Game has a Gamergate joke or references
Game has a Gamergate joke or references
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Holla Forums has a template thread or animu pics
You just had to introduce this to my fucking day you cunt.
It's a curious thing, really, how the state of indie game development has degraded so horrendously.
I'll never say that indie devs were 100% across the board professional, but at the very least most devs tended to be fairly laid-back individuals who treated their audience with a modicum of respect, and would usually treat those who they disliked by ignoring them, only really getting up in arms when the person became a genuine problem (i.e. if the person was the kind of dude to mass spam the dev's forums with pictures of goatse).
But these days it seems like many indie devs seek out such disdain, openly mocking people and then laughing about how "their tears sustain them" or how the dev "doesn't care what a bunch of fucking losers thinks". A quiet dev seems to be rare these days, replaced with the kind of individual who lets their personal opinions bleed into their work and then claim that anyone who thinks that their game is no place for such matters are just "manbaby trolls" who need to grow up and accept that the dev has full control over the game.
It's as though indie game devs have gone through a reverse maturity, now acting like seven year olds on a playground when it comes to people they don't like. I remember a long time ago when someone releasing an .exe of a game that turned out to be nothing more than a screamer with the words "FUCK YOU FAGGOT NERDS" boldly pasted everywhere was a troll. Nowadays, it seems like the most logical conclusion for the general attitude of indie devs.
Do you ever notice how most of the games made by these indie devs tend to be complete shit with no originality in them? It's as if these devs don't actually care about games and instead are more passionate about what people say on Twitter than on making good games.
Wait, the game was made by this fag or he is just
Why do so many of these faggots feel the need to inject shit into games? It cannot be that hard to keep it faithful
Jesus the the anime is no where near as good as the manga. What the fuck were they thinking when they made this crap?
This GamerGate died back in 2014 when IA left. It's more disgusting then Project Chanology now.
Nah, the anime is pretty great, and covers the manga almost exactly. Don't judge it by the shit dub alone.
Whoever did the sub job fucked up and mistranslated the "I prefer asses" scene, though
Inb4 one of Zoes Goonbois who are in massive damage control today call this a teplate threa-
dang. they are on point today.
I thought this was VIDEO GAMES.
Thread is shit, regardless.
GG =/= Video Games
Just because it's dead doesn't mean out-of-nowhere references to it in anime and video games are okay, but I suppose since this is entirely about a terrible anime dub it's not particularly Holla Forums related.
Is it time to rev up emails for Funimation?
Okay, I'm actually disgusted. Who did the dubs for this? Which reminds me
This is actually a good idea. But go do it on GGrevolt. That Gawker faggot already said that emailing publishers wreck shit up.
Holy shit.
Holy shit.
DRaw agro and you might get noticed. Fatlus would be this pathetic.
This dub is fucking old, who cares.
Will Godzilla be compared to Gamergate shitlords?
Once SJW dies down, and "nerd" companies hemorrhage money because the casual crowd fucked off, are we gonna see GG pandering?
Referencing GG memes and twisting lines to make the story resemble GG vs SJW more?
Pics related. What's worse is that its from "Prison School"- which is pretty much non-stop fanservice.
Don't exaggerate. Chanology permeated into real life and brought in nonstop cringe of newfags. GG has splintered off in so many directions that the only ones who still see it as a cohesive unit are those that keep referencing it in media to kvetch about how 6 million feelings were hurt followed by a Trump reference.
Dude, this dub happened a while ago. Emails were already sent and even those not involved in GG were pissed enough to get involved.
Send an email if on your own if you want. Calling for a barrage will only get them thrown in the trash since it will come across as artificial at this point.
Funimation apologized after this, and I'm pretty sure the guy that did it got the boot or reprimanded.
So they're keeping their virtue signalling low.
Funi seem to have two settings. Budget and actually making an effort.
Budget is no where near accurate to the original line, the other is.
Budget uses any VA, the other tries to get decent VAs.
Budget is most of their project, the other is for major projects (be it shit they got paid a lot to do, or shit they think will sell a lot)
Glad that movement died in the first place.
Tell that to the carcass that is still on the catalouge. That thread is quickly reaching 4am faggtory.
its still going
like katawa shoujo general
they've reseted their general number
here the original
here the news
it is from
October 3, 2015
what kind of shit thread is this? Another (((socjusAnon))) who tries to start a shitstorm by manipulating user into attacking someone with cancer!
Why do these people think this shit is smart in anyway? Its hilariously retarded.
Fuck off. He deserves every single lost sale and pissed off person. Cancer isnt an excuse for being a piece of shit.
good G-d
fuck off, do what ever you want, this is old.
i want to fug that fire sister
You seem triggered user. Do you have cancer?
Daily reminder. :^Y
Professionalism is dead.
Everyone does.
"quiet" is just another word for "loser nobody cares about"
professionalism doesn't get attention - not from the media, from normalfags, or from gamers. acting like a huge asshole does.
he is the cancer
He has cancer or he is cancer?
ebin maymay, friendo.
Didn't he get a company warning over it?
I'm sure I remember something like that happening
Learn some subtlety guys.
GamerGate is the only reason Holla Forums is here
Look at this you cucks only threads active enough to make the Velocious Threads on the home page are two GamerGate threads, if you hate GamerGate so much go back to cuckchan why are you posting here.
We should try to make a /cuteboys/ thread the most active on Holla Forums so this fag will be forced to admit that /cuteboys/ are the only reason Holla Forums is here.
I thought that was already the case?
The company acknowledged what happened:
Did any similar incident happened in anime?
I know that Minsc lines in the "Enhanced" versions of Baldur's Gate made some references to Ethics and they were removed because of fan pressure, but fixing all the already manufactured DVDs sailing to different continets must have been a pain in the ass.
Nobody ever heard about Holla Forums before moot forbid GG threads during his meetings with Anita Saarkesian in the XOXO meetings. I believe the most popular board was /legion/.
Also, keep in mind that most people just want to talk about vidya and the memories of 2014 only adds more bitterness on a world with such crappy videogames.
He is writing a script for a titty anime and he thinks that the place to inject his politics? Why?
I want the cuckchan SJW/Stormcunt faggots to leave , theyll never live the 2013-2014 I lived and theyll never have good memories of this name.