I wonder how many ladies this gentleman has m'ladied
this guy is like kelly, except he's serious about the stupid shit he draws.
wasn't he called greenhorst or something like that? i recognize the artstyle.
like pottery
The lefty delusion is the best joke in there.
Now that's some top quality LOL.
How misleading. I thought this was going to be about left-handed people and not marxist clowns.
You knew exactly what you would be reading
Remember what a stupid piece of shit you were in your teens.
Now imagine that instead of having your narcissism beat out of you by the real world, you found a "safe space" where everybody thinks the same way you do.
His name is Barry Deutsch? Anyway, judging by that old artstyle he has I assume he is a person disconnected from reality.
Are we all in an echo chamber right now, Holla Forums?
I am disappoint.
Plenty. IIRC, he made a lengthy post some time ago about still being a virgin (he's 40+ years old now too, if I'm not mistaken)
The journey is far from over, user.
some things are just easy to agree on
Anyone can post here without even an account.
There is absolute zero enforcement of opinions.
Identities get reset in every thread.
The whole system is built to make it easier to express normally unacceptable opinions, to the point this is a paradise for ebin troles.
This is the antithesis of an echo chamber, this is the wild west.
Are recently posted pictures not loading for anybody else?
I wouldn't say we're immune. Always be vigilant.
Yet I see the same exact opinions being thrown around all the time, the dissent getting chased away by peer pressure. Are our opinions objectively correct, or are we just in a hugbox? Does anonymity really bring all sorts of opinions, or does it merely allow us to build an echo chamber that is straight up illegal in countries like germany, and conversations which are unacceptable in the society of today? Is this just an echo chamber that is merely of a different shade than most? Because I sure as hell do not see any tolerance on this site, as the pic claims, quite the opposite. Hell, a lot of the content here is making one LESS tolerant – I can no longer stomach feminists or libshits, and I get very annoyed when normalfags talk about vidya. Then again, perhaps that's simply because I got more informed, and the decrease of tolerance is a logical result of the information I gained, and not of any echo chambers.
I think that fucking picture gave me a minor identity crisis, fuck.
This is just begging for a happy merchant edit.
Loss Part II ?
Do you even need to though?
You don't need tolerance to post your opinions on this site, you just need to have a spine. Don't be a bitch.
Consensus =/= echo chamber.
Just because everyone agrees fire is hot and shouldn't be touched doesn't mean they are in an echo chamber.
Ironic how Holla Forums whines about "MUH SHILLS" when they fell for the exact same thing years ago.
Here lies the trash of the echo chambers above us.
Whatever doesn't fit into the filter of mainstream communities with opinions enforced by moderators will fall down here and that's why you're less likely to find those opinions here, they find their hugboxes more comfortable than the trash below.
Peer pressure means absolutely nothing here, because we have no identities and IDs reset with every thread, there is zero consequence for going against peer pressure.
when you tell that guy burning his hand in the fire he's a retard you're being an echo chamber.
Dead Fetus Boogaloo.
No, no one on here actually ever agrees with someone else.
you can be a bitch too, just shitpost hard enough and the mods will bend over for you
don't like a particular kinda thread? just whine and complain about it in the thread and make meta threads about that thread till the discord cunts agree with you, after all they're shitposters just like you too
shut the fuck up I agree with everyone
I don't think you understand what an echo chamber is.
how is learning from a past mistake Ironic?
True, however I bet that everyone in an echo chamber thinks that his echochamber is saying that fire is hot, whereas all the others are idiots.
Rationally, yes, but nor irrationally. Merely seeing a group of people disagree and shit on you is a strong emotional deterrent, as it forces one to ask himself "Are they correct? Am I stupid? Or are they the ones who are dumb?" In either case the person ends up with a negative emotion (be it "Oh noes, I am retarded" or "What a fucking bullshit site full of cretins!") and will therefore be discouraged from visiting the site again. Those who find people they agree with, on the other hand, will gain a positive emotion gained from peer approval, motivating them to come back again.
Let me guess, Holla Forums and tumblr have colluded to shit up your vidya discussions too, right? I'm just waiting for the stream of (1)'s crying about "muh right wing sjws" at this point.
Sage for off topic.
You sound like a little bitch.
