RUPTLY stream:
FOX article:
On the stream you can occassionally see crowds of Antifas hunting "Nazis".
RUPTLY stream:
FOX article:
On the stream you can occassionally see crowds of Antifas hunting "Nazis".
Other urls found in this thread:
One lone Trump supporter chased by Antifa crowd.
Also I think it's interesting that the counter protest is pretty large, despite the rally having been cancelled. It's larger than at the Battle of Berkeley for sure.
The very few open Trump supporters are in serious danger imo. Also lots of anti-police chants and a few arrests (one right now).
That's why it's so large. They know they can actually win a fight that is 1 to 100..
That's probably it.
Antifa dog rescued (belonged to the arrested fat bitch above)
Multi angle stream:
Brave lone Trump supporter yelling free speech, confronted by hundreds of crazy Antifas. Cops escorted him away.
Yvette approves.
LOTS of masked Antifas
black bloc
Not online right now. Best streams:
They are litterally chanting (((SHUT IT DOWN)))
thanks m8
What gun is that?
dont worry soros youll be with d rockefeller and brzezinski soon
Another nice stream:
(((peaceful))) antifas are chanting "put the gun down" while cops are getting ready. Shit will go down, it's getting comfy.
Any police vs antifa violence? This is an unlawful assembly from the get go and those faggots are in 24/7 edgy fred durst mode. They will stab horses and wreck private property if there are no straight white males around to screech at.
purple soros smoke
Start fucking gassing already coppers
A simple 40mm launcher
Do it faggots shoot some fucking commies.
purple signs
A bean bag gun.
I see, thanks. I love their "no hate" shields while wearing masks. Cops are getting ready btw, gasmasks put on.
kek, so low energy considering the crowd is pretty large.
just like a hoard of zombies
doesn't even rhyme
It's more like "you can't be defeated if you never tried to win" kikery. How can white people lose if they all never try to survive?
Cops are withdrawing.
Hundreds of masked Antifas are leaving the demonstration, another smokebomb
Goddamn it commieforina can't you just bust up some commies once in your life?
Never mind here them come finally.
sadly doesnt look like it
If only
The only thing Commiefornia can bust up is 10 year old tranny buttholes
They went to the park nearby, is the cordoned off section for "Nazis" supporters?
probably love how theyre surrounded
This should be our new tactic…..set up rallies every few days, get permits, advertise like crazy….and then pull out at the last minute leaving anti-freeze and the rest of them there rioting against themselves…..
that plus the shekels their masters have to spend to move them everywhere
Christ these clowns.
so what's going on with the barricades in the park?
Lmfao anyone hear the jew york peanut seller, that's a bernie accent if I ever heard one.
>barricades just came down and they're fucking running amok destroying shit now
Looks like shit is going down at RUPTLY, lots of running people. That's what happens when the police retreats.
They are ignored ofcourse. One even could see an Antifa removing screws with a tool…
purple markings spotted on antifags
How is she out of jail?
What are the purple markings for? Some special kind of diseased Antifa?
naturally, bean bags when?
Didn't even know she was arrested. Don't forget she's friends with the mayor. Also watch this, source of the screenshot, hilarious.
she's pals with the spic fag mayor
soros color revolution
The American color revolution is going to be purple, get used to seeing it more often.
tear gas
Announce rally, 'cancel' late, arrive a few hours later with force to surround the commies rather than them surrounding you, put up shield wall and starve them out or worse
Gas deployed and choppers inbound on ruptly, Right Wing Heli Squads nao
Any good streams other than Ruptly?
Thanks, user.
Do they even know why they're there?
Look at these peaceful LARPers.
I see, thanks.
Kek, I saw that. Classy.
You should get a good screenshot of the fat waddling pumpkin there in the bottom left. Bitch made me kek hard.
They tried to stop a police vehicle and the police threw a smoke grenade at them and they all ran away.
theyre chasing people down
isn't it illegal to wear their garb?
I just wish they would actually do it.
Some fighting on the periscope stream, couldn't get a good screenshot. Also some arrests earlier and tear gas.
whats funny is that the future they so desperately want they will not survive in
What are they even doing anymore?
Chanting in spanish lmao.
Where the fuck is Gloom Tube?
he's sleeping evidently
Shitty webm of the fight, probably clearer footage at WMC5 but their stream won't load for me.
How is Soros still alive after what he did to other countries?
Probably the most exercise she's gotten in years.
because anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that if he dies nothing changes
you'd have to kill his whole family and everyone he comes in contact with
Aging boomers wearing purple shirts. Not a cohencidence.
This is exactly what school shootings were invented for.
love how the media calls it 'gas bombs' when its the left but when its anybody else its 'crowd control'
Chat disabled on Ruptly stream RIP
Mossad spotted!
Our guys are tougher than antifa. If the real civil war starts breaking out they're going to find that out on day one
You can't make this shit up.
What rustles my jimjams about these rallies is the large percentage of normalfags in the crowds who want to be a "part of something revolutionary" and "feel included" It's the next evolutionary step of the Slacktivist. It's mostly college aged women too who normally would be completely apolitical.
When you break it down it's like 30% agitators and jews and 70% lemmings.
I thought that was age of empires for a second
The motherfuckers are driving around with a truckload of weapons and shields. They just showed it on stream.
Shit is goig down at the periscope stream, they spotted a trump supporter(?) and are ganging up on her(?). Shitty webm incoming, still recording.
these idiots keep giving us ammo, hahahhahhahaaa
How badly are the cops shitting the bed? Or are they actually doing their job? I'm kind of watching on and off and haven't seen much of them
I really hope NK nukes Berkley.
Cops finally arrived and rescued him/her. Webm begins a bit after the first action, they were like zombies lusting for brains.
They aren't doing anything except standing there being jeered. Being a cop in Berkeley must be the most thankless job ever.
