No Man's Sky Has Already Lost Over 85% of Its Playerbase, Pirated Hundreds of Thousands of Times
This is what a dev gets for being a shitty mcdonalds employee!
No Man's Sky Has Already Lost Over 85% of Its Playerbase, Pirated Hundreds of Thousands of Times
This is what a dev gets for being a shitty mcdonalds employee!
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Post keks and smugs
I fucking knew this game was just Spore 2: Electric Boogaloo in disguise.
What a shame.
Whatever, they already got their money.
Best we can hope for is that Hello Games goes bankrupt because no one wants to hire them after Nomansky.
they still made millions
question is, how much went to sony
Developers get a salary and maybe a pity percentage, the rest goes to the publisher and investors.
but they still made money
they fucking got away with it
This right here tells exactly why the current pre-order system is broken as fuck. If a shit game is given enough hype, then legions of retarded normalfags will go and put their money down for a game that's not out yet. So even if the game comes out and it is complete shit, the company still made their money.
the deal was different this time around
hello games only asked sony to pay the marketing for the game, they payed themselves their own salary.
I feel that this would increase the percentage that hello games staff rakes in.
It's working completely as intended.
Tumbling down
But what has the number of pirated copies have to do with the success of a game?
Every pirated copy is a lost sale, duh!
Plus, they are bound to play the game and hate it, it's just NATURALS.
Goddammit, I am naturally retarded.
Yeah, they lost them as soon as the pirates saw how shit the game was.
Why are they so blind?
However, on the flip side, the reputation of Hello Games is in the shitter, as I'm fairly certain this is the only game they've released of relative note. So while they certainly made bank off of this game, they have a long uphill battle to fight with whatever they release, whatever it may be. As a relatively unknown company, they needed to make a good first impression. They didn't.
Ruined reputation is a career ender.
considering the costs it might be. remember when tomb raider reboot sold like 3.5 million but was still a disappointment in sales`?
I bought it and refunded it within the hour
It felt pretty good
Do it again, but this time harder.
Reminder that there's people on Holla Forums who pre-ordered this shit
I don't know why you guys are celebrating.
The piracy and sales drop off don't even matter because they've already made their money.
750,000 * $60 = $45,000,000
Even with distributer fees, taxes, and returns they'll still walk away with tens of millions when this is all over.
You anons seem to think this is some kind of victory for vidya but it's actually the opposite.
One Man's Lie just proved that a good trailer is all you need to convince normalfags to pre-order your half-baked game and there won't be any significant repercussions for lying to your customers.
The company, Hello Games, might die from the shitstorm but the devs will just form or team up with another.
Can you refund a pre-order?
EA still plugs away making profitable games with a ruined reputation
when big name games "fail" its because they didn't hit a certain profit point. like when banks say they had a horrible year of only making a few billion dollars profit
Do they even count the refunds?
Dissolve company and go back to EA or any other publisher that will open his arms for a scam master as good ol Sean.
EA also has name recognition and a depressingly devoted userbase, largely consisting of normalfags and "gamers" from being a major player in the industry for years.
Hello Games doesn't have that going for it.
EA is a monolith with decades history, not a one hit wonder.
They made millions anyway. They will change the name of the studio, put a different lair in front of the press, do the same thing two years from now and make millions more.
Remember some user in NMS thread saying they'll blame piracy and it happened, the blame, not the piracy. Numbers are obviously overinflated to cover for this turd.
Is it possible to educate people to recognise when a trailer showing "gameplay footage" is clearly scripted bullshit? It really is just a question of asking yourself "is it conceivable that I'm watching someone actually play this game, or is everything too obviously dependant on the player character doing the right things for it".
Reminder that this is nothing compared to Star Citizen's cult.
So another round of smug animu grils?
the company is dead and there totally won't be another round of idiots lining up for the next one
Nice ID
Hello Games isn't a one hit wonder either.
So if they manage to make enough dough for their next project, what do you think it'll be?
Let's try and predict their next big """"EPIC""""" == EXPERIENCE ==
Got any source on that? It seems to me they made a decent profit so if they did fold the company it's probably just because there is no point keeping a company with a bad name alive when you can make a new one.
