nig nog vs blotty blimery spud muncher (guess which one is rh - )
Mcgregor mayweather spud v nig 2
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Prepare to collect shots of leftists at their ragiest and ugliest when McIrish wins.
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Kill the Jews everywhere
Goddammit this is frustrating. How does one beat a nigger in a boxing match? You can punch them in the head all day and never hit anything important.
bullshit nigger reff win or lose
"mic" is short for microphone
He never punched him hard though. He tried to fucking weather the guy who out lasts champions. McGregger always gasses out. That's how Diaz beat him. Still, it was early stoppage.
Goddamn it I was expecting some flashy anime fight. Huge disappointment. Also one of the few things that niggers are really good at is fighting, sprinting, and jumping due to their abundance of type 2 muscle fibers.
The white man gets endurance running, swimming, and weightlifting while niggers get football, basketball, and combat sports. I'm willing to except our physical differences.
He was getting tagged increasingly hard and in increasingly succession the last two rounds without really doing anything to fight back. Was the stop a bit early? Yeah, maybe. It looked like he was about to be put on his ass regardless.
Your ignorance of the real world is staggering, though not surprising coming from an animefag.
You work the body. Any racialist who watches boxing knows that.
Niggers have more type 2 muscle fibers while whites have more type 1.
That's why niggers dominate boxing and we dominate swimming. We're just made for different sports at a biological level.
The Trump curse makes no distinctions. It was foretold.
This was literally what was expected. Either the potato nigger would get a knockout or the nigger nigger would just hug him into a ref decision.
Bullshit, Connor got outlasted. And it's got nothing to do with fighting skills. If this was a straight up fight the mick would maul Mayweather. Fucks sake an average /fit/pol/ack would maul Mayweather, nigger can't fucking fight.
He won the first 6.
But damn, having no brain in the niggers best defense.
I admit defeat, boxing was made for no brains
Maybe it's because I did 12-20 guys in a slaughter line by myself at the dojo before I had to run and puke from exhaustion but boxing is a faggot's sport now.
Only with a kike ref on their side.
How exactly am I wrong. The races are different when it comes to muscle composition and thus different races dominate different sports.
How am I fucking wrong?
Honestly that was so fucking boring, months of hype for that?
No wonder Boxing is dying.
At least I didn't pay for that shit.
You were one of the autists screaming like monkeys about how 'le white man' was going to win, weren't you?
But yes boxing is a faggot sport.
I don't really disagree with you. The ref probably should have just let him get dropped and start the count.
You're wrong because gassing out isn't typical you moron. MgGregger had bad coaches. Most of the UFC is shit coaches tbh
McGregor gassed himself out going too hard too early, that was a strategic mistake. Aka brains
Yeah, haha
Which one ended up being the bigger nigger?
Please. If it was a UFC fight, Mayweather would have died.
True but there are other niggers that are quite good when it comes to MMA as well.
Of course the difference is that we can compete where niggers are better on average but no nigger will ever EVER be a better swimmer than Michael plelps or a better endurance runner than Dean Karnazes
Expecting flashy anime shit in a real fight due to desensitization to the real world from excessive consumption of fantasy media (anime).
Unironically believing the 'niggers are magically better fighters' meme even though all the greatest MMA champions are white europeans.
great more BASED BLACKS for t_d to masturbate to.
ok "TKO'd" You happy now? Russians hacked boxing.
Like pottery. This is the exactly the same as about 4 years ago. Seriously, you're obviously new to boxing if you're outraged at this.
mccregor will lose
Winners can't be loser.
Nigger Classic>Potatonigger
There litetally aren't. All the great MMA champions are slavs and spics with the occasional dutch.
Nope. There's a handful of mulattos that can fight decently, but niggers can't fight worth a shit.
That's what you get for paying this much attention to a silly sport. Let this be a lesson.
Another reminder that Pro Wrestling is the way to go.
