
Competitive esports edition

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Still unsure what character to learn after Zarya. Pharah, McCree, Soldier or some tank. What heroes do you guys like and why?


Hitboxes in games are shit, your point?

I tend to play Zarya on attack and D.Va on defense.
I pick D.Va on defense because I can just sit my ass on the objective to stop it from being pushed and the fact that she effectively has two lives and her ult is a massive explosion make it easy to keep my hold on the objective. On top of that, D.Va's shit range is mitigated while on defense by the fact that enemies have to come to her.

That we've had two threads in a row now that started with whining about them when people normally didn't give that much of a damn.

Soldier may have gotten a buff on the PTR but I feel like he will still be at least D tier. and the Zen nerf will only bring him down a smidgen since its still a team wide damage boost. Dont know why the fuck they wont just nerf Lucio and that D.va nerf was unneeded. Blizzard doesnt know how to buff/nerf. McCree is great right now despite the nerf to his ult, and pharah is another hero that isnt good right now simply because mercy fell out of the meta.

This was meant for but the thread was empty when i put on my VPN so i couldnt reply to it

Yeah I think what I'd like to play is something long range though. I realize there is no tank like that, but I'm definitely open to just going for D.Va anyway. Maps like Hanamura on defense are also a pain as Zarya because you sit and wait and lose all your charge or charge away from the point and kill yourself (because the enemy team always has a Roadhog ready to hook you when you try to retreat).

Alright thank you dude. I was wondering why I never see Soldier anywhere since his kit seems pretty useful.

Zero Suit Mei when?

Aren't they nerfing Lucio's amp it up so it isn't as effective for boosting speed?

100% vs 70% when pub Lucio only uses it at the start of the map anyway isn't going to change much I think.

puffy vulva


Is this game actually any fun? will it be dead in 6 months?

Its a ton of fun if you're playing on the PC. I wouldn't recommend any fps game on console though.

I main Roadhog by a long way because he scares the shit out of anyone with 200 health due to the fact that if they get hooked they're as good as dead. He can melt pretty much anyone else, although Mei, other Roadhogs and good Zaryas can prove to be pretty annoying. A decent Zenyatta will thrash through you, but that's standard tank play.
Symmetra can also be fun as fuck, as long as you play her well. I've had many matches where, despite a competent team, I've gone gold damage and eliminations, all thanks to microwave rooms and her godly gun. Plus, her teleport basically doubles as a perfect Mercy ult, as it gets 6 dead dudes to the point quickly. She's kinda crap on attack though, as you don't get enough time to set up useful turrets, and your teleport is largely pointless. Same for KotH

Never ever because Mei isn't fat and if she doesn't have a suit on her silhouette will be fucked up. We've been through this, user.

Main reason not to play on console is that half of the heroes fucking suck with controller. Genji's probably the worst for this, because his dash relies on you being able to do a quick 180 turn
All of my group of friends play with controllers, on PC. Fucking kill me.

D.Va´s nerv was kinda justified. She constantly could uphold her Damage Matrix, now you at least have some cooldown. And i say that as a D.va main. Mercy really should get a buff to her survivabilty on the other hand. Yeah, faster healing is nice, but you won´t notice the effect if you´re dead half the time. Maybe give her a slightly amount of armor, and or a second self defense ability. She really could use some love. Lucio and Zenyatta are fine as they are right now.

Roadhog is probably both overpowered and underpowered at the same time depending on how good you are at hooking enemies and how easy enemies counter you. Though Zarya is a direct counter to him as I've learned by playing Zarya. Roadhog is one of those I've been looking at because of this. There's a lot to learn about hooking people and it can only help a lot with learning how to predict aiming with other heroes (like Zarya).

Zarya also directly counters Zenyatta as soon as she gets in range (or is good enough with her giant balls).
Memes aside her playstyle is not my thing.

But again thanks for the comments.

That's because overwatch players are retarded casuals who bought a 20 tick fps with hitboxes that stretch

Well you better give the PTR a whirl, since they did a stealth nerf to his Hook+M1 combo. No one knows if its intentional, but ever since that "fix" they did for roadhog, people you hook stop about 5m away from you instead of the usual up close and personal range it put targets at. So now people like hanzo can escape really easily and 200health enemies are no longer scared of roadhog.

With Zenyatta's ability to mark Mercy for death being nerfed on top of Genji who Mercy cannot escape from also being nerfed, Mercy will indirectly become more viable. I'm not sure if she's seeing a ton of use in PTR, though.

Pretty hilarious how they have one sucessful esports, and it's the one game they had nothing to do with.

What the actual fuck. Surely you don't play with them?

Do they call you a cheater if you use K&M when playing with them?

I'm referring to Holla Forums in general, not specifically the ones that play overwatch.

Also the servers aren't 20 tick anymore.

[citation required]

And it was 20 ticks when you bought it

Its mostly the fact that she doesn't have a compensation buff in any regard to it. So she is going to be played even less in the pro scene.

Doubtful, the waifu fags and blizzdrones will keep it alive. As well as the people who want a FPS esport that's big, and wont die anytime soon,(Besides CS GO because of the Slavs and Peruvians, or they just didn't get good at spray pattern, even though its piss easy to master and anyone who says otherwise is a silver shitter I was double ak master)
Iz still breddy gud do mang

I wonder if it's just far enough for M2 to be the new combo.

The problem Mercy has is that against 90% of the heroes, you're directly required to hope your team mates are good enough to save you, or be in the right place at the right time so you can jet out of there.
I saw someone suggest that she should get an ability that places a static orb which you can jet to, perhaps also giving some sort of passive area buff (although that might be slight overkill), which would make Mercy about 500% less hellish to play casually, and so much better competitively.

CS is and always has been boring. Half Life Deathmatch was way superior.

OK, one question. Why, to this day, they don't use a "hitbox" that fits the object/doll? This is a huge problem in fighting games too. Yesterday I tried Paladins's training mode and it also have hitboxes bigger than the characters. Why is this the standard?

One of them only plays Reinhardt, and he's pretty good at it, to be fair.
The rest are… Okay. One of them I've actually asked not to play KB/M because he positions his hand sideways on the keyboard because he's a badly trained lunatic.

I'm actually terrible at videogames, but I tend to gold-silver medal whatever role I'm playing, even if they all match my role. They think I'm far far better than I am.


Did you see people complain about them nearly as much as this in TF2 threads? Despite them being even worse? Most you would get is complaints about the shitty melee or backstab detection.

In overwatch the character hitboxes are actually quite similar to the ingame models. The only exception i can think of, is Ana´s healing sniper rifle, which has an aim assist, to friendly targets. It´s the projectile hitboxes, that are the problem especially for Hanzo´s arrows. But then again, they got reduced already by 33% on the PTR and you won´t be able to shoot people around corners anymore anyway.

So no citation?

And when did tf2 try to sell itself as srz esports? Or charge people 60 dollars?

If Overwatch is still alive in a year or two's time, I'd guess it wouldn't be argued then either. This game's still in early stages so glaring errors like this get debated over and over.

My guess is that it's for balance and/or lag compensation. So that heroes like Hanzo are still playable without having sub-50ms ping.


That's why I said hit boxes for both characters and objects. There is no reason for none of the to be this messed up.

You can get it for $40 dollars, which is still quite a bit but at least its a step in the right direction. And its a good business model to sell a game as an esport since then players will have a goal and a reason to get good and play the game for hours on end.

Because doing hitboxes in any shape other than rectangles is way harder and adding more and more increasingly small rectangles to get the right shapes makes more and more room for errors so games just aim for getting them good enough

it shills the 60 dollars one as default and console players have to pay 60.

Fuck you, filtered

I guess, if you make projectile hitboxes very small, then the heroes with hitscan weapons will be greatly overpowered compared to projectile heroes. It´s not that easy to balance projectile speed and size. Make them to small and projectile heroes are completely pointless. Make them slightly to big and you will get cheap kills and headshots left and right.

At the beginning when you could only buy it in combination with Half Life 2 Episode 2 and Portal? Which is by the way an indefinitely more retarded business model than overwatch´s.

Lol, its not like I approve of it. Im just saying thats why they marketed like that, video game companies are a business and as such are always in it for the money.A game should only become E-sports shit if the company is the lead of the thought process, and not the company. Hence why that mod for Modern Warfare became competitive and was so good.

Fuck I meant to say the community shit i need sleep.

You could make hitscan less effective, or with less ammo, hell, we could compare laser guns to rockets in other FPS. One is instantly but just don't back the same punch and you need to aim more.

That could be valid if the boxes at least tried to fit the character/object form. At least fighting games try that with multiple boxes. FPSs seem much more lazy in this department. And we can almost be sure it's not a lack of processing power. This is not the most demanding aspect of gaming.

So much underage it hurts

But an arrow is larger than a bullet, make it larger, but not like a freaking 2x4.


What the fuck are you expecting me to link? Statistics of what gets discussed on Holla Forums regularly? I've said that people on Holla Forums seem to complain about the hitboxes in overwatch a hell of a lot more than they ever complained about the ones in tf2, are you trying to claim otherwise?

Why is any of that relevant? Only reason I can see it being of any possible relevance at all is if you're admitting that people do give less of a shit about them in tf2 and are trying to come up with excuses for it.

where can i look for up to date ptr developments?

I have no words


So you're trying to pass your opinion as fact, and can't understand why people would care less about a casual game as opposed to a game that pretends to be competitive esports, holy shit.

I remember when I bought it back in 2007 that I could buy each individually for the equivalent of 20$ so I dunno what you're talking about.

God damnit. You have Gabe Newells dick so far up your ass, that it is already coming out of your mouth again.

Shilling a thread, how much content is enough content for 40 bucks?
The last comment from another user says we have enough.

There is a lot more subtlety to having the most reliable spray pattern than simply moving your mouse opposite to the direction of the recoil.