Yeah the only requirement is to not be a little bitch, but that has no effect on which opinions you can bring to the dumpster.
The absolute worst-case scenario for posting an unpopular opinion in a thread is that everyone calls you a faggot.
You are fucking clueless, they all came over to Holla Forums during 2012 when their Larping forum was shut down.
You are one ignorant nigger or new.
Yeah if you're a little bitch. Just don't be a little bitch.
You sound like a fucking moron. Let me try putting this in simpler terms so that even an inbred nigger like you can understand it:
Guess which site such a person is going to preffer? Guess how such a site becomes an echo chamber
That's exactly my point
The former, unless they're a little bitch like you. If you want to be a little bitch we have Holla Forums. Otherwise you can go to reddit like you are obviously advocating for.
Woah there fagboy, don't make me break out the smugs.
Which site the person prefers depends on how much of a little bitch he is, little bitch.
The site where everyone congratulates you for an opinion is the one that's an echo chamber.
Do you post on reddit, or are you a little bitch? I am sure that if you post your opinions on holocaust there, you'll get called an idiot, so why are you here, and not there? Why are you not there saying Life is Strange is a piece of shit and that Skyrim is an abortion of an RPG genre? Why are you here where people agree with you, bitch?
If you're worried about posts like that, I'd hatelove to see how you react to television.
As you'd expect from a little bitch.
Wew, when did I say that the screenshot was going to be of the exodus form Stromfront to 4chaims Holla Forums?
Your claim was that no one on Holla Forums visits stormfront, ie that no one on Holla Forums is a stormfag.
That screenshot refutes that, what you are doing now is looking for any possible angle to deflect from the subject being discussed and transition it to an argument that you could possibly win or at least make exhausting.
RESSIT! SJW! cuck! cuck! Holla Forums!
I'm merely applying your own arguments against you. You say that a person should go on the site that disagrees with him, so why are you here? Why are you not on Reddit, Neogaf, or some other cancerous place where people disagree with you?
You sound upset bitch-kun.
Newfag lurk more.
REDDIT! SJW! cuck! cuck! Holla Forums!
You're merely proving my earlier point about peer pressure, faggots.
Because they ban you if you don't share their opinions.
They do that on Holla Forums, too. They just call you a "shill" instead.
And the people on the new site discourage critism of opinions they hold and will probably have a moderator breathing down your neck because you dropped xer trigger word. If you can't back up your views or you are seriously effected when someone just disagrees with you in a shitpost, you're a little bitch.
REDDIT! SJW! cuck! cuck! Holla Forums!
video games?
I did warn you about the smugs.
Like a rat in a Skinner box.
If someone actually browsed today's Holla Forums seriously (and I use the term very loosely here) something tells me that they wouldn't begin their post by shit-talking a Holla Forums related board on this very site, and then recommending that others head to a site with user accounts.
You don't even have the decency to sage an unrelated discussion.
And? This is Holla Forums. Also id you don't like the way a board is run here you are free to make your own board with your own rules.
You sure showed me, user.
So, you say you would be on Reddit or Neogaf if they didn't ban your account?
This is some basic human behaviour - getting approval from others feels nice, getting disapproval does not. You don't have to be "seriously affected", even a mild emotion is enough to gradually alter your attitude towards certain places.
Because that's a reddit invention.
Do you think drow pussy spiders would of happened if off topic discussion was not allowed or had to be saged.
So out of your element.
I feel insulted by that response, and it's not even my post you're responding to. There are a million and one different reasons that Holla Forums has become shit; you don't need to make up any more.
Neogaf is a Sony hugbox and I don't know how to navigate Reddit.
Also I prefer Holla Forums because of the anonymity.
Because we'd be banned, dumbass.
You know what you get if you don't sage non-vidya discussion on Holla Forums? You get:
…as well as a litany of posts still to come.
REDDIT! SJW! cuck! cuck! Holla Forums!
Andrew Anglin's site and Stormfront are two different things, dumbass.
exactly. And unless you like sucking dick, you probably wouldn't find many people agreeing with oyu there. Hence you do not go there, you go here. That's literally my point.
you could simply make another account, and there are plenty of forums on the internet with little or lax moderation
REDDIT! SJW! cuck! cuck! Holla Forums!