I have the sinking feeling this is about to devolve into a "niggers fighting" webm thread
No shit its dying, they have to pull out a gimmick match to draw big money. After Mayweather blows through this purse hes going to fight 3 midgets stacked on one another in a steel cage.
BREAKING: Explosion spotted in Las Vegas. Notorious IRA terrorist Samwell McHyde spotted at the scene.
shouldn't you be getting shot by a white cop?
I sure do hope so. Boxing could use some wrastlin action.
Top fucking kek at least try to hide your anal devastation. Also whites get shot by white cops more than blacks, so yeah I guess lol.
Bo Dallas could defeat either of these bitch boys
I can see it now
With UFC in second place despite today's shenanigans.
The Diaz 2 fight was amazing compared to this dogshit, and this fight was exciting for a boxing fight. Fuck is boxing boring. Don't get me wrong, there's been some extremely boring MMA fights too, but Boxing even at it's best can't compare to a good MMA fight.
I'm not even bothered that Mcgregor lost, he's good at handling losses and it gives him an excuse to at least defend his fucking belt. What bothers me is that boxing faggots will act smug because of this victory, when anyone with a functioning brain knows that in a real fight the boxer is fucked against basic wrestling or jiujitsu. Boxing has too many rules to be entertaining, the same thing happened to Football (American) and Soccer. The bureaucracy of it all sullies any good times to be had. I much prefer watching fucking Pikies bare knuckle box on a shitty stolen camera phone from 2007 than this crap.
At least in the post fight interview Mayweather wasn't acting too smug. He seems to be a smart man, though I didn't like that he pushed McGregor after the bell, that shit's uncalled for because we all know what would happen in a real fight.
This will be fun to watch as they try to mental gymnastics that away. Kinda salty we won't get post-fight chimpouts though.
Fucking KMS
If anyone thought this was going to end in any other way you're a fucking moron.
The fight's results were a foregone conclusion.
Now we wait and see what happens to the sport.
Cool mask
oh you're one of those ((white))) guys I keep hearing about got it.
They were throwing bitch strikes like babies. Meanwhile, The Modern Day MAHARAJA knows how to knock someone out.
Can we finally, FINALLY, put this
meme to bed? Two hundred years ago this wouldn't have even been a question. What the fuck people.
Figured. Fun stuff, wish I wouldn't have stopped
They are whiter than niggers thats for sure.
No Irish, no niggers.
It has entirely more to do with limp shape and length. The reason blacks predominate in boxing, sprinting and other such sports in America and western europe, is because they have longer limbs. A good way to tell what kind of sport you'll be good at, is how is your calf muscle shaped? If its like the first pick, larger and sloping down the leg, you'll be more of a swimmer or endurance runner. If it's higher, like second pic, you'll be more of a runner.
Western europeans, especially anglos, have longer torsos and shorter limbs. Slavs and nordics on the other hand, have longer limbs, and are far more muscular. Why do you think wrestling and boxing are utterly dominated by blacks, Russians and other Eastern Euros? They have a definite physical advantage. I remember in high school when a bunch of Russian kids came over as part of a study abroad program, and they were all bigger in frame, with bigger hands and far stronger than we were on average (although that was probably because they were all gymnasts)
Trump is a jew
Just remember
You're a terrorist
You're a terrorist
You're a terrorist
Another instance in the Trump curse striking a "white" athlete in their professional debut in a combat sport/gimmick matchup was when shitlib fake-and-gayer (((CM Punk))) made his (((UFC))) debut
Lot of jews are pretty pale too, friendo. Doesn't mean Holla Forums buys into their lies.
I'm surprised he went as long as he did.
He has no stamina, so I figured if he didn't get him in the 4th he was done
He's in it for the money. That's why they call him "Money". He came out of retirement to collect money. Even if he lost to someone 11 years younger, it wouldn't matter because he gets paid. He hasn't fought for 2 years. McGregor by comparison looks like a moron because he repeatedly taunted a guy past his prime only to get tko'd. Though he still got paid so it's still a win.