They may be giving us examples of how violent, greedy, traitorous, and destructive they are, but don't we have that already? How exactly can we convince people that these soviet wannabees are even more worthy of public scorn then before? If we could get the title
Left Wing Radicals Attack Peaceful Rally
I would consider that a victory
Spread this far and wide, this is gold
They are chanting
That's how
I see Antifa is wearing more non-descript black clothing and pulling up their balaclavas a little bit more.
jesus christ spread this everywhere, someone get a webm of this shit
One of /ourguys/ gave them a chant, and they took the bait?
Or is this a Poe?
Never interrupt your enemy while they are making a mistake.
This is what we need to get them declared as a terrorist organization. Let them chant this shit.
The truck they showed a bit ago with weapons and shields now has a nigger preacher in the back with a bullhorn.
Webm of the other chant incoming soon.
It's got to be uncomfortable as fuck wearing all of that black during the summer in California.
This could be a mortal wound for them. Good luck trying to compare them to WWII soldiers after this. Might as well retroactively go after all the news that called them patriots as well. please someone get the video
I hope the sound works here.
If it was anywhere but San Francisco it would be. SF is only 75 degrees right now, whereas the rest of California is 90+.
Imagine the smell
Bless these digits.
Checked for this kills the commie.
Nice work. How do you extract a clip from a live stream when you don't know the timestamp?
Ass & patchouli oil.
Spreading like butter on bread my friend. Bless these digits
They're bussed in. I spent all day yesterday watching Antifa/SURJ/ARA, etc. videos looking for fatty beard guy; what's interesting to see in these little Southern towns is all of the tatted, blue-haired, pierced, tranny, indeterminate, etc. dregs that are there w/ signs saying "we don't want you here". These people are clearly not local and there's a decent video from Pikeville where a local documents that almost all of the protesters are from somewhere else. I mean, the fuck is someone from NYC doing in Pikeville, KY with a sign saying "we don''t want you here"?
Berkeley, of course, is a different case; but my point is that this is a National Movement that is well-funded and is intent on overthrowing the US to install a literal communist regime. They're attacking on all fronts: media, academia, courts, police, mayors, governors, congressmen and now it's literal violence in the streets, covered up by said above establishment. Scary times my friends.
We really need to get some anons to infiltrate or at least find out where they plan to "protest" and secretly film the bus trip, pep-talk, organizers, etc. This is serious business; the future of the country is at stake. And, in before "do it yourself": I''m in a deep South town where even the thought of having an Antifa branch is laughable. Although, I have a perfect front to infiltrate if I ever find one here.
I record webms with ShareX, best programm. Since the chanting just happened I simply skipped back a bit, luckily Ruptly has DVR mode enabled..
Nice job.
Get it out on social media immediately if you have twatters and Facekike accounts.
Is this treason yet?
If not it has to be sedition at least.
The plan for Antifa destroying themselves works just fine.
other anons are right, I guess we just sit back and watch them shoot themselves in the foot, they got like baited into accelerating hard.
weapons truck spotted
More streams:
YT search for Berkely + Live:
Really all you need to do at this point is show up nicely dressed with an american flag chanting about free speech. They'll attack you and any normie watching will be totally horrified by how much
they hate everything wholesome.
"No Trump, no wall, no USA at all"
Pretty clear here. Can somebody do something with subtitles on this? And maybe crop out everything except "No USA at all" with their literal communist flags being prominent?
Have we started the fire?
It's the Cuck Truck of Peace
I don't have the skills. Subtitles with sound and we'll get it out on social media.
I got banned from le censorship bird and need to provide a phone # to reactivate but all the temporary phone services are blocked. Anyone know if my only option is to buy prepaid a burner phone?
Oh nice. I thought you were using youtube-dl + ffmpeg
Attention whores showing their asses isn't wholesome.
or that's what they have been instructed to do, are acting out. Course in a martial law type situation you have to hand over your firearms if told to.
Gloomtube up? I want to watch multiple streams at once in one location.
read to me where in the constitution it states that you must give the government your firearms if martial law is declared. This is only going to hurt them, if they pull martial law its going to only hurt them.
so a day at the beach isn't wholesome?
gloomtube is in a coma right now
What did they mean by this?
Not yet sadly, he may get up soon.
I'll post the link if he does
Leatherman arguing with someone (already over):
I don't have the tech skills either. Sad, very sad.
I don't have to read anything I know what happened after Katrina, it's a fact.
You are a degenerate.
Gloomtube streamed the flooding all night, he's excused.
The burkini, veils, and head coverings used to be the norm in the West, nothing wrong with modesty.
Only degenerates go outside.
the only way people are going to give up their firearms to the gov in the event a martial law is declared because of antifa, is in the form of a loaded one.
Is there a way to post a webm to twitter? I've made all of 2 posts in my life. If others will help I'm willing to get a hashtag going maybe #unamerican or #antiamerica
sure thing scholomo
Webms are (((unsupported))) despite being part of the HTML5 standard.
They had color photographs at that time and high quality B&W ones were common. Try again.
The police won't open fire. Their chief is sympathetic to them, she won't give the order…sadly. People are being attacked and the cops can't do their job.
in what way is that woman whoring
she's showing off natural beauty in order to spread a message
there are no definable features that would lead to her getting attention for that photograph
hence, she isn't whoring
now shut the fuck up kike and stop trying to d&c
Yes that's one possibility that I'm sure they are more than prepared for.
Note the faggot with the "no hate" shield, should be easy to dox.
Nicely done, but this needs to go bigger. In particular the "no usa" chant needs to be heard in order to kick whatever patriot support they have out from under them. But I'll make a prediction, did you see that nig try to stop the beating? He's going to be the face of the protest instead of the hundreds of black clad Bolsheviks.
Kill yourself kike
Here's an MP4 (h264) of the video, should work on Twitter (don't know for sure, I don't use that shite).
and I'm prepared in kind twice as much.
reported and filtered
checked however
how do I know you werent breast fed?
