Seems the combined effort of denuvo, pre-order bonuses, microtransactions, demanding graphics and short length/story that ends prematurely impacted an otherwise good game pretty severely.
Not to mention comically bad lipsync.
How much of this is simply Square Enix managements fault?
Deus ex mankind divided
Other urls found in this thread:
It's not just managements fault, the devs also created a shitty sjw plot line for the game
I would blame Eidos for stuff like lipsync, performance, crashes and pics related.
Jesus, isn't that sheboon supposed to be the replacement for Malik?
I had to read the file name to get that they were a gay couple. I was too distracted by how shitty those photos look.
They have the exact same copy paste heads in both pictures
Yeah, the black french guy who wrote her wanted to represent the struggles of something something.
The only acceptable way to represent gays in vidya: idyllic perfect wealthy family with 2 perfect children.
I'm not even exaggerating when I say she looks like an alien or a mutant.
Like some sort of sheboon-elk mix.
Apparently so.
Fucking what?
She looks kinda white
already confirmed flop, they probably spent more than three times the game's budget on its marketing, and look how well that did. No one wants obnoxious ads. Everyone wants good games. Alas, pretty sure this is death of deus ex
Not really. Your pilot is another darkie.
Goes to show how greedy and stupid square enix is. I bet they were arrogant enough to think this shit was going to move 3 million copies or something.
lets not get too crazy here.
If Holla Forums had good games they wouldn't have much to complain about to feel superior to casuals.
not really
Looks Caucasian to me
She does not.
Alex Vega
Alex… V…
I guess you're right
It's no surprise really, remember before release when people could "augment their pre-purchase"?
They got called out on that shit immediately and reversed it. Now they just went even further.
She's not Malik's replacement, she's not your pilot and Malik is still alive.
I hope you're right.
They live in America.
And if they're too dark to call them white, they just get labeled "Native American"
definitely white
We deserve shit games.
maybe you do
fucking Guatemalans man.
how you nigs know shit about this game if you didnt buy it
dont tell you are watching people play it, thats pathetic
nig i played HR, of course i know this is shit
i mean the fags ITT that know details about charcaters and shit, if the game really is sjw propaganda nobody here would buy it
Do you also think you can't criticize food unless you've eaten it?
how do you know that shit tastes bad without eating it?
Maybe it smells bad? Maybe there's a roach sticking out of the side of it? Maybe I found it lying in the street?
So it's not fun? I've never played a Deus Ex since the first one, which I was too much of an impatient child to enjoy.
everything about it seems so fucking jewish and hamfisted. they nonsense social commentary they're trying to add doesn't even make sense in a cyberpunk setting.
how do you even write this shit, i can't suspend disbelief hard enough to think that in any future people aside from the heavily religious would be anti-augmentation when the average person isn't afraid to choke down a pricey amount of jew pills to function in society
human revolution had 'ethnic' characters that didn't feel completely fucking forced too, most people actually like Malik (myself included) despite her sandnigger origins so adding trying to play the diversity card on every table they can is just a giant step back in writing
You can't draw the facsimile between an entertainment piece that lasts for 6-8 hours and a meal.
Fuck's sake, are we really at the point where it's completely fine to shit on games you've never played because the hivemind tells you so?
not the best analogy since those components do have the potential to become food, shoulda just said 'shit sandwich"
Why the fuck does she look so much like ET? That is not a natural human face.
Most people likely do find it fun for its gameplay and exploration, although the fun only lasts 20-25h Im just amazed how badly Squre Enix shot themselves in the foot with the cash grabs.
those are brothers, right?
Is Malik alive? We report, You decide.
Why are her eyes so far apart? It's like her face came straight out of oblivion.
Well, that's not awful compared to 6 hour cinematic campaigns AAA companies shit out.
Oh they don't even want me to try their game? Okay.
The olfactory sense makes use of the taste sense in order to work, and also I understand that shit is all the useless stuff that my body doesn't need or want and know that it's also responsible to disease and death.
Knowledge sets you free, and luckily we're communicating over an archival system design for the transfer of knowledge.
This whole idea of not knowing something is bad without trying it is absurdly flawed. I don't need to be a master chef to know when something's undercooked, because I have the means at my disposal to make the determination. Granted, making that determination on Holla Forums is like trying to see if some fish has gone off whilst standing in a landfill, but hey it's not like there are other places on the internet to provide you with what you need.
We can look up the game. We know it's not going to be revolutionary gameplay from the last one, and everyone else has confirmed that. We can make judgement of the content in the game based on watching that content on youtube. You don't need to play it to know it now.