And you could buy them separately you drooling retard

This is how retarded you have to be to play overwatch

No you couldn´t. At least not in physical form. And in 2007 buying download codes on the internet was pretty much nonexistent.

You know that thing you have to install to play those games?

Yeah, they sell games on it.

What backwater shithole do you come from?

Turn down your fucking graphics Jesus Christ, are you trying to kill your video card?

I'm just here to talk shit, don't mind me
To be honest though, it's been a long time since I bought a game that was actually this polished. In 80 hours I haven't had a single crash, and almost every issue has been server-side rather than client-side. I'd rather this than a mess that's free to play. We all know that there's no middle ground in videogames these days.

Yeah, that´s totally a fine business model. Keep supporting valve(tm) and steam(tm) to strenghten the pc community, goyim. Why are valvedrones so fucking retarded?

You could buy those games separately you missed abortion

Trust someone playing blizzard games in 2016 to be this retarded

Only online and with an exaggerated price. And back then people who only bought the overpriced download code of a game were considered the mouthbreathing retards they were. But keep sucking that Valve dick.

The desperation is off the charts.

They were what, like 20 dollars? For games that are far superior to this pile of shit?

Kek, i´m not the one who is fiercely defending the retarded business model of a corporation that is not only responsible for the rise of heavily restrictive online DRM but also early access cancer and "cinematic" shooters.


I'm trying to pass my opinions as right. That's what arguing is user.

And all I'm trying to argue is that people on Holla Forums seem to be much more anal about the hitboxes in overwatch than they would be over other non-realisitc shooters like tf2 and you're now saying I'm actually right.

I don't give a shit about the competitive scene, it has no bearing on the game itself and no one playing the game has an obligation to give a shit about it either. I will point out though that Valve does try to pretend that TF2 is a competitive esports. They've been patching the game in accordance to what goes on in the competitive scene for years now, the only reason competitive mode has only been implemented recently is they are fucking valve and take forever to do anything.

its just a legitimate concern that people will shine a spotlight on because [popular game] is always a target for shitposting. are you having fun?


Because Overwatch was released, as well as tons of other actual competition.
Let's not kid ourselves here, TF2 is a cashcow for Valve and it's in their interest to keep it alive for as long as possible. There was no reason for the Competitive update or concerns before but as soon as competition rose, they grabbed something straight out of Counter Strike and implemented it.

The "hitbox debate" is just a farce though, and you know this very well. Most of the people talking about the hitboxes do so because it's the last point they can use to shitpost about Overwatch, now that the Moba, 20tick rate and "press Q to win" memes don't stick anymore.
You can try to argue all you want but they already decided to not be convinced as they are personnaly invested in that viewpoint. It's pointless.

For all intents and purposes, the size of an hitbox does not have one specific way to be done right. You can make them fit perfectly the model and still have shitty hitboxes.
Their size is all about how easy someone actually is to hit and greatly affects the balance between hitscan and projectiles. Make them too big or too small and suddendly one of those firing-types becomes much worse than the other. This is about keeping things balanced in more subtle ways than just "+10% damage" with Hanzo being a severely underplayed hero after the nerfs and soon to change with the buffs for instance. (not like people should play him anyway…)

You see the new update and it's actually quite ingenious. Instead of simply reducing or increasing the hitboxes, they "change size" according to LoS, which means they can indirectly buff projectile based heroes while avoiding the awkward headshots through walls.
Much like the nerf and buff to Zenyatta's Discord Orb and Destruction Orbs that gives him exactly the same bonus damage he always had or the Widow's headshot changes that give her the same damage on headshots but less on bodyshots, those are changes that alter a specific part of the game for a specific reason without touching anything else.
Everything is done for a reason and with Blizzard it seems it's often quite subtle.

Who let reddit in?

Explain objectively why they are bad.

Hey, I liked all of those 3 games user. But you know very well they were only packaged together because Valve didn't believed either Portal or TF2 would sell that well without the help of Half Life 2.


Name one fucking game that could be considered competition for tf2

I want reddit to leave

Nigger, you can hit players from around corners. Stupid fanboy, why the fuck are you even defending this shit in the first place?

And you're a faggot too because that is what's called "Argument by assertion" which is a fallacy

Arguing that something is a fallacy is a fallacy.

You stupid motherfucker.

You have your opinion. He has his.
That's it. Opinions aren't wrong or right.
They're stupid or good, that's all.

It's an opinion. A stupid one.
It's an opinion, a good one.

Fucking hell, you faggots spend so much time going over your phallus-cy tables, you can't be arsed to take a minute and look the defininition of "opinion" vs "argument".



Paladins, Paragon, Gigantic, Dirty Bomb?
There's a few more but you know how it's like when this stuff isn't that memorable unless you play them…

That has literally been fixed now, that's what all the hubhub was about. Hitboxes are Mei-sized again but if you don't have LoS to someone, they aren't.
Seriously, go see some of the Webms at the start of the thread, specifically:

Except opinions aren't arguments, there is no contradiction in his posts and defending your opinion is not a fallacy.

No. You are thinking of the fallacy's fallacy, that is, when you disregard an entire argument because a part of it has a fallacy despite the rest being correct.
For instance:
"You enjoy sucking many dicks because you're stupid" and claiming you don't actually enjoy sucking dicks because "you're stupid" is an ad hominem. It IS an ad hominem, but dicks are still coming in and out of your mouth.

I'd actually really want to know how hitscan projectiles work in TF2 because the projected hitbox seemed to only cover physics projectiles. Since most weapons in TF2 are hitscan weapons such as the minigun, shotgun, and sniper rifles. Does Overwatch use hitscanning for most of their weapons?

>Trying to pass opinions off as right
No m8, no contradictions to see here, I was wrong and you're totally not here to play Devils Advocate like a little shit

My opinion is that humans can't breathe air.

Face it faggot opinions can be wrong.

Same shit

Not really sure if most weapons are projectiles or hitscan but hitboxes for hitscan are much closer to the model than it is for projectiles. The full version of the video in the OP also showed off a hitscan character just barely grazing the robots and doing no damage.

That's not an opinion.
That's a fact. And a wrong one.
You presented the fact: "Humans can't breathe air."
It's a fact because it can be proven or disproven: I can stick my cock down your throat and see how you live without breathing.

IF you said: "There's no ghosts!" that's an opinion, because you can't disprove it or prove it.
Same goes for aliens, EA honesty and that one time you had sex.

If you want an argument, you have to take premises, link them in a logical sequence, and make a conclusion with them.
"Your lips are enlarged and muscular because they're used plenty."
"Your breath stinks of semen frequently."
"You receive phone calls from gentleman after 10 PM."
"You are of the homosexual disposition."

Opinion: "You seem to enjoy it."
Fact: "You won't stop for anything."
Opinion: "The gentlemans don't seemed pleased by your oral skills."
Fact: "You need to use your butthole."
Opinion: "Your anus wouldn't please them either."
Fact: "But your mother would."

See? It's that easy.

No its my opinion.

model hitboxes for hitscan are identical to projectiles. It's the projectiles themselves that are larger.

I love how these threads are 99% shitposting until it hits the bump limit

Shit man you're an idiot

As far as I know is the projectile's hitbox and not the model's like said.

Now THAT is an opinion.

And that aswell.

It is my opinion that humans can not breathe air.

If you do not accept that it is an opinion like I originally stated then you need to define what an opinion is (as your definition is not the dictionary definition).

I've seen a few videos by MrPaladin where he shows a very different kind of hitboxes present in TF2 but he tests them with the Revolver.
Those are more accurate to the body types (he uses the Scout disguise because of the Head position) and seem to be used for hitscan.

I'd venture a guess that you have the massive hitboxes in that video for projectiles only. But whenever a hitscan projectile passes over that giant box, the game checks for the individual ones to see if you actually hit someone instead (since hitscan is easier to hit someone with).
Meaning, they are there for locational damage only and for hitscan only. Collisions (what's used for projectiles) are still bound to the big ass collision box.

Headshots with projectiles, like the Huntsman, probably check for collision first and then see if they hit above a specific height for each character for an headshot, ence why it's retarded easy to hit one.

It actually wouldn't be so bad if the big collision box was a pill or at least a cylinder or rotated when you rotate too (which is actually harder than the other shapes)

Quake had it right.

not really. If an entire argument is a fallacy, calling it what it is is correct. Disregarding absolutely everything someone says because a small part is a fallacy, that's what is actually a fallacy.

That's just your opinion. Not fact.


I see 3 hitboxes there, Red for headshots no doubt.
But what of the other 2? The green one seems to be like the large hitbox you see on TF2 while the blue one is specific to the body.
Is the green one used for projectiles and the blue for hitscan? Does the green one rotate as you move around the map? I doubt this last point, looking at the texture in the ground and their orientation…

Seems like the same thing, but no limb specific hitboxes.

Neither actually, it's a definition. :^)

Huh, guess I was wrong. I know it's true for McCree and just generalized it to all hitscan characters. It might only be true about McCree, then.

Simple Definition of opinion

: a belief, judgment, or way of thinking about something : what someone thinks about a particular thing

: advice from someone with special knowledge : advice from an expert

: a formal statement by a judge, court, etc., explaining the reasons a decision was made according to laws or rules


Simple Definition of argument

: a statement or series of statements for or against something

: a discussion in which people express different opinions about something

: an angry disagreement

If you REALLY want to pull the "dictionary" card, atleast pick up one before opening your cumstained mouth.

I'd like to point out that the reason quake boxes aren't on model is because skins are meant to be cosmetic only. Hence they all use the exact same hitbox regardless of the model's size or even shape (as is the case with Orbb).

Plus it had a (legal) forcemodel command so you could change the enemy's model on client side to whatever you wanted.

No that's just your opinion.

Thanks for proving me right. Humans cannot breathe air is my opinion.

No weapons have headshot capability in Quake. Unless maybe they come from mods?

I really recommend you find something other than the training bots to test on, or a video that does it already. I'm pretty sure the training bots hitboxes are just lazy, in addition to being oddly shaped.