Ruptly camerawoman was just assaulted by protesters
I'm just an interested german delivering some content, the spreading must be done by Americans.
Antifa just shut down the Ruptly stream. They told her to turn off the camera and the last thing on the stream was some nigger in a face mask telling her she done goofed.
did antifa just reck the ruptly stream?
You've taken the purity spiral a bit far brüder. This isn't Islam.
Yeah, it looked like they physically grabbed her camera.
The funny part was them covering the camera with an apple laptop. Nothing says fuck the system like a nice capitalist apple product
Webm, she has balls.
some user is collecting footage over at .
inform the public, show them the faceless thugs.
I uploaded it to JewTube if anyone care's to spread it to normies. My Twatter account got swarmed with bots a minute or so after posting it, so that tells me it's effective.
Yeah okay. What "message" is she spreading?
She's literally naked and spreading her legs with a swastika armband on her vagina, that's pretty fucking degenerate user. And you're right I wasn't breast fed.
Nothing wrong with those parts of Islam, the problem is mainly the people who practice it.
"Screams in cheeki breeki"
It's considered degeneracy in America.
Gonna need webm or mp4 of this.
It was an iphone
doesn't make it any less funny though
Dat ass doe
theirs your problem right their
Dumbass Beaner
Here you go
Just found this one, there was just a square-off between commies and sane people.
This one could go one for a while, time to get comfy.
different stream now that ruptly's down
Right? I've had people ask me for help on these BS systems, but they''re so stupid they have nossword, so it's really, literally, fucked.
Alright lads tweet has been made and just got picked up by some MAGA fan with 2,000 followers. Anything you guys want me to put up? I'm contemplating making other accounts to retweet it but probably not, too suspicious to have day 1 accounts mass retweet it.
Classic ladies swimwear is actually really cute. I quite like it.
I didn't know the Ruptly American affiliates were Russian, too. Cute accent, hope she's okay.
What does being breast fed have to do with anything? Most Americans aren't breastfed as it's considered immodest. Only hippies breastfeed their children. Sharia isn't bad at all either, Europe had the same thing for a long long time. Expecting modest dress for women and men isn't exclusively an Islamic thing.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Bail. Short of murder almost anyone can bail out until their trial.
8th amendment.
Islam sucks
Nigger are you high?
Better video of the earlier attack, source:
Stop derailing, faggots.
Lurk moar newfags, I bet you think Syria and North Korea need to be liberated, too.
Gas yourself.
Nice tangent shlomoes. Whatever it takes to derail the topic at hand, amiright?
The stream is down what else are we supposed to do except argue about ideology?
What has that got to do with sharia law sandnigger?
It'd sure be terrible if someone did something to their staging areas.
there are other streams you lazy faggot
Shitskins aren't American.
Live as FUCK. Just saw a patriot get pepper sprayed.
Wonderful webm of cops arresting a crying Antifa bitch.
There are lots of streams still going, faggot.
He only has one streaming playing on his assigned JIDF terminal
Exactly. We need a new stream.
WTF is a service animal?
How much do you want to bet it's one of those emotional support "service" animals that isn't really a service animal at all.
100% certain.
is her service animal a seeing eye dog or something else?
The only servicing that animal is doing is giving her the knot on a nightly basis.
Not disabled enough to prevent it from protesting and apparenrly assaulting someone..
Nice shaved head ya lesbo antifa bitch lol.
Playing this on repeat as background music.
Kill yourself shill.
Post MP4s instead, that's what the site supports. MP4s are also actually supported by real video editors so it's a better format for being able to use it in OC creation as well.
Kill yourself mudslime.
Usually for physically disabled people to help them navigate or manipulate. Basically a dog that is really good at fetch or really disciplined while out for a walk.
protests are a meme and only controlled opposition have ever gone to them, no matter the country or decade
Notice the excellent young black man there rushing to the victim's defence
It's a dog that helps disabled and mentally ill people. So a dog that leads on a leech so a blind person can walk around in public or a dog that helps a military vet with anxiety (animals really help with things like anxiety or depression.)
Service animals always have special signs on them that say they are service animals.
Oh shit, I thought he was taking his wallet.
Streams for the faggots who are too stupid to search on their own (or even just ctrl-f youtube in this thread):
Youtube search Berkeley + Live:
Periscope search:
Fucking kiddies.
The job of the police is to make sure society stays just kiked enough without completely falling apart.
Like a seeing eye dog…. but xirs is for retards.
Im surprised the dog isn't dyed purple.
National lawyers guild right behind her. They are always at these things and offer legal support to these cunts at every time they assault someone.
That's like telling Crimean terrorists to leave Russia.
Holy shit these "people" are animals.
What does that even fucking mean?
That's pee they poured on him, isn't it
Either pee or corrosives.
Possible. Where's the police?
Isn't it hilarious how antifa sucks government and corporate cock.
Actually it's not hilarious. It's terrifying.
I sincerely want to gas all commie faggots. Race war please happen soon.
That's what the tweet says. It makes me glad that they all seem to be easily identifiable, the next few weeks there will be some busy autists.
The thing is. Most of these ppl they're beating up are just Republicans. That guy isn't even in good shape. So he's not a Nazi.
"Duuuuuude what does anything like mean…. woahhhhhh…. get some more of this weed bro haha"
t. Panty Fascists
REEEEEEEEEEE don't attack the russian girl
Panty Fascists?
They'll be throwing shit like monkeys next.
I really hate people sho wear jeans when trying to push a political agenda. I mean holy shit you're not on a fucking farm wear slacks you manbabbies.
They maced him as well.
Gloomtube Starting UP!!!
Gloom Tube is on.
Already did that in Sacramento.
Antifa likes to crossdress even when when they riot, so now they are called pantifa
Anti Fascist
Panti Fascist
Panty Fascist
And yet more nazis they create. I sometimes wander if they know what they're doing but they just want something to fight so badly that they do it anyway.
I'm not sure if that's her. Might be a different chink. Got any other pictures?
