Losing control?
What games are in your backlog?
Losing control?
What games are in your backlog?
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It Come on over to the 4am cytube. Listen to music, post music, chat, or just simply lurk. Up to you. (Music from 4AM-6AM EST.)
Evenin' folks.
>>>/4am/ and stay there
Literally thousands in just recommended sets of emulation, let alone the fullsets I have. Hell I recently sailed out to the paradise for nearly 300 PSX ISOs.
New blood is important though
Heyo, byo.
Taking a break a lil bit.
Too many to list.
Guess who can't sleep again.
Guess who still hasn't heeded any of the advice given on how to fall asleep in desperate times. Again.
>Do so using Yiddish I as a buffer :^) because they won't let me drop all of my classes, I had to add one, remove one, add another, remove another, etc.
Have you ever made a mistake? Staying in Physics wouldn't have been any easier. At least I've taken a class involving proofs before, I just haven't done so in over a year.
Morning everyone
I'm so god damn tired all the time. So sick of this nap sleep schedule already, and the only way I can fix it is drinking which I can't do with these fucking kidney stones. This sucks
Hey 4am, quick question, but can any of you recount your dreams in a sorta stream of consciousness way? Try telling your dream as blatant and as thorough as possible.
What up user, how's it been?
Morning, faggots.
The original Deus Ex, Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines and System Shock 2.
doodles anyone?
Hope everyone is having a good one.
I'm pretty drained today, dunno why. I had a pretty good sleep but doing anything feels like a chore
Way too many.
just don't bother waking up anymore
do the world a favor
Mind sharing that advice? I'd like to be able to fall asleep without relying on pills for once.
A lot.
When are all the regular posters here going to kill themselves, I'm serious too, you are so pathetic you will never achieve a thing in your life you may as well just buy a feelium tank and let go.
These threads are like watching a car wreck in slow motion on your front lawn that just ploughed your waifu.
Good, just tired is all.
I generally don't dream when I sleep.
Force yourself awake at a consistent time and you'll start going to sleep to match it after a bit.
Good morning everybody
How was your day/is your morning so far?
Looking forward to anything coming up?
too many
no, I can't. I'm lucky if I remember a dream for longer than the first hour or two after waking up.
What the hell kind of gibberish is that.
RIP user.
Mine are always like that. If you mean by "stream of consciousness" you mean just like I'm living the dream though.
I ended up taking a class on the other side of town where I've never been to and missed the first week. The prof is also apparently a colossal benis so I can't wait for class on monday. College is bullshit.
Pirated Enter the Gungeon today. It's pretty good.
Darksiders 2 was in there but my PC went to shit while I was in the middle of it. I honestly don't know what to do with it except wait and hope it gets worse in a way that helps me find the problem. A BSOD would almost be welcome right now.
Stop waking up for the threads and get your life priorities straight.
Hello my fellow reddit users. Have you played Skyrim today?
I was working on making a Deus Ex film while Mercedes Martin gave me a blow job.
How goes it hombre?
Same. Good luck with your endless restlessness.
Thats not really the issue. Once I take a random nap then I get this fucked up schedule where I only sleep a few hours. Since I only sleep a few hours I can't stay awake very long which makes it hard to fix. But since I'm sleeping every 8 hours of so I also can't ever get a full night of sleep.
Prince albert?
Draw some Yoko tiddies or somethin'
this mousepad is so comfy. If only it was warm too
Ay fambulance how's it goin?
Was it in a can?
But user, don't you know that piracy is okay I guess!
Melatonin pills.
A glass of wine before bed.
I can remember vivid enough dreams for the rest of the day if a dream really sticks with me. Other than that, and after a while, it's just vague notions.
I've been having a lot of dreams about marriage lately for some reason. Real scary shit, too. An even distribution of being the groom and the bride thusfar. Thanks, subconcious.
Is the worst of it over and you're preventing new ones, or are you still having to pass that shit?
No kidding.
I've had semesters like that before. Commuting ended up taking more time than the actual classes themselves, since I had a day where I had to go from school A, to school B, back to school A, back to school B, and then home.
Good times.
it's a tobacco brand for pipe smoking
no it was bagged. still a good ammount inside and smells aight.
Can you recount any of your dreams, nonsense and all?
Piracy is the best way to approach things in this age of shit games, cunty devs, and broken promises.
Holy shit, why didn't I find out about this game sooner?
a lot of ace attorney
all the mega man x and zero games
the rest of DaS3 and DDDA
tactics ogre
you were busy preaching to retards
I don't remember shit when I wake up, but sometimes I see something vaguely related to my dream days later and I'll recall it all randomly.
Ho yeah. Didn't do much today. Autistically wrote out a timeline for the setting of that game my brother and I are making instead of doing coding for it. Made the character creation screen but bork'd the get or whatever it's called and have been slamming my head against the wall trying to fix it.
None. It's complete.
Evening, Smokes.
draw that set of news articles from zimbabwe but instead of mugabe saying that whites will never return, make it pepe saying that normalfags will never return and then begs for help to alleviate mass tfwnogf.
Bonerload soon.
I hope I can find my old wizard hat and bathrobe
Pretty sure I passed it during the thread that I first got it actually. I took a piss halfway through and coulda sworn I saw a tiny black stone in the water after.
Wasn't going to stick my hand in to find out though!
And trying to prevent new ones. I drank just the day before I had that last one. Bet it was the last straw to cause it.
Hey there man, how are things?
I've learned to only do one class per day, thankfully they also have online courses.
Why aren't you playing video games? I bet you're watching movies on your Xbox.
Going pretty all-right, same old same old. Still frying, still haven't heard back from those places I applied too. I'm gonna start studying my PTCB book next week when my friend starts school.
How've you been? Play any good vidya recently?
Piracy is not knowing that the only winning move is not to play.
I fuckin told you m8
And stop making me read the bible! You are making me look like the better Christian!
God fucking damn it, codenigger, this is going to fuck my reaction picture folder's non-organization.
I'd say it was a winning move here. I got a game I'm enjoying a lot for free, so I know that when I can afford to, it's worth supporting the developer. I guess I mostly just use it as a demo, nowadays.
My boxing gloves arrived!
Hitting the bag is really fun, but man did it make me realize how out of shape I was. Hitting it for a while made my arms feel like noodles.
Yesterday was a good day. Gonna keep practicing, lose some weight and git gud at fighten.
Nah, usually just specific events and motifs involved. My mind is such a clusterfuck that whenever I dream, there's more nonsense than sense. Like when I was in pre-K, I had a dream I was roaming around a Seaworld park we'd gone to previously. I opened a door, and I was in the YMCA where my pre-K was held. There's more of that than there is logic in my dreams.
That's rough fam. I'm sure you can soldier through if it means staying in good health, though.
I've had problems in the past with online classes, and I've become adverse to them. I need the structure of an in-person class, and I find it easier to learn material if I'm present in class. If they work for you, though, more power to you.
that doesn't sound right
I'm not sure what you mean. But you just made me think of a necromancer mod, does it exist?
Why stop? Might as well go all out Rits, it might do you good.
I rest my case
When you coming back to my neck of the woods hombre?
You taking classes? Gonna actually box?
Seems like fun!
Does it still twerk?
I wish. I suspect it's my smoking, I'm waking up to breathing difficulties and coughing fits with increasing frequency
I used to keep a dream diary, made my dreams really intense for a long time. Pretty fun but it fucked me up a bit
Same as always, thanks for askin'. How's it goin' for you man?
You don't want to talk bad about Mugabe, he's one of dinocrisisfag's Christian brothers who fought the evil sinful secular government of Ian Smith. People like that sent him money at the time.
Playing video games would imply doing something productive.
You brought this on yourself.
Or you could just sort by "date" you know.
I've never done anything "in good health" though.
Fine I'm stopping until you come back then.
do wizards piss on their robes?
yes, we regularly piss on our robes
This is the third night I think I talk to the same user. What's your stance? Lest I forgot.
Evening everyone, what are you all drinking tonight?
I got a new bottle of vodka-chan so I am set
Emulator games are the worse to have on the backlog, they just sit there yet you never get round to playing them.
I am drunk but number 4 you can't factor (ab-b^2) into (b(a-b)) because it is missing a "b"
keep up drinking with me instead fam
Just drink vodka straight to destroy those kidney stones fam.
pretty good, just started the new semester. Classes are so much easier when the semester is 16 weeks long.