Thing: "Humans breath"
What you think: "It's impossible."

Well, I apologize then.
You were not wrong.
You're just an idiot.

Yes I am. Its an easy and classic example of a wrong opinion.

Then it stops being an opinion and starts being argument with the premise that breathing is impossible, therefore humans don't breath.
And since we can prove your premise false, we can also disprove the conclusion of your argument.


Opinion differs from fact in that fact can be proven wrong.

It's the same

It's not

As I have just showed in an example. Opinions can be wrong.

Huh, you're right. I though for a second that maybe the Railgun would have double damage with an headshot, but it seems not.
Odd that there's an hitbox in the end then…


Who are you quoting? Nobody said anything like that. I have proven by example that opinions can be wrong. If you have nothing but strawman arguments to back you up like you just did then you must be conceding the fact that opinions can be wrong.

No it isn't.
Embed is the full version of the video.
At 4:06 he uses McCree and the hitboxes are on-model.

You literally see him registering a hit despite shooting above the head

Oh you're right.
The bullet's taller than it is wide.

Blizzcuck redditors need to leave this fucking board

You have proven that the argument "humans don't need oxygen to breath" is false. You never proved it's an opinion.

Opinions can't be proven right or wrong by definition of being opinions.
You can't prove I don't like lasagna and liking it isn't wrong or right either. You can't prove that the color of the sky doesn't please me and liking it isn't right or wrong.

The natural conclusion to your line of thinking, that opinions can be right or wrong, is that opinions are just as valid as facts since those can be proven right or wrong as well. But in that, I invite you to give me your definition of "fact" or "opinion" and state why "humans don't need to breath oxygen" is an opinion and not a fact.

It's a casual FPS and nothing more or less. Quit sperging out.

Fuck off, low-effort brain dead retard. We are going in a multi-post tirade about the very definition of facts and opinions, your shitpost is more on-topic than whatever the fuck we are talking about. Either improve your shitposting, fuck off somewhere else or post the rest of that shit.

No longer true, actually. And never was.
Client refresh rate was 20, but the server was always at 60.
They already anounced they are gonna make it 60 for everyone with an algorythm that scales it down for you if your connection doesn't hold. And possible limits in the options menu later on for people that want to save bandwith.


King of the Hill, Payload and Assault are already 3 different gamemodes, the point moving around and providing cover and healing to everyone changes the game substantially.

That was never an argument and nobody has ever said anything like that except for you. You have tried altering what I said, twisting my words, in order to prevent it from being an opinion like you are doing in that sentence, but I stated an opinion, an opinion that is wrong and you can not change that fact. No matter how much you want to twist my words.

I have proven by example that opinions can be wrong. If you have nothing but strawman arguments to back you up like you just did then you must be conceding the fact that opinions can be wrong.

The fact that you keep insisting opinions can't be wrong just means you're fucking stupid and too self-important to ever accept that you are wrong. Go do some research on the subject and you will find that opinions can indeed be wrong your communist "opinions cant be wrong" bullshit doesn't fly.

You also refuse to provide a counter argument, the only thing you have used as an argument for your case is "opinions can't be wrong because I said so" while I have proven by example that they can. The fact that say that you think opinions can't be wrong and have no other argument other than your own stated opinion on the subject is in fact another example of a wrong opinion.

Go back to cuckchan if you want to discuss this shitty fucking game.
Its a shitty casualfest with no depth, lots of ASSFAGGOTS influence and full of meme cancer that attracts redditors and tumblirites much like yourselves.

You keep dodging on your definition of what an opinion is, as well as the difference to facts.
I'll take it you know the difference, you're just trolling.

You said a statement "humans don't need oxygen to breath" and claimed it's an opinion, it's wrong and therefore opinions can be wrong.
It's true that it's wrong but so far you haven't proven it's an opinion at all so that's non-sequitur.
Until we establish what opinions are and in what they differ from facts, you can't use that definition to prove anything.

So you keep dodging what I say like the little disgusting pissant that you are and refuse to prove anything you say is correct. Guess it is all just your wrong opinion. I can easily fight you on your turf though. You have nothing to say and you have never had anything to say that isn't just twisting my words into new meanings that never existed previously.

No because you never asked for it. My definition is the dictionary definition.
Or in other words. What you think about something is not necessarily true.
I asked who you were quoting and you refuse to show me where someone said this other than you. So again, who said this? Word for word. As I said several times I never said this. You are simply twisting my words into new meanings that did not previously exist.
That's because you did right here
Any belief, judgement or way of thinking about something : what I think about a particular thing. Is by definition an opinion.

If you walk forward as you hook the enemy, you'll move just far enough to get the kill.


Just so you know, you can delete posts.


You're the one making the claims, that this is an opinion, that opinions are wrong… Burden of proof and all that.

"I invite you to give me your definition of fact or opinion"
I take it you don't actually know how to read.

You don't even read your own posts? That's advanced illiteracy.

Which is correct, but nothing in that has anything to do with right or wrong.

You make a claim (humans don't need to breathe), that's an opinion. It can't be right or wrong, it's just an opinion and anyone can freely discard it if they don't value your opinion.

But if you try to back it up (humans don't need to breathe BECAUSE I don't need to breathe and I'm a human), then it stops being an opinion. It has now become an argument with a premise and basis to prove it. Arguments can be right (at which point they become facts) or they can be wrong, at which point they are disproven.

Opinions have no intrinsic value whatsoever and can't be right or wrong because of that. Arguments can be right or wrong because they have backing to them that gives them some value, and the moment you try to back your opinion, it ceases being just an opinion and becomes an argument.
Sorry this is that hard to understand, user.

Your claim is that opinions can't be wrong. You have nothing to back you up. You have just as much burden of proof as anyone else.
You invited me to do something. You didn't ask me to do it.
Still not anything I said. I said something different. Anyone can read that.
See "What you think about something is not necessarily true."
Learn to read.
Prove it. Oh wait you can't because you can't read. All you can do is twist words.

Rest of your post is garbage based off of something nobody has ever said so it is already invalidated.

Funny guy, almost fell for it.

Already did. I linked to your post where you claim that as your opinion.

:^D good show sport, still far from old days of trolling, but it's better than what we have currently, so I'll take what I can get.

Ha so you admit you just have no argument just like I said. And besides that I've already proven by example that my argument holds true and you've completely refused to even talk about it. Which means that per the rules of argumentation that you are now stating (and I was calling out earlier when you refused to address my proof) means that you have conceded.

Besides there is nothing to "almost fall for", in an argument there has to be twi sides. And both sides are equally responsible for their own burden of proof.
Still one step up from you who has no arguments or anything to say at all other than "lol im right ur wrong xD"
No you didn't. Because I never said that. And as I have consistently said and you have consistently ignored you are just twisting my words into new meanings that did not previously exist.
So you again just prove you are shitposting.

The original claim was yours, that opinions can be wrong, and then you shifted the burden of proof to me saying I'm the one that has to prove they can't be wrong.
You are asking me to prove a negative, if you actually knew how to argue you'd be embarassed.

Proven by circular logic, you mean. "Opinions can be wrong because I say this is an opinion and it's wrong".
You can't prove that "humans don't need to breathe", you can prove that whatever example or base is given to prove that argument is false, though. That's why opinions can't be wrong.

I invit- I ask you to prove that the following opinion is right or wrong: I enjoy cupcakes.
protip: it's true, otherwise I wouldn't talk this long with you :D

Right here champ, that's your post.

You are asking me to prove a negative, you throw the burden of proof on other people for your own claims, you use circular logic and it's pretty obvious you don't even know what the scientific method is if you believe that's how you prove opinions wrong.
I'll stop arguing with you before we derail the thread any further since there's no point anymore. You can keep your wrong opinion.

Nope. Never did anything like that. Learn to read.
You can prove a negative in many cases. However it is not what you need to do. You just need to uphold your end of the argument, which you have not. I have provided conclusive proof and you have ignored it. You have failed to argue. If you actually knew how to argue (or read) you'd be embarassed.
Please prove that "What you think about something is not necessarily true." is circular logic.
Again that was never said.
Again trying to divert from the fact that you never had any counter arguments and don't uphold your side of the argument.
Yes and it does not say what you are trying to determine that it says. The fact that you can't even admit you were wrong in that is more proof that I have already proven you wrong and you refuse to see the truth because you're autistic or just too stuck up your own ass to admit it.

Rest of your post is reiterating your own bullshit claims that are inherently wrong and only concluded by you because you have no argument and need to strawman so I won't even bother.

Jesus Christ are we still at it?


I like playing as Ana. What's wrong with me.

She's pretty fun, I see her in a similar role to Zen as an offensive support that shouldn't be the only healer. If your team isn't retarded then her sleep dart turns teamfights into 5v6, her ult can get through chokes and the grenade shits on Zen's ult and Roadhog's healing.

I don't see anything wrong with playing Ana. It seems more interesting than most other healers. Only Zenyatta seems to be of any interest besides her since you can do things besides healing and walking around.

They've reverted that on the PTR, stating that "Altering the size of projectiles in flight had too many unintended side effects to keep in the game, at least in its current form," even if any remote jank from it (that I've never heard anybody speak of) is infinitely better than a Hanzo headshotting you from around a corner.

hanzo wasnt headshotting you from around a corner since last patch

They're making hit boxes bigger (again) because casuals babbys playing this game can't aim

is it dva time?

My friends and I have never played another blizzard game but are loving Overwatch at the moment. It's a fun team based FPS that actually rewards people for playing as a team.

Yes some of the projectile hit boxes need fixing and some characters need a buff/nerf, but what I really like is that Blizzard is actually listening to these problems unlike Valve which has been known to ignore its community on things such as bugs and gameplay mechanics.

t. I used to play CSGO and TF2 competitively. I have nightmares of the issues those games had.


Goddamn blizzdrones are so retarded

thanks for no source, fag

Last time that image was posted some user said the artist was Marui Maru.

thanks marty, want to do butt stuff?

