Warrantless Searches in Some States Now Legal


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ehh, if it gets to be a problem then it will probably be addressed in the supreme court. if they really start abusing it you will definitely start to hear about it more. something to keep an eye on tho

Look around you fucking kike

first post every time

they deserve to have their rights violated

The support kike appears.

kill yourself


It's a win-win. If ruled unconstitutional, it forces the commies to recognize the bill of rights in some manner, and if not, it overwhelmingly shits on lefty faggots (see antifa organizers/funders) and their nog pets.

Another step closer to tyranny.

Its 12d chess user! Trump is based for fucking over the Constitution

This is a fucking retarded thread. If anything this will result in crack slanging niggers being BTFO.

This doesn't just apply to DC, it applies to Maryland and Virginia as well. The black lines in this map are railroads, meaning the WMATA Safety Commission can enter any property adjacent to them with the permission of the CEO of the Commission. No judicial involvement is required.

The problem is that this is the kind of shit the kikes will expand and expand and expand until the 4th amendment is virtually non-existent. It needs to be stopped at the head. Sage for double-post.

What the fuck? Thanks Trump, good to see the shills are already out defending this.

ALWAYS archive

Oy! Shalom! I agree fellow nazi!

The notion of needing special security for trains is stupid in the first place. You can't drive a train into a building, the worst you can do is derail it and guess what…. it's easier to derail a train IF YOU AREN'T ON THE TRAIN.

In fact, it's not easy to derail a train at all. A terrorist on a train can't do any more damage than a terrorist in any other moderately crowded enclosed area. So what next, we're going to have federal thugs acting as "security" every time a bar has a popular local music act and a few hundred people show up? Because that's about as many people you'll ever see on a train.

Train terrorism is a moronic fear, this is nothing but a power grab!

An unconstitutional law is not legal. They still should not be passing this shit in the first place but you can rest assured that if they try to actually do this it will get shut down. Kinda why I think its retarded to try to enforce that anti commie law, the courts will just throw it out.

You must be joking. People have been doing it with fucking hand tools since the day the train was invented.

This is just a chess move you shills. Don't worry abou the fact that congress all pushed for it, yet won't pass any of trump's shit. That just shows how based trump is at the Art of the Deal. This is just a peace offering showing how he can work with them. Trust me, this has no downside at all and will guarantee every single one of his campaign promises passing with ease. I mean there is no other reason for this so it must be a checkmate move, right.

I was looking through other proposed bills, I found this:
No Federal Funding for Confederate Symbols Act
It would defund the maintenance of Confederate-Era statues, and rename military forts named after Confederate leaders. What's hilarious is the co-sponsors of the bills are all Democrats.


At least somebody picked up on the sarcasm. Guess I should of slapped a smiley on to be sure considering some of the chess masters that lurk the board.

Watch the video. Removing a small section of rail is insufficient. You need to remove an entire rail segment, or close to it.

So yeah, you could do it with a prybar (assuming they aren't welded. If they are, you'd need to cut the rail too). And tracks have zero security outside of cities. So the fact that no jihadi has taken a prybar to rail yet should tell you something about the severity of this threat.

There's also this one, which does about the same:
It's nice to see the conservitards aren't cucking out on this issue (yet).
This is a pretty great place to dig around and see what the kikes (in both parties mind you) are planning. There's also a ton of bullshit "resolutions" that they waste time (and consequently our tax money) thinking about.

thats not what I said you bunch of fucking spergs

I think the issue is that something like this should even have to go through the process of that.

my point being that I wasn't being overly dramatic about it, and yes, it should of been addressed before it even became law.

this board is fucking dead and has been ever since Trump began his run

Sounds like it's time to submit to the Jews and kill ourselves.
get bent, kike

Fuck off cunt, we won't sit and suck the state's cock while they illegally search out houses, although I'm sure you'll be fine with that so long as they let you fly that kekistan flag you alt-lite piece of shit.


