What is the difference between this Holla Forums and 4chan Holla Forums
You aren't left pol so what's the difference?
What is the difference between this Holla Forums and 4chan Holla Forums
You aren't left pol so what's the difference?
I don't know. Why are you asking me? Why are you in my PC?
this difference is that when you make posts like these you will be told to fuck off and get banned
Hang yourself, nigger.
A sage of great wisdom.
The difference is that we're the ones who chose to leave the cuckshed.
This infograph explains the subtle differences between 8/pol/ and 4/pol (spoilered because people here get really triggered whenever it's pointed out)
low energy thread, OP continues to prove he is an actual faggot
If you lurked for 2 years you would know, faggot.
Awww, she is so! What monster would do this to such an beautiful woman >
Before the election this place was highly intellectual and filled with over qualified people. We typically talked about geopolitics, books, and right wing politics like Spengler, glubb, and Jonathan Bowden. Now we have been taken over by new fags from 4 chan and Reddit who brought the 4 chan and Reddit mentality and wit and there is no difference. Anything post second exodus is garbage.
4chan Holla Forums is filled with too many irrelevant and sarcastic threads which just makes it into a harsh version of Holla Forums.. plus 90% of the users are kekistani faggots.
been showing up to Holla Forums more often because this chan actually seems have interesting threads/topics and more of it's users know what they're talking about too..
Showing up and reading is acceptable. Showing up an shitposting before lurking for two years is not.
4chan is filled with kids and basic bitches with retard tier opinions.