Reagan Battalion Exposed

Reagan Battalion Exposed

It's the (((Jews)))…. Big shocker

Other urls found in this thread:

This just confirms that there are paid shills pretending to be conservatives.

I think the good part is that the right it's getting more willing to call (((them))) out.
A few years ago they would never have been pictured… Let alone even complained about.

Ben Shapiro gettting called out by the Lead gay boi. What a time to be alive.

Yeah I agree. The right is finally waking up. We still have a while to go, but it is a good start.

Remember, 10%. Things are gonna start cascading our way now.

What a fucking timeline. Jews calling out a half jewish fag for pedophilia.

Does the ride ever end?


I'm going to take that 44 to mean we are half way to 88.

I knew it had to be kikes whenever I saw someone shilling Reagan and calling him based

user, jews hate half jews with passion. I know of a jew who was running a store with his half jewish son and he always tried to jew his half jewish son at every step. They're still invited to jewish events and milestones ahead of just a goy, but they're just good smelling garbage in a normal jew's eyes. That's normal behavior.

A fucking commiefornian actor as president.

pure coincidence

Holla Forums is always right.

You mean conservatives?

das juden ist verantwortlich?!?!

His mother's a heeb, which means he's considered a full-blooded kike by judaic law.

Interesting. I never knew that.

It's getting tiring.

Interesting. I never knew that.

It's getting tiring.

Interesting. I never knew that.

It's getting tiring.

Fucking phone… Sorry

"but but…i thought israel was our greatest ally?"

Was there any doubt? Jews play any side of a conflict that exists. Ask yourself, who keeps the cuckservatives in line?

Here's a riddle with no answer:
Can you tell the difference between a cuckservative that intentionally assists the jew and the cuckservative that unironically believes Israel Is Our Greatest Ally™?

The way to completely divide the cuckservatives from the conservatives is to redpill the conservatives and the unironic cuckservative will either fall in line or stay deluded. The cuckservative that has jewish masters to directly obey will never stop jewing on behalf of the jew until he's dead.

Remember, recent polls show 9% think it is okay to have white-supremacist views. They may not be themselves, but the fact that nearly 1 in 10 people don't care if you're a Nazi is a pretty big deal compared to our previous standing.

A torch bearing march yelling "blood and soil" and other Nazi slogans occurred recently. Let's not forget that.

The Goy awaken.

So nothing? Here is the video the article talks about

that's just stupid, user


It's just a coincidence, obviously.

That's why there's all this sudden censorship.

But God Emperator Trump The Magnifecent is a self declared based conservative? Anti Trump kikes gtfo back to endchan

Whoa now, you keep forgetting that Bobby Fischer is nothing when it comes to playing chess compared to the president, shill.

People keep forgetting that kikes play both sides (controlled opposition) so you end up leaving kikes debating the very things that whites should be in charge of. For example, letting kikes debate about wall-street when its entirely a kike problem. Same goes for the whole immegration issue. Who ends up being propped up to debate shit like this? Zionist kikes, will act like they care and rally for lolbertarian shit even though they work behind the scenes for the tribe.

A reminder that redhead Jews are considered the most pure-blooded Jews and the most dangerous type.

wtf I love MILO now….

If all you got out of that was the phone number connection, you weren't watching at all. Turn off all distractions and sit through it; it's a LOT more comprehensive than that.

The Jews calling out Milo raised 500k for the legal defense fund of a pedophile orthodox rabbi.

Apparently this is the search history of the leader:


Ok buckle up for a wild ride.

To summarize, these Jews hid under the organizational title of "Reagan Battalion" and tried to out Milo as a pedo and any other non-kosher approved political figure including Trump.

Now take a look at the leaders search history.

1. Go here:
2. Ctrl + F these terms: "child", "molestation"

Memes writing themselves.

Fuck Reagan. That fucker was responsible for the neocons hijacking the GOP.

Reminds me how the ADL got started. Jews are nothing more than a clique for criminals, pinkos, and sickos.


Hey, I'm computer illiterate, how exaxctly do I do 2. I pressed control F, but it doesn't let me search or filter? I'm using a mac


bonus :

Didn't you learn the lesson ith the TRS crew ?
They hit all the right spot and get you to join them only to try to tone your beliefs down for the sake of "the movement" in order to make you not so different from the neo cohens.