Of course. How could we ever forget the fucking legendary Joe Danger franchise.
Hello newguys, that ID is not random and means something, lurkmoar if you want more info. Please do not forget to sage offtopic.
Was getting caught part of your plan?
if no one else was born and we never aged or died, then people get wise to it. But more suckers are born every minute. There will never be a point where people don't fall for this shit.
check my flag anons
You get off the "hook"
what are you doing here? How did you find this place? Try to lurk more before posting!
Speaking of ID numbers, yours is blocked, summerfag.
They're already working on 2 new games.
g-gomenasai 'Murica senpai
It's difficult to feel good about this when the majority of those two million sales aren't getting refunded. It doesn't matter anymore if the game is shit, if people stop playing it, if it gets massively bad reviews, or if it withers and dies. The lying devs already got their boatload of cash, and that's all that matters. Normalfags and apologists once again reward bad developers for doing things wrong, so they can survive to do it again and again.
Dude, the retard brigard still belived in actual gameplay when soome Sony employer didn't move his controller at all at some E3 demo a couple years back.
They will belive whatever they want to belive.
O-of course it was p-planned! Linked b8 and the other guy before newguys went mad over ids
the implication was that they have had zero hits
no user you are the newfags
Can I be FUCKING real for a second?
This community is fucking atrocious right now. You're all acting like a bunch of whiny, entitled little babies.
A tiny team of people made an entire universe for you to explore. They made it for YOU, and they're going to wake up tomorrow morning and see that instead of enjoying it, this community of "fans" picked out the 3 or 4 things that weren't perfect and are using that to fucking riot.
Guess what? The game was never going to be perfect. It was never going to live up to your hype. It was never going to be everything you'd ever want in a game.
What it WAS going to be was an impossibly big universe filled with mysteries and weird shit. I just played it for 2 hours and it was exactly that. What more do you want?
Is it buggy? Sure. Is it repetitive? Maybe. Is the inventory system imperfect and the multiplayer feature questionable and the structure unclear? Sure, fine.
But holy shit what do these people OWE YOU?
How fucking entitled do you have to be to explore an infinite universe in a spaceship and then say "yeah but…"
We should all be fucking weeping in our chairs right now at the sheer size and scale of the achievement. We should be showering the people behind this thing with the praise they deserve for pulling off one of the most inspiring games in recent memory.
Hello Games doesn't owe you the world. Yet they gave you 18 QUINTILLION of them.
If you have the fucking audacity to complain about it then you don't deserve it and you were never fans in the first place.
Yeah, but current playerbase != money made.
These cock smoking devs probably made a killing either way off of console plebs aka the cancer of the industry.
You tried.
Nigger, even it's own reddit is pissed off, that's a feat only few can achieve.
Holy shit can you stop doing this every fucking thread?
Have another user.
Then it can't be that bad.
I keep hearing a lot of level-headed people (who were hyped for this and disappointed) that "Okay, it didn't go as it could have, but I don't understand how any real gamer can be happy that a game is failing.."
Well, at least you can say you actually played it and your opinion matters more than a random user just repeating what he read on another thread, same thing happens with NuDOOM, Battleborn and all the other failures.
If its not anime its not worth posting. I love the salty.webm though. Totally saved.
Is there an actual game that does what NMS wanted to do but better? The idea obviously is still something that would make for a good game, but it's obvious muh 18 quintillion couldn't get it done.
I've heard Subnautica has a similar core, but it's early access as far as i know.
Have you checked /a/? There's a webm thread, I dropped a lot of shit there
parkan 2
Space Engine (actually sim)
Minecraft (you should actually play minetest)
Subnautica is sweet but I suggest you wait for the full release.
Starbound, its a shit game with even shittier developers but its way better than no mans sky.
I don't go to webbum threads because the good stuff gets posted outside them eventually anyway. Or I just make the webbum myself.
What fucking retard do you take me for
will keep those in mind
duly noted
Ah well, I think this one is actually the most I've seen posted in a while.
Well you did ask
elite kinda does it but you can't land on populated planets they said they plan on getting that in eventually and its also really fucking grindy and flying places takes really long even with amazing engines equipped
is it bad I've taken to clicking webms named loli catgirls because I like the song?