He can't be antifa if he supports Trump(?)
Watch some real combat sports, nerds
How about spics? They seem quite prominent in MMA, specially brazilians.
You are clearly not from around here
Bogniggers can't into logic. Their inferior brains spurter and break trying to get past their childlike emotions.
They were only dominant because they were on steroids. Notice how many Brazilians fell off the map when USADA came into play?
Kys kike
1) Nice quads
2) Are you sure? Some of them got banned for petty shit like weed (just look at the Diaz brothers).
Honestly I expected Mayweather to win, the only thing that bothers me is chimps celebrating it on Twitter.
Who cares they'll still be niggers at the end of the day.
Yes I'm sure, look up TRT Vitor. The other prominent Brazilian fighters all got popped for being on steroids. That's why Brazil has a significantly lower status in the MMA community post USADA regulations. Even Machida got hit with steroid use and that one surprised me.
The ones that are successful are all built like I just described, and probably have either dominant european or african ancestry, Yair Rodriguez as an example (though he just got obliterated by human midget tank Frankie Edgar) or fight in the utter manlet divisions that don't matter to anyone.
>being this assblasted that (((/ourguy/))) lost
I never said Mayweather was in anyway a decent person. That's you projecting hard. I merely stated that he had no reason to care about boasting or any hype/pride bullshit because he's already undefeated, past his prime, and retired. He had nothing left to prove and match was going to be a huge payout for him either way so he could have just walked into the ring a fell straight on the mat and it wouldn't have made any meaningful difference. The only who had anything to prove was Mcgregor and he made himself look like a (rich) fool. If you can't handle reality, you should go find a safe space in tumblr.
all the retards on Holla Forums getting upset that a white man lost, the damage control is rich truly. when will you guys leave the internet and join reality xd
What I don't get is that is the nigger going to go in the UFC ring and fight Irish nigger in his own turf? Oh wait, of course not, cause he is a real nigger.
He lost. Move on.
Ahaha gud 1 got em reel gud dat tyme
A boxing match between a black and a white is nothing to tie the wagon of your racial pride to. Just look at the accomplishments of their “civilizations” and here, there is no comparison. It’s like comparing a Rembrandt to a child’s finger painting – or better yet, a Bach cantata to a Snoop Dogg rap ditty about rape and murder.
I was thinking that also, they should have a UFC match with the nog and see how that turns out.
Actually, he got paid, so he won. Get over it.
That and the nigger can't talk shit until he goes into the UFC ring and fights the Irish nigger.
Yeah. The only losers were the ones that paid 100 bucks to watch this trash.
Mcgregor will just talk his usual confidence line of "so WUT I had the balls to get in there no one else can do what i do you're all fookin losers and pussies" and continue on undiminished. None of this ever mattered beyond the paychecks it netted for the fighters, promoters and advertisers.
Lets focus on what really matters here. That nigger looked fucking ridiculous.
sorry, meant to say (((promoters and advertisers)))
Even the Leader has said it was rigged
Spotted the makeral snapper
Mayweather is infamous for picking and choosing his fights and demanding terms to be as skewed in his favor as possible. He'll only ever fight if it's maximum over-jewed in his favor
Is this some new form of shilling
It's funny because it started with:
nice job cropping the date, but this fight didn't go to the judges
75 million USD for his pride is a pretty good payout. Also, nobody will remember this in a couple of years.
The only losers is the nigger that wont go fight mcdicks in his own ring lol
Love how you faggots gave me shit for saying UFC is kike filled, but you kept shilling for it being all gidy to see muh race war bullshit go on. All you got was to watch seaty niggers like a bunch of cucks and now are going on a damage control spree talking like you knew it would turn out this way or muh trump curse as a way out. Keep beaming that nigger sports into your mind.