Easter egg in the game.
You know there is a way to save her, right?
S-she's still fine! She just needs some air!
at least one good thing happened with this game.
can you post it?
he did in the vid.
People buy those games for multiplayer. If you want a more apt comparison you can look at Witcher 3 with its 100h+ lenght or DX:HR which was 30h+
It's could be the Illuminati who wrote the spyboy message to control Jensen.
I did user. It's the video user.
Glad I didn't bother with this and ordered Witcher 3 GOTY instead.
Because HR was only ever liked because of low expectations going in and if I don't hear that this shit is substantially better in every way it's logical to assume it's not worth playing.
Pretty decent ride from beginning to end and there are no forced niggers or confusing bullshit in the setting.
This is the only thing that happens every single time anyone tries to pander to these retarded cunts
C be the 1st person animations would look retarded or simply that its already a demanding game to run
Mirror tech has been overblown lately for some reason.
wow they didn't even cover them with techno advertisements and shit like the last one
EAR/ONS here, is there any moments/side missions where you get to break into someone's home and ruffle around? That one from HR where the drug dealer barges in was breddy gud.
It's funny people thought this would be good since the last one was a literal port of an iOS game.
Adam Jensen is a vampire.
She looks vaguely reptilian. Is that the big reveal?
We still don't have console numbers so hard to tell if the game failed or not.
Square Enix has been pretty busy shitting everything up.
Hold up. Is that John "CURRENT YEAR" Oliver in those photos?
Yeah, I saw someone pulling "muh pattern of quality" in the comments for a video. DX1 = good, IW = bad, HR = good, TF = bad, MD = good(?)
I really hope they don't get to the inevitable DX1 remake. You know they'll just poz it up to infinity.
Fair enough but all of those things are indications that the object in question is of poor quality. Vidya, and media in general, don't typically have those sorts of tells. Sure, you can make general predictions based on the marketing, but until you sit down and play the game or watch some unsanitized footage of the game, you can't be absolutely sure whether nor not it's going to meet, surpass, or fail your expectations. Even then, there's bound to be some shithead who enjoys the content in question, so "that's just, like, your opinion, man." In addition to this, more often than not, games face issues that are not covered by media or marketing, shit like glitches and other performance problems, the game's meta and community, among other things, so you have to do research before you decide to spend your cash
A shitty mobile spinoff game doesn't count, that was just wishful thinking.
The fag with the glasses has the exact same face and his head is cocked at the same angle in both pictures
Why are the polygons so sharp at the tip of here nose?
Did she mod her face to look like that?
It looks like they were almost finished but then the boss came in and said work on something else and they forgot to finish it.
It looks like they accidentally sent the backup in progress file where they didn't finish the tip of the nose yet.
I don't know how they did it but I feel like this tops Tali's photo in terms in laziness.
Tali actually had competent concept art made for her. Given how all the fans expected talis face to be shown its pretty shocking they put as much effort it as eidos with some random npc house pictures.
I wonder if they just don't give a shit like Konami or if this is actually the best they can come up with
Oh fuck off bugger, the industry is going to shit.
Why are you still trying to defend stuff like this
Nigger I think you need to learn to read
I'm still mad they revealed her face at all, it was like the tenno in warframe, the mystery made it so much better, and her mask was cute.
All they would have to "come up with" is:
Dont do timed exclusives, release on all platforms simultaneously.
Don't desperate cash crab with embarassing campaigns like with MD. Just release the game normally.
Don't release the game episodically. Just release the game normally.
Don't make a mobile only sequel to a beloved franchise. Make an actual game and release it normally.
He just said that we deserve this shit for accepting in the first place and instead of arguing anything you just gave a childish reply
No fuck you I didn't accept shit. Maybe you did and that's why YOU deserve shit but don't you lump me in with you you faggot
And if that didn't quite ruin the character for everyone, they included her citadel episode. Honestly looking back, it's almost as if they were fucking up on purpose.
In case you didn't notice they both have the exact same face in both photos.
It's just that the one is rotated a bit with a touch more shading.
He can die in the game, so that's not so bad, but SHE LIVES NO MATTER WHAT
more than gay ones now apparently
Looks more like Mark Zuckerberg if you ask me.
Shill or fanboy? You decide.
So for all of you worried about the whole augs lives matter thing, yes, thats in there, I also found a stickynote with "drumff manifesto" and "bleh" and a dude puking on it… in an interpol agency office
but on the flip side, i found and underground news group lead buy a guy in a bright red hat, you do some shit for him and you can find out that the msm faked a news story and lied about a plane crash and you expose them
So really the game has both ends of the spectrum, and lets you the player decide what you think is right and wrong, how it should be
Also I've not once even considered pay2play, the game is already pretty easy.
