now.
Itll be the worst game ever
Yeah, because people with the money and resources to steal ideas and make fully developed games out of them would totally come to h8chan Holla Forums to do so, right? Aren't there like subreddits and forums for ideafagging that devs have actually stolen from? Wouldn't a potential con artist just go there, instead?
All good ideas, now get in here >>>/agdg/
No, if they want their dream ideas made into video games they can do it themselves. The concepts you listed would be entirely doable for one guy with decent programming ability and maybe an artist or musician, it's just that most people are too lazy to learn a programming language and either overestimate the amount of work it takes or bite off more than they can chew, so they make up ideas and whine when people who are already busy making their own games don't come along and pick them up.
That's also true. But what I'm saying is that the parasites out there who know how to code but have no creativity are probably browsing more trafficked websites than this one to steal their ideas from.
I hope they steal my ideas.
aka Paljeets
I've never heard of vidya developers outright stealing an ideafag's concepts: the ones who do steal usually rip off existing games in development. Ideafags almost always come up with terrible video game ideas anyways because they describe the setting but not mechanics or how they'd implement things from a technical perspective, and in the few cases where I've seen ideafags and programmers united on a game it's always flopped because the ideafags were lazy daydreamers: always relying on some nonsensical internal vision that they could never properly describe and getting frustrated when their coders had no idea what to do with such vague ideas.
The best suggestion I can give to ideafags is to learn a programming language, read about the structure and technical details behind well-regarded video games, and vigorously study the mechanics of games you enjoy to find out what makes them tick and how to improve them. As you do this, you will gradually come to understand what makes a good vidya concept and how to implement one properly, and looking back you'll wonder why you didn't try this sooner.
And that's the difference between an ideafag and a game designer: The game designer actually understands enough of the technical aspects of a game to communicate with the specialist and thus can act as the coordinator to get the project formulated and built in a coherent manner.
CATastrophe seems like the setting for you then.
Well I think the main difference between an ideafag and a game designer(even an amatuer/hobby level one) is that if you tell a game designer to take his idea and break it down into the specifics and the smaller systems required for a programmer to actually be able to do his job. Whereas an ideafag just yells "Sci-Fi Dark Souls!"
Wait, is that like an actual IP or something?
Needs some snouts.
Don't you have something to waste excessive amounts of money on?
Which is funny because it seems like there are some ideaguys working in the industry. Deck13 are basically doing exactly that with The Surge.
Well, one guy on Pixiv made a series of images using some tag (I forget the specifics, search those images in saucenao to find his pixiv) and some fags on /tg/ made a setting out of it. They have some rules too, but I don't know from tabletop so I dunno how good they are. Check out the 1d4chan wiki for more info on that.
Also, I know how it is. These days when I ideafag I try to mostly describe the gameplay, if only as "other game but with some different tools to play with". These days I hardly even come up with a plot anymore when ideafagging because I've given up on writing. I've also mostly given up on ideafagging in general thoug.
remove yourself
How about your "waifu" constantly asks you to buy her shiny things from the in-game store
This is absolutely brilliant, if I had a vidya company I'd hire you.
He could waste excessive amounts of money funding my game development. At least he'd have something with some staying power at the end of it.
Fuck living in this setting, I want to make a game out of it.
I'll pitch this one every thread until I get some sort of response out of it.
An open world survival/adventure/horror game, set in a giant dystopian colony-sized pizza party palace.
It has nothing to do with Five Nights at Freddy's, and if I see anyone trying to combine them I will come to their house and break their arms.
You play as a little boy growing up and living in the pizza dystopia with your older brother; on your birthday, he gets taken away by animatronic secret police, leaving you to fend for yourself. In 30 in-game days, he will be executed as a conspirator, so that is your deadline for achieving your end goal, which in theory is to rescue your brother, but in practice, y'know, do whatever you feel like.
The survival aspects of the game are set pretty firmly in stone. The world's economy is based on a system of tokens and tickets; earn tokens by completing goals or stealing them, use tokens to play arcade games, get rewarded with tickets based on your performance, use tickets to buy supplies. There is no crafting. There are very few resources to worry about, just tokens, tickets, food and certain pieces of equipment. Basic food helps restore your stamina, much like sleeping does, but will lower your max stamina overall, because basic food is pizza and chicken strips and slurpees. Healthy food, like apples and cereal that will raise your max stamina, is black market contraband that can get you arrested if you're seen with it.
