Pedophilia is a mental illness. Pedophiles that have commit no crime should be incarcerated and studied to find a cure...

Pedophilia is a mental illness. Pedophiles that have commit no crime should be incarcerated and studied to find a cure, if no cure exists, they go to penal legions/work camps. Child rapists should be executed immediately.

There is nothing biologically wrong with attraction to females capable of ovulation and breeding. That said there is at least some evidence to suggest females breeding as early as 11 can threaten the life of the child and the mother, for this reason I support the age of consent remaining at 16, since most females will be able to safely breed by this point. Though we should strive to build a society free of whores and premarital sex so that AoC laws are not necessary.

Females should be trained to manage a house and raise children their entire lives, and they should begin meeting potential husbands when they get their first period.

Premarital sex is degenerate in most cases and the only exceptions I'd say are those that are virgins that give each other their virginity and then get married.

Allow me to reiterate: Pedophilia is a mental illness such as Homophilia or foot or scat fetishists(Thought foot and scat are less extreme and pose less of a threat) and they should not be allowed to participate in society. Those Pedophiles that abuse pre-pubescent children are irredeemable trash that deserve nothing but death.

Hebephilia is perfectly natural and attraction to females capable of producing eggs to be fertilized is not comparable to attraction to pre-pubescents. While this is true, it isn't generally healthy to breed until the female is around 16, so she should wait until she is that age and married.

Lastly and perhaps most importantly: Adolescents should be marrying adolescents(men in their early 20 at the latest), not old failures(If this upset you, I am talking about you.)

You deserve to be crucified.

Other urls found in this thread:


Bump to the max. Right there with you user. 16 is consent to a point though. Don't wanna see 30 y/o with a sweet 16 chickity

It is 16 in over 30 US statez.

The cure is a bullet to the brainstem.

Wow, that's one controversial statement.

I never said that. Who are you quoting?

I think I will move to one of these states then heh.

you're implying faggot, you didn't have to say it directly.

What threat does a foot fetish pose? I don't have one, I'm just generally curious as to how you came up with that.

A shitty thread made by a very confused faggot. Go find another board.

Bump for interest

Basically agree, the main problem with most forms of degeneracy is jews. Without them pretty much everything becomes okay again in moderation. But I'm gonna (1) drop your thread for something related and important.

If you are a pedo caught up in Pizzagate, come clean and repent. We will not kill you for your crimes. You will not be tortured. You will still be treated like a person. If you are a pedo who just keeps to themselves and masturbates to Tor pics… Fine. You are beneath our notice and can relax. If however you are deeply involved in human trafficking, this is your last chance survive what is coming for you.

You're a little too self concious. You aren't a bad person for being born with brain problems.

Word. Wonder when that fag who likes to post that case of a 9yr old marrying an adult in Tennessee will show up.


Falls under general hyper sexual degeneracy.

AoC should be 12-19 for teen
16+ for young adult consent ( 16-25 )
18+ for adult consent

Encourage young whites to have sex and reproduce. Don't fall for the college/work jew and wait for your wife to have autism babies in her 30s with rotten eggs.

No, kill them all, they threaten our future generation.

Right but what does pedophilia have to do with 2D drawings?

So what about hand jobs or oral sex? Do you think anything besides missionary sex for the purpose of procreation is degenerate?


Missionary for bonding in maariage is also acceptable. Oral "sex" is almost as bad as anal buggery.

Nah, they'll get tortured and killed after they rat their buddies out. This is war not some idealistic LARPfest.

What wrong with marrying a 10 year old and breeding with her at 14?
Its perfectly natural for older males to be attracted to younger girls and vice versa. Why do you wish to destroy white birth rates. Age of consent laws are feminists bullshit. It was literally made by old used hags who were jealous nobody wanted them.

You're the subversive kike trying to get your pedo friends an easy way out aren't you? You'll hang with the rest of them.

You're correct hebephillia is normal but 40yo men shouldn't be fucking 16yos.

You reek of christfaggotry and suppressing sex is just as bad as feminist bullshit.


Go back to cuckchan

Go back to cuckchan


Oh shit, shills out in force to pretend we don't want witnesses and testimony. To stick with the one drop or to call them out…

This IS a war, faggots. Think ahead. Don't be emotional.

But yes, pizzagate pedos, hurry the fuck up. Gentlemen like myself have little remaining patience, and we will stop holding our colleagues back soon enough. Would you rather come forward, admit to your crimes and deal with men like me, or would you rather lose your chance, and deal with the other gentlemen here?

This. In the 20s when teenagers would give themselves to older men the angry old hags would cry to the Mafia running their prostitution rings which led to whore houses and AoC laws being made.

Only Americans seem to sperg out about teenagers having sex.

Fucking 16 year olds is fine so long as you marry them and love them forever. The only thing degenerate is pre-pubescent sex and non-monogomous sex.

I'm just being wary of middle-aged men trying to justify fucking high school kids.

a person with a perversion who has no urge to act out, keeps it to himself, and doesn't try to promote/normalize his perversion in any way is the only type acceptable (and it couldn't be otherwise because it wouldn't be possible to tell the difference between such a person and normal people). i have severe sexual sadism (limited to fantasies), and as much as i wish i could get rid of it, i'm still thankful when i look around and see literal cuckolds, shit fetishists, femdom faggots, etc. that i got this instead of one of those.

