Tfw Holla Forums has been lost to 4chan rulecucks...
why aren't you making threads to encourage others to play video games instead
Because those are "template threads" and those are not allowed you silly goose! Not anymore.
try it
How neo Holla Forums works
Holla Forums isn't allowed on Holla Forums anymore. The goons won.
Try making a videogame thread instead of shitposting if you'd rather not be part of the problem
Who could be behind this post?
I hope you leave if you'd rather memepost than discuss videogames
meta threads are worse than template threads.
Not when its reached the point every time another one of zoe/anitas crowd get caught out and coincidentally we get every thread full of goons derailing crying about templates and dubs shitposting. Nobody visits meta Holla Forums so if you dont mention it here nobody cares and if Holla Forums is not allowed to be Holla Forums then it no longer serves a purpose which means people lets the goons win by doing nothing.
Fuck off mark
>>>Holla Forums is more your speed OP.
t. mark the kike
We get it, you made a thread and someone saged and called it a template thread, so Holla Forums is shit now. Boo fucking hoo. And now you have decided to take matters into your own hands and decided to enlighten Holla Forums with meta threads. It's as if I'm reading the backstory to some saturday morning cartoon villain. Instead of wallowing in self-pity hoping that somebody notices you and changes their ways for the better, you could actually contribute by making video game threads.
I made a thread about Gothic, described each entry of the franchise, added some tips on how to play it, added instructions on how to install it with a magnet link and some mods, and before you know it people were actually talking about the game and having a good time. I suggest you do something like that
I thought the purpose Holla Forums served was video games?
Holla Forums has been lost to shit threads like this one.
If only you guys used as much sage in other threads…
Yes. Its one thread that turned me into internet batman, truly your narrative is shining a light in the darkness!
Get real asshole this shit has been getting progressively worse for at least 6 months. If you say it isn't you are a liar, a goon yourself or another 4chan ban fresh off the boat. This time last year you didnt have people trying to derail every thread like you do now.
So what is it? will you pull the "dur i dont know what you mean faggot ive never seen it" or will you not even respond? because this shit is beyond the fucking pale and it gets worse the more people go "nothings wrong you had a thread saged!" like its some extreme rarity for this shit to happen when now its happening 24/7 all day every fucking day.
His point was that your shitposting is just making things worse but you refuse to see that because you're a high ego pseudo intellectual faggot who thinks he is better than anyone else.
Yea, this "template thread" bullshit is getting out of hand. We need a weekly Holla Forums meta general here, because as you mentioned noone goes to /metav/. Its place where complaints go to die.
You are a liar, a goon, and another 4chan ban fresh off the boat.
have you considered that maybe you just make shit threads? Take this current shit thread that we're in as an example.
It's not that worthy of getting so upset about it, let alone justifying whatever it is you are doing now
It's happening, it's annoying, but it's another one of those passing fads like 'hurr rugga threads' or 'hurr goon thread' which I can easily accuse you of for being one because you are feeding the trolls this way. Strangely shit threads rarely ever get those kind of responses, especially not my threads because I only make high-quality threads as everyone knows.
If anything I have seen 'template thread' posts become less frequent lately, all you are doing is heaping shit on the fire
Did the file saving system get changed again? I used to be able to save with the exact filenames intact but now its gone again and uses random gibberish
The only problem we have is the amount of rabid casuals playing memetale, overcuck, siege and soon bf1
yeah, around midnight this morning the old time stamps vanished and i think that started at same time
I'm certain that's entirely because of it's setting. A friend of mine, who's both a huge history buff and a Holla Forumsirgin(albeit on 4cuck) is really excited about BF1. I keep telling him it's probably going to suck, and he responds with "Who cares? It's a World War 1 game, don't you know how rare those are?"
What was the last time you actually tried to make this place better instead of complaining?
I don't understand the hate for Overwatch. Its casual yes but its also the only FPS currently worth playing even though it is casual. A game being casual isn't enough to hate it (or at least didn't used to be).
What did you expect? They found us. Its how parasites work. Find a healthy body, suck the life out of it, move on. If you aren't switching proxies, gore porn dumping, or porn dumping general then nothing will happen.
Look what treatnment No Mans Sky got, all isnt totally lost.
I'm seeing this attitude all over, suddenly. I was around at the beginning of SA (I quit after 3 years) and halfchan and I get called a "goon" every fucking thread. It's cancer.
That's funny I've never been called a goon specifically. Maybe you're just cancer.
I kinda like that dotatf2 threads are contained but casual game attracts casuls and those bring cancer.
There's so many games that constitutes or should constitute as casual games and threads about them that Overwatch isn't making a difference. I don't see shitposting in those threads like Overwatch does.
you are cancer then.
I love historical games and I fucking seethe with rage every time I see BF1.
This isnt vidya.
I don't keep up with pathetic image board politics and always wonder if the relatively recent influx and acceptance of homo degeneracy was due to chans in general becoming more popular/accessible or a concerted effort by anti-chan groups.
also digits for digit thread
Well, there was picrelated and the fact that Holla Forums now both has more users and much higher PPH, but other than that I myself don't know anything.