That's exactly what I want to hear though. Just try compiling all the thoughts together, even if they end up cluttered and barley legible. Try not to rationalise what you think, and instead just go into a stream of consciousness.
I-if you want to, I'm not forcing you to or anything
It's never too late to start giving a shit about your health. Gotta eke out every iota out of this shitfest of an existence, because it won't give anything back to you.
people don't change
they become more and more spiteful when faced with their vices
I just want someone I can trust to talk politics with. My family is all liberals, to where I feel nervous even speaking my opinion. Being the youngest doesn't help either. It's driving me nuts since I feel they will just misinterpret what I say. It isn't even that Holla Forums tier level of politics, it's just basic stuff like gun laws.
Where do you guys go for politics? I'm just going crazy with the fact I don't talk about it.
Backlog is big, I don't feel like listing it off.
Has it been 2 weeks since you applied yet? I heard calling in helps probably. I've been alright, haven't played anything new, just the same old shit I always play. Thanks for asking all the same though.
Having a backlog is for queers. I just play whatever interests me at any given moment, because intertubes.
Also, you're all a gay.
If alcohol destroyed kidney stones I'd be more drunk than you are. I think I gotta chug lemon juice to stop them.
I'm pretty old and busted at this point though. My hearts always been shitty and smoking while laying around not doing anything for 7 years NEET made that so much worse.
Not yet. Watching video guides for the basics to learn those and get in better shape before I try and join a local boxing gym. Feel like I'd be too embarrassed to go to one as I am now. As for if I'll actually box other people outside of sparring I don't know, guess if depends if I actually become decent at boxing.
Anyone have a link to download 40k Codexs
i found out what was wrong with my memepost, and fixed it accordingly.
kill yourself my man
I bet you don't even mod your own games. Lazy peasant.
stop being such a pussy. It's your family, you can reveal your power level. If you're afraid of them, remember, they're liberals. Don't be afraid of people who would voluntarily get raped by their government +/- a nigger.
Fair enough, a lot of people end up going down that route anyway when it comes to piracy.
Maybe try the share thread?
holy hell
To what?
Hah, you say that but I have seen proof of the other. Some people need to just lay down their pride and come to face the truth. I have done it, my father has done it, my grandfather has done it. We're all inherently stubborn and prideful too.
Keep up the good work, user.
I mean mount and blade 2 bannerlord is coming.
Well I have pictures the I edited and changed their filename to the original file's number plus 1 so they'd be next to each other.
General reaction pictures are together in one folder and I remember which ones are in what order based on when I saved them. It really is a mess but it works because everything I save falls into a predictable place.
30/200 lines of coding AND THEY ALL WERK
They're more up my alley, since math and the like was always my best subject. Problem is I haven't taken a math class in years, so you know, fingers crossed.
My mother left Pepsi at my place, but all this talk of kidney stones has me hesitant to drink any of it, now. It's okay if it's just a 6-pack every few months, right?
I think a lot of pirates want to support devs, but the way the industry is now makes it a losing move unless you've done a lot of research. Doesn't help that demos are becoming less and less common.
Who's face are you gonna be fisting muchacho, or is it just exercise?
I'd at least do a few more intense fights if I were you. Learning how to be able to take a punch to the face is a valuable skill.
To our secret club
Thats just autistic now
So, I take it the great avatarfag purge never happened? Why am I not surprised.
nice trips
No idea honestly. We may try to go up there for Thanksgiving, but I haven't a clue right now.
Got a box of assorted teas in today, it's 8 packets of 8 different flavors. I've gone through some Green Tea and "Lemon Life" today since I got home from work. I'm just drinking some water now though.
I just don't talk about it. My family is conservative, but some of my views are more centralist/right-leaning centralist on some issues, though that's more from a lack of caring.
Yeah, I called the pharmacy and they told me that the website just said they were accepting positions because they need people in the front at the register n shit. I was kind of disappointed. So I'm kinda stuck again until I get my ass out there to apply at other places.
I forgot what you usually play
Sho' nuff.
there's always time for you to make a wiki for my mario fanfic
a-and be my boyfriend…
How the fuck did this happen to me? How did I end up such a puritan? Has all this time on the internet completely ruined my ability to find anything sexually attractive or arousing?
Have you tried sleeping with your cigarettes next to your bed so you can light up as soon as you wake up?
One again I am shilling the best book written by the best author of the 20th century. The Silmarillion of course motherfuckers. Here is your daily dose!
just drink straight alcohol rather then those bitch ass drinks you have and you won't have any kidney stones
as long as you mix it with vodka/bourbon you will be fine fam.
fam that is the gayest response I have ever had.
wait a bit longer
everyone falls back into their habits
like an addict they think they have overcome it, but just one moment is enough to make them break down
like a pretentious vegan
Yeah thats 100% fine user. Just don't drink it every day, and always stay hydrated!
And lemme know if you wanna do somethin then.
I want to marry this image.
I respect your dedication to your craft.
you too, user
if ritsu won't then i'll take you
I heard that nigga.
I can at least talk to dad about some stuff (not so much race or the JQ, but general stuff; helps that he's big on Trump) as well as one of my friends, but mom's the sort that seems like a libshit, watches MSM all the time and believes whatever they say, thinks BLM is in the right, etc.
I think some got banned multiple times and either came back afterward or ban evaded, and shitsu now tripfags instead. Might be wrong though
Got a pdf of that you can dump?
Sorry but I have a wife.
I usually just drink it straight. I got rid of all my liquor recently, too, because I have a problem.
Oh, I'm hydrated as shit. I go through a lot of water.
iz gon b lyk dis nycka
Hope you aren't looking at 3dpd
Whiskey sours would be better though.
You'll be fine then!
If smoking isn't literally the first thing you do in the morning, you're a faggot.
The only acceptable substitute is taking a piss if your body turns all the way on before you get outside.
Neat. More to look forward to, and until then I can just play the orginal because that's still new to me.
best feel
Nah. Your loss anyways. Bible = good.
Nah, with Christ you can overcome any challenge. The inner battle against your own flesh can be won, like Peter wrote. Temptation won't win against the righteous, it's been proven before by the prophets. Furthermore, we have something they don't anyways.
You can find pretty much anything on #bookz on irc. Made plenty of use of it when I had an ereader
The watermark really spices things up.
God damn right I don't.
people should follow Judas' example and hang themselves once they're let their vices show
oh, hey DMX
good to see you're not banned
i stopped visiting because i assumed this thread would be dead
also i'm glad i didn't watch the movie, it looks like shit compared to the book
so are people still getting avatarbanned
Picture not loading for anyone else?
I've smoked for 7 years and its never been the first thing I do. I prefer breakfast first.
But I always wake up feeling super shitty so.
I'll do one of those christian thingies that mean I never go to heaven if you don't!
Why does Mark keep taking these half measures?
I mean, I can't tell you the nitty-gritty of each and every second of the few hours I end up dreaming each night. Even the more vivid ones, I only end up remembering seconds at a time.
One more recently I had, I was getting ready for bed on the night before I was meant to get married. For some reason, I was getting ready at the same time my supposed fiance was as well, although I couldn't see her face because of the whole "you can't see your wife the night before and the day of the wedding because bad luck" shit, but I knew she was there and we were talking about shit. For some reason I had asked her "You really want to do this?" or something to that effect, and instead of a strong, decided answer, I got a very pathetic "I guess." I got impatient and asked something along the lines of, "You guess? Do you want to get married or not?"
I still get chills at the thought of that conversation that never happened with someone who never existed. And that was all of maybe five seconds.
I'm too tired to rationalize through it, but I believe they both have bs.
It's never too late to turn your life around. I'm going to keep repeating it because if I can't say it to you with a straight face, I'll never be able to turn my own life around once I stop being a fat, lazy fuck.
I didn't expect an answer because I didn't add an academic-looking anime girl and "You should be able to solve this." But that might be it, actually. I'll review it when it's not 4AM.
You don't gotta be a bully about it, though.
Heh, I know why.
Anyone else here replays some game over and over and over and over again?
Mark did it.
This sounds weird but I suggest listening to the Martin Shaw audiobook before reading it. You get to hear all the wonderful pronunciations of the odd names and places spoken correctly and naturally. It's probably the only time I'd suggest listening to the audiobook over reading, but his reading of it is just that DAM GOOD. If you can wait I'll be able to post the book as well as the audiobook tomorrow.
thanks man, it's a labor of love every time
…also i'm still not love-laboring, fugg
the kill yourself is to whoever wanted to divide by zero in the first place.