You don't deserve to play D.va

How come?

Have you guys picked up any bad habits?

I know that everybody plays junkrat from the back, spamming nades and shit.
But I just can't stand to get sniped and see all those bombs fall right where noone is.
I HAVE to be near them when I die.
It's like I must suicide-bomb, laughing and screaming and spamming bombs.


Well at least you're playing Junkrat in character.


Well, the advantage of this "strategy" is that I can pull 4, sometimes 5 rip-tires per match.

My highest was 7 Rip-tires. Think that was also my highest 30k damage in a match.


Is there a HLDJ equivalent to overwatch

shame most maps are too wide open for rip tires to get the jump on attentive players and it can be difficult to get off during a big push because youre better off using it out of line of sight

i had a junkrat land me play of the game when i put a pulse bomb on his ass and he ran over and got 2 more of his team mates killed. he was the real star of the show

I dunno, maybe ones such as the fucking mini sentry bug that Valve took three fucking years to fix?

Are you seriously saying you're unaware of the sheer incompetence Valve has shown regarding TF2 over the years?

that was a bug? i thought they were leaving it like that as a message to gitgud to players who cant deal with a fragile troll weapon

Again, the projectiles are that way because arrows are very thin projectiles and the skill floor would be too high to be worth using the character if it wasn't that way, same with Genjis shurikens. Archers in Chivalry is a good example of this, almost totally useless gameplay wise because they're realistic, archers weren't meant to be accurate they were meant to shoot a lot of arrows in the general direction of a target and the swarm of arrows would eventually hit the target.

oh wow that was an exploit? I thought

Or you know, casual babbys playing this game that's pretending to be esports can git gud.

[citation needed]

Volley fire was a thing (probably), but longbowmen at least were trained from birth for generations. You can bet your ass they were as accurate, if not more so, as any competitive archer today.


will this ever stop being hilarious?
1000 employees and in all this time they only manage to release one (1) ugly-ass muslim sniper

Hey, for being a sandnigger granny she looks decent. No hijab either.


Check your privileges, you should be grateful for all the free skins you can get, and the free hero update

Why didnt battleborn wait a few months or come out a few months earlier?

why didn't they…

Things that will never be.txt

I'm enjoying myself on PS4, but eh. A few PCfriends who got cucked.
At it's core it's a fun game, so it'll probably hit gold once it goes F2P.

idk, blizzard seem to be trying to sell expansions from their interviews.

Would be hilarious if it does go f2p though

if you play bastion, torb, hanzo, widow, mei or genji you are literally dead wight on your team

You're fuckin retarded if you think Valve doesn't listen to the CS:GO community, they do. DotA 2 is their baby right now and has the most focus and CSGO is second.

Battleborn would still fail for the same reason HoN failed. It looks like ass and its sound/voice work is cringeworthy to hear.

You may be dead inside if you play Hanzo or Genji, but you don't have to be a ghost to play those characters.

I know this is offtopic but what the fuck is Hirez thinking with that game

why do PC gamers need auto aim in their baby game?

When the fuck did people start wanting Battleborn to succeed?

Since Hillary started talking about us and attracting underage shitters.

Since we realized overwatch is a piece of shit and stating the fact triggers underage Holla Forumskiddies

Holla Forums is just becoming sadder and sadder.

Holla Forumstards as pathetic as ever

Yeah, must be.

Trust a Holla Forumstard to sperg out and be responsible for 1/7 posts, then cry about Holla Forums.

You forgot your sage. I guess you were too busy implying implications that aren't true.

Everything he said was true though?

I thought you were just pretending to be retarded when you were spering out before, but wow. You really are this sad.

Filtered, feel free to keep sperging out.

Oh well then thank you for telling me that I go to Holla Forums I didn't know that.

And its not my fault you're autistic and can't handle your view on opinions being proven wrong.

I don't know about CS:GO but you're the retard if you think valve listens to dota players;
the game is turning into a League of Legends clone because they know that's where the shekels at.

Valve is literally blizzard-tier now.


Most of Holla Forums considers vidya degenerate. Even the so-called "red-pilled" vidya.
"Why are you pretending to kill niggers, when you could be out there actually killing them?"
I dunno, because it's fun?

The problems you both mentioned aren't even the worse problems with Battleborn. Even if they fixed all you've said:

And that's discounting how the "gearbox" works can't believe they seriously called it, that pathetic atempts at making skins literally recolors and the figurines they sent to their "loyal" costumers.

I had the chance to play it since I know a couple retards who bought it and sold me their account for 5$. It's a 4/10 on the best days. With the lack of players, it hit 3/10, especially with the "safespace" mentality the remaining players have (and that Gearbox purposedly atracted).

If the shit you posted got fixed, it would be instead a 5/10. Congratulations, you got hyped for mediocracy.

Meanwhile, I have Quake/UT when I want something seriously competitive, and I have Overwatch when I want to relax and blow shit up with Junkrat. Or make little Genji kids cry with Hog.
You on the other hand are playing a dead game.
A game so dead, it can't have a thread on Holla Forums with people actually discussing it.
A game so dead, you have to talk about it in a thread for another game.
A game so dead, the only way to validate your shit opinion is to shit on another game that did the same thing but better.

Precisely. Battleborn is like HoN while Overwatch is Dota 2.
Which means it will inevitably get shit one day and be filled with retards, but until then I can have a ton of fun.
With TF2 starting as the original Dota and somehow evolving into LoL. Bravo, Valve.

Hey it's the other sperging Holla Forumstard coming to help his buttbuddy.

Sperg on, tard.

Want me to show you how that filter doesn't work when you don't have the willpower to NOT reply to bait?

And I just told you, Holla Forums doesn't play vidya.
Most of them HATE vidya and consider it a jewish plot to control us.

Man, count the times you've replied to b89157, agreeing with him, trying to reinforce your opinions.
Actually, I do hope he's your buttbuddy. If you're doing that shit with a proxy, it's not only sad, it's also unoriginal.
The last proxyfag shitting him the thread was atleast funny.

September can't roll in soon enough, I'm so fucking sick of meme team compositions that cost me games.

DotA is too hard to compare it to OW, OW is pretty much LoL, same target audience even.

You conveniently forgot the huge balance changes, which were already made and the nre map that is coming out soon. Also you failed to mention the upgrade to 60 tick servers and the introduction of competitive play. And just because Gearbox shits out a lot of content in a desperate attempt to save their game, doesn´t mean, that the content is of good quality.

I meant DotA 2, not DotA.

One thing the battleborns forgot to mention:
The "lot of content" they shit out?
It's behind a paywall or grindwall, your pick.
You pay 60$ bucks for a game. You get a few starting heroes.
Then you're gonna have to farm credits.
Imagine you get 100-200 credits per match (that last 30-40 minutes).
Now hit up their store. There's heroes costing 47500 credits.
The best I can say about this is: not even Warframe has me working that much to unlock new content.

But WAIT, there's a way out! You can buy the season pass. You know, on top of the 60$ price? You can dish out some more and get all the heroes (except the really newone's, those are not covered either, buy credits from the cashop goy).

Do you have your favourite hero now? Great!
It's only gonna cost you 3 bucks for a taunt and another 5 bucks for a skin. Sorry, I meant re-color. No such thing as skins.

So, your optimal Battleborn experience comes to a total of 88 bucks.
Damn Gearbox, really going for that neo-nazi audience, are we?

So sombra is a cloaked teen wearing a sugar-skull mask, right? Kind of a kamen-rideresque bodysuit with an overall skeletal theme, and over-the-top poses?

She could possibly be an Omnic. Would explain her lack of body in most information released yet and the whole Omnic thing.

Are those things really made from sugar? Do kids eat them at the end of the day?

I don't see much in game for her to hack so it's likely to be some CC ability she will have or the maps will be overhauled (which isn't likely).

HotS features Abathur, a hero that doesn't have to be near the fight and instead overviews the whole battlefield and appears as an hat over other heroes to help them.
He still has some strategy that involves going near the fight, but he's mostly a support specialist that changes the way a fight goes from afar.

Sombra could act in a similar faction, but her hinted stealth leads to believe she will most likely be up front in the fight. Perhaps it will even be an hybrid where she uses stealth to move behind the enemy backlines and does her thing there.

All I hope is that she becomes this incredibly unreliable hero that nobody uses so I actually get to play her most rounds instead of being another Genji or Hanzo, where every shitter picks her in every game just because it's an edgy hacker.

that would be arousing

I can already see the ACTUAL character being a strong woman who don't need no man and can handle everything on her own, rather than a cool Kamen Rider inspired character.

Same. I have a similar problem in that people will always pick hanzo or widowmaker and I refuse to be yet another backend player that's effectively out of the fight.

I'm hoping they aren't going to give her some manner of invisibility power actually. I actually like how stealth in overwatch is a matter of making effective use of the map layout to avoid being seen the good old fashioned way.

What if her stealth is just not getting a red outline? I think that would be pretty useful without breaking anything.

But that's not fun!
Invisibility is great to creep around and be really annoying and scary. Just pop behind people and shoot them once or twice to make them paranoid. Even if you don't kill nobody, you'll greatly distract them, and you can laugh at the paranoia you generated from the safety of your cloak.

Does nobody play creep\stealth\invisible heroes in games just for the voyeur aspect of watching things and being creepy?

that can be impossible on some maps thanks to the layouts and how the game encourages people to stick together. a small group of 6 is easier to look out for. in tf2 for example there were often at least 12 players on either team who werent always quite so grouped up while the maps tended to have more corners covers and paths to use for anyone who wants to be a crafty harasser.

then you just shoot sombras on sight and if you get a hit confirmation you keep blasting. without a disguise and with a lower player count on top of hit confirmation, spy checking becomes way too trivial

i have never felt as naughty as i did when i would play the spy, and it was the most fun class to watch others play

This was basically my favorite thing about playing spy

Like Hanamura's first point. Am I right?

i wonder why ive only ever seen one fag using a decoy spray

Yep. Going up that side window, then onto the roof is a good way to lose most persuers. And then you drop down from there onto the ridge outside the first point and come in through the upper window if it's clear. Reaper can just teleport to the side room without anyone noticing, then loop around those stairs to the second floor. Tracer can just sip to that room, or jump and blink through the side opening to the building. It might be a chokepoint, but like bastion it's only a problem for retards.