There is a hacking system involved, but not like other games where hacking is a puzzle of some sort. Rather, here electronics function much like the arcade machines which give you tickets, and hacking involves messing with dip switches. For those not in the know, dip switches are physical binary switches found on mother boards, and in arcade cabinets they determine the game's properties, including your number of starting lives, overall difficulty, number of coins needed to play, or just whether or not there's any blood in the game. With a screwdriver, you can open up an arcade machine and mess with the switches to get different effects, most especially if you find information that explains what the required settings are. And the other electronics, including the animatronics and security doors and such, work on the same principle. You just need to know which switches to flip, and make sure you're not spotted.
By nature of the setting, there's obviously a rebel group for you to join, but it's staffed almost entirely by kids your age. Some of them also have taken family members, but overall they have very little understanding of how to properly rebel, or even if they really want to, because they live in a giant pizza palace. You totally have the option to sell them out to the authorities if you want, and if you do that you get a special pizza slice dedicated to you, you perfect citizen you, and get to witness the idea of rebellion against the establishment be turned into a neutered fashion statement with its significance stripped away.
And again, no Freddy.
Do it faggot. The question is, what kind of game would it be?
Also, if anyone cares, the tag is 獣耳幻想 and the guy's pixiv id is 586750 if you want to look for other stuff/Final Fanatsy MMO related pictures.
no one is going to steal your idea retard, just post it.
This tbh
You can't expect anybody but yourself to truly understand your idea
But… how do they reproduce?
Wew, where's your thoughtful idea user, I want to see it
Jagged Alliance with mechs.
I thought there were a few guys there. I think there's one in that Bos Burger one, the tall building in the ocean? Also, read that sign inside the building, it's pretty great.
Animal Crossing clone. Do activities, buy stuff to decorate your house, buy clothes and accessories for your character(s), play with others online, etc.
All that stuff that contributes towards making a comfy game
Do it. I'd buy it.
It's a game where the bad guys are the good guys. Like, you take all the badass villain tropes from history past and make them into the main heroes. You got an edgy Sephiroth clone and some killer robots, some awful Eldritch horrors and demons too. Throw in some furbait and monstergirls if you're a degenerate, we're not even trying to hide the fact we're pandering. All of them are sexy and want to fuck you. Anything to avoid generic boring human characters like in almost every game ever.
It's a dating sim but also a racing game. All the characters are gay and want to fuck you and race in your car. It's up to you to pull off some ballbustingly hard F-Zero tier missions while keeping your senpai happy. The mechanics are incredibly deep and require advanced knowledge in motorsports in order to play efficiently. Your date will frequently ask to ride in your car while you race and will throw off the weight balance unless you decline their advances and risk losing points.
No Man's Sky (if it were good)+Shadow of the Colossus
Basically, you go from planet to planet and every planet is inhabited by a giant monster that you must defeat.
Why not defeat the planet and call it GALACTUS! ?
I think you mean Ego the Living Planet
C++ for sure. What engine? RPG Maker and Game Maker need not apply.
Now I think about it, I've been meaning to ask- are RPG ideaguys cheating?
You can steal mechanics from many different RPGs, but put it in a new setting so no one can tell (but you should still improve upon them).
Anything doesn't work- 9/10 you can adjust stats to make it work.
Just don't overload the player with too many mechanics or too much on the UI.
Godot or UE4 for C++. Godot's still young but the creator's roll out massive, really good updates, on a regular basis.
If that's cheating for you, then yes indeed, they are probably doing that
Still cant do concave collision meshes, which really sucks
Can UE4 do 2D?
I assume not so Godot it is then.
Godot got no licensing fees? Just declare it's name.
Oh no, "stealing" mechanics and making them better is fine.
X-Ray bat vision is fine. If you'd have included the jammer enemies and enemies that don't show up in X-ray earlier, and the X-ray had a meter (use it all up, can't use it until it's filled up and it doubles the time it would normally take).
I meant more that with an RPG it's "simpler" in exchange for needed a better head with maths, and needing a compelling setting and art-style.
MMO where Brazilian and Russian IPs will be put in one faction, and everyone else will be in another.
