>he's STILL gaming on a proprietary operating system in the current year
What the fuck are you even doing with your life?
>he's STILL gaming on a proprietary operating system in the current year
What the fuck are you even doing with your life?
Other urls found in this thread:
Playing video games, unlike people using Linux.
Epic meme bruh.
That looks like complete ass.
Linux is much more comfy than windows, but I'll probably be gaming on 7 for the rest of my life. Sage because although I appreciate the linux presence on this board, this thread isn't likely to contain much about videogames.
Why can't i just download .deb files from internet? I don't give a fuck about The Debian Way™ it's just the OS that my Laptop came with it, as much as i hate modern gaymen i'll keep gaming on Windows 7 with updates disabled.
speaking as someone who loves GNU/Linux, no, just no. i love it for what it is, but for anything graphics related that doesnt involve render farms GNU/Linux is a fucking shitshow. GNU/Linux is way ahead of windows in many ways, but good god is its graphics stack in need of reworking. hopefully AMDs new drivers and wayland will fix the shitshow that is gaming on linux, but til then i wouldnt even consider it.
literally every distro is fucktarded in one way or another. debian never has the software i want, fedora tends to fucking break in small but annoying ways, ubuntu is retarded, and most other distros are either worse or are made for literal autists and people with very specific use cases where the ass backwards design decisions pay off
Build it from source, faggot.
This. I use a linux distro every day, but if I need to play vidya I usually boot into the windows partition.
Big mistake.
Not wasting my time on pointless shit like trying to make a server OS into a desktop gaming system.
systemd, pulseaudio, dbus, gfx card drivers, no stable ABI and a dynamic link system that makes DLL hell look pleasant. Linux desktop is complete shit and a waste of time. Deb and RHEL are the only serious options and they both suffer from everything above. Everything else is amateur-hour shit that's usually half broken.
.deb files from the Internet
But you can..
Lemme guess, Intel/Nvidia user on Windows 10?
What does Holla Forums think of BSD?
great on a server
It's the way to be played!
Of course I had to notice this right after finishing the fucking game. Maybe it's a good excuse to play the game again on Ranger Hardcore.
I use GNU/linux for everything that isn't games and I do try and play some games on it if they're supported, but my mobo/CPU don't support GPU passthrough and WINE doesn't work with 1:1 performance on a lot of games so I generally boot into Wangblows for games.
If developers and GPU manufacturers actually started giving a shit then I'd love to avoid Binbows, but until that point I'll have to stick with my current setup.
I'm using my Thinkpad x220 with Linux Mint XFCE, it's comfy and fast as fuck. Currently playing Diablo 2 (runs perfect with WINE, even D2SE runs fine), Torchlight 2, Shadowrun Dragonfall and Hammerwatch.
My thinkpad is starting to show it's age, though. Even with a new cooling fan and thermal paste, temperatures go up like crazy while playing E.Y.E. or Torchlight
At least post some Linux games, recent game launches for Linux, guides for running games with Wine, or distro recommendations.
These OPs are cancerous as fuck, you're barely above template thread-tier shit.
Debian Stable is too outdated
If you don't want/know/care about fixing dependencies or building stuff from source, I suggest you an Ubuntu derivative like Xubuntu, Kubuntu, Lubuntu (or LXLE) or ElementaryOS if you're an actual faggot.
and that's ignoring the moderately active Minetest and Xonotic threads, along with an occasional Libre Vidya thread
Xonotic is pretty damn good.
Gotta try minetest one of these days. Never played Mineycraft before
Been playing Dota 2. Everything important seems to work. My other games are dogshit or windows only. Somebody will make a real game for me one day.
I'm playing Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead (en.cataclysmdda.com
First picture is the base that my school janitor character set up in the hallway after purging the place of zombie sprogs. Huge pile of books, food, water and crafting materials - I set up an electric forge running off of a car battery that I charge with an alternator attached to some foot pedals (that's the directly below the character) that I used to forge myself an arming sword and a crossbow. Currently training to make a gambeson, a full suit of maille and a great helm and cleanse this land of its unholy invaders.
Second picture is someone's graphical build with a tileset, but I've played DF in ASCII for far too long to play with a tileset now.
They're in for the money. They want people paying monthly fees on their platform and buying DLC constantly. 15 years ago they gave away development tools and released the game engines to the public as free publicity for an upcoming sequel or a new game by the same studio.
GNU/Linux users don't want what the modern industry has become to invade their community. They'll either make engine replacements and use the original assets or make their own games. A project like NetHack will still be in development in 2087.
default theme sucks 100%
If I wanted a toaster with no games I'd buy a ps4.
How come people always make a separate windows and Linux partition, instead of just running windows in a virtual machine? I've heard games will supposedly run just as fine if pcie passthrough is enabled, AND you'll be able to make use of full disk encryption. Plus there's no telling if one day windows will suddenly fuck with your linux partition.
I run a dual boot myself and it's a tremendous hassle to boot into windows every time I want to play a game, especially since my linux partition is inaccessible from windows because it's encrypted.
I have Linux on everything except for my vidya PC. Windows has more compatible games than Linux, and I don't care that much about being apart of the botnet if it means that my technocratic overlords supply me with working vidya.
When there is a distro that actually works without needing to dig through forums for fixes every time I want to do something new I'll make the switch.
Also decent Thrustmaster drivers would be nice.
