Sega still does what nintendon't
Nintendo fucking their customers left and right...
neither of them make good games any more though
Sanic Manic looks very promising atleast.
As much as I enjoy SEGA for what they're doing, you just know they're going to fuck it up somehow.
I hope Mania's good. Should have got the guys from BTS/ATS involved for music though.
Spinball 2 when?
If you knew how American copyright actually works you would know why Nintendo did the shit they did. Blizzard already explained why the shut down Nost and is the same reason why Nintendo does it.
You either protect your copyright or lose it.
Protect it from what? Fan's enjoying it?
To be fair, I don't know why people insist on making fan games. This "cease and desist" thing isn't new, it's been going on for fucking ever.
If anyone was honestly suprised that they put a stop to any of the recent projects, you're either a full blown retard or you must have not even known Nintendo existed until that very moment.
So this is like the 3rd time this thread was made
Are these threads just going to be another shitpost template now?
Also didn't SEGA send a bunch of C&D to YouTubers years ago as well? I remember the hyper Sanic autists like Chris Chan having a sperg fit over it
honestly sega is kinda of turning around a good leaf
sonic mania looking good
thou they did pick up amp studios people who made the endless space/legend/dungeon games and i am kinda of looking forward to endless space 2 but they have been working on that before they partner up with sega
that and what sonic generations 2
so idk some of sega is doing alright other part of it is completely retarded
also fuck nintendo their balls deep ass raping each of their games, sun and moon is probably gonna have a shit ton of hand holding and fucking ghost pokedex fucking popping up SAYING HEY JUST TO LET YOU KNOW IN 5 STEPS IM GONNA LET YOU KNOW ABOUT IT THEN JUST GIVING YOU A HEADS UP
Have you ever heard of Gamergate, 4am generals, or waifu Wednesday?
Portofolio padding.
There are also the retards not doing this, but it goes a bit different for them
No. Sega still makes good games. They just haven't done a good job with Sonic, and casuls think that Sega is just Sonic Team and nothing else.
You protect your IP from losing its value. Fan works could be potentially seen as depreciating value of an IP since they're works not approved by the creator. For all Nintendo knows there could be some poorly made Mario fangame masquerading as an official Nintendo. If people don't know better they could see that fan work as a legit shitty product from Nintendo and now the property could be damaged, and now Nintendo has to do damage control on why they don't endorse the fan product made without their permission.
well, at least they're trying their best, taking their time to finish the game (and not rushing to coincide with the 30th anniversary)
You're disillusional if you really think Activision didn't infect Blizzard
I was going to write something about fans really loving their franchises, then it hit me. you're wrong.
only a few developers sue. most of them either ignore it, make it easier to distribute mods (steam workshop) or simply hire whoever is doing shit. That's most of Valve's lucrative games are mods.
yeah, they did. But I believe they're getting their shit together.
SEGA still makes great shit though
Not a fan of it but what about Touhou, that series is basically plenty of fanmade shit with the creator approving said fanmade shit.
Basically an opensource game series like Kirkbride intended for The Elder Scrolls in terms of lore that is.
Reach for the Stars is actually an enjoyable song.
Copyright does not expire. You cannot "lose" copyright. Stop mixing up copyright and trademarks.
Then the creator should have the balls to say what they're doing. This has nothing to do with copyright at all.
No argument here.
Hope it's mostly original shit rather than remixed levels. I can get that from the most basic of ROMhack nowadays.
Whoops. Copyright does not expire from lack of protection. The only way you "lose" copyright is when it naturally runs out, which takes a long time:
That is not how law works. Tell me, you honestly believe, as an example WB and DC would lose the rights for Batman and Super because of deviantart drawings or HISHE cartoons? Of course not, because they wouldn't. Even when these people are producing exactly the same stuff they sell. They don't own nothing, that's why the C&D is possible.
And even then, someone like Disney is going to extend that law to many more years when Mickey or someone is about to become public domain
GG basically just fucks around to keep things fun while talking about things.
If I were to ever make a franchise in the next life, how could I put it in its grave after the games I've planned for it and nothing else? No continuing any kind of story or lore. The character and setting is just fucking done. At most only a spinoff set in the future would be allowed and only if it doesn't make my protagonist fucking evil leading a dystopia suddenly.
Alright, so you fall under the "braindead fucking retard" category.
