SNES Thread

The Super Nintendo just turned 25 a few days ago. Let's have a thread to celebrate.

What are some of your favorite games for the console?

Other urls found in this thread:

Seiken Densetsu 3

if yall nigga shaven't played it, then you haven't played the best game on the SNES

Mega Man X1/2/3 with MSU1 are great to play as well.

Earthbound is the best game ever made imo.

If you don't think this is the best soundtrack that the SNES has to offer, get out of my face

It good, but maybe not best.
I like.

how horrifying

I wish they made a proper sequel to Actraiser.
What the hell were they thinking when they made Actraiser II without the sim elements…

My nigga. Best shmup on the system.


They'll never port that game into the virtual shop, fucking jewies.

It's hard to pick just one song.

sonic the hedgehog

How did Nintendo manage to get away with it, lads?

nigga it was 1990. we're lucky it was made of nintendium instead of hewn from limestone by hammer and chisel.

Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.

They made an All-Stars plus World double pak?
I have both separately.

Skilled developers and a monopoly on them thanks to deals made for the NES.

The CPU was weak, but the video & sound chips were very powerful. Good devs could do miracles with that shit.

I recall it was bundled with the system at a time.

Still surprises me that Tales of Phantasia managed to have an opening song with legible lyrics in a SFC game.

I'm sorry, the first thing that comes to mind in regards to that and the soundtrack is how Activision fucking put "Y'all Ready for this?" in as the opening theme in the west.

You'd be surprised by what some composers wind up getting stuck with for work.
I mean, that's not to see he's just been stuck composing for crap ever since then (he's also done work for Atelier Escha and Logy), but I guess money is money.

Brandish, Kirby Super Star, Shadowrun, Demon's Crest, Lufia 2, Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy 3, E.V.E. Search for Eden, Earthbound, Drakkhen, Bahamaut's Lagoon, Those starfox games and those super bomberman games


My younger brother and I would beat Super Double Dragon and Wild Guns every month. Good times.

This thing? The guy who composed the soundtracks for Koudelka and the Mana games ended up doing this? That's really depressing.

Still one of my favorite games of all time.

The SNES had a great deal of games clearly crafted with love and care, something most modern games, indie or otherwise, have completely forgotten.

A bit obligatory, but this game, also, still plays amazingly two decades later.

I played through Demon's Crest with almost no problems but this is completely different, god damn it is it hard

It's okay, the mods are asleep.

Are there any games for the console that aren't shitty rehashed JRPGS? Serious question, not b8.

The only good games on the SNES I've played so far are

what the cuck




Great graphics, great music, great gameplay, but… didn't anyone stop for a goddamn second and consider that there is a reason why we have evolved to find a baby's wailing severely distressing?

Stop posting anytime

But user, that's exactly why they put it in the game. It's meant to punish you for fucking up and getting a baby knocked off your back.

pic related

All the more reason to git gud, so you don't have to hear it :^)

Thanks user

Well if you know of any others feel free to post them. I can tell you're a weeb cuck though so I imagine probably not.

Nah, that list has everything I could offer.
I fully recommend Megaman X, Kirby Super Star, Contra 3, and Yoshi's Island.

I played Yoshi's before. Mechanics were cool but the levels were kinda slow paced compared to SMW1 so I lost patience.

Probably gonna try Actraiser and Contra 3 next.

If you want fast paced, contra 3 will keep you busy

Wait, here's an updated version of the chart.

Or I could just put it on there myself since I've been meaning to get to an update for a while.


Earthbound MSU-1 when? Webm semi-related.

I have an archive of every SNES ROM uploaded

It's gonna take a while to upload, but I think it's an appropriate celebration

Wrong images lol

Alien 3 and Stargate are pretty good too.

I mean it is pretty fun, but I was just memeing about it being the the best on the system.

It's the only way it wouldn't go over the file size limit.

To be fair, if that were to be a PNG, the image quality would have to be even further reduced to fit within the filesize limits. Unless codemonkey has made the maximum filesize bigger or something.

If I ever notice the ones people posting getting a bit too lossy, I can just run another from the PSD.