Honestly, it was probably shoed in for letplayers who suck at video games too much to beat it normally, Ive had 0 problem getting more praxis or money, literally 0 problems
loving this game
At least in HR most of the characters were memorable.
And with MD looks like they might be trying to copy Half Life 2 But Alyx wasn't a true nigger though
wait wait wait, the guy from the fag photo isn't miller, the tf29 director right? Just some random civilian gay couple that have no place in the story right? Because otherwise, damn that makes me feel disgusted
Im kinda puzzled by that.
So first black lives matter symphatizers got annoyed by "aug lives matter" for using the term, then the Holla Forums said it was sjw propaganda or something to that effect. I wonder is anyone actually annoyed by the phrase or they're just pretending.
SJWs got affended because everything offends them, and Holla Forums got offended because the devs were trying to pander to SJW crowds by making a game about oppressed "minorities" who dindu nuffin. Holla Forums gets triggered by everything too
I don't think Holla Forums pretends to have ptsd to garner sympathy points from leftist user
only 150k fuck even no man's sky had almost 800k
BLM got mad because "you aren't taking our domestic terrorism seriously" and Holla Forums is full of kneejerks even when they're right
Thats cause Holla Forums just gets offended by shit, theyre not batshit insane, like SJWs and the majority of the left.
So they just get angry about things they don't like, like Holla Forums? Or every single other board?
Holla Forums seems to hate every board other than /a/ & /k/. They especially hate /cuteboys/. I think their love for /a/ is due to falling for the waifu meme. /k/ is self explanatory.
So they have a list of things they don't like that isn't specific to one category
This guy gets it. 122dbb is a bad employee who couldn't correct the record
Deus ex deserves better.
fuck off
Never said that, try again nigger
Holla Forums and BLM are both easily offended triggerniggers.
I never said that tho. Holla Forums and Holla Forums are comprised of many people.
They should make a list.
I'd be terrible for correcting records. I have a short attention span.
Watch out user, someone is going to post that strawman of the hipster now
They couldn't give a fuck about guns, they just don't want "muh rights" taken
Right wingers give about as many fucks about owning guns as the left
They watch that Steven Crowder and laugh and say "stupid lefties" when they know if it was their asses, they wouldn't know a damn thing about the guns either
Leave this DOOD SEX thread be. It's crimes of exp DLC is bad enough already.
are you a fucking retard?
Fuck you, faggot.
a lot of those "right wingers" are actual hunters, firearm hobbyists, and people who feel they need to protect their home who are getting clumped in with bible thumpers and "gun nuts'
despite our right to bare arms, our firearm education is completely for shit
Maybe if that was what I said, then you'd be right
But what I said was that Holla Forums isn't fond of /k/ at all just because they don't want gun rights abolished and that when it comes to knowing a damn thing about guns, they would be as clueless as any lefty
Kill yourself
They are. Leave them. As for the matter, any content explaining Eidos reckless abuse of consumer wealth?
I find it incredibly ironic that eidos is doing the exact things the original game warned against. Im not sure if the creators would be disgusted or amused.
It's fun being lumped in with a group just because you share one or multiple opinions with that side isn't it?
How retarded can they be to fuck this up? They could have literally just given us more of the same of HR and it would have been serviceable
Pick a side, nigger, or suffer the victor's wrath.
Personally, I'm betting on Trump.
There's always a sucker.
your fuck up, the signs that this game was having issues were out there before release
point and laugh
At least reimburse it.
Bought it, enjoyed it as a casual HR sequel. Went back to Dudesex 1 and appreciated it even more in comparison. The gift that keeps on giving.
Howard is spinning in his grave
You can still return it. Right?
Also, the aesthetics in some parts of the game are absolutely fucking gorgeous, even on shitty lowest settings. Fuckers should pirate or find screenshots or something to really look at some of these levels, pretty much everything I've ever wanted out of gaming on a cyberpunk level.
Low tech, smoggy, sardines in a can living conditions brings modern asian metropoly rather than "cyberpunk" into mind.
The savior of cyperpunk is either cp77 or nothing.