This is all I'm saying.

I fap to loli doujins everyday haha


Why are you obsessing about pedophiles so much? There's no cure, only death.


More conservative cultures marry off daughters early in their lives, the ceremonial bullshit and consummation comes at a socially "appropriate" time. This is a good route to bring in eugenics, since it helps people plan out their child rearing in a more methodical way. None of this "oops we're dumb ass teen parents" horseshit that we have now.

I know a cure to paedophila.

It has nothing to do with horse shoe theory you moron. There is nothing degenerate about teens exploring sex, the only people who hate the idea are manchildren who missed out on it.

I agree that's a bit much. I'm simply defending a 15yo having sex with a 18yo is perfectly normal. I live in the Northeast and everyone seems to freak out about sex, it's weirdly taboo in the US.

AOC threads haven't been used to slide in a long time. I guess we're right back at square one.

1. Reveal Pizzagate and kill all pedos
2. Re-stigmatize any de-stigmatization that occurred in the last decade due to (((jew))) propaganda
3. Kill all jews and their servants
4. ???
5. Whitetopia

Did you miss

thank our Victorian era morality.

Feminist thread. Gas the child rapists, pedophilia is not a crime.

this a million times over

Pedophilia is not just another sexual preference. Pedophiles are like another species. Louie the CucK made a joke about how pedophiles are really determined to molest children and its true. They would kill their own family and betray their own country in order to feed their perversion.

Jews know this, which is why they use taxpayer money to ensnare them in hidden camera stings. If you want to know why white countries have open borders, it's because your politicians are blackmailed pedophiles.

I came to this realization because I have a family member who is a pedophile, who now lives at a psych ward. When I went to visit him I told him about how politicians in my country were revealed to be running a child abuse ring, how there was a massive coverup and children were killed to hide evidence. His first reaction was to sympathize with the politicians and ask me what right I had to judge them.

This was a lesson in how set apart the pedophile's psychology is from the rest of society. He didn't think about the victims, he thought about how those politicians shared his perversion so that must mean they are his friends.

i don't give a shit about this subject because i don't think pedophilia is acceptable to any civilized society.
But i have to point out that this isn't how the law works.
You're advocating for thought crime.

yes but i think everyone can agree that large age differences that cross puberty are bad. something like a 15yo having sex with a 23 for example
thats a huge difference in terms of maturity- those couple years of puberty make a huge difference. shit, even a lot 18 year olds look like kids to me now. if your taste in women is stuck at the same point as when you were a kid, theres something seriously wrong with you

Which is reasonable, but the question is why? Is there a tangible benefit to making AoC 15 instead of 16?

Oh, and in most places, there are laws restricting age difference in sexual partners. Where I live, I'm pretty sure it's 4 years unless both are adults, which means it's illegal, even with AoC laws, for someone over 20 to have sex with a 16 year old. If you ask me, even a 20 year old fucking a 16 year old is degenerate, since you really have to ask how they met. Is the 20 year old prowling around a high school trying to fuck kids? Are they fucking friends of a younger sibling? And yes, at 16, a person is still a child.

yes but i think everyone can agree that large age differences that cross puberty are bad. something like a 15yo having sex with a 23 for example
thats a huge difference in terms of maturity- those couple years of puberty make a huge difference. shit, even a lot 18 year olds look like kids to me now. if your taste in women is stuck at the same point as when you were a kid, theres something seriously wrong with you


you dont know shit. same people like you thought to enslave blacks and now we run this world. cant wait until we get rid of you close minded idiots

[email protected]

How you define pedophile is important. We are currently living under a matriarchal definition of the word which only exists to serve the ends of hags who hate you.

Post-pubescent girls are attractive to normal men. It would be odder if they weren't. They are also capable of having children, by definition. Wanting to have sex with them is natural, even if you don't do it for whatever reason. A definition of pedophilia which includes the range of postpubescent girls to our current age of consent criminalizes ALMOST ALL MEN.

If postpubescent girls aren't being married off, you are living in a matriarchal society. The only reason for a post-pubescent girl to not have children is because of the feminist sex cartel. High AOC does two things for the matriarchy: reduces the threat range of competetition for mates for the hags, and gives them time to inculcate their matriarchal values into young women. It's in the interests of women to have as high an age of consent as possible. If they had their way it would probably be 25. If you had sex with a 24 year old you'd be a pedophile. If you think that's stupid, it's no different from the insane and unnatural system we have right now.

You know what kind of society is a matriarchy? Jewish.

great taste in eroge.

Premarital sex isn't the issue. Hormonal teenagers have been having sex for fucking thousands of years. Sex should be saved for someone you can love and trust, marriage doesn't need to be involved.

I lost my virginity at 14 and remained with that girl through most of highschool until she left for college. The destruction of the family structure brainwashing us to put capitalist Jewish interests ahead of our races future is what lead to our problems.

This thread reeks of kike projecting mixed with desperate goons.

A shitskin that can't even spell pedophilia has a problem with pedophilia.

Definitions are the entire purpose of the thread.