Eh, I've been meaning to get around to an update anyhow. I'll post a list of what people have managed for potential additions in a few minutes.

Had to dig through some folders to double check stuff. These are based on what other anons have suggested, so it would be nice to have them be looked over a bit before putting another one out (considering people seem much more apt to complain about what's missing/shouldn't be there after the fact rather than beforehand).

Also not real sure on what to do for games that have remakes elsewhere that are either more refined or easier to go back to. I know some people have complained about having put them on there before, but I'm not sure if people would complain more if those were to be taken down.

Looks pretty good to me. With Ranma 1/2: Treasure of the Crimson Cat Gang, I think there was a version based on the anime and a version based on the manga, at least according to Emuparadise. I'm not sure what, if any, real differences there are since I'm not really into Ranma 1/2.


To make sure you adjust to ensure it's survival, fun fact, scientists have linked the chemicals in the brain when aggravated by a baby crying are the same things that go off when you want to kill something.


Wasn't there also something about cats imitating noises human babies make to get stuff from people?

Not sure how you could have two versions of the same game on the same system (barring the occasional same system remake/DC), unless there's separate patches with one using established English names from when the series was officially brought over and another using the Japanese names, or something.

is the super nintendo the most fuckable console of all time?

Thank you for reminding me I have this

What the fuck happened to vidya?

I'm a SEGAfag, but the SNES deserves some real love. Postan my favorites.

I liked FDC so much I bought a copy myself. It was mail order and comes in one of those SFC Memory carts.

One of the best overlooked gems coming through. Also, Young Merlin was ok but had tons of charm

That's probably what it is. I just tried both versions out and couldn't tell a difference.

Just a reminder that Nintendo started the whole trend of re-releasing games with shitty fucked up covers with the PLAY IT LOUD series. Playstation gets the flak for this because of Greatest Hits but Nintendo did it first.

Then Nintendo stopped fucking up the covers and instead rereleased those same Play It Loud games for the next 5 generations of video game consoles. How many copies of OOT do you own, user?

still one of my favorite games of all time

My nigga. They don't make them like that anymore.

Many, many things, but mostly PC. Once MS entered the market, things like their PC in a box and xbox live have slowly been becoming the norm. At this point, only the handhelds, which are failing, and the Wii u, which nobody wants to work on because nintendo will just shit on you, are all that's left.

Despite growing up with them, I don't really care for old 8 & 16 bit consoles.

My first cart kept crashing, but I still kept it because it was pretty and gold. I got a grey cart after that, then the GameCube version with Master Quest, and the one that came in the Legend of Zelda Collector's thing for the GameCube, along with Zelda 1, 2, and Majora's Mask, then finally the 3DS version years later.

I moved to Japan fairly recently, found a used goods store that sells retro video games/consoles. I got my hands on (All nip obviously):
Good quality boxed copies w/ manual

Just the cart

Why would you buy a shit game that many times?

Every SNES ROM in existence (9.2 GB)

I got the second cart because the first one stopped working, I got the GC version to play Master Quest(this was before the 3DS version came out), I got the Collector's Edition to play the other 3 games on the disc because I didn't own a NES or a copy of Majora's Mask at the time, and the 3DS version came with my 3DS.
Also, I really like the game.

Awesome, thanks.

Why would you buy a shit console?

Why even live if I can't experience those feelings anew?

It's not the same emulating those games for the 1000th time again. It's like a heroin addict chasing that first high and falling flat on his face every time.

It's self torture.

Why do we persist? We know we can never replicate those experiences, and nothing new can make us feel like that again. It is futile.


Well i don't know about, but im just looking to play good games, and i sure as shit know that the next gen doesn't have them.

There's still a ton of great old games out there that have yet to be discovered. Even if you restricted yourself only to games made in the 90s, you'd still have a backlog large enough to last your entire life.

Asshurt OOT baby detected.
OOT was The Last of Us of it's generation. The only reason anyone remembers it so fondly is because of all the marketing it had.

Asshurt dreamcast fan detected. Dreamcast was the Ouya of it's generation. Only reason anyone remembers it so fondly is because of all the marketing it had.

