Last one is on page 14
Anybody notice something suspicious with filenames recently?
Last one is on page 14
Anybody notice something suspicious with filenames recently?
Which are suspicious and why?
canary dead
I guess the media file playback is fixed
Well not really the "filename" we are used to look at. Try to save something from here and check the default name
Do you mean the player.php thing or the random gibberish being longer?
As of when?
Random gibberish. I mean, it isn't just numbers anymore that's for sure
It might be that file deduplication thing I heard about. Changing the gibberish to be more varied probably is a result of that.
Oh I see. I never thought they'd take steps to fix that. It wasn't really a very noticeable problem, and it actually was amusing when it happened
You're right, it's explained here : >>>/sudo/4852
There's some complains already.
Why the hell are there no thumbnails on those webm's? Is it because they are duplicates?
Anyone got that webm of sammy in MGR as Armstrong?
Anyone have the original video of this one? For editing purposes
i actually have no idea what was behind it, but it happened at exactly 10:01 pst. I was saving some shit when it flipped over.
I actually have no idea what was behind it. It flipped over to the new format at around midnight PST though.
No, but I've got this:
I appreciate it
Name of the anime is New Game. That's all I've got
What startled her?
so whiny, ffs. People are doing this shit to each other since years. In the early l4d2 days people would abuse certain features to follow others whenever they left a server and joined a new one.
I remember you
I'd spill my spaghetti as well
The overwhelming amount of forbidden in the air
thats one of the worst names that someone can have, but the bitch behind the camera is fucking retarded.
any link to the specs?
I guess this
How could that cop keep a straight face?
I'd piss myself in laughter
Have you ever had a balloon pop in your eye? Shit fucking hurts.
that screaming was edited in.
Cabal physics have been fucked forever and always will be
Can you imagine how hard it must be for these cops to contain their urge to beat all the Marxists?
Sure it was Holla Forums.
meant for obviously.
He's right, though. This is the original video.
Fucking pathetic.
Hey there buddy, no need to be upset I ridiculed your hugbox.
Holla Forums is shit
Holla Forums is shit
I just want video games.
Fuckin' cool!
Why is the tumblr shit in there? It's not even there for humor's sake it's just two faggots reacting to the video.
Don't say this much but that jew really fucked her in a corner. What a good man.
Is it legal to punch people in the face?
As an italian i find that video insulting.
damn that cop went from scrawny farmer to ultimate badass.
This is honestly how every argument I've ever had with a liberal goes.
What game is that?
That's fucking hilarious.
I'll give you a hug man.
How am I supposed to name and sort my new files now?
Autism is weird
daniel from SL, source
board name - category - sub category - number
Ex: a jojo reaction image from ASB, third one
Sounds like you need a hug.
this game should be called "drunk dungeon"
is anyone else having issues with mp4s?
from this one the sound is missing for me
but the webm seems to work just fine
That won't fit with the rest of my files though, unless I want to rename everything I already have to fit the same convention.
Or just stop sorting them and dump everything into your downloads folder
fukken beautiful.
never mind , refreshed the page and it seems to work just fine now
Do you have a wage gap button webm? That's the most succinct one.
you mean this one? I could turn that into a webm
Nah, the mp4 is fine, it's perfect though.
what a fucking idiot
yeah howd that turn out champ
wanted to get rid of those black bars.
what anime is this?
jasper had a hard life. She didn't deserve this.
semen demon
Remember not to hoard grenades!
Lets all go one by one through the window instead of the door nearby, nothing will go wrong.
I wish GI Joe had more games.
Is this all they got to show for EC? Space marine with orks?
From the thumbnail of 2nd webm, I thought it was Batou.
And gay elves. It's heavily work in progress and I'm fine with space marine multiplayer with more people.
A lot of people make that mistake.
well, no micotransactions and a less than 60$ pricetag and I might get it.
I hate the new filenames
unix timestamps > md5 hashes, as I get an idea as to when I saved a particular file.
why not save with original name instead? Also why hasn't that feature been fixed yet.
