9 times out of 10 anybody using the word 'nazi' to denegrate a white is about one trotsky quote away from being a marxist/communist zogbot. There is literally no benefit from interacting with these people. They cannot be helped.
In the professional world, this judaic system is overhauling the modern understanding of racial capacity and potential with a fantastical ideology of societal decay. There are two modes of the dialectic of 'Racial Integration': Theory and Practice.
Mode 1) You are to accept the theory that we are all human beans and that the potential in all modes of performance, whether physical or mental, are equal among every race. Yet, within this theory is implied a fundamental dichotomy of superiority/inferiority that must be harmonized with the application of another theory of ignorance.
Mode 2) In the practice of tolerating the ineptitude of a fellow workmate or colleague who is of another (lesser) race, or in the practice of recognizing your inadequacy to a fellow workmate or colleague who is of another (greater) race, the fundamental idea is to acknowledge that you are different. Just as you are supposed to theoretically harmonize this dichotomy with the application of the theory of ignorance, in practice your behaviour must be adapted to your fellow human beans (the inferior).
Now, we can see where this leads. In any analogy, it is clear that the inferior cannot spontaneously perform at the level of the superior, and that to equalise the performance of inferior/superior means to decrease the performance of the superior. This practice, for the means of enhancing the collective, is a kind of nihilistic relativism that leads not the enhancement of the inferior but to the degradation of the superior at the expense of the collective. In the application of the theory of ignorance, there is a complete annihilation of observation and eventually the very theory of the collective (the subject of this ideology) is abolished and replace with the fixation upon the inferior (Which superiority is being replaced with)'.
The marxist ideology of 'Racial Diversity' condemns racial superiority whilst promoting racial inferiority as a virtue. It cannot function as a practical or theoretical model for human behaviour. Why? If it hasn't already clicked in your mind, allow me to condense it for you: Theoretically, the word 'race' implies genetic diversity, therefore Racial Equality (as defined by marxism) = Racism (as defined by marxism). Practically, each individual is identified with a race through the observation of his differences to others and what subcategory within the collective he/she falls into, therefore Recognition of Race (as defined by marxism) = Racism (as defined by marxism). The ultimate goal of this marxist (jewish) ideology is to destroy the very perception of race, and to erect a standard generalization (Human Being) that dehumanizes those who internalize this ideology in the practice of racial identity.
I would argue that marxism is a machination of the jewish social engineers who have simultaneously sown into the minds of the collective that judaism is a mere ideology instead of a gene type. I would argue that this is whole thought system (that marxism is only a component of) is designed to dehumanize the superior humans - whom orientate their culture, economy and continuity around their own racial merits - that the jews (as inferior humans) see as a threat. I would argue that all systems of thought ever created by jews have been based on the orientation of their culture, economy and continuity around the merits of other races, and that marxism (jewish) is a social engineering device injected into the lives of all races (by jews) except jews for the sole purpose of sustaining jewish parasitism of and promoting the racial integration of all other races whilst maintaining jewish isolation.
Unless you are an outright 'Racist', you can be pincered with this dual-mode differential into either obeying this cognitive dissonance or outright rejecting it (which results in you being identified as a bad goy). Don't think that using their own arguments against them will work; they have internalized this thought system, their minds have been disabled with the application of the theory of ignorance and they will just project their insanity onto you. Either way your human rights will be sacrificed upon the altar of equality, and only the flexing of your superiority will save you from such a circumstance.