Duke Nukem
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Doesn't Gearbox have the rights to Duke?
it"ll be shit. screencap this
Yeah they do.
Nothing to see here, disperse before they kill Doom and Duke all in a single year.
Duke is what 2016 would need, but not by Gearbox.
so mobarpg duke nukem hmm
They'll fuck it up badly.
inb4 Duke is just a character for Borderlands 3
Aren't both of those dead already?
Have you forgotten DN: Forever?
Duke Nukem what?
Believe it or not, yeah, I did for a moment. It wasn't heretically awful enough to be remembered forever, but it wasn't good either.
Current year Duke will be great
What a fag.
Gearbox is probably just releasing their version of Duke Nukem 3D. In case you haven't noticed the GOG and Megaton Edtions have been removed for sale for awhile now.
Please no its dead, he's already dead.
It should be no surprise at this point that rich, white celebrities living the most comfortable lives imaginable are leftists who have no need for, and therefore possess no knowledge of politics or current events.
I own them both.
Feels special
So Duke is abandonware again, just like Descent.
Well, he's voicing Duke Nukem so he might be an SJW at least. I mean, they're not going to make Duke some fagloving feminist right guys? Guys? GUYS?!?!?
Richfags fall into 3 main categories;
1.) Voice actors, actors, Hollywood guys. Almost always left-leaning.
2.) People who run Wall St. usually right-leaning but almost always just Jews who pour money into left-wing politics.
3.) The idle rich. Almost always right-wing. Sometimes they come out of their idle state and that's what gives us people like Ronald Reagan, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Donald Trump.
This is destined for failure AND you are a fuckin' moron if you believe anything otherwise.
Pitchford is "arguing" with him on Twitter, it's so fucking cringey
Expect the absolute worst.
I'd ask for screencaps, but I cringed like a raisin at the very idea of it all.
how the fuck was Donald Trump ever "idle"?
They are going to, user.
They removed all the classic Duke Nukems from stores, because they want to eradicate the original macho figure from history and replace him with a numale.
I can see it coming.
It will have Denuvo.
No big publisher or developer is going to give douk the game douk needs, or make the game current year needs. I'm not sure if any of those fuckers have even heard a joke since 2000 and they can't even design levels anymore
>Implies everyone who doesn't like the NEW DUKE is a homophobe
I heard that they gave Duke a line where he says, "Bazinga."
Maybe Trump was never idle. I was just comparing him to other rich Republicans that got into office. I love when Demotards say "Trump is a businessman not a politician!" When in the past fucking Hollywood actors became president. Trump is much more qualified than even Reagan was
The amusing thing is, that the over the top macho figure was actually meant as a parody of 80s action movie cliche right from the start.
But when you show some dumb SJWs the old game, they take everything as being meant literally.
SJWs can't into irony.
If 3d Realms or former members aren't making it I don't care
Always bet on Duke, am I right?
Just pirate the Duke3D Megaton Edition. That's all you need.
Reagan was governor of California before he became President. He had some experience.
Yes, they do.
What I'm expecting:
Worst case scenario, it's just another shitty re-release of DN3D Atomic Edition with a Windows port and blur filtering, maybe bundled together with DN Forever at a value price.
If we are lucky, we might get a Duke Nukem Megapack that also includes remastered versions of Duke Nukum and Duke Nukem 2, plus emulated versions of the PSX and N64 games.
Best case scenario, an HD remaster of DN3D with DX11 effects, hd textures and sprites replaced for 3d models inspired by eDuke32 + HRP.
tfw when launched Megaton edition and found a new map secret in a 20 years old game.
can't see anything good comin' outta this
Fuck this shit. Replacing textures/models in a game with low poly level design doesn't make it HD suddenly. It just enters a weird no mans land where everything clashes and looks out of place.
Duke3D is a game which is perfectly fine at 320x240 on a CRT monitor. Just don't stretch it do 16:9 on a 50" LCD TV.
can't it be a new good duke nukem game?
I'm sure there'll still be over-the-top violence. They seem to enjoy using that to cloak anti-humor, fag cameos and ideological themes, now. In the "indie" scene mostly, but we all know by now it's actually the same industry, the same people.
Things like the dukeburger/film set/washington DC levels, an enemy like pig cops except original (pig cops will be in), exciting or engaging gameplay are what I don't expect to see.