They do ban though.
Shit nigga its like you've been here for a year and think you've figured out how it works here.
Oh god its this guy again.
Stormfront/SJW/cuckchan/reddit/hillary/trump shills have done it again, amazing derail.
Maybe you guys (and gals (and others genders)) missed the point if the comic because it was sarcastic and relies on irony?
See the "joke" (and I use that phrase loosely because if how serious this matter is) is that the assumed female is trying to express an opinion online but because of the toxic male dominated rape culture, she is shamed and silenced under the guise of "free speech" (which only applied to GOVERNMENT by the way).
Free speech has never been so grossly violated. The amount of hate that operates under its name is just disgusting even more so than the right to bear arms. Anyways I hope you can appreciate the TRUE message of the comic now and seriously rethink your stance in this troublesome issue .
I'll be lurking the thread to see if anyone replies or needs clarification otherwise I'll be browsing /r/gaming if anyone needs me. I'm easy to find. :)
Oops didn't mean to quote specifically your post, sorry man.
You can thank mister REDDIT! SJW! cuck! cuck! Holla Forums! for the derail.
Where do you think we are?
Fucking Hillary, trying to slide LOL threads.
Are you really complaining about there being a discussion, rather than the usual swarm of Sophie comics and other cringy shit?
Continuing a discussion from last thread, this is a link to a perhaps unknown drama about people who think they are something they're not and the things they destroy in their pursuit of vanity.
You'll have to read in between the lines on this.
I told you why I come here. And its not because people agree with me here. 90% of my time on Holla Forums is spent arguing with retards, like right now.
Its because anyone can come in and spout their stupid option no matter how gay and incorrect it is. You're free to do it and come am I.
whose hand is Rika holding
how did a hand get way up there
What if I am buddy? I happen to like the horrible comics, they make me laugh and thus feel good.
>cry on Holla Forums Holla Forums about hotpockets
The same playbook every time. How autistic can one person be?
Just face it, you can't present your ideas to save your life.
Come back when you can actually identify what's being discussed in a given post.
Please don't trigger me like that again.
Top banter and epic downvote! lel
If the moderators let me piss off anyone I wanted without retribution, I would.
I never contested one's freedom to do it, merely his willingness. Nor did I even say that Holla Forums is an echo chamber, I merely wondered about it; asked if perhaps there isn't a certain element of peer pressure that discourages dissent. After a short while of actual discussion, I got attacked by a bunch of retards for daring to imply something like that (starting off with a nice ad hominem), really just showing a perfect example of fucking peer pressure.
sorry about that. Have this.
is that supposed to be about the author? or is the character supposed to look young.
They aren't stale and only 1 of them is mine, all of it is allowable under Holla Forums rules
Some butthurt crossposters.
Lets summarize
Its funny how predictable this shit is.
How cuck threads were handled before you reddit fags found a better circljerk
Wait what the fuck happened to the file names?
Noone needs to make a satirical cartoon of leftists because they are already parodies of what humans are supposed to be.
Nigga what?
File names are only saved as random numbers when they are saved from this site.
If you get them somewhere else like Jewgle they can have any type of file name.
Its also how you can identify a Tumblr poster as they are usually to lazy to take out the tumblr name in the post.
Doing god's work user, I miss Holla Forums before the second exodus.
Ot probably has something to do with the media de-duplication update going on.
He's referring to the … at the end of the filename, plus the filename changed from a unix timestamp to a random string that also has letters in it.
They are hashes now. Probably to fix the bug where images uploaded at the same time get overwritten. I miss the timestamps, now I have to order my folder by hand.
Maybe you anons (and femanons (and other autists)) missed the point if the post because it was shitposting that relies on bait?
See the "joke" (and I use that phrase loosely because if how serious this matter is) is that the shitposting user is trying to bait replies but because of filters, cb8b34 is ignored under the guise of "redditposting" (which is usually actually just bait, trust me)
shitposting has never been so grossly ignored. The amount of actual discussion that operates despite it is just disgusting even more so than Holla Forums. Anyways I hope you can appreciate the TRUE message of cb8b34 now and seriously rethink your stance in this troublesome issue.