I always go for the gardevoir paizuri because I really like that one as well
Looks like legitimate gg subs to me.
Its Infected Mushroom - I Wish
I bet you kiss girls you unvirgin.
It's for your own good.
Now please kill yourself
Saved, thanks user.
>implying I haven't already came buckets
I like this one better
Allow me to do you all one better.
For some reason my webm converter stopped adding subs though. I have no idea what part of the code is fucking with me.
That makes you twice the faggot, you realize.
At least have the balls to stand by your preferred form of garbage.
Should have used Denuvo.
No, there aren't any games that even attempt it.
Dat trailer.
You dream of exploring space involved nothing but gathering resources? Faggot.
Buyer Beware user. Its not our job to protect stupid people from wasting their money. This is consumer darwinism in action.
We already knew that. Look at all the new battlefield games, the battlefront game from Dice, the Inquisition, Fallout 4, watchdogs, etc. All you need is a marketing team, preorder option, and a good trailer to pull a fast one on the rubes.
i am above caring
just thought i should let you know
Meh I guess this is good enough for now.
Sell me this game.
Oh hey, there is this faggot again.
Banned from plebbit?
Nah, Wiz got to me.
They'll just disband and regroup under a different name. Consumers can't be bothered to investigate who is even in the dev team, so long as the head honcho sounds ambitious and great and progressive and gamey.
I myself learned after E3 Skyrim.
Given, i still didn't buy it, and it was leagues better than this procedurally generated turd, but still.
Why did this shit get so hyped. How did this no name dev get swept into all this?
They sucked jew dick and got all the marketing.
holy shit why is this true
Sony seems really desperate to get a big hit, they also did this in movies. That or they have multiple SJW marketers feed them wrong info
Because this is not a game.
It's a walking simulator and to move forward you gotta gather resources, like you would find a key to open a door in any walking simulator.
Skyrim was addicting to say the least, even if it was a shallow, simplified version of oblivion.
It was the best looking game at an E3
I Imagine even Holla Forums at the time was saying that it looked like an interesting concept and one of the more interesting thing to come out of E3, so naturally the marketers smelled a business opportunity to create a hype train and have retards ride it.
Skyrim was boring
So far no game from that E3 was even worth playing, bar maybe DS3.
Or am i missing something?
Bad gameplay that gets boring after 2 hours is still better than no gameplay
You mean to say people stopped playing a shitty game and people who didn't want to pay AAA price for a fucking indie shit pirated instead? You don't say….
Sorry user, Morrowind was my first elder scroll, but i still spent about 400 hours in vanilla skyrim.
It didn't feel good in the end, but i can see why normalfags praise it.
Not saying i approve, but i see.
Edmund McMillan made a blog post about 3 years ago saying that a pirated copy isn't a lost sale because games aren't physical goods so there is no actual loss or theft occurring.
So how does Nu Male Sky become at least Skyrim level in terms of gameplay. Genuinely curious if there are any redeemable features worth saving in this otherwise blatant shit festival
If there's no gameplay, you could at least, theoretically, still have a good movie on your hands. But the same media with bad gameplay is just a bad game, regardless of whatever strengths it has.
Walking simulators still have gameplay, hence them largely being bad games.
All you do is do a thing so you can do more of the thing.
Like crafting? Great well all your crafting unlocks more crafting. The point of those crafts is to get more crafts. Awesome right?
It's fair to assume, however, than less literate people than us, "normalfags" if you will, given the chance not to buy the game they will take it, and move on with their life afterwards.
It's not a theft, but it's a lost customer.
Have at least 3 caves premade that can spawn on planets. Make sure there's variations of those caves by randomly having some places be locked off, but there is always a road to the end of the cave.
Then give the player a gun and put draugr in those caves.
"… motivated by incidents such as the rampant piracy of the hit game No Man's Sky, further legislation is being considered by…" -Some 5 or 6 puppet tabloids 5 or so months from now.
Fuck everything I just wanted to play videogames.
it's not like you're wrong…
The point of games is to distract you from your life, giving you fake tasks to complete, for the sake of doing other tasks, for eventually a common goal.