I partially agree with you, but I really liked eDuke32 + HRP, more than I think I should. I haven't confirmed this, but I'm under the impression that it also changed the hitboxes to conform with the new 3D models for enemies, with a noticeable improvement in gameplay.
It could be, but I find it pretty unlikely if it's supposed to be a new Duke AAA title. If only because there hasn't been any rumours, and in this day and age that's pretty unusual.
their twitter looks like they tried doing a sonic but failed.
Maybe he doesn't want to be tied to a specific political party? I know I wouldn't.
If he turned down voicing the DNC you would all be screaming and crying about how great he is.
Besides Commiefornia what makes you think he doesnt just want to be tied to a political party?
That could get him into trouble since his Duke voice is iconic.
Don't bring reason to a Holla Forums hugbox scum.
Balkan Slavs are capable of some amazing shit.
Then why post about it at all?
Blow it out their ass.
Can someone explain why people care about Duke Nuken?
1 and 2 were pretty generic platformers of the time, 3D was a fun game and the first I played where hiding behind a pole actually stopped splash damage. I would have liked a couple of 3D sequels back then but it never happened.
Now 20 years and and terrible sequel later people still care for some reason.
Go away, lefty-faggot derailer.
spotted the millennial.
I figured saying "the first I played where hiding behind a pole actually stopped splash damage" would make it clear I played it in 1996 but apparently not.
Now can you actually explain why you care about this long dead series?
Except that isn't the reason he gave. He said he did it for his conscience or something to that effect, strongly implying he would be disgusted with himself to be associated with Trump.
Reddit misses you. Please go back.
Does he still has the Balls of steel?
You know it's possible to not want to be associated with either primary party right? Just because he hates one candidate doesn't mean he likes the other.
bullshit, you didn't play it anywhere earlier than 2005.
So the only reason you can give for caring about DN is the fact that you think I'm young?
they just cant leave the corpse alone can they?
"Look, how progressive I am!"
where were you when Gearbox made Duke into a feminist?
It's time to chew ass.
Like I said, earlier.
Dick Kickem in [CURRENT YEAR] was a mistake.
If this happens those responsible must be punished. It is our duty to punish them.
At least we can laugh at the game like DmC.
Duke Nukem is a feminist now user, check your privilege and my dubs
Hahah lol shoot me now :DDD
Oh, yes. Literally the only good thing that will come out of this fuckin' train wreck.
pretty much, this is gonna be an embarrassment that will HOPEFULLY kill em off
Why the fuck is anyone excited about this? It's the "current year" you'd have to be really naive and absolute retard to think anything good is going to come out of this.
Honestly the best we can hope for at this point is that it is such a colossal failure that they will sell off the IP to a company that isn't shit.
No idea which company that would be in current year, but I'm just saying.
Nobody is. Everybody here's expressing their disappointment of seeing Duke becoming another SJW character.
Croteam. Probably Croteam.
Croteam or Devolver.
I wouldn't be surprised after this inevitable failure, Duke Nukem gets permanently shelved. I'm actually surprised they're willing to try again after the COLOSSAL shit show that was Duke Nukem Forever.
Burn in hell for posting this you piece of shit.
The 2D Duke games were the best ones.
So guys, what are some good mods for Douk3D? I only played the main game, and was more of an Unreal guy so i don't know much about its mods.
after Prequel and Battleborn they have to use the Duke IP since they think it'll save em.
This guy is right, RWS is the only dev to show a defined dislike for this sort of over-sensitivity. StreumON has to my knowledge not done anything SJW but they're also FrenchCanadian and might simply not comprehend human interaction.
There is life eternal within the eater of souls. Nobody is ever forgotten or allowed to rest in peace. They populate the simulation spaces of its mind, exploring all the possible alternative endings to their life.
There is a fate worse than death, you know.
It's going to be funny as hell to watch liberals attempt to get Duke's personality right. I can imagine the collective "ughs" and "gross" coming from the developers as they work on the game. Or, maybe I'm expecting too much. They're just going to retcon his entire personality anyway.
Why would these politically correct wet blankets think they could do Douk any fucking justice.
This is a niche series now. What the fuck are they thinking here?