Yeah I figured it out about the same second I hit post.
It's not her, I was just making a shitty joke. She's the BAMN "boss" after all and surely approves of the message on the shield.
father son beatdown, they don't even look white.
Isn't she the same girl who got her shit stolen by nigs in ferguson?
O-oy vey D&C of course they're hu'wite goy!
Exactly the type of retard I expect to be antifa
Antifa is getting ready to clash with the police.
Props to those guys for being out there. Damn.
Get in the oven.
They better. Police chief is on their side. But cops fight back in self defence, that's the start of resistance nationwide. It'll make the chief an her master's panic
"Muh no ethical consumption under capitalism
Hitler would have spit in your face.
okay time to destroy the greek statues
Which stream?
Kill yourself kike.
I hope they fucking bust their heads open.
Nevermind it's just a rerun.
Stream please
These fuckin idiots…what the fuck are they protesting??? Also, retarded is how they are called "Counter Demonstrators" but there isn't anyone they're countering…I'm confused.
Who cares. The media says they're right
Apparently there's a plane flying overhead with a flag that says "Black Lives Matter".
Yeah, this is totally a grassroots movement guys, not like they're being supported by the media and the rich or anything, nothing unusual about this at all!!1111
Well ain't that a treat.
18 U.S. Code § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection
Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 808; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(L), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)
Can't you take this to another thread? We're on the verge of a antifa Cville over here
Gentlemen, to arms.
We need photos. Planes are expensive.
Best stream??
Looks like all streams are down or not live. Time to gather the materials and get to work, lots of assaults were committed by people that should be easily identifiable. I'll join in tomorrow, it's 1AM in Germany and I need to work. It was a pleasure.
Interesting that all of the Periscope and JewTube streams are either down or reruns. This happened in Cville right before the crash.
My only sauce was a guy on this stream saying that some cheering was because of a plane flying overhead with the banner. His stream is too low quality to see the plane or banner well.
Except this time there aren't any 'nazis' to blame if it ends up with everyone getting gassed and beaten to shit by the cops.
Danke, Herr user. Guten Nacht.
Somebody should do this just to piss them off even more. These ANTIFA will be so triggered and likely bring their death and destruction with pure love.
This happens every time antifa gets upity
Towers taken down by authorities?
they wait for the calm, most cameras are off, easier to spin.
when people are in shock, their memories aren't working so good, facts get mixed together rag tag. without the magic of machine eyes, you can spin a yarn easily.
the problem with cville, as is quickly becoming apparent, camera were rolling. the facts are coming out despite their best efforts.
see and kill yourself.
I looked into air banner advertising before. Basically, it's a $150 sigh set up fee and $300-$350 per hour flight time.
and more are up. FUCKING LOOK
They're reruns, faggot.
Freedom of speech
Sounds sticky, but a protest does not qualify.
Done spoon feeding You, Ira.
Anthrax airsigns?
They're on thin ice.
shut the fuck up.
there aren't enough people with balls to livestream this shit. Antifa attack journalists so we don't get reality based ground level footage now. People are scared to be labeled Nazis or attacked. They are winning now.
All of these are old footage, idiot.
Hey faggot: even the comments in the videos you just linked to are complaining that they are reruns of content played earlier. The little red "live" button is not an oracle of truth.
Why are you so insistent on making people believe they are live, when they are all reruns?
They're holding up the burka american flag picture. Which makes no sense because they just chanted that they were anti-american. They have no consistancy at all.
It's truly amazing isn't it.
They lack self-awareness. Completely.
Animal abuse.
Goes into the contradictory thoughts discussed above. As long as you shout "peaceful protest" before engaging you are in the right. If the police gas you for fighting them and somehow your dog/kid gets in the rumble its because of fascist-racism Trump. Remarkable isn't it?
I like your style fbi-kun
Antifa members are able repeatedly get away with their actions because they're the spoiled children of wealthy politicians, bankers, and businessmen who control law enforcement through any means. Their parents never raised them right to respect authority and it shouldn't be of any surprise that they throw urine at people. It's funny that they accuse us of being manchildren, but these are the exact people who cry when being disciplined after throwing pee like a baby.
Under socialism or communism, they would be purged first as they're completely bourgeois.
Serious riot police units use horses and dogs, I don't see your point.
They're a mish-mash of everything to the left of Trump. That's why the term "alt-left" is so stupid - the mainstream left gives cover to the most extreme leftists, and separating them out as "good" and "bad" opposition is impossible. You have boomer Hillshills marching with Bernouts, DSA nerds, anarchists, tankies, and everything in between. There are organizers and lawyers there to assist all these groups. Didn't you notice the morons jumping in at fights yelling "no violence" and the antifa hissing back at them to "stop fetishizing non-violence"? The moderate left thinks their methods are wrong, but has no problem hanging around them and giving them material support.
you make it sound like communism would actually work as marx claimed. they're positioning themselves as the leadership class.
Did you see the princess and her princess daughter earlier? >I should bring a child to a protest likely to turn into a riot.
German shepherds used by law enforcement that are trained from birth to wreck shit up and who go in with the expectation that injury might occur are not the same as family pets that you're supposed to love and protect.
They'd probably loose the uniform if some crazy fucker did that
And in the case I go to a protest with the most peaceful intentions, accompanied with my child and my pet, I can reasonably expect not to face charges of child abuse or animal abuse if the protest devolves into a riot and I couldn't make it out in time.
Shit is going to blow up soon, just they want it to. I'm surprised at some of these videos, how submissive the right still is. We're going to push back and push back hard.
go back to fucking Holla Forums you LARPing faggot.
Freedom of assembly.
Word is antifaggots were accusing random people of being ebil nazis and attacking them. Why isn't pic related on antifa's side? I always found it funny that leftists today finally came around to agreeing with the Bush doctrine of preemptive strikes.
It means: "If you're white, wear a condom"
Someone should skype call the police and tell them some protesters have guns.