You aren't allowed to do that or you would be as powerful as they are
this is fucking amazing
now you tripfags look even more retarded
That's good, because I love soda.
#bookz is pretty out of date sometimes, bookzz.org
You'll be fiiiiiiiiiiiiiine.
I miss playing demos for hours on end in anticipation for new vidja. Was fun.
Thank you, user. I'll try my best. My arms may still be sore but it's a good kinda feeling. Makes me feel like I achieved something.
Well in sparring you're gonna get hit too, just with a face guard on. Getting into a pro ring without a face guard does sound like it could be fun and it'd probably be worth doing at least once. But I'm still a long ways away from that.
I haven't been banned in like 2 days so far.
And luckily I never turned out fat. Dunno how really.
I got a job, working in the back of a department store, it's alright, mostly me and my co-workers fucking around. Haven't slept in 6 days, insomnia is a bitch. My cousin brought his faggot boyfriend over to my grandmothers 80th birthday the other week and he was an annoying little shit so I beat the fucking shit out of him and now my family thinks I'm insane (which I might be for all I fucking know) but at least I don't think he's going to press charges. And my landlords daughter is coming onto me but she's a mediocre looking normalfag cunt.
I don't know if I'm in more or less control then the last time I posted here but I feel more alive.
Yeah, no pictures will load now, and the thumbnails are broken too.
Yeah, I should be around. Thanks.
That's fine man, I was just looking for the more abstract parts of dreams. Also nice digits.
I played the UT2004 demo for two years before I got a real copy, because the demo could play online. Bought a new copy of the Editor's Choice Edition for $10 at EBGames.
But they're good. im gonna try the earl gray and mint ones tomorrow night It's not like I started putting sugar in my tea or coffee or something.
You can bet on that mah nigga
what are you, some sort of faggot?
Dead Space, every Halloween. Been doing it for 3 years in a row so far.
It's just Ron being retarded again. It's the same reason filenames changed.
Open them in their own tab.
more like the few ruined it for everyone
oh i been banned monica balee dat
i got bant for bein black in 2 many threads
I think this is the right one, i've never read it.
Most just stopped avatarfagging.
Alternatively follow Jesus' example and live an exemplary, holy life in servitute of the Lord. :^)
Not sure what you mean. Unless you mean blasphemy.
I did too sadly
Ahhh ok. I always figured sparring were those training vids where they mostly tap each other
You're a good bloke
This is going to help me pretty well for setting up my self for this tournament on Saturday
The Kikes have been getting more and more degenerate at their pornography and that's saying something
No wonder your dick ain't feeling iyt
Then the ones who are massively asshurt about it use trips.
n-no, but i'll become one for (((you)))
i dunno, i-if it helps…
you keep on fighting the black fight my nigga
you top nigga
why would I follow god's follower :^)
Mega of the audiobook where?
Aim a little higher, mate. Even if he was a carbon copy of the character it would be horrible.
Looks like much isn't going to change gameplay-wise in bannerlord so I get the feeling it'll be a graphics update plus an expansion more than a whole new game. Hesitant to say that's a good thing because I did get a bit burnt out on it and I'm hoping it'll be fresh enough to reignite my interest.
Also don't forget to buy factories and such from the guild master in the cities. Probably the best piece of advice I can give because I'm pretty sure even the guild master isn't mentioned in the tutorials or anything in-game.
Damn shame, what about the other shit?
Horrible shit like meme fortress 2
user, I've beat REmake over 5 times in the last month.
Am I the only one who finds it coincidental that they decide to do maintenance during the 4AM thread?
I was just thinking earlier about getting that screenshot from Life is Tumblr about sacrificing the cunt or killing everyone and replacing the cunt with avatarfags and the town with Holla Forums.
Too bad I'm lazy.
Doesn't work, just get the link broken image.
also was at da hospital mosta yesterday
baby cryin i prolly get bant now ne way peace nigz
But I need to brew my coffee first so I have a fresh pot waiting for me when I'm done
Code nig probably doesn't even know this thread exists.
The ironic 2pure vanillaposting is getting to you.
I guess it's a good thing for me that I get sick after having more than one of these bottles in a day..
Fine tell me how to activate this blaspheme curse!
I love that pic
And don't forget the biggest thing about bannerlord is better modding tools, which will make all the overhauls that much better.
Try doing it on the actual filename rather than what the server ascribes to it. Refreshing the thread might work.
welp, just came back from redoing the practical part of my geometry exam (1st semester IT systems)
i think they somehow cheated us and told us incorrectly how much time is left, half of the hall was exiting at least an hour early
regardless, i fucked up yet again. out of 4 tasks, i only did one and a half. and by a half, and i'm not even remotely sure how correct they are
technically if they're right i still have a chance to pass, but it's pretty small
hopefully i can at least pass 2 of my remaining 3 exams
And we're back. What's your favorite mod 4 AM?
Doesn't exist. At least not for me. My subconscious shifts gears so fast that I end up having several dreams in the same session, all relatively disconnected from one another. I'll end up walking through a door, ending up in a new setting, forgetting what I was doing, and picking up a new plot point.
We all have our vices. Even if I did get better, I'm pretty sure I'm so broken from years of having no self-esteem that I wouldn't recover. But I wouldn't be posting here if I had a shred of self-esteem, now would I?
Keep it my friend, she's yours.
Wait, images are working again now. Going to refresh the thread and see if everything broken works again.
for a moment everything was alright
maybe it's time to block images in every 4am thread
at least you have standards
>Got rid of all my liquor
Good on you if it was that much of a problem, but you should of sent it too me fam
Would still give you kidney stones, just drink whiskey straight fam.
Straight unlike you kek.
images do seem ded
it would just be word play/manipulation but get some sleep then read through it again and you will see the one bs thing stick out.
as long as you don't put milk/cream in your coffee you are fine fam.
Whacha playan?
I used to with cigs, but now with cigars I can't have one on an empty stomach so I can't do that anymore.
Wait why were you at the hospital?
Sick how?
Self esteem has never been a probably for me personally. Hopefully you can get through that user. Maybe getting /fit/ or at least in better shape will help a lot
To be honest it isn't 100% ironic, there is a lot of truth in pure 2d
What up dog
At least it'll make spotting 4cucks easier now.
Hmm. Acceptable. Stimulants.
It's too late. I already made it pregnant and now I don't want it anymore.
Maybe I should just drink lemon juice straight instead.
Didn't the old ones pretty much match up though?
My friends and I play a lot of Fortress Forever. We've already recently found out that Fistful of Frags still has an active player base. It's weird going from playing lots of TF derivatives to straight Team DM, but FoF is fun as fuck.
I have a very really bad sweet tooth. I've managed to cut back a little throughout the years, but not enough to lose weight. Exercise might help, but my shit diet is the real culprit.
Yeah, seeing that an hour ago didn't help how shocking it appeared. I'll be better off in the morning.
Could you explain what you mean by that?
Images are back. You should go play Skyrim.
I do stupid things when I drink, and I drink a lot. I finished off my bottle of Crown Royal Black, and gave the other stuff away.
Nauseous, kind of dehydrated feeling.
i-i'm feeling depressed
i decided to watch anime instead….
I don't roll that way. 100% Women only for me
Haven't called that Firehouse Subs back yet, but I need to put my application in at the Hobby shop. I filled one out, but you have to take it back there yourself, and I haven't gotten around to that yet.
dear god smokes. As long as your having fun I suppose, that's what counts.
Eh, I just play it every Halloween as sort of my own personal tradition, because it's one of my favorite spooky games, if not my favorite.
prolly not
that's fucking nasty, makes my stomach churn thinking about it. Most I'll put in my coffee is about a half-teaspoon of non-dairy creamer, if not just black. And absolutely no sugar.
Isn't it lethal at 7?
Same thing for a lot of people. That's when most people try to recount their dreams to concretely. I've yet to find someone who can describe that sorta nonsensical transition, and by nonsense, I mean pure going against anything coherent, not just random stuff happening out of nowhere. The only way I can describe it, is like a really poorly edited film.
I think the first demos I got were some cd's that pizza hut gave away for ps1, damn that feels so far away.
I never had a sweet tooth until recently, but lately I've been eating choco like crazy.
Thats a hard habit to drop user, good luck
Oh thats weird
Hi my name is user and I'm a 4am'er. Long time listener, first time caller.
Both sites used UNIX timestamping. That's why early images from 4cuck will start anywhere from 10-13, rather than 14.