Well, if you are talking about the old style of RPG like those in RPGmaker, there isn't really much room for mechanics that haven't been done before, and there's also difficult to improve them since they've been already improved. As such, any new RPG of that type must stand out in how it uses them, as well as in the story and aesthetic aspect.
CATastrophe is a /tg/ made tabletop RPG setting based off those drawings.
UE4 can do 2D
NEETs and waifufags wouldn't buy into that though. A game where your "waifu" potentially acts out of character constantly and cheats on you would turn them away. It would be better to give them win conditions, a better way to customize personalty(with every positive having negatives as well), and just change the goal to work out dealing with both the positives and negatives of a relationship.
I'd have agreed with you, before Bravely Default.
Yes censorship was shit.
Yes second half of the story was shit.
And Yes, I hated how with the right combination of skills and stats you could cheese the game hard.
But I loved banking turns for later, and how enemies would do the same.
Plus if you don't make it purely turn based, then you can do crazy shit.
I was thinking it could be one part Mega Man Legends, one part this:
I don't usually like anime but these paintings are really cool, love them
I too loved the Bravely games. It's a shame that everything but the game-play, the twist, and the not-repetition are worse in Second.
If you can handle lowpoly, you have my attention. Ever played the Rune Factory games? Consider that as inspiration as well, at least structure wise.
I mean, I guess you'd have more particle options for fancy effects.
And I liked using Kismet in UE3.
But it comes with a sprite editor- a useless feature with the programs available.
Plus that 5% quarterly royalty (while not bad) is still not as good as free. (Though they do offer "custom licenses" but I doubt you'll get a deal unless you're AAA).
Plus my biggest grip with UE3 was I'd compile and get errors that didn't explain anything, or were vague enough to not help.
Plus, isn't UE owned by a Chinese company now?
Music in the second was pretty rad.
So was the 4th wall breaking moment with the final boss, cheesy as it was.
Or so I heard. Fuck giving NoA money
Western party based RPG with a similar leveling/combat as underrail, but with cover actually taken into account
"magic" can be replaced with indian rituals or making deals with God or the Devil
I know through the past couple years it's become a dumb meme, but I would love to see the mechanics of Dark Souls/Bloodborne in this light-hearted world. Kind of like The Wind Waker of Souls.
Yeah, Epic(Unreal owners) are owned by Tencent. But really, if you trace the origins of any popular engine you'll probably find scum at the end of it. It's why I like Godot so much. Free and open source means that it doesn't matter who made it.
Anything happening in Stalenhag's universe
Neo 90s
Wait- Tencent?
Tencent filters the internet for the Chinese government Tencent?
Or are they just another knock-off company?
And yes, get open sources to compete with bigger companies, and one of them will improve.
Unfortunately, industrial sabotage is real I guess.
Yes, Tencent also owns Riot games so they've basically got themselves in a position where they'll NEVER go under
We'll see. Modeling is not my primary skill, but everything I've made thus far has been in that direction.
I haven't, but if this video is representative of the tone of the rest of the games, then I'll look into it.
I've been saying since 2012 that I want a Dark Souls-esque gameplay system with Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles-esque world.
You haven't hacked your 3DS? I sure as hell didn't pay for Second.
On the modeling, good luck, keep practicing. On the Rune Factory, I mostly played some of 1 and 3, and all of 4, so I can't say how the console ones played. Probably not too different. I'd say pirate 3, it's on the DS so you have a lot of options to play it and everyone says it's the best. I hated it because at some point it said "you can't beat the game until you get a waifu" and I quit there because I hated all the girls. At least 4 didn't do that, and I even found a girl I liked. And on the Souls point, that's not only probably a bit too ambitious, I'm not sure it fits with this setting's tone (depending on if robot filled ruins are involved or not). Of course, I've got my own dumb ideas for this setting. Several in fact. But that's not important. If you plan on doing this, good luck, and let me know when/if you get something done.
This is………genius
A game based mostly around flying.
You start on a hugeass floating island, with a broken down pair of papercraft wings, and an unactive Sky Portal
Jumping from the Island activates a glide mode, and from that point semi-randoms cluster of small island are generated below you. By looking towards an island, you can see the type, difficulty, and lifetime of island cluster.
Once you land on any of those, a timer starts. You have limited time to explore these clusters and find what you want/fight what you need to kill. Once that timer is up or if you fall/get killed, winds take you back to the "sky phase". Alternatively, if you can do a certain objective, the timer stops, and you can jump off to leave.