Sometimes I'd use a QR code that would read "The spray ruse was a… DISTACTION". Rarely worked, but sometimes someone would stop and actually scan it.

With like the 4/22 characters that can do that and then get instantly annihilated by the guy who is always on the ramp next to it. No I didn't count the exact number so I don't care if the number is off.

I think is easier to go on the room to the right, it may be heavily guarded, which means the left is easier to approach, but then you have more options, maybe the problem with current levels in OW is how linear they are, apparently the new one has lots of flanking routes.

You also have the building on this side of the chokepoint having good vision over the objective and a medikit. It's excelent for snipers to drop the enemy team, you don't even have to break the chokepoint to use it.

Hi, I'm that cunt Symetra that likes to spam turrets on that side of the wall and stop people from using it.

I've seen a very large number of heroes that can make it there (all Offense except for McCree, all Defense except Torb and Bastion, Dva and Winston, Lucio as well)
and most of them get to pass more or less scot free as the turrets don't hold them for long and you have two medkits available to get whether you go low or in.

All of those heroes have an easy time passing through if they know very well what they are doing, and keep in mind that the hardest thing they can find is a Symetra stack, which still isn't enough to stop them.

Which is why I mentioned characters that can go to the room on the right unnoticed as well. I mean come on, even lucio can make it.

Sure is. The window in the gate is literally placed so you can see it from anywhere unless you're sticking your face into the gate itself.

Maybe if you had said Bastion or Torbjorn you'd have an argument. Symmetra's turrets can't deter anyone.

If you can go in unnoticed either through the window or through the gate to the room on the right then you must be playing against people who are AFK.

You'd be surprised how quickly they'll forget a genji or reaper that fucks off somewhere but doesn't immediately show up at the objective. They'll usually go back to the more immediate threats at the chokepoint after a few seconds. Hanamura has plenty of places people just overlook because they're slightly off the main route.

turrets in general are shit. but at least torb can land a headshot at 50 paces or 1 shot tracer.

It's always D. Va time

;_; I main Symetra, mostly for the teleporter and face melting gun

Torb isn't gonna place a sentry there, he's gonna cover the main hallway where the entire enemy team is most likely to go. Bastion follows the same placement rules as Torb's turret, he's not gonna hide on that side to get 1 person every now and then.

Symetra however can spread turrets around and benefits from close range fights that you get on that section. I personnaly leave 2 there, 2 on the other building oposite to me and 2 wild turrets go wheverer needed, like the point or both sides of the main door. Then I'm free to wander around and be helpfull shut up, symetra is very helpfull

It wouldn't be for spy checking purposes, but just so it would be slightly harder to spot her moving past flanking routes. Plenty of times I spot enemies peeking corners or sneaking along a side route because the game highlights them with the super noticeable outline, not having the outline would make it just that tiny bit easier for her to skirt around an engagement and do flanker things.

I spotted the autist, do I win?

Get back when you play Team Fortress Classic at a competitive level little fucking twink, and Counter Strike 1.5 forever nigger, kill yourself for being a little sperg twink.

you really want to fuck little boys dont you?

Judging from your posts where you're actually autistic to say shit like,

It's pretty clear you're one of the faggots here who actually indulge in such activities, if not the only one here who does.

Your projection is so strong, I can smell the rotting watermelon from here.

oh so its like that

No, you're just a humongous faggot.

You're the first to bring up fucking little boys, to try and pull some weird CWC bullshit where whatever I said upset you so much, you feel the need to passive-aggressively try to retort back.

Either that, or you're sincerely autistic enough to start replying to me because seeing the word 'twink' got your little micro-penis stiff and decided today is the day you start to project your own horrid sexual fantasies on someone else to see if you'll gain a new faggot buddy.

Ain't happening bud, go back to watching anime.

You replied to a post with 17 hours of difference.
You don't get to complain about autism…

And there's more to TF2 than shooting or rocket jumping. If you prefer TFC, keep playing it if it wasn't dead, lol or CS 1.5 not 1.6? the fuck?
But just because your competition suits you better than this competition, it doesn't make it any more valid.
Reminder that it's all in good fun and entertainment is the ultimate goal.

Thank you Blizzard for allowing this cancer to foster.

Wow are you gay or something?

It's called doing as I please. If I want to fuck with autistic twinks who play a repackaged TF2, I will.

How is replying to a thread that was on the front page autism?

Since when is contributing to a thread autism?

Are you seriously autistic enough to think the difference between the post i replied to, and the guy before me who bumped this thread to the front page to join in on the conversation is autistic? Are you serious right now?

I bet from the fact you've probably been here from the start with about 29 posts so far, that you actually play overwatch.

Play a real shooter kid, or is Quake III too much for your little autistic brain where you need autistic anime garbage to grab your attention?

Are you twelve? Or one of those refugees from 4chan?

The difference is that there's 17 hours and several posts between that specific post and the newest one that you could have replied to.
Who's to say that what he said wasn't already discussed or is still in topic of the discussion?
It's practically necrobumping at that point.

If you gotta use your age to convince people…

you seem obsessed with that word. must be catholic

The hitboxes in, for example, CS:GO are nowhere near as ridiculous as that.

CSGO is also purely hitscan

They don't need to be when a shot in the foot is mortal as long as you use the AWP. Which is all the time you can get money for it, the rest are just money rounds.

Oh god no

Not surprising since they added twitter integration to wow

Anyone know what font the "Victory" announcement screen uses?

Didn't check it myself but it's most likely something in there.
Just get the not-suspicious zip file that clearly doesn't have dolphin porn for the fonts.

so every single character is a different dolphin porn image? or is it like a jigsaw puzzle where the alphabet makes up a whole picture?

It's like wingdings

more like flipperdongs

in all honesty it looks like shit, why do genjiboos cum on themselves over it?

because theyre pedophile weebs and it reminds them of the now stained white pantsu of a girl who is on her first period

What do you even say to something like that?

you say "calm down aspie"

"Your autism is showing"

That would have been pretty great. He left shortly afterwards, but I was just so taken aback by how much that pushed his buttons that I just sat there laughing. Dude was unleashing his turbo autism and started projecting like nobodies business.

im not so sure about this one, its one of the easiest to interrupt abilities in the game and is more often than not a suicide button for whats supposed to be a mid ranged fighter and he doesnt have the mobility to strike from unexpected angles. its often better used to put the scare in the enemy than it is to try to clint eastwood everyone.
well, i guess youll still be doing that regardless of how much ult you retain.

Speaking of "esports", PTR performance seems to be on the works after Blizzard found out some performance reports don't check, in other places I have suggested a global performance ranking system but incredibly all I get is flak because "hurr, muh personal glory, someone else will take credit for my carrying skillz", is funny, a team based shooter and yet these people put their epeen above having a more consistent ranking system.

So is there any way to pirate this shit and play online or do I seriously have to pay 60 buckaroos?



Is 40 bucks then, so far no pirated servers either.

I take it there's no way to play offline with bots in the meantime is there?

Apparently not, when I go to the shooting range or custom game with bots, any latency affects the game, is stupid when I specifically try to practice against AI.

There's not enough maps that suit his play style, or that Reaper or Mccree doesn't do better, or that he doesn't simply get easily shut down by a Bastion.
Furthermore his damage output can be somewhat weak and needs a pocket mercy buff to become good.

A bit weird that it's taken this long for a pirate server to come up, maybe they made the netcode so retarded it's cost prohibitive or something ludicrous?

There's a bit of name to be made from being the first guys to crack it, and D3 managed to be cracked when it was in beta.

Please, someone never left the rank 16 servers. Archers are the most dominant (and cancerous) force in the game, and a good archer can carry a whole team if his melee teammates are at least half decent.

I mean, I pirated Left4Dead, Vermintide and a few others to play offline, but those are co-op games.
What's the point in picking a multiplayer game and play only with bots, when they are never as interesting as the players anyway?

You do realize that either there would be several hundreds of these servers with a very small playercount on each of them, or just a few quite famours servers with several hundreds of players that would get shutdown by Blizzard for piracy.
And you'd be missing out the rest of the entire playerbase.

I mean, I've played UT2K4 against bots all my life since I didn't had an internet connection back when I played the game (I can hold my ground against Masterfull bots) but I prefer human oponents now since it means the game doesn't have to tip the scales and compensate for the bots to actually be chalenging.

I take it it's not exactly that, people just don't enjoy much the way you're supposed to play with him. The change to recoil did shit him up a bit but that's gonna be fixed in the PTR.

His Biotic Field and medium\long range shooting is very good for planting yourself near a corner and engage a large area from that position. His rifle doesn't have as much damage as other heroes in close range but in medium range it does far better than Reaper or Tracer and is easier to hit than Pharah. McCree can kinda do the same thing but Soldier is more about sustained pressure on the other team, his damage can end up being more consistent than McCree and he can have longer shoot outs with other people thanks to the BF.

However a lot of people don't like this "planting yourself and shooting" as stopping isn't particularly fun and is a death sentence often. He does have Sprint specifically for this though, you go to some corner, shoot and make people retreat, then run somewhere else with vision over them and repeat the process.
It's not about the kills, unlike other Offense Heroes, it's about keeping constant pressure on a team and forcing them to retreat. Even the Helix rockets are often not enough to kill someone alone but they make everyone scramble for healthpacks.

Even his Ulti, all it does is garantee that for it's duration, you can punish anyone for showing up wherever you are looking at even more severely than McCree, that only kills or deals damage if he gets to fire it.