Why did they change them? It's really fucking with my organization.
It's 40$, but it's WIP so I don't think it's worth that yet. I'm an idiot with money however and was chomping at the bit for a new warhammer game.
I actually feel more comfortable with the timestamps.
I think it's a "fix" for the infamous thumbnail error.
That guy is rocking one awesome mustache.
They're sha256, not md5.
how often do they update? is it dead?
Not being able to see how long a file was before it ended bugged the shit out of me.
Huh so that wasn't just me then? I've been having problems with playing mp4's in firefox for a while now, I thought it was just getting buggier for me.
It was a shared problem.
Same, seems to be working fine now though.
Damn it, as if I didn't already have enough weird fetishes.
Well there is barely any movement in that clip so it worked out. If it was instead a 60fps gameplay clip it wouldn't have worked.
It's just rape, not that uncommon as a fetish.
As a side note, i wonder of SWFs "work" again; they were completely broke last i checked.
Fucking unreal first webm
I think it's the "arrogant and dominant woman gets dominated" aspect that made it appealing.
I don't know who you are user
But please
never stop posting these
We need you
got a entire thread with those
Not funk….
Not even original song…
the original one is pretty gay
Also anyone have this in webm form?
I'll keep this to remember what this place used to be. Thank you.
No respect for the police these days. Pull over and do what the cop says, it's not fucking hard, god damn.
Farmers are strong people, and a thin man hides a lot of muscle, unlike most obese. If he passed police school and got on the force, chances are he can kick your ass easy.
Birdy the Mighty
And lastly my favorite response webm
My sis was an SJW for a while, but she never argued like this. Sis made it out, but this woman is far enough in, and karma is going to hit her in the face.
That woman's attitude is going to be her own karma. If you're that bitter, you'll push people away and become a nobody. I've seen it happen to people I knew even outside of my sister. You either change and atone, or you don't and you kill yourself or rot away. I hope she changes for the better, but if she doesn't, well, I'll still be happy either way. Because human trash attracts human trash, and they all go into the filthy compost heap .
here, have a better version
I find these extremely cathartic.
I'll beat you to the edit. We all know what's gotta happen.
OMG! New favorite webm *teehee*
I've been looking for it too and don't want to download the anime just to find out what the song was.
i need this as webm anons
but i am full of shit and cant do it
pls help me anons
well, yes sir. I am retarded. I hope you get the whole video into 8mb.
An attempt was made, at least.
I've got bad news for you, straight from the newsletter they just sent out
begging people to not give up because it's launching in less than 30 days:
It's almost guaranteed to be monetized, both because of the concept, and because they explicitly separated the word "free" from "larger reward boxes".
B-But that's not what I was looking for
Hello Music Game Hell
that balloon broke in such a way that the fragment hit her eyes while the balloon was deflating.
I'd take that as a sign from god or the universe to stop being an idiot I were her.
I really want to facefuck Shoe.
She's so damn cute.
Imagine how much better a place the world would be if every smug fuck like this could be beaten half to death by law enforcement without those officers suffering any legal consequences.
I bought the trilogy on the e-shop
Absolutely worth every penny
its on a "we promise to have the full game out by 2013" time schedule, and it only gets worse the more you learn from there
She'll probably raped and murdered by a BLMer or Syrian within the decade.
is that deadpool voice by the guy who does dio?
tell me what this is please
Now for something completely different.
Hi sCoool! SeHa Girls
Holy fuck, people still remember my webm?
Feels great man
Wonder how much her pimp makes per gig.
Ya brigadieros are pretty good. Now if only people would start making conxinhas and discover catupiry and other requeijaos.
This is the kind of shit that you would see in a comedy music.
Hold up a second, are webms fixed?
music sauce?
Its been 5 months since the last update.
Well theres your problem
Don't know man sorry
There's something incredibly soothing about this. From the image to the music, it's so damn warm and comfortable.