You're missing the point, the term "alt-left" is perfect. The MSM did its best to brand alt-right as a violent fringe group with a negative image to get people not to listen to them.
By showing that there is an "alt-left", it attaches the negative stigma created for the alt-right on the left and forces the MSM on the defensive, admit there are divisions on the left between people who want to use violence and those who don't because the narrative is that everyone on the left wants peace and no hate and makes them waste time that would be spent on us on having to explain to normies that those thugs clad in black bashing people's skulls are totally different and doing that for they own good.
Thus every time the MSM comments on the alt-left, it highlights an equivalence that every normie can see the media being apologists to violence they agree. Its using their own weapon against them and its perfect.
Their legal aid hotline. Would be a shame if they got flooded with a bunch of calls.
What things should we say in the calls? Pretend to be antifaggots?
Well when you have alien, Semitic views about nudity and sex instead of traditional European one's you tend to sound like an Islamist sometimes.
Looks like he's carrying a mic - maybe there with a news agency?
Fucking Soros blackshirts. Notice a ton have the same standard issue hoody, mask and shades your probably buy on your own. Twenty-Five bucks an hours to break stuff/people. And then the top order comes down to these police departments to stand down.
I reject the term "Anti-Fascists/Antifa". Ridiculous. Soros Blackshirts is more apropos. Like the Black Block up here.
Start referring to them strictly as Black shirts.
They're there to collect $25 an hour from George Soros. That's why they can't speak for themselves and their signs are shit.
If these scum have proven they have no problem prostituting themselves out to the elite god knows what'll happen when the SRHTF and the supermarkets are bare. They have to lick Soro's shoes while furiously masterbating to his portrait in the middle of traffic. These blackshirts are scum. Prostitutes. Penny-ante shills.
Fucking A.
Bunch of living-with parent babies would totally poop their pampers and STILL try and collect their fat day check from uncle Soros.
It rhymes in the original Spanish version. It's a commie slogan that originated in Chile in the early 70s.
Fucking gommies confirmed. Drop the Communist Control Act on 'em burgerfags.
A rerun from earlier today. Develop some skepticism.
Also record and upload
We could start a thread on this
You best have something to camo your number too. I suggest your local starbucks or any starbucks as the number of who the caller is.
They also know that the police will support them over the "nazis" because of who cuts their paychecks.
I don't see the "Left" giving cover to the "Alt-Left" so much as I see the "Alt-Left" tarnishing the formerly unquestionable moral superiority of the "Left". It is a fracture point as much as Bernie vs Hilary was. The left relies on both degenerates who use misplaced empathy to cover their violence and greed and the masses of empathy misplacing normalfags who are suckers. While the suckers can be manipulated pretty far, even they have a tipping point where the hypocrisy of those claiming to be on their side causes them to nope the fuck out.
If you want to be vindictive, then upload a viral prank call video containing those calls.
If it does become viral and funny, then new viewers over time would be encouraged to do the same.
all larping aside, this probably wouldn't be too difficult since they won't question anybody dressed in black with their face covered
Something did just blow in from the beach in England…
But more importantly here's what happened when Joey Gibson showed up and the streams all went dead…
He has the ability to get on FOX and tell his story and this will likely not bode well for the ANTIFA fag commie movement…
So what's stopping the Chinese from activating their sleeper cells here and in canada and invading from there (since the leafs sold their country to them) and the Pacific Coast and mop up and assume control after the 2nd American Civil War breaks out?
A pipe bomb or two could remedy their willingness to show up.
You think the chinks are the only one? America has made a lot of enemies over the past… 241 years. At this point the only countries I think that actually want the US around are those surviving off of its gibs, the rest wait with baited breath for a chance to fuck our shit up.
The Chinese have patience.
They will according to John Titor
Their email goes to a domain owned by this cuck
Give them a few more weeks, antifa will pipe bomb themselves soon enough.
Amazingly the Washington Post kikes manage to sort of report the truth.
WP: Black-clad anarchists storm Berkeley rally, assaulting 5
I wonder how many Jews post here unironically nowadays, thinking they fit in because of Spencer and other Hasbara/Bolsheviks parading as Nationalists.
It would be so easy to kill hundreds. Two guys with AK's and two, 30rnd banana clips. Quick switch, taking turns reloading. Or one with a drum magazine. Elevated position with a waist high wall in front. If you knew the area and had… two weeks to plan. Or leave a nice explosive in the park. Lots of options if one were so inclined to do so.
(((They))) picked the wrong color, to have picked that color at this point is a desperation move.
They are now officially too inbred to understand their own esoterica.
No thanks, FBI.
Drug magazines jam and feds would catch you the moment you purchase materials, but you're probably aware as a three-letter alphabet intern.
How does someone that this noguns get into the FBI?
FBI pls go
Nigger, get your salt-left ass outta here.
Once these black blocks reach critical mass some anonymous snipers will kill a few and cause them to attack the police. Just like in the Ukraine.
delet this now
That is wholly dependent on what you purchase.
If you buy 100lbs of fertilizer and 200 gallons of diesel, yeah they would be knocking on your door within the hour. If you buy two pounds of tannerite they wouldn't even blink because they would expect you to blow up in transit.
Tannerite is only legal because it is so unstable once mixed and it rapidly becomes more unstable the longer it is mixed.
Tannerite serves the same purpose as the anarchist cook book, the only people it is likely to kill if used maliciously are the people using it, but you could buy it without sending up red flags.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Sorry, didn't you get the memo, constitution is dead. Leftists killed it with their rino control op support. No reason to give you a fucking trial either because same fucking reason.
Its wrongthink. Again, leftists have proven its a killable offense and they thirst for innocent blood over such things, so whats good for the goose is good for the gander.
Laws. Bitches want law of the jungle and then cry when it starts to rear its head? What, didn't realize this was the center of the fucking swamp?
Fucked that up, I never x-post
Lurk more.