I'll be lurking the thread to see if anyone replies or needs clarification otherwise I'll be browsing /r/AIDS if anyone needs me. I'm easy to find. :)
not going to get much utility out of this one, it's pretty stringent even if you take liberties with parts of it
This, why do faggots shitpost then post pictures of how they got banned for being massive faggots as proof of censorship?
No one cares you got banned for being a cunt, not all boards just let you shit on them freely and not get banned, neither /a/ nor /k/ mods stand that shit.
Hopefully codenigger will fix this shit.
Me too, maybe one day it will be back to its former glory, but I'm not holding my breath most of these redditors don't understand what Holla Forums was or what it was about.
I'm guessing neither one of you were here during the exodus when Hotpocketeers were deleting posts and banning wildly with the same excuses.
You're getting called names because that hypothesis makes no sense. In your scenario the only think stopping someone from posting is the willingness to has insults thrown their way. That's internal and on the individualize. An echo chamber would be an individual or group create an environment where no other opinion can survive. Then you don't have a choice. You either agree or you don't and they decide if your opinion is heard.
Now provide some evidence of actual censorship instead of a shitposter getting banned.
We banned Quentin and other annoying anime shitposting tripfags here too for the same reason, don't be a faggot, don't get banned, it's easy.
Explain to me what shitposting is, I want to hear what you think it is and why it applies to anyone with a differing opinion.
Wew holy fuck dude, don't talk about things you don't understand, you just exposed yourself.
you are worse than the nerd you're trying to refute
How's that related to pre-Holla Forums-harbour Holla Forums? Look at the "proof", for fuck's sake. One is Hotwheels complaining about mods in 2015, one is an out of context banlog that might as well be a spammer for all we know, one is a fucking shitpost thread that contains nothing but "you are being ridiculous and i am enlightened" (seriously, try to find the argument in that thing). The last one is the only one that could be construed as censorship, but even then we don't see the rest of the thread.
The joke is that dipshit lefites really believe that shit, not that it's true.
I'm not trying to refute him
Not all boards allow you to start bait treats, hell not even cuckchan allowed you to get away with shitposting bait threads when the mods actually gave a fuck that one day of the week they actually felt like it.
If you go shitpost in Holla Forums, /a/ or /k/ because you are an easily amused retard or just have a grudge against those boards for whatever autistic reason expect to get banned, it's that simple.
Jim was a mistake.
I asked you what shitposting is, now you are moving goalposts saying it was bait.
You have don't have a single clue what shitposting is, you just know its bad and therefore attaching it to my posts to justify censorship.
Try addressing my point instead of asserting random shit. Yes, imkampfy is a shit mod. No, the reason Holla Forums is shit still isn't any supposedly rampant censorship.
Can you find the secret glyph in this comic? Ring in if you think you've found it.
Bait is shitposting retard
This is entirely true, muslims have strict rules about killing people.
infidel aren't considered "people"
But having insults thrown at you is enough to divert many people, especially when they have alternatives where they'll get no insults thrown their way. Some of those people come in already agreeing with what's on the site, however, and won't be subjected to the insults as much. As such there will be a greater concentration of people following a certain estabilished opinion, than of those dissenting. If we reach a point where 90% of posters shout the same opinion, is it really still not an echo chamber?
Because that level of heavy handed moderation wasn't present before the exodus, pretty early on there was a blatant bait thread that was filled with "reported" posts or equivalent, and the BO showed up and told everyone to deal with it and prove the op wrong or shut up. That was good moderation.
I wouldn't consider either of those posts shitposts, much less ban-worthy.
Honestly middle eastern religious policy really reminds me of modern Chinese business practices in that a statement is never a lie unless called on and even then it's miscommunication.
What point?
That hotwheels complaining about mods in 2015 somehow is irrelevant because its not long CURRENT YEAR?
How the other is a banlog of someone you admit yourself is a over zealous faggot?
How someone criticizing Holla Forums is a shitpost when its the exact opposite?
Also I sympathize we the 3rd post because he is absolutely correct in the history of the board.
Go to Holla Forums and LOOK.
Half the bored is shitposting, ACTUAL SHITPOSTING, not
The other 25% is screaming shill at someone
The other 25% is backpatting
Usually filled with newfaggots asking about happenings that are only a year old and other newfaggots saging in every field or using (((reddit))) memes or content.