The Ouya was literally an Android box with no games. The reason people remember the Dreamcast so fondly is because it had an entire generations worth of kickass games in it's short lifespan.

The Dreamcast was literally a windows PC with no games, the reason people remember the dreamcast so fondly is because it's RETRO GAYMING now.

I bet you thing the og Xbox has no games too don't you faggot?
Judging by how you're posting it's clear you've never touched a Dreamcast.

I bet you thing xbox was actually a good think for games too don't you faggot? Judging by how you're posting its clear you've never touched an xbox

My favorite snes games.

Magical Pop'n is pretty mediocre fam. It's fun, but it doesn't bring enough interesting mechanics or level design to the table to stand up to classic platformers like Megaman X, Umihara Kawase, Donkey Kong Country, Hagane, Super Mario World, and Yoshi's Island.

I never implied that, but it quite a few great games that are lost to time because no emulators. Every major console no matte rhow bad had it's fair share of games. It wasn't until the PS3 came around this whole "nogaems" shit came around you underaged faggots keep spouting. Only now do consoles not have games. You also can't read, because I was defending the validity of the Xbox's library, so obviously I have touched one before. You just can't come up with a reasonable argument so you parrot what I say. It may be the weakest console of the generation but it had some cool exclusives (and I'm not talking about Halo shit.)

The Dreamcast had a phenomenal library of games, and it gave everyone a positive glimpse into the future of video games. Unfortunately when the PS2 was marketed as a DVD player and Microsoft made a console all that changed, and nobody realized it until it was too late. I'd tell you about some great games, but since you're an immature little shit you'll just call all of them shit without any valid reason. I'm tired of our quarrel shitting up a pretty good thread about a great console so I'm going to post more Super Nintendo games. Eat a dick nigger.

I agree that it's not on the same level as the games you mentioned, but I think it's more than mediocre. It does have some interesting mechanics and the controls are very fluid. I'd say it's a solid 8/10 as far as platformers go.

It's inevitable.
Even if the industry wasn't in such a sad state you'd eventually become familiar enough with shared mechanics that you feel like never making any truly new experiences.
Just cherish those memories and realize the futility of living a life absorbed by a consumer hobby.
I recommend you get into any kind of artisanship like carpentry or painting.

I play the guitar.

It's the same thing. I remember the first time I plugged it into an amp and struck a string. That alone fascinated the shit out of me. Because it's exactly like that with older generations of games too. I remember when the Nintendo 64 came around. We were playing it on CRT TVs and the framerate was shit. But it was mind bowing at the time. Then I revisit Mario 64 and it's borderline unplayable now after being desensitized from high resolutions and framerates.

Actually, that phenomenon seems to apply mostly to the post-SNES era of early 3D graphics. The PSX was plagued by shit framerates, "swimming" textures and white line gaps between polygons. Yet back when it was new, it was unbelievable! Because I can go back to the SNES era and still enjoy games like Donkey Kong Country, Megaman X, SMW and such games. And Yoshis Island is probably the one game in history that has aged the best, because even now, it looks and plays unbelievable!

Then as I got better at playing guitar the music of choice evolved from simple riffs into more technical stuff. After a while, you need stronger stimulus because it doesn't hit the spot anymore. It's the same with games. You need "stronger stuff", but the ways in which it's "stronger" eventually becomes shallow, because at the point where we are now, so much goes into graphics. Motion capture, dialogue, level design is a monumental task. And due to all this, the important elements suffer from it and we're left with a HOLLOW experience.

It's an eerie, creepy experience to play a game with a glossy exterior that is completely hollow inside. Sort of like an existential crisis. It's like playing Minecraft, No Mans Sky or any such "game", and you imagine if it was real. Being stuck in that hellish world without purpose forever…

Sorry for the blogpost, but I can't be the only one who has existential crisis when playing modern games. I wonder if it is different for those who grow up in this era. Being children and still learning the world around them, the games are probably stimulating enough despite their shallowness, and the children are formed by them accordingly.