By upgrading your wings (broken>papercraft>da vinci style>sails>steampunk>actual wings>legendary wings with different looks) you can stay longer in the sky phase to search for more island choices, get access to difficult islands, the ability to glide faster when in a cluster, etc.
Sometimes, storms would replace one of the clusters, and going through those propels you on an stupidly difficult island, where you lose everything you collected from this flying session if you get propelled back to the skies without completing the objective. Maybe storms could replace clusters more often the more you visit clusters in a single flying session, until only storms appear until you go back to the main island ?
The whole point of the game is that you CANNOT go back to an island cluster once you leave it. The only thing that stays fixed is the huge island you start on, and you can teleport on it to stash what you collected, do whatever you want on it. Your own personal autismland. Once you leave a cluster, it's gone forever, and all the loot inside with it. The timer prevents you from just staying on a cluster for fucking weeks to get all of it. You need to decide what the fuck you need, what you want, and what you have to ignore. This gets worse in storms, where you cannot ignore the bonus objective, and where you probably have your inventory filled with loot from previous places.
There would also be a (fucking optional, i don't want to have the game unplayable without internet thank you very fucking much) multiplayer mode, that could be activated in two ways :
Active MP : Ask people to come to your island through global chat, do PvP and autistic stuff there, or go down for co-op exploration.
Passive MP : Sometimes, in the sky phases, the islands of other players appear, and you can land there, to fuck their shit. Without any lasting impact, but having player fail at destroying your shit means you can see more rare islands or some shit in the sky phase.
Also, maybe land on island with the bonus objective "Kill the other flyer", "The other flyer must complete his objective", "The other flyer must survive" or "Do X objective before the other flyer". Two flyers have an objective to protect and the other to kill would be hella fun. You can turn off landing phases invasions or one form of MP completly
I fucking love player interaction flying landscapes and flying mechanics, and ican't fucking help it.
I prefer this spidergirl
Oh shit, is it you, user?
If I were to make a game, I would make a fishing game, as weird as that sounds. Plain and simple, maybe have a couple mechanics that you don't see that would hopefully mesh with the gameplay, which would probably be like sega bass fishing. I think this kind of game would be nice, as it does not require a high skill cap from the get-go which means everyone can play, and it shows the relaxing nature of fishing when you don't have a catch, and the excitement that ensues when you get some. Have many different types of fish to keep people going for the curiosity factor. It sounds very simple and possibly boring, but after playing so many games that require constant attention to play effectively, it would be nice to have something to play and relax with.
/nodev/ here. I've saved all the Ideas I have found over the years.
I'll make it
maybe some day
my Nigg-
Oh, I'm fully aware. That's not something I would even consider tackling until much further down the road.
I think one of us misunderstood the other. The DaS/FF:CC thought was independent of the CATastrophe thought. As far as CATastrophe, ancient, (probably underwater?) robot filled ruins might be involved, but it could just be monsters in the ruins all the same. The idea is to have combat and exploration in the ruins, and then return to civilization with items to develop new stuff and build a comfy nexus.
If I ever do, it won't be especially soon. I'm currently working on two projects, the demos of which will be posted on Holla Forums sometime Soon.™ Depending on how each one does, I'll pursue them accordingly, and any new projects will have to come after that.
So it is. Long time no see, user.
e-stalking anonymous people is not okay
Oh, alright, that wasn't clear. On the other hand, any hints about your projects? I promise I won't stalk you like that other user.
wew, recognizing him based on stuff that he's said beforehand is now stalking.
For what it's worth, Godot not only supports 2D natively, it also has no royalties, is genuinely open source (MIT license; basically do whatever the fuck you want), and the planned Vulkan update for later this year will give AAA engines a run for their money.
I'm checking this guy's page and well, wtf is going on? does he ever provides any context at all or is just same "because it look cools and 3deep5me"?
I need to be actively involved in that project, user. There's already lore for the world and everything.
Shitty convoluted lore, but lore nonetheless, that needs to be told in a hidden bonus game.
I'm not a moral fag. I just don't want to have it so devs can lie and put all the blame on their game not selling on "no good pirates who steal games they want."
That and my country is getting worse on piracy
Nope, I think he just doesn't give a fuck. Some painters are like this. Check out Benjamin Bjorklund for instance, this guy also paints as a hobby.
