We hit the jackpot today gentlemen! For those of you unaware @indigoats on tweeter was essentially the most stereotypical femnazi, gg, tumblrina. She would go after ANYONE who was slightly in no way pc and try to ban/lecture them. Eventually the mighty Jon Crumb printed out her .avi and nutted on it giving her a mental breakdown leading her to change @. It was as funny as it sounds. low and behold we found her new base @/horrordelight and shes even more turnt, feel free to show her some love, humor to demonstrate how much we still love her.
We hit the jackpot today gentlemen! For those of you unaware @indigoats on tweeter was essentially the most...
Get the fuck out of here, faggot.
I actually remember this, user aint shitting Jon Crumb was huge.
We have IDs, faggot.
Perfectly accceptable term user
Feminazis are a thing, shill.
Go back to reddit
Drink bleach kike.
This is how shills turn Holla Forums impotent: pretend that useful terms for enemies and their ideas are shibboleths from out groups, and call you names for talking about them.
They derail the thread by autistically obsessing over pointless details and shifting the direction of the conversation. It shouldn't be working as well as it does.
Technically, they're femaoists. Semantics aside, who's going to nut on her new avi?
And this is textbook.
Literally. The Jews HAVE to have a textbook describing this stuff.
{ShillDensity Status: High}
There's a lot of them in currently in the threads, they must be bored being on duty while normal anons are enjoying their social life.
Anyone got a horny frog pet?
for the keks
bumping for humping frog
Drink bleach kike.
This is quite accurate, and that book is a must-read for anybody on Holla Forums. Of particular note is their practice of "struggle". Feminists an other post-modern leftists (e.g. kikes or kike puppets trying to dismantle society) use it to this day. Learn to recognize it so you can fight it.
It's an old conservative term and everyone knows what it means. You can put your point out there about how and why you don't like it, but just spitting "kike" at things you don't like isn't going to work on white people who've become immune to shaming tactics.
And this is really how you can spot shills and people you shouldn't listen to. Do they use invective to shame you? Do they double and triple down to the point of hysteria? That's archetypical kike behavior.
Drink bleach kike.
Look at this Ashkenazi.