He ain't played simply because he's quite possibly the least "kill-centric" of the Offense Heroes, despite the massive asset he is to any team.

Hanzo's arrow hitbox got reduced again by 33% in PTR.

but every character has fucked up hitboxes

Anyone else suffer a huge FPS drop all of a sudden? I haven't played for a few days, launched the game and it downloaded a patch. I used to have 70-80 fps no problem. Now it is stuck at 30. Vsync and everything is disabled and the framerate limit isn't at 30 either. What the fuck? It is unplayable now.

They even made most Tanks have huge hitboxes specifically as a neat balancing trick to make them more vulnerable to Tracer and Genji or any kind of shotgun\spray gun in the game.
The only "reason" that the hitboxes are fucked up that people can point out is that they aren't "photorealistic".

As far as balance goes, they are incredibly fine considering the vast differences they have between heroes and the role they play in balancing gameplay.

Blizzdrones, not even once.

Is this the only thing that´s left for shitposters, to complain about? I don´t know any other reason why this topic gets rid to death every thread. The hitboxes are fine for balancing reasons. Get over it. They even nerfed Hanzo´s arrows on the ptr again, so Hanzocalypse is not coming any time soon.
No they don´t need to be. They have to be well balanced, that´s all.

You wanna post some argument or suggestion on how hitboxes should be instead and explain why that's better than what we currently have, or do you just want something that you can use to shitpost about the game?

20tick meme no longer applies, pandering has been debunked so many times it's no longer funny, jewish name nobody cares, MOBA comparissons are laughed out of the thread…
Yeah, Hitboxes are the last thing they have going for them. Except… Not really.

Also Overwatch is a casual game. Shame on you for liking a casual game.

At least the tards finally admit it's casual shit and not esports like it tries to sell itself

Actually, isn't there a version of that pasta for this?

Is it really casual, though? I mean you have 22 different heroes, with unique abilites and movement system. You have to think a lot about team tactics and composition. There is even a high skill cap on some heroes like Genji or Tracer. An unexperienced Genji will be masturbating at the sidelines the whole game and wasting his ult every time, meanwhile a good Genji is a god of death, who can carry a whole team. Isn´t it a sign of casual games, that there isn´t much skill difference? In my opinion, the only thing that screams casual about this game is it´s artstyle, and that´s just purely cosmetic.

nvm theyre still trying to pretend its competitive esports

Compared to other FPS games, yes very. The question is why you care whether it is casual or not.

Firstly, i don´t care if someone calls Overwatch casual or not. I just don´t think it is casual. Casual games are facebook games, or mobile games. You know, games which require no skill or thought, and you can´t get better in those games because of that. I guess i´m just a language autist. I want words to have an exact meaning and not to be thrown around willy nilly.

"Other FPS" is a very vague comparison. The games which i played and are comparable to Overwatch, Dirty Bomb and TF2 don´t seem to be any less casual as Overwatch at least. Although i wouldn´t call these games casual either.

By fucked, you idiots always mean "not realistic".
Hero hitboxes match the heroes (to the point you can damage Reinhart in his hammer) and only some of the projectiles have hitboxes that don't match 100% their model for balancing reasons. You wanna explain why that's bad\fucked up\wrong and how it should be or explain why?

Dunno mate, why do shitposters care that the game is casual? Cause they are the first ones to bring that topic for discussion…

That don't feature the same elements or gameplay mechanics. Most of those games are zero-sum games on an individual scale to the point that your viewmodel doesn't even matter, everyone will get the same hitboxes and acess to the same guns and movement.
Meanwhile Overwatch is only zero-sum on a teamwide consideration making it incredibly different from "other FPS games".
And this isn't mentioning the differences in how they play at all. Deathmatch mode is all about the frags but you try to play only for kills in Overwatch and see how well that goes for you.

Trying to establish comparisons between different games makes as much sense as trying to compare Starcraft to Quake because "my twitch reactions!"

TF2 was also called casual when it came out. Anyway be in denial as much as you want about the level of casual that Overwatch is. Its simply a casual game, that doesn't mean its not fun. Casual doesn't mean you shouldn't play it.

Stop being so butthurt about Overwatch being casual.
Because they're shitposters who want replies.

Wait really?

Casual doesn't just mean that there is no skill ceiling whatsoever. What makes Overwatch casual is the skill rate scaling so badly with potential performance for pretty much all but a few heros. High-skill heros have 1-button brainless counters, the level of healing means that damage unless focused only charges ultimates - which are another casual pointer, disproportionately powerful skills that let any noob have their moment of glory while not really deserving it. The respawn times are also low, you can't see other peoples' performance, character models are highlighted with red, hitboxes are bigger than they need to be, doing just 1 damage will grant you an elimination when an enemy is killed.

Even that video shows how fucked the hitboxes are you retarded faggot.

Holy shit, you're just pretending to be this retarded right? You have to be.

While its commendable that you do this, I'm pretty sure they're going to stay in denial.

They have some weird negative predisposition of things that are casual. Probably because it's also used as an insult, but they should be able to draw the distinction.

Now they're trying to say TF2 isnt casual

When did Holla Forums get this influx of underage bans?

I feel you're missing the point of what I was saying, but honestly dude godspeed.

[citation needed]


Yes, really. It's a bit hard since he's often either swinging it or behind his shield, but if you shoot his hammer, it damages him. Some guy on a video saw a Reinhart hiding behind a corner but the hammer was visible. He double-taped the hammer as McCree and killed him since Rein was at low HP.

Dunno if it still works, but it should. That hammer is Reinhart's life.

Damage always charges your ultimates too, even when healed afterwards.
That's not a valid point, both you and supports will get Ultimates thanks to damage.

But the traveling time isn't. That was something people complained before, using it as an argument for "the game is slow" even. You spend part of your respawning time walking back to the fight, which IMO beats staring at death cams for longer.

See that little number that shows up after you get an Elimination? It's your contribution to his death in percentage (and added to the flame counter). It also doesn't actually count as an elimination, it just tells you that someone was elimated and you helped. Killfeed shows the proper name and the Gold Medal stat for eliminations doesn't increase.

They are working as intended, making you get hits provided you have LoS.

How old are you?

Serious question, everyone knew TF2 was casual when it came out, everyone.

You must be like, 10.

[citation needed]
Unless you mean those tards that like to sperg about the rocket jumping and how it takes millenia to fully master it and how it makes the game some hardcore experience unmatched till this day.

You could just mention the competition the game had at the time and how it compared to it.

If you can´t evade a counter, then you´re not really high skilled…
You forget to mention, that you can counter those skills easily if you know what you´re doing. A Genji who doesn´t wait for the right moment, will activate his ult and get fucked over by zenyatta or lucio.
I don´t know how this is supposed to be casual. I guess the respawn timers are balanced around the size of the map.
But you can, at least at the end of the round
You kinda have point there, but this game is also very flashy and full with colourful explosions and effects. I guess if you remove the highlighting you wouldn´t be able to see anything anymore in a heated situation.
I already talked about this. The hitboxes are balanced just fine.
I guess, that is your only good point you have here.

You're not even trying any more

Nice ad hominem, m8.

I just did a little testing and it seems hitboxes are a bit more 'forgiving' when it comes to hitscan shots vs projectiles. And testing with hanzo makes me really hope they don't actually give his log-sized arrows back because this is how ALL the hitboxes should function, in my opinion.

But yeah Blizzard needs to unfuck their hitboxes if they're really going to push this "esports" shit. I mean I hope that they stop pushing the "esports" thing alltogether but the least they could do is tighten up the gameplay to match the standards.

You're the one that's not even trying.
Hanzo has been working as you suggested lately in the regular servers, with hitboxes matching perfectly the arrow. What players noticed is that he feels unreliable and hard to hit a shot, and despite the high amount of potential damage he can do, he was still outdone by McCree or Soldier in medium range or Widow in long range, therefore almost everyone stopped playing him.

Now, I'd actually chalk it up as something good to have less Hanzo players, but for the matter of balancing, it's true. He wasn't viable at all compared to the alternatives. The hitboxes were fucked in the sense that they made him require a much higher skill than the payoff justified. If you could aim his arrows well enough to hit consistently, you could pick McCree for an even better result, for instance.

So they were fixed, not in the sense that they are "photorealistic", but in the sense that the hero is now more viable to play with. And even then, they were re-fixed so they match the reduced size again (making all this bitching about hitboxes redundant) since the arrow speed was increased, making it easier to land the shots.

All I see is a lot of shitposting about a single hero and a single hitbox that has been fixed, re-fixed and re-re-fixed yet again to the point there is no reason to bitch anymore by people that clearly have no idea how balancing works and just want an excuse to shitpost. Between us both, I'd say you're the one not trying anymore.

And the one with Ana, who has hitscan shots when aiming.

How does it look when you aim above their head?
I think the robots have a hitbox that match their width but are taller than they are.

Give me a bit. Didn't actually think to aim above them before.

Maybe you should try being less obviously underage m8

Well strictly speaking it is. Blizzard have already shown they can make projectile hitboxes match the model if they want. They are intentionally making them huge because they think it's underpowering for the projectile classes, namely Hanzo.

And by that I mean they are testing said change in the PTR and haven't even implemented it in the main game yet. Yes all this is over changes that might not even fucking happen. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they decide to drop that along with the Genji triple jump nerf.

Maybe you should back up your claims instead of being a faggot.

Is this PTR?

If you played the game at any point you would know that everyone playing the game agreed it was casual, and didn't really care since it was fun.

Get filtered you underage retard.

Yep, it seems the bots are taller, hitbox-wise than their models suggest. Here's the hanzo one, aiming ana in a sec.

Nope. Just loaded up overwatch and went into the training area. I should probably check that out eventually for the new level and how Lucio-exploitable it will be.

Come on man this was even a meme.

Current patch the hitboxes are fixed.

In the PTR they're bringing back the fucked up hitboxes, as shown in OP and every other video.