Nah, it's cool, we're bros. As much as you can be by communicating solely through imageboards, anyway. We enjoy similar entertainment, I guess.
I can't be specific, for reasons, which I'll outline. The first one should be obvious, though.
One involves a top-tier waifu in a medieval (but not) setting, and is related to a stream that happened here about a year ago. This one's not exactly secret, but I don't want there to be a buzz about it, because it will cause salt from certain groups, and I don't want that to happen prematurely. The other needs an even tighter lid on it, because it's a fan game to a well-known series. Knowing what happens to fan games, I'm not even going to have a progress page. Just the demo and then the final game, both uploaded anonymously to Holla Forums. At that point, if I or 8ch somehow get C&D'd or DMCA'd, it won't matter, because I'll be able to comply, and if it's worth keeping it around, people will keep spreading it.
Oh, I think I know what you mean. I think I visited your board once? Depending on when you release it and the company, it might not get DMCA'd. We all know how Mega Man X Street Fighter turned out. Keeping it on the down low is probably for the best though. Either way, keep on rollin' my man.
if if
I get a dev team up on its feet
ill come back and ask for you
it may take a few years tho
A game that you control a wheel chair with two mice…..I actually made it, sounded cool but it was horrible.
was somebody sitting in that wheelchair?
did the mice abduct a poor, retarded, wheelchair bound man from a nursing home?
I'd play that
It was more of a prototype, I only had like a race track that would time how fast you could make it around.
train racing mariokart game that's still on tracks and yet you can derail and multi-track but if you hit another train while flipping around you can derail them and its almost as fast as wipeout the entire cast is from jojo's bizarre adventure though
Probably. It's a shame it's fallen into such disuse, but it's how it has to be until the demo. What's uploaded there is pre-pre-alpha, of course. Things aren't even sized correctly.
I've thought about this. A pitch is possible, but probably not what's best for this project. Completing this might leave me in a good position for something like that in the future, though.
Will do.
Jesus Christ this made me realize how samey pretty much every game is.
Nevermind I already knew that.
It's an Action-Sports game like SSX or the Tony Hawk series, but viewed through the lens of 240p Youtube videos, while the game's soundtrack is 'mildly' bitcrushed and/or lowered to the level of an old, worn out cassette tape that's so fucking warbly that you can barely make out the actual song.
144p, 240p, and 360p. are replacements for difficulty meters (of Hard, Medium, and Easy) for both the in-game difficulty, and the game resolution being so low, to the point of being near uncomprehensive.
But that would go against the user's vision.
Walmart simulator a la RCT
Basically coop, first person Hitman where you steal stuff instead of assassinate people.
I've had ideas about a 1970's style "bad guys" game, the kind you see about drug dealers in movies going cross country to deliver contraband and fuck shit up
Basically it would play sort of like FTL, and I was going to map the USA's major roads, cities, and features, so it's kind of like a game of travelling salesman. Having risky items or committing murders would make it very difficult to cross borders, and you'd always need to move quickly to stay one step ahead of the cops
Fuck off gook.
Mall shopping simulator
Now here me out;
The game takes place in a massive crowded mall. And its all in a first person perspective.
The object of the game is to get as many objects on your shopping list before time runs out. In addition to this, you will need to spend your money wisely and try to get the best deals on shit.
Sometimes a store will have a long-line or be overly crowded and you'll need to be a complete dick and push people out of the way to get to the front. But be warned, because the local mall cop is on patrol, and if he sees you being a dick or if you piss too many people off he will chase you down.
There is a sandbox mode where you can just fuck around the mall and shop for gear like a Segway to get around faster and clothes. You can also be a dick in sandbox mode by fucking with NPCs a-la GTA
There is also a Christmas rush mode where everything is Christmas themed and the mall is significantly more crowded. You can also see Santa and beat the fuck out of him or some shit I don't know the idea is still in the air
Why don't Ideafags just make their ideas into GURPS settings ?
I'll never do this anyway
I also have a full idea I really wanted to get done, but my knowledge of coding is non-existent to the point I suck at even rpgmaker
This sounds like retarded YT LPer bait
Fund it
an open-world sonic game where you just play as sonic and theres a few secret levels that the player isn't expected to find in the open world
grand theft auto:dreamland
you only play as kirby, and you get a whooooole lot of powers, and then you also get to impersonate people by sucking them up
That's me, stop
I can't take it anymore
It looks retarded with that Destiny aesthetic, see pic related for what it should look like
I thought you were going to say a Kirby Air Ride sequel when you said that. If you really want, you can try modding Air Ride Modoki if you want air rides in the game and a sort of done engine.