I wonder if anyone left because of the new rule.
Can't tell if this is some kind of joke I'm missing or what
And I wonder how many purely lurkers we have in the thread, SPEAK UP IF YOU ARE.
And how are you doing user?
I'm reletively new so to get to the point number I have to combine my Space Marine, IG My IG is just 2 10 man squads though and Chaos Squads
I probably won't win but I'm going to give it my best shot and hope I at the very least come close to winnoing a game
Oh, I know that.
What I meant was you had to search the filenames on Jewgle, halfchan filenames came up in Google on active halfchan threads/halfchan archives while 8ch ones didn't.
Now all you need is to just look at the filename outright.
Pure coincidence.
No I heard it was like at least 20, although I don't think anyone really knows, longest I've been up is 8, then I just drink a shitload of booze and it puts me to sleep but I fucking hate doing that. And by not sleeping I mean for no significant amount of time, I got 45 minutes earlier and then I couldn't get back to sleep so here I am.
It's more like mild amnesia. Something else comes up somewhere else, so I tend to it, and by the time I'm done, I'm wrapped up in something else so much that I forgot what I was doing. Glad I'm not the only one, though. I thought it was from the severe ADHD.
Yeah it is. I know if I don't kick it soon, I'll probably end up Diabetic, if I'm not already. Maybe I don't give my body enough credit for dealing with my bullshit, but it's constantly in the back of my mind. Just not enough to actually fix my shitty lifestyle.
It's rare to see 12xx these days, let alone anything before.
hai. trying to find the will to sleep like all of you. decided to funpost with the cool kids. how you?
Do they at least grade on a curve, or did they shoot that plane down before it even took off?
it's pretty bad tongiht
They don't already have that option?
Keep in mind Holla Forums doesn't show up on Jewgle searches anyway.
I have a lot of 13xx, but 11xx images were pretty much only relegated to people who managed to save all their shit from when they were using 4cuck in 2007 or prior.
deus ex
serious sam
far cry
blood dragon
codename 47
silent assasin
legend of grimrock
quake 2
resident evil
RoTT remake
four feathers
a roman wilderness of pain
after i see the rest of Tim Curry's brilliant acting in RA3 of course
Absolutely a pure coincidence :^)
A lot of people just like to shitpost, and if you're around enough shitposting long enough, if done just right, people end up falling for it thinking it's legitimate.
Listen and listen close. Come closer.
spay and neuter your pets
You ever try like eating substitutes? Super dark chocolate and the like?
And the fear of diabetes freaks me the fuck out. My grandma got it old and I don't want that shit.
I'm good. Might hop on majoras mask in a bit when the thread dies down, getting closer to 100% every day.
Whats got you awake at this time of night?
I probably have some 11xx pictures bouncing around on my old hard drive because I obsessively save everything.
why drink lemon juice straight when you can drink alcohol straight instead?
I am drinking but I am sure I figured out number 4 is the fuckery one.
everyone does stupid things when drunk though?
But good work anyway
Less of a fag then some people in the thread, good work!
Even with that shitty tea set
I think the show I'm watching just killed off one of the main characters. They're playing it like I'm supposed to be sad but she's a cunt who's caused pretty much every major problem in the series.
Good shit. Tournaments are a good way to get a better understanding of the rules. Just watch out for cheaters and scrubs they're everywhere at my lgs
Do you do only doodles, or have do you have any finished works?
I should get a dog again
train him to bark at faggots and shit on their shoes
Mine are exceptionally dumb. For the time being at least, I shouldn't be drinking.
Sounds like somebody's asking for a shotgun wedding.
That's what I fucking said, though.
>while 8ch ones didn't
Fuck you smoke
You ever got that run time thing done?
I had that happen when I was helping with the short lived Boston Salt Party 3.0
I lost all the shit I had because I obsessively try to keep as little as possible.
But if you actually look up Holla Forums on Jewgle, you get Holla Forums.pl and a whole lot of off site articles.
why are you posting that dick tongued fang lipped noseless mutant?
I've worked on getting myself down to one sweet thing per day, be that ice cream, a milkshake, watermelon, whatever. Some things are better than others, but I try not to go full retard as often as I have in the past. It takes a lot of self-control for that, God only knows how I'll manage to cut it down more, if I can.
I'm about as fucked up sober as you are drunk, so I believe you.
If you do get the job at firehouse, try to fight the urge to plant your balls on a sandwich that's getting sent off to some jerkass, I hear they got laws against that kind of thing now.
I play it because there's nothing else to do.
Why would you even do that?
Because girls eating is cute
Morning everyone. Just woke up. Was gonna take a 2 hour nap but ended up just sleeping. Did I miss anything?
but only since you asked so nicely…
my "bernie sanders gives birth to 77 goat babies" chapter will finally finish today! or maybe tomorrow, i dunno, i have like eight babies left, it depends on how much i rant i guess
this sicks, women tend to be horrible math teachers. oh well at least I still have the wisdom from my previous math teacher from 8th and 11th grade
Howdy, how's life?
Of course but 2d woman are at least 1/3rd rooted in the typically traditional style of western woman, and that traditional style is what we want, we don't want cheap sex every other weekend what we want is someone to depend on us and someone we can depend on, someone we can share our best and our worst with, someone that can better ourselves and to better them
3dpd is such a meme because as woman are typically a lot more susceptible than males to idea I'm not saying it's bad but in the right conditions it is abused against both the male and female, we're the way we are so we can best survive to the conditions we are in and I fully accept that
I have brain damage. I miss all of the /vp/ shit I had saved from when the board was first made too. Please kill me. At least I managed to stop.
yeah, stop doing that will ya
Righteous. Haven't played Majora's since it came out. Still hold up? Nursing a wound and strung out on stress/kratom. Back in the game next week though so it's gravy train bb.
i used to change my filenames from 13 to 12 to be cool
Isn't watermelon pretty good for that?
And congrats! Keep it up!
How much you exercising?
Ayyy yui!
You got school today or?
>Started looking into a post-highschool education to get a chance to get whatever fucking paper will land me at a company to start programming video games
I'm going to gain control of my life or die trying.
You're probably right, then again I think when I was told about the 7 day rule it meant no naps or anything like that. Either way man, you might want to see a doctor for shit that severe.
Yep, they killed the unlikable cunt. Good riddance.
i haven't done anything lately, but there's and some comics i'll post here
Codemonkey is every bit as much of a kike as Mark, turns out.
Don't flatter me for being a piece of shit, even if it's slightly pared down.
I need to get back into exercising. I did a weightlifting class a while back, felt awesome when I did it, but stopped once I stopped having a reason to do so. Maybe I'll start working out at school after class or something. My diet is the real lynchpin, but that shouldn't preclude me from exercising.
Maybe I should get into cardio instead. Save myself the trip to the gym.
So just a ton of pokeporn? Pretty sure you can get that anywhere lad
Its surprisingly pretty great for its age. Its camera never really fucks you up which is rare for n64 era.
The hell is kratom? Some kind of drug?
A whole shitload of JRPGs. I can only take so much turn based combat.
In other news, the apartment is cool, school is alright, I can sleep in today, and I have liquor so things are good
Nice, I just recently finished that about a month ago.
One of the best FPS ever made, imo.
I thought the board-tans for /vp/ were really neat.
Thanks, I'll keep up the good work I don't' even drink sweet tea anymore
I just like flavored stuff I guess
That'll be hard, I love whipping my balls out and just resting them on people's sandwiches
I kid. I've gotten pretty tolerant to asshole customers/bullshit orders in the past year. Not that they still don't irk me, but I can handle it.
too true
Best of luck to ya then m8, it's an uphill fight
do you ever take your doodles further than doodles? I mean cleaning up line-art and coloring them? I guess really I'm just low-key asking for some more yoko, gotta love them thighs of her's
Good fucking riddance in that case.
What did I do now?
I love how you niggers complain about avatarfags ruining hte threads, but you faggots practically live to tell them to kill themselves. This is an 18+ board.
I think I explained this. I go to school M/W and have Teusday off and 4 day weekends. Shit's great. I might hook up my nogamestation 4 today and play some EDF4 or some Senran Kagura EV.
FEAR is ballin. I still have a physical copy from way back when.
Even with a horrible diet, at least exercising will stop you from gaining any weight back. And if it made you feel awesome then really try to do it again. People always go on about how exercising helps people be happier, but I don't think it works for everyone. Be glad you are one of the ones that do!
Nah I'm not super super into pokemon so didn't check it out until I found showderp.