Nintendo ain't "just a developer". They are fucking INFAMOUS for protecting their IPs like this. HOW DO PEOPLE NOT KNOW BY NOW?! IT HAPPENS EVERY FUCKING TIME
They even tried to get people's Let's Play money. They don't give a fucking shit.
but all of those are awful cancerous threads that should be banned
You only said GG because it was listed with those other disliked 2 that serve absolutely no purpose. Fuck off.
The fact that Nintendo is more jewish than a literally jewish company like SEGA just goes to show you that you shouldn't give them money or buy their garbage video game amiboo software.
Nintendrones and pokemon fags are the most autistic type of cancer too. If you own a WiiU or a 3DS, stop. If you own purchased an Amiibo, kys. Nintendo is shit company and I'm glad they are doing so poorly.
their e3 show was pretty good
Which sanics did Sega make recently that were good? I personally think Lost World was a terrible idea because of being a console platformer with basically no content.
Colors and Generations?
I just wish the big three died already
I second that sentiment.
lost world was ported to the pc
generations is pretty good
colors is ok
sonic adventure 1 and 2 were reported to the pc and you just need to apply a patch if you want to play in widescreen
sonic unleashed is fantastic, except it's a half and half pizza, so the other half is complete shit
As long as you have a solid grip on the copyright (it isn't some weird situation where EA owns your work) you can sit on it and refuse to let anyone touch it. Just turn down any offers to do anything related to your copyrighted material. The main issue will be paying lawyers to crush anyone who tries without your permission, but you can just say you're "protecting your IP" since some people still fall for that line.
Of course, on your death your estate will probably sell your rights to EA anyway and a whole bunch of terrible sequels will come vomiting forth, but that's a Trusts and Estates issue.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending them. I abhor all of their latest decisions and despite having been a big nintendo fan (to the point where I thought they would deliver on the wii u's potential like a dumbass) I'm pretty fed up with their bullshit.
But I have to emphasize: if you were at all suprised that Nintendo took down a fan game, regardless of what it was, you're a complete retard. It was absolutely guaranteed to happen, and it will continue to happen.
They sure do allow a lot of Pokemon porn to be sold at comiket.
Nintendo had every right to shut down something using their IP, no matter how scummy it makes them look or how pointless it is since there's barely any reason for them to do it legally other than they wanted to. Also, didn't the guys who are doing Sonic Mania now approach Sega with the idea of using the engine they were working on for the Android ports?I don't know the whole story there, especially when Sega shut down other fan projects. I doubt Nintendo would have said yes to anything a fan came to them with, they turned down Id making a Mario 3 PC port all those years ago and Id went on to make Commander Keen instead.
Nintendo has always been shitty, worse clocks, shitter synths on the SNES and shittier DSP sound unit on the N64, not embracing the CD. The Gamecube and the NES were the only two consoles that actually won hands-down their generations. Now they are jewish and try to sell toys but still won't make a profit because they are godless jews and are cursed.
Enough with this bullshit, already. Copyright is not like trademark. Copyright has a set period of time for which it is valid and, unless you take some kind of action, you do not give up those rights.
To be fair, the level of enforcement or protection you’ve provided a work can be a factor in how much damages are awarded. For example, if a photo you took has been circulating widely for years with no action and you sue one user of the work, that would mitigate the market value of the work, the damage the infringement could have done and how the court feels about the infringement itself. All of these things can affect the final judgment.
However, unlike trademarks, which do have to be defended, there is nothing the precludes you from enforcing your copyrights at a later date.
I'm pretty sure Comiket doesn't give a fuck about copyrights, everything is sold there because it's listed as parody, thus legal.
What a world we live in.
Japan doesn't have fair use like the US. Parody or not, it's copyright infringement.
I hate the fact that any announced game has shit locked behind amiibos now. They've been ruining all of their franchises, shitting up localizations and outright censoring games.
Japan also has some very lax rules about that sort of thing if I remember correctly, even ignoring the fact that creators often turn the other cheek anyway.
That reminds me of how NoA lied about UFO being Amiibo only in Kirby Planet Robobot. I mean, techincally it's Amiibo only until you 100% the game, and you can't use it in any Arena without the Amiibo, but the Smash power is a similar situation and they didn't even mention that.
My brother said Jews think they're God's chosen people and have the right to bully the rest of man as they see fit. Does that trigger Christfags?
No because Judaism is a completely separate religion from Christianity and Islam but jews try to hide this detail.
Okay, how do I make sure I'm the only one who can gives the rights away?