There's no federal regulation on what does or does not constitute a service animal. Nor does California as a state have a licensing or registration board for service animals. All you have to do is get a doctor in California to write a letter saying you'll go mental without your pet and bam, now it's a service animal. Even cats, snakes, and sugar gliders can be "service animals" in California.
The special little vests and leashes that people are used to seeing on guide dogs for the blind? You can buy those online, no questions asked. They're also not required in California. Most shopkeepers are afraid to even ask at this point because these fucking people blow up and start screaming if they dare suggest that little Muffy isn't a service dog.
This is becoming a problem in California because everyone with an ill-bred, flea-ridden mongrel is getting that doctor's note so they can bring their shitting machine everywhere. In particular, the homeless, who get free health care courtesy of the State of California, all have these letters so they can bring their vicious junkyard dogs everywhere. Of course, if your service animal bites someone, you're legally liable, but try getting a homeless person to take responsibility for their animal biting your kid's face off.
Couple of months ago a stinky homeless woman brought in a filthy german sheperd to the dollar store and i watched it rip into a box of cereal on the bottom shelf. Poor fucking dollar store slave meekly tells her she's gonna have to pay for the box of cereal and she started screaming about muh service dog and muh rights. She was still screaming when i left, hope they called the cops on her.
Yeah, people used to pull this shit all the time in the bar I worked at. I would always kick them out. When they created a scene and threatened to call the cops, I told them their "service animal" was welcome to stay, but that they (the human troublemakers) had to go. It worked every time. The cops loved it.
go to /k/ for your erotica fantasy jackoff threads.
fuck off
This shit redpills normies. Instinctively, rural white man knows media and urban governments are tacitly endorsing this, and he is revolted by it.
The men who voted for Trump.
Quiet for now, under suppression, but in that silence a rage is building.
Red pilling normies isn't going to make them any less of a bunch of lazy fat fucks that they already are. We've had the numbers for decades now, just not the balls to do anything about it and small fighting (punching right) has held back any possible defense against the left. They don't call them the "silent majority" for no fucking reason.
The truth is that every person who calls themselves a "conservative" deserves this entire shit country as its become. They literally have done nothing and still continue to do nothing. Now they're saying don't attend "Free Speech" rallies because they're COINTEL and only going to be used for events to take away more freedoms.
These worthless cowardly "normies" that we're so worried about will sit on their hands even as they're bent over with a bucket beneath them getting their head cut off. I spit on the silent majority that will never lift a finger and only bitch like a raging bitch of a woman for all eternity.
Holy shit I hate these people. They are so weak that their only option is to Zerg rush their opponents, then gloat about their victory.
They want truth, but only their truth.
There are burner phone number apps. They usually want money but have some free ways of getting credits for downloading apps(i just delete them after i get the credits). I've done this before to make sock puppet twitter accounts. Pretty easy, and a free alternative.
Times are still good for many whites. Enough at least that turn a blind eye. These antifa faggots have to do something bigger than just these stupid counter protesting for the general public to really care IMO. They would need to do some shit that would really strike the hearts of normies like coordinating blowing up mount Rushmore, Attacking Federal buildings or officers, using a bomb to blow up a "hate center" like american vanguard and children die in the process. Nothing short of something historic will blow these rats from out of their nests and get overwhelming public out cry to stop these faggots and everything they stand for.
FFS user, under the Communist Control Act of 1954, every single rioter there AND every single supporter they have who has ever rendered them any support at all, can all be rounde up and shipped to gitmo for fucking life.
They're usually 37mm for riot guns.
someone shoop a maga hat onto yvette in that pic and spread it on kikebook to piss her off
What sort of a preppy douchebag are you? You know Hitler was fucking homeless on the streets of Vienna, don't you?
IIRC sideline can do one number for free with no time limit. I used it once for an ARG I was making.
There are some throwaway text sites (like throwaway email sites) where you can get a text message sent to you.
If that fails, you can always email support and try to get them to unlock your account. Make some story up or something.
Warning: loud
Don't reply, filter idiots/shills.
Any good sources for highlight videos?
They are encouraging and defending it.
not quite the full clip (nearing maximum file size without recompression) but stream completely ends after this
Shitskin detected
Clip is from this video at around 3:38:00
why color purple
where is the purple
i dont get it
Red (commie) + Blue (libshits)?
It's been explained in the thread, it's the 'Purple Revolution', the one Soros is going for.
Left wing marxist neoliberal retards vs right wing zionist neoconservative morons
Both being controlled and manipulated by the jew, neither party daring address let alone putting forward any proposals to resolve the jewish problem.
Don't forget to ask if they have Battletoads. Might as well,anything to waste time
Nothing wrong with BattlePepes.
Antifa have a lot of freemasons and cops.
admits to being freemason
Not really.
Perhaps they are explaining it this way but the purple that the Clintons were wearing is a masonic purple for signalling allegiance.
The fact they're telling antifa it's for 'colour revolution' is pretty hilarious.
Masonic Kike shit as usual.
OP here, I'm slightly disappointed by the lack of identification attempts of violent Antifa members. So let me try to jumpstart this or should I make a seperate thread?
Note the woman in black kicking the guy on the ground repeatedly. She's hesitating, but peer-pressure kicks in. Note the hat (with white writing), the bandana and the white cords of her sweatshirt. I am pretty sure it's the screaming bitch from this video @ around 0:45 :
Other people of interest:
Guy in black stabbing with a red-black flag
Guy with red backpack, white knee protectors and a black(?) shield repeatedly kicking and punching
Guy with black helmet, black backpack and "no hate" shield kicking repeatedly
Here she is again at another attack, blonde hair confirmed.
Bandana style and shield appear to be the same, the sunglasses could easily be behind the protection goggles.
Sorry, forgot the sources:
blonde bitch apparently attacked photographer, the latino faggot smashing the cam should be investigated as well. And Deadpool, who intimidated the Ruptly camerawoman, see:
Also a picture of the spitting attack.