Well that's pretty much awful. With genji being punched in the dick I thought I'd finally have matches free of both of them…

Either way here's aiming ana again for hitscan comparison.


Nope. They had a buff planned for him that gave log-sized hitboxes to the arrows, increased projectile speed and less slow-down when aimed.
After testing for a while, the change in hitboxes was removed (but everything else was kept)
Probably they think the extra projectile speed is more than enough.

That's what the PTR is for and once that change hits the regular servers, it's just gonna be an increase in projectile speed.
Even the "hitboxes shrink when out of sight" is apparently not gonna make it since they said it had all kinds of problems. Can't verify this last one.

Yes, this whole discussion is basically people bitching that the PTR is being used to test new things, aka doing what it was intended for.

I never said otherwise.

The point is that you are not and you should not be afraid of getting damage, it isn't much of a negative. What makes this casual is that it lets you do a huge amount of mistakes before really punishing you. It's a basic metric of casualness; how hard does the game punish (or allow other players to punish) mistakes. Not very much in Overwatch.

Another metric is the potential for clutch play. Aside from ultimates, it's barely possible to kill multiple enemies (unless they're committing so many mistakes they're effectively afk) with sufficient speed when facing them in greater numbers than yours. 2v6? Not a chance. And if there ever is a chance with a specific hero, Blizzard will be soon nerfing the shit out of that hero. The health pools are giant, healing is huge, individual skill ceiling is small = no clutch potential, ergo the game is casual compared to a game with clutch potential.

It does. There is even a separate statistic for solo kills.

It doesn't matter. Another character that requires disproportionately less skill to use than the character it is countering decreases the skill ceiling because at a point it doesn't matter how good the other player is, when a player with a counter hero only has to be so good to fully shut down the high-skill hero.
A non-casual player will be able to. It is an aide and makes the game more casual, as it makes the game require less attention, focus and reflexes.

They are balanced in relation to each other. They are still larger than they need to be. Hitscan weapons could have the hitboxes be accurate to character models, while projectile weapons could have them larger by half. Instead the hitscan hitboxes are larger by half, and the projectile hitboxes are larger by two. It's obvious that they're so big as to allow less skilled players to still hit their shots, ergo, casual.

Just fucking accept that this game is casual, stop being in denial holy shit. Overwatch is casual, TF2 is casual, Minecraft is casual, Call of Duty is casual. There is nothing wrong with a game being casual or enjoying such a game, but if calling a spade a spade hurts your inflated ego so much, you should go find a different hobby. It's as if you feel I'm indirectly insulting you, calling YOU skilless casuals honestly you probably are because you're playing a casual game. It speaks of your insecurity with huge volume.


I remenber about a month or so ago when someone implied the PC version had autoaim, I did a few tests like that and I found out the Robots have an hitbox for their head that's a bit taller than it should be, but in the sides, it's the correct shape. Most likely a cube or perhaps because of the animation that doesn't match the hitbox.

I wish they had a proper testing range with all the available test heroes for comparison since the best you can do is get a friend into a custom game and test this shit instead.

You are contradicting yourself.
If you damage people a lot but don't finish the kill, you'll charge the Supports Ult, punishing you.
Yes, you get more charge and your Ulti first, that's not gonna do anything if the Support counters it.

But at the same time, if you don't try to damage them at all, instead waiting for the moment where you can finish them in one go, you'll never have your Ult at all or even win the game.
Genji is the best case here, as he deals damage from afar and moves for the kills. You don't deal damage, you're punished with no Ult, you deal damage but don't dive or kill when you dive, you punish yourself by charging supports.

And? Did you really expected to win when you're outnumbered 3 to 1? There's two situations where something like that might happen:
In which case, the matchmaking fucked up. Why would you be playing against players much worse than you? Pubstomping is bad user.
If we assume the matchmaking works (it kinda does, with some problems) you'll have 2 people facing 6 of nearly identical skill.
Tell me again, why would you win in such an instance? Or rather, how losing 6v2 is good at all?

Also, Webm related, it's a Roadhog shutting down several Ults in a row, murdering the heroes using them without even using his own.
It happens in game, just because you don't play it or can't do it yourself doesn't mean it's impossible.

Thisnthread is hilarious, gonna have to archive this


And, trust me when I say that I don't wanna mock you with this, but…
You sound like a Genji main that got Hog'd a few too many times.

Genji is like Bastion when the game came out. Right now, it's "skilled" and "fun" because people have no fucking idea how to counter them.
Until they start picking Mei or Hog that is. Then we'll see less Genjis.

Just because people don't die in 1 or 2 hits, that doesn't mean the game is more forgiving. Health pools are large for tanks, as they should be (and even then they are melted very easily that some even complain about this) everyone else is often actually killed in 1 or 2 hits but only but actually good players.
Pharah does 120 damage with direct hits, any hero with 200 HP goes down with 2 for instance. Same for McCree, Reaper, Widow or Hanzo.

Again with the contraditions. They need to be large to be balanced in relation with the other hitboxes. Otherwise, just how large do they "need" to be?

The game is casual, there's nothing wrong with that. People are just overreacting to hitboxes not being milimetrically correct in a test server .


Would get more attention if you made them in the PTR so they're like, actually relevant

What? No I'm mocking for fishing for replies.

Have some standards, at least only give (you)'s when they post cute traps.

Should be that green handles world collisions and blue both hitscan and projectiles.

Honestly, the only one who seems to be offended for some reason is you. I only said, that the game isn´t casual and gave reasons, why i think like that. I don´t know where you get that hurt ego and all that other stuff from. But maybe you´re just a top tier armchair internet psychologist. In that case of course i apologize.

All the players in that video used their ultimates horribly. Junkrat charged with his tire in full view, Tracer missed her ultimate (against a ROADHOG), Soldier charged forward with his visor on when he should be staying at as long a range as possible, Pharah targeted the Reinhardt with her ultimate when he poses no danger and is actually difficult to kill due to the shield. Yes, this was indeed a situation where a moderately skilled player shut down many incredibly low players.

As for the 2v6 part, there are many other games where that is possible and even a somewhat regular occurrence. It usually means that the clutching players disposed of the enemies quickly enough to take no damage, anticipating their moves and just coming out on top because they played better. CS:GO, Chivalry and Quake are some examples where this is possible, thanks to the high skill ceiling. In Overwatch you can only do this with ultimates, which ties in to the casualness of the game: all ultimates have a vastly lower skill floor AND ceiling to use succesfully, meaning that there isn't going to be a huge difference in the ultimate execution of a moderate and a pro player, and lower tier players can get kills on higher tier ones all the time.

A game like CS:GO is not casual because it has high potential for clutch plays, it punishes mistakes, it doesn't artificially pad skill differences between players, and the mechanics have enough depth to them to take hundreds of hours of practice before mastery.

A game like Overwatch is casual because the clutch potential is low, majority of the characters have low skill ceilings, the players are emotionally coddled, skill difference is padded and limited by low-skill hard counters, and the mechanics are limited in depth. It takes no more than 20 hours to learn a character, and 200-300 hours to master the best ones.

I don't see where I contradicted myself.

Hey, you admit it, that's all I wanted to hear. And yeah you are right, I've been hog'd too many times.

If you can kill people only with ultimates, then it´s probably you, who is the casual. Just saying…
There is a very huge difference between missing your ult as a moderate player and make no kils, or if you ult exceptionally good and make a team wip again and again.
Because this game is not a 1v1 like in the other games you have mentioned. See, there´s your problem. You compare Overwatch to games who aren´t really comparable to Overwatch at all. In Overwatch you have mostly fighting 6 people against 6 other people at the same time, while in CS:GO you also have teams, but 1v1 situations happen very frequently.
Have you ever seen a seagull gameplay?
This is just pulled out of your ass. And 200-300 hours to master a single character is actually quite some time in a game with 22 characters. And so what´s your arbitrary time scale for mastering a character, so you don´t consider it casual? 500 hours? 2000 hours?
As i said before: A very high skilled player can still outmaneuver every hard counter class. You know why? Because counter classes like Mei or Winston are slow with very limited firing range and high skill heroes are mostly highly mobile heroes.

its really the ult holding him back. cool, okay you can scare a genji or tracer if youre not good enough to get them with without it. the quick reload is awesome but usually if youre relying on that youre trying to shoot at a tank who would go down faster if you could land headshots on them anyways. it doesnt really offer him 'more' of anything and it just paints a kill me sign on him.

There you go again confusing the insult and the term.

Sorry, i didnt´want to hurt your feelings.

Doesn't that just mean you can't just rely on playing the same hero all the time? There is more that needs to be "mastered" if the enemy team is able to reliably counter your hero forcing you to switch.

That was a big problem with TF2, it became apparent that all the "skilled" players were just learning to play soldier/demoman/scout (if even all those three) and never having to worry about switching to anything else because the balance was so skewed in those three's favor.

You've hurt nobody's feelings but your own. In all fairness your posts read like you're either a 11 or 40-year old Brazilian.

What you say has merit, but the characters with high skill ceilings can be counted with one hand. The other heroes you only need to be so good at before you're playing near their apex.

Honestly, the game has a decent amount of skill involved in fighting as a team and synergizing your abilities, and that is where majority of the skill is at, especially when Blizzard keeps nerfing heroes with individual potential. The game is fun and engaging enough to keep playing, but it will remain casual unless a majority of the characters are revamped and rulesets adjusted.

Don´t you even see your own contradictions? Your problem is basically, that high skilled heroes are too easy to counter which they aren´t. And you want to make countering them harder. Which obviously leads to making them easier to play and therefor more casual. So you basically think this game is casual and want to make it even more casual.

Hwat, no, I don't even know how'd you draw that conclusion. The logic is faulty.