It's an AOC thread. AOC threads have been used to slide catalogs and derail threads since forever. Jews can't stay away from this topic because they are innately pedophiles.

Nice private army post

Fuck off with this total bullshit. It's a feminist lie that men should find women of the same attractive. Men find youthful and fertile women attractive precisely because of these qualities. A 23 year old marrying a 15 year old is historically quite normal. Girls are meant to be raised for motherhood and then married off when they are fertile and capable of bearing children.

Agree wirh OP other than the AoC. Any age that the girl can safely give birth is OK. If anything the earlier the better, since the girls can get married before they become chad and tyrone's used goods.

Dicking girls that can't give birth and fucks them up should result in the firing squad.

/cunny/ is Aryan as fuck. Just don't act on it and keep it to yourself.

/cunny/ is Aryan as fuck. Just don't act on it and keep it to yourself.

/cunny/ is Aryan as fuck. Just don't act on it and keep it to yourself.


Whatcha sliding, rabbi?

nice copy pasta

Regardless of mental maturity, right?

Oh, you're not being serious. If you are, that's genuinely pathetic.

California. They can't wait for the (((big one))).

Those lolis looking fucking delicious though.
The way the school swimsuit clings to the cunny is absolutely exquisite.

Is child rape a thought crime? I only advocate killing child rapists. If you believe in giving degenerates unlimited freedom, you yourself are the kike.

All females are mentally 10 years old.

Don't speak for me.

I disagree with that. Society dumbing down teens is the culprit of their problems. They're not drooling tards who need their handheld, again this is literally only something I've experienced in America. The lack of common sense education here is astounding.

See my post here
There should be young adult consent ranges. But these can depend on the culture of the society, Americans would prefer older ages, Europeans would prefer younger ages.

Imo the age a woman can safely give birth should be socially acceptable. It saddens me people look down on women in their late teens who have a child. Men should also be taught to be responsible and raise their kid, fathers of any age who create single mothers are as bad as niggers.

you dumb faggot, a 15 yo girl isnt even fully developed. theres nothing wrong with finding beauty in youth but just because you want to get your dick wet off some kid doesnt mean that you should get to. i never said you should find someone attractive your own age. you wanna go wed and fuck some 18 year old? go ahead. but being sexually attracted to someone who hasn't even fully sexually matured is fucking weird- they look like kids. conservatism for the sake of conservatism is useless- just because it was done in the past doesn't mean it should be carried on without reason


There is nothing wrong with marrying a girl and having sex with her from 12-15 before you have children. The bonding at that stage is important between a man and his wife.

This just in, man states the obvious for the 1,000,000th time. News at 11.

isn't it a widely held belief that women are children forever? mental maturity is a nebulous concept. we have tons of 40-60+ year old women that are absolute idiots.


too fucking young
still too young
getting there, but very dependent on the person
Sexually mature for the most part.

Good luck trying to convince mainstream society that wanting sex with anyone hours under 18 isn't "pedophilia".

thats not even borderline acceptable. kill yourself pedophile

I am attempting to draw a line between Pedophilia and Hebephilia since many people seem to have a misunderstanding.

Women are sexually mature by 14-15, there are less complications in birth than 30+yo women. Look up the death statistics too. You've been fearmongered to believe teenagers are fragile.

Prime breeding = 16-22
Acceptable range = 14-28

Earlier or older can cause complications.

Last I read the average for a female hitting puberty was 11, so until I see data that proves otherwise I will be accepting of women 12 years old getting married with all that entails.

this is also true

Not only that but the female brain undergoes its final development when the body starts to produce a kid. This explains why the vast majority of mothers are prone to conservative beliefs. To make women fall in line, you give them something to care about and once they have their own children, their lives normally revolve around them and will vote for anything that promises to help their kids.

Keep in mind my statements you are replying to refer to marital sex for the purpose of bonding, not procreation. I understand the risks and I won't be mating with my wife until she is 16.

I read some girls are hitting puberty early as 8yo, which is very weird.

might have something to do with chemicals we consume because it also stated some boys weren't hitting puberty by 12.

It will be a hard battle, but it's an important one. It's amazing how just stating facts like shakes so many normalfags.

Anything except missionary sex for the sole purpose of procreation is worthy of death. Any female showing an inch of skin below the jaw line should be killed.

Are you an animal?

There are reports of pregnant 5 year olds, which is obviously outside the norm. Societal standards have to be based on generalities since we are too stupid a species to operate on a case by case basis, and because the state will never cease to exist.

Yes, humans are animals.

That seems about right since the prime breeding age for females is 18, and males 37, beyond this increases the chances of poorly conceived offspring with potential defects. I must question the mental maturity of the mind, as any mistakes taken at such a year when brain development and education have not ceased to finish, the child may make a mistake that will stay with them till they die(pertaining to sexual encounters primarily).

I think 16 is the perfect age of consent and I think pedophiles should get a bullet to the head but it doesn't matter what I think or what anyone else here thinks because we aren't in policy making positions so threads like this are really pointless and serve no purpose other than JIDF coming here, pretending to be us and claiming to be pedos to make us look bad.

that seems inaccurate. how was that determined? and what does "conservative" mean in that context? (political, fiscal, Cultural, Religious?)