I think it's time for you to submit to your BASED BLACK GUY bull and let him ream your wife, faggot

suicide is a good option

Based 1488D chess move tbh

the fact that you've devoted yourself to a man this way is incredibly pathetic

both of you should space out your jumping on someone, way too obvious.

He signed it. If it is that easy to kike him into this shit maybe there is a problem.


Mods, please delete Holla Forums. It's over


Son, you retards that infested the board a couple of years ago have been doing the same shit from the start. Every time Trump shit the bed and got less and less pro white you were right there to lick his asshole clean. I don't know where you faggots came from (assuming you aren't being paid), but you are the most predictable and pathetic people on this site, literal faggot commies included.

you know whats sad, its you faggots that make every thread a argument about trump, and it gets tired. thread had absolutely no mention of Trump until your first post you double kike, I hope you sincerely get cancer.

Americans are all talk when it comes to defending their "precious" rights and liberties.

The depth of your retardation is astounding

Trump has done literally nothing for the white race.

i dont disagree with you, but trump did sign this into law. however, every thread for quite some time now has quite literally been shills calling people shills and them calling others shills. its honestly worse than cuckchan. i sometimes wonder if this board is mostly just automated shitposting. after seeing this thread i doubt ill be posting here again

I understand you are slow, let me spell it out for you. There are about a billion other things to worry about getting signed right now, reading every single fucking bill is impossible. It was deceptive and it got signed, as soon as this shit gets used the first time its going to go to a court hopefully the person they use it on isn't retarded and get thrown into the trash.
excluding the OP dipshit, which stated he signed it, then you had to make the TOPIC of the thread Trump, which it wasn't if you go read the rest of the thread minus you and the couple other retards going "hurrr muh drumpf did this". The only one here addicted to trump is you fucking kikes and its making you rabid retards
lol, this was the last 2 days, memory loss I guess.

Its specific to property near the rail system. How the fuck is that gonna be heavily abused? This is a tiny, almost meaningless, expansion of power. Think about it.

How fucking obvious is it that this is astroturfing? Holy shit look at some of these fucking posts. You niggers require better material.

What next, the TSA is a good thing because it's only at airports? Guess gun free zones are fine because it only applies to smaller areas. Who cares if it violates your 2nd amendment rights, but hey who cares.

Trump has signed 53 bills into law.
You would still be wrong.

I believe it when I see it.

at this point you are either sufficiently retarded, or 12.
and when it happens, you will continue to say he does nothing for whites, even after he rescinded the parent bill of daca, dapa (which is arguable more important as it sends the 11 million protected parents out of the country, and its being enforced). just keep moving the goal post.

Excuse me for expecting him to actually read something before signing it into law

you can't read every fucking bill nigger, go educate yourself how many bills get purposed that go to the presidents desk.
oh boy, here comes the kike argue tactics. I'm done here, continue your derangement without me.


this might be ok with trump in office and republican congress etc
but when the next leftist majority is formed and president is also as such
consider rejecting this
(missing my garrison original left right bootstep)



Its not legal because the supremacy clause in the constitution overrides that via the 4th amendment.

You have to keep in mind that Islamic terrorists don't just want to cause damage, their primary goal is selfish: to get themselves into heaven by becoming a martyr. You can't do that by sabotaging a rail line like a kike. So they'd rather blow themselves up on a train.

As for searching houses near tracks without a warrant, I have no idea how or why they think that's going to help them against terrorists. They may know something I don't, but I can't figure it out.

is this about the tunnel system in dc? you know…

Too fucking bad the DNR already has warrantless search and seizure powers. Try again non Lawfags. I like how this is a perfect example of how people with only the most facile grasp of the law, politics, or governance, will be told by someone else the sky is falling and proceed to act like a total downy.

I know, I know. >JEW! JEW SHILL WITH YOUR JEWING. You can save the effort HaMossad leModiʿin uleTafkidim Meyuḥadim. The rest of you, Just try not to act like you know what your talking about. it is embarrassing us all.

ty boss user


The ones under the Walmarts?

4th amendment has been dead for a few years.

This is related to search and seizures during a vehicle stop.