But if the tasks revolve around themselves, you lose your immersion in the game, cause you're doing something mildly boring to do more of the same, so it feels like a chore.
Instead make it so there are 5 or more activities, and they all require 1 or two other to be efficient.
Let's say there is:
Make those things overlap, give it a perk based leveling system, make levels and an exp system, BAM, fixed your game.
It might not be the best, but damn, with all the people out defending this turd, there surely are just as much that only want a reason to play it.
more like ribbit. cause pepe is a frog
By next week it will go on steam sale, 20% to 25%
Speed weed lmao
If only they had used Denuvo to protect their game. Piracy is truly ruining this industry.
Damn piracy allows people to find out that your game is shit, FOR FREE
I pirated just to see if it would run on my pc, it didn't and I uninstalled after 10 minutes. I amusing that's what must people did when the info about the pc version came out
They should have to pay $60 first, refunds exist after all!
Make game a buggy mess.
People spend more than 2 hours getting through the bugs.
Rub hands!
How many of those 700,000 launch sales were refunded though?
Why does Sony always fund non-games?
Because they sold at first and became popular. No Man's Sky was the bubble popping on the "Survival" genre.
And there were three fucking last of us clones on stage at E3. And the Sequel to Last Of Us will be announced at PSX or E3 next year. And Shu Yoshida is no longer Sony WWS. Shawn Layden is. So expect more "CINEMATIC" games because that's all they think that sells.
Preemptive "RIP Gravity Rush series"
Who would pirate that piece of shit?
Eesh, theyre running cinematic shit into the ground harder than assassins creed. Wont be surprised if the cinematic bubble pops within a year or two.
What a surprise
because the socjus clique told them that gamers are dead. Hell, even AAA devs bankrolled the GGAutoblocker of blue whale.
I wish I could believe that
Yet they still made a profit from normalfags.
Who would want to pirate this garbage? I know I wouldn't. I don't understand why you'd want to go out of your way to acquire shit.
Someone should shop this so it' has Coldsteel and rename it the Donut Steel Order.
what is this show?
I wanted to try it, I usually pirate every game Holla Forums says is bad, just for good measure
Well he did say innocent men. Although I have no clue if they're innocent because "they knew not they were bad guys" or are they actually not innocent?
How do No Man's Lie planets compare to Xenoblade Chronicles different areas? Is this even a good comparison?
its sad how this is the case
I'm one of those who pirated it, I think the most disappointing thing I discovered in this game was that there's literally no difference between your starting planet and any other in terms of what you're able to interact with.
Apart from the odd rare resource spawn you might be missing, there's nothing that would prevent you from essentially finishing* the game without ever leaving the first planet you spawn on.
*Beyond maxing out the inventory slots in your suit, ship and weapon there's nothing else to progress towards. Learning ayylium languages only makes it faster to achieve the aforementioned.
You would think by now the words, open world, survival, and randomly generated would have rung 20 alarms in people's head here to wait and see how it turns out. If it's not a roguelike, and made by a bigger studio, then it should be very easy to realize that this might be a shit game. Then Sony hyping it up should have been the last straw.
Holy fuck. That's two million people that learned a hard lesson in not falling for fucking marketing.
Right? They learned a lesson this time, yeah?
when has over hyping not worked?
there's a reason why marketing budgets for movies are usually around the same as full cost of production
just make a rule of not making preorder's yourself and let everyone else waste their money.
Gintama. Albeit you're 99% sure to be gone from the thread by now.
The reality is, marketing works.
From a logical perspective, car commercials shouldn't exist. But they do, and they work because all you need to do is be present at all in the average asshole's life in even the smallest way to utterly manipulate them.
There's only a small minority of people that marketing doesn't work on.
Time to rev up those downloads anons! If we download it each 10 more times, NMS will be bankrupt forever! :^)
Speak for yourself, dumbass.
If they can't find jobs making games, they will find jobs selling games.