Going about making the game more skill based is way too long as a topic, hence I didn't touch on that previously. I was just stating the reasons this game is in fact casual, and counterplay being too braindead was one of them. Making counterplay harder and more mechanically complex does not equal to making the game more casual. Even if you just made countering high-skill heroes harder via some broad nerfs to the low-skill heroes, the game wouldn't become more casual, quite the opposite, as people would have to learn the high-skill heroes to compete.

Now I'm definitely convinced you're Brazilian. Underage probably too, at that. How old are you, sonny?

ur stupid lol

why you!

Did a brazilian man touch you down there, when you were little, or why do you bring that up constantly without any reason? And all this whining about counterplay being too easy makes me question, if you´re just shit in the game and with high skill characters. But instead of gitting gud, you just want to nerf all the characters, which are a problem to you. Also making a mechanic more complex, doesn´t automatically mean, that you need more skill to pull it off. It just makes it more annoying to use. Secondly, countering high mobile offensive heroes isn´t that easy, if all counter abilites have basically just a few metres of range. McCree´s flashbang has around 3 metres. Mei´s and Winstons´s beam has around 5 metres or so. Maybe you really just need to git gud. Then counter heroes aren´t that much of a problem to you anymore.

So is kirby

why is it that kirby superstar has no romhacks?

So 4 players played worse than 1 player and got recked because of that. Isn't that what clutch is supposed to be?

Damage falloff still applies during Ulti, going near is the best way to maximize damage, especially to negate people hiding behind cover for it's duration.
The point of that Ulti is to make people bunker down and avoid open areas for it's duration or endure a constant pressure put on them instead, he was charging the point to make everyone else scramble and it would have worked in any other situation except for a Roadhog or Bastion guarding the point.

I care not for the bullshit excuses you find to justify this because what you are saying is also "6 players went against 2 and lost, and this is a regular ocurrence". If 6 players lose against 2 on a regular ocurrence, something is fucked up in the game balance. You can't have those 2 winning unless those 6 lose.

So those 2 win because they are more skilled than the other 6. It's a matter of noobs playing against pros. Is that what clutch is? Codeword for pubstomping?
You really should play the game. No, really.

The best definition I can see for clutch, according to your posts is "pubstomping" or "lucking out". Pubstomping is something you do for casual fun and RNG heavily influencing the outcome "on a regular basis" is common in casual games where skill isn't really required.
If Overwatch doesn't have much "clutch potential", all you are saying is that Overwatch doesn't have you facing against oponents with wildly different skill levels or random elements mattering more than your skill.
How is this even more casual?

"gg ez" is not quality banter. It's said only because of the salt it generates and although retards over react to it, it's a dead horse that stopped being funny long ago. I'm sorry you got that triggered about not being able to shitpost with such low effort anymore :^)

What if Mercy wasn't responsible for Reaper's condition? wasn't he part of that super soldier program too? what if the procedure was botched due to Gabriel's own enhancements? so in theory, it could have happened to 76 too.

You complain that high skill ceiling heroes are too easily shut down by hard counters. That this should not be the case and they should still be viable even against hard counters.
The funny thing is that this isn't true. You can still play against your hard counters if you are actually skilled, like killing McCrees as Tracer or Genji, or Mei as Tracer or Pharah.

See, this is the part where you make it plain and clear you don't understand the game. Characters don't exist in a vaccum, their apex isn't some constant that you reach when you manage to use their abilities.
Since the focus of the game comes from contering and outplaying other heroes, the apex of skill with any character comes when you can play him against any other character in the game.

So you can be a pretty good Tracer that gets lots of kills, but if Torb or Mei still give you problems, there's still room for improvement.
Junkrat is often considered a very low skill ceiling hero that anyone can "master", but you put him against Pharah and a lot of players just give up and switch to another character instead of actually gitting gud with him and landing direct grenades in the air or tossing explosives or seeing where she's gonna fall and leave a trap there.

This shit ain't Quake, where if you can aim a railgun and lead rockets, you're good to go against any oponent, because here your oponents play with different rules depending on what hero they picked and you gotta react and play with those rules to.

The competitive meta for TF2 is a team of 6 with 2 soldiers, 1 demo, 1 scout, 1 medic and one wildcard.
The Medic and the Demo are considered the core that spearheads everything, one of the soldiers gives back while the other roams. The scout does the same from the ground and these last two are supposed to flank from above and behind. The wildcard often picks another Scout and very rarely either a Sniper or a Spy (a picker, according to the circunstances.

The meta doesn't ever change because the best team against this composition is this exact composition and any other deviation has been tested to perform poorly than this composition.
There's no Heavys, no Pyros, no Engis and the Sniper\Spy is only picked instead of the Scout in very rare circunstances since the Scout can perform the same job (pick the oposing team medic) faster and more reliably.

Nobody ever bothers to play any other class and consequentially, nobody ever bothers learning how to play against any other class because it's not needed. Every match begins with both teams trying to kill each others medic at which point the losing team retreats and waits for the medic, unless they got a few frags and still try to get the point.
Every match is currently exactly the same game, played with the same tactics and the same strategy, all because there's literaly nothing better.

And yet, some people consider this to be hardcore or interesting at all, a meta as stale as LoL.
Now compare it to Overwatch where 2 Tanks and 2 Supports is standard but not mandatory and at least you get multiple heroes for each role. Every hero in Overwatch is viable in one way or another (the game is constantly balanced for that), some are just more niche in their use than others.
You are required to understand how to play with and against a total of 22 heroes, (soon to be 23 and more) and your hard counters aren't even that much of a safe bet that wins the game for you.
Torbj does not counter Tracer as heavily as the Engy counters the Scout, forcing Torb to actually fight alongside his turret.

Unlikely. Gabriel was part of Blackwatch and I don't believe they were using the Super Soldier program with that arm of Overwatch.
Mercy might not even be aware of what happened to Reaper as they could just have stolen her technology and mis-used it, a likely scenario.

It's also said that he's constantly regenerating and breaking down due to the biotic technology invented by Ziegler, so her research played a part, wether by her direct intervention or not.

Maybe the process wasn't perfected yet, I know is too late for stating the obvious but some people still seem to think the game's levels are somehow plot driven when I came to the realization that the game by itself is more like a Smash Bros kind of thing with some dialogues and interactions to spice things up.

There were some people at the forums that may have been joking but asked Blizzard to "retire" Bastion since his short video showed him choosing not to fight or something like that.

If Genji got revived after that disaster in IKEALand, then that's possible. Reaper was a prototype, Genji was the sucess. Kinda.
Or maybe Gabriel and Jack were subjected to the same treatment to bring them back from the dead and Jack made it with almost no side effects because of the super soldier program, making Gabriel resent the preferential treatment even more.

They are. Numbani is all about the Doomfist glove, Kings Row is about setting off an EMP blast in an Omnic undertown, right after Mudatta assassination, Volskaya is about capturing the factories that produce the only robots capable of facing Omnics.
Hanamura and DA CHINESE levels are about the Shamada Castle that apparently hides a very important secret and Temple of Anubis is about a very powerfull Omnium that resides there. El Dorado is mostly about an EMP bomb destroying an underground secret lab.

You are not entirely wrong, Route 66 is just a scenic route that characters go through on their way somewhere else and that's all the story it has. Some more flavour with the Deathlock gang but not much else.
And until we know who goes inside the limo, so is Hollywood.

That's a whole level of salt…

I know someone has the original where Dva is dancing backwards while staring at the camera, while tracer is being shot at or some shit, and dva is just chugging or some shit with her arms.

I don't know why but I found it funny as fuck

it was a gif or webm when i first saw it


I still don't get the joke about that one.

I got that skin by miracle in my last summer crate, I also have the track and field… sometimes though I have to switch, those outfits "distract" me a little, as in, I get horny.

Then they say we lost because the other Mercy was better.


well congratufuckinglations. ill have to wait till next year to attempt to get them, and my odds will be diluted because of new additions. thats if they even have the 'old' items.
i just want my lewd tracer

I know the feel considering it was my last box and all hope was lost, the consolation was having the track and field but sprinter accentuates her figure a lot more, on the other hand, I got like 3 duplicates of track and field in my quest for getting sprinter.

Maybe by the next year, just maybe they decide to not allow regular items in event boxes.

lol what the fuck is valve doing

And forego making frustrated goys buy event boxes out of frustration? No way.

I had POTG this match with a 3 res + double kill, but honestly I think dueling the Widow is more impressive.

One can only hope.

I keep rewatching this and I honestly can't figure why I jerk to the left. I might have been looking for an escape and decided the kill was good, or it might just be how I lay down suppression so the enemy can't dodge. What's bugging me is that I'm doing it without even knowing.

i remember her blaster having half the rate of fire but doing 40 damage a shot, am i going crazy?

I learned to lead blaster fire from playing Battlefront II, sometimes I have to remember how I used to do it.

Probably just looks faster to you because you're just watching it as an unaffected observer as opposed to playing it and thinking "jesus fucking christ shoot faster you piece of shit I'm gonna die"

That's zenyatta's stats exactly. 2.5 shots per second (vs 5), 40 damage (vs 20), and 66.66 meters per second (vs 40). Also a 2 second reload (vs 1 second)

Although on PTR he's up to 46 damage to compensate his discord nerf.

I wasn't even upset and I know sometimes people really want to win, but sometimes I just wonder what's up with these people, at least in QP you can really go crazy like Torb on payload atk and the like, surprisingly enough armor can be a game changer.

the armor is a godsend for his team. his only real problem is poor survivability. whether its due to his wide/centralized hitbox, poor mobility or his only defensive move relying on a finite resource. he might not always have armor for himself but he absolutely needs it.

get out reddit

These are the biggest idiots in the game.

Once did a four-man res and had one guy asking me why the hell I ressed him in his current position. These are the sort of people who are so full of themselves they think every res was to specifically bring them back.

A bad res can cost the game. Res 3 people in the middle of 6 enemies, suddenly your team is half staggered and the enemy can take the point and steamroll the next one too while you lost your big chance at saving the game there.

But I'm not talking about individuals here, I'm taking about the team result.

New thread