There's not one specific look of cyberpunk, and "modern asian metropoly" is most certainly very cyberpunk looking
It'll either:
-not come
-come and inflate the genre, making it steampunk 2.0 while being a very meh game
-be good and still not increase interest in the genre
Regardless, MD is as close to cyberpunk as you can get, if not, then even the original wouldn't be cyberpunk according to your standards.
memories of the original Deus Ex?
this is why i hate pepole from my country
Fool you once. Next time just assume the game will look worse. W3 was still alright, they just need to take out the GPS bullshit and revamp the combat into something that isn't repetitive. If 2077 comes out, I assume the fags at CDPR wont screw the pooch because they're now the "industry leaders."
Thats the response you give to a greenposting contrarian meme (you) hunter?
Poe's Law, this place is shit and I assume everyone is serious at this point. He does have a valid point with the downgrade shit and general poor game design of W3, though.
I haven't heard anything about this game in years.
I don't believe this will come out.
The 2013 teaser trailer was to promote the game to the industry, they needed to attract talent to the studio and a 10mil trailer is a good way to do that.
Obviously they were rather busy working on w3 right up untill the last expansion was released. It's only been a matter of months that the majority of cdpr workforce has focused on cp77.
I hope your right user.
To be fair, the original Deus Ex had shitty lip syncing
But that was from the 2000s
And it actually had lip syncing.
To me the original Deus Ex has good lipsync
HR is the one with awful facial animations for its time.
Im sorry for not have the same opinion, user.
dont forget they added nigger, because SJW bitched the game was too white and the "Current Century" dialog.
Get out
Current year vidya series approved by reddit and anything involving fantasy comes with the implication that it has current year content in it. I'm too tired to even bring it up at this point, so I really don't give a shit. In 10-15 years it's gonna slingshot into cuckservative bullshit or something similar so it really doesn't matter. Art can't be unbiased anymore.
Redpill me on the first deus ex, should I play it?
Is that [CURRENT YEAR] man in the second pic?
yes but look for some mods to update the dated gameplay a little bit and maybe some graphics mods too.
this is unintentionally hilarious
Only if you understand that it feels very clunky in some aspects, and that you're willing to analyze it as you're playing it and realize that the game can be completed in almost any way that you can think of. Don't listen to , nothing needs to be updated besides that you should use the deus ex launcher that allows you to put it at a higher resolution and FOV. So yes, play it if you enjoy games in the same vein and you're willing to think outside the box.
Also, the hitboxes are garbage. I suggest training yourself on where to hit enemies to knock them out/kill them in one hit because there are specific places that you have to target and it's annoying as shit. Save the mods and shit for your second playthrough, your first play should always be vanilla.
tried to play the game and it crashed
wtf i hate steam now
crack cocaine when
Just because there's less neon and chicks in skintight suits constantly pointing out how /cyber/ they are doesn't make it any less so.
I knew it. Basically anything decent in HR/MD has been ripped directly from the original (with some evolution)… while every new idea these developers inserted has dragged it closer to shit territory.
Hi Mark
I refuse to call this a dystopian cyberpunk future until 90% of women wear leather and gaudy spiky accessories for no reason
women literally wear nothing now
it would be funny as fuck if someone modded them and added a story about killing some pedophiles
I warned you about the capitalism pro
I warned you about the pursuit of profit of its own sake bro
You didn't listen and drank the kool aid of capital
karly your hair is curly you hae stuch a gentle smile oh how much I would like to fondle your magnificent bears while whispering sweet words into your good ear
As opposed to the kool aid of starvation?
DX12 settings are "delayed" till next month
the fuck
very good.
Every time Enix is proving that they're the most Jewish company in this industry. Surprised there is no shitshtorm over it, this is even more retarded than SJW bullshit because they can invent new standard.
Can't believe I wanted to get this piece of shit year ago, AAA games are truly dead, you could enjoy some moments in few AAA games, but now it's just absolute shit. I hope it flopped so hard that they let franchise die, it doesn't deserve such treatment, at this point IW is a masterpiece compared to this. It's only good for visuals.
Fuck Enix, can't wait for them to go bankrupt.
Cyberpunk != Dystopia. If there is no "high tech low life", this is not cyberpunk.
Oh wow, Windows 10 user, do you by any chance have Xbone too?
mediocre =/= good
Only now do I see that his suit is dirty as fuck. Guess that's why his nutjob followers are dirty too.
Holy shit!