What a time to be alive.
i believe most anons here were careful with this one
this video should basically convince them fast enough
don't forget "crafting"
What I want to know is, did sony KNOW they were spending fucktillions of dollars advertising trash, and did it anyway because they had nothing better to offer? Or did the team of a dozen cucks trick one of the largest consumer electronics companies on the planet into thinking they had something good?
Its already been popped for some time now. The only question is when Sony users will get tired of it.
Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies.
they're literally dock workers and guards user, they don't know they're protecting dracula or any of that shit.
I pirated because I honestly wanted to see if I'd like it. I didn't. It's shit. Uninstalled within 1 hour of playing. Honest to kek if it was actually good I would have bought it.
These guys are pretty based.
Number one liar.
He only lied about the ending of ME3, pretty small-time.
I think he will be forgotten fairly soon, unless he feeds the drama but so far Hello Games have been pretty good at avoiding that.
There's a special place in gaming hell reserved for him.
I have no idea who that is.
Explain your reasoning user.
Is this bait? I've played Parkan 2 and it's nothing like NMS.
I like the games he has made and he is the guy who started Bullfrog. I dunno about you but I really liked Dungeon Keeper.
Don't make the Tim schafer mistake user, those games were made by a team of people that are definitely gone now, whats left of them is some asshole who took the credit and is now George Lucasing all the company and what's left of their work.
You know, it doesn't matter how much money you make if you don't at least make back the cost that you put in to it. That's why Levine's studio that made Bioshock Infinite, even though it had over millions of sales, flopped finacially and closed that studio down for them. Movies and games have similar high risk and high reward factors when it comes to determining success. The current summer blockbuster is probably the worse for movies it has ever been.
Michael Morhaime, Blizzard founder
The thing is that even when heading a different team at Lionhead he still made good games. He's the guy who came up with the concept of Dungeon Keeper and did a lot of the early footwork himself. I can't bring myself to dislike him.
I don't really dislike Lucas either, he gets an unfair amount of hate too.
>But what do these people OWE YOU outside of a quality, finished product
Just one of these would give you away as not being from around here. And you shoved that many in.
Fucking 0/10 apply yourself, shill.
Reddit copypasta that has shown up in every NMS thread since launch, come on now
I played it for a good ~100 hours and had a reasonable approximation of fun, right up until I suddenly wanted to stab myself through the face with my keyboard.
Solid 2/10 game.
I apologize user, but I have no idea what you're trying to say.
serves them right.
it`s a copypasta you dunce
Was this from the subreddit?
Goddamn it.
Being Spore 2 would entail that it showed promise at one point and was butchered by a publisher.
This NEVER looked like it was ever going to be any good at any point, only retards ever believed such a thing.
Derek Smart is a douchebag, his merciless logical assault on the Cult of Chris Roberts notwithstanding.
Really, there's no reason to celebrate. We knew it was going to be shit and it turns out to be shit. If anything we should laugh at the retards ON THIS VERY BOARD who followed the development and still bought it.
Anyone got a torrent/magnet link? There's literally nothing wrong with trying it if its free.
I just find it funny that "Hundreds of Thousands" is their self-admitted bar for eighty five percent.
Like, really? Wow, that's kinda sad.
It's piss easy to find, noone spoonfeed him
Also I played it and the game isn't worth the bandwidth and time investment. It has no value that you can't get from Space Engine.
More like nobody's going to hire them since they're likely blacklisted by the big three after being absolutely pants on head retarded enough to just leave the PS4 libraries sitting in the game files unprotected. I guarantee you somebody's getting decapitated for that one.
This and so much more. Devs don't make "retail" profits from a game. They get a few dollars from every sale at the most.
There are too many middle men with their fingers in the pie.
Yeah, like it's hard to declare bankruptcy and just create another indie company.
This sounds tasty. I'm trying to google search but can't find sauce.
Maybe all those cucks who would have unironically bought your game are instead pirating it and getting bored in 10 hours
No shit.
It actually kinda surprises me that that many people would bother wasting the time to download it.
If you always dreamed of exploring space you would've already found a better alternative than NMS. No, it's simply a case of shit taste user, sorry.
But that shit damages the whole industry and means less good games are made
now go back a couple weeks and find when they were blowing its dick
Elite: Dangerous
Space Engine
They're really thirsty for games on the ps4
What the hell would that even cover?
definitely not their lies
45mil huh.