Every revolution of them is color coded.
As much as I want to say don't send them to /k/, the shitposter in my heart wants to see what would happen.
Very likely to be the same guy, note the markings and straps on the shield.
hope some trust funds get lost over this, eet goin be good
There seem to be a few similar shields, luckily they were so stupid to color code them for us. One of them emptied the water barricades, they appear to be the most radical group.
The guy with the red-black flag. Luckily there were only two black-red flags there, one with a large Antifa logo, so this must be our guy. Windbreaker, mask and sunglasses appear to be the same.
Uh bud, friend, dude. These are commies, it's neither one. They actually believe this shit.
Backpack guy wearing a gas mask, he's well prepared.
forgot, that's around 2:37:00 in the Ruptly stream. BTW, why is Holla Forums not interested in identifying these fucks anymore?
For what purpose? No one is going after them. When you identify them, someone has to go to their homes and kill them, because the cops a re giving them a free pass by the orders of Democrat mayors.
But everyone knows the right is to pussy to actually practice violence in response to violence.
If e.g. the blonde bitch above or the backpack guy are found and identified but not arrested, that would redpill a lot of moderate leftards. Also Eric Clanton.
>hurr durr the secular states of syria and norkia need to be (((liberated))) because islam sucks
Mudslimes really are this stupid.
They wouldn't know about it, because no one is reporting it, and the social media is in full "fake news" crackdown mode.
It is time you realized you are out of political solutions and have to resort to military solutions.
What the fuck is a service animal? Is she talking about negroe slaves?
Yeah fuck off blackpill shill, calling for violence is CIA-tier. The BAMN mayor isn't as powerful as you believe and the cops are pissed off far beyond their comfort zone. If clear evidence is presented to them they will act.
So it's our duty to find that evidence, dox the violent faggots and meme them. It worked before and will work again. Isn't it sad that a german user has to tell you this?
Cops are dogs, who will do whatever they are told.
Keep shitposting here, while the kike golem is openly taking over the country.
If you think about it, it's the same exact thing the cuckolds do - when their wives are being fucked they feel shame and anger, but are to afraid to do something about it and rationalize it in their mind that's it's ok to get off on humiliation.
You are the same exact cuckold, who watches his country and the graves of his fathers being fucked by Jews and niggers, yet are too afraid to do something about it and rationalize in your mind that's it's okay to just get off to videos of antifa and BLM riots.
So basically that's what you are - a pathetic cuckold, jacking of in his cuckshed.
We need a death on our side to change this narrative. They will try and spin it saying it was only because of Charlottesville, but most people will see through it.
If one of us must go, please make it an alt-lite cuck or some (((fellow white person))) from TRS.
Black backpack guy at 3:18:00 in the Ruptly stream.
Now you know what they mean when they say "my nigga".
Reappears at 3:37:00, 100% confirmed that he is one of the attackers (bandana gap in his neck, same backpack, same helmet, same shirt etc.). Look at him cowardly hiding his masked face in shame of what he did before, he knows he's guilty.
At least I'm not a cuckold who enjoys watching his country being raped :^)
corr: 3:37:50
You are a shill, that simple.
Alright, dear cucky. Now back to your shed.
Found another picture of her.
It seems she's left handed and has a big tattoo on her belly.
Is it possible to identify the "leaders" of antifa? They like to LARP as a collective, but it's obvious that 99% of them are useful idiots, with a handful of (((organizers))) peppered in the crowds directing things. These are the people we need to find. It's like how if you kill the head vampire, all the vampires under him die off too.
Awesome, that's at least two assaults. I wonder what she meant with the DAD. on her cap?
Ignore the video, it's old. Meant to post this video which shows the picture too.
yaaaaaaas moly slay
what's trump waiting for?
Here he is without his super-hero mask
Can be seen in this vid at 0:22
gotta give them that, they're smarter than cucks with nazi flags
that's exactly how we should do it too..
shields with no violence on them, liberty flags and all that shit.. wait for the nazi flags when we take over the country
Forgot to attach pic…
It also shows red backpack guy without the nasty RUPTLY logo.
Nice, those videos are a gold mine.
Yet he's been completely silent on right wing websites getting shut down, like Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack and stormfront. Guess it's okay because it's private corporations doing it.
Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack and stormfront are nazi sites, not right wing sites
He’s an odd one. I will never trust someone who is critical of archiving efforts. He is also totally void of any bravery. I don’t dislike him and he does some good work but I can’t say I respect him.
Molynjew is a distraction identity.
all these weak cowards. eat shit cucks.
Kurt would never be okay with this mainstream normie faggotry.
he would be. he would be in the streets dressed as antifa
No, Antifa is mainstream corporate shit pretending to be 'scene' (can't believe i'm using this word).
It's what Kurt hated the most.
This cunt is lucky he already offed himself. I'd love to have to fucking butcher him myself.
Also his music is fucking trash
red backback guy while storming the park
kurt would be a tranny now.
Here he is chasing the two "white supremacists" that get later arrested. There should be clearer footage of that incident.
Reminder that the communists want us to become violent. Let the national guard crack down on them, protest and defend yourself, but seeking out and attacking them will only justify their "revolution".
>Once anarchists arrived, it was clear there would not be dueling protests between left and right so he ordered his officers out of the park and allowed the anarchists to march in.
Aren't sherrifs elected in the US? That would explain why he is such a crime loving faggot.
It depends on the city, Berkeley's is appointed by the city council
Their names are now becoming pronouns.
We are slowly edging towards the end.
I have neer seen such a cucked police like in Berkeley, it's really amazing. Openly appeasing Antifa by retreating so that they can openly fight should be reason enough to fire this guy.
Also clearest pic of red backpack guy yet (found in this video, original would be appreciated).
MSNBC blaming Antifa, didn't think I'd see the day.
Wonder what they're up to.
Autistic screeching at the end.
Another person of interest, see:
Source is this shitty video, original image would be nice.
