Red-pilled AF kid's cartoons raising a generation of national socialists

red-pilled AF kid's cartoons raising a generation of national socialists

there was also a pony episode about why communsim is bad. but i can't post that because it would just trigger the turbo autists that are still angry after eight years.

links and pictures taken from 4/pol/

what do you think about this, 8/pol/?

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Quit watching kids shows. Steven Universe is the only one I'm in the know on, and it's clearly pro-homosexual propaganda.

Also reposting from cuckchan marks you as not-belonging.

Fucking kikes are sliding hard tonight. We must really be on to something.

Fuck off rabbi.

The top 30% of American kids are semi-retarded lazy shits who watch shitty tv and have pseudo-sjw views whilst being pseudo-christians because of their parents. They usually wait until around 14-15 to start having sex. They eat shitty junkfood, they lie constantly, and they have no real empathy.

The other 70% have sex as young as 8 and post borderline cp-videos of themselves on their facebooks. They act genuinely like niggers. They are trash.

And that's just white americans. Don't get me started on shitskin children.

what's the problem with shitskin children?


but there are no genders in gems, how can they be gay if there is no gender? also watch the video, they obviously hate jews as much as everyone else.

The only one of these shows that drops redpills is sonic boom.

They're clearly meant to represent females. Stop being retarded.

I'll give points on the second cartoon you clipped. Pretty good rip on SJWs.

They're like the worst white children but dumber and even more sexually violent.

Yea the only thing even remotely worth letting your kids watch on the electric jew is sanic. Barney is faggotry teaching and numale producing. Never heard of steven and gumball but it sounds stupid and makes it sound pandering to some topics but pushing the kike agenda still. Sage for cuckchan tier shit.

nope no genders, also garnet, jasper, rubies, and topaz are more masculine than everyone else.

i dont believe it, it has blown up to be MLP levels in recent history.

also, MLP is a good show with good stories and GREAT waifus


the latest episode about AJ's parents was great. made me tear up :'(
10/10 better than romeo and Juliet

and the waifus are absolutely god tier, your shitty 13 year old chinese school girls stand NO chance.

This is now a spam smug anime thread.


>(((steven))) LGBT universe

The Amazing World of Gumball is the only show I can watch and actually get a laugh out of me, watched most of the episodes and it's never pushed shit just made fun of it and actually has some nice animation and writing.

Would recommend for kids, though most other shit on CN is either pro-faggotry or just fucking retarded like Uncle Grandpa.


wow,… i cant decide.

Any fucking homo who says Steven Universe is redpilled needs to get the fuck out. E;R is a youtuber who is /ourguy/ as fuck and he totally demolishes this shitty series. Go look it up, he makes some actually funny shit too.

pinkie pie is also a mentally ill dyke, (most of the cast is). so she's kinda useless unless you need someone to act "LoL, so ran-dumb!"

Fuck you, faggot. Post an mp4 or webm or get the fuck out of Holla Forums and never come back.


kill yourself OP

Kek, check out this newfag.

C'mon nigger, learn youtube-dl and ffmpeg.

You mean if we drop in some subtle hints that we're one of them they will forget (((who))) makes these shows?

Fucking kill yourself. Honestly fuck off. You're not wanted in this movement, or this board. You are a detriment to all around you.

I know how to fucking webm, it's 28 minutes long.

So literally no anime? Unless you count some ecchi shit with purposely over sized tiddies.

These shows are not redpilled at all, holy shit. These shows are made by literal kikes, key-framed by west coast SJWs and animated by korean children.

go back to leftycringe

You can fit at least 49 minutes into the 12mb filesize limit.

Sonic Boom has its moments, though.

Making fun of chris chan is like picking off the lowest hanging fruit. Not even, it's like picking up a maggot covered apple off the ground.

Never seent any of the others but I know for a fact Judean universe promotes all the usual marxist tenants, but it does it subtly as fuck.


Nobody wants to watch a video that has been compressed that hard.

You would have to be autistic to not understand why a children's TV show making fun of an internet autist is funny.

This. Anyone who thinks a mass produced children's cartoon in cy+2 is redpilled must have the iq of a nigger.

Black lesbians kissing and dancing isn't subtle at all unless you yourself participate in gay anal orgies daily.

Its like they didnt even watch that Gumball episode, he uses those tactics against her because she was an annoying sjw so he tries to get back at her with the same way using her own words and stuff for being a hypocrite

The Amazing World of Gumball is a pretty based cartoon

I'm sure someone can do better.