Wouldn't care about pokemon at all if it weren't for nostalgia.
Be an idiot like usual
"If you act like a retard it's gonna get retarded in here" -Voltaire or some shit
Agreed. Her latest exploit was trying to have the main character killed because she's a spiteful twat.
I'd love to have a physical copy, too. Just to have it.
you're a tripfag now, remember?
if you can't take the heat, kill yourself
Well if by some reason I win I know I'm taking home some IG as my prize
Naps don't pan out for you either huh? Same.
Bit of all right. Lots of change which is good. How's shit on your end?
I'll give it another go. Have fond memories of it.
Ya, it's a legal opiod analogue. Kinda powering through to get back to work.
God damn you really are a legend
You are under the assumption I ever know what day of the week it is!
How many games you got for ps4 anyway? It worth even considering yet?
They move too fast in my experience.
overall pretty good
I was fairly into it ~6 years ago when the board was first made.
They're about to release a new model, just wait.
Fam you gotta step up, you gotta go accelerationist and hit up that fourth dimensional plane of existence female nawmsaiyan. If you think 3dpd is bad, just wait and see what's in store when you open up that third eye.
Yea man I'm fine, sleep is the least of my worries, I might be in court soon for all I know, I might be dead soon. Whatever, if I do die or end up in prison, I had a good run in life anyways.
Does it actually get you messed up or is it one of those things for junkies to not have withdrawals with?
I'll check pokemon out every few years, laugh at the stupid new shit they added, play a little on showdown, maybe emulate a playthrough and drop it for another 3-4 years.
Been doing that since gen 1.
And ooooh right that slim one
at least you learnt from your mistakes, I couldn't seperate from my vodka-chan unless something terrible happens
Next monday fam.
If I fail I get cut and have to wait until next intake or find a different job.
wow you dumb then how you get into math class then?
Who needs maths when you have alcohol fam!
Your calculator will do all the work for you anyway.
Good luck man, good to see that people are trying to stitch their life back together. If it's not too personal, how old are you? I'm trying to regain control, but sometimes it feels like I'm getting to old for that at.
There isn't any reason to be interested in it outside of seeing what stupid shit they decide to do.
What's apartment life like? Is it comfy?
jesus mother of fuck
did you actually read that far
i got burned out for like two months because it was taking so long
but i usually write in short week-long bursts anyway, so eh
Guilty Fear Xrd Revelator
EDF 4.1
Senran Kagura EV
Bloodborne (came with the console)
FUCK NO, this shit really does have no games. I mean, there's a few but not worth the 200 dollars I paid for mine, let alone 400. I kind of want that Assault Suit Leynos sequel in Japan right now though.
Not gonna lie, that bicycle kick was fuckin' baller.
Good luck! You restin up?
Maybe you should lay off the sauce.
Whats the dumbest thing they showed off this gen so far? Besides that stupid egg tree fucker.
And I actually liked mega slowbro, that was the right kind of stupid.
Because the CS department won't take me until next Fall, if they take me at all. I'm in baby Math for a reason. But hey, at least baby Math is less of a toilet paper degree than CS is at this point, right? I won't pretend any of my decisions in life were good ones. This is no exception. It's gonna be a real wild ride, this one is.
The patience of a saint. Customer service sounds awful.
Why bring that up now?
9/10 from someone with a moderate history. Go Maeng Da if you decide to try it.
Personally loved apartment life. It's all the cozy of parental basement except you feel proud walking around naked. Downside is crime and people wanting to develop relationships.
I haven't been paying attention because I haven't given a shit about the series for 4 years now.
Oh man I hate characters like that. If you're gonna be a bad guy at least do it right, don't be a petty bitch about it.
No, I just saw 10 MILLION COINS, maybe I'm part Kike and seeing coins triggered a 1% Jude instinct AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Apartment life at least in my experience is hell, you have to worry about being noisy because of neighbors but usually they're fucking noisy as shit anyways, you have to pay rent which is fucking stupidly overpriced, it manages to be even more soulless than suburbs, and the landlord can be an asshole because if you don't like it, you can get out.
Positive change I hope. Everything on my end's been alright, pretty consistent as always, thank you for asking.
Ahhh I'll definitely hold out then. Might have could of asked my folks for one for xmas maybe.
How is it consumed? Is it one of those funky african nuts?
Ahhh yeah I can see why
well i had plenty of jew shit, like an intermission where mario teamed up with space hitler and some aryans to take earth back from israel
vodka is the only thing that lets me sleep.
Will do nothing on sunday so hopefull I will pass it easily with a full night sleep.
math is easy enough to learn if you are not a retard, and math is always a usefull degree.
Unless you had caring parents who planned out the early stages of your life or were smart enough to do it yourself most peoples lifes were shitty ones.
Nah only ritsu is the baka here.
Wait what? What happened?
Now the goys know!
tbh I feel bad because I was playing Black/White and I was graduating hs.
Just get yourself a SEGA CD or something. I got one last year for my birthday and it was one of the best ideas I ever had.
If I actually get the urge to
I could post the d.va again but I do it like each thread
I know you probably didn't intend for that to do so but very good job
Now's a good a week as any, innit?
I beat the shit out of my faggot cousins faggot boyfriend, did you read my first post beyond the sleep thing? and as for dying a stray bullet might fly through the wall and hit me in the head or a bus might hit me, you never know
more liked scammed for
I mentioned apartment review sites online when moving in and never had a problem. Were you in a large place?
It's flux. Which is what it is. Consistent is underrated. Especially when it's comfy. Good to hear user.
Anally, sadly. You've heard of butt chugging? It's not bad once you get over the taste.
No don't these are awful people.
If you don't pass I'm going to be very disappointed in you
But I'll be kinda happy that you won't leave us
I've never really been a sega guy. Never owned them as a kid so
Just a good a time as any to buy a gun, right?
You will never finish your backlog
Gas the tripfags. Gas Mark because he's a literal jew.
This tbh
I don't understand why living at home is such a big deal. I don't magically become a loser because I'm living at home, I just go from being a loser living in an apartment to being a loser living at home. Correlation is not casuation.
I'm sure I can eke out something. Even if that something requires an inordinate amount of study. I am getting the stupid fucking Bachelor's Degree.
I'm just sick of fucking up everything I do and disappointing everyone around me in the process. Especially the latter. I just want to make people happy.
Heading off to bed, gotta work tomorrow and Friday. And Saturday.
Sleep tight everybody, catch you guys on the flipside~
Funny thing is, it's not even customer service really, it just people thinking we're a fucking Burger King and getting mad/complaining that we're not.
Sounds like I better hold off until I'm done with the college life in that case.
Kinda sorta. I'm ghetto adjacent. A couple blocks north there's chains and internet cafes, go south and the houses have bars on the windows.
I do need to keep much cleaner since the building apparently has a big cockroach problem. I've got to keep that up for a year since the lease isn't up until next August.
so have the avatar fags been banned yet?
You havin a giggle right?
Night yoza!
Everyone who can (and not eat it upping the stats) should have one, no doubt. Apartment fuckers are sneaky and will learn your sleep habits though.
Shit and here I thought I was finally the best at something.
oh, yeah, that was completely lost on me tbh
i also had some mexicans genocide a dimension filled with six million alternate marios and had that self-referenced a lot
nah, yeah, i already 'started' this week, though it's been going kind of poorly due to distractions
9 days and like 30k written so far. so not super, but whatever. will make up for it soon i guess
I'm in essentially an oversized house with 4 apartments. At the very least there's no mice or rats.
Yea I was planning on living with my parents until I had enough money to buy a house no mortgage, but I got laid off from my good job and my parents wanted me out. That's life I guess.
recent gen console games and other I barely want to play
Also Yakuza 1, 2, 3 and 4
I have them, I think they are on my PS3 but I just havn't gotten around to playing them
I don't know physics or the rule where 1=2
but in the end he said that 2 = 1 and isn't that not what the theorem says?
Ya, it's oral powder or preferably capsule. Really amazing in it's effectiveness and effects in general. It's a nice balance of stimulus/relaxant. Prob what ADD peeps feel when taking adderal for the first time. Not to sell it
I did, I was worried about the dying part. Is he a rich faggot?
I need to start heading down too. No staying up super late like I used to outside of weekends.
Dream of you're waifus, everyone.
The proof is fucked up, the exercise is finding what's wrong with it.