Red backpack guy taking part in another assault:
kicked injured person on the floor, see
Another picture of the moron, the other two people should be easy to find too. Just in that short video there are at least ten people that deserve to be a long time in prison.
Dad and son who were assaulted gave a short interview-
Since my colleagues support the communist insurection I suggest you start finding antifa members and executing them.
This guy seems to be unstable.
Oh look, blonde bitch is an attention whore.
Best front facing pictures of red backpack guy so far, confirmed to be the same guy as in
I'm off for now, doing this shit almost alone is not fun. Grow some balls, yankees.
The guy with the helmet stands right next to him btw, they obviously know eachother.
fyi:This is the journo's twatter who's cameraman got beaten down:
- That Latino Landwhale can be seen at nearly every attack. I hope some more images/vids appear in the coming days.
Another vid of Joe Gibson's attack.
And here also Latino-landwhale is present.
Heheh, Misses the guy, punches his wife.
Normally only blind people get them. Now anyone can claim to need one for depression. They basically use it so they can take their dog into any store or restaurant.
Was actually pepsi-man at it again, he got assaulted by antifa for having little american flags on his outfit.
stay for the end, it's classic
Spic antifaggot (asshole on left) who attacked my friend and purportedly devolved the "protest" into violence (I was not watching nor was I there)
Please help in identifying him for the record
Phone posting cause I am poorfag. Please spread. This is the bean fuck who started the violence and this criminal alien needs to face retribution for it.
Photo didn't post cause phone and shit wifi I imagine
One last attempt before I fuck off. Does .png not upload?
Should work fine.
This one wears her own issues on her hat.
Did someone say whoring?
Original images found in this article:
Also a good picture of a masked Antifaggot who apparently just assaulted someone, I'm sure there's videos of his attacks.
3rd pic definitely shows one of the guys who assaulted Dad & Son, see
I saw him yesterday when reviewing this Periscope stream, he seemed suspicious so I made some pictures. Luckily he was thirsty.
Truly worst generation.
I'm talking about this stream:
The guy smashing the camera in and from behind.
Also some black guy, don't know if he did shit but having pictures from before he put on his mask could be useful later on.
Indeed, now they are crying how Antifa highjacked their demonstration, yet they cheered while peaceful people were beaten up, not just on sunday, but at every battle of Berkely.
Just now noticed the Helicopter shirt, that's pretty funny.
Girl with skateboard on her back hitting Dad & Son in can be seen in this picture. Source:
Another good picture of him. From
Remember this fat transfaggot? He was in the Antifa crowd on sunday.
Blond dad girl sure was busy that day.
If one of Kim's missiles managed to take out San Francisco+Berkeley, would Trump lift sanctions on North Korea?
Works here. However I have downloaded the stream because it's BuzzFeed and they might delete it.
LOL. Saw this one…
Here is the rest of the gallery (46 pics):
Thanks user, some useful pics in there.
List of the arrested people. Source:
Great picture of the assault on Dad & Son, source:
I have seen bearded guy without mask and glasses repeatedly in the RUPTLY stream. Also note that he wears the same shirt as the guy in , anyone know what it means?
Guy with glasses can be seen assaulting in , more pics of him:
AA few more useful pictures. Also:
Yvette won't like this.
Sounds like boomers alright. Didn't call them 'worst generation' for nothing.
That's putting it way too mildly. They operate globally and their acts are domestic terrorism. Gonna watch the video now.
VICE doesn't even mention the violence.
No archive because doesn't work with the site.
>"Violent anarchists mixing in with peaceful protesters
Oh yeah, it's not like this shit is staged to the max and state-funded and state-approved. Leftists can just show up with no permit without getting trouble for it, armed rioters get bussed in with no resistance or prevention, police just so happens to stand down for Leftists and then violence ensues. Pure cohencidence.
I also love how this faggot tries to meme that there's a difference between extreme-Left and the rest of the Left. There's no difference; all the Leftists that don't strike you with a bike lock will just watch on in approval. Like 'moderate' muslims watching on as extremist muslims go about their savage business. No wonder the Left likes mudslimes so much; they're birds of the same feather.
Well said. To further your argument:
The article has these nice hi-res images.
BTW, it's pretty awesome how much my shitty capture of the "No Trump, no wall, no USA at all"-chants has been spread. Thanks to everyone who shared it.
Another nice picture showing the assault on Dad & Son. Source:
Awesome pictures in this gallery:
To get the hi-res images, remove the last part of the image URL, so
Also: Cops were present during assault on dad & son but didn't step in.
More from that gallery, lots of people seen in attack videos. I'll make some collages later or tomorrow. Meme artists this is your opportunity to make some great WANTED posters.
Two more.
found the hi res version of the red backpack guy
Backpack made by Pine Creek
Knee protector by Bullet
Leg protector by CCM
Shoes by Nike
red backpack guy in middle i think, skateboard guy up front maybe same guy kicking old dude on ground
Looks like the black guy from was involved in the assault on Dad & Son.
LOL I thought skateboard guy was a girl.
skateboard here too
Nice, these guys are so fucked.
is he fucking retarded? That shield looks like it's a cut up plastic trashbin. How in the hell is that good protection?
Because Anti-fa thinks right wingers hit like they do.
There were at least 4 people with such shields at the rally, luckily they color coded them, same with the "No hate" shields, all look different and are easy to keep apart. bunch of moron larpers.
This video of the attacks and the chase on Gibson has some familiar people in it as well (e.g. Red backback and the bearded dude from the attack on dad&son). Source is
Ah shit I fucked up the sound, but the images are what's important. Like this one, which is very hi res
I can't wait until someone goes armored head to toe in plate mail and a broad sword to show these fucks what a wimpy flimsy plastic shield will do when it's facing a broad sword.
This is a good vid about the events.
At around 2:08 you can see those pink 'No Hate' shields being unloaded en masse from a truck and handed over to people.
I wonder who's behind this.