No, just French.
high level real estate requires more negotiation and political finesse than anything any candidate has had to work with since the Berlin Wall collapsed. Trump is quite honestly the best possible choice for president.
The guy who voices duke nukem has said in interviews before how he did not like doing it since since it was crass or something if I remember right. He is also an oversensitive chode on social media.
Why don't we make some knock off duke nukem. Call it Doug Huggem or something.
Give him suplex moves.
Really? Then why did he kept doing it in Douk forever?
Dick Kickem
Doug Huggem: The Authentic Kenny Omega experience!
Involving a full level of you Zangief ultraing dummies.
most of the audio from that game was old as dirt when it was released.
It made them money, that's why it's getting a sequel.
thing is the games needs a budget and tallent to be good. the reason Holla Forums projects keep failing is because it's supposed to be free. if we can get 50,000 dollars and dedicated people then we could pull it off.
No wonder why EYE can be so depressing at times.
Even if he does not become [CURRENT YEAR] duke, he is bound to become MEME NUKEM.
It's a loss/loss scenario, Duke truly is a relic.
Shame Sam is not actually funny nor charismatic as a character.
People dont take projects seriously thats all. If you work for free and your visions dont perfectly align then youre going to get dropped fast.
When money is involved… do you think anyone here legitimately has the project management skills to keep autists in line? Youd have to be physically close doing it online just doesnt work
and it only made them money because it was essentially a sweep up job that was highly anticipated. if they actually tried to fund their own duke game it would fail spectacularly.
He doesn't deserve that manly voice while being such a pussy in real life.
So, let me play devil's advocate here and say that the only reason they're trying to bring bake Duke in [Current Year +1] is because of the unfathomable failure of Battleborne. Maybe they are going "ok let's see when try to cater to the non-SJWs". Might be too little, too late, but let's wait and see.
what the fuck happened with gearbox? that shit is to sexists
This is pure desperation to try to recoup losses, nothing more.
But they won't, because these Current year people will dare complain about Duke Fucking Nukem making raunchy jokes and yadda yadda yadda you get the picture, they just can't accept it.
That is sadly such the case these days.
Can't say if its true for opposite cases like 'Actor plays a character who either sounds or looks like a whimp, but turns out to be cool'
That's basically what said. GearBox is so desperate for a financially successful game that they're dusting off ol' Duke to get those "misogynistic women hater" money.
Too bad it's going to be absolute shit. We're going to get a meme spouting Duke. And, no. I don't want that.
It's less "expecting anything good from gearbox" and more "if they want to improve, let them"
I sincerely doubt they're ready to show any new Duke shit considering Battleborn is barely 4 months old. this will be some HD remake or something at best.
Parisians making the least pretentious game ever, wow
He already does that. The references are just old now.
Those were mostly one liners from movies, at least they sound cool and fitting for an action setting, to suddenly break in a completely detached meme to the action around you, now that is the bad use of a meme.
They will probably show some pre rendered "Teaser trailer" for a new Duke game.
They were making this a while before battleborne's release, it's reception didn't have any bearing on this project. They are desecrating the build engine and making Jon st john record hopelessly outdaded memes.
Kill me, Pete
Remake of one of the first games maybe?
It will be another Doot4 then
New episode for Duke3d I heard.
Now we need a picture of Duke Dyke Nukem with that lopsided half shaved pink hairstyle and problem glasses proclaiming her pronouns.
Why are people upset with this? Duke is ridiculously outside of SJW comfort zones so the fact he'll be edgy and offensive is good. Fuck the haters I'm preordering as soon as I can
get the fuck out randy
I've always felt Postal 2 was a more modern even more offensive version of Duke Nukem so that would totally fit.
Kill yourself
Doom 4 was pretty good.
I remember when Anthony was saying DNF was better than Half-Life 2 and if they had released it before HF2 it would have defined the genre.
I hate them so much.
We don't even know what the fuck the game is about, Anthony and/or Pitchford. Trigger warnings are not a good sign.
Both of you can fuck off.
Trigger warnings of any kind ain't good, idiot.
And shitbox pulled them all from GOG.
You know what the best thing about Doom 4?
How angry it made piratefags like you, for that reason I love denuvo.
The game isn't even worth pirate anyway.
i want to stick my dick right in between those dick sucking lips
Honestly, I wouldn't have downloaded 65 gigs of shit if I didn't feel remorse for those five shekels.
does Mark count?