I was looking into buying a cheap PC with used parts that supported the virtualization passthrough features and it's almost impossible. This technology has only became prevalent on motherboards in the last 6-7 years, most people won't have it. After one more generation of new CPU sockets from AMD and Intel it'll be much popular, by the end of this year for around $300 you'll be able to get a decent motherboard, CPU and 16gb of DDR4.
All is well in the world
It honestly blows my mind people are autistic enough that they'd rather jump through all these hoops just to play video games in the first place
what type of job pays you tons of money to dick around in linux?
any sysadmin/devops job requires a good understanding of Linux systems
Most jobs involved in networking. I doubt that user works for the supercomputing sector and the engineering and industrial firmware programming sectors are still mainly Windows
If you have to manage or interact with servers then you need to know linux, pretty much every single one of them uses it just because it can be so lightweight.
you tried, 1/5
GPU passtrough, nuggas. Look it up.
This should be screencapped and posted whenever delusional freetards and linuxnerds pop up.
Just a reminder there are paid shills who look in every thread on Holla Forums and Holla Forums to disparage Linux
It's cool. I use MirBSD Korn shell on all my computers, even though I don't actually use BSD. Also, I prefer BSD's straightforwardness in both the implementation and the documentation of their tools.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with Lunix's graphical stack. The only problem we have is lack of Direct3D, for obvious reasons.
I said the same thing about XP. There will come a point in time where an upgrade is necessary.
Only GNU/Linux people consider it bad, and not exactly for technical reasons. Wintards have had shitty non-modular overengineered init systems since forever and you don't see them complaining about it because, when it comes to Windows, it is what it is.
Shit, but not as shitty as you would think right now. It is not necessary at all, anyway.
True that. AMDGPU is there, tho.
My ass.
That's only good for servers user. Stick with testing. That or get a non-pozzed distro like fedora or gentoo.
Arent 99% of games and associated platforms proprietary anyway? Its like slipping the noose only to trip and break your neck.
user you may have a chance to break your neck when slipping but the thing with the noose is not slipping is certain death
But stallman doesn't use linux
u fucking wot m8? i have read post after post about how x11 is a fucking shitshow to work with and to maintain, i mean its a fucking 30 year old protocol for christs sake.
the official graphics drivers are an afterthought for all 3 major vendors, and while AMD are only missing a few features in the free drivers, nvidias free drivers lack basic shit such as 3D acceleration because the cunts at nvidia wont even fucking give them the details they need to implement them, and the only way youre gonna get anything is if someone reverse engineers it into existence.
see pulseaudio
Not even like 50% of gaymen desktop computers have CPUs with support for PCI passthrough. I'm not spending another $200 just to avoid dual booting. It's also a tremendous pile of fuck to setup.
pci-passthrough is great in theory, problem is in reality its too much of a clusterfuck to make it worth your while unless you absolutely need GNU/Linux on the same machine you game on
Anyone know of an up to date guide for install DX9 through wine? I found a guide that had me set a bunch of exceptions, but the links were fragmented so I had to piece it together from comments and wasn't successful.
Not surprising for someone who types like a poonigger.
ReactOS any good?
It can actually already play Skyrim and its been in development a fraction of the man hours WINE has been in development . I expect ReactOS to surpass WINE in compatibility in a couple years at this rate. Linux' monolithic kernel shit is really bad at running multiple subsystems where micro/monolithic kernels like Windows NT are more equipped for such functions. This applies to NT clones like ReactOS as well
Yes it does user yes it does…
Do you have any actual pad not keyboard song pack recommends?
Fun fact; Stallman has never actually installed GNU/Linux by himself and Linus Torvalds can't even install Debian by himself
What controllers just work on Linux?
My Saturn pad works fine, but I'm curious in case I want to play on something with analog sticks.
Also if anyone has any issues with getting a pad to work, Qjoypad lets you map pad buttons individually to keyboard inputs.
dualshock controllers have native drivers in the kernel, likewise the xbox controllers also work with xboxdrv, the gamecube controller also works, you may need to add a single line in a config file and reload udev, but thats pretty much it.
We all know shut up
Feels bad
show me a game made by big company that is 100% supported on linux and was made in 2016 and isn't total shit
you can't
Unporkypie $$$'s copy anything free and people go for that. Instead of helping build somethingbthat goes on.
So things are done, sold, die. Eaten and something wrong grows with a larger apetite which it can't satisfy from it's own.
So all that matters is the free stuff. Resist temptation and raise it. The $$$ stuff wants to be free too, just doesn't want to fall under. Be left behind.
People responsible for a hit of beauty need to be treated better. Musicians and such, given what help that people can for them to get better.
Ones who have cheated, went to uni, they made their choice. Chose what they thought beauty and reality came from. Chose wrong.
I'd rather use Windows 7 instead of constantly tussling with my entire OS just to get it to work the way I want it to like people here mention.
Not to mention I don't run servers, program, or anything else that would supposedly be beneficial to use Linux for. What advantages would a Linux distro give to me, the average end-user?
Define "control" because I can wrangle Windows into doing what the fuck I want it to do for day-to-day tasks.
Ever wanted someone to say "GNOME?" and then ramble about KDE for a while and then they question themselves "Why am I running linux?"
then install ganoo+loonix
There is no such game.
until mint starts supporting my monitor's resolution I am sticking with windows.
Checkmate faggots hahahaha
I don't think so, it's not a cycle. With the direction microsoft's taken I'm done with them. Furthermore, I doubt there will be a point in time where there are new games I want to play that won't run on linux.
back to >>>/a/ with you
What resolution is it?
because linux sucks and i like video games that don't suck
voidlinux deprecated arch, user-kun