Can you phone Danny and tell him he's the first on the list?

The prime breeding age is 20. Any secual intercourse under 20 is degeneracy and worthy of death.

they HIT puberty at that age. they dont FINISH puberty at that age you retard. have you even been around women before? you sound like a fucking autist since you dont seem to realize puberty doesn't happen overnight

All females are mentally children, they only grow larger vocabularies(in some cases)

Yet various TV shows and the like assume it's 18 everywhere. I hear it's because most of them are filmed in California, which is indeed set at 18 but I'm not exactly up to date with the media nowadays. Which means I don't know how degenerate it is. Which is probably for the best, judging by webm related.

Kill yourself pedokike

I never said puberty finished overnight, sweetie. You sound like an autist puting words in my mouth and using caps for emphasis.

I am a Hebephile, Ezekial.

Sex under 20 is rape

sex without the possibility of reproduction is degenerate and hedonistic. If the person is too young to reproduce, they're too young to be having sex.

I suspect these are Muslim cases.. that's disgusting.

???, Where do you get 37?

sex without the possibility of reproduction is degenerate and hedonistic. If the person is too young to reproduce, they're too young to be having sex.

fuck off, whore.

Yet. Shlomo needs to step up his estrogen-poisoning of the water supply.
>What (((factors))) lie behind this trend?

really? im the autist? when you discuss 'mating' with your theoretical 12 year old wife? you're either a pedophile, or a literal autist who doesn't understand women, puberty, and maturity. and a condescending use of 'sweetie' just makes you sound like christine chandler

I concur it's degenerate at that age, it's just that 18 is in the mean of the prime age to conceive children.


Oh golly how horrible

How do you expect the man and his wife to bond or consummate the marriage? Fucking autist.

My wife is 14 and will be 15 this winter. You sound like you need to go back to cuckchan, sweetie.

i think something like 17 is a safe AOC, and 18 as prime age is good. girl is sexually matured by that point and good to go. when we start talking under 16 then thats when people start getting the bullet

You will die on dotr kike

oh ok so your just some larping kike
thx for letting us know schlomo

Stay mad, sweetie.

Reminder that the age of consent in Germany is 14 since 1872 and the Nazis made no change to it.
There where however laws regulating the dating between unmarried young adults that were later abolished after the Nazis were defeated.

No. 20 is when women should be allowed to be artificially inseminated with their husband's sperm. Sex is degenerate and worthy of death.

There is literally nothing wrong with finding young girls attractive

What you need is for families to push marital sex and put down premarital fornication, not the state.

destroying /hebe/ was the one good thing jim did
also (20)

salt-left has been filtered; and will be filtered
also kill a few of your friends along with yourself please

You are worthy of death.

I've heard that there have been even cases of pregrant pregnancies in the middle east (baby gets pregnant while inside the mom)

That shit board was full of prepubescents. If you are attracted to prepubescent females, you have brain problems. If there is grass on the field, play ball.

Aristotle, he reasons since men are fertile until ~70, and females ~50, those are the ages in the mean, they are fertile for similar periods in length, but fertile in different age ranges. He had likely done this also since the man would have more respect as a wiser man over his wife, as well as his children in the 'Master to Slave' relationship(he would also be able to guide children much better due to his wisdom, in terms of their education). Generally today, the prime breeding age for men is known to be under 40.

who are you raiding for

Which is an abomination since over 25 is risky.

They're cute but I'd only fuck the bottom pic assuming she's a right age.

Not everyone you disagree with is some boogerman, sweetie.

I read that wrong LMAO

She is a child under 20

You get the rope pedokike

Not an argument.

Why is OP posting 2D pics? That's not reality and has nothing to do with the retarded shit he is spouting. Anyways, as far as those pics goes, the smallest the better anyways this is a bait thread and you are all retarded.

I think it has to do with ease of reproduction. A 40yo man having sex with a teen is pushing it. Albiet if it were an emergency situation where people need to breed age becomes less relevant.


youre not from here, you dont even try to hide it kike

You'll get the help you need one day.

stay triggered antipedokike



That's the ideal scenario though in case of social implications as well, would be a bit strange to see this today though.

Is an schizo a bad person? No, he is just sick. The same applies to a Pedophile. Sex between a man and his wife is important for bonding, you'd know that if you were married or knew anything about female brains.

Anyone under 20 is emotionally a child. Having sex under 20 is worthy of death. If it is a 19 year old and an older person the 19 year old has been raped and the older person is put to death. If two people under 20 have sex they are both put to death no matter what.

Personally i'd want my wife to finish high school before she had babies because then she'd be better at homeschooling them. Homeschooling wasn't really a thing when i had my kids.

My mom had me at 16, she was a terrible mother because she wasn't mature enough to properly raise a child (fed us junk because she didn't know better, spanked us when she was mad instead of when we were bad, etc.) Basically she made a lot of rookie mistakes because she was too young and uneducated. She fell for a lot of wives' tales because she believed women in her family with age and authority rather than learning things for herself. Anyway that's why my brother is 35 and still can't piss in a public bathroom and is too autistic to eat any food that is green in color. Thank god she gave up on me when i was like 12 so she could have her "second childhood" or I'd be a lot more fucked up than i am right now; my brother, as the baby, took the brunt of the "parenting".