Alright faggot, if you want, I can try to get you to flesh out your stupid fucking game to at least the point where you could pitch it to somebody, even just a fag on Holla Forums.
I do have a full concept with cancerous notes, I'm just kind of wary of sharing it because all my internet friends who heard of it really liked the idea.
reposting…as usual
This is exactly what I had in mind when I came up with this idea user. I'll have 12 year olds pissing their pants with laughter as a man mows down people with a shopping cart as he's being chased by a man on a Segway for many generations to come!
That reminds me of the idea I had to jew people out of money and make a game Holla Forums would like at the same time
ascii mmorpg
It's called a MUD
I'm almost not an Ideafag, I've just got to scan this picture onto my computer and I can start modeling the loli. I would fucking love having better art, than what i can currently shit out, but i have to work with what i've got And once i get that model finished I can start working on the ingame workings, such as movement and how I want the shooting to work.
Its really hard coming up with fluid ways on how to get school kids to fight on maps, I only know of one way to make it work by having the whole school be open, but fuck i dont know.
Sorry for the blog post, but im just happy that im finally going to stop being an Ideafag
Pic related is the idea that im stealing from an user that i got 3 years ago
Saw your post in the aggydaggy thread. I know a lot of people have wanted a good loli shooter, and like the only good one is Splatoon and that's on the fucking Wii U (and you can't even pirate it because it's mostly online and no going online with pirated games yet). Good luck faggot.
I can never tell what anything is in ascii
Is the third one gold or is the room on fire?
let me try to explain why all of your ideas aren't good enough, even for yourselves;
seriously ask yourself if you would be willing to give up 99% of your free time to devote to your idea
spending time learning to program, draw, compose music, possibly spending YEARS on development
if you're not willing to give you all to making your idea a reality, its clearly not worth being a reality in the first place
stop making shitty ideafag threads and go crack open a book
instead of coming up with vauge ideas and making shitty image macros, go talk about the in-depth effort it takes to design systems, balancing gameplay, creating an enjoyable experience
instead of talking about "getting a devteam together" go learn to program
not a SINGLE programmer in their right mind would work with someone who has no idea how to program, its literally one of the BIGGEST requirements to being a game designer
sorry for the tiraid, but someones gotta say it
i was going to steal this idea myself, holy shit
if you need help with maps, maybe i can help
i may or may not have been drawing up designs and map layouts and showing them to my artfriend
That's a damn good idea.
You could make it a bit more complex than that. Even DF has trees broken down into trunk, roots, branches, and leaves. Would make it a bit more aesthetically pleasing without violating the cor design conceit.
I have a new favorite artist.
So what games have you made, if you don't mind me asking?
I want a game where you aren't the hero.
Let's say You and NPC go on some long "chosen one" kind of journey, and near the very end you find out you were actually the sidekick the whole time, and your lovable partner in crime was the one "chosen" to be all powerful and everyone loves him for being Dragonborn or whatever he is that makes him a snowflake. Then you turn it around in the end so that your best buddy is now your greatest enemy, and you spend the rest of the game trying to beat the NPC and take his title away from him.
currently making
been working with someone else on this for a few days now
how about you?
Yeah man that would be cool
If I actually make a model then yes I would love to see them, otherwise no. I dont want hopes to go to high. Its really hard for me to get the energy to do anything except for manual labor and staring at a screen. But seeing posts like this made me want to do it, so I've been practicing Blender for a while. If I show off a model in the next month I would love to see them, and I already have a schedule set up to get this picture scanned.