That burst McGregor did at the beginning of the 9th or 10th round was a big mistake. It seems like he was getting some energy back and weaving around Mayweather good enough to hold off for one last hurrah in the final round, but he blew his half-load.
Strategy wise, it was pretty underwhelming. Everyone knew what Mayweather was going to do exactly what he did, and McGregor just shot his load early anyways. Was hoping he would have just let Mayweather waste a couple rounds doing nothing until the clock ticked down more to McGregors advantage.
Well no, the ref stopped the fight.
Whatever the case, he's a materialistic mick who's irrelevant to basically everything Holla Forums cares about
user, I…
I didn't even watch the fight, because i knew what would happen, so what are you upset about?
You aren't getting those 100 dollars back.
Your first boxing match, eh?
That's what makes this so beautiful. Nobody here should have given a fuck about (((sports))).
When did I imply otherwise? I simply posted a pic of the three type of niggers you would find in tbe english isle.
You're so incredibly mad now it's ridiculous.
I am actually now, but you can keep posting shit, nigger.
and last. how do you watch this boring shit?
Jesus Christ Holla Forums, stop crying like a bunch of babies. Whites are not superior in everything known to man. You guys talk about bio-diversity like it's the fucking bible, but as soon as you see something you don't like, you try to reinterpret it to satisfy your ego. Quit your bitching and realize every race has their own unique attribute in which they dominate in. Besides, you could have an entire race of niggers who dominate every single sport in the world but they will never be able to form a thriving and intelligent society as the white race can.
Master race
Yes, it is. A KO means knock out. If the person isn't knocked out, it's a ref decisions.
I mean, not saying Connor didn't lose. He clearly lost. Was either going to lose from ref decision from the looks of it, or Mayweather was gonna catch him with a well placed punch and get an actual KO. But any logical person does not call that a KO.
There's no need to state the obvious but glad for the confirmation.
Only subhumans like you upset me.
Niggers dominate shitty sports, like basketball.
Twat it
Oh woops, sorry ur nugoon anime is shit.
And apparently boxing matches made to rake in money and play on the egos of people like you.
This. There is lefty salt to be had and we should be reaping it.
How new are you goon faggot?
I don't beyond the money I make off of betting. Still popular threads are fun to join in, even if they also attract some overemotional 'tards.
kek'd but I never implied Celts were inferior, mostly because they're themselves a pretty mixed bag. Scots aren't even close to native Irish to my mind. I guess the archetypal celtic features to me are black hair, dark eyes and fair skin, which are everywhere in the British isles when I've seen them (pic related).
Does anybody know if any of them were roided up for the fight?
Exactly, who give a shit how many "records" they break. They will never live up to the legacies of the white man.
me, i know
I don't. I learned that lesson years ago. I watched this matched because, despite my protest, it was heavily shilled here. I just wanted to be here at the exact moment disappointment hit.
Different games have different rules. The rules of boxing dictate that if a person is unable to defend himself, the match ends. Mcgregor was completely vulnerable and it didn't take an expert to figure out he was going to go down. The ref saved him from unnecessary injuries. Is it boring? Of course. If these fags are going to get paid million, I don't give a fuck if they get the brain cells beat out of them. Schlomo gotta keep milking those celebrity athletes.
And yet here we are.
I meant on this level. Competitions are great, but this is far beyond kike tier.
Why would i be upset?
Because Holla Forums was right again. Months ago we knew what would happen.
also i thought there was going to be a false flag
Sports are an honorable and noble pursuit, but you're right. (((Sports))) aren't worth emotional investment when kikery is afoot.
Unfortunately, people are still too emotional about it here. The politics at play don't matter. The mick is a flamboyant degenerate leftist wigger. The nigger is an illiterate jackass soon to be hasbeen. It would have been nice to give niggertwitter another helping of assmad, but we'll get on fine without it.