Not an explanation of what shitposting is, that would be a synonym also bait is not always shitposting and shitposting isn't always bait.
The author of that comic will never get laid. Ever.
Not exactly. Leftists keep talking about Quran, but forget the secobnd, just as important part of Islamic theology, which are the hadiths. It's in the hadiths (which are basically "Muhammad totally said this at one point, guise, so it's the law!") that you find the most bloody islamic policies.
What about sorting files by modification time?
the future isn't that pretty
I agree that this is good moderation, but what is there to prove wrong in this situation? Serious question, the OP didn't even make a point. A bait thread can still make a point that can be argued.
I already said that Holla Forums is shit, try to keep up. Or try to stick to a point since half of your complaints are unrelated to moderation.
oh boy
Again which has to do with what.
You asked me to address the point and I did, now you are once again changing gears.
Well for one what people consider an insult is subjective. And again this in on the individualize.if 99% don't agree with your opening and you're the 1% and everyone insults you when you voice that option, and yet you can still voice it then its not a echo chamber. There is still room for opposite view points. Hell even if you left and 100% of the people agreed on the topic it still wouldn't be an echo chamber. Because there is nothing stopping someone from coming in with a different option. The only thing is themselves.
You gotta love how regressives will skate around the idea of "correct" free speech in elaborate and bizarre ways when what they really mean is "I don't support free speech."
If you want to look at the set with an image viewer, it'll go by name, even if you sort the folder by modification. Also it never seems to work properly for my image folder (probably due to its size).
There is absolutely no point to arguing with you. See you in a week when you try to provoke this discussion again.
Have you tried putting folders in your folder?
I addressed your point in the first 5 lines.
But whatever have fun running away.
You're not that bright are you?
Reducing the individual folder size does not fix the aforementioned image viewer problem. I'd have to manually rename everything, which is a pain in the ass.
I thought it was pretty clear, his point was that most of pol is too obsessed over race instead of actually discussing ideas/policies/philosophy things that are Holla Forums related. Now if you disagree with that op, you can say something along the lines of "If you want to get a realistic view of these subjects you'd be an idiot not to at least touch on race" and then he can counter and you end up with a discussion.
…and the entire thing is done in the most sanctimonious manner possible. It reads like a comment straight off of a reddit.
Most of Holla Forums is convinced their board has and always was a white nationalist board.
Then they get pissed off when someone calls them a newfag because that was the opposite of the intention for 8chaim's Holla Forums
Also the nigger we are arguing with ran off.
He didn't actually say that. What he did was proclaim what he considers a great man, then berate Holla Forums for not adhering to his ideal.
This is Tumblr's favorite pastime, known as tone policing.
Are you really accusing someone of criticizing Holla Forums of coming from reddit when the post was discussing things that happened before the exodus and reddit contamination?
Go on Holla Forums and see how much reddit you can find.
They often take OC created on reddit and then repost it there, which is ironic as that's what reddit used to do to 4chaim.
Look at (((meme))), this is FROM reddit and twitter and these niggers either convinced themselves its from Holla Forums, almost none of them are familiar with Canadian Cuck, or Thomas Sowell and the still haven't figured out how to sage properly.
Is that why no recent pictures are loading on overchan?
I've been trying to post a line by line explanation of why that post is complete shitposting for the past twenty minutes, but it won't actually let the fucking thing through. Have a screenshot of it instead, and then kill yourself.
You're a true blue fucking idiot.
Opinion discarded.
Not as if it meant much to begin.
Fucking learn what shitposting means
Excellent work.
But he did say that
That's his Thesis, the rest of his post is explaining why he considers this to be a detriment to Holla Forums
Thanks for proving my point.
You and b9385e end up proving me more correct the more you post but you lack the awareness and experience to understand why.
It's 95% "waaaah why aren't you behaving how I want you to" and 5% "race doesn't real, goy". The admission that this wasn't the first attempt to post like this is only icing on the cake.
So user, can you finally give me a definition of shitposting like I asked you ages ago?
Or are you going to continue to expose yourself?
He doesn't explain anything. He states one of his values (a great man does…) and then concludes from there that racialism is a detriment to Holla Forums. But he never said why this particular value (which obviously isn't shared on Holla Forums, hence the thread) should be shared in the first place, which is how you'd make an argument for it.