GTAV marketing alone was 50? 60? million
As it stand right now
Isn't it funny how no one is selling this game because it's shit
they just want another game
or need money
this batch is from detroit
this last one is my favorite
its not that
you wont tell buyers that game is shit you need to sell game after all
Literally irrelevant. Seriously, I could not give a single fuck less how many people play it. They still made a shitload of money because retards are still stupid enough to pre order and that's what pisses me off. These fucking faggots should be bankrupt right now, but no, they fucking hyped this garbage and people actually fell for it so they got away with it with shitloads of cash.
watching this scum desperately try to pawn off their mistakes fills me with equal parts joy and rage
they're getting close
so very close
That Destiny and No Man's Sky level of regret.
this batch is special
I like the text posts, more. More words to express their regret.
most are $50
I saw one for $30 but you're pretty much guaranteed to get raped
great game, I just don't have time to play the fifty quintillion planets
alright, I'm done
all these pictures of hands are starting to weird me out
Holla Forums was right again
I expect a lot of PS4's being sold at this point because the value of them will go down as soon as the Slim comes out.
E:D is shit.
Thank you, Sean. Thank you for saving video games.
Good thing, that PC victims can't resell their digital downloads.They're fucked.
do you think anyone is actually buying these games back? besides gamestop offering $5
Ever heard of corporate politics (or maybe just corrupt politics in general)? Imagine this scenario:
Team A has cash grab idea and advertises it to their contact B in big publisher C with a certain promised reward for B, where B is almost always an up and coming figure in C who came out of nowhere and turned out later to be A's weed-smoking buddy in college or something
B convinces C that this is going to be a good investment
C hires A and sets up B as the project manager
Project gets done even though it's shit but since it's a contract then A and B still gets paid with C suffering the biggest losses, if any
After the scheme is discovered by the public C gets namecalled while A and B remain anonymous
A and/or B can still get involved in other projects by changing their organizational names etc
And the cycle goes on anew with the circlejerk taking place in another company
It's also connected to the diversity quotas by making sure that big companies who hire purely based on merit are shamed, thus making it difficult to discover the scheme before it even starts.
Less player means a lower bill for the servers, this is exactly what they wanted. They already made their money off of the people who quit.
I pirate everything but could not care less. I'm glad they lost sales for their shit being so fucked they couldn't even net a profit off of try-before-you-buy pirates.
What servers? There's no multiplayer as far as anyone knows.
welp guess I'll have to play it all again XD
These people need to be put down
this game looked so shitty i never even really noticed it
remove normalfags from premises
Praise be to vidya
Nope, the DLC will sell like crack.
People will be convinced it's going to "fix" the game.
Bite sized bits of 10-30 dollar DLC of self contained features that should of been in the game to begin with, released in pieces.
In terms of modern game development 45 million is a fucking failure. I mean all the marketing for NMS alone probably cost more than 45 million.
wew lad whatever makes the buyer's remorse and suicidal thoughts go away I guess
user, your life is precious. Don't waste so much of it playing garbage, that is time you'll never get back.
Maybe you could sue them for damages though
This is why I wish it hadn't even been pirated though, so they wouldn't have it an excuse. We may know piracy had nothing to do with it, (what, the huge Steam player falloff is because people bought it then quit playing the legit copy to play a pirated copy instead?) but some people will cling to piracy as a way to avoid admitting the truth.
Even if you take the pirates into account, the problems with the game are far more obvious, the article makes it look like it's a problem with the sales when the problems are all entirely on the game itself.
If pirates are this supposed economic AIDS boogeymen that kill entire trading sectors, why are there any products of any kind anyway? It's so painfully obvious yet it's still being used as a dumbass defense.
The only good thing about this game is that we now get to see those cocksucking, retarded, nu-male, bull-prepping, radioactive cancer tumors that defend this piece of shit become the laughing stock of absolutely everyone since the only thing they can do now aside from swallowing their pride is pour salt from every pore of their bodies.
I get what you're saying, and I agree.