Did anyone really imagine the fight would end differently? Really? They made this movie 20 years ago; The Great White Hype. Heres a link:
Mcgregor didn't have a prayer, it wasn't his sport. And, conveniently, all the big money bet on Mayweather.
I don't watch sports, I only do boxing and MMA, tomorrows sparing is going to be fucking annoying.
I'm as old as you are butthurt. Stay mad.
Says the guy being butt-blasted.
This. People here are being babies about this.
Best proof Micks aren't white? There is a thread on /salt-left/ right now filled with comments stating that Irish are pure blooded aryan people.
Get a job.
Honestly I think we should be meme'ing the fact that Mayweather met with Trump to take the fun out of the win for the Left. It was the Trump curse by the numbers. Race confused the issue for Holla Forums but this can still be memed effectively.
Got one. Stop being ass wrangled.
Well then it was a red decision, not a KO. Call things what they are is all I'm saying.
ref decision*
Okay kid, can I get two junior chickens, small diet coke and small fries. Thanks.
Basically this.
Oh definitely. Cash-grabs like this always have a hooked nose behind them
What the fuck are you blathering about? Your dumb twatter mini-campaigns are less than meaningless.
We'll be alright. Not sure about you though since you're evjdently either a nigger or a faggot.
Anyone who legitimately thought that McGregor had a realistic chance of winning is retarded. You're putting up arguably a top three pound for pound boxer of all-time against someone whose sport requires one to be a Swiss army knife. I honestly think that the only reason that it went as long as it did was because Mayweather was so terrified of that sliver of a chance of an upset and McGregor was terrified of going down super fast and looking like a massive punk after the months of shit talking. It was an entertaining circus but the result was known a long time ago by anyone with two brain cells to rub together.
And as for people talking about McGregor's stamina - well no fucking shit he was getting gassed faster. His sport requires high intensity round for FIVE rounds. That changes things big time (not that it would have mattered here since Mayweather would still have outboxed him). Are you going to be surprised when Usain Bolt gets blown out in a five mile race by a marathon runner? No. Bolt can do those 100m faster than anyone but he hasn't trained to do long distance. Conversely that long distance champ is going to look like shit in a 100m sprint. MMA is more of a quick, loud fireworks show. Boxing is a slower, more methodical sport. Both are very good but also very different. If this had been MMA, Conor would have been the Mickey Gall to Mayweather's CM Punk (actually maybe not that bad but Floyd will still look horrid). It wasn't though; it was Mayweather's game and he won as he should have.
The term for that decision is TKO. You can't just disregard terms because you don't think they're appropriate. The guy couldn't defend himself anymore.
Still living with your parents too? Classic.
Still mad?
About what exactly? did you make that order yet?
And it's a shitty term that implies the person being "TKO'd" was in any way knocked out or incapacitated to the point of being unable to fight. If the point of a fighting sport is to simulate the act of combat, being tired =/= total incapacitation.
Now again, safety can be a thing and it's fine if boxing is more rules heavy and plays it safe. That's fine, some like it some don't. But the English being used to describe the conditions by which Connor lost, seems to me at least, to imply he lost in a bigger or more dramatic way than he did.
It's manipulation of language. After everything I've seen and the redpills I've swallowed I can't help but autistically notice these things.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
I have to admit I find fast food workers kind of noble, mostly because of much it as memed as the worst job you could possibly hold.
Stop being a faggot.
What's the problem here? Even if you're completely off the Trump train, the infallibility of the Trump curse takes all the mementum (meme-momentum ya dummy) out of this for our enemies.
Sorry for the crude image
Clearly there was racist undertones from the start of the fight, the ref starring only at the white man helps this case.