What we need is to bring back betrothals, so that we can get a binding contract to marry when they're still young, and a huge penalty for breaking the contract.

Stay on Holla Forums you fucking kike.

You are not white and never will be.

ok. you're sick. the only cure is a bullet

I agree with this. /hebe/ was full of CP, there wasn't any attractive women.

Sounds like a weird birth defect. Muslims are known for their inbreeding tho.

Schizophrenics must be put to death as must pedophiles.

The only cure is a bullet for yourself since you are obviously too stupid to function as a human.

Neither should be put to death if they have not commit any crime.

schizophrenics and pedophiles have the same issues/problems.

you obviously dont speak english as a first language. what thirdworld shithole do your come from, and why should anyone give a shit about your opinion since you've already admitted to being a pedophile/child rapist?

Being mentally ill is a crime. Anyone mentally ill must be put to death.

3D makes folks go apeshit. Then again, so does 2D but less so.

Not an argument. I married my wife when she was 14 and I feel no sexual attraction to prepubsecents.

You and your "wife" will both be killed on dotr kike. 1488

My wife and I are both white and the dotr is so far off she will be old enough for numbskulls such as yourself to accept our relationship.

oh right, you just fuck your 14 year old wife for the bonding, my mistake.
why are you so reluctant to mention what country youre from exactly?

Zhenya objectively best girl.

i'm still not sure about what the metrics are. it can't be purely age based as it's illegal to have sex with retards no matter how attractive they. like the case of the 20 year old woman with supermodel good looks but due to a stroke when she was 5 (by getting strangled by her mother) she will always have the mind of a barely functioning child. but she technically is of age and could birth and nurse a healthy baby. or other such things like the really short young looking women that look like kids forever. (so only pedos want to date them).

or the case surgically and chemically altered 10 year olds that look like women but aren't (pics related). how is any of this stuff supposed to work?

I try not to dignify retarded statements with responses. I am from the US, my Eternal Anglo ancestors were sent here by the crown to settle the colonies.

Do you really not understand the importance of a female having sex to bond with her male? Are you truly that ignorant?

I'mstillavirginat20: the post

Don't worry, you'll be on wizchan soon.

My mother had me at 17 and we were normal. Sounds like your situation was caused by society not giving your mother a chance to help herself and a lack of a father.

My mom became a marine biologist and raised me with the help of my father who passed away when I was 7 due to cancer. That effected my teenage years but my mother and uncle were always there to help me.


every fucking time

Sex is degenerate and worthy of death. Women should be artificially inseminated with their husband's sperm. No fondling, no kissing, no touching. Being seen naked by anyone once over the age of 5 is worthy of death.

you're lieing. you obviously don't speak english as a first language, theres too many mistakes that 'sound' weird to not catch in your previous posts

or judging from your choice of words you might just be autistic

Widows are not single mothers. The whores that have premarital sex and shit out a bastard are the pieces of shit that ruin children. Widows generally don't do much worse than two parent households.

I had a father. He was 17 when they had me, so he went into the Navy to support us. My grandparents on my father's side were there, and an aunt on my moyhrr's side. She was the one who told my mother to put garlic in his infected ear to save in doctor bills. Then my mom spanked him for crying all night. Turns out he needed a tonsillectomy and those tubes in his ears, he's lucky he's not deaf.

So you've given up trying to make half non-arguments and have resorted to attacking my character in earnest. I'll just chalk this up as one(1) internet debate won.


all cute girls violate DOST there. dysniggeria only approves of sodomite content

Girls aren't cute until they reach puberty

fuck off kike

This. Children are disgusting, they make me sick. I feel ill looking at them.

You noted nothing, you just made accusations without giving reasons because you're an autist, and now you've mixed "contradictions" into the mix because you're clinically retarded.

Lest not forget "God" impregnated a 13/14 year old named Mary…

*my brother, i mean. Plus she could have taken him to the Navy hospital for free but she didn't, because she had an overbearing female relative and no personal knowledge on how to raise a child. If she had finished high school, she probably would have gotten a rudimentary Health class at least.

Maybe the cult of Yahweh is on to something.

That's kike fiction created by pedophiles. Childbirth is physically impossible before 16.

Yep and we are supposed to live by God's example right?

kids are cute dummy

don't be anti-natalist

t. pedophobekikes



so, 2D vs 3DPD?

I am pro natalist. It is a fact that humans are biologically programmed to find children repulsive and disgusting. Only pedophiles think children are not repulsively grotesque because they are mentally ill.

My mother wasn't single, she became a widow. She remarried when I was 17 and my stepdad is a pretty cool guy.

However my uncle was a father to me by teaching me how to be a man and survive, sadly he passed away in June. I've been depressed and lonesome since.

Point is my mother raised me fine, all this "teen pregnancy is ebil" pushed by moralfags is bullshit.

Art is degenerate

Stop baiting user

Your mother raised you to be a sick pedophile

It's generally the amoral Commie kikes that are against teen marriage and breeding among whites. That is why the AoC laws exist, because only whites follow laws.