But as long as those piracy numbers exist, there are people who will look at those and draw the wrong conclusion, willfully or not. For this to truly teach EVERYBODY a lesson, to make the zealous defenders admit they were wrong, there would need to be absolutely no possible excuses to fall back on, no matter how irrelevant those excuses are to anybody with critical thinking skills. Because the idiots who need to be called out are the ones without critical thinking skills in the first place. The people who were dumb enough to think this would have been good are also dumb enough to fall for the piracy defense.
Yeah, I have to agree with you on that one. I like to believe that one day people will just stop being stupid and use their brains but that shit just doesn't happen. When will vidya wake up from this disgustingly hellish nightmare?
Where's the bideogayms?
Clearly it would've kept its playerbase if it had used denuvo.
Molyneux made some great, genre defining games.
Your reasoning?
I posted this in the last thread but anyone who has the ps4 version digitally can get a refund. I know I know ps4 version and digital but it worked. Unlike the game.
I guess they are starved for games.
Man I am so happy that Destiny happened. It was a huge wake-up call for so many people (me included). I pre-ordered Destiny, and I have to say I enjoyed it for quite some time but after they dropped the first DLC I noped the fuck out of it. Maybe I will get the "complete edition" for 20ish $ or something.
never believe those numbers
You know why it was pirated? Because even people who wanted to play it weren't sure if it was going to be worth 60 dollarydoos.. And they were fucking right.
Today, we are Holla Forums - Vindication
Reminder that if you want a decent space game with actual shit to do beyond mining resource pillars on bland planets to upgrade storage slots, try space engineers.
By try, I mean pirate. Do not EVER pay for an early access game.
Nah fam they're just assuming that everyone in the world plays their game but doesn't pay for it.
Space Engineers is wonky as fuck, but it is oddly satisfying and does not pretend to be anything other than what it actually is: A space autismblox game where you build ships and then crash them for shits and giggles.
There's a lot of shit that needs to be fixed, but overall, it's a satisfactory experience to mine some asteroids, build up a massive dreadnought, and then fly it right into a planet.
Umm, you can't post /a/ stuff on Holla Forums.
if you wanted a smug animu dump you only had to ask
This is why im happy in a way denuvo is around. All these companies with failing games cant blame pirates now, because they have the "uncrackable software". Look at Just Cause 3 or any of the other shit games that flopped but had denuvo. Get to call a spade a spade for once.
This shit's going right into my No Man's File.
Is that Dodger?
but denuvo has been cracked, didn't you see the threads on it?
Has to be done for each game individually
No. This is though.
Per game iirc. They'll never stop piracy but at least for the moment theyve removed companies ability to blame piracy on their shit games when they use them.
naw nigga, he just gets salty when someone else runs a better scam than hm.
That's not dodger.
but do you got more?
good, I love this shit
This whole board should be thanking Sean Murray every day of the week. Not only did he make a mediocre procedurally generated game, he gave us an endless reservoir of procedurally generated cringe. I visit the Normansky subreddit on my lunch break and it never fails to crack me up. From fags trying to justify their purchase to goons writing about how they LITERALLY CRIED TEARS OF AWE when they first saw the crappy 720p scaled to 1080 graphics, the normalfagsky Reddit is the best thing to happen to gaming in the past decade.
the best salt i've seen was a rust bans thread that was on facepunch for a while where kids would go "pls garry i wasn't cheating" and then he would post a screenshot of their game filled to the tits with aim bots and ESP
the salt from no mans sky is kind of disappointing. i mean the salt from fallout 4 was even more fun, i even got in on that and spoiled my friend who pre-ordered it with the season pass
All the lights in the sky are pirates
Holy shit that is amazing. Game only saves 10MB worth of discoveries then overwrites the oldest ones. So even the one concept of getting to name the galaxy is a lie.
$100 for your tackle box, sir. That was well done.
Meant to reply to this.
But it should, since how they spend their money shapes the industry, the same industry we are in. So whatever shit decision they make it will bite our asses sooner or later.
Let me go back to the first fucking line of this article.
So someone was asking him questions and didn't care to have him specify what he was talking about? JOURNALISM
ayyliens like ubi?
[citation needed]. it's impossible to get such numbers anyway