I am anti-augmentation and I am not heavily religious. By "augmenting" yourself, you're becoming dependent. Most of the featured shit would require tons of electricity, so either you'll need to plug yourself into a wall socket every now and then, or carry a pack of batteries with you along with sandwiches. Ran out of juice and far from civilization? Sorry pal, you're dead, as your superlegs are now just two heavy chunks of metal. And let's forget the other issues – machines (ESPECIALLY electronics) break down relatively frequently, and they aren't cheap to repair. Cue in that your new metallic limb is heavily used, and you'll be running to a technician every week about a pulled out cable somewhere inside your hand, about the ugly notch you made on your thumb, about the scratches, etc. While a biological body is quite sturdy (save perhaps for extreme situations such as getting crushed by a car) and even possesses regenerative capabilities, the augmentations do not, and will become an immense drain on your finances in order to keep them in good shape. Such problems will become even worse if you installed something inside your body – pacemakers are one thing (and even those do malfunction occassionaly), a complex device supposed to analyse and filter your food, and replacing your stomach (for example), is another. Not only will it break down more often, it will require a surgery to fix, as it is otherwise inaccessible, and you won't be able to survive with it inoperational. I don't even want to guess what would happen if you actually managed to install something inside your brain, and have that break down.
"Augmentations" are extremely impractical, and I can't see them ever becoming a thing save for specialised professions.
Not all of us live in the US. I'm in central Yurop, and I know of nobody who takes any pills whatsoever unless they're sick.
That doesn't even address that the body doesn't play well with foreign objects being inserted into it
You'd need to do something to the immune and nervous systems to prevent them from overreacting
Oh look, attempting to divide the boards against each other yet again. You never quit, do you?
I thought it better to keep some ammo in reserve. For example that you'd become a target:
HR actually did alright in playing out the issues related to it. It really should have been its own IP, however, seeing as the conspiracy is largely a background to the ethical questions. Hell, the conspiracy actually fucks with the ethical questions, and practical questions of what was going on.
The issue of a group using a specialized chip to take control of augmented individuals, or at least cripple them against the right people, is fine, because that actually plays into the practical side of things. As technology becomes more integrated, the way it can be used to damage us is increased. What is more, is that the people that can damage us move more behind various curtains and hidden behind all sorts of things.
The Illuminati deciding they don't want anyone but their group having the power of augments is something that would happen, perhaps more openly. However, it is also something that makes it too much of an analogy, rather than an interesting exploration of the issues related to augmentation.
except it is cyberpunk.
How long will it take Steam to add separate
I could easily say that Mankind Div.. how the fuck to shorten this shit title.. is a 8+/9- on the modern game scale. It's really fucking good, man.
But then on PC it's complete shit with correct drivers and patch, and absolute shit without them.
Can I pirate it yet?
What would Todd do?
Denuvo is a tricky one. We only just got a crack for Just Cause 3 and Tomb Raider. Could be days away, could be months.
Is she a fucking Navi in the left pic?
Well I finished the game, my opinions:
The good:
Carries over from HR pretty nicely, story was well paced.
Better balance between stealth and combat.
NG+ mode that actually carries your stuff over.
Fairly good graphics
Soundtrack fits well.
Exploring and finding secret shit is fun.
Breach mode is a nice addition.
The Bad:
Shitty frame rate drops
Bad lip sync
Loading times.
Shitty energy system.
Invisibility is broken as shit.
I can live with currency and upgrades being in the cash shop, but two fucking augments, that you can't get elsewhere. No, that's fucking horseshit.
Day one edition content, is the only way to find out the actual individual that bombed the train station at the start.
I was pretty hyped for this game, what a shame.
Deus Ex Remake
Honestly in spite of all of this I still want to replay the series again while M:D gets cracked. I really like Jensen as a character and in spite of some flaws I enjoyed HR which is more than I can say for other AAA games. And come to think of it I haven't played IW myself.
That easter egg is pretty neat
I was going to, but I saw the intro video on YouTube and it looked like shit.
I like playing vidya for myself to form opinions because I've been burned by listening to people going "oh this game is bad/good you should really avoid it/play it". Like I've been told Vanquish is a piece of shit that's gears of war lite and when I played it it turned out to be one of my favorite games, and steam reviews on Bionic Commando Rearmed really put me off until I actually played it and found it was an amazing game. I'm kind of hoping M:D is that too, but if it's not well at least all I've "wasted" was weekend of downloading the game while playing other video games or working out or whatever.
That's the ID for Tor users accessing the site on its .onion address user. Please fucking lurk moar.
You forgot:
Someone creates good game.
I have heard a lot good about level design and runs well. Gameplay is same good thing Human Revolution was. It looks gorgeous.
Story is absolute shit and it is filled with memes and political crap in most regressive way.
I feel like we're being baited. This isn't the first time someone has checked an id I swear i've seen this happen a few times this month
It happens literally every thread now.
Lurk more.
I've seen it happen a few times this week, same reaction image and all.