Haha nope, psycho assholes like this cunt here are really good at manipulating people to get what they want.
This whore is just gonna land some numale with a trustfund or an aging rich hippie and get a free ride while guys like us get fucked because we weren't born with a vagina and "marrying into money" is quite rare if you are a man
For every unbearable cunt like this one there are plenty of meek little shits willing to bend over and give them what they want
Seriously user, why you think we are in this mess? why you think this socjus faggotry caught on and we didn't?
name of video game animation?
Arifureta Sekai seifuku.
The irony, japs in the 80s providing the cool animation that made a shitty propaganda cartoon with a stale style for the same people who bombed their asses
I used to know this song. Can I have some sauce please
source pls
its never too late!
I'm moving to grorious Nippon next year, where I will settle down with a thick nip qt and fuck for eternity
How can you post something like that with no source? What is wrong with you?
I keep forgetting the sauce and I swear I've downloaded the damn thing a million times but goddammit give the sauce so I can download again and this time properly fucking label it
smdh fam
All I know is her name is Shiori Tsukada
That guy is a fag. He likes cooking.
based police
fucking piece of art.
If I was the policeman, I would print ever frame of this video and make it the wallpaper of my office.
I take it that the burly guy sitting with her is her boyfriend, and so he's the luckiest motherfucker in the world.
that sweet sound of the window smash tho
double smh
sauce on the music?
Can someone post the "Kill all the gays, and the faggots" song ?
What about good audio quality and not fucked up ending though ?
What about you do it yourself then, ya big babby?
I want these things, but I'll never understand nip speak.
"is speeding a crime?"
"can you prove that I'm driving?"
Only if you shout "GENDER EQUALITY" first.
someone's gotta have the original of what that dude was laughing at. Any help?
enjoy your stay
he didn't level up so good
what the fuck is this supposed to be? marriage according to feminists?
Oy vey. That (((professor))) however has nothing against Moslem terrorists in Europe. Funny how that goes.
No. He's just like every Jew on the planet.
it's actually about ethics in exp gains :^)
I mean, that's why this SJW mindset is so successful. It's convenient and easy to blame someone/something else for your own mistakes. It's a slippery slope, the more she will get karma'd and the more signs from life she'll experience that will tell her what she's doing and thinking is wrong the more she'll spiral down in this toxic ideology. Maybe one day she'll get out of the comfort zone and take a step in any other direction and see life isn't flinging shit on her then. Maybe she'll learn.
Where's the hidden gondola?
Because I know that some user here has the good version you retard.
What's the point of this? Also I'm not sure that's what happens when you get punched in the face like that, why does it look like she has cuts from knives. Why is he sweating after only a few punches.
The whole scene is bullshit:
lol this is so stupid, she doesn't even move her body to defend herself.
How can niggers be this stupid?
Who the fuck needs to be taught basic fucking driving etiquette by two nasally, whiny nu-males?!
It's fucking shit. Nobody just sits there limp and lets themselves get fucked up like that. Even if you want it, your body has natural defense response. Not only that, but half of his punches were directly to her face, and she barely even fucking twitched her head (see at 0:50). You can't take a punch like that without training.
Women and other nu-males.
She looks WILDLY different, if not still unattractive, when she's not wearing makeup - she's regularly just dripping with cosmetic goop to the point where it comes off in fucking swathes sometimes in her videos. Additionally, she's a coalburner.
Requesting video of a car accident caused by a car without a stabiliser bar. That shit is rare as fuck so I can't find a single video of it, it is also damn interesting considering how exaggerated the movement looks.
It was either Hard or Extreme, can't remember atm.
because she loves it you retarded permavirgins
she even tells him a final 'i love you' right before he lands the killing blow on her
Maybe if highway builders built highways so straying on the right is actually possible I'd do it.
idk, every time I go out to traffic I only ever run into idiots, and here in Germany it is harder to get a driver license than it is in other countries.