Pick one and only one.
Watch literally any episode and you can find something that makes this show one of the more overt pieces of propaganda to exist. The whole thing is cancer, and deserves to be mocked.

t. Absolutely livid that this show still exists to damage the youth even farther with its gross glorification of weakness.

The last few minutes of the video is literally verbatim Hitler speeches. There is no point in webming it to deny the guy clicks.
You sound like the GG autists that scream for an archive of every random inconsequential idiot's tweet.

Only thing worth posting here

Is this your video? You really seem to care. I hate YouTube, I don't give a shit about your favorite e-celeb.

E;R you fag we know you browse here and are probably in this thread. Make some content cunt, it's 10/10 good shit.

If you count Tumblr tier bullshit as NatSoc ideology, sure

fuck you she is top tier, the only one possible better is her sister maud :)

holy shit this thread needs to get the gas.

I'm really not, I just fucking
people that insist on webming or archiving EVERYTHING even when it doesn't make any goddamned sense to do so.
Also I hate all of you for bumping this terrible bait thread.

You're very emotional - lay off the soy, faggot.

I talked to the guy, told him to listen to WLP. Said he would but who knows if he will.

what is that?

And yet you bump it.

thread is anchored, so nobody can bump it now

Please leave, horsefucker.

They look like dykes

so, what is WLP?

they literally are, and it's for "kids"

that middle on is an edit, you faggot.

only a homosexual like you would know. ;^)

I both fucking hate and yet somehow enjoy Steven Universe but I'm not entirely sure why
I have spent many months sitting and thinking, attempting to crack the stone which is this enigma but I am unable to, and have not been able to come to a conclusion, let alone come up with any possible leads as to why for either side of my own turmoil

but I will say I want to fuck the little green one

they are lesbians because they are agendered :^)
also stevonnie is a STRAIGHT couple/fusion btween steven and connie. what do you have to say about that, faget?

peridot is a literal green meme gremlin.
but still better than pearl.

the show is made by communist jews, and pedophiles.

why do you retards keep pushing this shit?

it's the only reason anyone ever watches these shows, you're attracted to the vocal and presentation and distilled shallow characters that exists to be "cute" and marketable. "Waifu" bait.

thats called a "Shemale" you flaming homosexual.

unf… futa is so fucking hot, the dick makes it so much better.

Sexualization children and pushing for LGBT normalization is typical commie (((pedo))) shit.

also, see rebecca sugar ed edd y eddy "art"

you stick out like a sore thumb lefty/pol/, apply yourself! you ugly (((men))) will never pass for women. go home!

trans people are gross

yes, and mentally deranged.

i only like cute shemales and traps that pass as grills. only guys that can pull off being cute girls should give up on being men.
cause i would absolutely destroy a cute hairless tight boipucci. no homo as long as she looks like a girl when fully clothed :^)

Except for the fact that Rebecca Sugar is a femkike and SU has blatant tranny/faggot propaganda in it.

t. has never seen it

The show deals with an entire species that is genderless but has feminine traits (female human forms), Steven is a male protagonist that is not masculine in a lot of ways. Rather than being the strong fighter type, he acts through femininity despite being male. He cries for help from women rather than helping himself. The show contains trans, queer and homosexual characters which is typical for a show like this. They have women of different sizes and has quite a dark story line for a show aimed for children. Cartoon Network is now giving a way for brainwashing, glorifying obese women and unhealthy diets.

They even place the emphasis on disguised leftist concepts like:
Tolerance – Praising of everything non-white, non-male and non-heterosexual
Minority – non-whites, non-male and degenerates
Inclusiveness – Accepting everything non-white and degenerate
Emancipation – Disregarding rules made by conservative males

But despite all these teachings, SJWs bullied a Steven Universe artist to attempt suicide because she drew Rose (an obese female character) too thin. Hypocritical? Yes. It certainly has one of the most cancerous fanbases, consisting of bronies and white knights. - 9 Things That Geek Feminism Ruined, from from Return of Kings.

all those things you are complaing about steven doing just shows how out of touch you are, steven is a super realistic 10 year old of the modern age. kids are bred to be giant pussies now :^)

Can't argue with that.

all of it is garbage. I fear for the children exposed to this sickening poison. At times, I wish we had the option of creating our own kids cartoons and having it be aired. But of course, they wouldn't allow that.
We must win.

>Made by (((Rebecca Sugar)))

Nice try (((Rebecca Sugar))).

We all know about your gay Ed Edd n Eddy porn.


Gumball is actually woke af. I could make a whole video of the anti-red propaganda in the show.