Fortunately, I have a good relationship with my mom, so she doesn't mind as long as I'm doing something and not a full-blown NEET. That might change in the future, but I'm too much of a hopeless loser to attempt to work and do school at the same time.
yeah… I don't know high math concepts
That it is, I've been ridin' this wave of "it's okay I guess"-ness for about a year now. Gotta say, it's okay, I guess.
That living situ is either amazing or terrible. Sorry user. Market's not changing any time soon that I've seen either.
The thing is though Mario is from the same Burrough of NY as Mark
I might as well dump whatever I have in my backlog since I never even bother to put a dent in it.
Me neither but they had the best games. Also the genesis had that dope FM synth.
Oh, you too?
Wait firehouse subs isn't a burger king?
Hopefully those trips will bring you good luck user.
No break-ins nearby recently I hope.
this game is better than gunstar heroes
Most have yeah.
Got my very first 8ch ban. Serves me right for posting a not k-on.
I was even posting about video games.
Also reminder to clean the inside of your computer regularly. Jesus. Just noticed at the amount of dust building up on my graphics card.
Then I'll be fine since I haven't had a consistent sleep schedule this year.
Wouldn't be surprised if TN banned it already. They always ban shit like that here fast.
Night peko!
It's usually okay until it's terrible. For us common folk anyway. Personally, I'll take the okay 10 out of 10 times.
Going to sleep. Hope you all dream of Jesus.
I got banned again, I guess smokes and catbra can post a theme but I can't.
That's letters right?
I'm surprised it took so long
Yea both my cousin and him are, I dunno, TECHNICALLY I could spin it as self defense since he hit me first however I dunno if there's a limit to self defense, like I don't think a slap warrants getting a hand full of hair getting ripped out kicked in the teeth, and knocked out. but it's been 3 weeks and I've heard nothing about it so I dunno.
Are you working or in school? if it's the latter I pity you fam.
Market would change if no one rented apartments because after all
Also it is a pretty nice place, to be honest, you walk in, there's a stairwell and the first apartment to your right, then a hallway and a door at the end of it for the second apartment then upstairs it's the same really, plus it's right next to the grocery store. I dunno maybe I'm just pissed because I'm paying some faggots mortgage and he's literally doing nothing but letting me stay on his property.
Yeah nah what a group of tossers ay
Nighty bud.
feels good bros
no, 30k words
on a good day when i don't procrastinate i can do 5-6k in an hour
this chapter i've been putting off for so long is like 53k right now, will probably be at least 60k when i'm done
Maybe he's playing some HH
Send me a recommended list sometime on steam when I'm looking for a game!
Night reg, fucking come home.
Mark's a fag, Holla Forums's going downhill, this site is fucked.
Now to Ritsu with the weather.
You can embed spoilers in spoilers? I haven't figured out how to pull that trick since we were on halfchan.
School. Non-stop since I graduated high school. And I graduated in 2011.
It wouldn't be the first time the mods have done this. I don't know why you're surprised, the mods hate video games.
Yo niggers, reminder Sonic 3 and Knuckles is one of the best examples of game design on the planet and only underageb& hipsters hate it.
Postan more FM.
Will do fam~
Fug. Since you're a prophet, can you fill this beer with whiskey? Damn, I thought UT was bad.
Sounds like a mistake fam. I worked construction since I graduated from high school in 2012 and made decent money, could've bought a half decent house when I was 27-28 if I didn't get laid off.
That's privileged information, user. White males only.
Same, tbh, I'm not complaining.
I'm too tired to come up with a good weather joke sadly testu lets see if that worked
it only worked because of trips, try it again
is it like kill all queers this?
I'm too broken physically to be able to work construction. Now welding. I should've gone to welding school.
I'm at the point now where I'm so fucking deep in this shit that it's worth it to persevere to the end rather than pulling out now. I wanna die.
Ha nah I just have experience with those fucking lawmakers from when I was in college and wanted to try that spice crap.
Ok testing again
It depends on the state really. Here's hoping he took it like a man for once and just got over it.
Going to test
I'd try it but I don't want to embarrass myself. Did you change your formatting options to something other than double asterisks, though? Or am I just not thinking abstractly enough?
Oh well. I'm going to be upset if it involves the use of [spoiler]
It takes me all day to get 3k words and that's during crunch time holy fuck m8
Heres a hint. You gotta try something old before you try something new!
Whatever it is he's doing, color me impressed. That's more than I've probably ever written all year.
knew it. only works on gets. about time mods had a proper troll instead of … well.
spice was garbage, didn't miss much other than weed with a hangover.
I fucking knew it
when you're listening to hyper music it's not hard to write 6k in an hour
right now i'm procrastinating so i'm probably at 2-3k an hour
but basically you just put your brain on 'garbage disposal mode'
when i'm writing serious stuff like porn i can do 1k in 45 mins to an hour i guess
i once did a chapter that was like 4-6k of just rapping / poetry
I dunno man, even I think I went a bit to far, that said he is a fag and I'd throw him in a bog, throat slit, given the chance, and he was saying that if you didn't vote Hilary Clinton you were a bigot, and when I told him to shut up he did start bitching at me and slapped me, and he did talk in a really bitchy tone, and didn't even care about grandmother who got diagnosed with cancer and is going to die soon. I take that back I didn't go to far, I should've fucking killed him
Nah that don't work for me, I'm just a shit writer is all. Must've done a lot of practice to get that far, well, I mean prior to this saga you've been working on.
Hello I'm Chris Hansen and I'm going to blank your brains out.
I got hangovers from smoking the regular stuff anyway, probably from eating too much and smoking too long though
Draw a Car like this
If I get dubs, even though I won't you can't ignore
I refuse to believe this'll work without me changing shit in the settings.
But I'm dumb enough to try it both ways before giving up and going to bed like the huge pleb I am.
Congrats user!
I've done construction. Was it for a huge company? Where I worked you only got thrown out if you were REALLY shitty.
Also just to let you know when your body wears out you will have a hellish rest of your life and spend every day in the hospital. Happened to my dad. Go learn a better trade.
I wanted to be a welder but my retarded mother insisted I go to college to get a worthless degree. She pushed me into fucking ENGLISH and refuses to pay for almost anything else. When I finish my degree and can't get a job I'll say I told you so. All degrees are worthless but having to talk about literature with a bunch of liberal fuckwads every class is depressing.
Your winner
This thread needs more Sub Terrania. Got my copy sealed for 6 bucks and it was a wild ride.
Calm down muchacho, all that'd do is get you locked in the slammer and get everybody all worked up for no reason, last thing they'd need in a time like that.
we have a test board here, faggot
eh, i'm probably at least 100 hours into it by now, you get used to mashing your keyboard tbh
i HAVE been working it over the course of two years though, in short bursts
i mean i did shitfics before mario but nothing super long
It's ok I don't either
My lord, such lewdness
Hey Chris I know you think I'm here to fuck that 12 year old boy but instead of bringing that turkey baster filled with dog semen like he asked for, I brought a paper and pen so I could get your autograph.
Don't feel bad, I didn't know how to use * until a few months ago and kept using [] instead.
housing doesn't really equate to the free market because that shit's limited or has an entry fee. not to be a faggy hippy, but it's weird to drive the vast nothing of some places and think of how some rich faggot or your taxes own it all. not to politik. just waxing about the wild west really
Too many to name, though it's not a game I did complete Steins Gate last night Before going to bed at 12pm to get up at 6am for an interview 350km away at my house at 11am
Pretty damn good, one of the best VNs I've ever "play read" a solid 8.5/10
No thanks the tobacco is already giving me plenty of cancer
please, we're dying
to be fair the story of how luigi became nigger luigi through a time accident and pit his newfound nigger race against the muslims to rid the world of subhumans is both adventurous, AND dramatic
Me and my (((boss))) didn't get along too well, for, well, a few reasons, so conveniently there was no work for me anymore. I've been thinking of going to be a plumber or something.
I know fam, I just fucking hate fags, if I'm ever going out, I'm going Breivik on pride.
Ah whatever, it'll all end sooner or later.
Any of my nigs still in here? How are you guys?
I got an job interview next monday for a security guard job. Excited but nervous. Also I have some insider information if you guys want to know a bit about Nintendo Land in Universal Studios Hollywood.
Time for me to head off, see you guys later. Everybody take care.
I won't fight you on this because
I'd like to but I'd feel in the way, don't even get the 40k rules except for the basics yet and the only other tg I know is DnD and basically nothing on it
I've already heard too much.
Kill it with fire.
night, faggot
Nice plank! Really hope you get it, those jobs sound comfy!