The closest we've gotten to a spiritual successor to deus ex is alpha protocol.. and its gameplay was ASS.
It's fucking dogshit, mediocre is being kind
Everything is contrived, every situation just conveniently works because "muh pheromones" deus ex machina that is always conventionally there to apparently mind control people into doing what you want, or just the power of being a fucking edgelord in a trenchcoat who just growls in a deep voice and hardened triad bosses get scared of him despite being some douche with a fauxhawk who should be wasted a long time ago
He's also a fucking emotionally charged kneejerk retard (which is an awful personality type for a cyborg) who just takes people at their word compared to based denton who's analytical and logical about everything.
So feminists are working to save vidya? Doesn't really seem like it, m8
squeenix please leave
How do we know that message isn't actually from your new pilot Tyrone?
You can break into tons of random apartments in Prague if you want.
One of the places you visit for a sidequest has a Companion Cube in the basement, and a copy of DX:HR hidden in a crate.
Would have been better without the note tbh.
make a playable game
HR was alright. Cloak should have been nerfed and there should have been random patrols on higher difficulties but it was alright.
To be fair, his neurons aren't augmented :^)
why do i play video games
Holy shit this game is a disappointment. Please nobody else do anything stupid like I did and actual buy or play it.
The canon ending from HR is left vague as shit on purpose because the writers for MD are incredibly lazy. But we know for damn sure that Jensen didn't choose to reveal the truth, which makes no fucking sense because Jensen's entire goal in this game is to stop the Illuminati and reveal the truth.
For some reason the game is set in a caricature of 1960's America, except with cyborgs instead of black people. Apparently it's very very difficult for people with super-powered arms/legs to find a job, which I found to be deeply confusing, especially considering that Interpol responds to problems by pointing Jensen at them and saying "have fun", even when those problems are, for example, other police. I was really baffled about this, until I progressed farther in the game and realized that the entire story is liberal douche "progressive" propaganda. Plot elements range from "drugs are good even they when selectively kill certain people, because you can do what you want with your body man" to "terrorism is good because white men are evil." Characters range from people who are racist because one bad thing happened to them one time, to people who are not racist because the writers wanted to present them as morally superior.
Side-quests consist of Jensen deciding to go well out of his way and waste his own time to do nice things for no reason and no reward. At least in HR, some guy would whine pathetically and offer a few bucks payment; In this game, Jensen sees some mild injustice going on and immediately adds a sidequest notification about how he needs to put an end to these evil deeds.
There's a moment not too far in where you need to convince the Aug civil rights guy to come into custody peacefully. The correct dialogue choices consist of convincing him that you are morally righteous by spewing a bunch of canned lines that sound like Jensen is reading them from a badly written cultural studies textbook, and then when he expresses hesitation to being in police custody, comforting him with "don't worry, I'm a minority too."
I don't normally complain this much about shitty stories in games, but it undermines the whole atmosphere and 90% of the playtime was spent doing stupid bullshit that I usually regretted because there are never any rewards except XP and shitty loot. There is one sidequest early on that promises a great reward, but when you are actually ready to collect the reward, the game basically tells you to fuck off and makes you wait until much later in the story to collect the reward.
When you do go on missions, the level design is always really restrictive and boring with exactly 3 routes through each area: you can just walk in shooting everybody, you can use a couple Augments to circumvent every enemy in the joint with some depressingly easy stealth route, or you can take the obligatory no-upgrades-required stealth route, which usually involves abusing the hilariously bad AI/detection guards have. My favorite is walking right past a guy on his right side, totally undetected, because he happens to be standing at a slight angle.
Oh and the thing from HR where playing lethally was both more difficult and less rewarding? Completely unchanged in MD. weeeee don't fucking play this garbage.
I bought it, put 10 hours into it yesterday. No huge regrets, but it does feel like a step down from HR in most regards.
Story feels mediocre. None of the characters really seem exceptional or memorable, like Pritchard and Malik are. Sarif's new VA sucks shit through a straw. He's trying, but you just can't replace Shellen.
Combat pisses me off. The armor system probably seemed like a great idea to them, but it's obnoxious in the same way that Metro: LL's human-v-human combat was obnoxious compared to 2033. Too many particle effects, too, and I'm not a big fan of the hitmarkers. I know a lot of people complained about HR's combat, but in my opinion, HR actually felt slick and streamlined. Between the mouse acceleration and enemies being bullet sponges, it's tedious and kills my favored playstyle (GitS style run-and-gun, cloak and hide, snipe from a corner, repeat).