I thought of something similar to this a year ago, except it was a series following a Stereotype white knight, but then after 2 episodes a baddy straight up fucking kills him and the killer looks at the camera and sort of takes over the show. Showing the audience the shit he gets away with and how much bad shit he does
Mathblaster, but it's a fast paced competetive multiplayer game, an esport maybe
it's like regular math blaster but it's trig, calculus, and differential equations as you approach the higher levels.
i'll keep my eye on the /agdg/ thread
dont let me down
if i dont see that post i'll damn well take the idea for myself
I don't mean in the sense that you play the villain, but more that you play as a bystander, or a shit character on the sidelines. Imagine it like if you played as Robin throughout the entirety of a Batman game, up until the end where you get jealous that he's the hero and steal his title.
dream based walking simulator with easy to use map editor and workshop support
I meant finished games, ideas sure aren't enough but a bit of early effort isn't either. The most important thing is to be able to finish the projects you've started. I've finished a few games but they're pretty awful and not something I'd like to show off here. The thing is that it's all just talk before you have a couple of games behind you. So unless you have actually finished a game or two you shouldn't be so smug about yourself and believe you are so superior to idea guys because you're not.
You've got magic fists. You can project any force over a short distance that your hands can normally exert.
There's a guy 20 feet away? You can punch him from where you are, or you can throw him towards yourself to kick him in the face. Two guys across a gap, standing side by side? Knock their heads together. Monorail speeding overhead? Grab on and go whoosh. Ceiling pipe way out of reach? Grab and swing like you're using a rope.
Only the mindset of being engaged in battle lets your powers loose. Keep your combo up to enable your magic. Lose it and you have to do things the hard way. Rely too much on the magic and it'll short out for a bit.
Controls intended to be WASD and surrounding keys for combat and movement. Mouse controls a cursor for selecting what your magic interacts with. LMB for grab, RMB for hit, and mouse wheel for forward/back. For example, hold LMB on an enemy to grab them and scroll back to yank them towards you. Hold RMB next to an enemy's head and swipe right to knock them sideways.
All I want is a Bayonetta vs DMC game
I'm not "giving up" my free time if I enjoy working on the game, which luckily I do. We'll see how long it lasts, though.
Anyway, I always thought that this thread was for fun. It's fun to daydream about possible games without having to think about all the intricate stuff that actually goes into making the game work and be fun. Not to mention that anyone who's actually going to make a game already has an idea that they have ownership of, that they consider theirs, and no outside ideas can really compete with that.
Reminds me of Rune Factory Oceans. It had a nice setting.
It's a real shame this game was mediocre. In a way it's what I would really want for my dream game. It was a very experimental game but didn't have the quality put into like the Rune Factory Frontier, 3, and 4. I hope Marvelous thinks of making another RF some day and gives this another try while ironing out what worked and what didn't.
Kind of reminds me of Knights in the Nightmare for DS.
Better to steal ideas from an obscure corner of the Internet with a somewhat questionable reputation that deletes old threads, because fewer people will know about it and it will be harder to find evidence you stole the idea.
capcom vs touhou vs jojo's bizarre adventure
Here's an idea I've had for a while for a third-person action game:
You are a blind martial artist who fights by creating an image of his surroundings in his head.
The screen is black, and things only become 'visible' when sound bounces off of them. However, the images are fleeting, and fade quickly.
Combat would be slower-paced and deliberate, and would focus more on defensive parries and counter attacks. Movement would utilize both analog sticks (similar to how you move in Katamari Damacy), and actions would therefore be relegated to the shoulder buttons and triggers (right arm, right leg, left arm and left leg). Using the analog sticks, you distribute the weight of your body for your attacks (a hard right punch, for example, would require pushing forward with the left stick briefly, flicking it backwards while flicking the right stick forward and pulling the right trigger).
It was a 3D fighting game with S4 League characters. It's weapon based (characters are mainly using the weapons from game) and it has short combos. The main mechanic of the game is SP (Stamina Point i think?) system. It works similiar to stamina bars you see in wrestling games and Art of Fighting; you can wall-jump from walls, run, dodge and use special attacks with enough SP. When you're completely out of SP your character stops for a few seconds to catch his/her/its breath, you can speed up this process by repeatedly pressing the designated buttons.
I had a complete list of 27 characters (20 normal, 2 EX and 5 bosses), their backstories and even movelists back in 2012 but they were all in my old MP4 and it suddenly died someday. Also that was the time i learned that i can't draw for shit.
1.no smug intentions, im trying to explain why ideafags are annoying and trying to motivate them to actually do something if their idea is worth telling people about also to promote our dead board
2.i AM superior to ideafags, because i actually work on projects instead of sitting around wanking to my ideas. my 3 older projects were in game maker or ruby
ideafagging is looked down upon for a reason
this thread is filled with people pitching games like 12 year olds/redditors
its making me seriously question where they all came from