His normal manner of speech is pretty faggy, and he looks like he rarely if ever took a shower. I'll bet he'll welcome offers from the Democrats though. You either accept campaign offers from both parties like an OG nigga or none at all.
what do they mean by this?
So if he said he didn't want to be apart of the DNC he would also be progressive?
Which is why I want Gearbox to crawl up its own asshole and die. Fortunately they seem to be well on the way to doing just that.
It wasn't.
GTA5 is full of that shit.
At least they also shit on Scientology and libtards, but the equal opportunity offender shtick is lame.
You ARE aware Doom 1 exists, right?
You see the irony in this right?
White nationalists are parodies of themselves without any libshit writing it.
Take the rope pill
Take my cock pill.
This quote sans the rest of the post would be fine.
Oh b-but keep the titties
That fucker works at the NSA and people wonder how it got hacked.
The games are still on digital stores
Who fucking cares about the politics of a voice actor.
You sure you should be posting here, user? You don't want your employment at Gearbox to be put in danger, do ya?
He wouldn't be if he said he did it to be able to sleep at night. But that's not what happened. What he did was brag about how he cleared his conscience by not doing something for the republicans.
user, stop embarrassing yourself.
not duke. there should be limits. some things should be sacred.
Why does current year have to suck so much?
oh look, a boy scout.
is there anything more pathetic than a bitch so beta that he white knights for a corporation of all things? like he knows he will never even get so much as a whiff of pussy, he is just that desperate for Senpai(®)'s approval.
DOOM and its clones are my bar-none favorite games, and just about every one of them is being raped in the current year. Can we really not just get an oldschool shooter that's fast as hell, has hordes of enemies, is decently difficult, knows how to place items and enemies, and doesn't try to incorporate modern shooter mechanics?
Okay everyone, I've got a crazy idea.
We all know every gaming rag will be triggered by this. Every feminist will weep to Jezebel. Hell, st Anita will devote multiple episodes to this.
We also know that it's going to suck.
Let's all buy it anyway.
Fuck it, I haven't played Duke Nukem since he was a side scrolling platformer made by Apogee. But isn't this the point of duke? He's supposed to be shit? But that doesn't mean he can't still be fun.
So we make this game great
and we watch as absolutely everyone's brains melt out their fucking ears
>inb4 ebin shill.
suck my benis
Don't let memes be dreams
I can agree to that to some degree, but the ones opposing them are even bigger faggots.
Serious sam is a pretty bland game. It's just a grind fest with a potato tier story.
Other games had better graphics in that time lad. And theres no way those textures stand up to modern games. Don't let your slavphilia blind you.
randy bitchford plz
Who the fuck is that?
And don't say google it
explain in your own words
Seriously I don't even know if that's an insult.
But let me explain my logic. They're going to be timid about this game because yeah, it's cuckbox, but if it does well, their greed will get the better of them and they might go whole hog on a sequel.
Is there an old franchise that was big and hasn't been dragged through the mud at this point?
So where?
It may be disappointing, but I was overall fine with him turning it down. Less fine with virtue-signalling it, but maybe it's best to make it public knowledge to avoid rumors later.
Ahnold ran Commiefornia and endorsed fucking Kasich. He should stick to movies.
I feel like you anons might be implying something
Is it weird that I'm actually hoping for this to turn out to be a trainwreck?
if this is bait you got me
It will be shit. Just let it go. Duke Nukem won't work in this day and age.
Unless its a indie game instead of some AAA company, then it "might" be promising.
The new game might possibly be a collaboration with another developer.
Also, if you just read the first and last paragraph:
I don't think Randy is evil, he's just severely out of touch.
Can't be any worse than metal gear solid survive.
I get the weird feeling I'm going to regret those words.
See you face cowboy.
Those were never big franchises, but heretic was fun as fuck multiplayer. I don't know if you guys ever got a chance to play it multi but it was better than doom multi.
who said he was evil and why is it relevant, if Lucifer himself appeared to the world, started a game company and released an amazing game I wouldn't disparage anyone who wanted to pay him for it.
okay. Hey next can you help me format a letter?