So then why would anyone admit to being a pedo?

You're having trouble separating sexual attraction from a response to cuteness. Babies have all the cute-signalling facial characteristics that you see accentuated in cartoons. Autist.

Because they are afraid to give in to their desires and face execution. I've been considering voluntary incarceration as an alternative to that instead of forced, so that way there are no "thought crimes" and lots of Pedophiles can just stay home with their hentai and sex dolls if they feel safe with those and don't desire 3DPD.

Fuck off MIDF.

They certainly are. They might as well face East and pray five times a day, too. Spergs like them are holding this Singaporean Paper Airplane Forum back.

You're rape, and there was literally an address in NS Germany denouncing moralfags such as yourself.

As a father of two daughters, pedophiles that have not acted deserve castration, pedophiles who have acted deserve a brutal and painful death.

People should be shown puctures of childrens' faces. If their reaction is not disgust and hatred they are executed.

Half your age plus 7. That's the rule.

I thought everybody knew this already?

The natural reaction to an infant is the same as that of seeing a cockroach. Fear, disgust, hatred. Kill yourself pedokike.

I've always found this interesting. Would you advocate all men attracted to adult females being castrated to prevent rape? If not, why? You support potential child rapists being castrated, why not potential adult rapists?

Raping children is the only smart thing to do.

I'm 22, the girl I like from work is 17. Deal with it faggot.

Normie rule maybe.

You know the rules, tits or GTFO

kys goon

I lurk wizchan but not true wizard. I go there when depressed hoping to make myself feel better by comparison but I usually leave more depressed.

Sex with a child is unequivocally wrong, and so is the desire to do so.
I would go in the same direction with violent rapists, but nonviolent rape is more difficult because of miscommunication with consent as well as buyer's remorse (usually by (((liberated))) women in CY)

pls respond

You didn't answer my question.

A 18yo having sex with a 17yo child is pedophilia you fucking retards.

17 year olds cannot bear children.

I answered the closest reasonable question. Castrating all straight men would result in the end of the human race. Don't be a cunt.

Where did you read that she was 13/14?


pedos are from
reported to law enforcement.

checked em

In rare circumstances, this may be enacted correctly, but certainly it is not desired. Most teens are not capable of caring for a child, proper parents should have the proper funds and such before they settle to have children. Children need time to tend to, if the parents(preferable just the male) haven't even started their careers, then how would they find the proper time to tend to a child, simply they cannot. I will say, this experience definitely had negative implications on yourself, as every man is a result of his surrounds, beyond this i'm sure your mother would likely agree that you should wait until your older before you mate. Same goes for a wife, if you do not have the time to dedicate towards her, there is a possibility of cheating, and loss of a mate, due to the lack of time you have available to commit to her. She will feel undesired but of course you still have to build up yourself to a secured future for your family - this is the case, unless you attend a lower IQ job(where time is not as much an issue), then waiting for marriage is generally not required to as long an extent. I tend to avoid relationships, until I am able to support a wife, who requires a great deal of time, currently if I were to start a relationship I would only have a few hours to spare - not worth the investment, as it will fail. Many of you anons that look to build wealth or knowledge as well are likely in a similar predicament, and will generally have to turn down the occasional qt 3.14's in order to pursue your future qt 3.14.

We save the sperm of all men and the eggs of all women. We sort out the best white eggs and sperm. We gather artificial wombs. And then we kill everyone except maybe 5 leaders and 300 technicians and workers.


blame the degradation of society starting a family at 16/17 used to be the norm hence consent and marriage laws


So you recognize all men as potential rapists, but don't advocate for their castration because their existence is necessary? Is that about right?

It's I'm, sweetie. I'm an Anglo, white is not a race.
Common Americans are shitskins and non-Anglo peasants.
If you're an English* speaker, sweetie.

Where did I improperly say "an"? All in all, this latest shitpost is the worst yet, why did it take so long?

Kill yourself before we get a hold of you.

literally how the fuck is that pedophilia you double digit IQ groid

I think that's bait, sweetie. I almost think your post is bait too.

stop spamming your board kike

This is my " 'could care less' vs 'couldn't care less' " peeve. Some people are so low that they aren't "worthy" of anything. I prefer to say "not worthy of life", since to say "you deserve to die" makes it out like they earned something. The reason they don't deserve life is because they did not earn it.

Too many diaperfags.

oh fuck me, what's next, roastie? this isn't the place for you to use your gay ghetto gangster thug "slang", get the fuck out and don't come back you useless pile of gangrene shit

You're funny, sweet pea.

I would like to skin pedophiles alive with tin snips
and you know who you are kiddie fuckers

Really depends on the scenario, if your going to be a union worker the rest of your life, then a younger marriage may be applicable, if you plan on being the next Hitler, you need to spend a great deal of time in study, so no time for wife, until it's just you and Eva in a bunker. Of course different social norms will dictate scenarios differently in some respect.


bix nood sweetie

I am male, sweetie.

That's a bad habit and you ought not to do that famalam. Bring yourself up instead of comparing yourself to those lower than you or you'll only degrade to their level over time.

is this you?