This could be very effective b8 if it were to be memed towards how white privilege isn't a thing and how we face the same racisim they do every day
I appreciate your disdain, it irks me for you to undersell the condition Mcgregor in as just being "tired". He was dazed. He dropped his hands made no attempt to avoid, evade, block, or deflect punches coming at him. That means he's slipping out of consciousness. If this were a ufc match and he performed in a similar manner, he'd be on the floor, bleeding, and completely unconscious a few seconds later. When the highlights get posted on jewtube or some shit, watch them. See how well he was responding to being punched.
This fight is exactly why McGregor/Mayweather was so staged. McGregor went through what looked like the whole fight barely guarding his face. No fucking way you get away with doing this fighting a boxer of Mayweather's caliber. He went easy on him. This shit was a work and both of them made out like bandits doing it.
UFC is a better simulation of what an actual fight is like. You might dislike it, but that's a fact. Actual fights have no rules.
What helps the narrative better? To stay the black guy totally "knocked out" the white guy, or that the white guy was dazed and out of it and the ref called the match. What's more decisive in pushing the "muh black athlete" narrative?
I sometimes wish I could have fun again…but I can't help it. I see the kikes everywhere now.
Well no shit. Boxing is less brutal by design for the sake of the fighters involved.
I don't really care about any fucking narrative. I'm not trying to push propaganda nor do I care about media propaganda (well actually I do, but not in a way that I'll get outraged when they push a narrative).
Jesus, user. Play Kirby's Superstar or something. You need a break from all this shit.
That was pretty obvious from the get-go. Having said that, tko is there to keep a fighter from being beaten retarded. I had a video where some asian fighter just wouldn't go down at all. He was being beaten like a punching bag and could no longer defend himself, but he still wouldn't fall. He got hit with a tko to keep him from dying.
No shit. He didn't even train for this.
The same thing happened the pacman fight. McGregor made millions from this fight and could easily retire for life if he wanted to.
Take your meds. This has been the norm for Mayweather fights for a very long time since at least when de la hoya beat him silly. He will always run away and wait it out and especially when his 50th win was on the line. UFC is generally more fun to watch than boxing, but there is a lot more money in boxing.
That's what I'm going with. Bullshit fight. No one even fell down.
pretty much this
Just from the nigger referee I can already tell mayweather has a bigger advantage, not even mentioning the pre-conditions (((mayweather))) set upon McGregor before the match even started, as is the case with his fight against Pacquiao (blood testing RIGHT before the match while the nigger doesn't have to)
I say fuck maynigger and his bullshit practice, and fuck this 'niggers are superior athletes and better males' cultmarx alt-left meme that's all over the place
Who's in the pic?
I didn't expect spud to win, not against the nig, but he did pretty good. If it were the other way around, and the nig was fighting in MMA instead of the MMA going to muh pugilism, the nig would have been wiped out in seconds.
anyone with a sane head knew the nig was gonna win, mcginger isn't used to boxing rules
still boring as fuck though. i've only been interested in boxing for a year or so, and i'm progressively being more and more disappointed by the fact that nobody ever gets KO'd. fucking judges ruin all the fun
>>>Holla Forums
/salt-left/ what are you doing here?
Boxing used to be pretty rough. Back in the day of prize fighters it was okay to just stand around your opponent until he got up, then he was free game again. They didn't even go to neutral corners.
This. Mayweather would certainly get his ass beat in a street fight or MMA fight by McGregor, but he's on his home turf in a boxing ring under boxing rules.
British soap actress, I think she's a burner.
Blacks evolved to run from predators and each other.
this is honestly sad to witness. You all are like a bunch of kids
Just checked to be sure, she's Helen Flanagan and a burner. Images hidden because this post is TMZ tier. Whoever posted that original image should delete it from their collection.
Not entirely relevant, but in my experience niggers never fight fair fights. They'll fuck with you all day but always back down from a 1 on 1 fight, pussy out and hop a fence, then jump you from behind three days later with 3 cars full of nignogs. I grew up fighting blacks in the projects, and not once did I meet one that fought fair, they needed overwhelming odds on their side before even trying to fight, and if you gathered equal numbers of white kids they always pussied out. Unless you chased them down.