And post info!
doin alright man
how about you?
Holla Forums is infestest with shills but it's still where meme magic comes from
Yes, but they've developed into tripfags.
Is there an F-Zero or Star Fox Roolercoaster, that'd be the only thing that'd make it cool
good night friendo
Take a seat, take a seat over here.
h;'lkseoyj supi s sd;flgk
Double checked
wrong board, night all. may the cocoa never burn tongues
believe in Holla Forums anons
Gotta love /mu/.
Biyoris are not for lewd!
Night user!
at this point i'm convinced they're tumblr for the right
rationalist is the way to go
nice memes though
This game would make a ballin 90s anime. Too bad that shit will never happen. You got cute girls with swords and shit.
Neo/pol/ is truly one of the worst boards.
I hear it's not a bad trade if there aren't already of ton of them in your area.
Just woke up a bit ago. My hand hurts from carpal tunnel again. How was your day Plank?
I want Nintendo to die in a fire at this point. Nothing they could do could make me care about one of their games again unless they release a new F-zerowhich will never happen
Nah, that;s just a displacement pocket of of meme magic. Meme magic truly originates from 4AM threads
Reminder we memed Stu to death
Fuck you Mark
/mu is a pretty good place
It really is. Those share threads are a godsend. I have so much citypop and Japanese synthpop now.
Told you I'd crash the threads with no survivors.
same bruh
selling off my wii u / 3DS library
only nintendo game i still like is advance wars and i don't play it much
nintendo can suck my dick
Alright, I'm gonna turn in for the night. Hopefully I don't stay up all night again tomorrow, I actually have class on Friday.
Good night friends. Don't let the pigfucker or the kike get you.
Holy SHIT those digits.
They'd find a way to fuck up F-Zero. I have no doubt.
the memes are everything anons
Apparently Shiggy, the creator of zelda and reggie visited universal recently about a couple of weeks ago.
First they will build a Mario Kart ride, it will be kind of like a motion simulator ride but you will be able to control your kart. You can use powerups just like in the game.
Second they will build a Sonic Rollercoaster that will go up to 130 mph, which is fucking FAST.
They are thinking of either building Peach's castle or Hyrule castle. So far leaning on Peach because peach is more recognizable I guess.
They are working on having costume characters walking around the park. Suits are already built. Bowser will be a huge costume. Kirby, pikachu, all the mario characters. They will also have zelda, link, and ganondorf costumes.
They are thinking of doing a halloween seasonal thing like luigis mansion. You will have a vacuum thing that you carry around. Will only be around for halloween though. It's just an idea so not sure if they will go through with it.
Kill yourself with a rusty axe Mark.
I'm posting more Genesis games.
Where my Puyo Puyo bros at?
And why is that cozy fucking RPG they're making on the 3DS NEVER EVER going to be localized?
thank you
it's always nice to have your digits appreciated
No, I'm the other boogeyman
Night user!
Designated shower shitposter? Is that you?
The one no one remembers? Didn't leave much of an impression, did you?
oh and have a good night user
Simulator ride sounds kinda lame, some kind of super fancy bumper kart racing would have been more fun.
The rest sounds neat though.
Can I borrow yours? There better not be any gas, it triggers the asthma I got when I was killed over 6 million times at Auschwitz
Those who forget history are doomed to have a bad time
I want to sniff those pantsu.
Well this thread is slowing down.
Moar Puyo.
Well the thread is dead so I might as well post this
Mario Kart Sounds pretty cool, and I can live with Sonic being on a rollercoaster though it's nowhere near as good as what an F-Zero Rollarcoaster would be, though being the 2nd fastest Rollercoaster in the world would be quite a claim to have
Says the guy that acknowledges the Holocaust happened like some kind of kike :^)
And yeah I like puyo, only tetris like games I like really. Probably cause cute girls.
There will be different stages for mario kart ride. All randomized, different every time you go. They are making tracks specifically for the ride.
They are actually considering an f-zero ride, but no solid plans on that yet. Wish I had more info on that.
Oh and I forgot, they are going to make a Super Smash Bros show. Not sure how that is going to work though.
I'll have you know goy fellow anonymous shitposter, it totally happened. I'll have to charge you $19.99 plus tip for this information though.
There's nothing wrong with liking pantsu user. I never explicitly specified the pantsu had to be attached to anyone.
The cancer has metastasized.
anyone want to play BGO with Holla Forums?
not this Holla Forums
shut the fuck up, i only go there to shitpost my shitfic everywhere
might as well stay there, fam
Does sound kinda neat but it just sounds like a suped up arcade game.
Where you getting this info anyway?
Its still another girls love juice
what like tv?
I wish to know details so I can ask my dad who works at nintendo about them
Then bgo back there.
I'm now imagining them having Wrestlers dressing up as Nintendo Characters and having a battle royal
please leave and never return
Went to universal today. Talked to one of the people who worked in the offices. Can't really say more than that. It's supposed to be really hush hush
Is your dad shiggy?
If you're only here for the avatarfags, why don't you leave?
go back or kill yourself
I'd recommend the latter
I seriously hope you mean something like Lainchan or 76chan
Ow the edge.
John Cena in Smash bros when?
if you're only here for non-avatarfags, why don't you leave the avatarfag?
checkmate, fedora
wew fam
why do you keep inflicting yourself on the world
I don't defend anything
I'm calling you a faggot
You have fun?
What state you in anyway?
I happen to be a follower of Kek thank you. Besides, if you don't like it here, why do you keep coming back?
I don't mean Triple H but instead Hulk Hogan
racemixing was a mistake
/rpg/ on lainchan doesn't exist anymore because nobody used it.
Last Genesis track for tonight, before the mods ban me for posting video games.
how's your wife's son doing
What does racemixing have to do with the discussion? Is it just that you don't actually have an argument so you're trying to divert the topic? Are you female? I'm white as fuck thank you.
you mean my father's uncle's brother's cousin's grandfather's wife's mother's great grandaughter's cousin's son?
heh, nothing personell kid.
then you should have said a real american
Kek is a pretty good god mate
also nice digits, praise kek
May he forever watch over us.
Good point then
Trump, Hulk Hogan and Anime are the Axis
California. I live in L.A. I have an annual pass to universal studios so I tend to go there a lot. The Harry Potter stuff they built there recently is really neat.
Please don't tell shiggy I know this stuff. He'll track me down.
I'm so glad that anonymous shitposters who want to talk about Mongolian cave paintings belong in the group of the most feared thing on the internet
Praise Kek
I like your style
what will you give me for my silence?
Praise be unto him
How does a person acquire a waifu?
Burmese earth etching fields are feared because as they have the power of free expression they can create the most powerful ways of transferring info That process is also called memes
We Balinese Interpretative dancers can shift the window in a single frog
by drifting into the deepest pits of degeneracy and self loathing
and watching moe shit
Neat, I'm rewatching the harry potter movies right now for some comfy nostalgia. What they build?
Open your heart and let her acquire you.
look deep with in yourself and ask yourself what do you want
then when you have the answer find who matches your criteria
You don't choose your waifu user. Your waifu chooses you. One day you're going to find yourself saving a lot of pictures of someone and then it will hit you.
You have to have the right form of autism and the right one will come to you. I can't ever take anyone actually liking me seriously, which is why I don't have a waifu.
Feels good man.
Also fuck yeah Diablo 1 HD Mod, been playan it.
Loads better than all those Diablo III mods, amirite?:^)
every character in battleborn is my waifu tbh
except maybe brianna wu
I asked that same question and got the same answers you are getting now
bullshit answers that don't apply to me
so I started bronski posting instead
now I exosquad post because of the lame avatar fag rule
Nigger you already have one.
How's it going, anyway? Finish your writing for that dnd game?
Thank you for doing so. Exosquad is some of the raddest shit I've watched in a long time.
I'm glad you enjoy it user
Weird stuff happens a lot these days Even if I can explain 87% of it you know when that Donald Trump is John Titor theory dropped was the day I bought Stein's Gate, it might be a coincidence but it was still something noteworthy to me
At least you didn't try to force some relationship with a girl and call her your waifu.
And its not really BS answers. Guys in true relationships know they didn't just pick some girl.
I want to see how weird things will get in the future.
fair point, but nobody ever told me waifus may not be for me
I can't control my horny level
We are in the year of the Fire Monkey, but next year is the year of the Fire Cock, so it's going to be bigger and better
are you straight?
how much meat an zinc do you consume?