I completely agree preparation is a necessity for having children. However if you noticed millennials and Genzers cannot be prepared to have a child until their 30s. And even then they're only having one autistic baby while still paying off debt. My argument is teenagers have always been mentally mature enough to raise children, modernism has dumbed down youth to be neglectful, spoiled and domesticated.

Society is the fault of single mothers and the destruction of families. Unless you dance for the kikes you cannot get ahead in this system.


Me on left.

Faggot confirmed, put a millstone around your neck and cast yourself into the sea

anybody else think pedophiles should get their dicks mutilated with a knife?

There is no concept of "underage" within marriage, honey.

If you think that user is Podesta then so must be about half this site outside of this board lmao

pedokike is showing his true colors

this is a slide thread, sage and report.


It takes 3 days for threads to die..

Not an argument. A female who has had her period is an adult, and if a female under the AoC is married, it is not a crime for her husband to have sex with her.

I'm just stating facts.

What's the best way to kill pedos? Pouring hot oil over them seems nice

You are not an adult until 20, younger than that is pedokike

Wacha doin there Shlomo?

If young women marrying older men upsets you then you are probably just jealous. There's no reason for a woman at the peak of her SMV to marry a young man who is almost worthless in terms of SMV. A (pretty) woman around 20 is matched to an (accomplished) man around 35 in terms of SMV.
Men who wait until their mid 30s to marry aren't "losers" or "failures", they're wise to maximize the value of mate they can acquire, as well as to delay parenting until the point that they are affluent and can provide the best support possible to the child.
Your post smacks of jealousy but like every other young man, instead of being angry that "old guys" are taking "your" women, work hard and build your value up to the point that young women find you attractive.
A marriage between to teenagers virtually guarantees poverty and underachieving children.
of course, you might also be a middle-aged woman who waited far too long to marry and is now btfo and insane with rage that men your own age have no interest in you at all because they can easily attract valuable women. In this case, too bad, you chose to waste your youth on "discovering yourself".

Chitanda the better girl, fight me.

hey buddy nobody gives a fuck what your law says, you can be (((married))) to a 3 year old and that doesn't make it right kike

Did you numbnuts forget that female pedos are a thing?

All pedos should be beaten to death prove me wrong

No, that doesn't make it right. But a female being capable of producing eggs to be fertilized makes it right, and your kike laws preventing nature are not right.


and your opinion of people like Traci Lords starting a career in the porn industry at age 13 and not being found out until 6 years later?

I have a friend who fucked a 12 year old he met at a bar. He dug through her purse and found out later that night she was 12. She was able to get into the bar without being questioned and she fooled everyone at his table. Most of these 12-13 girls look and dress like adults….they do not look like anime loli children anymore.

what you want is a jew free world where they don't corrupt the girls into being sluts at age 11

also there is a long history of older men hooking up with younger girls because that's what it took….a man would work 10-20 years to get established to offer a woman a home and a future secure for her and her children….this is why women like older men. Older men like younger women because they can produce a healthy family. It doesn't work math-wise, but it works society wise.
Also a girls virginity was a prized possession….part of her dowry. It was the one item she could barter with to get a good husband….today they are taught to throw it away.

Hitler had it right. Set them up as a young couple with a new house and have them pay it off with babies and making a nation great. Give young people a reason to get together and support them in it. Our world is fucked.

Females start developing their bodies for child-bearing at menstruation, faggot. Although i do agree that it should be around 14-15 for medical purposes (before that there is a much higher risk of miscarriage and death)

Reminder the being a pedo is contrary to White values. If you creepy ugly weeaboos want to rape kids maybe convert to judaism

This seems to be the only way to defeat the kikes, you need to Jew the Jews, so to speak, which is what I've been studying up on, and have been doing well in so far. The only alternative to jewing the Jew, is for political changes, which are likely not to happen with the Jews in charge.

I would say the greatest travesty is that for more average IQ normies, they tend to be the prime targets for indoctrination, once they believe they are superior with their "education"(good grades, good goy, etc.) they tend to act in a condescending manner over those who aren't as 'superior' as them in education. It is a shame nearly every job requires a college education now since you have all these faggots who would most likely never gone to college unless required, shitting up the schools for those who wish to attend in leisure. College, on lower degrees, is paying for guidance, what books to read, what websites can help you practice on, worksheets, tests, etc. as studying by ones self would be a much greater task.

So we are in total agreement, what is your problem with me? I only advocate breeding around 16 and marital sex before that only after puberty stars and for non-breeding strictly bonding purposes.

Lolbergs get out


Fake news. That wasn't the case in Northern European societies

In most of Northwestern Europe, marriage at very early ages was rare. One thousand marriage certificates from 1619 to 1660 in the Archdiocese of Canterbury show that only one bride was 13 years old, four were 15, twelve were 16, and seventeen were 17 years old; while the other 966 brides were at least 19 years old
Additionally, the Church dictated that both the bride and groom must be at least 21 years of age to marry without the consent of their families; in the certificates, the most common age for the brides is 22 years. For the grooms 24 years was the most common age, with average ages of 24 years for the brides and 27 for the grooms

Well, none i guess. I didnt read your other posts.
I`d say 15 because historically my people has the age of marriage on 15 for thousands of years.