This doesn't give me anything like the others do.
Gotta push out those shitty plastic figures!
Actually I do think that amiibos would be neat if they hadn't made them into what is basically overpriced physical DLC. If it was just merchandise with no electronic parts they would make nice collectibles.
Yakuza alone justifies the phrase "Sega does what Nintendon't."
The most I'd ever buy is a Kirby and Charizard for collection.
Might not even do that. Amiibos are complete cancer as they've turned out when they were supposed to be nothing more than a collectible physical extra enrichment of your fucking gameplay experience.
Nintendo is pretty anal about their content being used by others without their permission. Why is that? I mean, look at sites like doperoms, coolroms, romhustler. They all had a wide selection of ROMs from a number of Nintendo machines, and they got bashed in by Nintendo's dick. They still host roms for other systems, but Nintendo is the one who dropped the semen flute on them and forced them to remove their shit. Now it's more difficult, but not impossible, to find Nintendo ROMs than it should be.
You have to be the sole owner of the copyright. Lots of work contracts have clauses claiming that anything a worker makes while on the job belongs to the company. This has been twisted around by various fuckers to mean "anything you make while you work for us, whether at work, at home, or wherever else", so be careful.
Well Nintendo likes to put old games up on the Virtual Console Store so you can pay more than actual market value for 20+ year old games and have none of the money go to anyone who made the fucking thing.
Jesus Christ.
Their cons make a shit load of money, thus driving business, thus government gets that sweet, sweet sheckles from taxes or other paper work. A goverment will never shut down a business that will give them that much cash. It's the same reason the US isn't harsh on gun smugglers. They hide the shady business US government does on gun sales.
You should reconsider this sentence.
Take it back.
Isn't Sega just a publisher now?
next time, learn how to compose your fucking argument. you didn't specified Nintendo in your post.
Sort of. They're acquiring every good games developer and not making many sequels to older IP's so they can have a great library for the Sega Mark VIII.
Not exactly. Sega Sammy is the owner of several game studios, including Sonic Team, Sega Sports R&D and Sega AM2. I guess it's kinda like how Nintendo is composed of several smaller R&Ds
What about overworks? I haven't played one of their games since Skies of Arcadia.
That's a funny way of saying PS2. And of course won the horse power race that gen too. Cube was in third place worldwide except for Japan when it came to sales.
**Xbox won the horse power race
Sammy has owned Sega since 2004. The official name of the company is SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS. "Sega" is just a trademark used to sell their products.
Why was Sega-CSK so much better than Sega-Sammy?
What are you talking about? Haven't you always wanted a Lego Sonic game? :^)))))
Because Okawa had a passion for Sega and sank a good deal of his personal fortunes and CSK stock into bolstering Sega's finances so that they could survive the transition to third party. Most of the greatness of the Dreamcast and the few years after were due to Okawa coming in and kicking ass, trying to rebuild Sega from the ashes of the Saturn.
Sammy didn't know what the fuck to do with Sega for the first 6 or 7 years after they bought them, and largely just shuttered their foreign HQs, consolidated/killed development houses, and pushed shit-ware in an effort to help subsidize their pachinko games.
They eventually got their shit sorted, realizing that unless they actually let Sega make good games again - the company would end up being a weight around their neck. At least it seems that way. The stuff they've put out over the last 6 or so years has been much better quality.
According to Wikipedia, they got absorbed into another group called Sega Wow (formerly WOW Entertainment) and went defunct in 2004.
Whats off though is that there were loads of Nintendo fangames years back, there were entire sites dedicated to it. But are fan remakes just not okay or what?
I see. You'd think Sammy, who have actually developed games in the past, would've wanted to keep Sega as strong as they were before the crash, because they have many popular IP's. Were they afraid of Sega going crazy like they did in the '90s or something?
SEGA has been jewing out my poor CA for years now.
That's what they do anymore. They take good franchises, make games for them that are decent at best, and jew the fuck out of them.
CA has gotten some of the worst from it, though for sure.
Kart racing games, while outsourced, were also great.
Every time I am reminded of what my TW has become I die a little inside ;_;
Then I get angry
Jesus, they really do go crazy with DLC and p2win in multiplayer games.
More like physical DLC that works with multiple games. In a perfect world, any single figure would work with tons of games. Thus making the "cost per game use" go down in a way.
Unfortunately it's more like "if it's not from the Mario series, well your fucked."