Why are we ignoring this
Actually playing sports is worthwhile. Watching sports and getting worked up about your favorite team or whatever is a (((method))) to outsource male's group forming instincts.
What a bullshit match i saw. The nigger did nothing but hunker down like a turtle and the ref broke it up everytime it was about to become interesting. Of course you will have more stamina after 20 minutes of doing nothing. And the announcers calling hits for Merrywheather when he barely hit the ugly irishman.
What a waste of time, especially the ending, is that how you win a boxing match? By having a small advantage? They should change back to the rules of the 19th century because this is bs.
smh fam
That's what I did, user. And it worked. Didn't stop them from stealing bikes and vandalizing shit, but at least they stopped fucking with my family.
I'm out. I'll be back for any happenings but this place has truly gone to shit. Endless D&C and inconsequential shit, the few good threads anchored or delete, >>>/polmeta/ used to censor anyone questioning the continued destruction of the board … and now this shit.
Go see what Marcus Aurelius said about games designed to numb the masses into apaethetic morons whilst emptying their wallets. Whether rigged or otherwise its a waste of time and a distraction from healthy living.
I'm off to read the City of God and get myself a better understanding of Western European values. I'd recommend you all do similar.
It was a good fight. It's ok to have some fun sometimes.
It was only about sheqalim, do not deny it
It's only retarded cuckolds like you who think groids are strong you are a literal cuckold
The kikes get to em young these days
this is what happens when anons dont meme hard enough. I was sick as hell and completely forgot about it.
I can tell you don't watch boxing, the fight was shit. RIP audience.
Only old people and niggers watch boxing. That's why they're trying to make boxing relevant again with this cross-promotional MMA bullshit.
Pathetic. National Socialism has nothing to do with kike owned boxing.
Boxing yourself is god tier, though.
They're usually the top crop in a street fight, especially against amateurs/normalfags.
Seems like coal burners are always fucked up in one way or another. rlymaeksuthink
it might be enough. meme it faggot.
i am the creator of the original fight thread today. was able to watch it at work via a twitch stream. The same people who shilled against it earlier today are now gloating, 'i told you so' just because mcgregor lost. We all knew he was probably going to lose, it's not a big deal, but would have loved the salt over him winning.
The fight was entertaining, much more so than the pacy snoozefest. i feel like mcgregor left a lot on the table not hitting mayweather in his body whenever he got behind him. post game he bitched about the ref resetting them every time he got behind him - well don't hit him behind the head every single time then? He talked alot about prep and visualization but he didn't seem to have had the foresight to learn the basic rules of the boxing before going against the undefeated champion. they both seemed to bend the rules quite a bit on certain issues, between hammer fists and hitting mcgregor with his forearm. it seems like everybody was a winner, mayweather goes out a winning proving he can go on the offensive instead of just running away an entire fight. mcgregor can say he held his own vs the GOAT in a sport hes not intimately familiar with. the organizations got paid, both boxers got their huge payouts, the fans got an actually interesting fight, and i got to watch the fight for free.
to everyone saying mcgregor was a poor strategist and that he went too hard too fast, this is just wrong. both mcgregor and mayweather executed their strategies. of course mcgregor would go hard because even with better training he wouldn't be able to condition himself so completely to last all 12 rounds. it just worked out for hugweather and not mcginger
Good post. I regret paying for that fight. That's for sure. Ill never pay to see a boxing match again. Mma is much better.
Glad we didn't pay here. People are reporting massive outages and missing the 10th round TKO.
lol fuk'd
Wow. I'd be fucking furious. I watched it for free and still felt ripped off.
McGregor was talking too much shit and embarrassing Mayweather for Mayweather to lose. If you ask me, McGregor had it coming. Usually, you don't end up picking on someone and picking a fight with them and winning.