Lolbergs get the rope too. It's an incredibly jewish ideology antithetical to all European values

Care to provide a counter argument? How would you describe adulthood if not the ability to produce eggs to be fertilized?

oh hey cool a loli thread, its been a hwile

Coonfy stop masturbating and do your fucking "job"

Something about this story doesn't fit


Physical and MENTAL maturity you fucking child molesting kike freak.


OP is plainly right about everything. I don't understand why there is so much discussion about this.




you sound like a mudslime now, just a (((coincidence))) they put chemicals in the food supply to make young girls menstruate early right? kys

I concur user, too many pedoniggers


This is a gore thread now

You will hang for your crimes pedo scum.

Science is the only measure as to age of consent, and it's 14-16.

All females are mentally children, they never develop beyond 10 or so.





Mods need to be more proactive at banning all these pedos flat out admitting they want to fuck children.



Seems like the kikes are too butthurt over this thread. We had a good run though, sweeties.



enjoy burning in hell kiddie fucker, get that millstone about your neck


Hell isn't real, Ezekial. I obey the laws of nature, not sand niggers.

Just filtered the gorefag lol

loli butt is best butt

best loli doujins are the ones where the cock is too big for her cun so it goes in her ass instead

KILL all pedos

Just so everyone is on the same page: I support adolescent boys mating with older females so long as the female isn't over 30.

the comet pizza faggots should all die at the hands of their victims, then people will get less sensitive about my drawings

anal is gross imo


Of course you do since you are a roastie

Serious question. Is loli a meme. The drawings are very anatomically incorrect in allost all cases, even more than normal 2d porn.

Fucking != breeding, you dumb kike. I support marital sex under the age of 16 for bonding purposes. You would understand that if you were married or had the tiniest bit of knowledge concerning female brains.

what the fuck


its just drawings, who cares its hot


2Dfags should be gassed

Well rustle does have close to normal anatomy. My theory is only people who actually fuck prebuscents and women who remember what they looked like draw anatomically correct pornography.

Yeah, 90% of lolifags are not actually attracted to

Then let me reiterate
>breeding a 14 year old for (((bonding))) purposes
The post I was responding to was you excusing yourself for having sex with underage boys. What does female brains have to do with you saying that underage boys should be fucked for (((bonding))) purposes

youre a man that enjoys roast beef i see


I am male, I assumed you had read the thread so I thought you'd be worth conversing with, guess I was wrong.

Your theory is pretty stupid, get some rest


Med don't say sweetie and sweet pea unless they are faggots. Either way you are dancing around the fact that you are claiming it is okay to fuck underage boys

Now we are talking

Also if you get triggered by loli you don't belong here.

It looks nothing like an actual prebuescent girl.


Within marriage there is no such concept. Adolescent boys can marry females up to late 20s and adolescent girls can marry men up to late 20s.

Read the thread, sweetie.

lol how would you know

The fuck do I care?


This one is more accurate vis the head.
We r legun we kno all expact us

Well there is no concept in nature, there are simply those that are children and those that are not. By the laws of men, you can have sex with a girl/boy that is younger than the AoC if you are married to them.

you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded


1488 hiley hitley

I wonder how many retarded boomer reddit T_D transplants I can trigger with this?

oy gevalt, the chutzpah of this gentile.


Vulva too big and not anatmically correct

Hile hortley


And you know this, how?

Don't question your betters, goy!

the reddit fears the loli, actually it was one of the first subreddits they banned before all the right wing ones iirc

really rubs those almonds together

The Jews fear the Samurai.

Didn't they ban some jailbait subreddit at the behest of SomethingAwful too?


You need to break down the words. I think you're conflating pedophiles (the disgusting dregs who are attracted to children) as they relate to child molesters/rapists/sexual abusers to straight (heteronormative) people as they relate to rapists. That's a logical problem.

Follow the thought to its logical conclusion: sterilization can be achieved on a female body as well as violent execution.

internet is a funny place

More "conservative" NONWHITE cultures. You pedofags always gloss over that little bit, for some reason. No niggers in the bathhouse, but we can be niggers when it comes to getting dick wet, right?


Yeah you can't convict people on "we think you thought this!" Convict them in possession of child porn and grooming/sexual abusing minors. Incidentally, this is how the law already works.

fuck off /lefty/pol

meh, the only one here that get triggered by lolis are newfags and /salt-left/ fatties.

They probably just use real CP as reference.

Actually there's at least one artist that does this


Well CP was legal in Japan up until a few years ago so I believe it tbh.

you anons need to get your eyes checked.

We're not talking about anime you redditor. Doujin are often anatomically corect except the head of course, though some cme very close to looking traced.

didn't they only make it illegal due to foreign intervention though?

Wasn't it more akin the lines of junior idol stuff rather than porn?

semantics, art styles in anime/manga can vary but most share stylistic traits. very rarely will you ever see an artist in that space that strives for "realism" as the audience doesn't have an appetite for it.

probably, prime minister abe is a kike puppet, and has being trying to turn japan into EU2.0

Please spoiler that next time because the cartoon porn is illegal in my country. Yes I am not joking!

Fucking 8yos is redpilled

I am reminded of a old saying…

"If there is grass on the field, play ball!"