And it sucks even more if you have a Pokemon amiibo . . .
We gotta have our daily dose of Nintendo shitposting. That's all it is. Things have gotten rather quiet on the Nintendo side of news so people keep bringing up the C&D over and over, like there is more to talk about or something. I'm even seeing people go IT'S OKAY WHEN NINTENDO DOES IT in threads that literally have nothing to do with them, it's pretty funny.
But that's really the only reason most people buy them anyway. I've yet to see a single person actually say "I want this amiibo to unlock some shitty costume."
Japan's law does't count fictional characters as intellectual property, this is what makes doujins legal
And then they make it even worse by limiting shit to very specific amiibos. It's complete cancer. It's something that started small and has now overtook nintendo, spreading into every new release. Zelda U, the only promising 1st party title of the past year(s) already has a prominent Amiibo icon in the abilities tab, and has wolf link locked behind an amiibo AND a shitty HD remake fora game that didn't really need one.
The government doesn't have anything to do with it, they aren't the ones who hold the copyrights. It's the industry that lets the doujin business exist.
They are intellectual property, and doujin parodies aren't legal. They are just allowed to exist.
Well, at least you eventually realized the problem, better late than never.
Sure, if they were just figurines I would have loved them too. But requiring them to access anything in games? Absolutely unacceptable. I don't put up with buying separately sold DLC from anyone else, Nintendo is no exception. Sell me all the content at once or nothing.
This is why NX will fail.
It will have a feature that works in japan (like streetpass) but doesn't make sense in a non-sardinecan nation. Japs don't understand western internet or gaming. Their sites still look like drudgereport.
Can you name single instance where a company lost their copyright because they didn't send C&Ds to fan works?
Believe me, I HATE how Nintendo keeps doing nothing to fix that local-only garbage that's fine in Japan but leaves us rural consumers in countries where people are way more spread out kinda screwed. It is garbage to have parts of the game be much harder or basically inaccessible simply because I live on the far edge of a small town, despite spending the same money as anybody else. But what does that particular complaint have to do with OP?
Sucks that the first phase gets so little attention. It's amazing as an orchestrated boss track despite being so unfitting for an above average Eggman robot loaded with corrupted Wisp powers.
At least both are great. Solaris Phase 1 on the other hand just blows the fuck out of Phase 2 in every possible way as a boss theme and gets no appreciation at all in comparison.
Is'nt there some legal bullshit that happened to the creator of Calvin & Hobbes because he didn't stop people/fans making and selling unofficial merch of C&H and it stopped him from making OFFICIAL merch using HIS characters?
I'm pretty sure Watterson never wanted to make merch of Calvin & Hobbes to begin with.
Nope. He defended his intellectual property a number of times and it's always held in court. The problem was that it was always small businesses and traveling vendors who would sell the stickers that were causing him grief and it became pointless to go after all of them unless they became a big enough operation to feasably take down in court.
He never wanted Merch or licensing in the first place which is why he never. But because he defended his IP. There's no runout period on his copyright outside of US copyright term limits (And he knows it which is why he's already said after he passes on that the rights will come with him to the grave)
I totally get hating some of the absolutely retarded merchandise that gets made, if I were ever so fortunate as to be that successful there are definitely things I'd say no to if it were my call. But I've never understood his ABSOLUTELY NO MERCHANDISE AT ALL EVER stance, it's not all bad.
I think the idea was that he just wanted it to be a daily newspaper comic and collection books at most, not some big multimedia merchandise sellout like some other comic artists (look at how much merchandise Garfield gets). Honestly something to respect if you ask me.
Watterson was fucking prescient to social issues these days, so that's another thing to like about him.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge Calvin and Hobbes fan too, I have physical copies of every single collection except for one. (Which means yes, I have a lot of strips multiple times.)
However, I still reject the idea that it's either no merchandise at all or Garfield-tier shameless selling out, with no possible middleground. And I don't have much respect for such black-and-white thinking, if that's Watterson's true reasoning. Some merchandise being bad does not mean all merchandise is bad. Just like most newspaper comics were and still are garbage but Calvin and Hobbes was amazing.
Incidentally, I can attest to the accuracy of that first comic. I started doing that sort of needlessly complex and verbose writing in high school to pad out papers and not only did it work, it was commended. It continued working on into college no less.
Maybe he just didn't want to find himself going down a slippery slope with starting small but going full-on with it when he might see how much money even a little bit was making him?