Using the Crysis-style gun modding menu was great, but there aren't nearly enough options. And making suppressors decrease weapon damage so much is nothing short of pants-on-head retarded, the stock assault rifle goes from 35 damage/shot to 10.
Battle rifle needs more customization options, I was pissed off at seeing how little you could do with it. Battle rifles are my favorite guns by far.
Graphically, it's mixed. There are parts that seem like they're cell-shaded, and between that and the filter, scenery looks great at a distance. Texture quality varies drastically, too many things look ugly up close. I vaguely miss the piss filter.
Map design has been fairly solid for the most part. Golem City felt too linear, but at least gave a good illusion.
What pissed me off the most about that was that no matter what, he dies. There's no way to avoid it. The conversation battle has absolutely no effect, in the end. It seems like pretty much all games these days have huge issues with player agency, and I was expecting better from DX.
I dont even necessarily have a problem with muh pseudo black panther storylines, im kinda interested in mafia III f.e., but why in the fuck are the people with clearly superior and presumably expensive body implants somehow inferior and/or persecuted? It doesnt make any goddamned sense, it woulda been much better if it was the other way around i.e. plebs without robotnik parts are no longer able to take part in society economically or are considered backwards/puritanical, and they are slowly becoming the minority
they wanked themselves so hard over the themes of this game in the press, how "art is supposed to let us look at reality through different eyes" yadda yadda yadda, I agree for the most part but this whole project is laughable and the writers were clearly high on their own pretentious farts and on their dissonant convoluted identitarian "ideology"
I thought publishers had realized that micropayments and pre-order bonuses are a bit haram with gamers right now? Old habits die hard.
I think it's a concerted effort to slowly grind down the resistance.
They already pushed people far enough to accept season passes and they keep pushing.
normalfags outnumber us and are retarded enough to buy season passes and overpriced DLCs. It is sadly profitable.
You do get the "reward" of him telling you there is a plot item in a secret room…which you were going to find regardless, because you have X-ray vision.
The biggest turn off for me is how pointless everything is. You never have any reason to do any of the things the game expects you to do, you're just supposed to do them purely out of your desire to help fictional people battle fictional (and non-sensical) racism. The best reward you can hope to find is a locker with a few grenades in it or something of similar value.
Oh and why is the Icarus Dash an actual teleport that allows me to pass in front of guards undetected? Because the developers are lazy pieces of shit? Wow, never would've guessed.
How is this different from the first DS1? When you kill Anna at the plane, there is virtually no difference, outside of some different dialog and having to just kill her later.
Really, what MD does when it comes to the game reacting to your actions is pretty standart for a Deus Ex game.
Would you want "us" to outnumber normalfags?
LOL, shill harder.
Different dialogue after the death scene would already be more of an effect than MD, where the outcome changes literally nothing, not even the conversation with your boss immediately afterward. It's insulting that the game even makes you go through such a complete waste of time.
Skipping a boss encounter is worlds away from the shit in MD.
Really, how short is it?
lol, I certainly asked for this laugh
Like less than half as long as Human Revolution. Also it doesn't even end, it just rolls the credits and tells you to buy the sequel. Every question you actually care about it left unanswered. Megan Reed and Versalife get talked up non-stop but never actually appear or do anything. Somebody gave Jensen a bunch of new Augments while he was in a coma but you never find out why except "focus groups say the new game needs Blink from Dishonored." There's a mysterious super-hacker single-handedly leading the war against the Illuminati who plays a major role in the story but you never find out what his deal is or really anything about him. The only thing you do find out is that apparently everything is going exactly as Bob Page planned all along, which was pretty fucking obvious since this is a fucking prequel.
Basically imagine if Human Revolution ended somewhere between the first boss and the confrontation with the Tai Yong Medical CEO chick. Not even kidding, you get to a boss fight in Mankind Divided and you think it is going to be the first of several like in Human Revolution, and then the game ends.
What's really infuriating is that the main reason I bought this game was that it's the big budget sequel to Human Revolution. I figured if Human Revolution managed to be that good even after cutting a third of its content, that a fully-finished sequel would be amazing. But no, apparently adding a bigger budget to a game now results in that game containing less content. Fuck these bastards.
They will, when the tech advances far enough.
It's totally different, retard. In the good game, the choice you make has consequences, and in Mankind Divided, the choice you make has literally no consequences, even when you tell your co-workers about it five seconds later, not so much as a single word of dialogue is changed.
So we go from major conspiracies regarding world governments and investors in Deus Ex
To asking what it means to be human and how far is technology going in HR
To RACISM IS BAD in Mankind divided
Never let a woman write Sci fi.