Every day I see idiots that drive to slow, even though it's not legal to drive slower for no reason. E.g. if it rains you can go slower but normally you are not allowed. Anyway, there are also a shitload of people who switch lanes without checking if someone else is driving there.
And the worst are those weird assholes that drive slow as fuck, but when you want to pass them they speed up so you can't pass them only to slow down again once you are behind them.
Nothing wrong with cooking for yourself, it's an important skill
It depends where you are. In some places the speed limit is absolute, while in others it can depend on the circumstances like having a buffer for measurement errors or having a higher limit while overtaking.
idk how the roads in the usa work, but here in germany on freeways the left lane has usually a higher speed limit than others. I attached a picture, sometimes it says over the left one 120, 100 over the middle and 90 for the right one which is for trucks and shit like that. And some parts have no speed limit at all.
It's a fucking nightmare to drive in america, nobody even wants to get a license when they're old enough to drive any more because all they see are fucking lunatics driving around cutting people off, merging/turning without signaling.
Cops are no better, I almost got T-Boned at a traffic light because a cop had his lights on and was gonna run a red light while I was making a turn over into the same lane. I had to immediately pull over so he didn't crash right up my ass.
Another time a cop almost made me crash into a fucking truck on a highway, me taking the slow lane as usual, a cop had someone pulled over on the shoulder, I couldn't merge into the right lane because it was just a solid line of traffic, fucking cop looks right at me and points for me to change lanes. Managed to just squeeze between a truck and some car, thought I was going to have a heart attack.
There are too many bad drivers on the roads, and too many power tripping cops putting other drivers in danger.
This edit is great.
Does anyone have the original?
Aww yiss.
What is the name of the song used here?
Don't bother, it's dubstep trash
Would be unbecoming of me not providing a source when I myself was sourced
From my experience girls who live with their fathers turn out like that. I met too girls so far whose parents divorced and the girls stayed with their dads. Those girls turn out pretty cool because they don't get infected with feminism from their mothers. They are into video games, they understand man better (e.g. they understand that working outside is harder than sitting at home and doing woman stuff) and on top of everything they usually manage to look good too.
Good nigger.
I lost the game.
Onions are great. I even eat them raw on bread with butter.
This one is even better.
That song is fucking sweet.
Bobby Roode's WWE hymn.
A little repetative, but it works.
While that's all well and good on long stretches of Highway Fucking Nothing, it doesn't really work in more congested areas.
And no, "driving aggressively" just makes everything worse, but feel free to get sideswiped by some dumb nigger who doesn't give a shit about your blinker if you like. This guy gets it.
Look, you can tell people it's for "passing" but all they can hear is "it's okay to do 90 in a 45 in the left lane". It's only going to cause more problems in the long run because rampant speeding is the real issue.
And no, I don't give a fuck how it's done in Germany. The reason it works better over there is because A) there's less drivers on the road and B) the driver is usually better than the average burger. They're not comparable at all. I know I suggested it earlier, but could you imagine what it would be like if the left lane had a speed limit of 120 in a 60? I dunno about other cities, but it would be a fucking massacre where I live. Not to mention it would make merging even more impossible than it already is.
exit on the left? I think this is the first time I ever heard of that lol.
I actually googled it and that shit seems to exist in Germany too.
a really retarded design, no idea who came up with this idea.
Anyone know the song on this one?
I just fucking love these.
What is this? GamerGate the movie :DDD?
this is how I spend my days
What are you talking about, that is the original?
I don't have a problem besides getting angry at fags that go slow or don't signal their turns.
I live in Florida and never have gotten into an accident before- granted there were some times when I get pissed as people are fucking stupid and try to make an accident, gotten lucky there were no collisions though.
Sunset Lover.
The camera sound effects are not apart of the original song. It sounds a little empty without them but still good.
Now be a good guy and post some nice pictures of Leifang.
It was a dad joke.
is there a webm of the road scene?
you clearly don't know who that professor is
I would have died if the second guy was named Hugh.
Time well spent.