I checked out one of those books from the library a little while ago because I have all of them except for two. Had to go to the juvenile section and it was awkward af.
well shit
you must have me confused with someone else
/bane/ did say that the fire was rising.
They built Hogsmeade, and also hogwarts castle. They sell candies and butterbeer from the movie. It's pretty legit. They also built hogwarts castle, which is built for a dark ride. I love the ride, they put a lot of money into everything.
Well I mean if you are asking about waifus then you are at least curious about them. It'd be like a guy asking for advice on cars and just telling him "maybe cars aren't for you"
I only ever read the first 2 or 3 as a kid. Just watched the movies with the rest honestly.
It was. Too bad you fucked up the formatting.
Did you drink the butterbeer stuff? That shit looks delicious in the movies. I picture a frothy weak butterscotch rum or something. Whats it like if you did?
If your desktop is a fucking mess of folders I'm going to be so fucking pissed.
also yeah there's some guy with kuroneko waifu that posts with the feels flag on occasion.
Jesus. Just Jesus.
The books get a lot better and more complex around #4-#5. Twice as long, too. Worth a shot tbh.
user for some people that is the case
cars were forced upon me in my teens and I see their use but only a few months ago I had to do without for a year and a half and now I hate driving and wish I could just take the bus all the time or at least walk more
Also books were better than the movies for various reasons like longbottom killing that snake
It's a fucking fallacy, cunt.
The snake in the second movie?
And I guess so but still if someone is curious about something you don't usually jump to "fuck off its not for you"
My attention span is so shot that I doubt I could.
It's pretty cool, but it is just for a ride. The line to get in is all themed really cool and they have those talking pictures. It's not an exact replica of hogwarts nor does it have all the stuff in the movies.
Basically cream soda with some kind of weird butterscotch foam on top. It's fucking delicious. I wish I could get dripfed the stuff to be honest. They also sell a frozen version. They are actually thinking of doing a warm butterbeer for winter which would be really excellent, since that is how they are in the books and the movies.
I started taking the bus recently. So much cleaner and cheaper despite all the niggers.
fight me
This fucking computer is shit, but I guess it's MY peice of shit
how expensive would it be to pay a nigger to shit in the shower with you
Posting to trigger user.
Butterscotch cream soda sounds fucking amazing. I NEED IT
Maybe he can pay with those quads
You got a better way to stream a well-organized music library database over a LAN?
What are you gonna do? Delete everyone's furry porn like a 1337 haxxor?
Try again.
I know you love that cream soda so you'll love it. If I get hired I'll import you here so you can experience this shit.
It can't even play flac files.
which part?
yeah, if I recall correctly he pulls the sword from the hat right in front of voldemort when he is giving his ultimatum and decapitates the snake
I don't think it turns to smoke eighter
no but a "it MAY not be for you" would not be out of line
asking why wouldn't hurt either, especially when the question is "how does one acquire a waifu"
I live in Oregon
very little niggers
thanks, you guys reminded me I needed to clean up
Shitposting aside it's good to have a clean desktop. I try to maintain one and most of the folders that accumulate there are relevant until I find a good place to shove them.
Hell yeah!
I'll be waiting! Cali is a long way away, doubt I'll ever get to try it honestly.
Holy shit, what is this 2004?
Thats actually neat, the whole hes the chosen one thing comes out of nowhere in the movies.
I never liked Harry Potter. I tried reading the first book and it was really boring.
itunes is archaic enough that it can seem that way.
Harry Potter was designed to be the most formulaic thing out there
in the books the prophecy says that it's nevil or harry that will bring him down
I like how it came together and both were true
"As Snape was apprehended by Aberforth Dumbledore before the full prophecy could be made, only part of the prophecy was reported to Voldemort. Voldemort knew that there were two boys that met the requirements of the prophecy: Aside from Harry Potter, the other was Neville Longbottom, who was born on July 30th, 1980, to a pair of Aurors who, like James and Lily Potter, had directly defied Voldemort on three separate occasions. "
it's why I customized my start button to be so organized with stuff I used to have in my start bar
too much fucking clutter
Can you attach .pdfs on this board?
I have a paper somewhere where the author makes the case that Harry Potter is all written by intelligence agencies to make money for their black budgets and test their control of the media
why the fuck else would a children's book series be promoted so hard?
Wheel of Time and Goosebumps weren't shilled anything like it, after all
Then how did it get so popular? Any and all thoughts of giving it a second chance left me after the author pulled that whole DON'T READY MY FUCKING BOOK IF YOU GOT IT A DAY EARLY shit.
I would have zero interest in it if not for nostalgia. The first couple of movies are so god damn comfy. They are sorta like the Lotr movies. Super long and a lot of them so you can spend a weekend just watching them in the background.
The fuck
Never watched them.
it's a dull adventure story that picks up over time
cell phones complicate things and the first book was written in 97 for fucks sake
nevermind, here's a link
they cut and rearrange most of the plot in the first ones anyway
Still that'd make him 17 instead of whatever the age they get the letter is.
Might be worth it? Doubt it though. The first movies are really aimed at kids.
Nah because Mark is a retard but you can always use the "Hide in .jpg" method or just use >>>/pdfs/
It got popular because it's formulaic, have you ever heard of "The hero with 1000 faces" I may of gotten the name wrong because that is basically the formula a lot of stories, many of which very old have used
she didn't start writing it in 1997
also stories set in current times are boring
That's because cell phones have drained almost all sources of human interaction from the real world.
Are you talking about A Hero's Journey?
It depends, stuff that's current times but there is a futuristic gadget like a Time Machine can make a good story, like Stein's Gate
Probably, is that a Meta-text
classics work
and you can just call the cops
Stein's Gate was ok but had plot holes
It's a text on how myths are typically structured, good read.
Dystopian present novel where a few people have looked up from their phones and find themselves in a world where everyone is willfully bound to their phones and won't ever look up.
Seems like it has some promise.
bocu no picu was the heroes journey
some weebs actually analyzed it and there is an image floating around
Well I thought it was pretty well covered but maybe you didn't get the real ending
That's it
I remember that
I watched the anime
I actually thought of that once.
Couldn't think of how to flesh it out though
Ever watch They Live?
I'd hate to be annoying but did you use a proxy to get that ID
I think it probably resolves better as a VN so then the different worldlines explain each other
It's been about 10 years but yeah.
nah man kek just likes me
I believe it
plenty of vns don't fully translate to anime
I may have seen it posted here or on Holla Forums or even Holla Forums
They live is great
I dug when Cytube ran The Thing
also Yui the answer lies with the movie wally
everyone stares at their screens, nobody even noticed they have a giant ass pool in the middle of everything
is this whole site just Holla Forums subreddits now?
not really a Holla Forums specific subject user
Fuck, well nice ID if it's legit because that'd be the most special one I've seen I had to ask because I know Tor is 000000 and I see new fags notice that
And honestly I =think I saw it on 4 am or Holla Forums
Oh the memories.
Oh yeah I remember that. I watched it in like 2009 or something. Everybody was fat and shit.
it was probably Holla Forums then
they talk abotu writign some times like what makes a good story and what makes a good female character
you can still hang out with /a/ user
it was a good movie
Anyone got the cap of the guy who got the id aaaaaa?
You mean Wall-E? Good movie. Kids movies often have really cool stuff for the adults watching too.
Nice dubs to go with your doble triple ID
Do you have dreams where people you see on Holla Forums like Trump, Ritsu and Huey
Now I remember that video of the Sweedish Lady Calling for cattle Dunno why I didn't save it, but it's pretty bittersweet
If you like those you should take a look at my posts through the thread
everyone loves that video, I have it somewhere as well
here is a Holla Forums guy that makes fashy music
have a good nite Bronski, may the memes continue to bless you
to you as well user
I'm shuffling off as well
I still do occasionally not so much anymore since the buyfag threads seem to be dead
I wish we had a gunpla thread somewhere too
I hung back just long enough to wish you good night user
sleep well and look forward to the memories you will make in the future
Speaking of memes. Here is a Nazi student's union poster, funny how it looks like a red user.
Well, I just bought some eggs from the convenience store at mothers request. Shit was 4 fucking dollars, but the grocery ain't open yet. Gotta take care of my dying old man again. On the bright side I bought 2 more bottles of Crystal Pepsi. Wish me luck fams.
This is pretty accurate
Be careful with the meme magic, anons.
Those who live by the meme shall die by the meme.
Stu voice actor is dead
were the fuck you been this week