I believe that good Sci fi is the kind that predicts future events, that's why Deus Ex is so well regarded, any Sci fi that is all about current day problems might as well just take place in our current days, as it just further detaches you from this supposed futuristic utopia.
Aren't they supposed to be modular? You can take out one, put in another, and have the pulled out one fixed in the meantime before the second one breaks as well.
Worse, it's not even current-day problems it's problems from 50+ years ago. The subway has fucking Normal and Augmented train cars.
Actually that's one of the few things I liked about this game; you can get weird looks from other passengers and get hassled by the cops if you sit in the 'Normal' car. Of course nobody actually does anything to try to stop you or anything, because that would require the developers to work, but it's still very refreshing because even though your stated goal is battling the evil Illuminati who control the world, sitting in the wrong train car is the only thing the game will let you do that actually rebels against the status quo in any real way.
Assuming they wouldn't be cryptolocked for unauthorized users. That would make any theft moot.
I expected it to be an issue of augmented people taking over jobs from "normalfags" by being faster, smarter, stronger, etc. making "normalfags" obsolete and increasing the unemployed and homeless population, increasing the sizes of the ghetto's and gang violence in the inner cities.
I picture an aug that can lift a car over their head and repair it taking away lots of jobs from mechanics. An aug that can fell a tree from kicking it and then lift it to a truck without requirement of multi-thousand dollar machinery.
But no, let's have a story where the privileged are oppressed just like in real life.
ahahahaha stupid fucking filter
You would think these easily offended cunts wouldn't want anything to do with the works of a man who wrote a poem about how niggers are sub-human.
What happened there…
How's the game going so far, lads?
Spyboy something that Malik called you in Human Revolution.
Lovecraft was far more complex than that. He didn't write that because he hated niggers, he wrote it because he genuinely thought they were subhumans and felt sorry for them. He was an honest humanitarian, one that clearly recognized the problem.
Not a single one above 6'. When will manlets learn?
You can be racist without hating other races, mate. That was what Lovecraft was. Of course that is a notion completely out of acceptable thought because racism has to be based on irrational hatred.
Divided into those that like to get fucked into the ass (the good guys) and the people who object to getting fucked in the ass (the bad guys). Now pay up, bent over and enjoy it (condom costs extra, this session only). You don't want to be one of the bad guys, do you?
They even stole khajiits from the elder scrolls
how dare they
Ah, my friend!
why is all pixelated though ?
jpg compression, or shit-smear shaders ?
I think it's partially because of shit compression and partially the fact that the game some sort of noise filter post-process that you can't disable in the options.
Look at that I took for comparison. I took the screenshot as a .bmp and converted it to a .png to try and get it under the 8mb limit.
I knew to have zero hype or hope for this once the reveals came in. Something about this game raised a red flag and never went away and it turned out to be the right mindset.
Seems like a gutted, hollow game with poor writing and gameplay, somehow taking steps back from HR instead of forward.
This is a victory for SJWs.
They were collectively shitting on the game fot "appropriating" BLM and now squeenix is going to think SJWs actually have power to sway potential customers through their shitty hitpieces on tbe cancer sites. Expect SJW bullshit to triple in squeenix games from now on.
I laughed. Can't unsee.
Activate the box of cereal in Jensen's apartment.
Good one, Todd.
Well yes. Normalfags should stop playing videogames.
Just fuck my board up, eternal summer.
That was HR though.
Also, the augs never seemed that superior, other than the combat oriented ones. Stuff like malik having brain augs to help fly better makes sense, but that's also pretty unobtrusive compared to people having metal claws for hands etc. It just seemed like most augmented people had obvious leg or arm replacement and apparently worked construction or something (which also implies augs aren't that expensive, or they have some kind of loan scheme).
TBH a better comparison would be the conversation with gunther in paris. Same outcome no matter what.
why must you turn this thread into a house of lies
leftygag pls go
I love how there were people upset over this and they've all but fucking forgotten about this specific controversy of the now by the time the game is actually out.
Fucking brilliant.
Do you think they were paying attention to shit like picrelated?
In fact the box is exactly the same so I'm going to go with yes, they were looking at it.
And then they decided to remove Malik and make potato. Brilliant.
i'm enjoying the game somewhat despite all the cuckoldry and hamfisted politics by the developer to try to shoehorn their ideals into the game, but i find it hard to disagree with this post
in the end, the gameplay is improved from hr and the graphics are nice but everything else is a downgrade. overall, the original deus ex is still undisputed king and hr is better than md (better plot, better characters, better atmosphere and music). it's amazing how the first deus ex still has the best gameplay too