Hey dude, why are you still posting I thought you were done?
Also why were you bumping when you saged earlier?
I want to fug that lizard gal.
just invert the genders and you're done
I agree that he should have elaborated on his point more. Maybe if he wasn't banned he could have done that in his thread if you made your point there. I'm trying to say that he had a point he was trying to get across, though he may not have been very good at communicating it, but that wasn't a shitpost tier op.
You're doing god's work.
I don't think we will come to an agreement here then. Considering the wording that was dissected further above, the thing screams cheap bait thread to me.
I think you are one confused individuals.
I see this dude everywhere here on Holla Forums nowadays. Whenever a thread derails into Holla Forums shit, he appears
I see this guy constantly, but I never see "backpack fetish" guy anymore
So do you guys all have a IRC where you defend Holla Forums now that proof of censorship and newfaggotry is being taken?
Isn't a big bunch of the new Holla Forums from reddit?
I remember they killed a big bunch of subreddits like fatpeoplehate, coontown, and others around last year, I think it was around the same time moot was fucking up 4/pol/, so they couldn't go there.
That was also when 8/pol/ became the shitshow it is now.
As I said: Jihadists are excempt from all of this as long as they are waging jihad.
The influx of muslims into europe is a jihad known as hijra.
That was later, moot is definitely to blame for the biggest influx of faggots. If I remember correctly, most of the redditfags didn't really like IB and were chased away to things like Voat. Hotwheels got mad about that back then.
This nigger
Is about right on the money.
IMO, Holla Forums went to shit the minute Moot fucked with 4chaims Holla Forums
All because they dumped nudes of his sister or a woman who looked a lot like moot.
Are you serious?
Although admittedly I haven't seen him reveal himself in some time
I hope he found someone to get in that sack for him
sauce on the fluid druid from 3rd pic?
I get driven up a wall by this shit, I know at this point its beating a dead horse as most westerners and even fucking mudshits think refugees are stupid.
But the ONLY time refugees actually helped is when they are closely related culturally and racially.
Otherwise they view themselves as outsiders in another country.
Look at Jews in every nation they have ever been allowed to be in other then Spain or Persia.
That's a little annoying, but I'm not going to resort to tripfagging to fix it.
What about rat boys?
Jesus Christ, I want this in my life.
The OP who made that beaver thread insisted that our chan does not fall in the echochamber category.
What did he mean by this?
I know the post is only a joke, but there are a couple of points in here. For one, if it is only censorship when the government is stopping people from speaking, then muhsoggyknee-ists on the internet using "cyberviolence" to stop women from talking is also not censorship. There is also the matter of academic groups like DIGRA, whose members are effectively arms-length government employees, who are friends and colleagues of and sing from the same hymn sheet as the SJWs you know and love.
Experience has told me that those who claim that fullchan is an echo-chamber want an echo-chamber eg: Sonyggers from NeoFag.
Just write a program that translates from hash to numbers
You can't translate the hash to a time stamp because the time stamp is independent of the hash. You can only time stamp every file on your own, but at that point you might as well name all of them.
Maybe you'll like this one better. :^)
user is right. There is no fucking way to discuss video games here outside of weebtrash and the small box of games Holla Forums likes.
Maybe you should grow thicker skin, pussy.
Calling a videogame shit is still discussion, my man
What the fuck does your post have to even do with what I just said
>instead of finding a place where people discuss games I like, I'll just stay here and bitch about how I can't talk about them here
What is it that you wanted to discuss?
Even if this was the case I'd still be on the side of the "free-speech"-ers because women on average less intelligence and their intelligence seems to be less widespread, making a more "focused" iq curve, which means that there will be more women of moderate intelligence and less women of both above and below "moderate" intelligence. (I.e. Less retarded women but also less genius women, and more normalfag women.)
I believe it's like 2-3x less likely for a woman to be the average iq (125) for any engineering career, and that's not even counting women's displacement from the average iq.
In short - there are a lot less "smart" women so honestly women should have less credibility.
Also -
How does cyber bullying even exist? nigga just close your eyes and shut the laptop nigga.
Honestly I'd expect nothing less from a woman, a being with inherent borderline personality syndrome.