Naw dude. I'm just drunk on the hope that there will ever be another good duke Nukem game
also lots of gin
And it's less that I'm too lazy to look it up, and more that I just don't care to learn any more names of developer cucks. I just don't want to give them that dignity.
Anyway, this was fun. I like you user.
so who's excited for the Commander Keen reboot?
I want Duke Nukem made by Rockstar Games or maybe Platinum Games.
I'm gonna wait until I see who the fuck that dev is.
if you truly never played Duke3D you should just go play that since for you it will be a 'new' game, and it's easily the best game to ever bear the Duke name, I doubt anyone would genuinely argue otherwise.
note I said PLAY not pay for, shitbox doesn't deserve to be rewarded for something they had no hand in creating. just get a torrent/zip (check the share thread if you need help) of the GOG edition that isn't even available to buy anymore, and enjoy a game that would never be made or sold in today's hyper-cucked social-political climate. happy fragging.
Negro, everything they touch doesn't turn to gold.
Rockstar maybe but not really. I honestly don;t know who could duke justice nowadays.
Wasn't it rumored that croteam was cooperating with another dev for a new game?
Though it's probably not them.
Of fucking course.
Blow it out your ass.
Yeah, them getting 3D removed from GoG is pretty shit. I had it at one point but it wouldn't work on my PC. This was back in 56k dial up days for me so I didn't know about things like compatability patches yet. I'll probably look for it when I get a new computer.
check the share thread, there's a huge GoG torrent with shit that isn't on their store anymore. There might be a Duke there
Let's be honest, Duke Nukem is the most badass video game ever made.
I'm about to headbang just watching this lel
Burch Nukem
The Cuck King doesn't work at Gearbox anymore, though. I'm not saying it's not gonna be a meme-ridden pile of SJW garbage, but it won't be written by Burch.
But Duke will become the thing he hates
Didn't they bring him back to write some lines for Battleborn? Even if he doesn't work there full time anymore, they could still bring him back for some lines in Duke.
It feels nice.
Maybe he wrote some shit then got the axe midway through development, but I can't see why they'd bring him in to write a few """""""jokes."""""""
this makes me moist
What if you combined these two? Duke goes through time to a world populated by GI Janes and beta males. Only his strong "outdated" masculinity can unify earth against rat aliens.
I don't think Pitchford and Gearbox are really SJWs. I think all they care about is money so they portray themselves as being progressive because they don't want to get a wag of the finger from game journos.
fuck off
A close second would be the original Shadow Warrior, if only because it raped the fuck out of Asian stereotypes and constantly jizzed comedy gold.
Then there's no time travel needed, the game can be set in 2016.
I'm here to suck ass and play WiiU… and my ex took my WiiU.
So aside from Opposing Force, has Gearbox ever made anything of worth? Were the Brothers in Arms games any good?
Borderlands 1 was okay, even though I preferred 2 in someways outside of writing and a more obnoxious tone. At least they can make decent, well optimized PC ports if they care enough.
If gearbox did an actual lampshaping of SJWism they represent by saying fuck it and using the excuse that Duke Nukem's IP is just offensive intrinsically, I'd gain atleast a modicum of respect for them.
they did a decent job porting Halo to PC for all that's worth
maybe it was only decent on 2003 computers
Fuck everything.
Can we get the Sonic PR guy to tweet at this faggot?
If anything they need to learn from the best.
lmao randy cant handle the bantz
Good thing they warned me it was gonna be shit before they started.
Truly a master.
It works like a charm on my 2016 PC
Flying Wild Hog maybe? They did the Shadow Warrior reboot.
I know Gearbox removed Duke Nukem the Megaton edition cause they're greedy assholes I didn't think it applied to all versions of Duke Nukem 3D. Fuck you Randy
They removed ALL Duke Nukems, including the platformers like Manhattan Project and left only their own shit up.
It'd be great if the new game was a satire of all the SJW bullshit going on in gaming. Have feminists and numales as the bad guys and make fun of how ridiculously retard they are. Make it a modern day Married with Children.
I thought they owned the license to Duke? Why would they still want Forever up anyways?
I wont be surprised if they do a satire or parody on something.
With or without mods, though? On my computer it can run at 60FPS, but it's capped at 720p and I can't adjust the FOV.
I heard this was a velocity thread from codeman.
Yep. You get a rope.
I can almost hear the cans.wav from the last one.