That was just to sell tickets. Mayweather always knew he was gonna win. Even if it wasn't rigged, he's still the cleaner boxer. I'm wondering if even Malignaggi got a payday for that "leaked" sparring footage to raise hype.
I hate irish nigger more than niggers
No you don't
He did the same shit with Diaz, he has conditioning problems and should of paced himself better.
While fake, at least pro-wrestling is entertaining, though its in a real rough patch right now.
I'm torn on pro-wrestling. It's a way for rich jews to push athletic whites who crave competition and combat into a decadent self-destructive freak-show that they can sell, but then again it's very athletically impressive and entertaining, and it makes little kids and teens want to get swole.
the nips do it right
blacks make good athletes, in africa there are tribes that will literally chase antilopes to death. It's kind of embarrassing the people ITT trying to deny that. White people also make good athletes though. Doesn't make you a cuck for telling the truth.
any human can do that not just africans, indians in the us used to chase down white tail and black tail deer much the same way, except they would jump on its back and break its neck
Yea, humans in general have evolved for endurance hunting because stacked organs are much less taxing to the body that horizontal organs. I think humans can out sprint most animals over especially long distances because of that.
Yeah, you should be rooting for your race, but this level of denial is just embarrassing. Mcgreggor lost the fight, saying other wise and screaming nigger just makes you look like a faggot. The ref shouldn't have stopped the fight i agree. There was so much that was put into that fight to make it happen, a once in a lifetime event and he stopped it. That being said McGreggor was winded, he wasn't coming back from that. At best he would have made it to 12 rounds and the judges would have called it for Mayweather, But atleast McGreggor could have said he made it twelve rounds in a sport he's never fought in professionally and against a guy with a 49-0 record. Nobody, not even normies like mayweather, but the nigger knows how to win a fight, just accept it and quick being in denial about it.
Nope. Puro is dead.
I don't think he would have made it to 12. I think they both knew Mayweather would win, and they both had a sort of agreement. McGregor would come out strong in the opening rounds so he could look like a tough guy, then he'd fight as long as he could, and once he started looking tired, Mayweather would take him out so they could both go home feeling like champs with all their shekels.
To add to this, if you remember, in the early rounds Mayweather was standing and trading with McGregor. This gives McGregor a chance to get a few nice shots in, and it gives Mayweather the chance to not be called a cuddly faggot who played it safe. Even the commentators were saying, "Wow, we've never seen Mayweather fight like this before".
The whole thing was as fake as any WWE match, and McGregor was always the heel.
Mayweather fought like a total bitch.
fuck these genes
He said whites are better at weightlifting you illiterate retard
Remember, the kikes would never allow a White man to humiliate a nigger on Tel-Avision, it goes against their agenda.
McPotato was probably rewarded with loads of shekels for this farce, and he was fine with it like the cuck he is.
same here, the red pill is one hell of a drug.
Wow, people blocking me for calling out the black ref. "I don't associate with racists". Another one bites the dust.
Please, curl up into a ball like this in MMA, Kickboxing, or Wrestling. Boxing is a stupid nigger kike "sport."
That shit was pissing me off the whole fight. I realize that boxing is in no way meant to simulate a real fight or anything but Jesus Christ how can you just bend down and take a breath whenever you want and call it a fight
Who in the thread is in denial? The fight was definitely stopped early. I personally don't think the outcome would have been different but there's always a possibility of a lucky punch at the beginning of a round. There was most likely pressure on the ref to make sure nobody got hurt because of bad publicity. The fight was almost not even sanctioned because the association of ringside physicians thought an amateur fighting an undefeated champion would lead to someone getting seriously injured.
MMA has some of its origins in wrestling.
Thus shooto and pancrase was born.
In South Africa they have laws in place to make sports teams more black otherwise it would be all white. Really makes you think
Are loos and jews the only races that are bad at sports period?
yeah I remember that as well, pissed me off