Fuck off you retarded cow
I have no idea where this sentiment even comes from. The first (and all) amendment exists to protect the citizen from larger powers, be they companies, organizations or even bodies of government.
I'd rather fuck an Asian chick than deal with the American society's entitled women.
I'd get my daughter (and I will
Fucking Use a centrifuge if I have to, hapa boys get no love) to marry a rich white kid, and tell that kid to marry his daughter to a white person, until I've finally "bleached" my line.
Fucking perfect.
Get your screencaps and gtfo.
I said it before and I will say it again:
I miss the days when Holla Forums meant Holla Forumsitically incorrect and not Holla Forumsitics.
What are you even talking about? This is actually what I believe. I don't get why everytime I post something like this poe's law goes into effect.
Fucking baiting normalfags ruining it for everyone else..
It's just "Who's on first" with the periodic table.
If I was trying to make the "gamergate" or "alt-right" look bad I'd just use inspect element and say the post got deleted.
You can disagree on it, but downright fucking taking it out of context and cutting it in half is the mark of a clickbaiting idiot.
What is the context behind this shit?
The context is lurk more
Why can't women understand if they don't want people to start at their sexual organs they should just wear heavier clothing like the trademark clinton pantsuit?
because they want to be promiscuous but not be judged for it
women hate having to face consequences for their actions more than anything
the context is LASER CHEESE
I think it's more of an "I'm wearing this for chad."
They're wearing promiscuous tight-fitting clothing because they want to attract the idea male, or "chad." But they get angry when the un-ideal man is attracted to them because they don't want that attention. But, they're not very clever, and sometimes very selfish so they don't think it's their fault that they got this unwanted attention, it's obviously (to them) the beta male's fault for staring at them and not being handsome.
10/10, it's like I'm on tumblr
Funny you should mention that, according to the article linked below, 3/4 of borderline cases actually are women.
I don't get it, am I supposed to be disgusted or something?
You're supposed to shut the fuck up and read.
those are some nice boots
indeed they are.
Islam has lots of rules, but they also have taqiyya — the concept that when the faith is under attack, you may break the holy scripture's rules to protect it. For example, the prophet Muhammad conquered the arab peninsula in self defense.
the fuck is this
kuma miko meets jojo?
yeah, I kinda phrased that weirdly.
The thing is that context and progression of the scripture needs to be taken into account, which leftists love to ignore. For example, the Quran spoke positively about Christians when Mohammed still thought they would accept him as their prophet and once they told him to fuck off verses in the Quran "coincidentally" started to appear talking about how Christians are subhuman.
This is a radical concept, user.
If Machi could kill and skin a bear, maybe.
Yeah, that's about right. And Joseph is the nationalist.
The comic in OP is by the same guy who tought us about being a minority, and about how horrible it is to insult neckbeards.
I forgot to mention that they are not very strict with their definition of "Under attack".
Daily reminder that if you are not a nationalist, then you are by default objectively speaking, evil.
Heil Allah
These people need to learn to not give a fuck what others think of them instead of giving all of their fucks
It was quite smart, using your enemies as soldiers against a common enemy.
Yeah, and look how well it usually turns out for everyone.
But none of the stuff in the first picture bothers me. It's barely even passive agressive.
Lefties care too much about being a collective.
Not a very good example, fam. The US continued to fund Islamic militants while fighting them, which is why the US accomplished fucking nothing while Russia's bombings worked miracles, Russia was motivated to get rid of them while the US was not.
Nope, there are no bad examples
Fucking kill me, Pete.
I fucking knew it was a girl's name.
I never expected to see that gif.
Those girls prolapsed thanks to Mr. Rat
shit sense of humor.
Brought you by spriter's resource
The US also invested heavily in Adolf Hitler because he was against communism. Henry Ford was extremely respected by Hitler as well as being a close friend. Ford was also the inspiration for Volkswagen. After WWII, the US propped up Germany and made it one of the largest steel manufacturers in the world.
Are you retarded, m8? Many people in places like Eastern Europe were voluntarily joining the Germans because they didn't want to get fucked by Russia. Baltic states in particular were eager to participate and a lot of them even fought all the way to Germany despite only fighting because of their own country.