Your "argument" so far:
So basically, just another Retro gayming hipster shitting up the hobby.

You wot m8? It's like you're trying to make an ass of yourself. It shows how much you really know about your precious "hobby"
You could take 5 minutes to research yourself. I'm not going to spoonfeed you a list of games because you know EXACTLY what you'd do if I did that. I already hinted at one game.
I've been into this hobby for more than a decade. End your life.

Oh shit guys, he's been gaming for 10 years!

So you've been doing this since 2007 then. Got it, no wonder you don't know anything about xbox or dreamcast.

The Firemen

PAL only game, was actually really damn good.

They didn't, which is why Sony cucked them so hard all they make is non-games nowadays.

There's also what appears to be a North American prototype out there. The translation is complete, but gets pretty rough by the end

I haven't even read the thread, I just wanted to pop in and call you a faggot.

I'm explicitly talking about "retro" games. Not video games in general it's been much much longer.
Says the guy that thinks the Dreamcast and xbox is obscure.


Good thing the game is already in english, and any US SNES can play most PAL games with a 5 second "mod" that only involves a pair of needle nose pliers.

Yes, sure you were, and people actually bought games on the xbox that weren't halo.

Not trying to defend the teenage faggot here, but the xbox had B.L.A.C.K.

That was a pretty groundbreaking game for it's time.

That one nigger pooping on the Dreamcast is the teenage faggot here. How did this shit get flipped on me? I'm disappointed in you guys. The one thread here that wasn't some shitty template thread and you niggers had to shit it up.

Yeah like Phantom Dust, Shenmue 2 and Grabbed by the Ghoulies.

Mainly the manner in which you type. You don't make arguments like an adult, you sound like some bratty, spoiled, petulant child with daddy issues and a chip on his shoulder.

King Arthur's World is so unbearably slow I can't believe anyone ever enjoyed it.

Retardation aside, how the fuck has this not been posted yet?

Magical Quest was boss as fuck.

Stop projecting. I'm mad you niggers ruined a good thread, and there are kids dumb enough to apply modern logic (everything has nogames) to a time where even the shittiest consoles had a good selection of games (but what do they know, the AVGN told them the Jaguar was the worst console ever!) There were no "bad" consoles from the major companies (Sony, Nintendo, Sega, Microsoft, Atari, NEC, etc) until the 8th generation (where consoles inherited all of the bad aspects of computer games without any of the good ones, and AAA games cost so much money to make, the only things made are "cinematic" experiences to appeal to a mad audience that doesn't care about video games.) And I know there's meme shit like the Virtual Boy but even that has some pretty good fucking games, it's just that playing it on hardware hurts your eyes. I didn't intend to argue about the Dreamcast in this thread, but god forbid I forget to turn off my flag from another thread.

Did my comment somehow go over your head?

U mad.

go sperg somewhere else, you're shitting up a good thread.

Idiot aside again, Am I the only one who completely lost his shit at the ending of this game? ALL THAT SHIT, and the goddamn officer doesn't even return your salute, it's a bold slap in the face.

Maybe. But they're bretty good gaymes.

gets told he's shitting up a good thread
Thanks a lot.


Magical Quest is my favorite of Capcom's Disney games, though nostalgia might be apart of that. It never seems to get brought up as much as games like Duck Tales or The Lion King.

It was legit great.

Good pacing, great mechanics, good music, great bosses, and decent difficulty.

It felt like Megaman Mickey. God bless Capcom, they were one of the kings of the SNES.

The game should've been great but it ended up being boring and slow as fuck.
Also oh god that interface… I'd be willing to give it a second try if it was remade in an actually working interface.

They were kings of almost every console they touched until around 2006-2007. Really prolific company. I'm kind of surprised that they never tried to make their own console, like Sega or SNK.

I didn't mind the speed, but you're right about the interface being awful.

Plenty of my favorites have been posted so I'm going to fill in the gaps.

More favorites

Since this thread is drying up, perhaps we can put a spin to it…

How many games did you rent that you wished you had bought?

I wonder if this is what Sony fans here actually believe.

That's the only I can think of.