Hey stupid. There are more than just 2 options.
I never waited, I was never a fan of Duke, I never knew anything, I played a bit of the shareware and thought "where's the space levels?" then after years of playing other games, to hear the inevitable, to hear the fourth game coming, I wonder "a fourth game?" I brought it in retail
I regret it all
This doesn't even make me mad anymore, it doesn't make me even sad.
After what they did with DNF this just feels like they kicked a part of me that they already killed a long time ago.
Best way I can describe it is mildly disappointed with traces of pity to those involved in this.
I miss thq, tbh.
no way gearbox can do worse than what that bumblefuck george broussard did with DNF
Considering what they did with Colonial Marines, I think they can do far, far worse than anything Broussard ever did.
I'd take an unfinished dream game that never was released over a cheap shitshow that was used to get more money for Memelands any day of the week.
Sure, George Broussard was a fucking idiot, but he at least wanted to make a good game.
Fuck this faggot, how's Serious Sam's VA come to think of it? Are they all this pozzed?
what the fuck is this
It's my dick in a box!
I think you forget the horror stories of what went on during the development of DNF.
Shit like
I can never forgive that piece of shit.
A CN intern drew his shitty art over an original pencil sketch of Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop by the original character designer.
So far seen nothing that points to John Dick being a fag
At least Gearbox just put DNF out of its misery instead of keeping the show go on for longer. If George just released one build, the franchise would still be in his hands, and we'd probably have who knows how many dream games from the various DNF builds.
I just wonder how much of the DNF that we have now is actually made by Gearbox, and not just cobbled together.
I don't think he is. He liked Comicbookgirl19's Ghostbusters video on Youtube. Also, there is this video and his "Sympathy for the douche" vid.
Here's that video.
DNF is the only thing that I just can't blame on gearbox being shit.
DNF was a fucking mess because of Broussard and his autism. He killed Duke more thoroughly than sjwbox could have ever hoped to do.
They will turn duke into a giant feminist fannypack
Or turn him into some emotionally damaged faggot because it makes him "Deep"
But then they might just not do anything retarded to the character at all, since the only people who might actually buy the game are those that already like old Duke Nukem.
John is anything but a normalfag leftist
Duke will get beaten up by an uppity sheboon
So, fake?
I don't get it.
Months later, this picture never fails to induce seething rage into me.
Didn't they go bankrupt already after battleborne failed miserably? I expect this game to be a terrible clunky clone of the nuDOOM filled with current year memes.
Thanks for the money, Sega!
– ((( Randy "I used Sega's money to give a paycheck to Anthony Burch" Pitchford )))
I bet it's going to be a Kickstarter campaign. Some old farts trying to relive their glory days with other people's money. We have already seen it with Broken Age, Shroud of the Avatar and Star Citizen.
I wonder if, one day he will meet his "daughter" and her boss.
By the way, I think her shooter using the Build engine is still being developed. It's something, I guess.
not to mention John Romero and Adrian Carmack with that nonsense that they pulled from kikestarter after 3 days because people called them on having no gameplay to show (and having a stupendously corny teaser that imitated SJW Wars and was just plain embarrassing and proved that John learned absolutely nothing from the Daikatana marketing about restraining his public projection of arrogance and ego).
I said not to mention because really, those hacks should not be mentioned. shame on me for even bringing it up.
wew, I guess necrophilia isnt against the twatter guidelines
there is no greater feel than seeing something you made being disseminated, its even better than rape
Jesus that game looks bad, you're better off just playing the Megaton Edition instead
Fuck you! It's still hurts.
Newfag detected.
I just don't care anymore.
If i ever get the crawing I'll just replay 3d and all the other games like TTK or Manhattan.
It also damaged the brand beyond repair.
These screenshots… By the way, in a normal playthrough of Hollywood Holocaust, how do you get three liztroops and two pigcops in front of the cinema? Did they bait the two dudes at the exit or are they faking their screenshots already?
I hope the level design will be solid, because graphically, it's somewhere between Shadow Warrior and something really amateurish with bland textures (3rd pic). Maybe these are templates? IDK.
Which upsets me that some people who create content complain that people pirate their shit when they should be at least glad that people are enjoying what they made. I'd rather create something good and have people enjoy it rather than being a rich man .