The US was perfectly aware of 9/11 before it happened, there were reports by the FBI that suggested there would be an attempted plane-jacking by the same people that did it way in advance. This goes back to funding the enemy while fighting them, not all branches of the government have the same goal, the ones much lower down on the ladder respond to issues KNOWINGLY caused by those higher up.
Which was the goal, one part of the denazification process in Germany was attrocity propaganda so they could make Germans submit to whatever message the West wanted them to believe. Since they didn't want Germany stirring shit again after they already lashed out, they were slowly being cucked.
Can't really say much about South Korea since I don't know that much about it beyond what I learnt about the proxy war but that can be attributed to the US importing its culture.
How vague are you going to define "support" as in this case?
Yeah, Israel is doing absolutely fucking perfectly, how does that prove you right?
Gladio B, fam.
Raocow is funny the first time you hear him but gets boring incredibly quickly.
Nah, US back in the day was investing into anyone who was paying money. They were doing plenty of business with USSR as well back then. FDR was respected by Stalin, and Henry Ford was licensing his car designs to Soviets.
That's not the point. Point is, they were a fucking liability and only made the situation worse, like every member of Axis save for Germany.
I would apply American definition of "support" here - i.e. thorough cuckification of the recipient country. At one point Americans actually tried to ban Japanese chess because they thought it was too "martial".
Welp, I'm glad that at least someone had profited from American foreign politics.
>still no qt Titan grill to hug
You forgot Hungary. Are you seriously implying Germany alone could have taken on the Soviets? Sure Italy was shit, but you're retarded.
8/10, you're definitely going to fool some idiots with this post. With a bit more subtlety this would have been perfect.
Ooh yeah, how could I forgot yet another so called "ally" that fought for both sides.
I'm seriously implying that Germany should've thought twice before attacking Soviets with friends like that.
And so was Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Japan or, rather, their land forces… In fact, I can't thing of single Axis country that wasn't shit, aside from the Germany itself.
Without addressing the dubious validity of the others
I'm no historian; but, weren't routs historically where almost all casualties happened?
The problem is that the people who control national security also desire money, so if there is no threat, then people are going to start focusing on other things like healthcare, education, jobs, etc. In those situations, they'll start electing representatives to fix these issues. The people controlling national security realize this, so to keep the funding from being redirected, they create external threats so the people will continue to elect pro-war Senators, Congressmen, and Presidents. Look at Kennedy, he was trying to negotiate with the USSR and stop the invasion of Vietnam when he was assassinated, and then Johnson invaded. Carter had a one-term presidency because of the Iranian Hostage Crisis. Times of peace are discouraged in the United States because government agencies concerning national security don't financially benefit.
Why is it that everyone thinks their opinion should be popular or that at least one person should agree with it? Everyone who complains about this is fragile and narcissistic. I would rather get shat on than banned.
friendly neighborhood porn dump
this is the worst lol thread ever
and the last one. I hate it when doujins aren't multiples of 5, so have some extras from a different doujin
No, most casualties were from diseases.
something about the author looking young to buy spiced wine
I'm no fan of cbt.
must agree with this statement
What are you a fan of user? I can see if I have something you'll like.
Ultra sweet lovey dovey stuff
And small, super cute things.
Do you like tomboys?
Man it's a good fucking thing I regained control of my life to an extent
Haven't seen a 4AM thread in like half a year
Tomboys are great. Thanks user.
You fucking degenerate.
I like short hair and glasses
Did the mods just nuke a chunk of the thread then revive it? I was about to post vanilla in the bump locked thread.
Well that was fucking weird. Should I still dump?
I don't see why not. I've dumped 3 so I don't want to dump more, though I doubt mods care about bumplocked lol threads
Doujin/artist name?
Nevermind, I forgot saucenao could handle doujins.
if you were subtle perhaps someone would fall for this bait
here's to (you) though
Romania was a vital resource hub for Germany and one of the biggest allied forces Germany had. Their pussy king sued for peace when the Soviets showed up in late 1944. Hungary was a relatively advanced country and a vital fascist ally at the start, but that shit fell apart when the Soviets made their way to Budapest. I'd agree with Bulgaria and IJA being shit.
Fuck off Yid.
A 7 foot skeleton cuck that gets no gains.